Rozrahunkov's formula for estimating GFR.


Glomerular filtration rate rate calculator: Cockroft-Gault, MDRD, CKD-EPI, Schwartz formulas

Universal glomerular filtration rate rate calculator

When folding the calculator, the following items were displayed:
KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the development and management of Chronic Kidney Disease.
Kidney International Supplement 2013;3:1–150.
Levey AS, Stevens LA, Frcp C, Schmid CH, Zhang YL, III AFC, et al.
A New Equation to Estimate Glomerular Filtration Rate.
Ann Intern Med 2009; 150: 604-12. Levey AS, Coresh J, Greene T, Stevens LA, Zhang YL, Hendriksen S, et al. Vikorist has standardized a series of creatinine values ​​in a regulated diet in renal illnesses with a sequence of equivalents to determine the glomerular filtration rate.

Annals of Internal Medicine 2006; 145:247-54.

Gao A, Cachat F, Faouzi M, Bardy D, Mosig D, Meyrat B-J, et al. Comparison of the glomerular filtration rate in children by new revised Schwartz formula and new generalized formula. Kidney International 2013; 83:524–30.)

National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for chronic child development: assessment, category, and stratification.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases the Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2002; 39:S1-S266. Zemchenko A.Yu., Tomilina N.A.


Stage XXN Description GFR (ml/xw/1.73 sq.m) Tactics
I Signs of impairment, either from normal or advanced CF > 90 Caution from a nephrologist: diagnosis and treatment of the underlying illness, reducing the risk of development of cardiac-vascular complications
II Signs of deterioration due to cob-like decreases in the ShKF 89-60 Assessment of the speed of progression of chronic chronic necrosis, diagnosis and treatment.
III Pomirne reduction of ShKF 59-30 Prevention, detection and treatment of complications
IV Virazhene lowering ShKF 29-15 Preparation before mixing therapy (choose method)
V Terminal nirkov deficiency < 15 A cob of mixed nicotine therapy

(GFR) - the quantity of the primary section that is completed in one hour.

In normal health, the level is 80 to 120 ml/min, lower in elderly people.

It is possible to decompose the SCF for creatinine (the terminal product of protein metabolism).

GFR is one of the indicators of the functioning of the nitric apparatus and is often tested to assess the stage of damage to the glomeruli and the extent to which they lose their functions.

A decrease in GFR is a marker for predicting the spread of illness.

  1. This is one of the factors that leads to the emergence of cardiovascular complications, which lead to an increase in the mortality rate of people.
  2. All the benefits of therapy reduce the risk of developing SDH and other complications.

How to carry out rozrakhunok

Nircium clearance in medicine is determined in two ways:

A one-time test is equal to creatinine in the blood, after which the information is removed and entered into one of many special formulas.

This method is used much more often through manuality.

Vimiryuvannya owes creatinine in exchange for money. To do this, you need to urinate in a container throughout the day and bring it for analysis. To ensure the correctness of the healing process, it is necessary not to take seriously the cut that appears when the first wound is emptied. You can travel to this distant countryside within 24 years. The norm for creatinine in men: 18–21 mg/kg, in women: 15–18 mg/kg.

When working with a calculator, you need to enter data in the appropriate field, after which the program will expand the glomerular filtration rate.

Based on the results obtained, you can go to an unpretentious conclusion about the process. Respect. Self-care may be detrimental to your health.

You cannot accept it every time

medicinal facilities

  1. without the knowledge of the doctor.
  2. Yaks are booming
  3. You can now quickly use the calculator for the GFR breakdown rate in any manual way:
  4. Online calculators. This type can reveal the fluidity of glomerular filtration using the CKD-EPI, MDRD formulas. Calculator for PC.

It needs to be installed on your PC, after which it will be possible to find the SCF without Internet access.

Calculator for smartphone.

  1. This type is good for those who have direct access to any place, because it does not have access to the Internet.
  2. Paper monograms and specialized lines.
  3. Not at hand
  4. mobile phone
  5. , or a computer, you can use this method.
  6. There is a shortcoming in the greater foldability of the vykonannya rozrakhunku.

Chronic illness nirok

  • Chronic illness (CCI) – treatment or change in the effectiveness of the disease in terms of 90 days or more. This syndrome is divided into 5 phases: Stage 1.
  • There are signs of nephropathy, GFR is normal.
  • Stage 2.

Also signs of nephropathy, GFR is slightly underestimated.

  • Stage 3A.
  • Average reduction in GCF.
  • Stage 3B.
  • Significantly reduced ShKF.
  • Stage 4.

