Goblin fish and primara shark. New photos of scary sea creatures by Roman Fedortsov. Fantastic creatures of the Murmansk fishing industry have conquered British snakes Fedortsov Roman Viktorovich

A sailor from Murmansk, Roman Fedortsov, who works on a fishing vessel, continues to publish on his social networks photos of fish that are caught in the fishery. The bags of the seabed in his photographs are one terrible thing after another, Roman wants to draw a special beauty from their skin.

Now you can follow fishing on Telegram, where it publishes photos not only of fish, but of the insides of the ship.

From that hour, when Roman became famous throughout the country for his shocking images, the man’s life began to feel like a lot of fun. First of all, Roman tries not to stand up to the current trends, which is why he created a telegram channel called “Notes from the Dance.” There now he publishes not only photos of terrible creatures from the seabed, but also tells more about life on the ship itself.

This is, for example, what the galley on this ship looks like.

And so it’s a neat work process.

Telegram channel Roman has announced 1st day and the first notifications from all its prepayers (and there are currently 1,626 of them) about those who New River the troubles were carried out on the ship, all by the robot.

Have mercy, for example, on the face of the sea bass.

And in the eyes of this fish you can drown. Even this point is a copy of Saturn.

Bring the fish's gaze lower: the cat may not be dissatisfied. Let me tell you, the angry cat Merlin may still have to train to achieve such a level.

The frilled shark's trick is that it has teeth that cannot be destroyed.

These fish are beautiful tabletops in a specific way that we, singly, cannot appreciate at all.

Halibut, for example, began to break all the stereotypes about the appearance of fish (just like body-positive models with a beard) and are eaten with eyes, not quite symmetrically positioned.

Regardless of the fact that there is such a difference between fish and fish, you can see from Roman’s photo how much sleep we have. It doesn’t look that way to us if we went too far with the drink?

And apparently it’s Monday for this fish, and it hasn’t gotten enough sleep.

The American hydrologist, in the opinion of the active koristuvachs, is similar to a rapper.

These creatures can often guess some mythical characters. This is, for example, what a goblin fish looks like (that’s the correct name).

And so - the Japanese spider crab, which allows algae and other crustaceans to live on it. I'm thinking of Dave Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean.

And the wasp and the dragon walked away. As Roman clarifies, there were no retouches on the photo.

It turns out that in the hands of Roman they will put the cuties into a plant of sea anemones similar to persimmons.

A resident of the Vologda region, who has consumed his time with a “healthy ide”, has a serious competitor for popularity. Murmansk fishing became famous there, and was already called an “Internet hit.” Such great publications as Mirror, The Independent, The Sun, Mashable and others have written about him and his catch.

Screenshot from the film "Fantastic creatures and stinkers procrastinate"

Let’s not worry about time and present the translation of the statistics Daily Mail about the fantastic creatures of Murmansk fishing. Let me just say that these pockets of water depths are not very photogenic:

Scary alien things from the depths:
Russian fishing is becoming an Internet hit
after publishing my amazing catches on Twitter

.Murmanets Oleg Fedortsov publicizing his greedy catch
. Fishing is carried out on a trawler in the port on the daytime call in Russia
. The catch consists of eight-legged arthropods and fish with dagger-like teeth.

It’s easy to forget that another world lives right below us - a mysterious ecosystem of the deep ocean, beneath the surface of which lies the essence of your nightmares. A post from one Twitter account will make you think, two girls, before you put your feet in the water on the beach.

Murmanets Oleg Fedortsov showed his greedy catch from eight-legged arthropod fish to fish with dagger teeth.
A fisherman who works on a trawler in a port on the daytime call of Russia, sharing his amazing finds that he discovered earlier, reports The Moscow Times. In addition to his Twitter account, Fedortsov also shares images of his catch on Flickr.

In the midst of this, a frilled shark was discovered - an elusive eagles-like shark with rows of fearsome teeth. Due to the presence of primitive rice, the frilled shark is called “living copalina”. Fishing also included a photo of a chimera, fish seen as a ghost shark.

Chimeras are distinguished by their winged swimmers and long, whip-like tails - in the images taken by Fedortsov, their green eyes are shown to glow. All this light is produced only for pouring in the light. In the dark seas, in the primal sharks, the “dead” eyes may have burned out.

