Slovenian Aryan religion.


Sacred dzherelo know
The one who sleeps the little one, the one who knows the little one,

and the one who knows richly will know nothing,
but His Spirit becomes merciful.
The Slovenian-Aryan Vedas, like the Avesta, follow their roots to the primary source of knowledge - the Vesti.
Zvidsi - the word “Zvisny”, then.

- Z Vesti.
To mark the past, the accumulated knowledge and Ancient Wisdom of Slovenia and the Aryans, from the very beginning (instead of the word history) they used the word “Spadshchina” (those who are on the tracks of the hour, the generation and deeds of men).
Santiia in the original, even visually, can be called a Book, because...
Santii - these are plates made of noble metal, corroded, which do not give in, on such chairs as the Ancient X'Aryan Runes.
The Ancient Runes are not letters or hieroglyphs in our everyday understanding, the Runes are the dark Images that convey the majestic observance of the Ancient Knowledge.

This ancient form of the leaf was not known, like other ancient alphabets, letters and abets in centuries and thousands of years ago, and continues to be deprived of the basic form of the leaf by the Priests of the Old Russian English Church.
For a long time, the Kharian Runika served as the main basis for the creation of simpler forms of writing: ancient Sanskrit, Charts and Rezov, Devanagari, German-Scandinavian Runika and many others.

Sentia can be a substitute form of dialogue and has been recorded for nearly 40,000 years.
Three dots and rows of dots mean that in these places such information is located, it is too early to give it in open form, because

Ancient Knowledge, intended to serve Good and Truth, cannot be corrupted from Evil.
Kharati Svetla

Ancient Aryan Tale about the people of the World.
One of the sacred books of the Old Believers-Englings, along with the Indian Vedas, Avesta, Edda, Saga (Saga about the English).

The translation was made in the 60s of the 20th century by several communities of the Old Russian Church.
The book is sacred, but now the hour has come, when everything comes to light, and the elders of the Old Russian Church allowed publication around 1999 (following the new chronology of fates).

Biliy Shlyakh
Since ancient times, ancient tales and legends have been passed down from generation to generation, from Family to Family.

Each Slovenian and Aryan clan has preserved its own part of the ancient World of Images.

The Fall of the Rods of the Great Race
Cola of the Hours of the Family of the Great Race

Chronicles of the Old Russian Church - Spadshchina

This additionally includes: “The Book of Veles” and “The Book of Glibinna”, which are not the Slovenian-Aryan Vedas, but it is better to complement them.

Part 1
Those that are initially recognized and further described in this material are the synthesis of many light elements and are called the Russian philosophical-Vedic light-view or the Slovenian-Aryan Vedic-esoteric philosophy.
Here it is necessary to advance that I do not at all encourage anyone to join this or any other religion, since I myself am not a fan of either religion, just because, in my opinion, there is a difference between religions honors and religion itself.
It is not so much the accumulation of knowledge, but rather the methodology of its extraction and understanding. Materialism (lat. materialis - speech) is a philosophical directive, proximate to idealism.
Views materialism as the spontaneous existence of all people in the objectively based external world, confirms the primacy of the material and the secondary nature of the spiritual, ideal, which means uncreatedness, the world, its endless space and space. Considering its recognition as a product of matter, materialism views it as a reflection of the external light, thus solidifying the knowledge of nature.
An idealistic view of life. Idealism is a philosophical direction, proximal to materialism in the most basic nutrition of philosophy. And to come out from the primacy of the spiritual, immaterial, which leads to a rapprochement with the dogmas of religion about the end of the world in space, and its creation by God. Idealism sees familiarity with nature, as a result of which it inevitably mystifies this process of knowledge, and often leads to skepticism (a philosophical position that is based on doubts Based on any reliable criterion of truth) and agnosticism (a belief that blocks the possibility of knowledge from the world ). Philosophical-Vedic worldview
- This is a cosmic light-gazer, in order to familiarize us with ancient knowledge, explaining even more richly hidden aspects of life for modern culture, as well as with the Absolute, universal, cosmic Laws. These laws are directly related to earthly life, and then, directly related to everyday life. The people of the future are definitely aware that they are a small part of the world’s life, and therefore inevitably submit to the hidden Universal laws.
Speaking about the philosophical-Vedic worldview and its basis - Vedism and esotericism, let us immediately explain that These are the oldest and most extensive Scriptures of the Earth(from the ancient Greek word “inner” - the deep essence of the objects of the world and people; the area of ​​\u200b\u200blearned esotericism - the processes that are discovered in the All-Sweetness, which simultaneously beat in the depths of the human soul), then perhaps all esoteric traditions coincide with prehistoric cultures - Hyperborean and Atlantic - Slovenian-Aryan Vedic culture.
The stench can be seen as a reflection of many great cultures of old - the Slovenian-Aryan, as well as the Indian, Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese and others. Tse dzherelo is transcendental or suprahuman. Official science does not recognize the foundation of the Hyperborean and Atlantic civilization, motivating, allegedly, in connection with insufficient facts to prove their foundation. However, many who are not engaged in the world are aware of civilization and have provided objective evidence of its real foundation. They can be seen from Russian times: Olena Petrivna Blavatsky - writer, philosopher, mandarinist, occultist, theosophist and spiritualist; Mikola Feodosiyovich Zhirov - atlantologist, investigator of the mysteries of ancient civilizations, doctor of chemical sciences, author of low monographs; Volodymyr Opanasovich Obruchev - geologist, paleontologist, geographer, science fiction writer (author of the famous novels “Sannikov Land” and “Plutonia”), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, widely known in Russia and abroad as a pershopper, a descendant of the majestic expanses of Siberia, the Arctic, new Central Asia;
English vchena
Alfred Percy Sinnett
The development of esoteric belief is based on the initial criteria for the reliability of knowledge: transcendental (suprahuman) source;
Incisional evidence;
symbolism of the movie. The evolution of esotericism is divided into 3 stages: dark knowledge and esoteric (internal) tradition for initiates; elitist worldview, appearing in the form of occult doctrines; mass occultism and magic; transcendental (superhuman) dzherelo. Hyperborean - Slovenian-Aryan culture - is inspired by Vedic, Hindu, Daoist, Tibetan and Celtic esotericism. Atlantic - Slovenian-Aryan culture - found in Egyptian Hermeticism, Mesopotamian Chaldeism, Jewish cabalage, ancient Greek Orphism, Christian Gnosticism and Islamic Sufism i. Based on the Slovenian-Aryan Vedic-esoteric tradition Vinikly such a feeling, like astrology, alchemy, magic, Judaism (judeystvo, “judeyske vchennya”), Judeo-Christianity
(Christianity), Arab-Judaism (Islam),
Humanity and all organic life on Earth perceives the influx that comes from different sources and different worlds - the influx of months, planets, sun and stars.
Everything will flow at the same time. Ale at one time overrides one of them, at another – another. It is not the characteristics of people, nor the explained peculiarities of life that guarantee modern civilization. Both the marriage and the death of a person are marked by evil manifestations about life. .
All life and special aspects of life are based on naive, guessing phenomena about life and death.
This phenomenon has nothing to do with reality.
In order for life not to be just a mess, struggle and suffering, in order for it to become a knowledgeable, creative, joyful process, it is necessary to change the point of view, to add completely different phenomena about life and death, about the Universe and about people.
It is necessary to understand what kind of human being is this.
It is in the material body, as it suddenly appeared in this world, and it remains unknown in that unstreamed flow that we call “life,” and it is a small part of the universal life, a part of the World’s life. You are a part of the nature of planet Earth.
Part of human marriage is part of the world’s life.
What is it in this short hour that quickly passes from the moment of birth to the moment of death?
Nina has already given more people an intuitive sense of the desires of the sense of life.
It’s not at all unusual in our country that a lot of people are beginning to seriously indulge in the ancient Slavic culture, read Vedic literature, others have turned violent and wander from slave-based church dogmas, and there will be massacres of science fiction and other theories about the newcomers, the rich contacts with the Greater Mind.
* Our country is especially rich in “clairvoyants”, magicians, chakluns, masters of secret societies, “meskans” from the Ariani and rich others. This is the result of these profound processes that occur in marriage.
This is the beginning of the song of truth that may be born for the rich, before the manifestation of what will be the current civilization, which will be replaced by others. And that seems even more correct.
The era of the Ribs, which has existed on Earth for over two thousand years, will end - the Judo-Christian era.
* We are at the beginning of the new era, the era of Aquarius, which lasts for 2.2 thousand years. This is a civilization that began to last until the sad hour, whose geographical boundaries were at the daylight gathering of Africa.
The water was concentrated especially in the middle and lower parts of the Nile River.
Egyptian civilization reached its peak in another thousand years BC, during the period of the New King. From the Nile delta it stretches wide to Jeber Barkal - the fourth waterfall of the Nile.
Over the past 2 thousand years, humanity has repeatedly changed its statements about the world.
Mayzhe 2 thousand years ago this is a religious light. It is obvious that until now the lives of people and their families have been ruled by two “Persons” - God and Satan, the Earth - the Center of the All-World. The entire Svitobudova is the Sonyachna system.
All Earth is governed by the will of these great spirits.
Already, the main earthly light-gazer is also materialistic.
It goes without saying that life is a disposable phenomenon, the result of the gradual aggregation of material particles. There are no common laws to enforce but the blind laws of nature., As in this world, inevitably, majestic, when they came to power, the right hour, moreover, changed their minds and their demands came; the inevitability of punishment in the world without affecting anyone, world claims between countries and peoples do not abide by the statute of limitations
, and the inheritance, like a curse, hangs to the top over the peoples of those vile rulers, who caused problems for their fellow citizens;
all the accumulated financial resources of the Russian regions I am calling tomorrow to punish all orders of these peoples for the illegal and evil acquisition of wealth in collaboration with the so-called oligarchs of Russia and their rulers there;
However, in return, it will be necessary to pay as much compensation as possible for the wrongdoing of criminal atrocities against the people of Russia.
Yet the genius mind has yet changed the truth, but the aggression and occupation have not yet developed into acceptable forms of deeds.
* Zakhid is not only in the midst of a total world-wide philosophical-sightedness and economic-financial crisis, but he is also on the verge of a colossal payment for his greed and the genocide of the Russian Other peoples of Russia. (do not confuse with occultism, the hidden knowledge - the secret name of the beginning, which recognizes the origins of the acquisition of forces in man and the cosmos, inaccessible to the general human eye, but not accessible to “initiates” who have gone through a special initiation and special mental training).

