Motorcycle maintenance regulations.

After the motorcycle has been brought to the owner's house, the need for technical maintenance becomes very important.

The amount of time required to maintain the motorcycle is small, but the frequency is high.

p align="justify"> Periodic technical maintenance is necessary to prevent and eliminate malfunctions and lead to more serious breakdowns. Regulated motorcycle maintenance The motorcycle manufacturer is immediately dependent on the maintenance regulations. These speeches appear in documents on transport service


The regulated technical maintenance of the motorcycle receives a full range of repair and
preventive work

values ​​by the virobnik.

This includes robots from replacing motorcycle parts, washing components and assemblies, oiling robots, cleaning the functional systems of a motorcycle, diagnosing the main elements, changing and diagnosing waste materials and much more.
Seasonal technical maintenance of a motorcycle
In addition to regulated maintenance, motorcycle owners must cancel seasonal maintenance.
It's all about the rivers in the spring and spring.
Preparing your motorcycle before the season takes a lot of trouble, and will always prepare you for the new motorcycle season.
Having tasted it, you will feel more like you are on the road.
The technical design of your bike means safety and comfort from your bike.
Tell us about this in advance, and you won’t have to go to a motorcycle service center again.
Seasonal technical maintenance of the motorcycle includes:

Replacing the air filter;


replacing the engine oil with filter;


replacing the heating filter;
roll over to ensure there is sufficient level of oil. Look and check for leaking plugs in the crankcases - engine, gearbox and gearbox.;
roll over in the correct direction at the front fork and suspension shock absorbers
rear wheel
check the operation of the batteries, generator, lamps, light fixtures and sound signal.

check the tightening stage of the threaded connections of the front and rear wheel axles, cylinder heads and carburetor;
. All available threaded connections of nuts and bolts must be loosened on a cold engine;.

check and, if necessary, adjust the tension of the rear wheel lance;


Motorcycle technical maintenance for periodicity, replacement of forged parts and difficulty is divided into the following types: basic maintenance - EO, first technical maintenance - TO-1 and other technical maintenance - TO-2.

Careful technical maintenance is required before skin exit.
The frequency of TO-1 and TO-2 is set according to the mileage depending on the operation, but not less than two times per river for TO-1 and once per river for TO-2.
EO, TO-1 and TO-2 are carried out in connection with the transfer of work, as shown in the table.
Better service - EO
1. External look.
2. Check the reliability of the fastening of the threaded connections, paying special attention to the fastening of the frame, wheels, engine, and the important transmission and starting mechanism.
3. Check the operation of the mechanisms and lighting and alarm settings.
4. Check the regulation of the heating system.
5. Check the tires and their pressure.

6. Check if necessary to adjust the tension of the rear gear lance.
7. Check the presence of fuel in the tank, oil in the crankcase and the supply of gasoline to the carburetor.
8. Check the availability of special tools and spare parts.
1. Carry out operations, transfer of EO.
2. Check the tightening of the cylinder head nuts.
3. Zmastiti.
4. Change the oil in the box and flush the crankcase.
5. Remove the carburetor and gas tap.
6. Check the gap between the electrodes.
7. Check the axial clearance at the bearing of the kerma column.

8. Check and adjust the lance tension if necessary.
9. Clean the filter and coat the box with petroleum jelly.
10. Tighten the front fork oil seal housing.
1. Vikonati operations, transfer of EO and TO-1.
2. Remove carbon deposits from the cylinder exhaust ports, muffler pipes, muffler plugs, cylinder heads, on the piston bottoms and piston ring grooves.
3. Remove the rear gear lever and lubricate it.
4. Flush the hydraulic shock absorbers of the front and rear suspension and replace the shock absorber core.
5. Check the tension of the wheel spokes.

6. Coat the speedometer drive shaft with oil. 7. Check the generator.

8. Learn to prepare dirty parts and parts.
4. Place the motorcycle on the stand and check:
- fastening the front fork in the steering column
- serviceability of kerma shock absorbers and front forks, performance of kerma shock absorbers and front fork springs
- tightening of wheel axles and tires, tire pressure, visibility, tension and wheel spokes
- axle play at wheel hubs
- fastening of wheel mud guards and license plate
- mounting and mounting of the engine, carburetor, exhaust pipes and mufflers
- tightening bolts and nuts for fastening assemblies and units, lance (cardan) transmission station
- mounting rods and cables for the control drive
- mounting of rechargeable battery, generator, signal, headlight, brake light, heating coil
- frame and rear suspension frames
- robot engine and diya galm on the go
5. Lubricate all pedals of the foot shift mechanism.
6. Clean the tool and place it in place

Technician of the motorcycle service is carried out in the overturning order of the PISLE SRAGUAGUSU, inconspicuously VID of the minds of Roboti, Porcu, Technical Power, I will turn on, Mastilo, regaluvannya I translated the Reference Aggregate of Motorocyla.