Like sharks and skates, chimeri toil the cartilaginous skeleton. Fedortsov, perhaps, is better at understanding the deep-sea waters of the sea, but there is nothing better to put him in a remote corner.

Under a photograph of a wondrous creature with massive gap and sharp teeth, a fisherman wrote: “The people are still fighting... who is it?”
Twitter has a lot of people joining in on the discussion. There is a lot of fish in the genus Malacosteus, a deep-water fish of the genus Malacosteus.
But not all there is to catch is fish.

One photograph shows a majestic orange sea spider - a sea arthropod with long and thin legs, approximately the size of a human hand.

Similar species were recently discovered in the Arctic and freshwater oceans, with a paw span of 25 centimeters.
These sea spiders are actually pycnogons, a type of primitive marine arthropod. The smells grow to great proportions as a result of the phenomenon known as “polar gigantism”, but the reasons are unknown.

A terrible fish with great teeth is included in the list of amazing fish that were caught in the trawl. Zgidno s Fedortsov, this is a delicious fish-shablya.

Another marvelous fish, with frizzy red eyes and lips, was identified as a species of common tail.

It is also known under the name grenadier, and it can be found deep under the water almost right across (from the shores of the Arctic to the Antarctic).
At that time, as deep-sea essences tend to have an alien appearance, it is also clear that changing the pressure can affect the appearance of certain essences if they are drawn to the surface.

Floating at depths of thousands of feet below the sea level, deep-sea waters are subject to the influx of extremely high pressure.

Some substances may exhibit significant vertical migrations, but it is clear that the lower pressure of the upper light causes metabolic problems in other substances, and this may influence their form.

This effect is noticeable in the case of fish droplets - the substance that has become a “most potent creature” among the world after their experience.

The most terrible creatures procrastinate, the deadliest - to save Africa

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We called to this world. There is a lot of wonder and beauty, but behind the everyday monotonous rhythm of life, everyday turbos and difficulties, we do not notice anything to ourselves. Let's calmly walk through the rare fermentation of the bud and not be brutally respectful on the surface above our heads.

Roman Fedortsov from Murmansk started a small revolution in social measures: Having encouraged thousands of people to look at photographs of unusual sea creatures and guess about Mother Nature, Komsomolskaya Pravda spoke with a sailor whose images are known to the whole world. But few people reveal who they are and how to work.

"It's not scary, it's cool!"

Roman has been walking by the sea for 17 years now. About 2,000 people graduated from MDTU with a specialty in “Fisheries Process Engineer”, and then moved on to the “Murmansk Trawling Fleet”.

I have always loved photographing unusual underwater bastards, says Roman Fedortsov to KP. - Working for a difficult hour near the Central Atlantic, saving Africa: Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau. These waters are rich in chimera fish. I work in the Norwegian and Barents seas. Here, too, some specimens are collected. Taking photographs and sometimes posting them on Instagram. But the popularity came after I registered with Twitter and started posting photos there.

Roman publishes a lot of his photographs directly from the ship, where he is on the Internet. Every photo is taken on land - in one trip you can collect as much material as you need to put in. Before the speech, Roman himself does not take photographs.

The popularity of a number of unusual fish, who often appear to be aliens from other planets or heroes of pagan legends and tales that have come to life, was similar to the acceleration of a racing car. The photographs immediately spread throughout the world; within a few days they were published by dozens of journalists and thousands of journalists in Europe, the USA, and Asia. The Japanese and the Chinese especially came into captivity, as they love everything casually and mechanically.

- Romana, aren’t you afraid and uncomfortable taking these fish into your hands? It’s impossible to marvel at any of them without wincing.

I’ll say it differently, cool! Before, perhaps, it was scary, but now it’s great! I can only say that we need to be careful when working with Vilov in the industry to save Africa. The waters are full of fresh fish.

Before speaking, the actions of the fish actually look quite extraordinary. Just marvel at popular science films about sea creatures, for example about commercial fish. Smooth luster, normal eye size, ideal body proportions for swimming. If you drag fish with a trawl from the depths to the surface, there will be a sharp and great drop in pressure. That episode, when the eyes pop out of their orbits, the womb becomes heated or, in fact, changes. And a monster comes out. Like Roman, the typical halibut can be photographed in such a way that you won’t recognize the value of the commercial fish. A lot of the heroes of the sailor's pictures look alien and in the real world.

