Scenario of the new show "Chival of Glory". Scenario of a permissible program. Khvilina of glory among the senior group of the DNZ Scenario of Khvilina of glory at the music school

Scenario "Khvylini Glory"

Music playing.

Lead out.

1st: I welcome the dawn of autumn portrait
Nature hangs in vitality,
To the sounds of the crane's song,
Under the leaves of golden light.

1st: I'm flying, dear friends!
2nd: We welcome everyone present in this room!
1st: One of the greats said: If there is nothing in the calendar, and the soul is restless, then it is necessary to guess a little sacredly, to mean it, otherwise it will be completely sad.
IN: Therefore, today you will become witnesses of an extraordinary action - “Hvilini of Glory” for those who are talented. We must select the best of them, and in this we will be assisted by a competent jury at the warehouse:

IN: Work to identify the winners, and you will identify the one who takes away the prize of sympathy from the peepers. Applaud actively and encourage your friends. The prize of peeking sympathies will go to the one who gets the most splashes.

IN: Well, the time has come to start.

IN: Who will host our concert?

IN: Maybe we can ask Yulka?

IN: He's preparing for the Olympics.

IN: Well, then Katya...

IN: Vaughn has been ill for a long time.

IN: Let's introduce Kostya and Vadik?

U: Oh, the stink is bad.

IN: Come out, yes. Let's ask him.

IN: To Pavle Oleksiyovich, we ask you!

IN: Yes, Pasha. And now let’s see how our participants fire. Hey, 11th grade is requested to take the stage.

Song "Raiduga".

IN: Autumn
Oh, what an hour, what an hour!
Raptom hit me, gave me peace of mind.
The sun is not bright, it is golden,
Kotsitsya and hooting to the forests.

IN: Autumn
This is obvious to everyone;
Like she is generously, with relish, perfumed.
I was blessed with a short summer.
The birds' voices become silent.

IN: Autumn
Ah, the hour to forgive and say goodbye,
Penzlem quietly stick to the canvas.
Don't be cunning - but the result...

IN: Autumn
Ah, the hour of waste and discovery,
Beach of empty, empty steamboats.
What was fought in fate,
The axis is pretty much the same.

“What is autumn?” Vikon Andriy Selivanov.

IN: It's time to frown. The charm of the eyes.

It's your farewell time to receive me.

I love nature's food,

The crimson and gold of the red fox.

Who can say more beautifully about autumn than the classics? Let's listen to the romance at the top of Sergiy Yesenin's "Having stolen the golden guy" from the crown half of the 10th grade.

IN: Maje Turetsky's choir. Well done. And now it’s closer to today. There is a breeze on stage and a stench - a debut. We admire and appreciate how well they sleep. Katerina Selivanova and Timur Tsomaya! Let's get started!

Song "After the Ball".

IN: The charm of Russian romance...

Yes, they talk about sumne,

Zoom sings like a musician,

It was not for nothing that he wrote the music.

And as they sing, listen, friends!

The romance “Foggy Wound” will be played by the 10th grade vyconan.

IN: Autumn, autumn. It also comes to us every day. After all, there are no more to come.

IN: Well, why are you muttering? What else are we talking about in the spring?

IN: I would like to talk about summer. And not to say, but to sing! Girls, let us sleep, be kind, about summer!

IN: Well, on stage there are girls from the 10th grade singing the song “Summer”.

IN: Well done to our boys and girls. And sleep and read the best.

IN: We didn't feel anything good today.

IN: What are the problems? Listen to the virsha. Versh by Yuri Levitansky is read by Yana Smirnitska.

IN: And after all, it’s autumn now. And autumn brings us the beginning of school life. And life will devastate us so much that we won’t look around for a long time. And the requirement was b. You can see it from the side! A scene from school life in the 11th grade.

IN: How much do you respect, is it scary to sing from the scenes?

IN: If in chorus, then nothing...

IN: And alone?

IN: Well, I don’t know, I would be scared.

IN: And Katya Selivanov’s axis is not scary! Now the axis will appear on stage all alone and fall asleep!

Song “How you dreamed about him”

IN: Our boys will grow up, finish school, and then become a cook, some as a cook, some as an artist or a director. Even before creativity, everyone has the ability. How to know, or maybe expect their success?

IN: From the lives of directors and actors, the 10th grade plays a scene for us.

Scene "The movie is being made."

IN: Even though we are dying about our career and success, what are the girls dying about?

IN: Of course, about happiness in a special life. Amazing? 9th grade is requested to take the stage.

Scene “Vikhodzhu zamizh”.

IN: Our high school students have grown so much. And their children have grown up.

IN: Our dreams are grown up, but our problems are children. And Pavlo Golosov told us this right away.

Virsh A. Barto “Children’s problems.”

IN: Our concert program has ended. We haven’t forgotten, it’s not just a concert, but a competition. While the jury is collecting the remaining sums, we have a significant participant with you who will win the prize of sympathy from the spectators. Judging from your splashes, the most glaring eyes were given the number____________________ of the Vikonanne______________________. Be kind, get over it - go on stage.

