Scandinavian woman.

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I live in Moscow, where I live in English countryside quite freely, I like to appreciate the rise in price and enjoy the pleasant way of living in different countries.

Russian women at the same time as British women are found in Europe.

Among others, most other European countries have slightly more obese men and fewer obese women.

And we have 2.4 times more obese women than women who are obese.

I would like other people to think about hooking up with Scandinavian, German, and Dutch girls.

As practice shows, in Russia, men in the middle are more ready for equal partnerships, women.

And this is not just my idea - professional psychologists have experienced almost the same thing.

I’ll guess that the Scandinavians, in contrast to ours, will not pull the entire cabin on themselves.

First of all, I don’t bother with housework and am ready to babysit.

Swedish models Elizabeth and Victoria Leonhart love to hang out with friends in the sauna.

The process of exfoliation and traditional dousing with cold water speeds up blood flow, which is good for the health and appearance of a woman: healthy skin, fresh blush and fresh coloration.

It’s true that every Scandinavian woman can go to the sauna every day, and the water procedures will always end with dousing with ice water.

“The sauna helps us relax and really takes care of our skin and hair.

And together with friends, this is another wonderful idea for spending an hour.”

These types of treatments help not only to remove toxins from the body, but also to completely cleanse the pores and remove congestion.

This corresponds to the short penetration of living substances, which are found not only in cosmetics, but also in natural water.

For example, bagels in Iceland practice swimming in geothermal vents to nourish their bodies with rich microelements and speed up hair growth.

The concepts of the lifestyle of the ancient countries - hygge, sisu and lagom - help to harmonize life and achieve balance, but to spend more time on oneself.

In the opinion of Scandinavians, nothing applauds the beauty of a woman more than spending an hour alone with each other.

Evenings with a book and your favorite fragrant tea, a walk in the snowy forest with the dog, or weekends with those closest to you - moments when we enjoy life, increase the number of hormones of happiness, how to resist stress su, and then, to improve the health of the entire body.

6. Look before bed

When applied to the hair, it breaks less and maintains a healthy look, which has been achieved by Danes, Swedes and Norwegians more than once.

Scandinavian girls recommend working closely with your hair in the evening.

Masks based on natural ingredients such as blackberry and argan oil revitalize hair, provide excellent shine and protect against UV damage.

I’ll wash myself right away, I respect that the commonwealth still has a lot to work on in the nutritional equality of articles, for example, in the sphere of protection, or, in my particular opinion, there are a lot of postulates that feminism preaches Sources, in most countries (along with the Islamic ones) do not apply not the one whom the “evil males” respect, but the way of thinking of the average woman (let’s not take any blame from the rules that there should be no more than 20 hundreds of female population of the planet) The ideals of feminism are still far away.

The culprits are the bastards of the Scandinavian countries, their feminism is the same as red cloth for the Spanish and shoes on the selections for the Russians.

The current American indulgence of not having a family and hanging out in the kitchen has become popular with the TV series “Sex in the Great Place,” whose heroines have become role models for most girls throughout the world accommodation

Even if your faithful girlfriends are looking for extravagance in all Samanthi’s shoes, they can still come to simple female happiness, and throughout their crusade, their legs were caught in Jimmy Choo or Christian Louboutin shoes.

In the USSR, for example, the woman was a friend and a brother, and Valentina Tereshkova flew into space back in 1963, when American ladies were content to play the role of Mrs. Budinka.

Our grandmothers and mothers worked on a daily basis with men (after the war, before the speech, the marriage of men’s hands was even more pronounced), they were injected in factories, under which they bathed the children, casually cooked, washed and tidied up, and fiddled with the list .

Feminism in its current incarnation calls for the self-liquidation of fashionable manners in men, and it was eradicated in the nineties, then after a hundred years after women in France began to be allowed to choose What are the farmers?

Today it appears in the future: the burden of carrying will not be helped until you yourself ask for it, the doors will not be opened, the coat will not be given, and beyond the list.

One Italian friend of mine, after moving to Moscow, was shocked that an unknown man helped her carry a room battery to the metro, as they proudly put on their backs the taxes in their new place of residence, in Italy, it seems this episode is as rare as eggs .


Apparently, on the right here is the same historical root.

Apparently, the Vikings always strongly emphasized “wars” over “no wars,” for example, for those who did not enter the battlefield, another kingdom of the dead was introduced, less prestigious, less legendary, Valhalla.

The share of the wife in the Viking marriage could also be variable, but the quiet and clogged stench was never present, as, of course, it did not lie before the slaves.

The woman herself, as her share was surrounded only by turbots about the rule, was the keeper of the keys in the cabin, and also, she herself was respected by the ruler in the cabin and often made various decisions, which included her life. ї.

The woman’s strength was not condemned, but rather increased, presumably in the “Lied of the Nibelungs” or the legendary warrior Lagertha, who enters into battle with men.

The same right to choose women in Sweden was first introduced as early as 1718, although it was extended even more to wives who visited the guilds and paid taxes.

In the photo: Lagertha, the series “Vikings”

It seems that the secret of the organic nature of Scandinavian feminism lies in the fact that women here are not only expected to be strong and socially active, which is what marriage is like, but in the fact that this role is no less natural for them than the role of mother and friend.

Since in childhood you heard tales about how a beautiful maiden cuts through wars with a sword, then the thought that after the battle the sword will help her bring home a rogue is simply foolish.

I spent two months in Copenhagen and three long internships in Uppsala, a Swedish university town, not only learning, but also searching for secret Scandinavian beauty ingredients.

“What did you put on your lips?!” I rolled around the campus, eager to find out their secret and stock up on it before heading out to the river ahead.

The lady laughed mysteriously and showed a seemingly unostentatious jar with a thick, viscous stick balm in it.