Severely reduced glomerular filtration rate.

Stage 5.

Chronic nitric deficiency.

There are many reasons for the development of this syndrome, such as:

Visoka arterial pressure.

This is the broadest reason, even the bloody pressure of incessantly tying with work..

It is necessary to check the fluidity of the progression of chronic illness. Glomerular filtration rate at the boundaries 59-30

Visoka . Required treatment and prevention.

It is necessary to check the fluidity of the progression of chronic illness. GFR = 29-15, need to be prepared before mixing therapy.

less than 15


It is necessary to begin the celebration of nirok.

It needs to be installed on your PC, after which it will be possible to find the SCF without Internet access.

When the symptoms of this illness arise, it is necessary to immediately contact doctors in order to choose the correct method of treatment. If the result of the calculator is very turbulent, there is no need to worry. Life will not end with this syndrome. Golovne, believe the clothes and will soon turn into doctors. Cockcroft-Gault glomerular filtration rate calculator

Glomerular filtration rate rate calculator MDRD According to the data of large population registries, the prevalence of chronic disease (CHN) becomes no less than 10%, reaching 20% ​​or more in other categories of illness (summer, blood diabetes

2 teepees). To put it into perspective: chronic heart failure occurs in 1% of the population, bronchial asthma

in 5% of the adult population, diabetes in 4-10%, arterial hypertension in 20-25%.

The recently accepted classification of chronic lipid deficiency (CND) was a week ago.

For example, in Russia the classifications of Ratner (reason for creatinine), Tareev (GFR value), and urologists Ryabov and Kuchinsky (complex) were used.


current world< 60 мл/мин/1.73 м2 в течение 3 месяцев и более с наличием или без признаков повреждения почек.

It is important to unify approaches to diagnosis, treatment and disease prevention;

So that the doctor, regardless of his place of work and residence, can understand his colleagues.

At this time, the concept of chronic illness has emerged (


CKD – chronic kidney disease), confirmed by American nephrologists (K/DOQI, 2002).< 60 мл/мин. (для диагностики ХБП) выбрано ввиду соответствия гибели более 50% нефронов.

Values, criteria, classification

If the sign of impairment is not present, and the GFR is in the range of 60-89 ml/min., then the stage of chronic congestion is not established. Denmark is assessed as having a decreased GFR, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

For example:

Arterial hypertension, risk 4. Chronic heart failure FC 2, stage 1.

Decrease in ShKF (64 ml/xv, 07/12/09).

In elderly people (60 years of age and older), GFR values ​​in the range of 60-89 ml/min without risk factors for chronic chronic congestion are assessed as the age-old norm. Formulation of the diagnosis of chronic chronic necrosis The concept of “Chronic nickel deficiency” is of little use, because initially, over the course of many patients, the patient had chronic nickel deficiency, and then chronic nickel deficiency developed.

Moreover, the early stages of chronic nicotine deficiency were most often skipped (through their asymptomatic nature) until the terminal stage arrived, when hemodialysis or nitric acid transplantation was required.

The diagnosis of “Chronic disease of the kidneys” (due to the presence of a decrease in GFR) may inevitably prevent the progression of the process and calls for the attention of the doctor.

The very potential for loss of function is not

In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) substantially clarified section N18 (previously the code read “Chronic deficiency”).

In order to preserve the underlying structure of the diagnosis, it is recommended that the diagnosis of “Chronic illness of a person” be indicated after the main illness, and then the disease code is established in line with the MCL after the main illness.

Since the etiology of the dysfunction of the tumor is unknown, the main diagnosis can be Chronic disease of the liver, which is coded under heading N18 (de N18.1 - Chronic disease of the liver, stage 1; N18.2 - Chronic sickness, stage 2, etc.).

  • Criteria for chronic illness (K/DOQI, 2002)
  • 1. Ushkodzhenya nirok >=3 m_s.
  • with or without a decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which is one of the signs:

morphological damage, change cuts (proteinuria),

  • change of visual tests.
  • 2. GFR = 3 months with or without signs of cancer.
  • Markeri ushkojennya nirok
  • Laboratory findings: proteinuria, albuminuria (>30 mg per dose).

Ultrasound: change in the size of the legs (normal: xx cm), changes in echogenicity, volumetric formation, stones, nephrocalcinosis, brushes.

  • There are signs of nephropathy, GFR is normal.
  • CT: obstruction, puffiness, brushes, stones and ducts, stenosis a.
  • renalis.
  • Isotope scintigraphy: asymmetry of function, small dimensions.

