Write out a step-by-step scientific investigation from the butt of medicine.

Repair Golovna For proper research and development of scientific research, it is necessary to achieve

stages of pre-surveillance work students, their order is under the hour of research and writing of the project. It is necessary to “break down” the progress of the work into song parts and hourly intervals.

We propose to speed up our efforts

stages of the pre-slednytsky project

with the selection of individual pre-study work with selected topics and subject.

Proposed in this section, the main stages of the final research work and the project of students may depend on the preparation for the project work, the planning stage of the research itself, and the actual research itself.

The recommended stages for carrying out pre-investigation work and the student project include the formulation of the main investigation steps, leading to the protection of the project, as well as the assessment of the process and results of the completed project work.

As stages of the final project, we will look at the preparation of the student before the final work, the implementation of the plan, the conduct of the research itself, the formulation of guidelines, the protection and evaluation of the results of the initial project.

Stages of Vikonnaya's work

Stage I

Preparation for pre-surveillance work (project)

1. Find the problem - those that you think you want to learn and investigate;

2. Name your investigation, then.

meaning the topic of pre-slednik work;

5. Choose the best option for your problem;

6. Together with the teacher, create a work plan for the implementation of your previous project.

Stage II

Planning of pre-slednik work

1. Collect the necessary information for carrying out investigations, if necessary, carry out investigations, measurements, select clear and safe material and equipment for experimentation, investigation, caution, etc.

2. Carry out what you have planned: interviews, training, caution, experiments, investigations, necessary follow-up work, search work, scientific follow-up work.

3. In case of lack of laboratory equipment, instruments, access to nature, etc.

Follow the rules of safety equipment, fire safety, be respectful and careful.

IV stage.


1. Conduct an analysis of the information collected during the hour;

2. Give an economical and environmental treatment (it is cost effective, economical, and environmentally friendly for your last work);

3. Formulate the ideas (and having reached what you put in the place).
Stage V

This is the name of the protection of the pre-slednik work (project)

1. Formalize and prepare to submit the results of your work:

zakhist at the sight of a long-term sound, a long-term sound with a demonstration, a written sound and a short-term sound with a presentation;

2. Conduct your final work (project) and take part in the possible discussion, give clear feedback on the food that has failed. VI stage. Evaluation of the process and results of the project

1. Take part in the assessment of the pre-sleep work through collective discussion and self-assessment.

What do you need

create Creative project

, then you will find more information about the design, possible and rules for writing this type of work on the website Creative Projects and Works of Students, which, like the Training website, will help you in every way.

To quickly see your presentation in advance, create your own Google account and go to: https://accounts.google.com

Captions before slides:

METHODS OF RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY Teacher of biology GBOU gymnasium No. 293, St. Petersburg Popova Maria Sergievna


The scientific method is the totality of techniques and operations that are used to develop systems of scientific knowledge.

METHODS OF BIOLOGY: Careful Description Porivnyannya Historical method Experiment


Caution - purely, directly to the attention of objects and with the aim of being aware of the highest authorities;

Descriptive method - lies in the description of objects and manifestations;

Leveling - arrangement of organisms and their elements, identification of characteristics of similarities and differences;

The historical method is the creation of results based on previously rejected results;

An experiment is a purposeful experimentation of phenomena in precisely established minds, which allows one to create and preserve these phenomena.

SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT Care is taken over an object or a phenomenon. Based on the rejected data, a hypothesis (assumption) is drawn. A scientific experiment is carried out (with control evidence). The hypothesis is verified during the experiment and can be called a theory or a law.

PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH: Stage of work 1. Statement of the problem Determination of a clear statement of the problem 2. Transfer of solutions, formulation of hypotheses Formulation of the obtained results and their scientific significance, based on the previous information 3. Planning of research) 4. Conducting research Selection of necessary biological materials objects, accessories, reagents.

Conducted thoroughly.

