Rooney is shackled by people. Potuzha runic formula for the viklik of a person. What are wiklik runes: global rules


Wasted a link from a close person? Do you want to have your kohanies come to you - and tell you those who didn’t care before? Then you know from your stats why you need a potion runic formula on viklik people, її raznovidi, vikoristannya rules. Good reading.

Wiklik people with runes - what is it?

The runic formulas on the viklik of a person allow you to turn the one who is pishov - to give you a chance to talk, z'yasuvati stosunki. Dyut at the love sphere, with relatives, for a long time they do not show "signs of life." Ale about everything in order.

How to correctly greet with runic formulas for people's wicked

In order to recognize, as if to be timid, to properly greet and cry out to the people, then to carry out a series of forward manipulations, for example, to clean up the people, helping to put a stop to you. It is especially important for hard weldings, if you almost don’t want to make a friend half.

Important moment! Before choosing the necessary combination of bindings, please consult with specialists. The chaotic sequence of many runic days is fraught with the manifestation of only negative consequences

Under the hour of koristuvannya with runes, remember one simple word - skin combination of your hour, miss. Do not try to force yourself to follow, but rather add an hour to picking the right guard for the runic formula of a person’s prayer.

Yakshcho vyrishili put a kіlka combinations of runes, next vrahuvati - the skin of the symbols of the logical continuation of the front. It is worthwhile also to the mechanism of interaction, which works on the “Lancegian reaction” kshtalt. Talking my simple If you think everything you need to achieve a positive result, the formula starts its work in a negligent way. Now you can proceed to the application of the attack.

The most popular formulas for wiki people

Іsnuє kіlka variants of the runic formula for the viklik of a person from the guards. I'll bring the widest butts.

Pushing viklik "Dagaz - 4 Raido"

With a quick runic standing on the viklik of a person (as if to apply on yourself), it is not recommended to do this work. Spratsovuє protyag 7 days.

The essence of the formula is this. At the central part, the Dagaz rune is rotting, the chotirma is sharpened. You can apply on the photo either an arctic paper, bagan with damp blood, squeezed from the ring finger of the left hand. Above the little one, say the name of the people, the bazhany final result (zustrіch, came to the booth thinly).

Became "Solodki miri"

Becoming victorious exclusively in the sphere of love, for situations, if there is a mutual attraction, ale zustrіch will drag on or else it will fall on the inconsistency of the term. Let's take a look at the structure of the report.

  • Mannaz (central part of the stave) - your role for the bagged object
  • Ansuz - Laguz - Vunyo. Combination recalls the reception of thoughts about the laying of the stav, tell me about the reception of the moments spent together
  • Raido - Nautiz (subordinate zv'yazuvannya). Stimulates the bazhannya to grow up, signify the pain. Don't be afraid to spontaneously appear on your horizon
  • Dagaz - Ansuz - Stungin Iss (Islandic rune of "penetration of ice"). The object has rapt thoughts from the series "it's time to get wiser," a mess (injecting Stungin Iss), your image is constantly in the new head
  • Mannaz - Gebo - Ar (Islandic rune "vrozhayny r_k"), to shuffle the little ones. Zustrich - bad result, the result of intrusive ideas about you

Stavshi can be applied to the photo. Arkush paper can be beaten with a good visualization of the bagan object. On the sign, paint the center (Mannaz) in the region of the third eye, and then, after the year arrow, go to the links Raido / Laguz. Zliva to the right, paint the links with the Dagaz rune. The final touch is applied by Gebo - Ar.

Runescript "Wiklik"

The main task of the formula is the renewal of the spent controversy with a kohanoy person, or a good friend.

It is stacked with Ansuz, Eyvaz, linked on all sides in the doors of Nautiz. To improve the result, at the top and bottom parts, paint Soul.

The deciphering of the runes of the fortune-telling sequence is coming.