Occult sciences - sciences about the secrets of nature - physical and mental, mental and spiritual, called hermetic and esoteric sciences.

The Slovenian-Aryans have this Magic and Yoga;

If you increase your respect for the problem of Vedic esoteric knowledge, you can do the same.

Most often, accepted chaotically, unsystematically, through uninformed interpreters, long-standing knowledge is often contradicted and simply falsified.

Our hour is characterized by impersonal profanation, hypocrisy, and elaborate hackwork on this topic of knowledge.

* “A mass of unverified assertions that do not lend themselves to perversion, and a thick, tedious, sticky mess of sentimental humanism - such is the madness from which numerous esoteric books are formed, through which they themselves are disgracefully called esotericist” Dion Fortune*.
Dion Fortune (English: Dion Fortune, referenced to Violet Mary Firth Evans, 1890-1946) - English writer, psychiatrist, occultist, influenced by European and American esotericists and Vedists. As soon as your life is gone, your powerful knowledge is gone.
This information is stored. It doesn’t get lost in Rozuma, it’s easy to forget, and it doesn’t in any way affect your specialness, it doesn’t change a person’s life in any way. .
Information on its own, living on its own.
No one needs knowledge for the sake of knowledge, information read from books, as it does not correspond to your lives, does not explain it, do not read anything else before it. everything has an internal place, everything has a cause. This reason always haunts us.
There is nothing unusual in our life.
There are no enemies who are unnecessarily unkind to us, and there are no senseless outbursts. The truth lies in the fact that our internal authorities, the essence of our specialness, are the cause of all the conditions of life. But this truth is accepted only by a mature soul, prepared before it is consumed.
True Knowledge will ever transform the Mind of the inhabitant, occupied with the most serious problems of the world, into the Mind of the Sage, who will solve the same problems in another world, then.
not as a quirk, but as a pattern.
Such a person does not see only the exact moment of life, but always feels a connection with three lives - the past, from which the current situation arises, today and tomorrow, in which one's current decisions, plans and decisions appear.
Knowledge will help you change the perceptions about yourself and about too much light.
Let us give you a more profound and meaningful life, a rich, happy life, a life of people that will make you feel at home.
The reality of loving the world does not blame itself for the large amount of Vedic-esoteric literature read and does not blame itself for the result of the expansion of the church.
This is the result of an even high level of information. Then, if a person has reached that great state of knowledge, which manifests itself as wisdom, knowledge of love and understanding, she becomes harmonious and lives in full harmony with the excess of light, in equal measure. The goal of all dedicated schools, as if the stink had not disappeared, is to teach people to live harmoniously with nature, to recognize part of it, to learn to live harmoniously in marriage.
* In other words, people must recognize a triple truth. A part of the universal life, a part of the natural life and a part of human prosperity. spiritual values.
The greatest state of people is the state of harmony with nature and abundant light.
The activated left branch allows you to provide material benefits to humanity and secure successful success in the material world. Activated rights of worship give humanity spiritual ambushes and the development of superstructures. If there are two sounds at the same time, then people need to stand on their feet both on Earth and in Space.
Peregyns lead to the sunset and the death of civilization.
Most people today throw themselves between these breams, taking advantage of these attitudes. As a result, there is no desire for cleanliness among many public opinion. Most of them are neither religious people nor materialists.
Humanity has always been desiring to understand the superfluous world, has always been desiring to ask questions: like the wine, people began to know, what is the meaning of life, the secret place of death?
* That's how it seemed to indicate this power supply. Disclosures about the secrets of life and death have always reflected the level of knowledge of the masses, the hour, and the culture of the era.
Until the last hour of revelation, people about the world, about God, about life went from looking at the Earth to the Cosmos.
In this way, the whole world seems close, even small, people are even small, worthless, and God is considered to be special, even similar to people.
People's understanding of God is always an exaggeration, an idealization of the concept that people have about themselves.
The Slovenian Faith, or Vedic Culture, is a tribute to our Slavic Family – the Slovenian-Aryan Gods, who are our ancestors and our fathers.
The faith of the Slovenians is self-sufficient and does not correspond to what we can learn at the same time. Christian dogma, which is based on Judaism, reflects the tribal wisdom of the masses that existed during the period of slave rule.
God is a valuable master, an absolute ruler, who is in charge of the lives and deaths of people.
In such a situation, the Earth is drained of crumbling powder from the All-World.
The All-World is a system of multiple lights that interpenetrate and flow one into another.
The system is very complete and harmonious.
This is where the statement about the universal Absolute comes from - the origin of light and universal harmony. The knowledge lies in the fact that people are similar to the whole world, in microcosm, then. The same energies as the entire Universe are subject to the same laws, which are universal for the entire Universe. .
Didn't you already know the truth?
This knowledge was brought in by the planetary hierarchy at the dawn of the development of the Race. Brought to earth by our ancestors from other worlds. About the planetary hierarchy, which is responsible for the development of planetary humanity, we can say this very briefly.
The life of mankind is governed by forces from two sources - firstly, the influx of planets, captured by masses of people, and by people around them, completely unwittingly and unknowingly.

