Russian language theme of particles. What is a common thing? Pieces and litter

§1. Zagalna characteristic particles

Chastka - tse service part of the movie.

If the linguistic tradition contrasted parts of promos with parts of promos (small service words - great words with independent meanings) and included all service words. Then it was understood that the receivers of that split are okremі classi slіv, kozhen with their functions. I term chastka began to live in a new way, with a great meaning.

Like all "small" words, particles may have low important features:

1) do not change themselves,
2) not є members of the proposition (although some parts of the part can enter before the current warehouse).
In the case of other non-self-reliant words, they exclaim those that stink to serve as a transmission of wide-ranging additive meanings, emotions, feelings, assessments to speak. Without particles, which are especially often represented in rozmovnіy mov, Russian mov would appear less rich. Let's take a look:

Nevzhe Vіn not calling? (Zdivuvannya) ≠ Vin without calling? (Food)
Yak times about tse I dreamed! (clarification, confirmation, expression) ≠ I dreamed about it (remarks about the neutral character)
What for nothing! (Viklik, estimate) ≠ Nich. (name proposition)

You can see from these applications that they are often quite different. In this case, as for all service words, for parts of the original function (role), it seems to be stink to the shape of the meaning.

§2. Shaping parts

There are not many formative particles.
Tse parts: b, hi, let it go, so, come on (ti). They serve to enlighten the forms of mental and mandated methods.

Not pishov bi dosch, mi spent the whole day on the streets.

Chastka b to serve as an indicator of the intellectual method of discourse. This is a component of the dієslіvnoї form. Chastka to enter at the tributary at once from the devilish form. Later, the formative particles are included before the warehouse members of the speech.

Let's go to the place!

Chastka let's - indicator of the punishment method. Come on let's go- Tse sponukannya to sleep. Here there is an appropriation of a sing-singular proposition.

Also, the formative parts are the same parts that are used to enlighten the forms of the mental and mandated ways of the word. At the rechenni, the stinks come out at once from the word, so as not to stand in order, and є with one member of the rechennya (but often cannot be members of the rechennya).

§3. Meanings of parts. Discharge by value

The main mass of Russian particles is formed by meaning parts. Shards of stench can develop a wide range of meanings, it is important to know, in order to rank for the meanings of stink.

Discharge by value:

  1. Negative: nі, nі, zovsіm not, far from, not at all
  2. Power: nezhe, hiba, chi (l)
  3. Vkazivnі: tse, he, axis, y (spacious)
  4. Clarifying: itself, directly, exactly, precisely
  5. Intermediate-vidilnі : only, only, exclusively, mayzhe, single,
  6. call: what for, well, i, yak
  7. Additives: adzhe, navit, after all, nі, well, sche, i, so, but
  8. Sumnіvy: chi hardly chi hardly chi

Do not confuse:

1) Pieces i, a, so- homonymous works.
І do not say! І do not ask! І don't check! (here і- pіdsilyuvalna part)
So do not say! So do not ask! So don’t check for something new, don’t come wine! (so - pіdsilyuvalna part)
AND, be what you will! ( a- pіdsilyuvalna part)

2) Chastka hos homonymous with the suffix in non-significant borrowers: whoa, whoa etc.
Vin hos you know what to say! Mi- then we know… Ivan hos know... (here hos- part)

3) Chastka yak homonymous borrower yak.
Yak good to breathe after the storm! Yak it's greedy! Yak me bad! (here yak- call part)
Yak spell a word? (power borrower)
I dont know, yak the whole word is written. (visible borrower)


Deyakі parts can be brought not to one, but to different divisions, for example: chi, nі ta іn Porіvnyаєmo:
To the booth no soul (= no one, negative) ≠ The room did not have no souls (pidsilyuvalna)
Say by calling chi who? (drinking) ≠ Zayde chi wine today? Vstygne chi? (dub)

test of strength

Perverte, as you have understood the mind of the third division.

