Simple language in Russian language. Direct and indirect movement. Rozdіlovі signs in rechennyah with direct mine. Propositions with indirect language

Rozdіlovі signs with direct movement

staging rozdіlovy signs in speeches with direct mine to deposit in the form of spіvvіdnoshnja prіvіdnošnja prіvіdnoї movi and sl_v of the author.

Punctuation in propositions my direct shown in the diagrams. Literi P, p they mean straight move, first the word yakoї is written with a great (P) but a small (P) letters; letter A, A- the words of the author (A), or from small (a) letters.

Direct Mova following the author's words

Yakscho author's words reblow the straight lines, after them put a two-piece, straight language lie in the paws. first word direct movie spelled with great (great) letters, for example direct movie Vikoristovuєtsya vіdpovіdny sign of the end of speech. With this, the signs of nutrition and the call, as well as the bagatokrapka, are placed in front of the paws, the dot is after them.

Direct language before the words of the author

Yakscho direct language to know before the words of the author, then she’s poking into her paws, written in great letters, after her put a coma (after paws) or a sign of a hail, a sign of food, or a bagatokrapka (before paws) and a dash. Author's words are written from small (small) letters.

The author's words are in the middle of the straight movie

1. Yakscho straight languageє one proposition, then after the first її part a coma and a dash are put, author's words written in small letters, after them put a coma and a dash, another part direct movie written in small letters; paws to be put only on the cob and in kіntsi direct movie i do not put between direct promo and words of the author.

2. Yakscho straight language is made up of a number of propositions that author's words stand between them, then after the first part direct movie put a coma and a dash (as in the case of a direct speech, you are guilty of standing a speck), a sign of a hail, a sign of food, or a rich speck and a dash; author's words are written from small letters, after which a dash and a dash are placed; another part direct movie start from the great letters. Paws to be placed only on the cob and in kіntsi direct movie. Rozdіlovі signs in the territory of the other part direct movie governed by the rules as described above.

"P-a. - P". "P-a. - P?" 1) “An hour has passed since the day of our separation,” I thought. - Vaughn, maybe, forgot everything that was between us. (A. Pushkin)

2) “It’s like they snarled at me,” said the vagrant, solemnly reckless, still pale, tattered. - Oh, how they screwed me! I'm barely alive. Have you come recently? New? (A. Chekhov)

"P! - A. - P". "P! - A. - P!" 1) “Stіy, brothers, stіy! - shout mavpa. - Shoot! How to go music? You don't sit like that." (I. Krilov) 2) “I don’t understand why you are happy! - Zdivovano said Lzhedmitriev. - Lyudina gin, and you are happy! (I. Ilf and E. Petrov)
"P? - A. - P". "P? - A. - P?" 1) “Where are you going? - Ivan Ignatovich said, nazdoganayuchi me. - Ivan Kuzmich on the rampart and sent me for you. Scarecrow come." (A. Pushkin) 2) “Did you fight with him? - see me. “Put it on, mabut, have you been separated?” (A. Pushkin)
“P ... - a. - P".<.П... - а. - П?» 1) “Watch out ... - saying Morozko gloomily. - Come on sheet. (A. Fadeev) 2) “Shove off ... - waving his own hair from the bonfires, three-fingered deed, trochs chewed, shouting Lyonka. - What do you say? Drank?" (M. Gorky)

3. Do copyright words, what to open straight move you can have two words with the meanings of the language or thoughts; the first of them can be seen before direct movie stand before author's words, the other - up to direct movie following the author's words. In such vipadkas in front of another part direct movie put a double dash and a dash.

"P,- A: - P".

1) “No, nothing, miraculous,” Pavlo Petrovich said, and added a little bit with the year: “You won’t fool your brother, you’ll need to tell you that we’ve learned through politics.” (I. Turgenev)

Direct language in the middle of words author

Yakscho the language is directly in the middle of the author's words, then in front of her author's note put a two-fold, straight language lie in the paws, and then put a dash or a coma (deposit in the context), author's words written with a small letter.

