Rosenthal Suchasnu Rosіysku Mov read online. Suchasna rosіyska mova. Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B., Telenkova M.A.

UDC 811.161.1

BBK 81.2Rus-92.3

Valgina N.S.

D.E. Rosenthal

Fomina M.I.

Suchasna Russian mova: Pidruchnik / Edited by N.S. Valgin. - 6th ed., Revised. і add.

Moscow: Logos, 2002.528 p. 5000 approx.

Reviewers: Doctor of Philology, Professor N.D. Burvikova,

Doctor of Philology, Professor V.A. Pronin

To reveal all the distributions to the current Russian language course: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics, phonology and phonology. graphics and spelling, words, morphology, syntax and punctuation. When preparing a vision of the state of affairs in the region of the Russian movement for the rest of 15 years. At the end of the fifth day (Moscow: Vishcha shkola, 1987), materials have been included in the handbook, which are active processes in the current Russian movement, the list of words has been updated. specific tendencies in the implantation of forms of grammatical number, genus and vidmenka, vrahovani changes in syntax.

For students of the first major pledges, who are looking for philological and other humanities strains and specialties.

ISBN ISBN 5-94010-008-2

© Valgina N.S., Rozental D.E., Fomina M.I., 1987

© Valgina N.S. Pererabotka that dopovnenya, 2001.

© Logos, 2002.

Valgina N.S.

D.E. Rosenthal

Fomina M.I.

Suchasna rossiyska mov

from the view

Tsei is a handler of signs in front of students of philological specialties of their own primary mortgages. Allegedly, it is also for the victorious in the initial process of a wide range of humanitarian specialties - very, in the first place, it is quiet, dearly, by means of literary movement and changing the mind of successful professional activity. To be rented out, in any kind of vipadku, the handler will be corny to maybutnim lawyers, teachers, art experts, journalists.

The peculiarity of the vision is the strength and compactness of the material - the versatility of the needs of the potential audit. Therefore, the triviality of the lecture course, practical and self-employed, can be varied in the fallowness in a straightforward manner, the specialty of the preparation of humanities, as well as the formation of it in the daytime, in the evening.

Pidruchnik to take revenge on all the changes in the course of the current Russian language; vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics, phonology and spelling, graphics and spelling, words, morphology, syntax and punctuation.

When prepared, the bully has been brought up to date in the region of the Russian movement for the rest of the author a dozen rockies. The formulation of some theoretical provisions has been changed, new insights have been introduced, the terminology has been refined, some of the new developments in the visual materials and the biography, the visually active processes in the contemporary Russian syntactic language, especially in particular.

Zm_st razdіlіv and paragraphіv updated with new types, zokrema: the regulation about the change of the status of the literary move has been established; extensions of the list of ways of word creation; indications of tendencies in the implantation of forms of grammatical number; information about the propositions of real and real modality, coordination of forms of submission and prescription, active propositions, as well as about the ambiguity of nutritional views about uniformity and diversity of appetite.

In such a rank, the name of the handler - "Suchasna rossiyska mova" - is an image of the suttuvі risi vikladaetsya in the new material. Moreover, the handler in the world has opened these tendencies, as it is possible to transfer this year, there will be a start of the development of the Russian movement in the XXI century.

This information was prepared by N.S. Valgin on the basis of the same stable handler, like a showcase of five visions.


The modern Russian language is the price of the national language of the great Russian people, a form of the Russian national culture.

Russian mova to lay down to a group of Slovenian movs, which can be divided into three subgroups: I will go - movi rossiyska, ukrainian, biloruska; pivdennu - movi Bulgarian, Serbian-Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian; zakidnu - Movi Polish, Chesky, Slovak, Kashubska, Luzhitsky. Go down to one and the same dzherel - the English language, all the words of the Russian language are close one to one, just to identify a number of words, as well as phonetic systems and grammatical buddies. For example: Russian tribe, Bulgarian tribe, Serbske pleme, Polish plemiê, cheske pl e mě, Russian clay, Bulgarian clay, cheske hlina, polske glina; Russian lito, Bulgarian Lato, cheske l e to, Polish lаto; rosiyske chervoniy, serbske cr a san, cheske kr a sn y; Russian milk, Bulgarian mlyako, Serbian milk, Polish mieko, cheske ml e ko etc.

Russian National mova It is a historically formed social identity and shared the entire population of the Russian people, including all Russian talkers and servants, as well as social jargon.

In the form of a national Russian move є Russian literary mov.

In the early historical stages, the development of the out-of-town movement - from the movement of the people to the national - in conjunction with the change and the extended suspension functions of the literary movement and the changing winter understanding of the "life".

lucky rosіyska literary mova is a set of standards, a service provider for the cultural consumer of the Russian people, a department of state acts, science, presi, radio, theater, art literature.

“Rozpodil move on literary and folk,” wrote A.M. Bitter, - to mean only those who are maєmo, so bi moviti, “syrian” mov and overgrowth by majstras ”.

The standardization of literary language is due to the fact that the warehouse of the vocabulary in the new regulations, the meaning and introduction of words, vimov, spelling and understanding of grammatical forms of words, is accepted by the senses. Understanding the norms, however, does not apply in the same range of options, but to visualize the changes that are constantly displayed in the movement as a human being. For example, literary options are used to speak: far - far, high - high, inakshe - inakshe; gram, forms: waving - waving, meowing - nyavkaє, strip - rinsing.

