The greatest water hole in the world.



“Doctor Huberman, what kind of devil did you dig up down there?”

- a remark from the audience interrupted the testimony of the Russian scientist at the UNESCO meeting in Australia.

A long time ago, in 1995, the world began to hear about the mysterious accident on the Kola Superdeep.

Just approaching the 13th kilometer, they recorded a wondrous noise coming from above the planet - all the newspapers sang in one voice that only the cries of sinners from the heat could sound like that.

A few seconds after the terrible sound of the moon appeared.

Projects to increase the price of land in the depths of the Earth appeared immediately in the early 60s in several countries.

The drills of the Sverdlovians were melting in quiet places, where the bark was small but thin and reached the mantle.

For example, the Americans drilled in the area of ​​​​the island of Maui, in Hawaii, where, according to seismic data, ancient rocks emerge under the ocean floor and the mantle is located at a depth of approximately 5 km under a 4-kilometer layer of water.

It’s a pity that the ocean drilling hole didn’t break through within 3 kilometers.

All the projects for super-deep drillings have ended with mystical rank at a 3-kilometer depth.

At this very moment, something strange began to emerge from the Boers: either the stench was lost in an uncontrollable hot area, or they were somehow caught by some kind of unsightly monster.

In just 3 kilometers, a total of 5 Sverdlovins broke through, of which 4 were Radyansky. And even the Kola supradlibokaya was destined to cover the mark of 7 kilometers., noise and other parameters are transmitted with significant delays.

Prote drillers know that bringing such contact from the underground may not be a hot mess.

The sounds that come from below are really similar to screams and screams.

To what extent can we add a long list of accidents that were reinvestigated above Kolsk when it reached a depth of 10 kilometers.

The two drills were melted, although the temperature that could melt could be equalized with the surface temperature of the Sun.

It seems like the cable somehow got caught at the bottom and was torn off.

Years ago, when they were drilling at the same place, no excess cable was found.

What happened, this and other accidents is still a mystery. However, it was not the stink that caused the intense storm over the Baltic Shield. Drilling the core onto the surface. Drilled core. Three-sharosh chisel.

12,000 meters of water and bits of the devil

At school we started: young rocks, granites, basalts, mantle and core.

The granites turned out to be 3 kilometers lower, and the lower ones were insured.

Dali mali buti basalt.

They didn’t know.

The entire storm took place near the granite ball. It is important to acknowledge, because all our statements about the guilt and placement of brown copalins are connected with the theory of a spherical earth. Eruptive breccia of basalts from a depth of 2977.8 m

Another surprise: life on planet Earth ended, it turns out, 1.5 billion years earlier, but it has changed.

In the clays, which were considered to be free of organic matter, 14 species of rocky microorganisms were found - over the centuries, the clay has exceeded 2.8 billion rocks.

To everyone’s complete surprise, Oleksii Tolstoy’s predictions in his novel “The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin” were confirmed.

At a depth of more than 9.5 kilometers, a significant abundance of all kinds of copalins and gold deposits was revealed.

The reference ball is olivine, brilliantly transferred to the writer. New gold is 78 grams per ton. Before speaking, industrial species of the plant is powerful at a concentration of 34 grams per ton.

It is possible that in the not too distant future humanity may soon become richer.

The yak axis looks like Kolska's grave, deplorable state.

Grant to Beelzebub: in the 1970s, a team of Radyansky investigators carried out drilling operations on the Kola Peninsula, as a result of which they dug up the largest rock in the world.

"At a depth of 3 thousand meters, a substance was discovered in the spheres of the lithosphere at a depth of 3 thousand meters. identical to the material from the surface of the Month. After 6 thousand. gold was discovered. Against them, the more intense the fact that the deeper the stench penetrated, the higher the temperature became, which complicated the flow of work,” according to the statistics.

At the time of the front expansion, the temperature became not 100 degrees Celsius, but 180 degrees.