Dash after direct movie to be put, like:

b) for example direct movie stand a sign of food, a sign of a call or a speck.

A: "P" - a. One Pushkin row: “Importantly sighed” - speak more, lower could say a whole bunch of prose chi verses (S. Marshak).
A: "P!" - A. I turned around, stepped up to her and said incessantly: “Madame!” - yakby just not knowing that this wiguk has already appeared a thousand times in all Russian great novels (F. Dostoyevsky)(dash after the sign of the hail, how the direct language ends).
A: "P?" - A. I just stood up and thought: "Is it better for dad to walk in the garden?" - if everything is quiet again (I. Turgenev)(Dash after the food sign, which will end the direct language).
A: "P ..." - a. However, step by step, I calmed down, fanned myself with a harsh and, having done the badioro: “Well, sir, then ...” - after the promo, I interrupted the apricot drinks (M. Bulgakov)(Dash after specks, how the direct language ends).
A: "P", a. 1) I was only surprised at her, but she turned back and said: “Follow me, my page”, went to the wing (I. Turgenev)(Coma closes dieprikmetnik). 2) Batko Vasil raised his eyebrows and smoked, letting smoke out of his nose, then saying: “So, so the axis is yak”, sighing, mumbling and pishov. (A. Tolstoy)(Coma podіlyaє odnorodnі awards, pov'yazanі bezspіlkovo).

Note. straight mova plunging into the paws, as if it were enrolled in a row.

If the entry is from a new row and tsim won't be seen in a paragraph, then a dash (without paws) is placed in front of it. Such a design is adopted in other texts. For example:

1) - My God, Nadia has arrived!- saying wine and cheerfully laughing.- My dear, dove! (A. Chekhov)

2) My hair collapsed on my makіvtsі, nіbi htos blowing zada, and as if by itself it twirled in me, mime:

- Skіlki rokiv Aristarkh Platonovich?! (M. Bulgakov)

Signs with direct movement

Section 195. To see the straight line of the movie, dashes or paws are drawn, and itself:

1. Just like a direct language begins with a paragraph, a dash is placed before the cob її, for example:

    The little girl befell and shouted:
    - Didn't you beat your mother?

    M. Gorky

2. As if the language is straight in a row, without a paragraph, then paws are put in front of the cob, for example:

    The little girl befell and shouted: "Didn't you beat your mother?"

Note. Quotations inserted in the middle of the speech are also seen with paws, but do not put a two-piece in front of them, for example:

    Gogol rightly said that "in Pushkin, nachebto in the lexicon, all the richness, vulgarity and strength of our language" were encapsulated.


Section 196. A proposition, how to stand with a direct move and instruct who deserves it (“the words of the author”), can:

a) reblow direct movement; in this way, after the new one, a two-pointer is put, and after a straight move - a different sign, according to the nature of the straight move, for example:

    Vіn vіdvernavsya i, vіdkhodyachi, muttering: "But still tse zovsіm against the rules."


    Nareshti I said: Do you want to take a walk on the rampart?


    Vona looked and shouted: “Tse Kazbich!”


b) follow my direct line; in this way, after the direct move, put a power, or a call, or a speck, or a coma (the rest of the speck), and after the cym sign - a dash, for example:

    “And what about Kazbich?” - having slept impatiently with the staff captain.


    - And what about Kazbich? - having slept impatiently with the staff captain.

    "How boring!" - I whimpered in passing.


    - How boring! - I whimpered in passing.

    "She's dead..." Xenia exclaimed like the moon.


    - She died ... - Xenia looked like the moon.

    "He's a local otaman," Pantelei Prokopovich whispered, shoving behind Grigory.