Today's literature, not without adding mass information, remember the change in its status: the rate of age is minimal, the tolerance is variability. Vona will not focus on non-corrosiveness and gallantry, but rather quickly on communal excellence. Therefore, the norm is often not so good for the fence, but the power of the choice. The cordon of normativeness and non-normativeness is sometimes erased, and some changes are made and widespread modern facts become variants of norms. Staunching over-the-top baths, the literary movement easily absorbs in itself the earlier zaboroneni of the sobbing turn. To bring the butt of the active vikoristannya word "bєsprєdєl", which had previously laid down the criminal jargon.

Literary mov maє dvі form: fall asleepі letter, They are characterized by features like from the side of the lexical warehouse, as well as from the side of the grammatical structure, rіznі vidi sprynattya - hearsay and goodness.

The writing of the literary language evolves from the weary to the greater folding syntax and the manifestation of the great variety of abstract vocabulary, as well as terminological vocabulary, winter international. Writing literary mova maє styles of ideas: styles of science, official-style, public, artistic.

Literary mova, yak norms, breakdowns for the people of the people, protist dialectsі jargon... Russian dialects are united in two main groups: North Russian nationalities and South Russian nationalities. Skin s group has its own vidminny rice in vimov, in the vocabulary and in grammatical forms. In addition, the Central Russian dialects, in some form of specialness, as well as heirs.

The current Russian literary movement є by the international socialization of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Russian literary mova brings all the peoples of Russia to the culture of the great Russian people.

З 1945 r By the UN Statute, Russian translation was announced by one of the official translations of the world.

In view of the numerical visibility of the great Russian writers and large-scale acts, as well as of the most progressive foreign writers about the power, wealth and artistic diversity of Russian language. They talked about the Russian language of Derzhavin and Karamzin, Pushkin and Gogol, Bulinsky and Chernishevsky, Turgen and Tolstoy.

The course of the modern Russian language is formed from the onset of distribution: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and phonology, spelling, graphics and spelling, vocabulary, grammar (morphology and syntax), punctuation.

vocabularyі phraseology vivchayut vocabulary and phraseological warehouse of Russian language and regularity of its development.

phonetics I describe the sound warehouse of the current Russian literary movement and the main sound processes that occur in the movie, the subject of phonology and phonemes - a few sound odds, services for the development of sound shells of forms and sounds.

Orfoepia vivchaє norms of modern Russian literary vimov.

graphic know in the warehouse of the Russian alphabet, in conjunction with letters and sounds, and spelling- the main principle of Russian writing is morphological, as well as phonetic and traditional spellings. Spelling is the essence of the rules, which can be written in words.

slovotvir vivchaє morphological warehouse of the word and basic types of establishment of new words: morphological, morphological-syntactic, lexical-semantic, lexical-syntactic.

Morphologyє Vchennyam about grammatical categories and grammatical forms of the word. Vona vivchaє lexico-grammatical lines of words, the interchange of lexical and grammatical meanings of the word and the way of twisting grammatical meanings in Russian language.

syntax- a price tag about the proposition and the word received. The syntax of the main syntactic odds is the word-derivation and the proposition, the type of syntactic link, the type of proposition and the structure.

On the basis of the syntax, punctuation will be used - the rules for the arrangement of rosette signs.

Vocabulary and phraseology

Russian language vocabulary

Understanding about vocabulary and lexical systems

vocabulary be called all the sukupn_st s_v movi, yogo word warehouse... Rozdіl movoznavstva, scho vivchaє vocabulary, be called lexicology(Gr. Lexikos - vocabulary + logos - vchennya). The development of lexicology is historical, how vivchaє the formulation of vocabulary in its development, and lexicology is described, how to deal with the meaning of a word, semantics (gr. Semantikos - meaning), about words, structure tipi vzamin word in the single lexico-semantic system. Words in them can be related to the similarity or opposite meaning (for example, synonyms and antonyms), the versatility of vicious functions (sometimes, for example, groups of people who are close and bookish), similar to those who are close movi etc. Such a kind of blue words in different groups, so that one can share the spirit of a sign, are called paradigmatic(Gr. Par a deigma - butt, zrazok) і are the main ones for the designated authorities of the system.

A type of systemic links є steps of lexical with the occurrence of words one to one, syntagmatic(Grets. Syntagma - shhos z'єdnane), as it is not easy to infuse і on the development of new paradigms. For example, for a trivial hour the word of the sovereign behind the meanings is tied with the word “power” as “the political organization of the suspension on a number of authorities”. Being an outstanding prikmetnik behind the significant ones, I won’t lose myself with a singing stake of words like: harmony, boundary, installation, service i under. Because of this, syntagmatic words have expanded: it has begun to live in familiar words mislennya, rozum, lyudina, diya, vchinok and so on, they are embellished with a wide clear-estimate meaning "good mission and children are wide, wisely." The price, in its own right, opened the mind for the recognition of new paradigmatic sounds, which introduced new grammatical meanings and forms into the development of new grammatical meanings and forms: a few words in the singing visuals of the functions of the new ones, the new ones, the new ones became the abstract statehood, Yakisnykh heralds - sovereignly, Antonimiv - incontinent, antipower etc.

Otzhe, offending the types of systemic ones, are tightly tied between themselves and set up into a whole foldable lexico-semantic system, like being included in the system.

Semasiological characteristics of the current lexical system

Lexical meaning of the word. Basic yogo tipi

The word develops its sound design, morphological structure and layering in a new sense, meaning.