* Gods of our ancestors. All inhabitants of different Worlds (galaxies, star systems) and on the Earths, where representatives of the Ancient Family live, live today with the Ancient Wisdom, Family Ambushes and Rules, which are followed by the Red.

In another way, from the inner circles of humanity, the majority of people are unaware of the importance of the influx of planets, just as they are unaware of the influx of planets.
I will overcome then the Great Race, which was depicted in the visual image - the Knight on horseback defeats the Dragon (this image is interpreted as George the Victorious overcoming the ancient serpent... ... although this George himself is not in any way There's no hope of getting back to old times...'s just a fact Christians reclaiming the ancient image for their own purposes).
Nina, few people remember that earlier dates in the Chronicles were written in the letters of the ancient Russian language, and not in numbers, as was ordered by Peter I - 312 fates of this about the scrapping of all the old calendars, which were immediately founded in the Russian lands, and The Western European calendar has been requested for Christmas Christ's.
Before the introduction of the new calendar, the people recognized the New Year as a result of their victories over the ancient Chinese, and dates were always written in letters... Why should we talk about the fact that writing began among the Slavs long before the Thessalonica of Cyril and Methodius.
... if it weren’t Peter’s reform, this church tale about the “illumination of unliterate pagans” would have long been forgotten, like some bad fire.
It was not for nothing that Empress Catherine II said: “The Slovenians wrote down their writings more than a thousand years before the Feast of Christ.”
Axis short list of words'yan calendar forms:
Summer 2012 on the occasion of the Birthday of Christ;
Summer 7520-7521 after the Creation of the World in the Zoryan Temple (5508 BC);
Summer 13020 during the Great Cold War (11008 BC);
Summer 40016 during the Third Advent of Vaitmani Perun (38004 BC);
Summer 106790 after the fall of Asgard of Ireland (104778 BC);
Summer 111818 after the Great Migration from Daaria (109806 BC);
Summer 143002 during the Three Moon Period (140990 BC);
Summer 153346 from Assi Dei (151336 BC);
Summer 165042 during the Hour of Tari, daughter of Perun (163030 BC);
Summer 185778 in the Hour of Thule (183776 BC);
Our Slovenian-Aryan ancestors - the Rus, as presented earlier, long ago rejected knowledge about Svetobudova, the Absolute, the laws and principles of the founding of their forefathers of the White Race - their Gods.
40-30 thousand years ago - Slovenian-Russian part of Russia from Sungir (from the place of Volodymyr) and the Russian plain of Kostenki (from the place of Voronezh) know writing, magic, astrology and astronomy Yes, a calendar and an arithmetic machine.
Vshanovuyut Ancestors and Son.
Believe in the spirituality of all nature, the origin of the soul and spirits, in the “afterlife.”
Numerous archaeological finds - creations of mysticism, treasures, ritual objects - bring to the high culture of the inhabitants of Arkaim.
The Russians developed not only the agricultural technologies, design and everyday life technologies, but also high-grade metallurgy and metal processing technology. However, Arkaim, like other excavations of the “Kraini Mist”, is the most important part of the great and hidden culture of our ancestors, the ancient Aryans. Rus' means Persha, Persha for everyone! Astronomy and astrology originated in the Paleolithic in Russia. Zokrem, near the Volodymyr region, “...objects of mysticism, associated with the iconic records of the calendar and astronomical era... They appear in the early stage of the Upper Paleolithic (40-24 thousand years ago - tits and small the Tin culture of Siberia; the settlements of Sungir - on the surface of European Russia )".
Up to 30-25 thousand. BC The astrological and astronomical knowledge of the Slavs of the Rus reached the highest level and allowed them to formulate the Veda, zokrema, the French doctrine “Laplace, who followed the knowledge of astrology using purely mathematical methods, writing about those that he knew no less than 25-30 thousand rubles.”!
The appearance of the arithmetic equation is geographically located up to the Russian Plain - Russia. Thus, at the Sungir site (30 thousand BC), the famous archaeologist D.A. Avdusin reports: “There are also figurines of horses made from mammoth tusk, decorated with two lines of ornamentation, the skin of which consists of twenty speckles, grouped in fives. It is said commendably that the Jewish people are not respectful of astrology, to whom “I have mercy”... First book of Enoch(one of the most significant apocrypha of the Old Testament, this book is referred to by the Apostle Jude to his messenger) includes preoccupation with astrology to the point of sin... Most of the sages of the Talmud were skeptical about the signs of the stars before astrologers correctly interpreted the signs of the stars.
Astrology- Science, which means the influx of celestial bodies onto the earth and claims to transfer future influences to the growth of stars. Its age is such that it should be placed among the earliest records of human knowledge. Much of the century has been deprived of a prison in Russia and the Gathering, and in its greatest aspect it is deprived of the same in our days. At Sunset, the esoteric stasis was brought to perfection by the singing world only in the period from the moment when Varaha Mihira (505-587 b.b. - Indian astronomer, mathematician and astrologer) by writing his practice with astrology , approximately 1400 years ago. Claudius Ptolemy
, a longtime Greek geographer and mathematician, about 135 rubles. Not. having written
treatise "Tetrabiblos", As previously relevant for daily astrology. The science of Horoscopes is now taught, most importantly, to several people directly: that is. Earth - it has stagnant technologies of meteorology, seismology, agriculture, etc.; sovereign and civil - long as nations, kings and Volodars; good - good development of doubts that arise in the mind of any food; horoscopic - they have a certain degree of specialness from the moment of their birth until death. The Egyptians and Chaldeans were among the adherents of astrology, although their methods of reading the world and daily practice differ significantly.
Atlanti - the great-grandfathers of the pharaohs and the ancestors of the Egyptians
It is an occult science to believe that the Egyptians were the remainder of the remaining Aryan Atlanteans. The Egyptian people settled down until the 4th yew. BC from a mixture of tribes: Temhu - fair-haired representatives of the European race (Indo-Mediterranean), who lived on the Sahari and Tihenu - dark-haired and dark-skinned representatives of the Negro-Australian race, who lived on Sahari day.
It was from these representatives of two races – the opposite of culture, knowledge, culture, history, development, development – ​​that the ancient population of Ancient Egypt was formed.
Occult science “among the Indians was also esoteric, as it may have been learned from the Egyptian victims.
The table was respected as sacred, because the very foundation itself was only half recognized, and it was stagnated only in cases of extreme need of enormity.
This was greater than that of religion, because it was (and still is) respected by the divine.”
Turning back to the Slovenian philosophical-Vedic world view, it is necessary to say about the obvious core of the Slovak tradition.