I photographed them on my phone, and rushed to the store, and presented them to the seller, mentally preparing to shell out a few pennies (whose crowns, you know!).

The seller marveled at me, like I was a fool, and directed me to the pharmacy, where everything was sold for three kopecks, and lay there in a bunch of white cash, like we have a hematogen.

“Show me a good scrub, from your brands?” I asked another friend, whose face was screaming at me for the attack of uncontrolled retardation.

A friend hung up, and then inexplicably began to overindulge in the top brands that come to mind when you hear the words “Scandinavian cosmetics,” and when I tried to find out what she was worth, she confirmed that “I didn’t buy anything like that.” "Oh, my sauna is coming..."

  • Incredibly, in the Scandinavian countries there are famous brands of cosmetics (for example, if you are dealing with sleep problems Rudolph - take them without hesitation, especially if you have a dry skin. Excellent texture, good protection and relief from everyday problems And how razdratuvannaya!) Ale b'yutinovichi purchase Cosmetics definitely won’t be mixed.
  • Love to home affairs
  • All those who disrespectfully call us “grandmother’s ways” are trying to actively fight here: homemade masks and scrubs can be used to remove everything.
  • First of all, it is environmentally friendly, natural and animal tested (this is where this fact really matters).

You need to melt the oil under a stream of hot water, mix everything until it melts and apply 10 drops on the face.

It looks quite comical, but after a fair reception (just don’t over-mix the mask, turmeric scars the skin)

Watching your hands and feet

I don’t know why there is such a reverent attitude to the skin of the hands and feet, and why this part of the behavior is attributed to no more respect than an eye for the appearances (it’s not like us, right?), but the fact is the fact: it’s okay According to the Swedish Cosmetics Manufacturers' Association, hand creams are sold at twice the price per person.

An excellent hand cream is from the Sprekenhus brand - this Norwegian brand specializes in shampoos and hair care, as well as their Hand Lotion with argan oil, which is sold in great dances and which can simply be placed near the bathtub for hair For the sake of my hands, it works just perfectly .


The Scandinavian sauna revives in front of our skin, but the principle is deprived of the same one, and we are encouraged to turn to the root and more often wash such forks.

In Sweden, for example, girls' nights in the sauna are one of the most popular types of indulgence among girlfriends.

Fun and goodness for the skin and health, everything we love.

Forsvaret Hudsalva

Axis wine, a delicious Swedish drink that costs a little less than one euro and is sold in Sweden at any pharmacy, and in neighboring countries can often be found in small boutiques (green jar).

God's fascination with everything natural has not escaped cosmetic trends either: traditional creams, foams and lotions appear in many lines of cosmetic brands.

Organic coconut oil is a substitute for hair masks, avocado oil is a substitute for facial cleanser, high-quality olive oil is a universal cosmetic product.


For those who do not fit the Scandinavian type, you will know that most Swedes, Danes and Norwegians have clear skins.

My precautions have nothing to do with any secret features as much as with the climate (volcano) and diet.

There is a lot of fatty fresh fish, which is rich in omega-3, a lot of salads and greens, which help keep the herbal system in order, and a lot of peas, grains and organic bread, a lot of bark them for the skin with vitamins.

And although traditional Scandinavian cuisine remains unimpressive, the culture of organic lunches (salads, rolls, etc.) has already become widespread here, having ceased to be the prerogative of buying hipsters from fashionable neighborhoods.

In Denmark, for example, there are popular traditional sandwiches made with whole grain bread (Rugbrød) - with avocado, shrimp, fish, vegetables, etc. A perfect combination for healthy skin and hair.

Have you ever been to the Scandinavian countries, and perhaps you live there/do your friends live there?

What about the beauty of Scandinavian wives I forgot to know about?

Give it more!

  • the man dresses shabbily and looks unpretentious;
  • does not satisfy her lying down;
  • a homosexual.

In which case you can change her with other women.

This was not the drive for separation and halfway.

Kohanka that squad in one booth

Vikings had the right not only to start their own huts, but also to bring concubines directly into the family, and they lived in the same cabin with their friends.

Some warriors brought girls from plunder raids on foreign lands, others bought slaves in slave markets, and still others entered into marriage with wives from lower social levels.

Often in one century, in addition to the official squad, there were two or three concubines.

The friends did not care, and even the khans had no shortage of legal rights and did not threaten their status.

Swedish family

Obviously, the term “Swedish family” is a stereotype that does not reflect the real view of the Scandinavians on love affairs.

There’s no need to worry about Dima.

Like their distant ancestors, the natives of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland calmly welcome their friends.

The enlightenment of the Scandinavian little ones begins already in the near future (!).

As they grow up, they need to teach such little ones about the joy of physical intimacy and self-satisfaction.

And the five-fold details reveal that families can be different and conflict is possible between representatives of the same state.

Between the ages of 6 and 9, children learn how to behave when dating a pedophile, and that mutually enjoyable sex is also possible.

The tenth graders are given recommendations on how to masturbate and avoid orgasm.

And only about twelve Scandinavian youths learn from school programs that sex between men and women is not only sex, but also romance.

Even in early school, girls are taught what prostitution, pornography and sexual exploitation are.

They are shown films where the human reproductive organ is demonstrated, including in the awakened state.

In Finnish saunas, men and women steam together.

Just as in the huge health centers where families usually go, so it is in the minds of the home.

This is a tradition.

Vicious people can turn into a rushnyk, but most Finns and Swedes do not disgrace their nakedness, they are accustomed not to lose respect for representatives of the elderly state who have come to wash themselves.

Many large spas have song days, so long as men and women take a steam bath.

Live in the same barracks

Since 2015, Norway has banned compulsory military service awards for women.