A prize is awarded.

IN: And now the word is jury.

Zhuri. Presentation of diplomas.

IN: Talent must be treasured,

What do you bear for the sparseness of the flow?

The mystery of the eternal is the mystery of living.

The soul of a high craft and appreciation.

IN: You have been given talent by the Lord.

You multiply them, do not bury them in the ground.

How to earn money, only you know,

But your method may be fairer.

IN: Our competition has ended. I am glad for the survivors. And those who did not take away today's prize place - do not be embarrassed, you have given us a lot of pleasant things.

IN: We wish you continued creative success and wish you a good evening.

IN: And now you all have to ask to go to the disco.

Scenario for the competition “Khvilina Slavi”

Music playing.

Lead out.

1st: Hello, dear friends!
2nd: We welcome all those present in this room!
1st: One of the greats said: Since the calendar has nothing, and the soul is unsettled, then you need to come up with a little sacred meaning, otherwise it will be completely sad.
2: Today you will become testament to the wonderful competition - “Hvilini of Glory” for the most talented.

1. What is talent really? And who can be properly called a talented person?

2. Our competent jury at the front warehouse knows this

1. I would also like to introduce the participants to the competition. And the ax and stench sit near the hall, watching their glory. Wave your hand at us.

2. For the past three hours, they have been incessantly, sweating and crying, not wasting their time, preparing for this competition.

1. Father, the time has come to begin.

2. Who will perform our concert?

1. Can we please ask Masha?

2: Vaughn is preparing for the Olympics.

1: Well, then Dasha...

2: Vaughn has been ill for a long time.

1: Let's put Danilov and Mikita together?

2: Oh, the stink is bad.

1: Well, what is Vadim missing out on?

2: Come out, okay. Let's ask him.

1. Participant(s) for No. 1 Vadim Gordopolov is asked to take the stage in the 5th grade class with virtuoso playing on the accordion.

1. Vadim, how long have you been playing the accordion?

2. Can you play other instruments?

1. Chancellor members of the jury! Please show me your grades

2. Lyonya receives ratings

    The child's skin is talanovitis. But not everyone has the courage to show their talent to their classmates, friends, teachers and, of course, the stern, and I hope, a fair jury.

    The next couple showed their courage, a competition has come to us, and now they will get their share of glory.

1. Participants number 2, 5 B class from the “Samba” dance. Have fun.

    When you dance, do you drink your fill?

    Check the jury's scores.

1. Dasha gives ratings

    Lyonya, it seems to me that we are conducting our concert incorrectly.


    Tom. Axis, for example, if they sing on stage, how do you go dumb?

    Quite simply, I say: I’m sleeping for you...

    The axis itself - I say. If they sing, then they stun the demand with singing: (singing) now, for you Kamilla Konunova is singing

    Participant number 3 is greeted with stormy splashes to Konunova Kamilla 5 Up to class

2. Camilla, you’re great!

    Why did you choose this song?

    Jury, your participant ratings

2. Lyonya receives ratings

1. I’m just having fun with these songs,

And I also dance to them as best I can.

2. So, you make the audience great,

And it’s not for nothing that you make money!

Maybe you can step right now?

1. No, as if another time! A little later, you may think you need it, or maybe you don’t need it, but if you think I’m going to leave, you’ll definitely get out, you just need to try, and I’ll work hard, but everything will come out, otherwise I’ll quit, maybe dance, but otherwise fall asleep, or let us know the Kazka.

2. And you will be so dark for a long time,

It’s time for us to finish the concert.

1. The next number of our program ends with the contestant number 4 Afonina Elizaveta 5 A class with the dance “Rock and Roll”

2. Competitors are responsible for their participation.

1. Liza, what is your favorite dance?

2. Jury! Your ratings.

1. Dasha gives ratings

    Lyonya, have you ever become a mirror?

    Of course, I’m dying at the same time.

    And from the teams that immediately appear on stage, there is no more death, the stench is already “stars”

    Well, the team “Zirka” is currently at number 5 with the song “Unchildish Hour” 5th grade

    Thanks to the participants for their support.

    Girl, you are so great, to be honest, is it scary to sing on stage?

    Well then, shanovne jury! Your ratings.

    Lyonya receives ratings

    Today on our stage they sang, danced, and played instruments. How do you know what the next number will be?

    Perhaps the clown will come out?

    What's wrong with the circus? Glory to the Khvilina!

    Oh, so... The time has come to ask for participant number 6. .

    Yuck! Tell me, did you boast more?

    Masha, why did you pick up this very top?

    The jury gives ratings.

    Dasha gives ratings

2. There are so many dancers on stage today!

    You know, I just wanted to dance.

    And today it’s not your glory.

    Now is the time to ask for the upcoming dance group number 7 “Zirki” 5th grade.

    Your splashes.

1. Do you think there is a need to conduct such competitive programs in lyceums?

2. Jury! Scores for the performance of participants number 7. Dyakuyu!

Lyonya receives ratings

2. Dasha, I realized that I have talent.

1. It started...

2. Well, really, marvel. I can grab the microphone. I am a magician!

1. What are you doing? The axis is coming, our participants are true magicians. Greet with stormy splashes Verkin Dian and Bersenev Olen, number 8, 5 G class.

