Shakhtarsky salad with salted cucumbers.



The salad won me over with its simplicity and brutality.

Judging by the name, the miners guessed it.

So I say, as after an important day of work in the slaughter, the man came home, cutting up a piece of meat, distributing the pickles with the cibulk, and drinking and biting so deliciously under the burner.

I myself wanted to make a salad based on these warehouses.

I know how to serve it with pork, often coat the meat, add other various ingredients, such as carrots, olives, peas, and whatever else you fancy.

But it seems to me that the basis of this salad is still made up of three main ingredients - meat, beef and cucumber.

The smoothness of the preparation is also important.

Even the meat can be boiled in front, and the meat can be boiled on the right side.

To prepare “Shakhtarsky” salad with salted cucumbers, take the ingredients from the list.

I boiled the yalovichina with bay leaf.

Cut boiled cowberry into strips.

Instead of yalovichina, you can take pork.

Salad "Shakhtarsky" is a warm salad that requires a minimum of ingredients for preparing.

Representatives of the human status are its special valuers.

This snack is perfect for a friendly company sharing alcoholic beverages.

“Shakhtarsky” (salad): recipe with photo appetizer

There are a number of options for preparing such herbs.

We will describe the classic recipe for cured veal, as well as variations for cured chicken breasts and canned peas.

What ingredients do we need to make the classic Shakhtarsky salad?

The recipe for this appetizer is based on the dressing:

Component processing process

How to make the “Shakhtarsky” salad For the cob, cut off all the ingredients.

Yalovichina for snacks should be young and fresh.

We must carefully wash and cut off all unnatural parts.

Then cut the meat product into thin and long strips.

After harvesting the kernels, proceed to preparing the vegetables.

Peel the cibulini and carrots, removing the skins.

Cut the first vegetable into thin slices, and rub the other one onto

What bothers them is to shake them with small discounts.

Rub the cloves of the chasnik in the same way.

Thermal processing of ingredients

The presented appetizer “Shakhtarskiy” (salad) with pickled oranges and meat has less calories and is less classic.

This means that it is not cowhide, but chicken breasts that are used in this creation.

Moreover, the stench does not lend itself to lubrication, but can only be dissolved in salt water.

Also note that this salad should be topped with fresh sour cream.

So, before you formulate the herb for a snack, you need to prepare all the components.

For the cob, boil chicken breasts.

As soon as the smells become soft, they are cooled and cleaned from the skins and brushes.

After any pulp that is lost, cut into small cubes.

As soon as the vegetables are damaged, they must also be cleaned and shaken.

Cut the cibulini into slices, and cut the carrots into thin strips.

Also add details to the pickled cucumbers.

The process of greasing vegetables on the stove

As in the previous recipe, the vegetables for this salad should be greased with oil.

It is necessary to soak the carrots and carrot sticks when preparing them.

In this case, it is important to use a minimum amount of oil.

Once all the ingredients are lubricated, they are poured into a sieve and the fat is reduced as much as possible.

  • The process of forming Ukrainian snacks
  • Forming the Shakhtarsky salad is very simple.
  • Place boiled chicken breasts in a deep bowl.
  • After this, they add greased tsebul and carrots one by one.
  • Also place pickled cucumbers and canned peas in the dishes, adding rose brine.
  • After mixing all the ingredients, brush them with thick and fresh sour cream.
  • Having eaten the appetizer for relish, add spices to it after the eggplant.
  • How to properly serve before a friendly dinner?
  • The appetizer under the unusual name “Shakhtarskiy” should be served warm to the table.

The Radian hours were extremely productive due to the manifestation of the culinary imagination of our cooks, who tried to prepare something tasty and tasty from available products.

Axis and Shakhtarsky salad appeared during that period and gained great popularity among the population.

Lugansk is famous for this appetizer, and the recipe for Shakhtarsky salad is rich in rice from Ukrainian cuisine.

Zokrema, meat for appetizers is not just boiled, but also greased, salted ogirochki are added, and the tsibul is marinated.

As a dressing, it is made from rose-leaf oil and is very unrefined so that it has a characteristic aroma.

“Shakhtarsky” salad with salted cucumbers is very easy to prepare, it includes basic and available ingredients: meat (usually pork, sometimes veal), salted cucumbers, cibul.

Sometimes they add green peas, greased carrots, pickled mushrooms, and in the current versions of the appetizer you can add black olives or black olives.

