The Feast of Christ: dates, history, traditions. Christmas Day: how to celebrate Christmas, the Holy Table and folk traditions What you can’t do on Christmas Day

It's coming Holy Eve, and behind it i Feast of Christ- one of the most joyful and brightest Christian saints. Western Christians have already celebrated the 25th anniversary of 2016, and denominations that linger behind the Julian calendar, including the Russian Orthodox Church, mean this sacred 7 September 2017.

About the history of the holy day, the Holy Day of the Holy Day in Russia, read the notes of the witch in the materials Federal Agency of Novins: і .

Apparently, this year it is important to greet relatives, friends and loved ones, since they are not religious people - in Russia this has long become sacred, which actually means sovereign rival In addition, this day is an official weekend and partly a new holiday.

You can greet your friends and acquaintances on Christmas Day - 2016 with the help of short SMS notifications, and it is now fashionable to set up special statuses on social networks.

For this purpose, we offer options for serious and serious short greetings with Rizdvom for email, SMS-notification and statuses in social networks. And remember - the options we have proposed are by no means a dogma, but simply a guess, how important it is not to lose the ability to greet loved ones in the soul.

The mirror of goodness and wickedness shone -
Happy Holidays.
May God forbid and people help,
Let the dawns shine, the light in the soul does not go out,
May you greet happiness and wealth in your everyday life.
Kohannya, health, light! Happy Holidays!

We fly with Rizdvom,
Let's go see miracles
With the smell of yalin!
Happy Birthday to Christ!
I wish you good health, good health,
On the heart of lightness, warmth,
We want to believe and love,
Give your love to your loved ones.
Let's hope there is joy and light.
You from Home... and the whole planet!

SMS-vitannya with Rizdvom 2017

With a song of joy, with spiritual warmth,
And with the mass of great miracles
You will come holy, both in your heart and in your home.
And become the greatest drive for joy!
The little booth will be filled with a miracle tale,
Kohanna and hope to settle in New.
And holy, my heart brightened with kindness,
The wound will be bestowed with death.

At the day of celebration
Guess what?
І fashionable choice
We leave the threshold,

Let's look at the mirrors,
I will confirm
To us the image of the betrothed
And have fun with a happy ending!

Greetings from Rizdvom - 2017 mothers and grandmothers

Mommy baked all day long,
Cooked, cooked -
And the hour has come,
And I lost all my strength!

Come on, honey, be a coward,
It's time for Christmas!
Today is holy, have fun!
I wish I had become happy!

Grandma, get out of the kitchen!
The holy day is already upon us,
And we urgently need repairs,
Everything is on the table!

I’ll hurry up to celebrate the holiday,
I want my dreams to come back to sleep,
I want to be healthy,
It’s not cool, believe me, to boast!

Fun and funny greetings with Saint Rizdva

Holy Eve -
The hour of great miracles
Make a wish for swedish
Luxury Mercedes,
Handsome man,
Kohannya will handle everything,
You are the happiest
The world is to blame!

The Holy New Year died down:
Svyatkovo’s anniversary is not
Olive is already sour,
Vidgrimov's fireworks have been going on for a long time.

Ale to come is holy new -
Christmas Day.
There are joys and sorrows,
Much happiness and goodness!

I wish you happiness for Christmas,
Peace, joy and passion.
May you have success,
The turbo starts.

I don’t have a lot of pennies -
Remember, treasure the pennies.
And I still can’t do it,
Know the world to everyone!

Say no to the devil in the world
There is no way to fool your brains.
And in this light it is holy Rizdva
Any drops of your image cannot be tarnished.

Accept Vitannia
Have a glorious Christmas Eve!
I think without a doubt
Don't let your head hurt!

At the table, be a butt,
Pour and drink,
Let's get to the happy world
Don't forget everything!