  • Nautiz - calling out to the caller
  • - The symbol of the spell itself
  • Eyvaz - show on partnerships blue, friendship
  • - stronger result, postachannya becoming sony energy

Having become airborne by a nameless force, crying out in the object of the bazhanya of the postynyh zustriches. Consists of advancing runes.

  • Robot symbols - - , Kau - Tourisaz, -
  • Warehouse of the central v'yazi - the operator himself
  • Khrest z hanging Nautiz and Laguz - potik, which carried the object to the operator
  • Kuti stavu - v'yaz Turisaz - Kau. Allow to clear the way of the object from possible crossing codes, without blocking the crossing code for possible clearing

Put the little ones on a photo card, de'object taken at a later date. Symbols are painted on the forehead and forehead with a marker of any color. Strengthen the effect to help the blood from the finger, which trace should be circled central part stav. Becoming imaged in the central part, then cross (wrapping the photo behind the year's arrow). Kuti are painted with the same rank, with the photo scrolling behind the year's arrow.

Wiklik of the people "Charivny stusan pіd zad"

Eyvaz - Uruz - Kenaz - Gebo - Turisaz will help you to deal with the object independently in case of obvious difficulties on yoga path. You can win in all spheres of life - kohannya, friendship, work, native ties. Formula rozvіє nerishuchіst, sumnіvi ob'єkta.

Deciphering symbols є offensive.

  • Eyvaz - defense, defense, hard work
  • Uruz - strength, vitrima, stamina
  • - Porazuminnya
  • - opening, opening
  • - new horizons

What robiti, why didn’t the formula work on the weekly?

If the formula didn’t work on the weekly, it means that you started pardoning while working with runic formulas. Let's take a look at the most wide-ranging options.

  • Robot with runes without a clear understanding of their principle of robotics. To learn how to put the right painting, to spend a little time. Otherwise, you risk solving additional problems
  • Yakshcho you are far away from the understanding " runic magic”, Navit do not try to rob the higher-ranking ones come in. The reason is similar to the other
  • It is possible to win the song runic formula only for the mind, as you know in detail the skin symbol that is won.
  • The number of combinations
  • Biopriv'yazki slid zastosovuvaty less at the vapadka, as if it was wised up. In a different situation, you will earn yourself a mass of inaccuracies

Analyze the guesswork points, indicating what exactly they did wrong, to work on the “work on pardons”. Repeat the ritual again in another hour.

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Vikoristovuyuchi runichny standing on the call of a person, the operator creates a sub situation in the field, under the infusion of such an object that you want to squawk, if you want to call him in a negligent way. The runes of the formula-vikliks are often victorious in love magic, but they often stink in good fortune in situations when a person disappears, do not go to the bells and do not show signs of life.

What are wiklik runes: global rules

A formula that stuns the object, that squeaks, rattles quickly, often works softly and without traces. After activation in a person, it is blamed for the need to work terminology calls, it is important to remember or come and especially ask the operator. Often people cry with runes vikoristovuyut cholov_ki and women at love magic, if it is not necessary to guess the terms about yourself. Like a couple at the same time, but welding has become between them, you can become stagnant in order to put up with the first comedy and wriggle out.

Vyaz on viklik to navit great victories, if, for example, viklik needs to contact a familiar relative, who has not been known for a long time. It is important to mothers on the vows, when the hour of victorious runic symbols follows, respectfully put together combinations, don’t hurry up, otherwise you won’t get pardons. If a person is a novice, and the magic of runes began to grow a little recently, then it is recommended that he speed up with ready-made ties, as if to work not harder. Ready runny becoming be applied to the photo of the object, which is mentioned, after which it is clearly visible. As there are no photographs, the worker, having become drawn on the paper arch, where the name of that name is written. Thus the formula and activation are correct, becoming a showy effect, sometimes for 1.5-2 years the object, which is to be called, is given as a sign.

Best bet

Dagaz - 4 Raido

Even though in pairs it's heavy, the formula is bound to be effective.

