The definition of the word "man" is one and many.


  • Before human names in the Czech language there are names that end in: firm voice:
  • brambor, pilot, dom, pes to a soft voice:
  • nůž, konec, boj, kříž deeds of spiritualized names

, which ends in golosny: neposeda, prednosta, škůdce, sudce The human race in the Czech language is divided intoі spiritualized non-living


This is indicated at the end of the names when we work with modifications.
There is no division between the spiritual and the inanimate.
Multiply. Spiritualized
Multiply. Who?
Co? Who? Who? Spiritualized What? Spiritualized
What? Who?
pan í
Multiply. ů Co? ů Who? ů What? ů pan muž
Multiply. Jiř Co? Koho? Who? Jiř What? Koho? pan í

What? Whom? What?їх Spiritualized Koho? Who? Co?

What? Whom? What? y Spiritualized e Who? Behind the butt of words

What? pan- Pan Spiritualized(Pan

What? ) the words will be mixed: syn, právnik, lev, student, president, voják. muž Spiritualized- muž Who?(muž

What? ) words will be mixed: riverman, držitel, uklízeč, cizinec, rodič. predseda í – presed

miss the words: bandita, starosta, kolega, hrdina, policista. There is no division between the spiritual and the inanimate. sudce - sudc(soudc ) the words will be mixed: správtsi, darce, zradce, vládce, sprievodtsi..


This is indicated at the end of the names when we work with modifications.
There is no division between the spiritual and the inanimate.
- Jiř Jiř shalyate words: krejčí, průvodčí, vedúcі, výpravčí, dozorčí. Koho?
- Jiř ů shalyate words: krejčí, průvodčí, vedúcі, výpravčí, dozorčí. ů
- Jiř Jiř shalyate words: krejčí, průvodčí, vedúcі, výpravčí, dozorčí. Koho?

What? You may note that the multiplicity is in the edit we were taken away, adding to the word completion

What? -ové or else


Multiply. Unliving Jiř hrad é stroj

hrad words: most, strom, obchod, pas, stůl, balkon. Who? stroj í stroj

The words will be mixed: tsibulyu, kinets, kulyu, kulku, čaj, month. Now, in order to understand our time more rationally, we will put a note in front of these names in these three sections and see what kind of completion it takes. For non-living names of the human race, the plurality is characterized by unfinished .

: strom


(Molodi). , and the solids in some lose their characteristic .

You can check again for any word in Czech language on the website

With the accessories everything is even simpler.
We enter them in our signs and remove them:

This is indicated at the end of the names when we work with modifications.
There is no division between the spiritual and the inanimate.
mlad í /ciz í Multiply. Spiritualized
Multiply. Who?
Co? Who? Who? Spiritualized
What? Spiritualized
What? Who?
pan í
mlad their/ciz muž Multiply. ů Co? ů
Who? ů What? ů pan muž
mlad é /ciz í Multiply. Jiř Co? Koho? Who? Jiř What? Koho? pan í
This is indicated at the end of the names when we work with modifications.
There is no division between the spiritual and the inanimate.
velk é /prvn í - Jiř Jiř shalyate words: krejčí, průvodčí, vedúcі, výpravčí, dozorčí. Koho?
velk their/prvn muž - Jiř ů shalyate words: krejčí, průvodčí, vedúcі, výpravčí, dozorčí. ů
velk é /prvn í - Jiř Jiř shalyate words: krejčí, průvodčí, vedúcі, výpravčí, dozorčí. Koho?

Change of names “Days”, “People”, “Guests”- Words that are often condensed in Czech language:

This is indicated at the end of the names when we work with modifications.
There is no division between the spiritual and the inanimate.
velk é /velcí/prvn í dn Jiř/dn Who? lid é host é
velk their/prvn muž dn í /dn ů lid í host ů
velk é /prvn í dn Who?
dn Jiř
lid Who? host Jiř

In the human race, many in Czech annotations also need to show respect for changing the letters of the word itself:

Similar completion:

As in Russian, different drives are used for substitutions.

Whom? What?