Sub-bag test

  1. Chi correctly vvazhat parts of the independent part of the movie?

  2. What are the parts of the movie part changing?

  3. Can you often go to the warehouse of members of the river?

  4. How many parts can enter the warehouse of members of the rechennya?

    • Smislovi
    • Shape-creators
  5. How often do you help to satisfy the forms of command and mental methods?

    • Smislovi
    • Shape-creators
  6. Form-creating chi smyslovimi є particles notі no?

    • Smislovimi
    • shaping
  7. Form-creating or smyslovimi є particles: b, hi, let it go, so, come on -?

    • Smislovimi
    • shaping

Chastka- This is the service part of the mov, as to serve for the expression of the meaning of words, phrases, speech, and for the establishment of forms of words. The parts do not change, they are members of the proposition. (At school grammar, however, it is customary to add a negative part not at once with this word, to lie down for a long time; especially deserving of discourse.). The fallow in the form of the transferred additional values ​​is seen: meanings of parts (axis wine, approximately two), modal sections(So, we chatted, well, go) and formative particles, how to convey different grammatical meanings: Come on go. So greet the participants zloto!

Basic meanings of parts






he, axis, tse that in.

point at objects

1. Axis lischik, telbukh, axis sterlet shmatochok(I. Krilov). 2. The profession of a doctor tse a feat, it means self-confidence, purity of soul and purity of thought(A. Chekhov).


itself, mayzhe, exactly, itself that in.

specify the word chi viraz

Matinka mayzhe did not turn on me respect(I. Turgenev).


only, all, less, all-on-all that in.

give a word or a group of words an intermediate note

Who am I? What am I? Lishé mriynik, having spent the blue of the eyes at the darkness.(S. Yesenin)


navit, adzhe, a, i, nі that in.

underline singing words

Navit the clerk having seen an uncomplaining sound(L. Tolstoy).


hiba, nezhe, nezhe that in.

express food in nutritional propositions

Hiba I can doubt who?(L. Tolstoy)


nі, nі, nі, as much as nіyak not, zovsіm not, far from that in.

vyslovlyuyut zaperechennya.

Chastka no vikoristovuetsya with a negative opinion on nutrition and watering a coma

Self-reliance, a sense of freedom and special initiative in science not less consumption, lower, for example, in the world of trade(V. Chekhov).

« Will you come to us? - " Hi, I won't come"(L. Tolstoy).


yes, exactly, yes that in.

hang up hardness

"Already friends?" - " So, the third river pishov from Pilipovki"(L. Tolstoy).

Cremated in a coma.


yak, nibi, nibi, nache that in.

express agreement.

Get used to the award

1. Dubrovsky nibi otyavsya vіd sipanny(A. Pushkin). 2. Stigle zhito yak golden sea.


what for, yak, about that in.

express emotions

1. Golubko, yak garna! Well what for neck, what for vіchka!(I. Krilov). 2. Tobi, Kazbek, about right off the bat, brought me, mandrivnik, my own(M. Lermontov).

Shaping parts

grammatical form



Mandatory way of the word

let it go, let it go, let's go

Come on natovp roztopche mіy vіnets: vіnets spіvaka, vіnets thorns!(M. Lermontov)

Smart way of the word

b, b

I AM b navіki zabuv shank and vіrshi bthrowing up writing(S. Yesenin)

Outdated the form of the past hour of the word


We started bulo talk about a new povitovoy batt, like a raptom smashing the doors, piercing Olga’s voice: “Tea is ready”(I. Turgenev).

modal parts




Volitional manifestation (the same meaning for formative particles)

Give (a), well, well, well, come on, come on, come on, come on

Hi, don't you so hard I love(P.)

Setting to diї: food, hardening, locking, povnyannya

So, ni, chi nibi

You know chi you Ukrainian nothing? ( R.) Roby yak you know.