    Girls, how long have you been doing this?

    Zhuri! The time has come to show the scores to our contestants.

    The competition will continue. Revelation changes, new stars burn. And immediately contestant number 9 appears on the stage, wowing us with a wonderful dance. Maykanova Karina 5th grade.

    Karina, is it hard to stand on pointe shoes?

    How long have you been doing ballet?

    Well, well, now the jury’s assessments.

Dasha gives ratings

1. Dance from bi at once

Just marvel at it!

2. Check you out, Dasha, calm down,

Voice the artists in a good way.

    So, naturally, it’s time for the participant in the competition program to perform an acrobatic sketch

2. Menchikova Anna 5 B grade

2. To the jury, show the ratings.

Lyonya receives ratings

1. Shanovna's jury, the time has come to make a difference. In the meantime, the jury reveals winners and winners, we will play with you at the game.

Are you ready? We'll dance with you now. Ale with one mind. Cola will be displayed on the screen: green, red, yellow. When the green stake lights up, you all dance together, when you raise your arms in the air and continue dancing, and when the red stake appears, you all bow down. Have the rules of the game been cleared up? Be kind, music.

    And right away we will hold the “Our Talents” group.

Stand up, you who love babies.

    Raise your hands if you love to sleep.

    Splash at the valley, who loves to dance.

    Say “I” who can show tricks.

    Stomp those who can play musical instruments.

    Now get up and dance, those who respect themselves with their talent.

Sound the positive “Khvylini Slavi”.

1. We invite all participants in our program to appear on stage. Jury, announce the results.

    It’s really great that the world has come to us...

Somehow I sang and shaved... I mean I danced...

Ale KHVILINA GLORY, having cut off the skin!

I haven’t forgotten the parade of talents...

2. Our competition has ended. I am glad for the survivors. And those who did not take away today's prize place - do not be embarrassed, you have given us a lot of pleasant things.

1. We wish you continued creative success.

The song “Khvilina Glory” will sound.

Sina mother goidala... bayushki - bayushki,
Virostesh little son... remember your mother.
Nothing is already passing and the dawn is rising,
Mati hitala sina... thought - not darma.
I drove away all the filthy thoughts,
And with such pride she led me to first grade.
The rocks flew down from the mountains, like a river,
This is the boy's first graduation.
Further beginning at the place of the great,
And then little son to the army of soldiers.
Mati was worried... didn’t sleep at night,
I saved my son's skin.
The Lord asked... all the words, like Stogin,
About the health of my son and holy icons.
The fun was loud... "Dim standing in a stop"
My son left his father’s old hut.
His life revolved in a carousel of days,
Don't call... don't write to your mother,
And there you are, sitting and crying all the time,
Sirenka kishka... that one there is the only one.
And the soul sighs and the heart burns,
Why shouldn’t my sons... spare the onuks?
Everything is good in life,
Having controlled your own life, you know your own life.
For this family, we worked without harming our strength
...And not knowing about her...and forgetting about her.
And you won’t get to the blue,
Thanks to my mother’s prayer, you are so alive.
Crying sin belya truni..."Mom, probach"
I carry this heavy load until the end.
Remembering our fathers is a law of life,
I guessed about it after the funeral.
In front of my eyes they were lost in a dark little corner,
Protecting mothers in Khuststsi.
Order note... "I checked for you,
Here I gathered what I could.”
Crying over the money, cursing myself,
You paid such pennies for a day.
And the soul rejoices... and there is no forgiveness,
Their mother took them for as many as ten years.

    Instructions regarding the entry of "Khvilina Glory"

    Regulations on the conduct of the "Khvilina Slavi" call

    Scenario about the launch of "Khvilina Glory"

    Application for participation in the competition

    Applications for material.






ORDER No. ____


About the call

"Khvilina glory"


Conduct creative competition"Khvilina Glory" among the students of the FEGO im. K. Babina is sure to program the robots of the camp and plan - grids of zagalotabirnyh entries.

    Responsibility for the organization, security of minds and conduct of the competition was given to the methodologist L.M. Ganich, the intercessor of the director of the government unit O.V. Berezan. that art. teacher and organizer Obuovska V.A.

    Methodist Ganich L.M., Art. teacher, organizer Obuovskiy V.A., equipment operator I.V.

2.1. bend and confirm (on the page) Regulations that regulate the holding of a competition among graduates of DUOO im. K. Babina.

2.2. Change the script to enter and select a musical support

3. Responsibility for the life, health and behavior of children at the time of entry is placed on the guards and leaders of the pens. Conduct training on safety equipment for convicts upon signature.

4. Methodist Ganich L.M., intercessor of the director of the Gospodar’s unit Berezan A.V.

4.1. Shift the schedule of the target territories at the time of the competition from among the students of the DUOO.

5. Doctor Petrenko S. I. DUOO im. K. Babina will provide medical support at the time of entry.

6. Control over the vikonanny of this order is entrusted to the methodologist of the DUOO im. K. Babina Ganich L.M.

This order gains rank from signature.