Lexical meaning of the word- a whole lot of wickedness, so that it is historically fixed in the testimony of the movs in the sense of the sound complex and the subject, for example, the act, "formalized according to the grammatical laws of the given movs and words" by the element of the systematic semantic.

The meaning of the words does not represent the entirety of the cognitive signs, objects and appearances, but deprives of them, as they additionally help to visualize one object from the other. So, as we say: tse ptah, then we are deprived of those in the given vypadku, but before us are a kind of melting ridge creatures, just like in crete, and the front pictures are transformed into krill. These signs allow you to recognize birds from other creatures, for example, ssavts.

In the process of spiritual labor activity, in their own supportive practice, people learn objects, qualities, appearances; і singing signs of cich objects, qualities or manifestations of action є the basis of the meaning of the word. Therefore, for the correct understanding of the meaning of the words, a wide knowledge of the huge sphere is needed, in which the word was out of sync. Otzhe, in the development of the meaning of the word, an important role is played by the officials.

In addition, since it will be used as the basis of the classification, in the current Russian movement there can be seen some of the basic types of lexical meanings of words.

    For the connection, the connection with the object of action, for the way of naming, for the nomination (Latin nominatio - naming, naming), the meaning is seen directly, either basically, or figuratively, or indirectly.

straight The meanings are called such as, without being tied to an object without being tied to an object, or something like that. For example, the first two meanings of the word hand will be straight: "one of the two upper cues of the people from the shoulder to the end of the fingers ..."

portableє the same meaning, as the result is not a direct response to the subject, but through the transfer direct value on іnshy subject in inheritance of the іznіh associations. For example, carry forward the meaning of the word hand:

1) (only od.) The manner of writing, handwriting; 2) (only plural) Working power;

3) (only plural) About a man, a person (... with a name) like a Volodar, a master of something; 4) the symbol of power; 5) (tilki od., Rosem.) 6) (only od.)

Connections of words, which volodyyut to direct meanings, are less likely to lie in the context and to be reinforced with subject-logical equivalents, as to reach broad and generally accepted. The meaning of the transfer is more likely to lie in the context, because I live in a fraction of the extinct imagery.

    For the level of semantic motivation, the meaning is divided into unmotivated(Abo nepochіdni, phraseological) i motivated(For the lost ones of the first). For example, the meaning of the word hand- unmotivated, but the meaning of words hand, sleeve that in. - already motivated by semantic and word-creating sounds and words hand.

    Behind the level of lexical meaning, the meaning is changed to vilny(All direct meaning of words is referred to them) and nevilny... There are two main views in the middle:

1) phraseological related meanings to be called like, yake, vinikak in words in singing lexically unrelated terms. The stench is characterized by university interconnection, a stylishly created number of words, the sound of which there are not subject-logical indications, but the internal laws of the lexical-semantic system. Between the vzhivannya slavs from the various meanings of the universities. So, the word inseparable figuratively meaning "schiry, sincere" is realized, as a rule, only in the word friend (friendship);

2) syntactically zooming in values to be called like that, as it appears at the word when it is victorious for itself roles in speech. In the development of qikh, context is of great importance. For example, with victorian words oak characterizes the person: Ex, ty, oak, so nothing and no sound- to realize the meaning of "stupid, insensitive" (size).

Until syntactically summarized, the meaning is referred to as structurally bounded, Yake winikє only in minds victorian words in singing syntactic constructions. For example, it has recently been decided that the meaning of "district, region, mice geography poured over to the victors in the design with the name in the generic view: geography of sports.

    For the character of the nominal functions, the meaning is clearly nominal and expressively synonymous.

nominal they are called such, which directly, without a middle name, an object, phenomenon, appearance, dialect, etc. In їх semantics, as a rule, there are no additional signs (zokrem, otsenochnyh). I would like to see these signs in an hour and come. (In general, a variety of figurative meanings are developing, the Alentse group is seen by the other classificatory signs. Div. Type 1.)

Vlasne nominative meanings volodyut, for example, words writer, assistant, noiseі pl. ін.

Expressively synonymous to be called the meaning of the word, in the semantics of how the perevazha emotsionno-expressive sign. Words with such meanings are self-explanatory, are represented in the vocabulary and are written as estimated synonyms to words, as they are completely nominal meanings. since.: writer - hack writer, scribbler; pomichnik - an accomplice; noise - kolobroditi... Otzhe, the stench doesn’t just name the subject; by the way, kolobroditi(Prosty.) Not just "noise", but "to behave noisily, meticulously, carelessly, dishonestly."

In addition to the meanings of the basic types of lexical meanings, there are a lot of words in the Russian language meanings, which, being closely related to the basic ones, are nevertheless meaningful. For example, the order of the first direct meanings of the word hand in the vocabulary, it is given і yo іdtіnok, so that through a speck of a lump it appears "a part of the chain of pictures from p'yasti and knots of fingers." (Wed. In the vocabulary of the vidtinki, the meaning of the word book and bagatokh інshih words.)

The word yak is lexical and grammatical odinitsa movi

The word “yak” is the basic unit of language.

So, from the point of view phonetic a sound shell is seen, those voices and voices are seen, such as a word, a warehouse starts, on any voice, etc.

lexicology(Opisova) in Pershu Chergu z'yasovuє everything that is tied to the meanings of the word: I will clarify the typi meaning, viznacha the sphere of implantation of the word, stylistic depiction, etc. For lexicology (historical), it is important є nutrition about the familiarity of the word, its semantics, the sphere of living, stylistic attachment, etc. in the development period of the mov.

