Scandinavian rune of luck. Rooney for good luck. Become "Fire City"


Would you like to support you with success in all your undertakings? These materials are specially for you! The reader will learn about it, which are the runes of luck and luck in life, and also learn how to correctly acquire knowledge in practice.

Scandinavian runes that bring good luck

Іsnuє kіlka Scandinavian runes of good luck and vezіnnya at all right. Let's look at the skin of their report.


One of the most popular runes is respected, the task is to save and save penny koshtіv. It symbolizes wealth, material well-being, the rіven of such deposits in the energy reserve of a taken person, and individual zdіbnosti to self-development.

Help Fehu in the offensive:

  • Reinvention of current potential, improvement of working mood
  • View of new perspectives
  • Revealing the emerging talents
  • The rune of good luck and success is the lure of additional finances in the area of ​​the buttocks

Get respect! Fehu is less driven by real energy, the purposefulness of a particular person. Don't get caught in the "easy pennies" way of liquor and speculation


This Scandinavian symbol helps create people's Christmas mood, which is a kind of magnet for happiness, health, prosperity. Strength, like a rune, allows vikonati naypotaєmnishі bajannya, increase self-esteem, virіvnyati possible problems among people.


The rune of happiness and good luck - to create and multiply your real life strength. Opening doors for new access. There is only one thing that matters to you - say goodbye to the past, take back the passivity, disorganization, inconsistency on the road to the point.


Uosobljuє "drowsy energy" in all її beauty. Allowing you to viconate all the secrets of the blissful swedishness, having cleaned everything that is important to your reach. Now it's easy to pretend to be real - turn your dreams into reality at once.

Please! Explore your intuition, develop obvious talents and enjoy the best result


It symbolizes the strength of the will of a person, as it directs itself with a given vector, directing the process of a special development in the required book. To help him break through the deepest little cloaks, revealing the full potential of will power. Don't hesitate to sell your money - you won't be successful.

Slovyansk runes good luck and spring

The runes of good luck and that spring have always been associated with the words by the power of nature. At that hour, protect from, well-being and health, I was prepared from wood, gold, srіbla. Deyakі miltsі hung їх on shirts and strіchkah for shchenny wear. Let's look at the skin from the words of the Yang runes more clearly.


It means "prosperity", which generously bestows luck, success, wealth, health on his sack. The rune means all the light, I will help the Gods. Respect one of the strongest runes, tied with us by the words of the Yan Gods. Її symbol - tse colo, which operates the Tree of Life.


Zhіnoche beginning, like symbolizing motherhood, the cob of life. The main meta is the defense of women and children. Give femininity, sexuality to your vlasnik.


Own symbol of Spring, daughter of Beregina. Bezposeredno pov'yazana zі vієyu water. Allows you to open up intuition, take inspiration for instilling new ideas in life.


Ideally for creative specialties, shards symbolize creative breakthrough. Reveal the depths of your own vision and listen to your intuition.

Runic formulas (set) for good luck

If you want to protect yourself from unkind people, zazdrіsnikіv, so that luck would accompany the robot, stick out with kar'erny gatherings, hurry up with the runic stave "Mr. Luck". A detailed diagram and interpretation of this runic formula is shown below.

  • Mannaz: Establish a person, becoming a yak to fight
  • : Spryaє zaluchennu " need people”, so that they can give all possible help, patrons, business partners, etc.
  • Eyvaz: To help increase the number of clients, to protect people and business from possible negative impacts
  • Fehu: Instructing on the financial turnover of pennies, their wealth
  • Laguz: The main task is to attract good luck, success to the singing people. You will have the opportunity to choose the most profitable project, without worrying about it. Tse dopomozhe zbіshiti dobrobut, zbіshiti income in the form of work
  • Teyvaz
  • : Help you plan your work schedule correctly
  • Soulu: A symbol of successful business helps to reach career heights
  • Perth: Allowing you to lose your luck for a tail
  • Hyera: Lose finance and pay-to-platform clients

Day Ansuz-Laguz-Gebo

Let's put some tips on the combinations below, you can get rich together with a partner.

For example, now Ansuz-Laguz-Gebo (++) allows you to judge the kokhan people, as if they will meet all your selection criteria.

Create a mіtsna sim'yu in addition to the talisman from the runes of Gebo-Otala (+ +)

Day Algiz-Raido-Ansuz

Let's go to sleep without care, steal from pardons, follow the victorious runes of Algiz-Raido-Ansuz. Zrazkov's diagram of the stav shows a little one.