(Genitiv = 2. pád) od – odchádzam od kamarátіv
(going to see friends) do – do lesov (in the forest), nastupujte do vozov
(get into the cars) bez
– without partners (without partners) krom(ě)
– okrіm manželіv (crіm cholovіkiv) place – place rublů vezmi dolary
(instead of rubles, take dollars) behind - Zagalom
(subject to laws) / podel colo – Kolo Hradov
(near the fort) about - Lock
(by / near locks) u
– u domů (bilya budinkov) vedle - zastávky vedle obchodіv
(shops from stores) about an hour - Weekend
(During weekends/weekends) for further help – for help šroubovákiv
(twirl for more help) za - for old times' sake

(in old times)

Whom? What?(Akuzativ = 4. pád) pro
– darky pro muživ(gifts for men) after
– dej stoly pіd televizi(Placing the table in front of the TV) mimo (Past, pose, cream, cream someone/what, we need cream)– ochrana drevin rostoucích mimo lesy
(Protection of trees to grow in the forest), mimo soudy (not for judges) na
– take some photos on the streets(Hang the clothes on hangers) pod(e)
- All padá pod stoly(Everything falls under the table) o- Ask for level 2
(Move 2 levels), boje o pohári (fights for cups) po
– som po kotníky ve vode(I’m ankle-deep (ankle - m. n.) by the water) v

Good afternoon! I have no food before my nickname.

I read the information posted on the website from this drive, but the result did not come back.

Ozhe, nickname Novik.

She is distinguished by her nickname (the diploma was given to Igor Novik), and she is not distinguished by her name (the diploma was given to Ganni Novik). How about a lot of money? As this is a man’s nickname, there is a shame: a diploma of visions for Igor and Oleg Novik.;

What about the wife? Diplomas were awarded to Ganni and Oleni Novik (who are the Noviks?).

And how is it multiplied, because there is no connection to gender in the text? For example, who came to visit the Novikov homeland?;

Do you know that there is no wife in the family (although the river does not know about this)? For example, “we came to visit our homeland Novik (who is Novikov?). Anna, Olena and Olga got in touch with us..." Let’s look at similar nicknames from “The Expert in Spelling and Stylistics” D. E. Rosenthal. Nicknames that belong to two or more individuals, in some cases are placed in the form of the plural, in others - in the form of the singular, and also:

Henry and Thomas Manny, Augustus and Jean Picari, Adolphe and Mikhailo Gotliby ; also father and son Oistrakhi

2) with two female names Irina and Tamara Pres; Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Paul and Eslanda Robson, August and Caroline Schlegel, associates of Richard Sorge Max and Anna Clausen, Ariadna and Petro Tur; Serhiy and Valya Bruzzhak, Nina and Stanislav Zhuk Mr. and Mrs. Rainer, Lord and Lady Hamilton;

; prote at podnannyakh man and squad, brother and sister man and squad of Estremi, brother and sister of Niringa;

5) at the word

making friends

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

making friends with Kent, making friends with Thorndyke, making friends with Nodduck; 6) at the word


brothers Grimm, brothers Schlegel, brothers Schellenberg, brothers Pokrass Henry and Thomas Manny, Augustus and Jean Picari, Adolphe and Mikhailo Gotliby;;

also father and son Oistrakhi;

Irina and Tamara Pres 3) since the nickname is accompanied by human and female names, it retains the form of one, for example:;

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Ariadna and Petro Tour, Nina and Stanislav Zhuk 4) in one there is also a nickname, since it is accompanied by two nominal names, which indicate the difference, for example: For example, “we came to visit our homeland Novik (who is Novikov?). Anna, Olena and Olga got in touch with us..." Let’s look at similar nicknames from “The Expert in Spelling and Stylistics” D. E. Rosenthal. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, Lord and Lady Hamilton The nickname is more often used in the plural form:;

Henry and Thomas Manny, Augustus and Jean Picari, Adolphe and Mikhailo Gotliby ; also man and squad of Estremi, brother and sister of Niringa;

2) with two female names Irina and Tamara Pres; friend Kent, friend Major The nickname can also be placed in the same form, for example: brothers Grimm, brothers Spiegel, brothers Schellenberg, brothers Pokrass; those same words;

; prote at podnannyakh sisters: Koch sisters.

family Oppenheim

Supply No. 289907

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

I'm flying. Who is Clinton or a friend of the Clintons? I think there is another option, but the first one in the quote... For 15 rubles, $10 million was directly allocated to help my friend Clinton. ; In “Advocate from the Russian language: spelling, language, literary editing” by D. E. Rosenthal, E. V. Dzhandzhakova, N. P. Kabanova recommend putting your nickname in the same form as it is accompanied by words

friend, family.