Collecting and recording carefully, measured values ​​and results 5. Negotiated comparison of results with hypothesis, scientific explanation of results

Kulemin Semyon

Robot design

“The investigation of the minds of the germination of the present day and the development of the embryo.”

on the butt of the line: Viddill Pokritonasinny

Class dvodolni

The Bobov family

Bob's view

2. Learn the basics of practical life.

3. Reveal gifted and talented scientists.

Etapi roboti:


1. Submit topics and notes to the project.

2. Provide necessary information.


1. Important ways of collecting and analyzing information.

2. Depending on the method of presenting results (form to project)


1. Collection and clarification of information (basic tools: interviews, training, caution, experiments, etc.)

3. Select the optimal option for the progress of the project.

4. Step by step the elimination of the last tasks of the project


1. Analysis of information.

Formulation of symbols

Submission (protection) to the project and assessment of its results

1.Preparing a report on the progress of the project with explanations of the results (possible forms of feedback: a written report, a written report from a demonstration of materials, a written report).


Forward view:

What do you need


"MBOU Shlisselburz secondary school No. 1 with the destruction of various objects" Design and final work "The mind of the germination of the present day and the development of the germ" On the example of the growing Weddill Pokrytonasinny Class Aquarius Family of Beans i View Bob primary / Leningrad region, Kirovsky district, / Kirovsky district, : 6th grade student KULEMIN SEMYON Kerivnik: teacher of biology MBOU "School No. 1" PROKOF'IVA NATALIA FEDORIVNA

Meta: Learn from the mind the germination of the present day and the development of the germ of the present day and bring it to fruition.

Knowledge: 1. Read the literature about the influx of minds in the present day.

2. Quit the progress of the development now.

I took the water and placed it in 4 containers: 1- Water without water, but with access to heat.

2- Keep in water and have access to the air, but at a low temperature (in the refrigerator).

3- Currently, without access to wind (a ball of rose oil), water and heat 4- Currently, there is available water, wind, and heat.

First day of the experiment 1 2 3 4 Oliya sonyashnikova (so as not to be destroyed by the wind)

Another day of experiment 1 2 3 4

Third day of the experiment 1 2 3 4

Fourth day of the experiment 1 2 3 4

Fifth day of experiment 1 2 3 4

Sixth day of experiment 1 2 3 4


1. Take part in the assessment of the pre-sleep work through collective discussion and self-assessment.

What do you need

The results of the experiment: 1. – The nasinya was lost without change 2 – The nasinya was lost, but the embryo did not develop.

3 - The seed has sprouted, but has not sprouted 4 - The seed has a root and a stem.

Now I know the stages of plant germination: Water is poured out, water is swollen, plant is swollen, size increases, root appears, stem appears

Stage II - Sprouting in friendly minds:

First day of the experiment Cob of the experiment.

The third day of the experiment. The roots began to appear.

The fourth day of the experiment Root hairs

In the wild cells of the moistened zone, growth appears - root hairs.

Fifth day of the experiment On the fifth day, markers were placed on the singing section

The sixth day of the experiment, the distance between the marks increases, the root of the growth is at the end.

Results of the experiment: I have verified to my own knowledge what is required for the germination of plants and how the germ develops.

Now I can grow beans at home.

To grow beans, you don't need much: a splinter of beans, gauze, water, heat, soil and, of course, vegetable oil.

Concepts: For the development of the germ you need: heat, water, air.

The root of the germ develops first, then the stem and stem.
My experiment will continue, now I have planted the beans in the ground.
The growth of beans is obtained from the right and from the care of germination in the present day.
It's so cool and loud!
I'm going to start other experiments!
List of Wikorista literature: Beekeeper.
Biology 6th grade.


N. Green, W. Stout, D. Taylor “Biology” 1996
Topic: robotics and priming, selection of topics
Proposed to the respect of the reader, the doslednitskaya robot is dedicated...
Have you been thinking about it or worrying about it, why...?
I have lost my respect for... / I have been contemplating this food, if...
I've always been sad, why...
The need to know... appeared in my childhood.
I'm hooked...
The topic of our work: "...".
I chose my own topic for research, because...
In the future, I would like to tie up my life with... so I’ll start right away... and choose... as the topic of my investigation.
I got stuck... after that, like one time...
If I... I was impressed / I felt sick...