Days of Nautiz allow the student to concentrate on tasks, to give clarity and clarity to thoughts.

The rune Turisaz allows you to tidy up all the transitions that deserve a miracle score in sleep. For example, nervousness, fear of the winding up of the ticket, the vile mood of the vikladach, the forgetfulness of the twisted material is powerless.

Making a runic talisman of good luck with your own hands

In order to prepare a runic talisman, follow the advance on the lucky result, seek out third-party thoughts, focus on the process of the rite as much as possible.

Іnuє sing algorithm dіy, which should be difficult to do

  • Select material for protection. Give it the necessary shape, prepare an opening for the cord, make the surface smooth, without teeth.
  • Charge the amulet with your energy next to a calm, quiet atmosphere, without any external disturbances. Prepare a candle, light the aroma oils or other smells, turn up the music
  • Write a runic formula on a clean arch paper, such a trace to burn. In front of you, tell me about the presence of a special saucer, sirniks and tweezers
  • Apply a runic formula to the surface of the future talisman. Golovne - do not vipally, otherwise you can damage the structure. Let's repair the handwriting with an olive, or cover up the signs with a special head
  • For farbuvannya with the necessary color, you can vicory ocher or another type of natural farbi, for example henna. Like a strong amulet, you can sprinkle the symbols with wet blood from your finger
  • To awaken the power of the skin rune, it is necessary to voice the name of the skin rune
  • The coming croc - sent an oath. Burn the sheet, on which the formula is written, on half a candle and check, until you get enough of the sucrose

Note! To intensify the effect, add some wine, brandy, or drinking honey to the fire. At the same time, the essence of which is from the most listed components, pіdіyde be like ethereal oil

For more information, follow the updates on our website. Mustache good and to swedish zustrіches.

Mystical rune luck and wealth- all the sacred symbols of the ancient peoples of the world, which are not completely solved, they melt in their own part of the universal mysteries. Even for the old hours before the runic symbols were placed with great honor.

Amulets with її images were respected as sacred and victorious only in extreme ways. Without the rune amulet, the warriors would not have been viish on the battlefield, the mother would not have let her child out of the house for a long time, and the head of the family would not have broken the water without a hopeful talisman, which would bring happiness.

And in our days, the runes for the spring season are all covered with a majestic drink, even though everyone can see their power. If you want to evil the bird of luck for the tail, turn to the old symbols for encouragement.

Scandinavian runes for good luck

Scandinavian runes for good luck and spring in life - like a stink smell, and why do they have a unique strength? The list of such signs is not long, but, regardless of the price, the runes of spring may have great power. As soon as you learn to cherish its energy, you will achieve better results.

As if you’ve got your right, but you don’t know how to push them forward and if you don’t spend the already achieved result, turn around for help to runic formulas.



Would you like to achieve success in your life, in all spheres of life? In this article, we will tell you about the correct folding of the runic formulas for good luck in everything, the main characteristics of the runes for good luck are different, not less than a few aspects. Happy reading!

Yaki runi bring good luck

Whether it be a runic symbol is a strong sign of a wide range of diї, building to awaken natural sacred forces. Already a sprat of a hundred runes to sprout a vikonnanny bazhan, a good luck, even a smut - by virtue of these signs. You can learn more about the Scandinavian symbols for the help of a cost-free rozsilannya in the Russian School of Tarot.

Most often, runic formulas for all the fluctuations of life are added up for the help of indications below the signs.

  • Fehu: Symbolizes wealth, good luck, adds wealth to the material sphere of life. Allows you to save the real benefits
  • Kenaz: Rune that grants success. We give the opportunity to explore the real creative potential
  • Vunyo: A Scandinavian symbol, which saves the achievement of the plan, saving the results. The result is a warm mood, satisfaction, joy in the result

Tse tsikavo! Fehu can be repeated three times like an amulet - to help you achieve your goals in a record short term

In some situations, Rooney can help

Skin rune maє tsіlespryamony spectrum diї. It is more correct to use singing symbols to help create runic formulas for all the fluctuations of life. Let's bring the most popular wear (applied sequentially, in a linear form to any type of wear).

Success on the robot, wealth, success

Whisk a combination of runes Vunyo, Kenaz, Fehu. Pojdnannya allows you to explore the necessary paths for reaching the goal set, achieving what was conceived in all spheres of life.

Success, pennies

Fehu, Inguz, Odal (Otala) - one of the runic formulas for various purposes. Allows you to achieve financial well-being, peace, tranquility.