- Where are the most wonderful fish? What about fresh seas?

When it’s daytime, you can catch more amazing and beautiful fish. In my work, I have the largest number of specimens in the industry Atlantic Ocean, near the Guinea-Bissau region, Africa, says Murmansk.

Before the speech, sometimes before the trawl they waste other speeches. For example, a 200-liter barrel is empty. Sailors don’t like this type of light, even if the stink can tear the gear, especially when trawling takes place in bad weather, and this is not uncommon in fishing.

Vikinuti chi z'isti?

Roman Fedortsov often photographs the people of the great depths. How can fish that live near the kingdom of darkness and cold swim in trawls on a par with those that swim just below the surface? As the Roman explained, the plan can go to great depths. For example, in the Erminger Sea off Greenland, trawling takes place at a depth of approximately 950 meters. Enough to cap the miracle. For them, to waste until the limit means death.

“It’s almost impossible to survive through a sharp drop in pressure,” explains Roman Fedortsov. - Viper catches, like chimeras, are thrown overboard.

Don't try fishing for the taste of monsters. Of course, our colleagues from Asian countries would not mind such a culinary benefit, and even that fish, which seems unnatural to us, may be considered a delicacy in Japan. Alas, Russians have an appetite for the original hereds.

Sailors are a special people! – Roman laughs. - You can cook casual fish any way you want. Ale mi did not experiment. If you want grenadier or lump sum caviar, you salt it. There is less food on board, and there is no shortage of large perch, halibut and cod for fish.

Yes, glory is talent, there is always a problem in the middle. However, Roman Fedortsov’s social networks have become popular (Twitter already has over 119 thousand prepaid subscribers, Instagram has 190), and people immediately want to cash in on it. The accounts of the Murmansk resident were stolen, and the network was filled with fake pages.

It's inevitable. It’s unacceptable, but that’s the reality. There is a lot to be said about support services for this and other social security. For example, Twitter responds even more quickly to requests about removing fake pages. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the Instagram support service - a sailor is brave enough to confront the situation.

Reference records of Roman Fedortsov can be found in “Reverified by KP”.

There is no life without the sea

It is not excluded that if our sailors were at the trawl, and then in the lens of Roman Fedortsov, they would catch a fish unknown to science and become a dying fish (read “Competently”). This has happened more than once when, for example, a prehistoric shark was occasionally discovered in the fishery. So far, the sailor has been able to recognize all his characters, including the rich creatures of the world's wide web, among the rich representatives of marine flora and fauna.

Roman's prepayers check out his new photograph - an army of fantastic fish growing every day. And the sailor himself promises that there will be photographs.

For 17 years I have known this kind of work and way of living, and I even more importantly realize that I worked on a birch tree. More precisely, I don’t show any signs of burning yet - it seems like a Murmansk person.

Before speaking, Roman loves photographing fish and sea landscapes. So let’s check out a new new photo for a great post-school lesson in natural history.


Photos of the sailor have been looked at with great vigor since yesterday, as they have done this more than once.

The novel may also benefit from a species unknown to science, the discovery of which will be based on the totality of information about the new species of fish and its location, - even Senior scientific scientist at the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute (MMBI) Oksana Kudryavtseva.- Therefore, we would like photographs of these rare and unexpected fish to show not just fragments of the body, but the whole fish with straightened swimmers, from all angles.

When a fish is lifted to the surface with a trawl, it often changes its external look through the difference between the vice and the “embossing”. Photo: Roman FEDORTSOV

Many fish in the photographs of Roman Fedortsov live in deep water under great pressure, where there is little light, and the water temperature drops to -2. Through the eyes they look so wonderful, but, as Oksana Kudryavtseva explains, there are no “pathologies”. All the features of the hand:

The head is large, but the body is thin, thinning to the end, like a tail;

Great teeth and shlunok;

The flesh and brushes are soaked with water so that it does not hurt under the pressure (if such a fish is pulled onto the surface, it will become swollen, the eyes will be torn, and the insides will fall out);


Official pages of Roman Fedortsov, where you can follow his photographs.

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