Recommendations about using nicknames in words

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

The witness has no idea, but it is logical to assume that in this situation alone is important. ;, prote at podnannyakh Power supply No. 288805 How does the nickname "Kim" differ among many: "friend of Kim" or "friend of Kim", "Natalia and Oleg Kim" or "Natalia and Oleg Kim"?

In similar fits with words Call names must be placed in one:.

I'll make friends with Kim.

Since the nickname is accompanied by human and female names, it also retains the form of one:

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

Natalie and Oleg Kim Supply No. 287231 I'm flying! I’m exploring the topic of changing nicknames. There is very little information about plural forms. Can you kindly tell me what the plural form looks like for nicknames in -uk/-yuk? For example, Vlasyuk. Are we talking about Vlasyukov or Vlasyuk? I will be grateful if you recommend dzherelo (give me a hint) for vaccination with those. Possible options. Div: Rosenthal D. E., Dzhandzhakova E. V., Kabanova N.P. Evidence from the Russian language: spelling, language, literary editing.

7th view.
M., 2010 (section “The collection of popular names and nicknames”).

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

Supply No. 283207 Let me tell you which is the correct way to write the sentence: “35 books have been written about the history of the Bellev family, which experienced the attacks of a hidden spirit. Is it necessary to shed the nickname "Bell"? At the words friend, family Another nickname should be placed in the same form: about the history of the Bell family, the Bell family. Zamist damn

write better

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

Otherwise, everything is correct. ;і Irina and Tamara Pres; Power supply No. 270255 Pre-video material on my topic on your site, so you will lose your food. Hello, now :)) Family of Karmanovichs and Karmanovichs? prote at podnannyakh Do non-Russian nicknames like Khatit, Ours get used by many?

brothers Nashi and Nashi?
Friend Khatit or Khatiti, etc.?
Behind the scenes!

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

Non-Russian nicknames, which are used by two or more people, in some cases are placed in the plural form.

numbers, in others - in the form of a single.
This must be kept in context.
At the words
The nickname should be placed in the same form:

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

friend Khatit, our brother. At the word

The non-Russian nickname can also be placed in the same form.
Power supply No. 267802

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

Please show me, in the words “At the time of social services at home at the time of separation by the fakhivtsy, a friend was encouraged” and “at the time of the secession by the fahivtsi” with a clarifying phrase and the need but do they appear comatose? behind the scenes This is not a clarifying construction, and additional divisional signs are not required. Supply No. 260436 I'm flying! Please tell me how correctly the Russian nickname of the deceased squad of the President of Poland sounds: Kaczynska and Kaczynska? Are any of the options acceptable? Please tell me how correctly the Russian nickname of the deceased squad of the President of Poland sounds: Kaczynska and Kaczynska? Dyakuyu. Russian is correct: Kachinska. Please tell me how correctly the Russian nickname of the deceased squad of the President of Poland sounds: Kaczynska and Kaczynska? Power supply No. 254502

Before food No. 254477: why is “Popelyuk dynasty” correct, aka “Romanov dynasty”?
Let me kindly show you what nicknames come from such situations: Clinton’s friend has arrived home from home;

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt ran the theater; have the man and his team gone up in price?.

Supply No. 283207 Since the nickname is accompanied by human and female names, it retains the form of one: Power supply No. 270255 Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

friend, family, brothers Let’s look at similar nicknames from “The Expert in Spelling and Stylistics” D. E. Rosenthal. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, Lord and Lady Hamilton friend Clinton.

When paid
man and squad Robson.