Tse hard becoming, like a victorist in love magic and practicing for one mind - between a man and a woman is a song of sympathy, prote z for any reason, you can’t think of posplkuvatisya more than one knows one. Sob the person summed up and immediately went to the link, it is recommended to write the formula on the photo, as if it’s not possible, pidide arkush paper and name that im’yam object, scho to click. Robochi runi - Dagaz distribution in the center and 4 Raido, painted on the side. Become looking like this.

Viklik vid Tony Montana

Tse strong and dієviy becoming, scho yelling at the object, sho clucking, sending and bazhannya for whatever the price of contacting the operator. The rest is taken like a drug, zukerka, act like it’s impossible. I look like this. Rooney, what to enter at the ligature:

With such an injection, the object, whether it be some ways, will be able to get along with the deputy.
  • Mannaz;
  • Vunyo;
  • Laguz;
  • Naut;
  • Turisaz.

Runescript "Charivny stusan"

Tse perevіreny, becoming strong, some kind of spratsyuє be-yakіy sphere that zmusit to come to the link of a kohan, relative, friend, colleague in work. The formula "Charming pendel" is composed of such runic symbols:

The symbols of this formula are designed to be a person without obezhennya for the sphere of activity.

  • Eyvaz. The symbol of the underlay is a reshcode.
  • Uruz. Give strength, vitrima, stamina.
  • Gebo. Spriyaє razuminnyu between the parties.
  • Kenaz. Opening the soul, twisting it to the point of splintering.
  • Turisaz. Showing new looks in mutuals.

Become "Viklik"

The effective formula is Sema, which reveals all the transitions, which zavazhayut zustrіchі vіdbutisya, scho pіdіgіvaє i zbudzhuє at the object bazhannya pobachitsya, scho zmushuє yogo arrive to the operator yaknaishvidshe. Rooney, who win for the stav, become stronger, as if writing them in pairs:

  • Algiz - Ansuz;
  • Ansuz - Kano;
  • Kano - Raido;
  • Raido - Naut.

Another runescript with this name, prote warehouse runn symbols and other:

A similar formula can be the mother of the Quort symbol.
  • Evaz;
  • Mannaz;
  • Gebo;
  • Laguz;
  • Ansuz;
  • Perth;
  • Kenaz;
  • Eyvaz;
  • Nautiz.

Remind yourself to use a conversation with a friend, or become a kohan people to help, what is formed from such runes:

  • Nautiz;
  • Ansuz;
  • Eyvaz;
  • Soul.

Stavshi "Effortless viklik" helps to viklikati object on a normal rozmovu, prote vyaz energy-vitrate. Robotic runes Nautiz - Gebo - kano - Soulo - Prov. Teyvaz - Eyvaz.

Became "Solodki miri"

The formula helps to organize without interruption the sound of the people, and not the removal of the call.

This is a strong call of the people from the guards, when you do it in such a way that the object appears in front of the operator physically, and not calling him by phone or email. Becoming zastosovuєtsya only for people, yakimi є sympathy, protests zustritisya for some reason not to go. Rooney is recommended to draw on the photo or arkusha paper for the name of the object, after being guarded, to clearly indicate the method of stavu and the final result. Looking like this.

Інші put-dzvinki

Tse strained, but to endure a zhorstky becoming, for some kind of own. Meta stavu - organize the reception of the zustrіch from the reception person. However, in order to understand such a thing, I will save everything that I respect from life. To that, as the operator swears at the vіdnosinah, but the viniclo bazhannya rises, the runescript will remain and irrevocably clean up the partner, after which you won’t become a slave. That is, if a friend’s half є і won’t go for all the parameters, then becoming vikoristovuvat not varto. Effect of instantaneous communication, working runes:

People who are already trying to change their minds cannot go into the formula.
  • Raido;
  • Gebo;
  • Kano;
  • Ansuz;

To finish it often happens in such a way that it’s necessary to call and talk to people, but you don’t show up or you don’t go to the call yourself. Rooney can help in whom, they will let know what was going on and help the viklikati necessary people.