Wealth, luck

Best pidide podednannya Gebo, Perth, Fehu, Odal. qi allow to stabilize financial camp operator otrimati pributok vіd be-ikoї ideї.

Happiness, success

The creation of the conceived will always bring joy, enlightenment, and praise to the forces of power. To reach the goal, mark the victorious one day Ansuz, Yaro, Uruz, Ansuz. The formula will help you correctly set life priorities, determine the significance of essential goals, and choose the best paths for reaching them.

Universal runic formulas for all types of life

In order to achieve success in all spheres of life, let us apply broader runic formulas for different purposes.

Runic becoming "Banker"

The essence of the stav is the acquisition of wealth, prosperity, the emergence of new opportunities for self-realization. A detailed interpretation of the victorious runes is shown below.

  • Perth: Symbolizes a purse
  • Fehu: Provide financial support, their prosperity. As a result - wealth, prosperity of the operator
  • Uruz: energy is concentrated, which works on raising finances. The main meta is to give the most important position the correct directive
  • Nautiz: Acting as a guarantor that money will be paid to the operator
  • Kenaz (2 pcs.): Open new paths until financial funds are found
  • Inguz: Protecting the integrity of finances, protecting the operator from unplanned expenses
  • Jera: The rune symbolizes fertility, fertility

For the guard process, enter the value of the dermal vicarious symbol. You can write to the visa with a sufficient rank, having spoken to the Bazhan the meta of the higher-ranked stav. Put paper on the arkush and yak for sure. In order to take away the necessary effect, to invest, becoming between two great bills - to help the pennies and get the penny energy. With the correct dotrimanni vyschevkazanyh minds, the result is an offensive dobi.

Becoming the "Golden Dragon" - a penny well-being

The essence of the position is to change the life of the operator, sending support to the bik zbіlshennya financial well-being. Tsey runic becoming- Good luck to everyone (perepereniya).

  • Teyvaz
  • Algiz: Bezpechennya bezpeka, zakhistu
  • Evaz: Direct operator to financial flow
  • Dagaz: Reshaping the life of the operator in the right direction, enrichment, enrichment of the material position
  • Mannaz: Vіluє vykonavtsya
  • Inguz (4 pcs.): The rune symbolizes the flow of cats
  • Laguz (2 pcs.): Strengthen the concentration of the financial jet

Visualization becomes like this - to show yourself a living dragon, which is golden uphill. After the reach of the mark, burn the papery nose. The first results of the vikonan work are revealed in the period of 2 days - 2 days.

Runic standing on the guard of an individual and a booth

Meta formulas - save yourself, your close types of inaccuracies, negative magical infusions. For folding the stave, the following runic symbols were used: Isa - Kennaz - Hagalaz, Kennaz - Isa. Watch out for the skin sign, with a detailed concentration of bagan end results.

Become "Happy"

The essence of the runic combination is an operator, inspired by life of happiness, prosperity, joy. The formula attracts success, attracts energetic support, creating a field for accepting gift shares. You can vikoristovuvati like an amulet.

The combination is coming:

  • Gebo (3 pcs.): Attracting good luck, rewarding good, partner relationships with lonely people. Nadaє Grunt for brown acquaintances, stimulating positive communication.
  • Soulu (2 pcs.): Give life energy, strength, insight in setting new goals
  • (2 pcs.): Symbolize positive emotions, joy in the end result
  • (2 pcs.): Specialize in spring, vikonannya bazhan. Speed ​​up the process of withdrawing gifts from a share
  • Otala: Symbol of the operator, independence of specialty, practice as a magnet
  • Dagaz: Establishment of possible internal cleaning, support, preparation for further changes
  • : Protection of the created runic formula, guaranteeing the correct operation of other runes.

Runic formula for earning pennies

One of the simplest, most accessible formulas for beginners. Symbolizes financial well-being, success in the financial sector. Gives the operator the opportunity to switch to the principle new rіven development. Allows you to attract success, pennies, expanding your current abilities. By becoming a vicarist, you can earn more income by defending this kind of money spending.

Tse tsikavo! Sob the pennies flowed to you like a river, you need to regularly walk behind the camp of the damp energy field, as well as the practice of all channels, which is credited for success in the financial sector. - the correct method

A short description of the runes ts_єї combinations:

  • Otala: Symbol of accumulated wealth
  • Fehu: Maino, kinship, prosperity
  • Yera: Shvidka really got the goal. The rune permanently activates the formula robot

Runic formulas for winning the lottery

Correctly folded runic formulas for winning the lottery give you the opportunity to take large sums or choose the correct lottery ticket. Golovne - put the meta correctly, everything else will be possible. We will guide the butt of the most popular positions.