At about this hour, they began to hear about those who, at a depth of 14 km, the drill was hesitantly going from side to side - a sign that it had sunk a gigantic waste.

Temperatures in the mining zone went over a thousand degrees, and after the mine had a heat-resistant microphone to record the sound of the collapse of the lithospheric plates, the drillers sensed sounds that chilled the soul.

At first they mistook them for the sounds of equipment that was not working properly, but then, after the control had been regulated, their darkest suspicions were confirmed.

The sounds were reminiscent of the screams of those hundred thousand martyrs who were at the state.

The main directions of the drilling of the Sverdlovin were to reach the Earth's mantle, which, most likely, was to be formed from molten rocks.

For this purpose, drilling was carried out in the area of ​​the Pechenigsky trench of the Baltic Shield at the southern entry of the continental European platform - one of the most ancient creations of the planet. It’s been a while since we came to the surface here, behind the stews of the past, there were no less than three billions of rocks. The main tasks of the storm were to reveal the peculiarities of the shield and the significance between the globes of the earth's crust.

For the construction of Sverdlovina it was created

unique team

Radyansky ceremonies;

On the Sverdlovina, up to 3,000 research workers and 16 research laboratories worked simultaneously.

Radyansky David Mironovich Guberman became the head of the Kola Superdeep, the head of the drilling rig was Oleksiy Batishchev, the chief engineer was Ivan Vasilchenko, and the famous geologists Yuri Kuznetsov, Yuri Smirnov and Volodymyr Lanov joined the team of geologists.

The Burits lived until 1984, but it turned out that the deep core cannot be deprived of respect forever - its structure is undergoing changes.

The accident, which threw the Radyansk geologists several kilometers away, happened on the 27th spring of 1984: a 200-ton column was destroyed.

Everything that was below seven kilometers was spent.

On the other side of the river, geologists tried to locate the pipe, but then realized it was impossible and began drilling a bypass shaft. The main difficulty was that from a depth of nine kilometers the core tubes became collapsible - the rock crumbled and only small plaques were lost in the middle of the pipes. The maximum depth was reached through six rocks - in 1990 years.

The pressure at such a depth became 1000 atmospheres.

After this, we learned that the capabilities of the technology were limited and after several accidents the robots burned out.

First of all, it turned out that the temperature in the depths of the earth’s crust is not the same as it was previously believed that it would be low to a depth of 15 kilometers.

It turned out that at a depth of five kilometers it reaches 75 degrees Celsius, at seven it reaches 120 degrees, and at a depth of 12 kilometers it reaches 220 degrees.

In a different way,

Radian science

It’s all true because of the recent publication of one Finnish newspaper, which was just a fire, having published an article about the Sverdlovina for 1 quarter.

However, as it often happens, one of the American television companies, having taken it for the truth, and perhaps having believed that their rumors were “terrible Russians”, came up with one of the American television companies, after which they became sensitive about the devilry that is going on in the Sverdlova, soaring Traveled all over the world. Of course, it was important to practice on the Kola Superdeep, high temperature

in the depths and the majestic pressure they created without any emergency situations. Forever they will sing that there was no hellish devil. It was important, often a robotic routine.

In the other half of the 20th century, the world of illnesses on the surface of the storm. The USA got ready new program

We found such a place - the ancient crystalline shield of the Kola Peninsula.

Sounds, from preparations at the Institute of Physics of the Earth, saying: due to the billions of risks of its foundation, the Kola Shield has cooled down, the temperature at a depth of 15 km does not exceed 150°C. And geophysicists prepared a transverse section above the Kola Peninsula. According to these data, the first 7 kilometers are the granite-like upper parts of the earth’s crust, then the basalt ball begins.

Then the statement about Dvosharova Budova’s earth’s crust was universally accepted.

What about the life of a barrel of 10-12 kilometers with a diameter of 215 millimeters?

The column of pipes becomes a thin thread, lowered into the bore.