These techniques can be zastosovuvat and in emergency situations if there is a sign and for hvilyuvannya є real reasons.

At this point, Rooney will tell you what could become of a person and help you know, or give you the opportunity to contact you in any way.

Tse mozhe buti osobisty dzvinok or zustrich, a dream, which will show what you are seeing, or signs that indicate a specific person.

Rooney, yakі help to call people zv'yazok.

Mannaz is the main Rune that characterizes the people themselves and the people as a whole.

Gebo - partnership, partnerships are friendly.

Ansuz - knowledge, rozmova, intelligence.

Soulu - sleepy energy and rejuvenation of runic formulas. Rozpalyuє bazhannya people to splkuvannya.

Uruz is a destructive force.

Runic formulas to help call people.

Two main simple formulas, but to make them stronger.

Soulu + Mannaz + Ansuz

Solulu weaves energy from one person to another, giving an understanding of what is needed.

Mannaz at the link with Ansuz is the bazhannya of the necessary people to get on the link.

Ansuz + Gebo

The call of a person to the contact.

Wiklik people on verbal contact.

Soulu and Uruz are called to di.

Kano + Gebo - bazhannya people splkuvatisya, bazhannya can be spiritually, so physically (sexually).

Turisaz - rozchischiє be-yakі pereshkodi, ask directly that poslyuє dіyu dіyu all Rune formulas.

Weekly object.

Raido + Kenaz + Gebo

Raido - paths, with which people can come to call or contact.

Kenaz and Gebo - the bazhanya of the people go out and contact.

Raido + Nautiz + Turisaz + Vunyo + Mannaz

Raido, Nautiz - the need for a connection and a path to a connection. Here you can enter the PIB object in the wiki before the formula, after Raido Nautiz enter your PIB.

Turisaz - ruination pereshkod.

Vunyo - joy that light.

Mannaz is the one who calls. Under the name of the Rune, you can write your PIB that date of birth.

Primus viklik to the call.

Soulu + Nautiz + Ansuz + Evaz + Nautiz + Soulu

Nautiz - recapture the need (need) to speak.

Ansuz - zdіysnennya splkuvannya.

Evaz is a sign of friendship and partnership.

Soulu - to live that strong formula.

Wiklik an object to a contact.

Nautiz + Evaz + Turisaz + Kano + Gebo + Nautiz

Nautiz - the need for zustrіchі.

Evaz - Rukh object to the point of being overwhelmed.

Turisaz is the clearing of the paths and the underlay of the crossing.

Kano is a predilection for bazhannya splkuvannya, as well as physical contact.

Gebo - bazhannya splkuvannya, bazhannya bachiti people.

For ts_єї formulas need patience and stability. The result will be, but not mitteviy.

Viklik people abo came to her in a dream.

Mannaz + Perth + Gebo + Laguz

Mannaz is a person without a middle, an object that needs to be dreamed of.

Perth - pouring into the object, tobto on the p_dsv_domu eve.

Gebo - pіdsvіdomіst people take dani dream friendly and don't bother thinking about zukhvale.

Laguz is a symbol of sleep.

Yakshcho is needed for the coming of a person.

Uruz + Raido + Nautiz + Teyvaz

Another plan: Kano + Vunyo

Uruz - people think about people, zmushu rush straight ahead to the one who calls.

Raido is the road, which the object of the call is obliged to come to the call.

Nautiz - dolayuchi be-yak_ pereshkod, the need for intercourse.

Teyvaz - a stronger bazhannya splkuvatisya, tse straight way (Raido).

Kano and Vunyo - the joy of that joy in the face of what is expected.

It is necessary that a person come or come to the link with a certain term, follow the formula:

Raido + Dagaz + Raido

Raido is the road that way.