From the point of view grammatically The belonging of the word to the present part of the word, the power of the word grammatical meaning and grammatical form (div. about the report § 106), the role of words in the speech. All tse additional lexical meaning of the word.

The grammatical and lexical meanings are clear as they are knitted, so it is not easy to change the lexical meaning to the extent of the grammatical characteristics of the word. For example, in words deaf, voiced word deaf(In the meaning of "sound, which is established only for the participation of one noise, without the participation of the voice") - the price tag operator is obvious. And in the word deaf voice word deaf(In the meaning of "muffling, unclear") - tse prikmetnik yakisne, maє steps, short form. Otzhe, the change of meaning has infused into the morphological characteristics of the word.

Lexical meanings are not only used to illuminate the grammatical forms, but also to establish new words. So, as a result of the historical development, the meaning of one word hutro two words were announced, which mean the understanding of the understanding: Khutro Bilichiі Khutro Kovalsky(Div. Pro tse § 5).

The lexical meaning in the word can be called one-meaning (such words are called unambiguous), or the other can be associated with the other lexical meanings of the whole word (such words are called meaningful).

word meaning

richness, abo polіsemієyu(Gr. Poly - bagato + sma - sign), called the power of words to live in different meanings. So, the word core in the modern Russian move is meaning:

1) the inner part of the fruit in the hard shell: And the pots are not simple, all the scales are gold,kernels- pure emerald(NS.); 2) the basis for something (book): On the Volz, the bulo is degradedcorefascist army; 3) Central part whatever (special): core atom; 4) an old-fashioned garmat shell at the viewer of a round cast body: kittykernels, Whistle coolers, cold bagneti looming(NS.). The meanings of the vocal meanings are dull, so all the stinks and looks like the meaning of one and the same word.

word pipe, For example, in words water pipe abo guard trumpet meaning “dovgy, emptiness, zazvychay round object to grind”. chimney to be called a spiritual musical instrument with a strong, vibrant timbre: My creator! deafening, dzvinkish anypipes! (Gr.). The whole word live in such a special meaning, such as "a channel in the body for the creation of different organs", for example, eustakhievapipe.

In such a rank, the word is in the process of its historical development, beyond the sinister meaning, perhaps a new, old meaning.

Ways to understand the meaning of the development. The new meaning of the word can be called, for example, by way of transferring the name for the variety of objects or their signs, to be metaphorically (as in gr. Metaphora - transferred). for example; for a subset of callsigns: nis(People) - nis(Ship), form objects: apple(Antonivske) - apple(Ochne), for additional views, estimates: warmer(current) - warmer(Fate) etc. You can also transfer the name of the selected functions (to transfer the functions): feather(Gusyache) - feather(Staleva), conductor(Posadova person, yaka supervodzhuє poizd) - conductor(In technology - attachment, for directing a tool).

The new meaning can be recognized as a result of the appearance of associations for the sum (so called metonymic transfer, Greek. Metonymia - change). For example, the naming of the material is transferred to the virtual material: chandelier zbronzes(Name of the material) - Starovinna was on sale in an antique shopbronze(Virib from tsy material). In a metonymic way, one can identify a different kind of co-interpretation (gr. Synekdochē), so that one word is used to name the result, then: take care of vishivka- artwork display; parts and whole (і navpaki), por.: migotilipea jacketswith wipers і sіріovercoat(Tobto sailors and pikhotintsy; in all kinds of names, the names of the cholovik), etc.

The meaning of the word, as well as the appearance of the so-called semantic structure, and to serve as a simple butt will show the systemic links in the middle of one word. The very type of singular permits to write and to speak broadly vikoristovuvati the significance of yak without a particular stylistic predestination, so also with a singing method: for the purpose of improving the variety, motivation, etc.

In the case of a breakdown, or even more loss of semantic links between different meanings, there is a possibility for naming with the same word called for the first to understand, objects, etc. There is one of the ways to develop new words - homonyms.

Lexical homonyms, types and roles in mov

homonyms(Gr. Homos - the same + onyma - ім'я) words are called, different for the meanings, ale the same for the sounds and writing. In lexicology, there are two types of lexical homonyms: new and different, or parts.

povnі lexical riot police are the words of one grammatical class, they have the whole system of forms. for example: scythe- "type of cleaning", scythe- "silskogospodarske znryaddya" і scythe- "mis, milina"; zmushiti- "we will block the chim, we will set it up" і zmushiti- "primusiti koshi zrobiti", etc.

Suchasna rosіyska mova. Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B., Telenkova M.A.

M.: 2002 r

reference navchalny messenger written according to the programs from the current Russian language for the faculties of the philological profile that, on the basis of the names of the households, to vest all the distributions to the course, so that they can be won by their chiefs.

Authors victorious theoretical material in a stylish and compact viglyad, linguistic terms... Don't let the reading of the book and mastering the material. Such a method of supplying the material with links to school practice is necessary in case of independent robotics with a book.

To protect the author, I pay respect to the knowledge of various points of view on the basis of the theory of Russian movement, I see the problems, how to wick the controversy in the scientific world. Also, you can read it in the folding feeds of the Russian grammar and find a quick tip for the development of ambiguous, controversial problems. Everything is important not only for the development of the Russian literary language system, but for the development of a linguistic message from the reader.