... has become today an invisible part of our life.

We're vikorystvo... don't get carried away...

Meta roboti – z'yasuvati, why...
The main metabot is to inform about the supply ... / bring that ...


To achieve the goal we have set, we need to fulfill the following goals:
To achieve this goal, we set ourselves the following goals:
Zavdannya roboti:
To lie down until the due date:
Read literature on the topic
Understand the meaning of the terms...
Find out the application... from... / get the material... / get the warehouse... / collect the price...
Conduct an experiment/experiment/care
Compare/set/analyze the results
Learn more about...


First division (theoretical)
Basic terms and concepts, history of nutrition

The key concepts of our investigation are….
... called...
On the official website... we found the same meaning of the term... "..."
Ivanov V.V.
at the book... means understanding... like...
Petrov V.V.
meaning under the term...
Sidorov S.S.
looks... like...
Andreev A.A.
in the book "..." gives such a meaning...
... - tse ...
The site... introduces the new concept...
Ivanov’s article “...” and the magazine “...” say that...
It is accepted that...
We are respectful...
Let's get started with the history of nutrition...
The history of nutrition is clearly displayed on the pages of current encyclopedias, for example..., as well as on the website... First....
From the books... we found out that...
As you write Ivanov I.I.
… at the statti… "…", …
On the thought of Ivanova V.V.


Possibly, it’s tied...
In addition...
Tsikavo, what...
I have a broad thought that...
In which case it is necessary to say that...
Another section – description of investigation
In order for us to understand... we wanted to conduct an examination... among the students/fathers of our class.
The survey was carried out using an additional questionnaire/survey at social institutions.
In the internment they suffered the fate of... the students and... the fathers.
The respondents were provided with the following meals: ...
The investigation was carried out on materials...
As we took the material for investigation...

The butts were made of steel...

The results of the survey are presented in Table 1.

On baby 2 you can bachiti...
There are 3 performances for the little one...
In this case, we are bachimo... / we are on the right...
With whom it is impossible not to mean.
I appreciate the fact that...
The diagram shows...
Visnovki with chapters
On the basis of everything that has been said, we can state...
With padded crotch pouches, we can say that...
As a result of the investigation, we found out that...
For example, the trace means...
The investigation allowed us to make such findings.
The head of the crown, which I have zrobiv: ...
During the investigation, it was revealed/established that...
In this manner, we switched gears...
It’s better to bring everything that has been said, that...
On the basis of what has been said, it is logical to assume that...
Everything that has been said will convert us to the fact that...
The most plausible version seems to us..., because...
The examples we have found and analyzed allow us to identify the following pattern: ...

Prospects for further investigation

The prospects for further investigation of the problem are important to the report/detailed study...
The prospect would have a bad time...
In our opinion, it would be a good idea to read/examine/look at...
Cream ..., looked at by this robot, it would be very important to read our thought ...
The work examines only one aspect of the problem.

Investigations with whom directly can be continued.

This could have been not only... but also...
Assignment of robots
The investigation may be of interest to schoolchildren who will cry... and also to everyone who will cry...
The results of our investigation could help the boys...
The work may be of interest to...
The results of the investigation can be used by readers when preparing lessons/competitions/quizzes on the topic….
The robot can be used in Vicoristan to conduct further investigations.

With my work I want to attract the respect of my classmates to the problem...

The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that its results formed the basis for the rules I developed... / Reminders... for...
What did the robot give to the leader himself?
In the process of writing the work, I learned/learned/opened up for myself/understood...
The work helped me understand / understand / understand the problem / marvel in a new way...
In the process of working on investigations, I have come to the conclusion... I think that I have taken away the knowledge to allow me to escape pardons / to help correctly...
The results of the investigation left me confused.

The most foldables called out to me...

The investigation has radically changed my thoughts/appearances about...