The motorcycle maintenance system includes: a thorough inspection before departure;

technical maintenance No. 1 – after 2000 – 2500 km;

technical maintenance No. 2 - after 4000 – 4500 km. When servicing a motorcycle, regardless of the equipment supplied to it, malfunctions are also detected. List

works with

Better service (EO)

1. Collection robots.

2. Refilling the PMM.

3. Control and inspection robots with components and mechanisms that contribute to the safety of the vehicle;

a) check the data;

b) check the operation of the lighting system;

c) check the operation of the circuit;

d) check the tire pressure;

technical maintenance No. 2 - after 4000 – 4500 km. e) wipe the intact pipes of the front fork. After driving the first 500 km, check the fastenings of the right oil seal housing of the crankshaft, the stator and the dynastarter rotor and, if necessary, tighten them.

When checking the fastening of the dynastarter, it is necessary to first remove the breaker, and after installing it, check and adjust the gap between the contacts of the breaker at the moment the ignition is installed.

During further operation, regularly inspect these assemblies to prevent loosening of the fastenings.

works from technical service

No. 1 (TO-1)

All robots of EO and additionally:

a) muffler pipe nut;

b) wheel nuts;

c) fastening the axles of the front and rear wheels;

d) fastening of shock absorbers.

3. Zmastiti:

a) head gear;

b) throttle control handles;

c) battery terminal;

d) check the amount of butter in the box and add if necessary.

Perelik works from technical service station No. 2 (TO-2)

All robots TO-1 and additionally:

1. Check and adjust if necessary:

a) gap at the contacts of the breaker;

b) the gap at the spark plug electrodes.

2. Check and tighten if necessary:

a) fastening the engine to the frame;

b) fastening of the carburetor and air filter;

c) fastening the important kickstarter and changing gears, passenger footrest.

3. Zmastiti:

a) rollers of the clamping cams of the front and rear pads;

b) bearings of the front and rear wheels;

c) speedometer reducer:

d) axis of the rear pendulum;

e) cable harnesses, hand and foot harnesses;

e) change the butter in the box.

4. Clean the element to be suppressed to remove carbon deposits.


1. Check the electrolyte level and, if necessary, add a drop of distilled water after 800-1200 km.

2. Lubricate all loose contacts with the breaker after 1000-1200 km.

3. Control and adjustment of the free strokes of the hand lever and foot pedals should be carried out after 600-800 km of the vehicle's run during the break-in period.

4. When switching from spring-summer operation to autumn-winter operation and back, motorcycle maintenance is carried out in accordance with TO-2 by replacing the oil according to the table.

Clean the piston group of parts and cylinder from carbon deposits and check their unit for wear.

After completing the running-in period, it is necessary to carry out work in connection with TO-1 and additionally.

Check and tighten if necessary:

1) bolts securing the engine to the frame;

2) nuts securing the cylinder and cylinder head;

3) fastening of the carburetor and air filter;

4) fastening the electrical installation wires to the adapter blocks.


n/a The name of the node that is shown, or the details Vikorist material Summer winter
Filts, all the loose contact of the perevinka MS-20 M-8V
Head gear Litol-24 or solidol "S" Litol-24 or solidol "S"
Rollers of the cams of the front and rear pads. Litol-24 or solidol "S" Litol-24 or solidol "S"
Bearings for the front and rear wheel hubs Litol-24 or solidol "S" Litol-24 or solidol "S"
Speedometer reducer Litol-24 or solidol "S" Litol-24 or solidol "S"
The entire rear pendulum Litol-24 or solidol "S" Litol-24 or solidol "S"
Battery terminal Litol-24 or solidol "S" Litol-24 or solidol "S"
Transmission MS-20 M-8V
Hand and foot ropes MS-20 M-8V
Shock absorbers LV-12t or I-20L LV-12t or I-20A

Note. When carried out, follow steps 4 - 6 (injection is carried out through the hole, closed with a screw MB, and through a stand-alone oiler.

The machining of the mechanisms, assemblies and other parts of the traces is carried out in exact accordance with the map of the oil, as well as with the data provided in the relevant sections of the instructions.

The use of recommended lubricants and lubricants, as well as the continued use of lubricants, significantly guarantees the reliability of the motorcycle’s operation.

Seasonal oils vary depending on the mileage traveled.

When painting, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

1. Before applying the ointment, carefully remove the brood and old ointment.

2. Keep an eye on the formation of omentums and dry shanks of the lancet.

If damage or malfunctions of the oil seals or dry covers are detected, they must be urgently replaced with new ones. MAP OF ZMASCHENNYA p/n Named location. Virob. period after the run, km.
Number of points. Kind of like mastila. Vkazivki shodo vikonannya mastila. Dvigun
For skin refueling Vkazivki shodo vikonannya mastila. Inlet MC-20, inlet M-8V1
Pour sumish into the fire tank at the specified proportion. Vkazivki shodo vikonannya mastila. Transmission. a) checking the level and filling b) changing the oil
Fill 0.7 l. Control cables
Wash in gasoline and lubricate. Control cables Wheel hubs
Litol-24 Control cables Rollers of the cams.
Speedometer reducer Control cables Rollers of the cams.
Please forgive and anoint. Control cables Rollers of the cams.
Pendulum Vkazivki shodo vikonannya mastila. Zmastiti.
Whole hammer of perevinka Control cables Felt for coating
Krapelne ointment Ceramic column bearing. Wash it thoroughly and spread it thickly.
Lantsyug to the head drive. Graphite oil USSA, replacing 80% solid oil US-1 and 20% graphite.