How and when the birth of Christ is celebrated in 2017, how holy is the date, what are the sacred traditions, what is the date of the Holy Supper, and how are gifts given. Almost everyone in the world celebrates Holy Day differently than we do, Catholics celebrate it holy on the night of 24 to 25 Breast Day, according to the Gregorian calendar. Following our calendar (Julian), the Holy Day is followed by the Serbian, Jerusalem and Georgian Orthodox churches, as well as other Greek Catholic and Protestant churches. From the 6th to the 7th day, all Orthodox churches and temples begin their Divine Liturgy, which is witnessed by millions of believers. 6th anniversary - Forever the Feast of Christ, before the day, holy Feast of the Feast of the Holy Day 7th anniversary 2017 - Feast of Christ great holy, constant date of the Holy Day of Rebirth The whole world respects the family saint once again when all members of the family gather together at one table. We don’t have such a nice table, so I call it, so it’s sacred for all your close friends to ask in the alarm. At Rizdvyanu's door, every passerby asked to go to the holy table, it was said that he was a homeless foal, and even the old belief was that under the mask of a homeless man Jesus himself could hide Christ. Holy Eve 2017 The day before the Holy Day is called the Holy Evening, which is the final day of the forty-day fast of the Holy Day. The Holy Eve marks the 6th of September 2016 - the Evening of the Birth of Christ, the day before. The name "Holy Evening" is similar to "sochivo" - a traditional ritual herb that is prepared for Christmas. This song is porridge with cereals, honey and peas. There are hundreds of variations in the preparation of this herb, which have come to us a long time ago. Read here how to best prepare kutya with rice, rodzinok with peas and honey. To answer the riddle about the star of Bethlehem, which told the wise men about the birth of the Savior, you cannot accept it on Holy Eve until the first star appears. Once your first eyes have appeared, you can sit at the table and share all that is bright and good. The Christmas table is completely covered with 12 ingredients. Creamy juice, on the table you should serve such condiments as mlintsi, okist, jellied meat, lamb with porridge, Jellied Riba, stuffed turkey, pig, pumpkin or gander with apples, boiled pork, meatloaf, stuffed chicken, baked in the oven, pies, homemade cowbass, gingerbread and other condiments. Traditionally, the decoration of the Christmas table was fresh hay, which was brought into the hut and laid out on the table and was a symbol of the manger where Jesus was born and lay. However, due to the difficulty of finding sin in the washrooms of the place, sometimes place a Nativity scene in the center of the holy table. For the old hours of celebration Saint's table There is no specific order for serving the table, but it is important to ensure that the extended table is kept very clean and clean. This is a tradition that has come to us from ancient times. In order for the new river to be removed, it is necessary to bring the birds a crack of bread or sourdough on the eve of the Holy Day or on the Holy Day itself. Christmastide begins with the eves of the Holy Day, leading up to the Holy Eve of Khreshchensk, and includes St. Basil the Great and the Eve of Epiphany. During this period, people see and visit family and friends, walk, have fun, and girls cast spells. The tradition of caroling has been preserved since ancient times. Carolers need to open the door and treat them with malt or give them money. This is how the magician begins in Rizdvo, of which there is no one. Call upon the girls to bewitch the best in the hope of finding out how to remove the stench of the approaching doom and thus be deprived of “the girls.” Gift for Christmas 2017 On Rizdvo, as on New River, gifts are accepted. Previously, it was important that a birthday gift could be made with one’s own hands, but one could also buy the gift. It is very symbolic that they sacredly bestow one single figure of angels, created independently or purchased. The gifted angel needs to be placed in the room and will definitely give the new family happiness, success and success to its owner. Also on the table there are a variety of different drinks lying around obligingly, due to the honor of the rulers.

Catholics celebrate the holy day three times earlier, but less Orthodox believers. The great size of the chest is almost identical to the chest.

For the Catholic Church, Rizdvo is the main religious saint. As soon as the 25th birthday, Catholics will divine the wondrous history of this day, decorate their everyday life and give birthday gifts to their loved ones. Regardless of what each church defines this day according to its faith, all the same, the traditions are similar.

Catholic Festival 2017

Shhorichno Catholic Rizdvo falls on the 25th breast, and for the Orthodox – on the 7th birthday. Why are the same things sacred? different days? Since 1582, many parts of the world began to calculate the hour, inheriting the Gregorian calendar, and most religious traditions among Catholics and Orthodox believers are not the same. The Orthodox Church follows the Julian calendar, and the Feast of Christ falls on the 7th day.