Director of DUOO im. K. Babina Savchenko V.M.


Petrenko S. I.

Kondratyev A. Yu,

Berezan O.V.

Ganich L.M.

Bila A.I.

Kapatsina A.Ya.

Yurchenko B.S.

Ilchenko D.V.

Shapovalova E.K.

Melnik I.A.

Zagorkova O.V.

Zhambrovsky V.R.

Khalyavinsky I.V.

Getun B.D

Zhilinska O.S.

Kornienko N.V.

Obukhivska V.A.

Iskra E.A.

Chaliy D.O.




about the “Khvilina Slavi” call

About the competition “Khvilina Glory”

1. Foreign regulations
1.1. The competition is a traditional gathering within the framework of the program of Spiritual and moral development and education.

1.2. The organizer of the competition “Khvilina Slavi” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is the administration of the DUOO.

1.3. These Regulations mean the procedure for conducting the competition, the mechanism of organization, the functions of the jury of the competition, the procedure for the participation of candidates in the competition.
The competition has a traditional start.

2. Meta of the competition
2.1. stimulation and development of creative activity,

2.2. creating the situation for success,

2.3.individually-oriented approach to convalescence,
2.4. identifying talents among the recruits in the camp and providing them with diverse support, promoting their creative development,

2.5.orientation of young people towards artistic and aesthetic values,

2.6.creation of minds and self-identification of subs.

3. Invitation to the competition
3.1. Creation of minds, development of creative abilities, minds of self-expression, increased self-esteem, self-realization of children.
3.2. Vikhovannya of aesthetic and ethical norms.
3.3. The development of social activity of convalescents, the enrollment of children to actively participate in the life of the camp, the improvement of connections between pens.
3.4. Creation of minds for the successful socialization of children by including them in especially meaningful activities.
3.5. p align="justify"> Formation of competencies: communicative, cultural, social.

4. Participants of the competition
4.1. All DVGO graduates are allowed to participate in the entry. K. Babina and the health workers of the camp are eager to show their creative abilities, as they have the permission of a doctor and have undergone training in safety techniques.
4.2. Teams and individual artists can take part in the competition depending on the genre.

5. Nominations
- “Artistic word”;
- “Theatrical creativity”;
- “Vocal and choral viconship”;
- “Choreography”;
- “Instrumental Vikonannya”;
- “Variety miniature”;
- “Original genre” (pantomime, circus, etc.).

6. Evaluation criteria
6.1. The competition jury evaluates the numbers of participants in the competition in nominations based on the following criteria:
- Masterfulness;
- Originality;
- visibility (for nominations of vocal, instrumental and choreographic performance);
- level of organization of the performance and number (for vocal-choral, instrumental and choreographic nominations, theatrical creativity).
- correspondence to the repertoire with the psychophysical and secular characteristics of the Vikonavians.
6.2. The cost of participation of participants in the competition is no more than 5 coins.
6.3. Functions of the jury members:
- Replenishment of assessment sheets;
- Storage of pouch protocols;
- Nomination of laureates of the competition;
- The number of diploma winners in the nominations.
6.4. Functions of the organizing committee:
- coordination of activities with the organization and conduct of the Competition;
- collection of applications, organization and supervision of the jury;

7. Lines and order of the Competition
7.1. The competition is held in one round.
7.2. The first round will be held in the assembly hall.

7.3. The closing ceremony for the competition participants will take place in the assembly hall.
7.4. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted 3 days before the competition.

8. Nagorodzhennya
8.1. All participants who took part in the Competition will receive participant certificates.
8.2. Following the results of the competition, diplomas are awarded to laureates of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd stages (in addition to the skin group).
8.3 The Competition Jury reserves the right to award diplomas to any nomination.
8.4 Rewards for the competition will be awarded at the end of the competition.

9. Finance
9.1 Costs related to the organization, conduct, and selection of participants in the Competition are not borne by the administration of DUGO.

10. Venue:

10.1. The entry will take place on the territory of DVGO im. K. Babina in the assembly hall.



Heading in

Before the cob competition sound

Today's popular melodies.

Presenter 1: I'm flying, dear friends! We welcome everyone present in this room! One of the greats said: If there is nothing in the calendar, and the soul is restless, then it is necessary to guess a little sacredly, to mean it, otherwise it will be completely sad. Today you will become witnesses of an extraordinary concert - “Talent Show” for the most talented.

And so it begins.

Presenter 2: Hello, dear guests!

Whoa, why did they come?

On a sacred note, in our camp.

Let me show you everything

Get to know everything.

Presenter 1: We take a blast from you, show off your talents and root for those who are hoping to take part in the wonderful show. Today we will try to discover talents.

And so, this is a competition, ……., let’s introduce you to our high-ranking jury, at the meeting they would say that they are sages, in other countries they would simply call them gurus, but for us they are the price of your talent. Let's go!