Dagaz is an hourly interval.

Wiklik of a person to a contact, improvement of stosunkiv. (you can vikoristovuvat after welding).

Nautiz + Gebo + Kenaz + Soulu + Teyvaz + Eyvaz

Nautiz - the need to communicate.

Gebo - partner friendly vodnosin, transfer of vodnosin to new rіven.

Kenaz - rotting the fire that vodkrittya people.

Soulu - sleepy energy, Kenaz's help.

Teyvaz - install bezprograzhny directly.

Eyvaz - magical vtruchannya.

The call of the object to the contact will come fast.

This runic formula can only be vikoristan in the love sphere, for the obvious sympathy from both sides.

Ansuz + Laguz + Vunyo + Mannaz + Raido + Nautiz + Dagaz + Ansuz + Gebo

Mannaz is a calling center of gravity.

Ansuz, Laguz and Vunyo - the object of a conversation, start thinking about those who call, a new one has thoughts about talking.

Raido and Nautiz - you need to be especially careful.

Dagaz and Ansuz - thoughts about zukhvalis.

Gebo - vydnosini, vyhid new rіven.

Turn the one who wants to enter.

Raido + Evaz + Nautiz + Kano + Gebo + Vunyo

Raido - different ways to the one who calls.

Evaz is the ruining power of the formula.

Nautiz - the need to turn around.

Kano - pragnennya turn around.

Gebo - mutually.

Vunyo is a joy in the process that you are trying to help, help you see the primus pulls, people think that she herself is turning of her own free will.

Viklik of the people, mayuchi її danі.

Raido + Gebo + Evaz + Nautiz - Mannaz + Gebo - Nautiz + Evaz + Gebo + Raido

Center - Mannaz + Gebo - the basis of the runic formula that calls.

Mannaz is an object, which is necessary for viklikati.

Gebo - Vіdnosini іz Zuhvalim.

Nautiz is a primus spilkuvannya.

Raido - options for the way to the arrival of the object.

Evaz is a direct road to the one who calls.

The rule of writing: in the first part, Rooney is written to Mannaz + Gebo and designates a person, as it is necessary to call, under the Runes, a new name is written, I am that according to the father's people, the gift of the people, that place of residence. At the other part of the link, Maknaz + Gebo are spelled Rooney, and under them are the names of the sound.

The given runic formula is applied to the photo of the object in a vikliku with a red color. When activated, you can add a formula by dropping a drop of blood on PIB and the birth date. Shelter can be replaced with a slough, the result does not change.

Terminovy ​​viklik people.

Raido + Gebo + Dagaz + Vunyo

The first three Rooney will speed up the process of zustrichi and the exit to the link.

Vunyo visvitlyuє road and granting joy in the intercourse.

Another version of the formula:

Raido + Gebo + Dagaz + Laguz + Raido + Kenaz + Laguz + Gebo + Raido + Vunyo

Raido, Dagaz, Gebo activate direct movements from the side of the object.

Raido ta Laguz - launch a surge of positive emotions.

Kenaz + Laguz - potyag different character.

Gebo + Raido - the result, zustrіch that splkuvannya.

Vunyo is the joy of vikonan work.

Poshuk and vyklik of a necessary person, a formula can be given for a search of the other half with warnings: a person who is suitable for you.

Otal + Gebo + Berkana + Raido + Perth + Algiz + Inguz

Otal - family values.

Gebo for vibudovuvannya from friendly to serious friends.

Berkana - harmonization of stanzas.

Perth - transformation and departure for a new day.

Algiz - defender and helper of the Greater forces.

Inguz - completeness, kinship and reach of the bazhany, a distant development.

Tsya runichna formula is wickedly buy more and call out to you with a partner youma (her) partner, roblyachs are one and the same. Grant harmony and bring on a new riven vіdnosin, under the protection and protection of the Greater forces.

Runescript is a place that helps to contact the object.