The sacredness of the dates of the Holy Day of the Holy Day was not included in the significance of the saint. What day do believers symbolize the people of the Great Nemovlya, who became the Savior of this humanity. This revelation became a real wonder in the world. The Lord transformed the Virgin Mary into the Mother of Jesus Christ and sent an Angel to inform her about this new thing. The man Josip immediately did not believe her and threatened to cancel the relationship. However, the messenger of God explained to you that this child is blessed by the King of Heaven, and Joseph needs to grow up and love him like his own son. Even before sundown, the couple flew to Bethlehem with the hope of settling in a hotel, but they were not able to do so. Maria and Josip were worried and worried at the stable. The shepherds showered the first hands of the Sin of God. The mirror that shone near Bethlehem brought there the same three wise men, who gave the child gold, incense and myrrh. Herod, having learned about the appearance of the Divine Silence, planned to kill all children up to two years, and Jesus Christ died. The angel appeared before Joseph and warned him about the evil death of the king, and together with the child and Mary they went to Egypt, where they lived until the death of Herod.

How Catholics Celebrate Holy Holidays

He is one of the twelve saints and will remain until the intransigent ones. For both Catholics and Orthodox believers, the date of Rebirth is unchanged. Unrespectful on one story Holy, the traditions of this day still continue.

The Feast of the Feast is a kind of preparation before the Feast of Christ. People are cleansing their body and soul and getting ready to face the Great Nemovl. For Catholics, this period is called Advent, and it is similar to other times.

Decorating the hut with wreaths of yalin leaves and candles is another Catholic tradition. Round shape The wreath symbolizes eternal life, green color- The light of life, the fire is light, as it illuminates the whole world on the day of Rebirth.

Figurines of the Virgin Mary and the Silent Christ are installed in the buildings and churches. This can also be Yalink games, installations or just pictures.

On Christmas Day, Catholic believers celebrate the Holy Mass - a religious service. At the end of the hour, the priest makes her stand at the manger in front of the sight of God’s Inability and blesses her. At this moment, people can consider themselves participants in this Great Idea.

Various common conditions in the skin region vary. In England and America it is customary to serve turkey, in Spain – pork, and in Latvia – fish. The food is rich but rich, so that the guests go home happy and satisfied.

For Orthodox believers, Christmas will come just after 7 days. However, even before the present day, you can find out what is in store for you in 2018. The Revelation of the Warriors is richly powerful and truthful, less urgent, and even today we can reach the Greater Forces.

The Feast of Christ is a great holy day, a special day for all Christians. On this day God himself, the Savior of the world, poured into people. It’s amazing that the Holy Letter doesn’t have a special inscription for the day the Messiah came into the world. churchly holy What a special day it is. At that hour, the people did not celebrate holy days in principle. That's it ancient Church did not mean Rizdvo. The birth of Christ was celebrated on the day of Epiphany.

It’s melodious, everyone knows the story about the Magi, who came to bow to the Judean king, having gained their sight at the Gathering. Even the Magi themselves were Jews. What did they smell? Why did the Savior's birth become a great saint for them? Why did they prepare special gifts that included oil for embalming the dead - myrrh?

How is fasting related to driving out demons from the Bible? Did Christ himself fast?

When do you celebrate the Orthodox Feast Day - 25th birthday or 7th birthday? Did you know that the first Gregorian calendar “missed” 10 days in vain?

How can you understand what is being celebrated at the Christmastide service on Rezdvo? What is tropar and kontakion? We reported that we had taken stock of the liturgical warehouse at Rizdvo.

Why is it customary to choose Yalinka at Christmas, even if it is not a secular new tradition that has its roots in paganism? Did Chiyalina stand next to the festive manger? Who were the first Christians to come up with the idea of ​​absorbing the yalinka?

In this article we have tried to collect for you examples of the most important nutrition for Christians about the holy day of Rezdva, here are the facts and leaflets for which you can greet your loved ones.

The Feast of Christ: the story is holy

Well, the holy day of Christ's Resurrection continues until history. Everything would seem simple here. This day of descriptions by the evangelists, of course, for Christians the people of the Heavenly King, infused into people, the ability to ask for the remission of sins and to live forever is great sacred. Not so simple. As we have already been told, Pisanna doesn’t talk about the holy day of Rizdva. And the monastery especially does not want to decorate the boat and give gifts to each other.