Theoretical views on the Russian language are locked to the right, the last of which is summed up by the methodical principle of transition from simple to folding. In the quality of the illustrative material, the victorious urivka from the works of the Russian classical and contemporary literature, as well as publications and periodicals, as well as the interest of the happy reader. In razdilakh, scho be of a gallant character, food is given for self-revision. The book gives you the freedom to vivchit rossiysku mov without a tutor.

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In the course of the current Russian moving performances, there are a number of distributions:
Vocabulary and phraseology vivchayut vocabulary and phraseological (style words) warehouse of Russian mov.
phonetics I describe the sound warehouse of the current Russian literary movie and the main sound processes that occur in the movie.
graphic to know in the warehouse of the Russian alphabet, in conjunction with sounds and letters.
Spelling Design the rules for implantation of lettering signs when writing transmissions of moving messages.
Orfoepia vivchaє norms of modern Russian literary vimov.
slovotvir pre-morphological warehouse of words and basic types of statements.
Morphology- vchennya about the main lexico-grammatical lines of words (part of the move).
syntax- vchenya about words and propositions.
punctuation- the rules for setting rose signs.

UDC 811.161.1

BBK 81.2Rus-92.3

Valgina N.S.

D.E. Rosenthal

Fomina M.I.

Suchasna Russian mova: Pidruchnik / Edited by N.S. Valgin. - 6th ed., Revised. і add.

Moscow: Logos, 2002.528 p. 5000 approx.

Reviewers: Doctor of Philology, Professor N.D. Burvikova,

Doctor of Philology, Professor V.A. Pronin

To reveal all the distributions to the current Russian language course: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics, phonology and phonology. graphics and spelling, words, morphology, syntax and punctuation. When preparing a vision of the state of affairs in the region of the Russian movement for the rest of 15 years. At the end of the fifth day (Moscow: Vishcha shkola, 1987), materials have been included in the handbook, which are active processes in the current Russian movement, the list of words has been updated. specific tendencies in the implantation of forms of grammatical number, genus and vidmenka, vrahovani changes in syntax.

For students of the first major pledges, who are looking for philological and other humanities strains and specialties.

ISBN ISBN 5-94010-008-2

© Valgina N.S., Rozental D.E., Fomina M.I., 1987

© Valgina N.S. Pererabotka that dopovnenya, 2001.

© Logos, 2002.

Valgina N.S.

D.E. Rosenthal

Fomina M.I.

Suchasna rossiyska mov

from the view

Tsei is a handler of signs in front of students of philological specialties of their own primary mortgages. Allegedly, it is also for the victorious in the initial process of a wide range of humanitarian specialties - very, in the first place, it is quiet, dearly, by means of literary movement and changing the mind of successful professional activity. To be rented out, in any kind of vipadku, the handler will be corny to maybutnim lawyers, teachers, art experts, journalists.

The peculiarity of the vision is the strength and compactness of the material - the versatility of the needs of the potential audit. Therefore, the triviality of the lecture course, practical and self-employed, can be varied in the fallowness in a straightforward manner, the specialty of the preparation of humanities, as well as the formation of it in the daytime, in the evening.

Pidruchnik to take revenge on all the changes in the course of the current Russian language; vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics, phonology and spelling, graphics and spelling, words, morphology, syntax and punctuation.

When prepared, the bully has been brought up to date in the region of the Russian movement for the rest of the author a dozen rockies. The formulation of some theoretical provisions has been changed, new insights have been introduced, the terminology has been refined, some of the new developments in the visual materials and the biography, the visually active processes in the contemporary Russian syntactic language, especially in particular.

Zm_st razdіlіv and paragraphіv updated with new types, zokrema: the regulation about the change of the status of the literary move has been established; extensions of the list of ways of word creation; indications of tendencies in the implantation of forms of grammatical number; information about the propositions of real and real modality, coordination of forms of submission and prescription, active propositions, as well as about the ambiguity of nutritional views about uniformity and diversity of appetite.

In such a rank, the name of the handler - "Suchasna rossiyska mova" - is an image of the suttuvі risi vikladaetsya in the new material. Moreover, the handler in the world has opened these tendencies, as it is possible to transfer this year, there will be a start of the development of the Russian movement in the XXI century.

This information was prepared by N.S. Valgin on the basis of the same stable handler, like a showcase of five visions.


The modern Russian language is the price of the national language of the great Russian people, a form of the Russian national culture.

Russian mova to lay down to a group of Slovenian movs, which can be divided into three subgroups: I will go - movi rossiyska, ukrainian, biloruska; pivdennu - movi Bulgarian, Serbian-Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian; zakidnu - Movi Polish, Chesky, Slovak, Kashubska, Luzhitsky. Go down to one and the same dzherel - the English language, all the words of the Russian language are close one to one, just to identify a number of words, as well as phonetic systems and grammatical buddies. For example: Russian tribe, Bulgarian tribe, Serbske pleme, Polish plemiê, cheske pl e mě, Russian clay, Bulgarian clay, cheske hlina, polske glina; Russian lito, Bulgarian Lato, cheske l e to, Polish lаto; rosiyske chervoniy, serbske cr a san, cheske kr a sn y; Russian milk, Bulgarian mlyako, Serbian milk, Polish mieko, cheske ml e ko etc.

Russian National mova It is a historically formed social identity and shared the entire population of the Russian people, including all Russian talkers and servants, as well as social jargon.

In the form of a national Russian move є Russian literary mov.