Etiology Arterial hypertension.

  • Chronic glomerulonephritis (primary, secondary).
  • Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis (medical, pyelonephritis).
  • Diagnostics
  • 1. Evaluation of the function of the nirok:

GFR: clearance of inulin or creatinine,

rosary creatinine clearance: Cockcroft-Gault formula (for dosing fluids), Rozrakhunkova ShKF: CKD-EPI and MDRD formulas (for assessing the stages of chronic chronic disease),

cystatin S.

2. Nerka biopsy. 3. Potassium, sodium. 4. In GFR, classification of chronic illness (K/DOQI, 2002; RNA, 2011) * – in case of absence, the maintenance sign for stages 1-2 is not installed. Formulation of the diagnosis Bathing by stages CCN management scheme (K/DOQI, 2002, 2006; CSN, 2006; UKRA, 2012, as amended) Treatment of nicotine deficiency Diet: hemodialysis (traditional, outpatient /home/), peritoneal dialysis, nira transplantation. Likuvannya is syndromic

Syndrome Purpose Likuvannya
Arterial hypertension AT<140/90 мм рт.ст. АД<130/80 мм рт.ст. при протеинурии ACEI, ARB2, thiazide diuretics (with GFR>30 ml/xv/1.73 m2) or loop diuretics (with GFR
Dyslipidemia HS LPNSCH<1,8 ммоль/л statins – all >= 50 years of age or young people with other risk factors (ESC/EAS, 2011; KDIGO, 2013)
Anemia Hb 110-120 g/l zaliza preparations, ferumoxytol (510 mg intravenously, then 510 mg every 3-8 days), erythropoietin
Disruption of exchange Ca Ca 2.2-2.6 mmol/l Ca drugs, vitamin D, parathyroid problems (hyperparathyroidism)
Hyperkalemia potassium<5,0 ммоль/л calcium gluconate, soda, hemodialysis

Creatinine is a substance that enhances the functional capacity of neuronal nephrons.

It is seen in a large number of people when illness develops.

In multifunctional formulas, other factors are included, which are added to the level of creatinine (statistics, etc.).

The task is to filter waste products from the blood.

This is where the nephrons are busy - cleaning the blood themselves, eliminating the primary bud, and then the secondary cutting, which is eliminated at once from unnecessary speech.

With nephron deficiency, the nephrons are weakened.

Natural filters fail: the more important the deficiency, the more metabolic products ingested, the blood is deprived.

As a result, a number of factors are added to the level of creatinine

  • become - in women the indicator is lower by 5-10 units, lower in men;
  • century – in children the volume is 2 times less;
  • meat masa – the greater the greater the lower the greater the metabolite;
  • physical exercises – after them, creatinine in the blood increases;
  • diet - overly absorbed protein also increases the level of creatinine;
  • taking medications (NSAIDs, ACE inhibitors, Cyclosporine);
  • znevodnennya.

When carrying out fluid filtration by creatinine, all these factors must be taken into account, otherwise the results will be incorrect and the diagnosis will become invalid.

Of course, after this analysis, a residual verdict should not be given; further investigations will be carried out, otherwise the patient will not receive a new suspicion of an important pathology.

Formulas for rozrakhunku ShKF

Medicine has a number of formulas that can be used to calculate GFR from creatinine.

Persha – calculation of creatinine clearance.

This is called the Cockcroft-Gault formula.

Calculation is carried out as follows:

(140 - century) x patient weight in kg / (creatinine content in mmol / l) x 814.

How to carry out the procedure for a woman, the value, if you follow the formula, multiply by 0.85.

It should be noted that this formula is no longer practically used in European clinics, as there are other methods of development that give a reliable result.

One is a formula called MDRD.

From this, the filtration speed can be determined as follows:

11.33 x Crk (blood serum creatinine) -1.154 x (volume of rocks) - 0.203.

For women, the result is multiplied by 0.742.

It is important to give Crk at a certain mmol/l.

Ale wine may have indications in µmol/l, in such cases the parameter is subdivided by 1000.

2 – sewn nirk fabric.

Filtration fluidity was reduced slightly (from 89 to 90).

It is necessary to carefully monitor the patient, assess whether the pathology is progressing and determine appropriate treatment.

Stage 3 – GFR is moderately reduced (from 59 to 30 ml/min), serious treatment is required, including deterioration.

4 - decrease in speed (29-25).

It is important that for such indicators one begins to choose a type of replacement therapy.