The history of the Nativity of Christ is described in the Holy Letter, but the holy day of this year appeared later. Rizvo is one of the twelve great saints of the Orthodox Church. In our tradition, they are usually called the twelve saints, due to the great purity of the Church, which comes after the Great Day. In Jewish tradition, the days of the people were not celebrated, which is important to believe to today's people, and Pisanna has no tradition about a special holy day. The first mysteries about Rizdvo date back to the 4th century. In 360, the Roman bishop Liberius foretold the holy Feast. In the 2nd century they talked about the birth of Christ on the day of Epiphany. The Holy Epiphany signified three great events - the Birth of Jesus, the offering of gifts and the Baptism. In the old breviaries, Rizdva is called “Winter Great Day”; the Resurrection of Christ was the legacy of Rizdva. All church practice was shaped around them. This is sacredly dedicated to the earthly life of Christ. Our Savior was born not in a luxurious castle, but in a stable, where goodness was found in wickedness. The Roman temple of Santa Maria Maggiore probably preserves part of Jesus' crib.

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, so the emperor ordered a census of newborns to be conducted. The Mother of God and Josip were born in the family of King David. They didn’t find a place in the small towns of Bethlehem, so the Savior of the World appeared in the world in the same style, and Bogonemov was put in a year-old for the sake of thinness - His first manger. The shepherds who were the first to know about the miracle that happened were the shepherds who were burying their flocks nearby, as the Gospel according to Luke says. Not long ago, the Angel of the Lord appeared before them to convey the Great Joy “for a Savior has been born to you in the place of David.” At the same time, a greater number of heavenly hosts appeared with the Angel, crying “Glory to God on high!” First, who bowed down to the Lord, sorry people And simple people became the first preachers of Christ. The angel said to them: “Fear not: for this is the great joy of the good news to you, that all men may be born to you this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord, in the place of David,” and the humble shepherds of the first were honored to bow down for the salvation of people, about ziyshov to " slave of the eye." " What did these words mean? Before the birth of Christ, God had never shown love before. Having taken upon himself the sins of the world, Jesus gave people hope of the Savior, commanding love to his teachings. The Apostle Paul said that death for someone would become a rite of passage, because in the body there would be separation from the fulfilling task of Christ’s life.

The Magi Melchior, Balthasar and Gaspard (in the Latin tradition) raised the Star of Bethlehem at the Gathering and also understood what this meant by the birth of the Savior of the world. A stench greater than everything came from Persia. Regardless of the fact that the Magi were pagans, who were searching for the truth, the dream of truth dawned on them. At that time, astronomy was often combined with astrology and pagan practices, so today the intelligent Magi began to look like magicians. Although the Persians and the Jews respected the fact that they believed in the One God and accepted one alone as clingy, the Magi, obviously, could not respect the God-loving people. The stinkers brought their gifts to the Godless (gold - a sign of royal power, incense - a sign of the priesthood and myrrh (spicy aroma) - they anointed the bodies of the dead, a symbol of the fact that Jesus Christ may die and be resurrected. Zoroastrian chant about Saoshyants (three in ryatuvav) people Good Faith) chanted about the Messiah. The appearance of the Magi on Holy Day meant that the Savior had come not to just one people, but to all people.

Having finally become a man, the Son of God? God has revealed to us the path of salvation. The essence of a human being became united with the Divine essence. Jesus got involved with people in order to heal humanity. He brought us a wondrous gift of grace, and we need to accept this gift wisely and righteously. The manifestation of God in the body is a sacrifice that was overcome by all the sins of mankind. Moreover, it’s not just the past, but the future sins. Feofan the Recluse writes about “adopted” by God the Father through God Sin: “The Spirit of God trembles with sins - vibratingly, why all? Not all, but only a few who believed in the Lord, were appointed to follow Him in all directions, and for these graces were accepted into the likeness of God, to be called sons.”

In the place where God came to the world, there is the Basilica of the Nativity of Christ. The basilica was laid down by the Equal Apostolic Empress Olena. The basilica lives continuously, even though the basilica suffered during the war and the fire. Under the basilica there are ovens, and their place is indicated by a fireplace with fourteen layers. This is the place of the people of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hegumen Danilo Pilgrim is the first to describe the Rizdva oven with Russian language. It was placed on the cob of the XII century.

On the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, the pre-holy day of the Holy Eve. The Holy Supper is the “door” that opens the doors to the Rezdvo.