What for, -s

Well what for neck, what for vіchka! (Cr.)

Before formative parts are given to the parts, serving to educate the forms of the mental and mandated way of the word. Before them lie like this: b(Indicator of the mental way), let it go, let it go, let's go(Indications of the mandated method). On the vіdmіnu vіd smyslovyh parts, formative parts є components of the dієslіvnoї form і enter the warehouse of the same member of the word, scho і dієslovo, podkreslyuyuyutsya together with him with non-contact roztashuvanni, for example: I AM b not zapiznivsya, like b not pishov doshch .

Smislovi particles express the meaning of the words, almost like a blue of the one who speaks.

In some cases, other groups of particles are seen, but not all particles can be included before the designated groups (for example, moving, nibito, moving).

Chastka no acts as a negative in the constructions of a special proposition with an omitted adjective ( Near the room no sound) and yak pіdsilyuvalna for the vagueness of the already pronounced transcendence ( Near the room not a little no sound). When repeated no act as a repeated author's union ( Not a little near the room no shurkhit, no other sounds).

Not parts of postfix. Xia (-camping), -then, -otherwise, -nebud that consoles notі no in warehouses of negative and unimportant borrowers and clerks, as well as diversified clerks and clerks, independently of an angry chirped writing.

Smislov's part - then it is necessary to revise the word-forming postfix - then, who speaks as a zasіb of the adoption of the unappointed borrowers and servants. Let's take a look: yaki- then, kudi- then (postfix) - I AM- then know where to go(part).

Parts do not change. For the meaning of this role, the words are often divided into three categories:

  • formative - to serve for the appropriation of the mental and the commanding way of the word (b, b, so, come on, don’t let that іnshi);
  • negative - parts not і ні;
  • modal - to bring in propositions of different meanings and to express a sense of that setting of the one who speaks (khіba, he, himself, less and іnshi).

Do not confuse particles with other moving particles.

  1. Chastku b (b) after the borrower yak i soyuz schob (Who would you help? Batko went to the sanatorium, schob pidlikuvatisya.).
  2. Partly after the borrower, that union is the same (Those same, that the school. The sky above us was also dark, the month had not yet been.).
  3. A part of the message of the clerk is the same and the union is the same (So it is, just like today. Today is also met.).
  4. Chastki no, no homonymous prefixes (not coming - unfriendly, no trees - no).
  5. A part of that and homonymous suffix something (style something - htos).
  6. Parts and homonymous parts of the movie:
    What a house! (Part of what is behind) - What is behind the booth? (borrower with drive for)
    Yaka garna ti! (Chaska yak) - I don’t know how to grow better! (Spilka yak).


Shaping parts

Utvoryuyuyut umovny sposіb: priyshov bi, nadila b, happened to be, what would not have happened punishment method: let's live, let's ride, let's go, let's ride

Modal parts (meanings)

Parts with meaningful words are divided into groups according to their meanings:
food: chi, khіba, nezhe;
vkaz_vka axis, but axis, get, but get;
clarification: itself, itself;
vidilennya that obezhennya: only, less may, exclusively.

Modal parts (turn a little)

The parts, which seem to be pronounced and the orders of the one who speaks, are divided into groups according to the meanings:
wiguk: what for, yak;
sumniv: hardly likely;
strength: navit, navit, i, adzhe, already, after all;
vimoga help:-ka (Zrobi-ka, show me).

The negative part is not

A part cannot have a negative meaning and is more positive when it is closed.
All propositions have a negative meaning:
Don't hurry for help. Don't be tsoma.
Negative meaning of the slurred word:
In front of us, it was not dribna, but a great galyavin, who leaned down.
Positive value:
Comrade did not help me in a moment.