Jury's due

Presenter 2: The jury is represented both in the hall behind the lashtunks and in the hall, in the honor of their glory, the participants of our saint. Let us greet and support them with stormy splashes.

Presenter 1: The stinkers carefully prepared for this competition. And we are ready to perform on our stage today. -. If the eyes are set on fire -

that means, who needs it?

This means it’s not necessary,

Schob schovechora

Above the Dakhs

Did just one star light up?

Stars are a symbol of success,

A symbol of talent, joy, laughter,

And people, like stars, can burn!

It’s not for nothing that such a storm is happening today.

Presenter 2: Of course, we need this kind of uproar that we see today on our stage.

Presenter 1:- And the first to show off our fireworks of talent are songs

Number – song

Presenter 2: Head and feet in harmony

Whoever doesn't have radium,

І laugh in pіv-accusation

Well done dancer.

I will become horny and wise,


Tse crossroads hotch kudi

On a grand scale

Leader 1. I feel songs here and there,

Get in touch with us Hollywood

This dance is well known

We are falling asleep about this song.

Number – song

Presenter 2: Lyudina is guilty of the people

Know that everything is possible in the future

Just to practice,

You can reach a lot!

Presenter 1: The lively dance has amused us many times.

We've seen so much, I'm fuse,

How much joy there is to look at!

Come out smarter, friend!

Dance, join the group!

Have fun with your right hand,

Let everything ring for a long time!

Number - dance

Presenter 2: Rozmova is cheerful, fire up, don’t stop ringing louder and stronger

Let the song sing sacredly, and with it we will all have more fun.

Let the childishness reward itself, laugh, jump,

Let your age rise, Let your childhood rise!

Number – song

Presenter 1: The talents of our participants today are a marvelous light of creativity. The light of creativity is marvelous because there are no cordons in anything, just as there are no cordons for our all-world, dotted with lightless stars. How many are there? Miglioni! Lots of millions. And in our camp today, new fires burned due to the performances of our boys on the show “Hilina of Glory” Thank you, boys, for your talent!

Presenter 1: What is talent? What does it manifest itself in, how to reveal it and how to develop it?

Presenter 2: Talent is the one thing that people love to work with the most, the thing that people never stop working for, that’s why it turns over and over again, that’s why it gives up satisfaction.

Presenter 1: What talent do you have?

Presenter 2: I love to sing and dance, and I spare no time or energy for my quest.

Do you want me to show you how I sleep with my children? It’s my dream to perform on the Babinsky stage.

Presenter 1: Please welcome another star on our stage

Number – song

Presenter 2: Axis and another death has begun my. I know that not many children were destined to spend their lives before us at the tabir and end their lives.

Presenter 1: Childhood and death together forever. They can't be divided. Children have the same semi-luminous energy. And energy is nothing. Before the fire fly the world. Today we have a lot of skinned children, who are in our camp and check for the lashtuns of their dawn year, their glory days.

Presenter 2: And now there’s such a struggle

Let's put it bluntly

Ale vrah, children

This is a peaceful struggle!

Well, it’s loud with the turbulent splashes of the advancing participant in our program. About his talent, just from the skin of the disco maidan. The little ones will snort at it and will marvel at it when they grow up. On stage……………

Number - dance

Presenter 1:

Ballet, breakdancing and belly dancing,

The massacres are so similar,

Unimportant attributes mean less talent,

And immediately the rhythm is beckoning and turbulent!

Presenter 1: There's a group of guys dancing on stage

Number - dance

Presenter 2: Maxim Gorky wrote:

“Talent is faith in yourself, in your strength...”

Presenter 1:

Children who are about to appear on this stage are already singing in themselves. You don’t realize how many stinks have won in competitions.

Hang out on our stage, ________ is blowing with the song_____

Number – song

Presenter 2: I feel the quiet flapping of a krill.

Like the night is easy, like the day is happy.

And smooth lines, flow...

Oh, how she dances...

Presenter 1: I focus on rehearsals for the next participant and the desires of plasticity and musicality. Let us know the next step for the participant of our competition _______________

Number - dance

Presenter 2: Do you like dancing?

Presenter 1: Kohayu! Especially those that foreigners dance.

Presenter 2: Marvel! Adidas sneakers!

I wish they could dance at once!

Presenter 1: So watch out, calm down, voice the artists after getting ready.

And on stage at this hour the girls (boys) will dance for you.

Number - dance

Presenter 2: Faces change, new stars shine, familiar songs sound. And immediately the Viconavians will appear on the stage, who already have a lot of shanuvalniks and shanuvalnits.

Presenter 1: Of course, we can’t celebrate such talent. Our next participant knows so much about the masters, which is important to reveal. Join us on our stage

Number – artistic style

Presenter 2: It seems to me that we are conducting our concert incorrectly.

Presenter 1: Why?

Presenter 2: Tom. Axis, for example, if they sing on stage, how do you go dumb?

Presenter 1: It’s very simple, I say: I’m sleeping for you...

Presenter 2: The axis itself - I say. If they are sleeping, then they will stun the demand with the song: (sleeping) now, for you, he is sleeping...