Until the day of Feast Day, the great holy day, people complete the Feast Day fast. Fasting takes up one third of a Christian's life. On these special days of Christianity, we are trying to reach the hard times, Eternity. Those who believe will inherit Christ, even after Christ has fasted. To become like Christ is required not only in life, but also in spiritual life. We are experiencing this not to Saint Rizdva himself, but to the appearance of Christ in the light, to the one who God became human. Fasting is an hour of purification in spiritual life and one of the main spiritual affairs of a person. The holy saints of God fasted, about which there are numerical riddles in Scripture. Many holy ascetics spent their entire lives in fasting. Jesus spoke about the need for fasting to the Apostles. On the feeding of the Apostles - why did they succeed in driving out the demons from the sleepless, Jesus of the Faithful, who now rely only on fasting and prayer. Prayer is for the soul, and fasting for the body is an important service for a Christian. Religious preparation post. We are preparing before the Feast of the Lord, before the great holy day, so we sacredly follow the trail with spiritual purity. Before the Day of Resurrection becomes a special day, the fast is completed, people repent of their sins, so that the soul becomes holy.

Symbols of the Feast of Christ

On the eve of the Christmas Day, on the Holy Eve, they prepare for the holy feasts - coachmen and coachmen. The word “evening” is itself connected with the preparations of Sochik. This is made from steamed cereals and honey. To attend the Holy Supper only once, after the Holy Day service.

The main symbol of the
Rizdvyana yalina will be lost. It occupies a special place in the Orthodox tradition, and we have written about it.

The symbols of the Feast and the Sacred Gifts - gold, incense and myrrh - will be immediately deprived.

Another important symbol of the Rezdva is the Star of Bethlehem. People were always amazed at the stars and gasped at the night sky. The Star of Bethlehem sits in a special place. This is the star that brought the Magi with gifts to the paddle of Jesus. They indicated the route to the place of the people of the Savior. It is important that after this the Magi themselves accepted Christianity and preached Christ. Attach this zirka at the booths to the top of the Red Yalinka. The Eight-Kinn Mirror is also present on the icon of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush”. Previously, they were installed on the domes of early churches. The history of the star was immediately described by Evangelist Matthew. The Magi knew well the map of the dawn sky and respected that the stars are not just cosmic objects, but signs that tell about the fate of people. The Pentateuch of Moses commemorates the prophet Balaam. This people did not belong to the Israeli people, there was a small pagan campaign. Vin voted " new star“before Jacob,” the Magi checked for him at the appearance of a special star at the Gathering. The worship of Jesus among the pagans, the wise men, talk about those who all the times and peoples, all the kings of the earth, it is too early and too late to bow down before Christ.

The angel and the little bells tell us about the Lord’s people speaking to the shepherds. The ringing of bells glorifies the Lord.

In rich countries, it is customary to light candles on Rizdvo. This light symbolizes the Divine joy of Christ's birth.

The traditions of the Holy Day are divided into in different countries. Of course, the symbols of the Rizdva may be different. Russia has an ingrained tradition of the Nativity scene. The nativity scene is the center of the Rizdva oven, it is made with one’s own hands and installed near churches, in squares, and in the villages of believers. Nativity scene “arriving” to Russia from the Middle Ages Western Europe. At that time they actively fought against pagan traditions and rituals. Many Christians, due to their weakness, took the fate of the holy god Mithri, the pagan god Sonts. This leads us to the history of the establishment of the holy Rezdva himself. Birthday Day ran away from the Day of Constancy, which has little symbolic overtones. The Church began to celebrate the holy day every day of the Epiphany, in order to replace the pagan ones with Christian saints.

Let there be too many Christians and the pagan saints did not organize them, and as they flocked around as fleeting participants in the feast, they stank of harm to their souls. So one might think that there is no real difference between the antics of Christ and the antics of other insubstantial gods. The Church is small, or else it will be necessary to admit “half pagans”, or to figure out a way to establish a proper one christian holy, what does he say about those who came before us, Christ the Savior? Regardless of the fact that the Holy Epiphany seen in the Day of God had an irresistible vengeance, low theologians respect that in which there were hymns for Christians. It has become less closely associated with the manifestations of the light of God. Blessed Theodoret of Kirsk said: “...The God of God and the Sin of God, a looming invisible being, once becoming public, becoming visible to everyone”.