In the early historical stages, the development of the out-of-town movement - from the movement of the people to the national - in conjunction with the change and the extended suspension functions of the literary movement and the changing winter understanding of the "life".

lucky rosіyska literary mova is a set of standards, a service provider for the cultural consumer of the Russian people, a department of state acts, science, presi, radio, theater, art literature.

“Rozpodil move on literary and folk,” wrote A.M. Bitter, - to mean only those who are maєmo, so bi moviti, “syrian” mov and overgrowth by majstras ”.

The standardization of literary language is due to the fact that the warehouse of the vocabulary in the new regulations, the meaning and introduction of words, vimov, spelling and understanding of grammatical forms of words, is accepted by the senses. Understanding the norms, however, does not apply in the same range of options, but to visualize the changes that are constantly displayed in the movement as a human being. For example, literary options are used to speak: far - far, high - high, inakshe - inakshe; gram, forms: waving - waving, meowing - nyavkaє, strip - rinsing.

Today's literature, not without adding mass information, remember the change in its status: the rate of age is minimal, the tolerance is variability. Vona will not focus on non-corrosiveness and gallantry, but rather quickly on communal excellence. Therefore, the norm is often not so good for the fence, but the power of the choice. The cordon of normativeness and non-normativeness is sometimes erased, and some changes are made and widespread modern facts become variants of norms. Staunching over-the-top baths, the literary movement easily absorbs in itself the earlier zaboroneni of the sobbing turn. To bring the butt of the active vikoristannya word "bєsprєdєl", which had previously laid down the criminal jargon.

Literary mov maє dvі form: fall asleepі letter They are characterized by peculiarities both from the side of the lexical structure, from the side of the grammatical structure, from the side of the grammatical structure, from the side of the picture, from the side of the word to hearing - hearing and goodness.

The writing of the literary language evolves from the weary to the greater folding syntax and the manifestation of the great variety of abstract vocabulary, as well as terminological vocabulary, winter international. Writing literary mova maє styles of ideas: styles of science, official-style, public, artistic.

Literary mova, yak norms, breakdowns for the people of the people, protist dialectsі jargon... Russian dialects are united in two main groups: North Russian nationalities and South Russian nationalities. Skin s group has its own vidminny rice in vimov, in the vocabulary and in grammatical forms. In addition, the Central Russian dialects, in some form of specialness, as well as heirs.

The current Russian literary movement є by the international socialization of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Russian literary mova brings all the peoples of Russia to the culture of the great Russian people.

З 1945 r By the UN Statute, Russian translation was announced by one of the official translations of the world.

In view of the numerical visibility of the great Russian writers and large-scale acts, as well as of the most progressive foreign writers about the power, wealth and artistic diversity of Russian language. They talked about the Russian language of Derzhavin and Karamzin, Pushkin and Gogol, Bulinsky and Chernishevsky, Turgen and Tolstoy.

The course of the modern Russian language is formed from the onset of distribution: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and phonology, spelling, graphics and spelling, vocabulary, grammar (morphology and syntax), punctuation.

vocabularyі phraseology vivchayut vocabulary and phraseological warehouse of Russian language and regularity of its development.

phonetics I describe the sound warehouse of the current Russian literary movement and the main sound processes that occur in the movie, the subject of phonology and phonemes - a few sound odds, services for the development of sound shells of forms and sounds.

Orfoepia vivchaє norms of modern Russian literary vimov.

graphic know in the warehouse of the Russian alphabet, in conjunction with letters and sounds, and spelling- the main principle of Russian writing is morphological, as well as phonetic and traditional spellings. Spelling is the essence of the rules, which can be written in words.

slovotvir vivchaє morphological warehouse of the word and basic types of establishment of new words: morphological, morphological-syntactic, lexical-semantic, lexical-syntactic.

Morphologyє Vchennyam about grammatical categories and grammatical forms of the word. Vona vivchaє lexico-grammatical lines of words, the interchange of lexical and grammatical meanings of the word and the way of twisting grammatical meanings in Russian language.

syntax- a price tag about the proposition and the word received. The syntax of the main syntactic odds is the word-derivation and the proposition, the type of syntactic link, the type of proposition and the structure.

On the basis of the syntax, punctuation will be used - the rules for the arrangement of rosette signs.

Vocabulary and phraseology

Russian language vocabulary

Understanding about vocabulary and lexical systems

vocabulary called all the sukupn_st sliv movi, її vocabulary warehouse. Rozdіl movoznavstva, scho vivchaє vocabulary, be called lexicology(Gr. Lexikos - vocabulary + logos - vchennya). The development of lexicology is historical, how vivchaє the formulation of vocabulary in its development, and lexicology is described, how to deal with the meaning of a word, semantics (gr. Semantikos - meaning), about words, structure tipi vzamin word in the single lexico-semantic system. Words in them can be related to the similarity or opposite meaning (for example, synonyms and antonyms), the versatility of vicious functions (sometimes, for example, groups of people who are close and bookish), similar to those who are close movi etc. Such a kind of blue words in different groups, so that one can share the spirit of a sign, are called paradigmatic(Gr. Par a deigma - butt, zrazok) і are the main ones for the designated authorities of the system.