Presenter 1: Ha! And if they performed acrobats, how would you show them - jump over your head?

Presenter 2: No, I can’t pull it over my head.

Presenter 1: Well, how then, then?

Presenter 2: Let’s forget everything as it is, now that our hour has passed, the participants are praising behind you. Let's not worry about them. Even if we are deafened by them, we are at peace with an open soul and burials. Deafen, be a weasel, our holy attacker.

Presenter 1: On stage ________________

Number – song

Presenter 2: Hvilyuvannya cross the strong cordons. The jury evaluates the contestants and the situation becomes heated. Aja really wants to give everyone a top diploma. Alas, it’s a pity that the effort is rich, but the diploma is super class - one. I would like to encourage children to shake and cheer for the good luck and to more clearly show their rich talent in one or another genre.

Presenter 1: Radium on this stage and ask a person for a story. He reads stories from time to time, and Krilov himself might be late.

Presenter 2: Join us on our stage

Number - story

Presenter 1: Now on this stage I want to ask the Vikonians who have helped to nourish many hearts in our school.

Presenter 2:(Interruptingly) Why is the stench so bad now?

Presenter 1: It’s important to sing a beshketnaya, cheerful song. Join us on our stage with our youngest participants with the song _______________

Number – song

Presenter 2:

This life is not easy.
It’s hard not to try right now.
Your talent is far away,
Why don't you just get confused.
I wish we could sleep with Shalyapin
Dance like Niko Tsiskaridze
Develop your brave talent,
I really want to be equal to them!

Presenter 1:

60 seconds praise
A lesson for those with talent.
If you want to achieve success,
Let the fire burn in your soul.
Be simpler, lose yourself -
Don’t be surprised at others.

The glory of Khvilina is only given to you

Presenter 2: We will continue our concert. For these participants, glory has been achieved, for the decisions are yet to come.

Presenter 1: On our stage there is an upcoming contestant with a miracle act___

Number – song

Presenter 2: The child's skin is talanovitis. But not everyone has the courage to show their talent to their classmates, friends and, of course, the curmudgeonly, and I trust, a fair jury.

Presenter 1: The next couple showed their courage, a competition has come to us, and now they will get their share of glory.

Presenter 2: Zustricha blows ________ with the song_________

Number – song

Presenter 1: Have you ever become a mirror?

Presenter 2: Of course, I’m dying at the same time.

Presenter 1: And from the collectives that immediately appear on stage, there is no more death, there is already a stench of “stars”. There are already successes from rich professional saints and festivals. This fortress of glory burned long ago and it’s a great pity not in our camp, but we are glad that the stink is on our stage today as guests of the competition.

Presenter 2: The team is together _______________ with the song_____________

Number – song

Presenter 1: Our concert program has ended. We haven’t forgotten, it’s not just a concert, but a competition.

Presenter 2: While the jury is filling up the remaining supplies, we are sleeping with you our favorite songs

Songs from the hall

corral and tabernacle songs

Presenter 1:

The axis has reached the end of the program

We think that everything was not in vain.

And “Khvilina glory” is obvious,

It will take place here first.

Presenter 2: And now, under the stormy splashes of the spectators, I will ask all the participants of the “Hvilina of Glory” to come to the stage

Presenter1: They are all beautiful, happy, and most of all, talented.

Presenter 2: With your ovation, I will ask for a jury to protect the bags and fence.

Presenter 1: Who won, who cares about today’s stormy splashes and warm laughs from the spectators, the long-awaited glances from the superniks, diplomas and gifts?!

Presenter 2: To award certificates and diplomas, our competent jury is requested

The jury presented diplomas and gifts

Presenter 1: I am glad for the survivors. And those who did not take away today's prize place - do not be embarrassed, you have given us a lot of pleasant things.

Presenter 2:

Axis and our holy end has ended

And let me tell you.

You performed wonderfully

The rating for all of you is less than “5”!

Presenter 2: We wish you continued creative success. We believe that you will always have a creative spirit, stage excitement, and an internal fire of thoroughness.

Together: See you soon, dear friends!

Final song


to participate in the competition “Khvilina Glory”

The regulations regarding the conduct of the competition are known and will be adjusted.



Serpen 2017

Please see below for registration of entry __________ below list of materials:

Having released L.M. Ganich methodologist

Having taken the whip (counselors)


MBUDO "Booth of children's creativity in the village of Ozinki"



preschool teacher

Bilousova T.P.

Ozinki 2016


Competition-festival “Khvilina Slavi”

(for bags of rock for students, visit “Vigadniki”, “Asorti”, “Yuni Umiltsi”)

Purpose : To help children discover their uniqueness, the ability to show dancing hands that they loved before learning in luncheons, songs, dramatization of fairy tales, that they deserved.

Zavdannya: Rosvinuti Creative Potzіal Vikhovansive, Correct the Clim of the Psychological Klimat at Kolekti, Consessed the Divine Rospit of Specialist through Sunny, Formuvati to the requirements of the creativity of Digynosti, Vikhuvati Friendship is mutual.


Good day, dear guests, guys!