Regardless of all the details of the Russian Vedic tradition of saving, the remains of the tradition can be lost all at once from all the people.
Vona is the basis of life itself, language, songs and bilin, folk holy rituals.
That very old Faith of the Slavs of the Rus has been called Orthodoxy since ancient times, long before the baptism of Russia.
The Russians called themselves Orthodox, because they glorified the Rule, followed the Stega of the Rule.
It was also called the Righteous Faith, because the Slavs knew the Truth, they knew the Great Vedas, the ancient Vedas, the sacred tales about the beginning of the Vedic Faith, which was the beginning of the Veda and not all the peoples of our planet.
And we need to talk not about death, but about the revival of a long-standing tradition and the Virya, about the Slavic revival.
The ancient Faith never died out and to this day many Slovenian canopies preserve the ancient tradition.
In our hour of revival of the ancient Vera, the appearance of the sacred Vedic books of the Slovenian tradition has begun.
Let’s talk about books from the collection “Russian Veda” and, first of all, about “The Book of Veles”.
And in these books there are about twenty thousand fates, through which Rus' was chewed up, perished and revived again. These books tell stories about the ancient ancestral work of the peasants, about the lands where the Russian canopies were coveted, about the ancestors of different canopies.
And the ancient ancestral history of the ancestors of the Slavs (the first Aryans) “Russian Veda” is read on Pivnoch, at the sacred Bilovodda.
These ancestors of the Slavs, led by the god Sun and the first prince Yar, destroyed the beginning of the Urals and in the Semirichya steppe, then to India and Iran.
And here, from the Aryan (Indo-Iranian) curtains, the power of words was seen: those who glorified the gods and ancestors.
Moscow and the city of Petrov,
і Kostiantyniv grad –
axis of the Russian Kingdom
sacred capitals.

Ale de mezha youmu?
and where the boundaries are –
On the day, on the way.

Rus' itself, according to the ancient tradition, was popularized after the result of the Slovenian-Aryan conquests in the Urals, India and Iran thousands of years before the founding of Kiev-on-Dnieper and the Creation of Russia. Rus' was a people in the Slovenian-Aryan sea of ​​peoples who lived in different eras in the lands from the Urals and Altai to the Balkans, from the Volga to the Black and Baltic seas. And the Russians were the name of the nashchadki mermaids of Russia (that’s what the Volga was called for a long time).
The Russians glorified Ros and the squad of the Son-Tsar Dazhbog, as well as the son of the god Son and the first ancestor Yar (Ariya).
They gave birth to Rus', and have always protected Rus' from harm. Rus' has been chewed up many times, collapsed in the avalanche - and revived again. And I believe that after new experiments, Rus' will be born again and will be great and happy.
After the first publications of “The Book of Kolyada”, “The Book of Veles” and “Boyan’s Hymn” to the last - translators, collections and editions of ancient texts, a lot of people began to flock for food.
I'd like to come with a treat.
It is effective, today, if the general health of the forces of success of the Russian Idea, developed to the last generation, is considered to be a possible way for the era of Vitchizny.
And in Europe, through the efforts of the Brothers Grimm, the “mythological school” of the languid Cossacks, and rare records of German and French heroic songs (bulins), were at that time no longer on the remains of old parchments, began to languish like remnants of ancient myths, then in Russia , the “historical school” was able to overcome the rich epic, living tradition, which was often traced back to the inheritance of foreigners and the rebirth of the recent past.
This school is full of mythologists and writers, who have extensively reconstructed it, so that Slavic scholarship is drawn from the ideas that were popular in scientific literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
And in all the hours, the most living Vedic tradition has been re-examined.
In Tsarist Russia, from the time of the Code of Oleksiy Mikhailovich (1648, systematization of the laws of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich Romanov), having established a law for which the Vedic Faith was subject to penal servitude, and until the 18th century I (I myself am subject to this law transmits those that were very rare).
Chi varto marvel at the fact that after the appearance of Vedic texts, for example, “Vedi Slovyan” in 1881, whose monuments were originally from the Movchans and named after the Fatherland.
And all the same, the share was sweet to the memory of ancient writing.
And we are amazed at the fact that they still don’t close the secrets about the validity of the great monument of Russian culture “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”
No single authentic parchment copy of this memo compiled by O.I has been seen or read.
Bardin (Anton Ivanovich Bardin, born 1841 - Russian preserver of old manuscripts and old hands).
The list of readings that supported the reading of the “Veles Book” and other monuments (based on current Russian teachings) can be continued and continued, and not be deleted from the sides of this article.
And I think that the hour is not far when we come across a list of all the honorable and important Slavic scholars.
Then in isolation there will be those who, hastening to follow the “generals” of “official science”, will turn out to be “against”, without delving into the problem, or without thinking about those who can overcome the truth.
* Who explains this concept well enough to the Slovenian Vedic tradition, before we say that the “Vedic Orthodox idea” can be confused with the so-called “Christian Orthodox idea”. However, the world does not seem to have its roots, due to its ancient history and culture on that basis, which develops each idea.
For example, in “Orthodox” Greece they play around with ancient culture and don’t at all throw in the towel of Homer and don’t know the Acropolis. Not to mention the edge of the world that is rapidly developing - Japan, in which the national faith "Shintoism" * is the essence of the Vedic faith. To glorify Prava is to glorify God.
Glory to the Rule – tse i є Pravoslavie.
That’s what the Faith of our Ancestors was called back in that distant time.
The Vedic Faith appears to be of different origins from Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, and folk religions, followed by a quarter of humanity.
It’s worth talking about India and the land of Indochina.
Europe, America, Australia have various similar religious communities that are based on the Vedic light, and the powerful “neopagan” communities embrace up to a tenth of all faiths cozy.
Zoroastrians (Gebri and Parsis) are represented in the parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in the parliament of India. The vision of the Vedasy Religi is the spiritual basis of the venicu Vedicnu Tsransku Zoroastriysku (Avestiysku) Litteracies, the Tyesyachi Tomvniykh Creative I Suslomovo. The most popular books of the Vedic religion of India - Veda. Ikh chotiri."Rigveda", "Veda of Hymns", "Samaveda", "Veda of Songs".
We must pay respect to the richness of the rich texts, mythological stories of Russian and other ancient traditions.
You can assign texts of Russian folk songs, spiritual verses and texts of Indian and Iranian Vedic literature to repeat them.
This upgrading will inevitably lead to the conclusion that songs have been preserved in Russia no less, and most often they are archaic, even in India and Iran.
It is clear that Rus' itself is the source of the Vedic Vera. The great spiritual decline of Vedic Russia can rightfully be entrusted to the living Vedic tradition of the land.
A long time ago before our era,

Arktidi was an island.
The Hyperboreans lived on them,
I was a cultural nation.
So from that hour,
The continent begins to change,
The climate has changed.