A type of systemic links є steps of lexical with the occurrence of words one to one, syntagmatic(Grets. Syntagma - shhos z'єdnane), as it is not easy to infuse і on the development of new paradigms. For example, for a trivial hour the word of the sovereign behind the meanings is tied with the word “power” as “the political organization of the suspension on a number of authorities”. Being an outstanding prikmetnik behind the significant ones, I won’t lose myself with a singing stake of words like: harmony, boundary, installation, service i under. Because of this, syntagmatic words have expanded: it has begun to live in familiar words mislennya, rozum, lyudina, diya, vchinok and so on, they are embellished with a wide clear-estimate meaning "good mission and children are wide, wisely." The price, in its own right, opened the mind for the recognition of new paradigmatic sounds, which introduced new grammatical meanings and forms into the development of new grammatical meanings and forms: a few words in the singing visuals of the functions of the new ones, the new ones, the new ones became the abstract statehood, Yakisnykh heralds - sovereignly, Antonimiv - incontinent, antipower etc.

Otzhe, offending the types of systemic ones, are tightly tied between themselves and set up into a whole foldable lexico-semantic system, like being included in the system.

Semasiological characteristics of the current lexical system

Lexical meaning of the word. Basic yogo tipi

The word develops its sound design, morphological structure and layering in a new sense, meaning.

Lexical meaning of the word- a whole lot of wickedness, so that it is historically fixed in the testimony of the movs in the sense of the sound complex and the subject, for example, the act, "formalized according to the grammatical laws of the given movs and words" by the element of the systematic semantic.

The meaning of the words does not represent the entirety of the cognitive signs, objects and appearances, but deprives of them, as they additionally help to visualize one object from the other. So, as we say: tse ptah, then we are deprived of those in the given vypadku, but before us are a kind of melting ridge creatures, just like in crete, and the front pictures are transformed into krill. These signs allow you to recognize birds from other creatures, for example, ssavts.

In the process of spiritual labor activity, in their own supportive practice, people learn objects, qualities, appearances; і singing signs of cich objects, qualities or manifestations of action є the basis of the meaning of the word. Therefore, for the correct understanding of the meaning of the words, a wide knowledge of the huge sphere is needed, in which the word was out of sync. Otzhe, in the development of the meaning of the word, an important role is played by the officials.

In addition, since it will be used as the basis of the classification, in the current Russian movement there can be seen some of the basic types of lexical meanings of words.

    For the connection, the connection with the object of action, for the way of naming, for the nomination (Latin nominatio - naming, naming), the meaning is seen directly, either basically, or figuratively, or indirectly.

straight The meanings are called such as, without being tied to an object without being tied to an object, or something like that. For example, the first two meanings of the word hand will be straight: "one of the two upper cues of the people from the shoulder to the end of the fingers ..."

portable The same meaning, as a result, is not a direct relation to an object, but through the transfer of a direct meaning to an object in the past. For example, carry forward the meaning of the word hand:

1) (only od.) The manner of writing, handwriting; 2) (only plural) Working power;

3) (only plural) About a man, a person (... with a name) like a Volodar, a master of something; 4) the symbol of power; 5) (tilki od., Rosem.) 6) (only od.)

Connections of words, which volodyyut to direct meanings, are less likely to lie in the context and to be reinforced with subject-logical equivalents, as to reach broad and generally accepted. The meaning of the transfer is more likely to lie in the context, because I live in a fraction of the extinct imagery.

    For the level of semantic motivation, the meaning is divided into unmotivated(Abo nepochіdni, phraseological) i motivated(For the lost ones of the first). For example, the meaning of the word hand- unmotivated, but the meaning of words hand, sleeve that in. - already motivated by semantic and word-creating sounds and words hand.

    Behind the level of lexical meaning, the meaning is changed to vilny(All direct meaning of words is referred to them) and nevilny... There are two main views in the middle:

1) phraseological related meanings to be called like, yake, vinikak in words in singing lexically unrelated terms. The stench is characterized by university interconnection, a stylishly created number of words, the sound of which there are not subject-logical indications, but the internal laws of the lexical-semantic system. Between the vzhivannya slavs from the various meanings of the universities. So, the word inseparable figuratively meaning "schiry, sincere" is realized, as a rule, only in the word friend (friendship);

2) syntactically zooming in values to be called like that, as it appears at the word when it is victorious for itself roles in speech. In the development of qikh, context is of great importance. For example, with victorian words oak characterizes the person: Ex, ty, oak, so nothing and no sound- to realize the meaning of "stupid, insensitive" (size).

Until syntactically summarized, the meaning is referred to as structurally bounded, Yake winikє only in minds victorian words in singing syntactic constructions. For example, it has recently been decided that the meaning of "district, region, mice geography poured over to the victors in the design with the name in the generic view: geography of sports.

    For the character of the nominal functions, the meaning is clearly nominal and expressively synonymous.

nominal they are called such, which directly, without a middle name, an object, phenomenon, appearance, dialect, etc. In їх semantics, as a rule, there are no additional signs (zokrem, otsenochnyh). I would like to see these signs in an hour and come. (In general, a variety of figurative meanings are developing, the Alentse group is seen by the other classificatory signs. Div. Type 1.)

Vlasne nominative meanings volodyut, for example, words writer, assistant, noiseі pl. ін.

Expressively synonymous to be called the meaning of the word, in the semantics of how the perevazha emotsionno-expressive sign. Words with such meanings are self-explanatory, are represented in the vocabulary and are written as estimated synonyms to words, as they are completely nominal meanings. since.: writer - hack writer, scribbler; pomichnik - an accomplice; noise - kolobroditi... Otzhe, the stench doesn’t just name the subject; by the way, kolobroditi(Prosty.) Not just "noise", but "to behave noisily, meticulously, carelessly, dishonestly."