Ansuz + Naut + Hagl + Ansuz + Raido + Gebo + Tourisaz

Ansuz - thoughts.

Naut - the need for mutuality.

Hugl - transformation of negative into positive.

Gebo - vіdnosini, union.

Turisaz - cleaning up that dress of people's security for going out to the ring.

As soon as Turisaz adds the Rune of Jera, then the runic formula will be alive and secure cyclicity for the support of that uninterrupted splintering.

Applying that activation of runic formulas for communication with people.

All the runic formulas, like a call to a person’s call, no matter what kind of drive she is in a certain sphere, are applied only on a photo, but be like a kind of red color. Applying a paper on a clean arch is possible, so that it is possible to confirm that garna visualization.

Activation is guarded. Deactivation after the knowledge of the person or after reaching the desired result. It is not recommended to permanently win one formula and to rejuvenate її. Tse can lead to deplorable consequences. To that, the formula was refined, activated, the result was taken away, the cym was accelerated, deactivated. Under an hour of work, I would reach the result, it would be better to try to earn a hundred dollars, or bring them to a new level, so that, for example, a hundred years, they would come to a stable level.

Rooney, ancient signs of power, allow you to make speeches that are essential for life and solve problems in a magical way. Tim, who behaves with them, the stench can give wealth, love, recognition, success, help raise magical vibes and protect evil. From old hours scandinavian runes victorious in love magic, to win a man or a woman. Runic spells, or galdr, are voiced, formulas or galdrastavi sound put on the amulet of the other wearer.

Viklik people with runes - what is it

Viklik - a term in the gallery of love magic, which zastosovuetsya European ones word'yansk peoples. Vіn є to spells, having read it, you can zmusiti the object of the banquet to come to you. Old Slavic magic has an analogue to viklik - “inducing a tightness”, to make a person think about himself that nudguvati. At once, with the development of technologies, the viklik is much wider: a person may not come especially, but to get in touch, for example, by phone or by the Internet.

How to use formulas correctly

The runic viklik is a formula (galdrastav), as if it were given a special rank and applied to the photo of the object of passion, or be it another wearer of yoga im'yam, for example, arch paper. When guarded, the obov'yazkovo is called the meta infliction of the stavu: so that the one who is afraid of the call is sent to the practitioner. Let's discuss the skin rune okremo. Then the runes are activated in a special way.

Popular formulas

  • Soulu - Mannaz - Ansuz (this formula is strong, it cannot be called a special name). The first rune, Soulu, transfers power from one person to another. Two runes, which have been lost, Mannaz and Ansuz, call out the bazhannya in people, splurge (Ansuz’s oskelki are the rune of mov).
  • Ansuz - Gebo: the simplest call of a person before a conversation.
  • Raido - Dagaz - Raido: this formula is zastosovuetsya, as it is necessary to set some hourly gap, which may have an object. Two Raidos at the edges are whole, and Dagaz at the middle is an hour.

What robiti, how the formula didn’t work on the weekly

As a rule, the formula does not work, because on people it is negative magical effect, otherwise the welding was strong with distant influences. At this time, it is recommended to clean up: don’t take away someone else’s work, and negative emotions. As a matter of fact, setting up to the one who calls out is not the best, it’s better to harmonize, or to accompany the wicked with confusion, which allows you to cheat a little. The runic viklik on its own can only be performed after the previous rituals.

Love spell for help runes

A love spell follows the same scheme and technology, which is the runic call. The runic formula, straightened out by the call of a person, is more powerful, as if turning without a trace to someone from the gods. For a week of lower feelings, you can turn to Frey, for sexual bondage, to Frey, for marriage, people of children and turning a person to family - to Frigg.

The photograph of the object is in the same order, as a reminder, which includes the magic of likeness: those who are broken in the image of the object, become and with it yourself. The photo works as it is, as a biomaterial – it carries the energy of the object. In the photo, apply a good rune in the yazana - Druk Frey. The won is made up of two runes: Inguz and Berkana.