The rest of the school days have arrived,

And the charming herb, have mercy yourself,

Having generously sniffed the lower buzok

Lilac aroma leaves.

The control may be behind you!

Us summer The guests are checking in!

The holidays are upon us all!

The initial stage will end in our installation

"Boodinka of children's creativity"!

And today we are holding a competition - the festival “Khvilina Glory”, you have become the eldest of the river, you have learned a lot from teaching our united school, you have the opportunity to show, reveal verses, dance routines, songs, scenes ki kazok, what they deserved earlier. .

Gra iz hall - to establish silence in the audience and respect the children before what happens on stage. Presenter:

Dear guys! Marvel at the stele! Do you see how gloomy is hanging over us? The board is ready now! The axis has already sunk...
One speck (splash all over the valley with one finger).
Two droplets (all splashing along the bottom with two fingers).
Three specks (all splashing along the valley with three fingers).
Lots of specks (everyone splashes across the valley with their fingers).

The torrential rain began (everyone was splashing near the valley).
I sniffled the “dawning board” (grumpy standing splashes).


Not under the “plywood”, but as bait, all participants in the competition are given a piece of glory, who is the greatest revelation, who sleeps, a wonderful blessing is with you, take the fate of your friends! I know there is a lot of talent here, I can’t talk about them! Dear boys and grown up, we are leaving you with the competition. We invite you all to perform, and we are starting our creative competition!

Presenter: " Khvilina Glory" is crooked -Flashmob “Chimbi – rimbi”, dance “ Humic urchin » vikonuyu ______________

Leading : And now I’ll have to perform in front of youmaistri rosemovny and poetic genre

I'll tell you, to your respects, a bunch of copper stories.

Tattoo, why does the month have more stars?

Who knows?

Tattoo, why is the sun so bright?

Who knows?

Why is there a polar night?

Who knows?!

Dad, maybe you’re tired of confirming?

So, feed your son, who are you,

Let me explain everything.

- My dog ​​is so smart - he’ll take a walk,

Go to the door, ring the bell, and I let her in.

And don’t call me.

Ugh, how stupid!

But no, she just has her own key to the apartment.

Come home blue and blue.


How many times have I told you; be respectful

And first of all, get entangled in a bijka, hit until a hundred.


Yeah, bye, I'm like a fool, I've reached a hundred,

Vitka me in person.

Leading : We perform at the top_________________

Leading : We thought for a long time, we cast spells, Why should we please you?

We're just tired of thinking. We decided to go to sleep this time.

Pieces !!! Vikonuyut___________________

We sing ditties for you
Schools are fun,
May you enjoy all the holidays
They have forgotten us!

We wrote little chats
About the local school,
The skin is turned on
Humor for fun.

Oh, the ditties are good,
We sing to them with a big heart.
Ale you, don’t worry,
And kindly sleep in!

Little kids and little ones -
Everyone laughs from the soul.
All the people rejoice radium -
We are a huge hit parade!

Children, sponsor, showed up,
Minimal rizik.
All ditties are ours
Burn it to disk soon!

You are my friend,
Out of misfortune they cried:
Pіdnіmi swipe your hand,
They didn’t call me.

We are little girls,
We are always happy:
You fall asleep to ditties at once,
And inquire about the school.

Me and my friend Katya
We go up to 1st grade at once
Let us fall asleep to you ditties
And about school and about us!

Our heels are clicking,
It’s great that everyone is well-trained,
And the pieces that we sing,
All are patented!

We love to sing ditties
Russian folk.
Every day we sleep with them,
We are hungry without them


Know that a gloomy day is brighter for a Kazka

Know that life is like a fairy tale

Don’t let you know your friends long enough.

Kazka "Teremok" » show in a new way_______________________

Presenter: And now we will continue to hear the masters of the poetic genre.

Read virsh –

Presenter: Song – best friend of people! Life is more fun for us with a song!

Song “Childhood”, “Laughter”

Presenter: Vikonuyut _________________________________

Presenter: Ale from dancing now, it’s not in our minds.

Dance: “Tango” Presenter:

This life is not easy.
It’s hard not to try right now.
Your talent is far away,
Why don't you just get confused.
I wish we could sleep with Shalyapin
Dance like Niko Tsiskaridze
Develop your brave talent,
I really want to be equal to them!


60 seconds praise
A lesson for those with talent.
If you want to achieve success,
Let the fire burn in your soul.
Be simpler, lose yourself -
Don’t be surprised at others.

You are only given the glory of Khvilina. Stretch you out!


Our competition, friends, is over,Surely creativity will not end there!

Let's continue religiously.

The jury will immediately vote for our pouches,

If you are happy.

And now the final song and flash mob “You are welcome” by E. Vaenga

The jury voices the pouches. Nagorodzhennya.And we say once again: there are no such people here who have developed, there are talented children who have supported our stage, and we are confident that our competition will become the first step in your life at the roots and heights of life! We wish everyone to achieve success!


The axis and our holy end ended.Summer is upon us with guests!
Everyone is looking forward to the holidays!
The initial river will end!

Thank you for respect to new friends!