In addition to the meanings of the basic types of lexical meanings, there are a lot of words in the Russian language meanings, which, being closely related to the basic ones, are nevertheless meaningful. For example, the order of the first direct meanings of the word hand in the vocabulary, it is given і yo іdtіnok, so that through a speck of a lump it appears "a part of the chain of pictures from p'yasti and knots of fingers." (Wed. In the vocabulary of the vidtinki, the meaning of the word book and bagatokh інshih words.)

The word yak is lexical and grammatical odinitsa movi

The word “yak” is the basic unit of language.

So, from the point of view phonetic a sound shell is seen, those voices and voices are seen, such as a word, a warehouse starts, on any voice, etc.

lexicology(Opisova) in Pershu Chergu z'yasovuє everything that is tied to the meanings of the word: I will clarify the typi meaning, viznacha the sphere of implantation of the word, stylistic depiction, etc. For lexicology (historical), it is important є nutrition about the familiarity of the word, its semantics, the sphere of living, stylistic attachment, etc. in the development period of the mov.

From the point of view grammatically The belonging of the word to the present part of the word, the power of the word grammatical meaning and grammatical form (div. about the report § 106), the role of words in the speech. All tse additional lexical meaning of the word.

The grammatical and lexical meanings are clear as they are knitted, so it is not easy to change the lexical meaning to the extent of the grammatical characteristics of the word. For example, in words deaf, voiced word deaf(In the meaning of "sound, which is established only for the participation of one noise, without the participation of the voice") - the price tag operator is obvious. And in the word deaf voice word deaf(In the meaning of "muffling, unclear") - tse prikmetnik yakisne, maє steps, short form. Otzhe, the change of meaning has infused into the morphological characteristics of the word.

Lexical meanings are not only used to illuminate the grammatical forms, but also to establish new words. So, as a result of the historical development, the meaning of one word hutro two words were announced, which mean the understanding of the understanding: Khutro Bilichiі Khutro Kovalsky(Div. Pro tse § 5).

The lexical meaning in the word can be called one-meaning (such words are called unambiguous), or the other can be associated with the other lexical meanings of the whole word (such words are called meaningful).

word meaning

richness, abo polіsemієyu(Gr. Poly - bagato + sma - sign), called the power of words to live in different meanings. So, the word core in the modern Russian move is meaning:

1) the inner part of the fruit in the hard shell: And the pots are not simple, all the scales are gold,kernels- pure emerald(NS.); 2) the basis for something (book): On the Volz, the bulo is degradedcorefascist army; 3) the central part of something (special): core atom; 4) an old-fashioned garmat shell at the viewer of a round cast body: kittykernels, Whistle coolers, cold bagneti looming(NS.). The meanings of the vocal meanings are dull, so all the stinks and looks like the meaning of one and the same word.

word pipe, For example, in words water pipe abo guard trumpet meaning “dovgy, emptiness, zazvychay round object to grind”. chimney to be called a spiritual musical instrument with a strong, vibrant timbre: My creator! deafening, dzvinkish anypipes! (Gr.). The whole word live in such a special meaning, such as "a channel in the body for the creation of different organs", for example, eustakhievapipe.

In such a rank, the word is in the process of its historical development, beyond the sinister meaning, perhaps a new, old meaning.

Ways to understand the meaning of the development. The new meaning of the word can be called, for example, by way of transferring the name for the variety of objects or their signs, to be metaphorically (as in gr. Metaphora - transferred). for example; for a subset of callsigns: nis(People) - nis(Ship), form objects: apple(Antonivske) - apple(Ochne), for additional views, estimates: warmer(current) - warmer(Fate) etc. You can also transfer the name of the selected functions (to transfer the functions): feather(Gusyache) - feather(Staleva), conductor(Posadova person, yaka supervodzhuє poizd) - conductor(In technology - attachment, for directing a tool).

The new meaning can be recognized as a result of the appearance of associations for the sum (so called metonymic transfer, Greek. Metonymia - change). For example, the naming of the material is transferred to the virtual material: chandelier zbronzes(Name of the material) - Starovinna was on sale in an antique shopbronze(Virib from tsy material). In a metonymic way, one can identify a different kind of co-interpretation (gr. Synekdochē), so that one word is used to name the result, then: take care of vishivka- artwork display; parts and whole (і navpaki), por.: migotilipea jacketswith wipers і sіріovercoat(Tobto sailors and pikhotintsy; in all kinds of names, the names of the cholovik), etc.

The meaning of the word, as well as the appearance of the so-called semantic structure, and to serve as a simple butt will show the systemic links in the middle of one word. The very type of singular permits to write and to speak broadly vikoristovuvati the significance of yak without a particular stylistic predestination, so also with a singing method: for the purpose of improving the variety, motivation, etc.

In the case of a breakdown, or even more loss of semantic links between different meanings, there is a possibility for naming with the same word called for the first to understand, objects, etc. There is one of the ways to develop new words - homonyms.

Lexical homonyms, types and roles in mov

homonyms(Gr. Homos - the same + onyma - ім'я) words are called, different for the meanings, ale the same for the sounds and writing. In lexicology, there are two types of lexical homonyms: new and different, or parts.

povnі lexical riot police are the words of one grammatical class, they have the whole system of forms. for example: scythe- "type of cleaning", scythe- "silskogospodarske znryaddya" і scythe- "mis, milina"; zmushiti- "we will block the chim, we will set it up" і zmushiti- "primusiti koshi zrobiti", etc.

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