Negative part nі

Chastka nі, krіm negative, maybe mothers іnshi meaning.
Negative value without pіdlyagaє:
Nі z mіstsya! Not a soul!
Posilennya zaperechennya with a particle of no word:
There is no such thing as a hospitable soul. Not a single bush is visible.
Significantly more important with a negative borrower and a sermon:
But not (= all) robbing bi, everything turned out to be new.
Wherever (= everywhere) you marvel, skrіz fields and fields.

Oh, already qi often! Skіlki vchili, skіlki trained, but we can not remember: sometimes we mix them up with spilks, then with scribblers. So I want to shout: "Help!"

Remember beforehand that you can't see parts of the "list" in the first place. It is necessary to sort out the features of the service part of the promotion, the warehouse is constantly replenished.

Vіn growth for rahunok spilok (а, i, so, аbo, chi), prislіvnіkіv (exactly, directly, ledve, vzhe), borrowers (scho, everything) and navit dієslіv (batch, pack, come on, come on, mayzhe, abo) . Such particles for their trips are taken in by the dead. Vlasne particles are not too rich, nayvidomishі - tse NOT, NI, SAME, AXIS, GON, -KA. Qi particles are not similar.

Behind their warehouse, the particles are deposited in simple warehouses. If a part is formed from one word, then it is called simple (Axis is bad luck! Where did it go?). If it’s two words, it’s more like three, then it’s already a warehouse (I just joked to you. Or else?).

Only slightly similar words in the singing context, you can correctly name, de itself a part, and de її homonym - union chi adjective. Z'yasovuvaty vіdminnostі more beautifully in riverine, shards in the particles and yoga "dvіynikіv" here at once show special power.

For example, let's take some propositions: The world is great and beautiful. І Moscow did not appear at once. Vaughn explained everything simply that zrozumilo. I just got lost in an unknown mist.

The first word union I has two similar warehouse names "great" and "beautiful". The other one has a part of the I potent meaning of "Moscow". Unions pov'yazuyut like homogeneous members, and parts folding propositions. And the chastki can’t make a connection by themselves, they play an important role: to add additional meanings, or help to make the form of the word, but a little bit worse. In the third proposition, the adjective JUST lie down as a prize "explained" and played the role of furnishing the way of doing. In the fourth - the part is SIMPLY not a member of the proposition, before it it is not possible to put food in the form of a judgment "lost", and it is more difficult to change the proposition.

We are often practical in dermal speech, but often we do not mention these little "workers" of the movie. And without them it is impossible to get along, especially in rozmovnіy mov, de stinks unite one with one and become warehouse: The axis is so busy! Oh, that Petko, dear Shakhray! Axis and the lessons are gone...

Shvidko is remembered and formative parts are easily recognized, they are not rich:

B, B serve to enlighten the forms of the intellectual way of the word, to think of the meaning of the ability, the imovirnosti of the diї, can occupy the space in the speech (Being a charmer, I have made all people happy.);

SO, COME ON, LET IT GO, LET IT GO, DO NOT help the devil to make the form of the command method and sometimes work at the same time with a frequent KA, which shows the help of the vimoga, or the prohannya: GIVE-KA, GO-KA, GO-KA, GIVE-KA, WELL- KA (So live the world on the planet! Give me a book to read.).

It is not possible to forget even the particles, which help to establish the deacies of the same forms of prikmetniks and prikmetniks. Warehouse porіvnyalny stupіn prikmetnіv і prislіvnіkіv utvoryuetsya for additional particles MORE, LESS: stronger, less swidky; shvidshe, less strongly. And warehouse miracles in prikmetniki vmagaє presence of particles NAYBІLSE, NEST: the strongest, the most seen, the least in the distance).

Є elementi, yakі vvazhayutsya word-creators for their sutti: -THAT, -ABO, -NEBE, THIS-, NOT-, NI-. The stench take the fate of the enlightenment of the insignificant and the negative borrowers and the servants. Qi "budіvelnі tseglini" have spent their belonging to the particles, the shards have ceased to be okremi words.