Scenario "Khvilina Slavi"

0.Background music, slide "Khvilina Slavi" daddy is coming 8.15.

1.Background music, slide with the song "Khvilina Slavi" children come in

K.V. Hello, dear guests. The largest-scale project on the air

with a demonstration of the talents of children of the 631th gymnasium “Khvilina Slavi”.

Pavlo . Dear friends, this is a long day of rejuvenation as we begin our

extraordinary new concert.

K.V. Our concert is unforgettable because there will be no judging panel here, because


K.V. Pasha, soon New River, And there is no snow at all. What is this New River?

Pavlo . Kristino Victorivno, there will be snow for you. Nari axis (1) sleeps about a new song and until

Everything will be great for the new generation!

2. Minus Nari. And it's snowing.

K.V. I love it so much, Nari! Now we're all looking out for snow!

Our class has a lot of talented girls and boys who smell like they're going to start sniffling.

Try to guess what our next participant will be spluttering about.

Donka, and don't cry;

Put you to bed -


A day, two, and finally five.(Vidgadkalyalka)

it’s not easy to snort with dolls, ada herself їх I create. Requested to go on stage

Dashenka Zolotarev (2).

3.Presentation by Dasha Zolotarova

Well done, Dasha! Thank you very much.

Screensaver "Minutaslavi"

Pavlo. The New River will always experience miracles. on our holy day

It will immediately become a miracle. Chat, magicians, charmer KaryukinMisha (3)!

Know everything what's there deMisha, tamiPasha, adaPasha, there i Mishko. Mishko

without Pasha, it’s like food without porridge! PashaKaryukin (4),We ask you to come on stage!

Thank you, Pasho!

K.V. Guys Pasha Mishko wants to share his achievements in sports!

4.Presentation "Karyukin handball"

K.V. In the winter, all children grow up to love to ride on licking, on a sled, obviously

Kovzanakh. We have a class of students who practice figure skating

at the same time we are interested in mastery Anechki Swan (5). (Video)

5. Anya Lebedenko video

Pavlo. Yessss... Hotiv b so ride, Anya, how about you?

"Minutaslavi" screensaver

Pavlo. Yes, rich man our friendly class of talents. Maksim Berstein (6),

for example, he’s amazing at reading poetry. Hang on!

Dyakuyu, Maxima.

K.V. The next participant in our program is even more talented. It starts at

art school and miraculously paints, and reveals himself, Pasha, right away,

Vin I'll paint whatever you want!

Pavlo. We can’t buti...

Tsintskaladze (7) !

6. Erik come out behind the phonogram 6. The orange sky, it's quieter in the distance in

the hour of dialogue is at its worst when it paints

Pavlo. Eric, paint it - like a summer landscape, a portrait of a woman, a vase flowers, vase

fruits, well more for example, dog, Kazkov's men on the bridge, I will

can you?, and one dog, that's all you need chi you draw birds, Want pamper yourself

Pinocchio segidae is introduced, and trigger, can you trigger? Novorichnu


K.V. Thank you, Erik, making you very happy! Today Erik painted on his marriage Pasha,

I think he Not to encourage you boys.

Erika. Thank you.

"Minutaslavi" screensaver

One day, during a lesson in the middle of nowhere, we read about “What do they call

people who play the trumpet." Guys, do you remember how you delivered? (Chimney sweep).

then the lonely one opens his eyes to us, and having said what's wrong is called trubak, because

Pavlo. On your own thank you for asking Diana Kutyeva (9). In Wikonanny

Diani, let us dance passionately - cha - cha!

7.phonogram by Diana Kutyeva

Wow, Diano!

K.V. And now we know creativity Milani Huseynova (10) .

8.presentation by Milan Huseynov

Great, Milano !

Pasha. And now we we ask you guest Sonerostami (11).

9. video Sonya Rostami

Thank you Sonya, we learned about a lot of new things!

Pasha. Khristina Viktorivna, atomic robiti, yakscho me to be attacked by hooligans?

K.V. Pasha, y we have class boys, as you know, what robiti in such situations

They will show you how to protect yourself! Egor, Dima, Nika (12) for the boys to come out for Nika's exit

Pasha. Yeah..., s Such classmates don’t scare me at all!

K.V. Yes, Pasha, s not such classmates you'll be lost!

"Minutaslavi" screensaver

Pasha, I’m looking for you tired for a little while, you have today such a special day, I

preach to you lie down and Ulyana ( 13 ) plays you koliskova

a song by the composer Maykoparaitetikhonko razkazhe versh vlasny


Pasha. Thank you Ulyana, I feel better ( posіhayuschie and stretch) .

K.V. Well what and, wonderful, now mi I adore you on ice rink.

show me the mastery Pavlo Ivanov (14).

12. Pasha Ivanov video (1 Khvilina!)

Well done!

Pasha . For a long time Not sang mi song. Maybe you want - Or else today will you help us?

K.V. Obov'yazkovo Pasha, which one and holy without a beautiful soulful song.

Requested on stage Daniel Cheremisinova (15 ).

13. minusDaniela "Snow"

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