The recipe for “Shakhtarsky” salad with meat is perfect for every day, even for the holy day, and even at first glance, the herb appears juicy, colorful and piquant.

  1. And especially when it comes to the soul of people, even though the basis of it is made up of meat and cibul, and the salted berries subtly enhance its taste.
  2. Unfortunately, gentlemen can easily prepare Shakhtarsky salad, and a recipe with a photo will help.
  3. Home and guests should appreciate the herb, especially when served with a potato side dish.
  4. Preparation
  5. Pour 2-3 tbsp into the pan.
  6. l.
  7. Olive oil, heat it up and add finely ground black pepper (great broom), 2-3 bay leaves, detailed chasnik.

Stir in the oil and coat about 3 hvilins.

Pour the ingredients into the salad bowl with baked olive oil and spices (preferably through a sieve, so that the stench is not lost to the salad).

Mix everything carefully.

  1. The Shakhtarsky salad, as in the photo, can be served immediately warm, or better yet, put in the refrigerator for a few years so that it infuses and becomes even more delicious.
  2. Substitute the pork with cowhide, cut finely and brush until ready.
  3. And for richness and variety, you can add green peas to the salad or fry carrots until soft (they may contain as many other main ingredients).


A simpler version can be made with boiled yavychkin, which needs to be cut into strips.

Pickles or pickled cucumbers finely mince, mix well sliced ​​cinnamon into slices, lightly hug with your hands and set aside to allow the rest to marinate.

Mix everything in a salad bowl, add the chopped chasnik and pour over the baked olive oil.

Add salt and pepper for relish, mix thoroughly and serve immediately.

  • Shakhtarsky salad with salted cucumbers can be served with cowbass (preferably smoked), rather than meat, to save time.
  • An even more delicious option would be to serve it with greased liver, where you can add carrots (sauteed or Korean) to the appetizer.
  • For appetizing additions, add greens, croutons, and olives to the ruban for decoration.
  • Details
  • This salad will fit wonderfully into both a man’s and a woman’s day, harmoniously complementing any herbs and meats, including shish kebab.
  • There are a number of options for its preparation - with or without mayonnaise.

The finished salad is not only more tasty, but also soft and light.

Cut the lightly frozen cowberry into thin strips.

This way, the cutting process can be simplified as much as possible, since the meat that has been melted can be easily cut into small and neat one-piece pieces.

The carrots also look like straws, and the carrots look like sticks.

Lubricate the meat in such a way that the minimum amount of oil reaches the surface.

In order to get rid of the spices, the meat needs to be placed in a dumpster.

Add salt and pepper for relish, mix thoroughly and serve immediately.

  • You need to do the same with carrots, so that immediately after greasing, transfer them to drushlyak, as well as from tsibule.
  • Eat the thoroughly greased vegetables at once, adding the meat to them.
  • Add salt, then, after salting, add cucumbers to it, also cut into strips and a chasnik.
  • Mix everything well, and then season it with a couple of spoons of mayonnaise.
  • Before the table, the salad should be served chilled.

The finished salad is not only more tasty, but also soft and light.

“Shakhtarsky” salad with salted cucumbers and cucumber rosemary

meat (can be pork or cowhide) - about 300g;

carrots – 2 pcs.;

pickles – 3 pcs.;

Add salt and pepper for relish, mix thoroughly and serve immediately.

  • cibul - 2 goals;
  • rose oil, pepper and salt, as well as cucumber rosemary.
  • To prepare this salad, cucumbers, like carrots, need to be grated, like for Korean carrots, or cut into thin bars.
  • Then coat them in a frying pan with olive oil.
  • For appetizing additions, add greens, croutons, and olives to the ruban for decoration.
  • Slightly frozen meat is also cut into strips, it is also necessary to brush it, after which a similar manipulation is carried out with the shaky-looking meat.
  • When finished, mix all ingredients and place in a bowl to remove excess oil.
  • When finished, add pepper and salt, then add the cucumber juice and cool thoroughly.

The finished salad is not only more tasty, but also soft and light.

The prepared salad is not only tasty, but delicious.

Shakhtarsky salad with peas and salted cucumbers

All prepared ingredients must be mixed, then salted, seasoned with spices until relished, and then baked (which is especially important) with olive oil and lemon juice.

I boiled the yalovichina with bay leaf.

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