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

Supply No. 243967 Good afternoon. Please tell me about the etymology of the word “slut” - I have a significant friend and, if possible, about the etymology of the word “person”. Irina and Tamara Pres; Yuck! Shlyub("friend") - a Slovenian word, historically connected, perhaps, with the word (The exact etymology has not been established). Cholovik - Pokhіdne vid sprushti "to tighten, to bind, to harness." Pochatkov sprug. changed to man

under the flow of water from the attachment
Making friends
literally - “in one harness.”

Supply No. 241215


Help the editor of the newspaper, which appears to be Russian.

How to correctly write nicknames for such nicknames:

Brothers Demidchik and brothers Demidchiki, brothers Kreydich and brothers Kreidich, brothers Glib and brothers Glibi, brothers Gusik and brothers Gusik;

Alla and Oleksandr Batsuk and Alla and Oleksandr Batsuk, Vira and Andriy Dokuchitsi and Vira and Andriy Dokuchitsi, Natalia and Vyacheslav Lut and Natalya and Vyacheslav Luti, Irina and Denis Oliynik and Irina and Denis Oliynyk, Katerina and Dmytro Mo Shchik chi Katerina that Dmitro Moschiki

friend Samoiluk or friend Samoilukiv, friend Talashkevich or friend Talashkevich, friend Cheberkus or friend Cheberkusiv, friend Selyukh or friend Selyukhiv;

Brothers Eduard and Volodymyr Demidchiki or brothers Eduard and Volodymyr Demidchik, brothers Oleksandr and V'yacheslav Glibi and brothers Oleksandr and V'yacheslav Glib;

friend Lyudmila and Vasil Tishuk or friend Lyudmila and Vasil Tishuk;

friend Olena and Stepan Shuplyaki or friend Olena and Stepan Shuplyak;

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

Recommendations are current.

Supply No. 283207 Since the nickname is accompanied by human and female names, it retains the form of one: Since there are two human names behind the nickname, it is placed in the plural form.

If the nickname has two female names, or if the nickname is accompanied by human and female names, then the nickname retains the form of one.
The nickname is called to be placed in the form of one.

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

Supply No. 240838 "to tighten, to bind, to harness."і How can you use the word “man” incorrectly? I have always respected the fact that it is necessary to speak like this when dating a little-known person, and when meeting with someone you know, to embody “man, squad.”

Today I listened to an excerpt from the book of drawings by the journalist A. Zimin, which describes a real episode in which a lady who protects herself to the highest degree and respects everyone who lives in the wrong forms of language, In this way, he declares (not verbatim, but sense savings), that the very life of the “person” and the division between the upper and lower classes is similar to the commonplace and indicates the indignity of one who speaks before cultural consort. "to tighten, to bind, to harness."і How can you use the word “man” incorrectly? Dyakuyu. Vzhivannya sliv squad "to tighten, to bind, to harness."і How can you use the word “man” incorrectly? the original language does not float, but not so much through those who cannot confirm any division between the “higher” and “lower” castes, as through those who are also accustomed to the stylistic norms of contemporary literary literature. you, it gives promo mannerism, sweetness and quality a number of linguists as a manifestation of “movnogo mіshchanstvo.” Earlier words There are a lot of such stylistic touches, even. ; Rows from “Evgeniy Onegin” (Virsha Lensky to Olga): “My heartfelt friend, my deepest friend, Come, come: I am your friend!..” However, the words of today be of an official nature (in an official chronicle the following may be noted: the president's squad spied ...)..

The original language uses words correctly
for the multiplier according to the bet:

The nickname is placed on the same form, for example:

young friend, friend Ivanov . And the axis in some of the initial language is assessed as a vile tone: such expressions as

me and my squad (man), my (my) man (squad)

trace unique and speak

I am with a man / squad, my (my) squad (man)

Foldings in understanding the forms of numerals and their use in literature are mainly related to their changes and substitutions with names.

The majority of the numbers are based on the third division.

The number one thousand is changing, as the name of the first change.

The numbers forty and one hundred show only one shape in indirect divisions - forty, one hundred.

When the warehouse ordinal numbers are modified, only their remaining part is changed. (two, three, etc.) Only people can use names of the human race, names that signify baby creatures, or only form the form of a multiplicity.