There, where there is greenery
The gardens were blooming, there was snow and ice.
Appearing on land.
From that hour the resettlement of the people began.

Who is closer to the day immediately choking,
And who just happened to
To deprive the land of one's ancestors has become a hope.
Our Russian village of the White Sea,
Ancient Russian peoples,

Having been a wheelbarrow for people,
Stars from many peoples of the world
The ancestors of the earth loom.
The cultures are similar, the gods are the same

І root of the word spilkuvannya mov,
The rich peoples on earth have similar
One word for the Gods
And tell the story of an ancient manuscript,
"Budivniki Palace", in Egypt

The words are written
To the cob,
At night the temple stood before God.
Marvel at these same pyramids,
From the height of the bird, from the height,
1st belt Ariana bachish ti.

This is the same belt, the pyramid of Hyperborea.
The stench of a thousand ancient fates,
What is the origin of the valley of all kings?
Tilak Bal* wrote at the monograph,
What a wacky manuscript,

Sanskrit texts have knowledge,
That the people of India have ancestors,
Who came from the edge of the night.
So I can say for sure,
What are the forefathers of Russia,

I Nastrodamus confirms
My words are in their centuries,
Having called the people of Russia - Hyperborean.
Europe gave us our ancestors,

* The life dates of Bal Tilak (born 1856-1920) still indicate India.
For the first time, the reader will become acquainted with the translation of the famous book of the famous Indian scholar, in which he confirms, analyzing the latest monuments of literature, the Avesta informs that the work of the Aryans is still swell in the Arctic region, and the remaining glaciation hung on the Aryan races from the night on the land of Europe.
Tilak was the first to recognize in his own work the possibility of combining the myths of the Vedas with the data of geology as a science about the future and development of the Earth.
Indian teachings have learned from ancient texts more precisely the historical, astronomical, and geophysical realities of the Arctic.
This allowed Tilak to advance the knowledge of the early history of the human race and the history of the inhabited race by ten years planeti.
The first significant and early (after the Slovenian-Aryan Vedas themselves) literary creation of the proto-Slavic Aryans is the Rig Veda.
Sanskrit - language of the Rigveda.
Apparently, Sanskrit is an ancient Slavic (ancient Indian) literary language.
This is the great old Slavic (old Indian) philosophy.
Along with ancient Greek and Latin, Sanskrit is formative for the entire Slovenian-Aryan (Indo-European) civilization.
Sanskrit was brought to India by the Aryan tribe, approximately, in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. Its most recent form is the language of the Rigveda - a literary monument of the ancient Russian (old Indian) culture of the 2nd millennium BC. Sanskrit contains the richest philosophical and psychological terminology in the world languages.(German multi-volume universal encyclopedia, which dates back to the beginning of the 19th century by F.A. Brockhaus, 1772-1823 - German specialist, founder of the Brockhaus publishing house and author of the Brockhaus Encyclopedia uz") Efrona (I.A. Efron , 1847-1917.
- one of the most famous pre-revolutionary Russian thugs and book publishers) about the addition of so-called.
The Jews founded the “Jewish belief” – Kabbalah.
Vaughn is created from“...very Persian magic, Egyptian and Greek theosophy” (not Jewish!)

We are still especially tsikavit first dzherelo Kabbalah - Persia. And further away is the testimony of Brockhaus and Efron: “...the ancient Jewish mystical belief that arose after the Babylonian flood in 3-2 centuries.BC."Otrimannya t.zv.The Jews' "rights" in Slavic ancient Persian (Slovenian-Aryan) have been associated with tragic legacies for the Slavs.

Please note that genocide was directly directed at the most powerful representatives of the Persian kingdom.

And such were the words of the Yano-Aryans.

There will be further...

01. Evgen Tarasov. Slovenian-Aryan Veda



In the Vedas, the only books that are important to the Vedas are the “Santia Vedi of Perun” (Books of Knowledge and Books of Wisdom of Perun), which consist of nine books dictated by our first ancestor, God Perun, to our distant ancestors during his third landing on Earth on a landing craft. i AT 8 . BC(or 40,009 years ago).
As of today, the Russian book has been translated and the first book of the Vedas has been published. Zagalom Conduct deep knowledge about nature and depict the history of Humanity on Earth over the remaining several hundred thousand years - at least 600,000 years.
They also place Perun’s transfer about Mayday 40,176 years ahead, then to this day and another 167 years ahead. Based on what was initially recorded, they fall into three main groups:


– these plates are made of gold or other noble metal that does not succumb to corrosion, on which the texts were applied with a series of carved marks and filled with them.

So, for example, the charats under the name “Avesta” were written down on 12,000 ox skins 7,513 years ago in the history of the war between the Slovenian-Aryan peoples and the Chinese.

The establishment of peace between the warring parties was called the Creation of the World in the Zoryan Temple (S.M.Z.H.).

And the Zoryan Temple was called the river according to our ancient calendar, which is the way of life of this world.

In the history of the Earth, there was the first world war, and this event was so exciting, and the victory was so significant for the White Race, which became the starting point for the introduction of a new calendar.

For a long time, the Kharian Runika served as the main basis for the creation of simpler forms of writing: ancient Sanskrit, Charts and Rezov, Devanagari, German-Scandinavian Runika and many others.

Together with other scripts of the Slovenian-Aryan Clans, it also became the basis of all modern alphabets, starting with the ancient Slavic alphabet and ending with the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.

Also, it was not Kirilo and Methodius who guessed our leaf - they only created one of the other options, which was due to the need to expand Christianity with Slavic language. It is also possible to add that the Slovenian-Aryan Vedas are preserved by the Gertsi-Sberigachs or the Capen-Inglings, etc. The exact place of saving is not stated anywhere, the fragments of our Ancient Wisdom of the song were trying to be preserved over the course of the remaining thousand years.

02. The hour of panic of these forces will soon end, and the protection of the Vedas began to translate them into Russian language and publish them.

As of today, only one of the nine books of “The Saints of Perun” has been quickly translated.

The word “Galaxy” itself resembles the Greek word “galactikós” – crazy.

Therefore, to our observers (with the help of telescopes and radio telescopes), the galactic arms are practically inaccessible, and modern science respects that there are only two of them.

They are true, and our distant ancestors knew for sure.

03. The Swastika sign, which is widely used by them, is the sign that symbolizes our Galaxy.

Our Sonya system is located near the Orion Arm, closer to the periphery of the Galaxy, at a distance of approximately 10 kiloparsecs from the center.

Therefore, organic life on it could turn out to be two ways: self-generation or being brought in by more corrupted civilizations from the stars that are located closer to the center of the Galaxy.