Formula "Lotteryka"

Meta stavu - take away pennies with an easy way (winning gambling, lottery).

The formula is composed of offensive runes:

  • Mannaz: Specialize the operator, put it down to the situation
  • Fehu: Achievement of the financial sphere of life
  • Kenaz: Opening the door for taking off the bazhan wingrashu, correctly waving the bazhan under. Visvіtlyuє mozhlivіst pributka
  • The essence of the rune is the application of a strong mail “fuck ass”, changing the program mind to winning
  • Soulu: Light, osyayannya. You can "see" the numbers that lead to a great win. The rune grants good luck, a chance, along the way, becoming a necessary energy
  • Raido: Approaching the operator to success
  • : Tsіl runi - vikonannya bazhan
  • Evaz: "A donkey that brings goods from the treasures"
  • Nautize
  • Hagalaz: Ruinuvannya blocіv, bar'єrіv, scho zavozvayut otrimanna bazhany
  • Otala: Come, win, need people

Do you not trust formulas? Then create your own amulet! Ideally for gambling graves. Proponuemo to your respect, Kenaz - Dagaz - Soulou.

Symbol decoding:

  • Kenaz: I will win the greater ability of the possible in gambling. The symbol allows you to model the flow of the necessary approaches to your selfishness
  • Dagaz: Eliminate the possibility of strikes. Pratsiuє yak zasib pіdstrahuvannya
  • Soulu: Allowing you to recognize intuition, I will need for independent guessing a winning combination of numbers

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Open the Mouth of Creation. The rune of magicians, shards give people the ability to transmit information, tobto. conjure

Energetic rune, as you remember from the previous releases, energy runes, when working with them, give us energy, strength, power.

Pratsyyuchi z it, you can take away the information from the subtle light, though on the back of your skin you can understand. But don’t worry, our world is pushed forward, everything is visible to you, and you learn to easily read all the signs and stop them in practice.

Ansuz will help you with learning, with new knowledge, among those hidden, to secure a link from the Divine Power.

Ale vikoristovuvat tsiu rune is necessary for protection, tk. it is dedicated to the god Lokki, who robs like good, and do evil. That’s why it’s enough to get to her with pure intentions and open her heart. (About you, we were housed earlier). Turning up to her, you need to ask for mercy and death. It will help you to accept and love yourself, and also calls out strangeness and respect to other people. Facilitate the process of knowing and activating awareness.

SPELL: for zvіlnennya vіd zalezhnosti, vice, someone else's infusion. And so, in view of their inner peace: the power of power, the power of power, that power of manipulating other people.

I know four

If I bind and bind

With their enemies:

I'll say yoga

I fall down from the nig kaydani,

Throw a hank from the hands.

Ansuz de yak happy Lanka with the wisdom of the ancestors, which allows you to gain knowledge. Give a reason to those who try to pose the obvious. Add a new vimir to any situation and bring an element of Luck, helping to indulge absolutely new opportunity in action, which has developed.

Ansuz (ASS) - the rune of knowledge is great, the inspiration is that positive spіvpratsі.

The rune is simply necessary for people, as they put together to sleep and test, to go through all the spivbesid and test, to win the reputation of a smart person. The God of Wisdom Odin is the direct curator of the rune, so the great Dwarf Kvazir, and the wisest of the veletniv Mimir, stand behind her. The one who wears the qiu rune like an amulet, otrimu їх on vazі і opіku. Navchannya that creativity, especially the literary axis of the scope of this talisman. Until її forces so very varto vdatisya to these people, yakі mayut problems zі splkuvannyam, including splkuvannyam from the opposite article. Promovtsі, yakі asked Runa Ansuz for intercession, easily win the respect of the audience, and the poets take away the necessary inspiration. Actors draw from her an ideal understanding of their roles.

Mouth and Vsevyshniy-axis is a short quintessence of rune.

Mind thinking strategically, take away satisfaction and excellent results in the form of pink practice take away those who go as far as the intercession of Ansuz. Intuition develops hostilely, clairvoyance emerges. A person who wears the Ansuz rune cannot be fooled. It’s good to know that you can learn to trust your inner voice. Even better than the mother talisman of the team, who, having spent an unacceptable situation, tied up with justice, will be protected by the tempted one. Yogo promotion and arguments will win the trust of the listeners. Obviously, the ASS rune will become a miraculous gift for lawyers and judges. In addition, varto turn to wisdom and be quiet, who are all fooling their way, their greatest mark in life. A lot of runologists mentioned that they should wear the Ansuz rune with them, in their life they will begin to come up with comedy and receive stories, about yaks one can only say this: - Luck has come to you, man.