The addition of warehouse numbers that end in two, three, or whatever, with names that do not form the same form, is unacceptable.

Possibly more than twenty-one dob, twenty-five dib.

The numerator of resentment has two generic forms: resentment – ​​human and middle row, resentment – ​​female row.

The same goes up to the numerical repeat.

Attributes are a part of language that indicate the sign of an object and indicate the food of what?, what?, what?, what?

The notebook stands at the very same form, number and gender, which is the name, where it should be stored.

Some nurses change during childbirth and pregnancy. The number of multipliers is not indicated for appendices. For appendices, multiplicities cannot be calculated.

The change of names after substitutions is characterized by a change in their endings, which are called substitution forms.

In total, there are six substitutions in the Russian language, each of which has its own additional nutrition.

The form of the nasal edit is called direct

  • (or cob)
  • , reshta - indirect.
  • Various roles of the name-bearer in the river are reflected in the subdivisions.
  • The Russian language appears to have six subdivisions.
  • You can see the name change in the list from the menu.
  • In addition to the main meals, you can also recognize the additional meals as indicated by the conditions.
  • Video lesson from the Russian movie "Change of special borrowers for changes"
  • Alternate rows of voice phonemes
  • § 1236. Before acc.
  • Such is the essence of this type.
  • Cholovik.
  • R. With a non-uniform base.
  • § 1237. Before acc.
  • Such is the essence of this type.
  • Seredovishche.
  • R.
  • Names of the 2nd division
  • § 1238. Before acc.
  • Type in to lie down noun.
  • II class
  • Chol., female
  • I zag.
  • R. Iz istot.
  • Cholovik.
  • These include: aga (the title of the landowner of Turechchini), mirza, mullah, murza, pasha.
  • Before acc.
  • The type is based on such facts.
  • Women.
  • R.
  • Accent type b1
  • § 1240. Advances.
  • II class
  • Women.
  • R. may have accentuated characteristics of type B1:
  • Accent type B2
  • Accent type z
  • § 1246. Before acc.
  • Like there are words with a non-uniform base that hang around in something.
  • P. Mn.
  • Ch. Flexiyu | a |
  • (spelling аї).
  • Middle row
  • § 1250. Before akts.
  • These types of middle names are known.
  • R.
  • Accent type c1
  • § 1255. From the source.
  • Seredovishche.
  • R. Do acc;
  • type d is the same.
  • § 1256. From the source.
  • Women.
  • R. II class.
  • Forms of equal level (comparative)
  • The voice of noteworthy people, the voice of new forms
  • Voice of the Prikmetniks of the Borrower and Assigned Administration
  • Voice in short forms
  • Accent types of annotations in relation to the continuous and end voices in long and short forms
  • § 1354. Among the annotations that appear above and short forms, the following actions appear.
  • Types according to the expression of the continuous and ending voice in new and short forms: type A/a -
  • § 1361. Prikmetniki with kolivannya out loud in the short form of plural.
  • H. For shares
  • Types a/c and a/c1.
  • § 1364. Kolivannya out loud in short forms of middles.
  • R. and many others.
  • H. For shares
  • Type a/s and a/v presented in the foot guards.
  • Voice in the forms of the level stage
  • Word change of numbers
  • Change of number of numbers
  • § 1378. Warehouse clerks change their positions.
  • When the edit forms are approved, it is normal to change the edit of the skin word, which must be entered before the warehouse numerator.
  • Removal of voters and unknown numbers of numerators
  • Using numerical prepositions by
  • The voice of numbers
  • § 1381. The voice of the numbers is represented by the shares.
  • Types a, b and b1; Some numerals may have irregular accent characteristics.
  • Dieslovo * halal characteristic
  • Morphological categories, word category, literal characteristics
  • § 1395. Before prefixal species pairs, pure species prefixes are preceded by the following (the pair is mentally designated after the species-creating prefix).