It is known that people came to Earth through the ancient migration on the great spacecraft Whitemarah from the planets of other star systems.

And on the Earth at that time there were no more plants, creatures, and animals that had not been able to evolve to the level of intelligent beings, such as people.

Zhidno with Runic chronicles, 300 thousand. As a result, the current appearance of Midgard-Earth will be completely different.

04. The empty Sahara was like a sea.

The Indian Ocean is by land.

There was no channel of Gibraltar.

On the Russian Valley, where Moscow is located, there was the Western Sea.

Near the icy ocean there was the great continent of Daariya.

Lead us to confirm that in ancient times Black God decided to bypass the Universal Laws of convergence along the Golden Path of the Spiritual Development, to remove the Security Arms of the World.

The Noble White God united the Light Forces to protect the Divine Laws, as a result of which the Great Assa broke out - the war with the Dark Forces from the Lower Worlds.

05. The Light Forces prevailed, but part of the Ancient Knowledge still sank to the Lower Worlds.

Having acquired Knowledge, representatives of these Worlds began to converge on the Golden Path of the Spiritual Development.

However, they did not begin to separate Good and Evil and began to try to introduce lower forms of life in the borderlands of the Dark World, where the Heavenly Palaces (suzirs) of Makosha (Great Medicine), for the sake of (Orion) and Race (M) scarlet and the Great Lion).

So that the Dark Forces could not penetrate into the Light Earth, the Desperate Gods created a dry Frontier, which passed through the Lands and the Stars of the indicated Chortogs, and also through the Lights of Java (our light), Nav (the darkness of the world, the light of the dead), lav i Rights ( Light of the Gods).

Our planet is also located on this Frontier, and Humanity is definitely a participant in wars.

On Whitemara there were representatives of four Clans of the allied Lands of the Great Race: Clans of the Aryans – the x'Aryans and yes'Aryans;

Canopies Slovyan – Raseni ta Svyatorusi.

There were people with white skin color and height over 2 meters, but there was little variation in height, hair color, iris color and blood type.

Thus, the Aryans have a small gray (gray, steel) color of eyes and light russian, maybe even shiny, hair.

06. The Aryans have small green eyes and light brown hair.

Heavenly (blue, hairy, lake) color of eyes and hair ranging from white to dark blond in Svyatorus.

Varieties of small flames (hazel, light brown, yellow) with dark brown hair.

Visiting the Indians, another ally, the people from the Chamber of the Fire Serpent, was given a place in the lands near the Western (Atlantic) Ocean.

Years ago, with the arrival of the Great Race Clans before them, this Earth began to be called Antlan, then the Land of the Ants.

The ancient Greeks called it Atlantis.

After the death of Antlana 13 thousand years ago, the righteous red-skinned people on the Whitemars were transported to the American continent.

For a long time, the Great Land of the Black People was buried in the African continent, and part of the Indian subcontinent.

These people arrived on Midgard-Earth in small numbers at different times.

07. Ale in mass order, as you can tell, the rising stench arrived around 6 thousand. As a result, they occupied the free lands on the island of Sri Lanka.

The leaders of the Foreigners are called Koshchi, because they vikorize the gray people for their own purposes.

Aliens have a different genotype, leaving two parts.

Otherwise (mixing on the genetic and gender level) between people, they have gradually transformed into one-statistic facts, but there may be a great prosperation of people with genetic and statistical variations (pederasts, lesbians, sadists, masochists, rose up soon), the fragments began to disintegrate genetic foundation of other races.

Reveal that God Perun has visited Midgard-Earth several times in order to convey the Hidden Wisdom to the Victims and Elders of the Clans of the Holy Race, how to prepare for the dark, important hours, if the sleeve of our swastika galaxy and will pass through spaces dominated by the forces of the Dark Ones.

At this hour, the Light Gods cease to lead their people, and the stench of fragments does not penetrate into foreign spaces, subject to the forces of these Lights.

With the exit of the sleeve of our Galaxy from the designated expanses of the Light, the Gods will again begin to lead the Rods of the Great Race.

08. The beginning of the Light Hours begins at the Holy Summer of 7521 in the S.M.Z.H. or in 2012 n.


Then God arrived on Midgard-Earth - God Tarkh Perunovich, Guardian God of the ancient Great Wisdom.

The names Even God (what God gives) for those who gave the people of the Great Race and the land of the Heavenly Family Nine Santiy (Books).

After the waters of the depleted Month of Lelya fell on Midgard-Earth, changing not only the current appearance of the Earth, but also the temperature regime on its surface, the fragments began to oscillate.

The Great Cold has begun.

However, not all the land of the Clans of the Great Race and the Celestial Family perished at once from Daaria.

People were warned by the Great Priest Savior about the death of Daariya as a result of the Great Flood and later began to move to the Eurasian continent.

15 villages from Daariya were organized.

Over the course of 15 years, people moved to the Kamian Isthmus between the Western and Western Seas.

The capital of our Ancestors at this time became the place of Asgard of Ireland (As - God, gard - place, spilno - place of the Gods), which was founded in Summer 5,028 during the Great Migration from Daaria to Russia, near the Holy Three Moons, Xia Taylet, dev' on the 102nd day of the Circle of the Number of God - the ancient calendar (104778 BC..).

Asgard was built in Summer 7038 under S.M.Z.H.

(1530 r. BC) Dzungars - immigrants from the ancient provinces of Arima (China).

Summer people, children and women hung out in the dungeons, and then went to the hermitages.

09. Today the place of Asgard is Omsk.

In response to the riddle about the order of the Flood and the Great Migration of the Clans of the Great Race, a special ritual appeared in the 16th River - Easter from a deep internal place, which is shared by all Orthodox people.

13,013 years ago (11,008 BC) in the battle between the people of the White Race and the victims of Antlanya, the month of Fatta was depleted.

And then Fatty’s majestic trick crashed into the Earth, as a result of which the tilt of the earth’s axis changed by 23 degrees and the contours of the continents changed (zvdsi is the current word for “fatal”).

Yarilo-Sontse began to pass through other Heavenly Chateaus on Svarozhy Koli.

A gigantic tree swept around the earth, which led to the destruction of Antlana and other islands.
Increasing volcanic activity led to a cloudy atmosphere, which became one of the causes of the Great Cooling and Freezing.
A long century has passed, the atmosphere began to clear, and the ice fields reached the poles.
After the death of Antlania, the righteous people of the Race of Light of the Pure Whiteman were transferred to the territory of the Great Land of Ta-Kemi, which is at the same time as Antlana and today as the Great Vena (Europe).
There lived tribes with the skin color of Temryavi (Negri) and tribes with the skin color of the Sunset Sun - the ancestors of several Semitic peoples, including the Arabs.
Ta-Kemi - that was the name of the ancient land that was founded on the outskirts of the African continent, on the territory of present-day Egypt.
From ancient Egyptian legends it is clear that this land was founded by nine Great Gods who came from the Night.
In this case, under the White Gods are the White-skinned Priests - dedicated to the Ancient Known.
The stinks, without a doubt, were Gods for the Negroid population of Ancient Egypt.
The Greeks called them Cimmerians.
The Gods created the power of Egypt and gave sixteen secrets to the local population:
In the future there will be temples and temples,
Volodinya using agricultural technology,


10. military mysticism,

Further, part of the Clans of the Great Race moved through strong droughts to the lower reaches of the Danube River, and then to the middle Dnieper region.