How is neyu keruvati? How can you find out what you have in store? giant trees.

The desolation of the Sverdlova made the drillers confused, but it turned out to be fortunate for geologists, who undeniably gained a comprehensive picture of the great fragment of ancient Archean rocks that were formed over 2.5 billion years ago.

The section of the Kola Sverdlova revealed the two-sphere model of the Earth's crust and showed that seismic divisions in the subsurfaces are not between spheres and layers. various warehouse.

More stinks indicate a change of power between stone and clay.

At high pressure and temperature, the power of the granites may change sharply, so that the granites, in their physical characteristics, become similar to basalts, and so on. When raised to the surface from 12-kilometer depth, the “basalt” immediately became granite, although the road experienced a strong attack of “caisson disease” - the core crumbled and fell apart into flat plaques. The farther the Sverdlova went, the fewer bright images were lost to the hands of the ancients..

Everyone wanted to know about the devil that the drillers had raised from above, as newspapers and radio stations all over the world reported about them.

Director of the Department, and so what!

“Inferno has appeared in the past,” “Satan has flown out of the inferno,” said the headlines. As reported in the press, geologists, who are working even far in Siberia, and perhaps in Alaska or in the Kola Peninsula (there was no consensus among journalists), carried out drilling at a depth of 14.4 km, to raptom the drill having begun strongly bovtatisya. from the side ubik.

This means that there is a big hole below, they thought, perhaps the center of the planet is empty.

Sensors lowered into the depths showed a temperature of 2,000 ° C, and super-sensitive microphones sounded... the cries of millions of suffering souls.

As a result, the storm was forced through the battle to release burning forces to the surface.
At that time, the comrades of the siege breeds were treated well with the production of naphtha.

It was necessary to drill there, where volcanic rocks about 3 billion years old (for comparison: the age of the Earth is estimated at 4.5 billion years old) came to the surface. For species with brown copalins of such rocks, it is rare to drill deeper than 1-2 km. It turned out that at a depth of 5 km the granite ball will change to basalt.

On June 6, 1979, the Sverdlova broke the record of 9,583 meters, which previously belonged to the Bertha-Rogers drill (a naphtha drill in Oklahoma).


The sounds that come from below are really similar to screams and screams.

To what extent can we add a long list of accidents that were reinvestigated above Kolsk when it reached a depth of 10 kilometers.

the most beautiful rocks There were 16 pre-exploratory laboratories working on the Kola supradeep bore, which were especially occupied by the Minister of Geology of the SRSR. What is found in the depths is completely unknown.
The temperature of the medium, noise and other parameters are transmitted uphill with significant delays.
Prote drillers know that bringing such contact from the underground may not be a hot mess.

The two drills were melted, although the temperature that could melt could be equalized with the surface temperature of the Sun.

The granites turned out to be 3 kilometers lower, and the lower ones were insured.

“I’m about to find a hole in the world - so I need to profit!”

– David Guberman, the permanent director of the Kolska Nadgliboka Research and Development Center, emphatically exclaims.

In the first 30 years, the Kola supra-deep Radiansky rocks emerged, and then the Russian ones broke through to a depth of 12,262 meters.

It was announced in 1995 that there was no one to finance the project.

What is seen within the framework of UNESCO's scientific programs is expected only to support the drilling station at the worker and be trained before the formation of rock samples.

In the history of the Kola River, there was also some mysticism.

Officially, as was already predicted, the Sverdlova was lost through the marriage of koshts.

To everyone’s complete surprise, Oleksii Tolstoy’s predictions in his novel “The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin” were confirmed.

At a depth of more than 9.5 kilometers, a significant abundance of all kinds of copalins and gold deposits was revealed.

The death of no one - but in 1995, in the depths of the mine, there was a deep vibration of an unknown nature.

“When they started teaching me about this mysterious story at UNESCO, I didn’t know what the truth was.