    Types of pairs between the ruhu Two-species wordsі Section 1407І nesov. View. This is achieved by prefixation (1) and suffixation (2).і Words that are inconceivable to look at Hourly methods of action View. This is achieved by prefixation (1) and suffixation (2).і Words that are inconceivable to look at§ 1422. The alteration-memory method comes in two varieties: alteration and softening. View. This is achieved by prefixation (1) and suffixation (2). Specially effective methods of action Words that are inconceivable to look at HILENNY OF NAMES Wordformsbodywords(old form pluralbody word ), in everyday language there are plural forms.,єh. sliv,and are stylistically characterized as bookish and outdated, are used as synonyms of names(one hundred percent of the body of this person) and,(used with a negative assessment or in ironic contexts):Mizh,chubbybodygets stuckіleg-(Asev);So,wordsmužwhatharnessyakhalf-heartedWhatshine in the distance

    ingleb before bottom Ale change before words Zradi maybe buti more ancient? (Tward.). What, Note. The shape is rich. year.? Zradi tow - Old;? Zradi bliskavok hit h tow?

    (Distiller.). § 1213. The fourth type of connection of foundations. anin (spelling also yanin ), cream words siemyanin Whom? What?, , as well as words, boyar, Bulgarianі sir Tatar establish plural forms including the basis that is the ancient basis. § 1213. The fourth type of connection of foundations., ­ (spelling also including the Sunday final in­ ., in­ When I say this Please tell me how correctly the Russian nickname of the deceased squad of the President of Poland sounds: Kaczynska and Kaczynska? in­ create all forms of indirect modifications. partly based on | n | Whom? What?, boyar, Bulgarianі sir that form. establish plural forms: p.m.­ partly based on |n'|:, p.m.­ . (p.m.­ establish plural forms), vermen, am, ami e Whom? What?. Words­ establish plural formsі Words­ create all forms of indirect modifications. Part of the base on a solid sound, to the guy softly I will sound the basis of the od. § 1213. The fourth type of connection of foundations., ­ (spelling also hours before the final ), cream words gentlemen create all forms of indirect modifications. A bari - Bulgarians, Tatars - ;, name - maє u nyumu. p.m. including variant forms, bar, s. Whom? What?і , as well as words: U Nyumu.vermen), p.m. including names on (crime words: ) show inflexion(phonemic | α 1 |): boyarі sir Virmenin establish plural forms time am, ami e Bulgarian Moldovan partly based on |n'|:: Moldavian.

    peasant establish plural forms villagers in,, similar,earthlings,aliens,Martians,p.m..

    . establish plural forms New people have the same inflection. p.m. year.

    bari boyars, as well as gypsy Tsigani . Names toil at nyumu. n. inflection (phonemic | і |): I have inflection Panov All words listed are based on the plural. including the finalehover near the riverhn. zero inflection:іMoldovans(Asev);villagersBulgarians boyars (used with a negative assessment or in ironic contexts):Note.truncated basis. hour for the final round .і boyars May also occur in plural forms. h. istot.(Brother-in-law,(Div. § 1211). View of the truncated base. (phonemic | і |): h. establish forms pl. h. istot.).

    man. adv.і kvіtka(Plural - kvіti), avg. adv. vessel (ship) (plural -,to the court) that squad. (ship) (plural -,to the court May also occur in plural forms. adv.:trigger,(Multiple year. smoke ;:In that case, which is supported by females, the truncated form may not be obtained:,Piven.

    stripped to the court Teena pishov ; to the court, pishov to the court to your triggers. Shuksh.;), in phraseology: wet triggers, , Rozg.). At rd. p. words kvіtka, toss inflexion iv, h judges Piven, kvitiv ), word (Multiple year.- zero inflection ( (Multiple year.: chickens § 1214. The fifth type of connection of foundations. Words ditina people, establish plural forms і kvіtkaThe shape is rich., including types of suppletive bases, h de |t'|i, lju, |d'|: children(Pisk.). (Multiple year. In the literature of the 19th century. form id. - P. how stylistically neutral is expressed in my poetry: Day - form id., tsey brilliant, crooked amphibians congratulations, Souls (Multiple year. і sick healing



    ! (Tyutch.).,Name-bearers do not accept other plural forms.,h.,§ 1215. Actual words in plural. h. they do not create these or other forms, i.e. they may have different paradigms of many. + Ch. These are the same episodes.:1) Do not approve the edit forms.,p.m.,the words of the squads will come.,r.: a),mga,Imla,bribe dark (temryava) ;,b) words that sound like a whisper,Qia,foulbrood brood

    lazy files,underwear,Siltsya hoarse , as well as treasury , as well as),damask treasury tight cod tight),. treasury Siltsya).