And yet, most of the time, I can rightly with meaningful particles, for some school assistants, the stench is called modal. You see for the meanings especially numerical, and the most important - it is important to remember. Father, get ready! On the cob of the table are indicated the parts, the largest coexistence in the movie. For example, there are three groups of particles, which often do not take into account the primary classification.

Discharge particles


Nevzhe, nezhe, nezhe, hіba, chi, chi, chi scho?

Haven't you gone yet? Chi is close to the year of pobachennya? Isn't that Tetyana herself?.. Are you sick? Why don't you close the window? Chi ti yesterday coming? Let's go, what's up?

call to serve to express emotions

What for, yak, axis so, axis i, already th, bach, yak bach, well, well, just

What beauty, what fairy tales! Yak Garno all around! Wow diva! Axis and vіr їm! Already well done! Bach, yak screaming! Bach is so funny! Well beauty, then beauty! Well, it's a day! Just beauty!

INDICATIONAL serve to indicate objects, phenomena, podії

Axis, axis i, he, tse

Nut axis, stitch axis. Axis and end. He lie book. Tse stіl was covered for obid.


Ні, zovsіm not, zovsіm not, far not, nі, nі, nіyak nі

I can't sleep. Not a bad day. You're not to blame. Far from being a poor person. Nі z mіstsya! No, don't go! - Ready? - No way.

PIDSILYUVALNI serve to strengthen the okremikh slіv

Adzhe, navit, і, already, oh, after all, but still, everything, nі, that th

I told you. Navit you against. Vaughn did not think to go. What are you going to do? You already know. Oh, Fedko. Vin is my friend. And yet it's spinning! Vaughn is all in'yazhe that in'yazhe. Without saying a good word. That and we will go home.

CLARIFY serve to clarify the sense of a word

Same, same, exactly, straight, approximately, not enough, zovsіm

It's all right to follow you. You will need more today. I'm checking on you exactly five times. You are exactly right. Vіn directly laugh at vіchі. Approximately at the end of the day, preparations for graduation are possible. I haven't spent much money. Vin zovsim froze.

VISIONS serve to see that exchange of words

Only, only, only, one less, nothing more, hіba scho, inclusive, mayzhe, hoch, hoch b

Tilki pіd hour of work I v_pochivayu. Only wines can help. We were there only once. I just got drunk. Once again, plant flowers. I don't have a party, I'll drink some tea. They trusted the mail exclusively to you. Mayzhe everything is ready. Tilki Vin did not know. Go get drunk. Hoch bi time ty listening to the porads of the elders.

ІZ THE VALUES OF THE SUMMARY serve to determine the sum

Hardly chi hardly chi nibi hiba scho bach.

Chi now you know mushrooms. We can probably get through here. Like what happened. Vaughn promised to come. Hiba sho borsch call. Bach, what did you see.


nachebto nibi nibi

Why am I the only one to blame! Here, nibi a little gurkіt thunder. Wheezy on Baikal instead of on the sea.


So, so, kindly, kindly, so precisely, the axis itself, but yak, insanely

Yes, it was not good. Yes, let's go. - Zrobish? - Good. - Get the order! - Yes sir! - Good luck with you. - Same way. - Is it bright? - And yak! - Are you ready? - Absolutely.


Nibito, moving, moving, de

Father seems to have created nothing. You, movlyav, do not want. She explained that I was not like that, like a stink. They laughed, that the axis is stupid, but there is a lie!

Skoda, because the experts of that method did not make a single classification of parts, so in some school handbooks they call only five ranks, in others they are higher. How can I teach a teacher? Food is rhetorical!


1. Valgina N.S., Rozental D.E., Fomina M.I., Tsapukevich V.V. Modern Russian language. View. 2, add. and revised: Kind of "Vishcha school". - M., 1964. - S. 264-267.