In these territories, Antska spilka is pressed, whose name speaks for itself.

On the middle maps of Kievan Rus, the Antes are the tribes that live in the forest-steppe zone between the 50th parallel from Western Ukraine to the Don.

Their hour of searching for a riddle in historical villages costs 375 rubles. (persha riddle about anti) 602 rub. (another riddle about anti) n.

e. More objectively, based on the carbon analysis of the Serpentine Shafts, it can be shown that the Antarctic Union has existed for at least a thousand years.

The deprivation of the Christianization of the Slavs and the division of the Christian Church into the Orthodox and Catholic Churches split the Antic Union into two parts.

From here, after the arrival of the Rurikovichs from the night, Kievan Rus was established, and from the other side, the decline of the Central European Slovenian powers.

Such names of the region as Bulg-Ariya (Bulgaria), Hung-Ariya (Ugorshchina) speak for themselves about the origin of the Anto-Aryan quest.

11. The Slavic stench is respected, perhaps, by Prav-Slavia, which spiritually united both the Aryan and the Slavic Rodos.

The Slavic tribes of the Anta Union had native languages ​​that had been preserved until now.

According to current linguistic data, the closest languages ​​to the Ukrainian language are Belarusian (84% of lexical gains), Polish (70% of lexical gains), a little further from Slovak and Czech, which lie on the same page dgroupi.

Closest to the Russian language are Bulgarian (73% gains), Serbian (66%), and even less so than Croatian, Macedonian and Slovenian, which makes it a different subgroup.

In Ukrainian and Russian languages, 62% of vocabulary is gagal (44% morpheme-galal and 18% morpheme-similar).
The author of this evidence did not indulge and completely “shoveled” the Polish-Russian dictionary for 10,000 words.
It turned out that between Ukrainian and Polish words of this dictionary there is 96% similarity, while between Ukrainian and Russian - only 80%.
4). The first half of the 1st thousand stars.
That is, Pivdenno-Skhidnaya Europe has established a strong Ante Union.
Later, a similar part of the Antarctic Union was transformed into Kievan Rus, and its main lands - into the present Ukraine.
5). We have a lot of names and nicknames for the Anton and Antonov type.
In addition, the head God of Atlantis (Antlania) was the God of the seas, Ney with a trident (among the Egyptians - Poseidon, and among the Greeks - Neptune).
Obviously, the trident was on the coat of arms of the rulers of Atlantis.

The trident is the main element of the coat of arms of Kievan Rus and Nizhny Ukraine.

12. 7).

Our Ancestors had sacred numbers: 3, 4, 7, 9, 16, 33, 40, 108, 144, 369. Until now, the following numbers have been confirmed: the passport is revoked for the 16th, and the 40th for the 9th. This is the day we remember the dead. Our Ancestors had 9 sides to the world.

If the skin of them is divided into 40 parts, then it will turn out to be about 360 degrees, which we are currently processing.

The skin dose was divided into 16 years, the skin time was 144 parts, the skin part was 1296 minutes, the skin part was 72 minutes, the skin time was 760 minutes, the skin time was 160 minutes.

In order to understand what quantities our Ancestors operated with, it is enough to point out one simple example: one of the smallest parts of the hour among the Slovenian-Aryan peoples was called “whitefish”.

She was depicted as a Rune in front of a flashlight.

13. The largest movement from one place to another was estimated in whitefish.

The old Russian words are based on the word “sigati”, “siganuti”.

Why is 1 whitefish more expensive than today’s units?

The latest cycle of the Daaryan Circle The number of our God was formed from 144 rocks (then rocks), which divided the divisions of the Svarog Kol into 180 parts.

(The 137th river of this Krugolit was born).

Of these, 15 days were 365 days long, and 16 days were sacred and required 4 more days for the honor of the Holy Magnificent.
The new river falls on the day of the autumn equinox, or on the 22nd of spring.
It lasted a little 9 months and developed over three seasons: spring, autumn and winter.
The leather season lasted three months.
Axle typical butt of one roku:
1. Ramkhat 22nd spring – 1st leaf fall 2003
2. Aylet 2 leaf fall 2003 - 11th baby, 2003
3. Beylet 12 breast 2003 - June 21, 2004
4. Geylet September 22, 2004 - Birth 1, 2004

5. Daylet 2 Bereznya 2004 - 11 April 2004

6. Yelet 12 April 2004 - 21st May 2004

7. Veylet May 22, 2004 – 1 lipnya 2004 r.
8. Heylet 2 lipnya 2004 r. - 10th sickle 2004 r.
9. Taylet 11th sickle 2004 - June 20, 2004
The months of a simple summer have a small number of days: 41 days for unpaired women and 40 days for boys.
The Holy Summer of every month had 41 days.
With the number of days in the month and the sacred number 40, the expressions “forty forty times” appeared, “more than forty times, sometimes forty times,” etc.
The calendar contains a number of negative dates.
If it is necessary to indicate the current dates, then the most recent entries, such as those carried out in the past, were searched.
For example, immediately (at the time of writing the article - editor's note) I go:
Summer 2004 on the occasion of the Birthday of Christ;

For a long time, the Slovenians had a week of 9 days (perhaps during the fermentation of the Little Moon around Ingard-Land), in which there was no midday, and only a week appeared among Russian Christians.

Among Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Serbs and other Slovenian peoples, the rest of the day is still called “day”.

For the ancient Russians, it was not Wednesday, but a tritein, and after Friday came: sixteenth, seventh, eighth and the next week - the day when they respect their records (do not give anything away).

On this day you were punished to go to your relatives, bring them back and make them sleepy.

A person can live in harmony with everything that he lives in, in harmony with Nature, the Cosmos and with himself, if he remembers his journey, if all the stages of his journey, beginning to current and until the current moment I can clearly see .

If this lanyard of interruptions and a person forgets the origins of his family, he takes an orientation in the world of causal-hereditary connections, so that the reasons for his present will become a new one, However, we cannot adequately keep our reports in line with the realities of different regions .

As an analogy, we can take episodes of amnesia, loss of memory, when a person forgets who he is, what his name is, his place of residence, how many fates he has, who he is, etc.

During the time of the first settlers, the Earth appeared to have become even more fragmented from the current structure of the continents.

To the Southern Pole there was a continent, which our ancestors called “Daariya”, because

The climate there is warm, so there are surpluses of ancient subtropical vegetation on the islands of the Arctic Ocean (the same surpluses can be found in Antarctica). The first settlers gave their name to our planet - Midgard, and as a result of today's word, our ancestors differentiated the concepts of "Zirka" and "Sun".

the celestial luminary, which has less than 8 Earths, and the word “Sun” - 8 or more Earths, since with an unbroken glance the Earth-planets of the celestial bodies, except for our Yaril-Son, are not visible, then there are none of them there, then all їх began to be called “stars”. And the collection of close ones, one to one, of the stars, then the narrow ones, in ancient times were called Halls. So the word “Month” itself is not in the power of it, but rather synonymous with the concept of “satellite of the planet”.