At that time, not only the singers of the church choir, but also the parishioners took on the fate of the saints of the Day. A statue of the Virgin Mary was placed on a special table above the throne. A boy from the church choir, portraying an Angel, telling about the birth of the Messiah. And the priests portrayed the Bethlehem shepherds. After the deafening, the stench continued until Sunday. Then there were small works on the Biblical theme, which were called “Nativity Scene”, and in Western Ukraine simply “Nativity Scene”.

In Europe in the 16th century, such mysteries were held by Lyalkov theaters. Such theaters have little scenery that can be reminiscent of the scenery of today's nativity scenes. They were carved from paper, wood, and sculpted from clay. Nativity scenes are often simply installed at the entrance to the temple or booth.

Catholics and Protestants also give up on advent calendars. Advent is a long time until Christmas. For children, such calendars are deprived of small gifts.

Why do different churches differ in the dates of the Holy Day of Feast Day?

Who drinks a lot when it means the birth of Christ - 25th birthday or 7th birthday? In some countries, for example, in Moldova, there is widespread resentment of the Rizdva - for the old and for the new style. This is with confessional colors across the border. In Russia, the Holy Day holiday has already become a tradition.

U to the ancient world There is no single calendar. Julius Caesar was one of the most enlightened men of his time. It is clear that there is a need to create a calendar. The Julian calendar was established by Julius Caesar, which is evident from its very name. Greek science at that time already knew that the Earth would begin to revert to the sun in 365 days and 6 years. In truth, the numbers are not entirely accurate - for 365 days, 5 years, 49 months. Julius Caesar wanted Roman names and Greek scientific concepts to be added to the calendar. This calendar, like the Gregorian one, has 12 months, leap days, 365 days per river. The next day, skin problems appear. Unfortunately, the inaccuracy of 11 Khvilins became critical. So, in 128 years, the calendar had a whole busy day. In 1582 it became obvious that it was necessary to pay new calendar. Pope Gregory XIII adopted a calendar, which is called uniquely Gregorian, but has fewer leap years. Rocks that are divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400 began to contain 365 days. Why did they winkle superechkas, because the new calendar is so thorough? Somebody missed ten days. The countries adopted a new calendar at different times, which gave rise to a lot of confusion regarding important historical dates.

Nutrition is not as clear as it appears, and there are not only calendars on the right. Today, our Church lives by the Julian calendar, although in some countries the Gregorian calendar is considered more accurate. The difference between these two calendars in the calculation. The Julian and Gregorian calendar is the food of the theologian. After the Yellow Revolution, the Julian calendar was considered “obscurantist”, all secular saints were listed under the Gregorian calendar, in 1923 the Church was under pressure to switch to new style, but the Russian Orthodox Church lost its loyalty to Julian. Catholics and Protestants mark the holiday behind the Gregorian calendar, as do the low Orthodox Churches outside the border.

We know for sure the date of conception of the mother of John the Baptist, Elizabeth (23rd Verthern according to the old style). We know, since Zechariah traveled from Jerusalem, we know that in the sixth month after the conception of John the Baptist, an angel appeared to the Most Holy Theotokos. This day became the day of the Divine conception of Jesus Christ. We cannot know the exact date, but we can only determine that the birth of Christ fell in the middle of winter.

Svyatkov divine service

The great saint is fighting for Rezdvo. On this day the prayer “To the King of Heaven” is read. This is what we call Christ, shirking Him as the Lord God. This prayer is not read except during the period from Holy Day to Pentecost, and it is celebrated during many divine services, and not just during the holy day. Next comes the verse and hymn “God is with us.” This hymn reminds us of the prophet Isaiah, who, 700 years before the Feast of Christ, announced the coming of the Savior of the world, born under Divi. Having described the days of His earthly life, that death is resurrection. Next comes the song of Simeon the God-Receiver, which talks about the bringing of God to the Jerusalem Temple, which traditionally happened on the fortieth day of life. At the Yuletide service for the Holy Day, the irmos is sung - the title of the Holy Canon. The canon has nine songs, the beginning of the ninth song (irmos) is the thread that connects the Old Evocation with the New Testament. We should talk about those things that we, Christians, love better. Too many preachers cannot find words to convey the essence of the secret chamber of the Nativity of Christ. The divine service is held in the Church Slavonic way. Hymnography Ancient Rus' and Byzantium is majestic. As we know, all services are held with an additional stake. In advance, the holy morning and evening divine service are celebrated in one “all-night vigil.” Such services take place every day of the year - on Rezdvo and on Great Day. In Russian Orthodox Church to hold the Patriarchal Divine Service when the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church departs to the flock.