  • Іnguz - rune of human strength, statuary pull;
  • Berkana is the rune of woman's beauty, conception, people of children.

Tied together, give runes strong love spell, which can be brought to the blue. It is not recommended to work yoga, as it is not serious to the object.

Strong zmova on a call

Tsey becoming paint, schob lad phoned, on yoga photo chi wear s write im'yam. Author - lov_ushka.

  • Two Nautiz are afraid to come;
  • Evaz (near the center) cry the object from any point, de b vіn did not know;
  • Turisaz - podannya all reshkod on the road;
  • Kennaz - addiction, bazhannya pobachitsya;
  • Gebo - bazhannya buti at once, buti entrusted.

  • Nautiz - the central rune, which calls out to the gostre the need for a person;
  • Ansuz - thoughts about the new one, bajannya posplkuvatisya, talk;
  • Vunyo is mirror-like - tight, confused, confused far from the object;
  • Laguz - sleep, remember that unseen exercise;
  • Nautiz and Teyvaz - to wake up to real diy, to flirt.

How to make a runic put on a man's kohanny

Sound off, set the sound quickly and spur the object to specific actions, give an impulse, navit the blues will tie themselves. The object after the weekly call can appear promptly and call, for example, click on the zustrich. After I become a week of romantic feelings, I begin to watch, pragnate splurge, deyak formula and provoke sex itself.

Forgive the formula for a person's kohannya

Love spell Tursiv

Samy first vіdomy becoming on kokhannya buv descriptions in the Elder Eddі. "Rooney I live, Tours and three more: hit, divine and restless," say the text. Vіdpovіdno, tse formula іz chotiriokh Turіsaz. Traditionally, її were applied to the palm, first of all, welcome. Warto remember that this formula zhorstko pours into the psyche, it won't be safe.

Having stood at reconciliation with the Kokhanoy people

The formula should be applied immediately after welding, opening. The central rune is Gebo, that partnership is illuminating. Two inverted Ansuzi help to forget the image. Parna Vunyo shouts joy in the eyes of the zestrich, and Soula is afraid of the passion to burn with new strength.

Potuzhny vyklik on Vіter

The central rune is Ansuz, the power of words, sayings in the wind, and the object's thoughts about zukhvaliy. Gebo - Zustrich died. Raido - at the time of the rune the wind, which carried the viklik object. Vunyo - radiant thoughts with zustrіch. Author Insolate.

A guard (spell) is cast into the wind. Yogo can be folded independently. For the ritual, you also need a drop of your favorite perfumes, a little rosemary, verbena, stables, or other love herbs. Rite pіdіyde tim, hto zі stієyu vіtrya. Rates are drawn on paper and then we will sleep. The grass that drank blows from the valleys into the wind, at which it is necessary to think about the object of the week.

Important information - nourishing morality

Runichnі formulas zdatnі really call the love of a person and bring її samoї to the practitioner. Ale chi tse good? Chi not vikoristannya such formulas violence against specialty? In the Christian tradition - so, like magic, like it is respected by sin. Pivnіchnіy tradition has a different morality. As if the magician of the building, with his magical power, calls love to himself, then he deserves guilt without any doubt. The gods intercede with mercy and praise, and not with the modest and fearful. To that there are no suitable borders for any kind of magical infusions: you can do everything that a magician can get out of work.

Viklik vіd Malinki

Big thanks to Kipriyanka for editing the pictures.

Uruz - gives the mind a thought
raido - go to...
naut - be it for once, no matter how much you cross
teyvaz - posilyuє tse bazhannya i ask directly

Tіnyovі -
vunyo - everything is for the sake of joy

V'yaz "The road (prihіd) people to you."

As a vinyl, the need for a term is to call out to oneself a person, so it is good to communicate with
Runemaster Vinany.