Soak in gasoline and boil in butter.

Suspension shock absorbers, oil change.
Oliya industrialna I-20A

Vydavnitstvo BVJ-com.


The professional service center Pm-moto carries out technical maintenance and repair of motorcycles, as well as sales of spare parts and accessories of imported manufacture.

Diagnostics is carried out on licensed high-precision equipment, we provide consultation and assistance in the selection of appropriate parts and materials.

We also repair motorcycles of any complexity, from replacing filters to completely disassembling the engine.

Have you decided to “decorate” your two-wheeled transport?

Repair and maintenance of motorcycle equipment in the Pm-moto workshop consists of:

  • overhaul of the engine, welding and straightening of damaged elements;
  • repair of disks, change gums, farbuvannya;
  • rebuilding shock absorbers and forks, replacing bearings and important suspension parts;
  • cleaning and straightening of the tank;
  • installation of an alarm system, additional light equipment (xenon, neon lighting), wardrobe trunks, fog system, chrome accessories.

Repair and tuning of motorcycles includes the installation of an audio system equipment, design modification and re-sewing of the seats behind the rear brakes. We install dry arches and sliders, motor cages, and trunks. Meta tuning - refine external look paint it technical characteristics.


The finest accessories

for tuning and original motorcycle equipment for Vlasnik.

Repair of Japanese motorcycles

One of the main specializations of our workshop is the repair of Japanese motorcycles.

We service the transport of the following leading light brands: Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki.

All technical inspections and repairs must be carried out under strict control and in accordance with the latest technological standards.

We prepare transport arrangements before seasonal saving and operation.

Carrying out repairs of Japanese motorcycles, mechanics change vital spare parts and materials (spark plugs and oil, filters and brake pads, oil seals and saw blades), adjust and synchronize carburetors, clean and lubricate calipers, install reinforced and hoses. We renew Japanese motorcycles after an accident, repair plastic and electrical installations. Motorcycle service at the Pm-moto workshop
In addition to Asian brands, the service center specializes in servicing and repairing motorcycles from Italy, Finland, the USA, Sweden, Germany, and ham-made models, etc. By returning to our service center, you are guaranteed to receive professional diagnostics and repair of your motorcycle. Brand-name materials and spare parts are obviously in stock.
Since the availability of original parts is high, the manager will help you choose an equally reliable analogue. Repair and maintenance of motorcycles is number 1 on the right, and our team is completely satisfied. Brand-name materials and spare parts are obviously in stock.
ROBOTICS IN PREPARATION BEFORE THE SEASON By returning to our service center, you are guaranteed to receive professional diagnostics and repair of your motorcycle. KHODOVA
Replacing the bearings of a kerma column on a sportbike Repair and maintenance of motorcycles is number 1 on the right, and our team is completely satisfied. KHODOVA
Replacing rear shock absorbers type 800
Replacing the monoshock absorber type 1000
Replacement wheel bearings front wheels remove type 1000
Replacing wheel bearings at the rear after removing the wheel 1500
Disk management - KHODOVA
Replacing Lancug and Zirok 2500
Lanzug's layout 200
Replacing the oil in the gearbox 300
Lancet pull-up 200
Installation of wheels 500
Cleaned and soiled Lanzug 800
Replacing the pendulum bearings dated 2000



Carrying out repairs of Japanese motorcycles, mechanics change vital spare parts and materials (spark plugs and oil, filters and brake pads, oil seals and saw blades), adjust and synchronize carburetors, clean and lubricate calipers, install reinforced and hoses. We renew Japanese motorcycles after an accident, repair plastic and electrical installations. Motorcycle service at the Pm-moto workshop
Installation of the engine behind the frame 5000
Removing the engine for installation 20000
Repair of the gearbox with partial disassembly of the engine 10000
Moving the head of the block 5000
Valve regulation of in-line 4-cylinder engines By returning to our service center, you are guaranteed to receive professional diagnostics and repair of your motorcycle.
Regulation of valves of single-cylinder engines type 1000
Replacing the components Repair and maintenance of motorcycles is number 1 on the right, and our team is completely satisfied.
Cleaning and synchronization of carburetors 4000
Replacing oil with oil filter type 500
Replacing the air filter type 300
Replacing antifreeze type 500
Compression test type 500
Replacing the spark plug type 200
Replacing the main unit 400
Replacing gas cables type 500
Replacing the locking cable type 300
Replacing the speedometer cable type 200
Reworking the head cylinder type 500
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