Matins Sleeps at night. This night we feel the Angel's song: Glory to God among the cherries, peace to the earth, good will to people. Thank you to God for those who poured in and betrayed us. We also feel that the verses from these psalms glorify the mercy of the Lord. Next comes a great - short song to glorify God. Before the Christmastide storehouse there is a static and static antiphon. The Antiphons inherit the choir of Angels to glorify the Lord. The names evolve to the method of extinction of these songs. So the Antiphoni are sung according to the chez. Next comes the prokeimenon, which conveys the reading from the Scripture dedicated to the Nativity of Christ. After which follows the Gospel stichera, which explains the words of Scripture.

Tropar and kontakion on Rizdvo

Troparion and kontakion at Rizdvo are the most important warehouse services. They create Christian poets - hymnographers. The troparion and kontakion are not just prayers, but an explanation of the essence of Holy Resurrection.

Troparion on Rizdvo

Kontakion on Rizdvo

Rizdvyana Yalina: Orthodox significance

Yalina has always been a symbol of Rizdva. This is connected with the fact that Herod, having punished the killing of everyone, was silent, fearing for their camp, if the Magi reported that the King of Judea had been born, looming in the respect of the Savior. It is important that for the salvation of Jesus, Maria and Joseph closed the entrance to the stove with yalin leaves.

Why was Herod so angry? During the hours of Jesus, everyone was waiting for the coming of the Messiah. He was minted as a mighty Tsar, whose enemies will be felled. Jesus, as we remember, was born not in palaces, but in a stable, and His first manger was a bowl for feeding thinness. Herod was not a deeply religious Jew, so the coming of the Messiah made him seem less likely to have political ambitions. Not only that, Herod was not David’s successor, but his position as an official ruler was already cunning, but he also adopted Judaism not as his father, but as his grandfather Antipas, so that the Hasmonic kingdom of Judaism relied on him. Antipar, Herod's father, buried the royal throne by cunning and force. He himself became a victim of deception. Herod punished the citizens and seized the kingdom. Vlada passed from hand to hand. Having taken the daughter of Hyrcanus II as a squad and reconstructed the temple, Herod tried to improve his position. Ale, being a cruel and suspicious person, later killed his squad and three blues, who suspected them of being guilty. At this time, the wise men appeared in Jerusalem, trying to show them the king of the Jews, and the stench was obviously small in the respect of not Herod. After punishing him, everyone will be killed. This greedy diet was one of the greatest evils of Herod.

In Europe long time ago There was a legend about those who, if the trees bore God's unforgiving gifts - fruits, or there was nothing to propagate to you, and she stood modestly on the threshold of the barn, not daring to approach. Then Jesus chuckled and extended his hand to her. Alas, this story is related, rather, to good fairy tales.

There was another version of this tale: it said that two other trees, a palm and an olive, did not let the strawberry reach Christ, mocking it. Feeling this, the Angel of the Lord beautified the modest tree, and it went up to the manger of God in all its grandeur. Jesus is happy in Yalin, but she knew, and did not write down, because she remembered - the Angel had taken her, and she was obliged to her transformation. For its modesty, the yalina itself became a symbol of Rizdva.

In Russia, the tradition of picking Yalinka for Rizdvo dates back to the 18th century. Before the speech, in many countries this tradition has also become obsolete: in England, France and America, only in the mid-19th century, yalina at Rizdvo became a common practice.

Yalinka is taken to the New River, as is a secular tradition. For Orthodox Christians, Yalina is the symbol of Rizdva. In Ancient Russia, the yalinka was not used, it was like a gloomy tree that grew in a swamp.

A tree removed means the moon of paganism. At that time, people endowed nature with human and even divine powers. Behind the legends lived forest perfumes in coniferous trees. In order to hide their homes from evil spirits, people took in forest beauties, trying to appease them. The trees to the coniferous trees, to the river, gradually changed. The stinks either kept evil spirits with them or buried their veins. However, all the time the Yalina was filled with mystical powers.

In Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries, mysteries about the decoration of yalin began to grow. It is important that you call for a link to the Christian tradition from Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism. We placed candles on the candlesticks in order to show the children the symbol of the love and mercy of the Lord - the beauty of heavenly stars on the day when the Lord poured in and came to people. In Russia, the decorated yalinka “imported” by Peter I, but the stem was often placed in drink stores, and the tree appeared in budinkas already in the 19th century. At the hut of Emperor Mikoli I near St. Petersburg there was a decorated yalina on Rizdvo.

A few years later, the yalina appeared as an illustration of the book “Luskun Gorikhiv” (“Luskunchik”) by Hoffman, which spoke about the tradition, which had become deeply rooted, of decorating the yalina on Christmas Day. Already 1916 rock Holy Synod having taken advantage of the tradition of the influx of Germans and defended it, and in 1927, after the anti-religious campaign, the Rizdvyana Yalinka was reduced to “relics of the past”...

The yalina tree is forever green, which also predicts life forever, another nation experiences. In 1935 the revolution turned to sovereign regulations Ale turned, unfortunately, as a secular symbol of the New Rock. They were decorated with red glitter on the top. Apparently, during the times of the God-fighting, people took the yalinka secretly in their cabins. People began to wonder what was in front of us the symbol of the Feast of Christ.

Vitannia with Rizdvom

Your loved ones vintage Christmas leaflets.

Dates of the Feast of Christ:

About the Feast of Christ on Pravmir:

About the Feast of Christ: the story is holy

  • Bishop Oleksandr (Mileant)
  • Protodeacon Andriy Kuraev
  • Archimandrite Iannuariy (Ivlev)
  • Prot. Oleksandr Shmeman

Rizdva calendar

Sing the service of the Feast of Christ

  • Mikola Ivanovich Derzhavin: yes

Christmas carols and songs


Holidays in the family: traditions and meanings

Rіzdvo icon

  • Hieromonk Ambrose (Timrot)


  • St. Basil the Great
  • St. John Chrysostom
  • St. Leo the Great,

Rizdvo is fundamentally Christian sacred, as it is associated with the people of Jesus Christ. Available in more than 40 countries around the world. The root of this saint's guilt goes far beyond ancient times, but to those who are important, to this day. Christmastide is celebrated at the family table with traditional herbs.


The date of the holy day is not connected with the actual date of the birth of Jesus Christ. The first riddle about the holy day was recorded in the 336th century, since the Roman Church established the Holy Birth of Jesus on the 25th birthday behind the “Theocal Calendar”. This date is associated with the pagan saint “To the People of the Son of Truth.”

Around this hour, the churches immediately associated themselves with the Baptism of the Lord and were called the Epiphanies. Holy Eve was celebrated on the 6th century right up to the 6th century. The modern church today means a different interpretation.

In the Middle Ages, it is important to remember that Christ died on the day of his conception. The Gospel shows the date 25 January. If you are pregnant for 9 months, then it will be 25 months.


The celebration of this bright date is associated with the cleansing of the human soul and body, the creation of harmony with nature. For this purpose it is necessary to undergo a fast for 40 days, thereby purifying yourself both physically and spiritually. Sens is in the process of absolving himself of his sins for the help of prayer and peace in life. This tradition is connected with this in order to be born like Jesus Christ and continue to live renewed.

After liberating the soul from the burden of life, it is necessary to replenish it with new, clean energy. For whom there are traditions – “sowing” and “caroling”.

On the eve of Christmas Day, people gather at the traditional food hall and distribute kutya around the booths, singing carols with the blessings of happiness and prosperity to the townsfolk of the booth. They take away pennies and relish from the mummers. And on Holy Day it is necessary to scatter grains of wheat, millet and rice in bundles, so that the lower crops will be found around the house.

At Rizdvo it is customary to lay a rich table. It is important that you infuse good spirits with energy to fight evil demons and seize the bourgeoisie from harm.

Christmastide begins with Christmas Day, as they march to Vodokhreshche. At this hour there is a massacre of the thief. In ancient times, it was customary to invite single people and mandarin lovers to the birthday party, expressing their kindness. On this day, sewing, knitting and knitting household work, as well as watering, are blocked. It is believed that the souls of dead people move into creatures from time to time.

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