So, the Ansuz rune is an active rune of GOOD LUCK!

ANSUZ or Znannya

Nothing at the stove passed calmly. In order to destroy the sun, Orsana and Wulf threw themselves, if the Earth was still grieved by darkness. Before leaving the oven, Orsana asked:

What can we feed on the runes?

How can I calm you down, - Wulf laughed.

The lad removed the rune, laying it on the shoulder and showing the girl.

What do you see the rune? - sleeping wine.

I know only those who are called Anzus, - said Orsana. If you can, tell me about the sign.

Tse marvelous rune, - having begun his rozpovid Wulf.

It gave rise to the element of Vodi, which gives inspiration to artists and artists. Protector of Loki - the god of Good and Evil at the same time, duplicitous and spritny. Ale dbaє about the qiu rune, so uve rіd Asiv. Old people tell what Odina created the song. As if it were not there, the rune looks like strong and mighty deities, but at the same time, ahead of it, that today's day will bring wisdom and peace to us.


Literally in two years we will spend on earth, like a captureor people from Sunset. It is necessary for us to be more spritny, so that all parts of the path are unmarked.

Is there no other way? - Orsana was filled with fear.

Oh, hello there, sorry, move our dearer onkіlka days. Let's sweat, if we know a place for a new village, and all our tribe will follow us to the pivnich, then we will choose to bypass the road. But at the same time we don’t have much time, and we happen to go straight, even though it’s not safe.

I'm afraid, the girl whispered.

Calm down, the rune will help us Anzus and knowing that, how to hovat in the forest, how to win the intercession of Mother Nature and the old Song of our tribe.

I don't understand.

You will care and you will feel.

The next two years the stench went away. Nareshti Wulf, having made a sign with his hand, that the time has come to sing. Mandrivniki hid behind the great oak on the hillock and began to guard the village, planted near the small valley. You could see the sacks from behind the ukritt, as if on the valley.

“These are the safest places, if you can get away from it, it will be easier,” said Wulf.

Ale yak tse zrobiti? Maybe check for nothing?

At night it will be hotter, people from Sunset have a strong night fearwell, it is necessary to rob it at once. Mi vikoristovuemo hint rune Anzus. Remember, no matter what happens, save your mush and follow me.

Wulf sіv under the great oak, distav z kishenі nozzle and soil grati. On the back, the sound was quiet, then we planted growths and became more and more thick and loud.

Orsan buv of enmity. Out of fear, she flattened her eyes, for she was in awe of what the soldiers were groping for. Raptom, she lifted her dot up to herself, flattened her eyes, and shook Wulf, putting his finger to his lips, and with his other hand pointed to the village.

Well, well, it was її zdivuvannya, if Orsana patted, what are allthe hills of the village fell into a deep sleep. The dogs and other domestic creatures fell asleep. Wulf rushing forward, hurrying the girl with gestures.

The stench calmly passed through the village. Nіhto navіt without raising his head. Breaking the silence less than the spіv ptahіv. Mandrіvniki shvidko darted away from the unsafe month. It’s only a little more than a year, because the girl got into the habit of asking for whispers:

How long will we be in the unsafe territory?

We have already passed a long time ago. Now, nareshti, let's fix it.

Tell me, how did you grow?

Tse knowledge, Orsana, Knowledge of the Rooney Anzus.


anzus, ansuz, os, os, as


as - the greatest deity, rіd godіv - асів, mouth (mouth)


Exultant sore throat, zaїkuvatist, unwell, empty mouth. Improves the body of the organs sensitively, korisna in case of usunny migraine.

Rooney Potential:

Creative and mental manifestation of the Spirit.

Main powers:

Creative thought, artistic inspiration, knowledgeable zdіbnostі, practical zastosuvannya knowledge, suspіlno-social vіdnosinі.

Rooney's message:

Get involved with nature to broaden your horizons.

Transfer value:

Science, learning, otrimannya іnformatsiї. Successfully warehousing іspit, rozum. The gift of words, public speaking, conversations. Negotiate, lay down agreements and contracts. Suspіlna diyalnіst, creativity, artistic talent, gift.