2. Tikhonov O.M. Modern Russian language. (Morphemics. Slovotvir. Morphology). View. 2, stereo. - M: Citadel-trade, VD Ripol Klasik, 2003. - S. 436-442.

3. Dudnikov A.V., Arbuzova A.I., Vorozhbitska I.I. Russian language: Chief help for avg. specialist. navch. mortgage - 7 vidavnitstvo, corrected. - M: Vishch. school, 2001. - S. 217-228.

4. Shklyarova T.V. Russian language. Advice for schoolchildren and applicants (additional help for middle school). - M: Gramotey, 2002. - S. 260-268.

5. Voilova K.A., Goltsova N.G. Dovіdnik-workshop from Russian. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1996. - S. 127-137.

6. Bulatnikova A.Y. Peculiarities of growing particles / Russian language at school. - 1981. - No. 1. - S. 56-59.

7. Sokolova G.P. Once again about NOT and NI... (Formulation of spelling skills at repetition lessons) / Russian language at school. - 2003. - No. 5. - S. 15-23.

In the speech. Partials in the Russian call to give a variety of additional notes to the words, or to inspire a whole range of propositions. Another roll of particles is word-creation, with additional help the forms of words are settled.

For example:

1. Tilki you need youma.

Chastka only enhance the value of the borrower ti in speech.

2. Come on be so, as you wish.

For help come on the commanding way of the word is approved: come on will.

Wanting a part of the Russian language and not arranging a speech, but inexplicably enter to the yogo warehouse. For example:

1. Chi is not wind galasue for a viknom and not a board.

Parts needed:

Order ( so, come on, come on, come on): come on try;

Umovnogo ( b, b): assigned b, Rozpoviv b ;

2) when illuminating prislivniki and prikmetnikov, steps of their plumbing - less, more, most. For example: more respectful,less cicavius, himself funny, more tight, less brightly;

3) under the hour of the order: -something, deshcho, -nebud, -but. For example: hos, dehto, htos, htos that in.

The role of such particles is close to that of a morpheme.

The value of the particles

Pieces in Russian language propositions in general, or even one word, give different visions.

Particles nezhe, hiba, chi (l)- nutrition. Most of them are vicorous in catering. For example: Nevzhe vibachili? Hibaє shchos tsіkavіshe?

Chastki hail what the hell transmit burrowing, zdivuvannya, zakhoplennya. For example: Yak light is wide! What for beauty!

Parts of pidsiluvalnі ( adzhe, navit, navit, after all) vikoristovuyutsya, as it is necessary to strengthen the word. For example: Navit Do not think! Still miraculous! Vin and I'm guilty!

In Russian language notі no. The stench goes up to the limit in a different way. Chastka not rob negative like a word, so is the whole proposition:

1. Not buwat tsuma! All proposition is negative.

2. Not the wind broke the needle. The word wind is more negative.

In the presence of two particles not create a negative stench at the riverside positive: I AM not can not get along with you!

Hi- part, poklikana feasibility of the meaning of the cross, especially as in the case of the river already ¾ of the cross or the part not. For example: from the sky not fell no drops. The fox has no no mushroom, no yagidki.

In Russian - tse, yak po'yazan z vіrazhennyam vіdtіnkіv sensu, vіdnosini chi a little. Before the tsієї group enter vishchezgadanі ranks and deyakі іnshі. Non-modal parts, not related to the manifestations of feelings, were brought by Vinogradov to the level of meanings.

To which order of particles lie:

A group of initially clarifying ones, such as itself, exactly, simply that in. For example: itself tsey, exactly styles

A group of particles of visible-intermediate - tіlki, tіlki, inclusive and etc. For example: only tse, inclusive white color.

Parts of the show axle, he, yakі nibito vkazuyut on the subject, varty respect. For example: Axis road!

Usі chastki vykonuyut grammatical, lexical and derivational function in Russian. With the gracious victorious stench of the building, enrich our language, make it more beautiful and different.

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