    Shape richly. Particularly in over-insuranced words, in live ones it is even rarer..

    2) They do not become denser in the implanted form. p.m.і h. sliv Mriya


    blessing .і These forms must be replaced by forms of the word synonym: anin dreary(replacement * goals anin head or * fuck off anin її 3) Unlivable all plural forms. іє anin ї h. words that's why, 4) U sliv, Szczetz, firewood, There are no other forms other than the ed., p.m. year.

    trace unique and speak

    Names to be changed according to active modification

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ .

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ dreary

    Szczetz­ These forms must be replaced by forms of the word synonym:

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ under. Particulars of adjective modification (Div. § 1310), such as inflection

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ under. Particulars of adjective modification (Div. § 1310), such as inflection

    Szczetz­ Ouch

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ ій

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ ій

    Szczetz­ th

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ .

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ dreary

    Szczetz­ Ouch

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ ) in the names of people.

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ ) in the names of people.

    Szczetz­ ) in the names of people.

    kvitiv§ 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ R.; ­

    kvitivunder. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ R.; ­

    kvitivSzczetz­ ) in the names of people.

    § 1238. Before acc.

    and I­ fuck off

    yaya­ її

    and I­ under. Particulars of adjective modification (Div. § 1310), such as inflection

    yaya­ Ouch

    and I­ ій

    yaya­ th

    and I­ fuck off

    yaya­ її

    and I­ ) in the names of people.

    yaya­ ) in the names of people.

    kvitivand I­ R.; ­

    kvitivyaya­ ) in the names of people.

    ) among the named squads.

    R.; ­­ goals

    oh­ goals

    ) at the names.­ goals

    R.; ­­ .

    oh­ .

    ) at the names.­ adv.

    R.; ­­ .

    oh­ .

    ) at the names.­ adv.

    R.; ­­ R.; ­

    oh­ R.; ­

    ) at the names.­ R.; ­

    R.; ­­ .

    ) in names pluralia tantum:)

    oh­ .

    ) in names pluralia tantum:)

    ) at the names.­ adv.

    ) in names pluralia tantum:)

    kvitivR.; ­­ .

    kvitivoh­ .


    me and my squad (man), my (my) man (squad)

    Names to be changed according to active modification

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ ї

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ ї

    Szczetz­ іє

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ their

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ their

    Szczetz­ muž

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ ) in the names of people.

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ ) in the names of people.

    Szczetz­ ) in the names of people.

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ ї

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ ї

    Szczetz­ muž

    § 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ counselors

    under. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ counselors

    Szczetz­ robotnik

    kvitiv§ 1216. Subject to adjudication, the names that appear in the form of the names are changed.­ their

    kvitivunder. Part one of inflections, attached forms.­ their

    kvitivSzczetz­ muž

    § 1238. Before acc.

    and I­ ї

    yaya­ іє

    and I­ their

    yaya­ muž

    and I­ ) in the names of people.

    yaya­ ) in the names of people.

    and I­ their

    yaya­ іє

    and I­ counselors

    yaya­ robotnik

    kvitivand I­ their

    kvitivyaya­ muž

    ) among the named squads.

    R.; ­­ ї

    oh­ ї

    ) at the names.­ іє

    R.; ­­ their

    oh­ their

    ) at the names.­ muž

    R.; ­­ ) in the names of people.

    oh­ ) in the names of people.

    ) at the names.­ ) in the names of people.

    R.; ­­ ї

    oh­ their

    ) at the names.­ muž

    R.; ­­ counselors

    oh­ counselors

    ) at the names.­ robotnik

    kvitivR.; ­­ their

    kvitivoh­ their

    kvitiv) at the names.­ muž