Magic zastosuvannya:

Helps to understand those who are beyond the boundary of evidence; Helps to create contact and take care of the inner self. Ease of folding food, arranging contracts and contracts. Activate the magical energy, exude the wisdom of wisdom.

Rune Anzus can help you:

- to know the inspiration and new ideas;

- reveal the attached creativity and new talents;

- Increase intellectual potential;

- Likvіduvati timidity and sorom'yazlivіst;

- notice special features and friendships;

- use the crossovers, so that the correct way to extract the energy of the body of that thought is correct.

Rune Anzus next to meditate, if bazhano take off the need for such a supply:

what is knowledge for me?

- How can I lie down to the wedding?

- Why am I a creative person?

— How is my contact with people?

- How much more can I winnow my zdіbnosti?

- What does the word "truth" mean to me?

- How can I expand my horizons?

The rune of good luck and spring will bring good fortune and success. Often, in case of bad luck in the right place, zusilla appear marnim. Rune magic comes to the aid of this person, vikoristovuyuchi secrets of which all failures can be left behind. The Scandinavian and words of the yansk runic symbols are able to draw the omnipotent energy. Kozhen, who savages for help to the runes, can rozrakhovuvat for help.

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    Scandinavian runes for good luck on the right

    To get rich in life, that success is zastosovuetsya impersonal Scandinavian runes:

  1. 1. Fehu. This rune is worthy of great popularity for saving pennies and earning prosperity. You will create material well-being, the number of which is connected with the potential of a special energy channel of a person and building up to development. Fehu is helped by an approaching rank: we give new opportunities, open up a creative cob, create a positive attitude towards work, get financial gain. Fehu promotes the purposefulness and vitality of the people. Vaughn does not help to gain wealth by speculative, easy ways.
  2. 2. Vunyo. This sign is to secure people's miraculous moods. The rune endows yoga with magnetism, which attracts prosperity, happiness, health with an enchanting rank. Strength, as Vunyo may, promotes self-esteem, gives strength for the victors of hidden bazhans, nurturing stosunki with lonely people.
  3. 3. Ansuz. This rune is also able to create a friendly energy of creation and happiness. She will open the door for new animals in front of the people. Ansuz is ahead, for whom it is possible to say goodbye to such powers, like passivity, indolence and arrogance.
  4. 4. Er. Meaning - I give birth. Vaughn symbolizes the wine city, as if we take away people for the reports of zusil. Yєr realіzuє all plans, before the zdіysnennya any of them were reported zusil.
  5. 5. Otal. Sign of special material authority. Wine symbolizes speech, yak you can come for a penny. The rune obіtsyaє intercession and support of vociferous people.
  6. 6. Soulou. This rune symbolizes the rich energy of the sun. It helps to help you in the life of the secret bazhanya and easily grasps all the passages, as if to conquer the attainable goals. Soulu spryaє vykonanny most smilivіshih goals. The rune recommends listening to your instincts, developing and enjoying the results of your practice.
  7. 7. Dagaz. A symbol of special human willpower. The very quality allows it to develop in the right direction. The rune recommends to develop napoleglivistvo and not to hesitate to realize what was conceived.

    Rooney good luck and that spring at the old words

    Slov'yani are signs of good luck and that spring will be tied up with the forces of nature. Sacred symbols were applied to vorobes made of wood or expensive metals, embellished with signs of robes:

  1. 1. Dazhbog. The rune of generosity and wholesome strength is inextricably linked with such an attribute, as a rule of prosperity. He generously endows his vlasnik with wealth, good health, success and luck. Often the sign is interpreted as "I will help the Gods." The symbol of knowledge is one of the most difficult words of the "Janian runology".
  2. 2. Take care. The rune of the birth of a new life, motherhood and that woman's cob. Vaughn praises her sergeant for sexuality and femininity. Golovna meta Bereginі - defender of children and women.
  3. 3. Lelya. Daughter of Beregina, which symbolizes spring. Tied from the water element. It helps to know the spirit, reveal the intuition, implement new ideas.
  4. 4. Wind. The rune symbolizes the creative impulse. You will become a miraculous helper for people of creativity, helping them to expand their insight and improve their intuition.

Runic symbols on the wrist of the left hand

Zap'yasti vzhd was respected by the mystic mist human style. On it you can easily miss the pulse, which people celebrate from the battles of life. For a long time, doctors could predict the future of people with such intensity of the pulse on the wrist.

The heart of a person was ripped from the left side, it was respected that the left wrist was a sign of intuition that spiritual development. Tattoo on the wrist of the left hand from the images of the same runes to bring success to your volodar in any case.

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