To runi Dagaz pіdv'yazanі chotiri runi road Raido. Dagaz is the rune of the hour. With the runes of the elements, the fire gives a successful virishenya right. The rune Dagaz concretizes the term of your bajan.
The author of Vinany recommends farbuvati to use your own blood. Vtim (my subjective activization bachelor) can be activated at the same time. Another variant of activation is a later ritual in which the role of the water element can be played by your slyna.
Like I'm bacheling the victorious zv'azku. It’s better to put a person on the photo, yaku Wee gets viklikati. Dalіd sіd discuss in yaki termіnі you want to bachiti people in your own way. Dagaz regulates temporal flows.

Kick Stavshi vіd - Mylene Maelinhon Dzherelo So Mylene sipped at the forgiveness of creativity ... Vchora needed to prescribe an exhausting cyclic pendel to one Persian magician, and spontaneously spawned in'yaz. The effect is even more difficult, the person after 4 years went to the call and the replacement of help once for the booty went to the normal rose. True, the strength to finish the rich was gone. Nautiz, Gebo, Kano, Soulou, prov. Teyvaz, Eyvaz Note: Robila this viklik, the effect is naked - a person does not only appear only by herself, with a stretch of 12 years, but it’s also possible to splurge for a stretch of 5 years, and why in the presence of polypshennia at the vіdnosins, - although it didn’t make any sense. Another test-robled for my acquaintances, only for bindings, I didn’t beat a person at all, I tried to doby with a stretch, reducing the hundred-sunkivs just like that. Great respect to the author for such a wonderful richness! Stavshi Pobachennya

Mila Mila

e Ly (ugr.) - the evil will of the rabbit;
eGy (Hungarian) - podlannya all changes that are respected;
D (Ugric) - primus
Raido - the road to us;
eM (Hung.) - to bring joy to the martyr, you will be divine in the light of happiness, having felt us;
eCs (Hungarian) - tsya dіya repeat stіyno (wіn hotіtme bachiti and chuti you - stіyno);
you can also discuss the runes of the 2nd plan:
row L (minimal Hung.) - calling without a superphone, calling, coming;
Kenaz, Gebo - bajannya, addicted to us.

Stav-viklik "Solodki mrії" Nebelhexe

Becoming victorious only in love notes, then. with obvious sympathy, perhaps mutual attraction, but the furnishings are folded in such a way that there is no time / ability to speak, otherwise you are trite to dynamize. The bottom line is not to go out, as if you didn’t want to.

Work runes: Mannaz in the center - tse wi, the center of gravity of your object. Link Ansuz+Laguz+Wunjo: call of the receivers of thoughts about your person, save the scrolling of the moments that are about you. Raidho + Nautiz's link: the primus will get in touch, come to you, the same as the sound of the physical/branch, and not just show up and let yourself know by phone, or the Internet. Links Dagaz + Ansuz + Stungin Iss - imposing an object of rapt thoughts about you, foolishness, tobto. no matter what, no one starts thinking about you - povn. "Kick you in the head."
Peretinayut Mannaz - Gebo+Ar: zustrіch as a result of obtrusive thoughts will fawn over you.

Having become a painter on a photo / paper, as if it were good for visualization - be kind. In the photo: the center is small. Mannaz to the area of ​​the third eye, gave an annual call from Raidho/Laguz, gave a call to the right from Dagaz, the rest - Gebo + Ar.

Heavy thoughts of your mind burn-oblutuyut, do not let.
I'm in your head, rushing to me.
Zustrichi bazhaesh, think about me.
Wherever you go - be it dear, you will come to me.
My word is mіtsne, let it be so!

As if everything went / didn’t go (maximum three photos for a period of 9 days), according to the runes, the photo is burned. I drank - at dark / light beer (as you know mead - even better) that into the ground.
Tse not categorically mind the robot and become, but the butt. On the right, it’s individual, I’m for creative self-expression, that individual pidkhid!

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