Further, from the suzir of the Great Vedic Medicine at 209687 r. BC

The Slavic Clans of Svyatoruss arrived, who were still called Sva-Ga and called the locality that they had taken over in Daariya.

Their forefathers visited the Sonts-Arkoln System on Rutti-Earth.

The Highlanders of the Clan became and became the basis of the White Race, being the lands of the Celestial Clan, which is located in Suziria near our Sonic system.

And the allies of the White Race in the confrontation with the Aliens were the yellow-faced people from the Hall of the Great Dragon, called the Arimami.

They were allowed to settle on Midgard-Earth, having designated a place at the Pivdenny Gathering, at the Gathering of Yarili-Sonts.

Tse - Arіmiya chi, in a modern way, China.

As ancient documents indicate, they had a different genotype, were twins (hermaphrodites), could be female or male, in which their state orientation changed depending on the phases of the month.

The color of the skin is death gray, the color of the eyes along with the nose is black or other colors are combined with black.

The hair color is black with a crooked finish or ruddy (do not confuse the color with straw).

Perun has a daughter named Tara.

After the settlement of people throughout Asia (Asia), Tara occupied the territory from the Republic (Ural) Mountains to the Aryan Sea (Lake Baikal), and Tarkh - from the Aryan Sea to the Great (Pacific) Ocean.

This territory was once called the Land of Tarkh-Tari, renamed into Tartaria, and then transferred to the name of the Russian Republic - Tataria.

Our ancestors were led by many other Gods who oversaw the songs of Rody, which were named after them in their honor.

The resettlement of the White Race Clans from Daariya to Asia ended at 109,806 rubles. e., tobto.

15 years after the death of the Month of Lelya, the fall of her attacks on our planet, as a result of which Daariya sank under the water of the new Ice-covered (Icy) ocean.

At the 16th river in whose honor the Holy Easter was born (in modern times - Great Day) and a special ritual with a deep meaning appeared, which is practiced by all Orthodox people: beaten eggs are given one after another, You know, whose eggs are lesser.

The curtains of God Veles are the people of Scotland and Ireland.

One province was named Wales in honor of God Veles.

Anglo-Saxon curtains and Frankiv - the center of Europe.

The canopies of Svyatorus populated the Skhidna and Pivdenna parts of Europe, as well as the Baltic states.

Prote heir to the fall of the Land of the majestic piece of Fatty, stretching for several thousand years of transition, then.

Colival process, if after the Great Cold War local (300-500 events) either cold or warm occurred.

During periods of warming, Egypt was wary of dry conditions, during which foreign victims fled.

Increased weakening of the White Race as a result of the war with the Arima, Aliens at 3760 r. BC

again penetrated Midgard-Earth, landing on the island of Lanka (currently Sri Lanka).

They immediately stole the army from the Dravidian king, thereby provoking the war.

“And the Light Gods will send the Mandrivniki Rich Wise Ones before them, for neither Spirit nor Conscience stinks.

І Foreigners will hear their Word to the Wise, and having heard it, they will sacrifice the lives of Mandrivniki to their god... І create the stench of the Golden Tour, as a symbol of their power, and will worship him, just as they do to their god... І send to them Gods... the Great Mandrivnik, the loveless one, and the victims of the Golden Tour will give him a martyr's death.

So, as at one time on Midgard-Earth, representatives of four main races found out that they had different colors of skin, eyes, hair and different blood types, the stench itself gave rise to another unpleasant factor.

The ancestors of different races went through separate evolutionary developments in different systems and, in different minds, developed immunity to different types of bacteria, microbes and viruses, some of which they brought into their bodies and our planet.Therefore, the mixing of races on the gene-sex level with the creation of family splints is not safe for decreased immunity and illness in the offspring.

Our distant ancestors had a small colossal knowledge about the World and People, Good and Evil, God and the Devil.

They also knew the Laws of the convergence of the Golden Path of the Spiritual Development, the Laws of Karmi, Incarnation, Reincarnation and others.
They also had a wealth of special knowledge and science.

The active cross-borders flowed, they vikorized the perfect technology - Vaitmary and Vaitmani, flocked with each other for the help of the supernatural cosmic connection - the Heavenly Heads, and also created teleportation devices ї – Brama of the Interworld.

We have recently abandoned the theoretical basis of the feasibility of creating something like this.

- 6759

(material of preparations for the materials of the declaration
Slovenian-Aryan Academy of Sciences about the subject of its research, approved at the Installation Meeting on June 1, 2006)

Vedi is the fall of the Slovenian-Aryan peoples, laid down in chronicles, myths, apologias, legends, rituals and other forms of knowledge...

- 8448

Songs of the Bird Gamayun (first ball).

- 13264

Let us return to the words of PERUN, in which he describes the legacy of nuclear strikes on two planets and has great respect for the fact that from the rich other planets-Earths, depleted by Dark Forces, he sees two of them - TROAR-EARTH and RU TTU-EARTH.

- 8563

It’s entirely possible that this choice is random or you won’t need to point at just any butt.

- 6289

Superechkas about their validity, and falsifications are carried out by fate and so far each side has not been able to argue both one and the other.

- 5345

Ale, the topic of our ceremony today is not about this.
It comes from what we have today, and we have information from which it is clear that the “Veles Book” (VK) is a rich work of various times, which reveals not only the breadth of the lexical category, but also Secondary repetition of descriptions of one and the same from different points of view.
The extensive research of VK allows us to assume the presence of its crypt, which consists of 26 Slovenian Vedas, divided into two parts: the Vedas of the old and new hours.

Keep rewriting word by word my hours and highlight the history of past, past and similar Slovenians.

This allows them to be called the Slovenian Vedas, and the crypt itself of these Vedas can be called the “Book of Veles”, because

- 12456

In the verses themselves it is said about this: “We are writing the book of Veles to our God, who is the possessor of the powers that come.” In Scandinavian mythology, the Tree of Light was depicted as an Ash Tree.

In Slovenian mythology, the Tree of Light was depicted as an Oak tree - the Family Tree.
Our number of comparisons to the Tree.

- 9922

A tree is a Slovenian symbol that emphasizes the unity and interaction of all three hours: the past, today and tomorrow.

Santiia in the original, even visually, can be called a Book, because...

Santii are plates made of noble metal that do not succumb to corrosion, on which are written the Ancient Ones “Aryan Runes”.

- 10605

Ancient Runes are not letters or hieroglyphs in our everyday life, Runes are hidden Images that convey the majestic observance of Ancient Knowledge

The Sacred Leaders from ancient times have earned the respect of more and more new descendants.

To begin with, European times gave them less than patriarchal poetry;

Later, they discovered a stench of all the Indian-European myths and all the classical Gods, as well as the masterly organizations of the cult, a deep spiritual and metaphysical system.

Let us immediately understand that under the Sacred Vedas we understand all that Vedic destruction that has come down to our time, as well as those Scriptures that are currently inaccessible to us for these and other objective reasons.