    “He’s a perfect otaman,” Pantelei Prokopovich whispered, shuffling behind Grigory.

c) to break the movement directly into parts; to whom should I put:

after the words of the author - a dot, as the first part of the direct movi is a completed proposition, and a coma - as if it is not completed, a dash was put; if at any time the direct language is seen with paws, then the stench is put in front of the cob of the direct language and in the very end of the її, for example:

    - Chi do not want to add rum? - I said to my spy. - I have a white one from Tiflis; it's cold now.


    - Well, go, go! - Having said Pechorin, hugging Yogo friendly. - Am I not the same?


    - Listen to me ... - said Nadia, - prick to the end.


    - Call me Foma, - vіdpovіv vіn, - and on behalf of Biryuk.


    - Doshch pіde, - having blocked Kalinich, - the pitching is squishing, that grass already smells.


    - Let's go, it's cold, - Makarov said and asked gloomily: - What are you talking about?

    M. Gorky

Note 2. The rules, written in this paragraph, also contain propositions to avenge quotes from appointments, to whom the stench lies.

Note 3. An internal monologue (“dumka”), which has the form of a direct movement, also falls into the paws.

Section 197. As a sprinkling of replicas next to a row without a vkazіvka, to whom the stench lies, then the skin of them is seen with paws and, moreover, it is water-creamed in the form of a suddnya for an additional dash, for example:

    "Tell me, beauty," I asked, "what did you work on cover today?" - "And marveled at the stars of the wind." - "Navischo you?" - Sounds of the wind, stars and happiness. - "Well, did you hear the sound of happiness?" - "De sleep, there and be happy."

    Most of the time, literally conveying the words, people don’t wonder what they win at their spoken words with my direct words. If they are to be transferred to paper, then the stench will require the correct schematic writing with the design for the help of special rozdilovy signs - paws.

    Be it a speech, something that is clearly voiced, you can write it down like a speech with a direct promotional speech. In contemporary Russian language, constructions are divided into direct, indirect-direct mine, and indirect dialogue.

    What is straight motion?

    In Russian propositions, with a direct promo, serve for verbatim transmission of other people's words. If it is important, it is also an introductory note on the one who has written them, to that warehouse such a proposition is the words of the author that yoga. In the words of the author, there is always a fictitious word, which shows, in the same way, the language is transmitted, or with some emotional zabarvlennyam. For example, saying, thinking, washing, affirming, suggesting that іnshi:

    • "It's getting colder now, maybe there's a hail of rain nearby," Petro thought.
    • I will punish you: “Give me peace of mind, brother, let him sort out his own lives.”
    • “Why is there no one here,” Olenka chimed, “did I come earlier than I was late?”
    • "From so on," the grandmother sighed gravely.

    Few people know that the first books were read without rozdilovy signs, but it’s clear how “paws” were stuck in the literature of the 18th century, for example. It is important that this symbol vvіv is used for writing letters NM Karamzin. Similar to the traces of the kachini paws, the paws took root and became a sign of punctuation when writing names and transferring other people's words.

    Designing constructions that convey someone else's language

    Propositions from my direct line are subdivided into two parts: the words of the author are the words of the author. For them, zastosovuyut paws, komi, dashes and doubles. Only in that mood, as if it doesn’t seem to be the one who speaks, don’t put her paws, for example, ce sent and orders (without practice, you won’t win the fish from the bet), for which the author is the people, denouncing the choice.

    Razdіlovі signs in rechennyah s direct my put stale in order to know where the words of the author.

    • If the author's words are on the cob of speech, then they are put in a two-piece, and the bellows are drawn up from two sides with paws. For example, "The teacher predicted to the class:" Tomorrow at school Saturday "". For example, a speech from my direct line (apply below) put a sign, fallow intonation. For example:
      1) Masha wondered: Did you get the stars here?
      2) Having sneered at the darkness, the little one shouted: "Mom, I'm afraid!"

    • Separate signs in the words with my direct line without the author’s statement, which go in the same row, are divided one type of one for an additional dash. For example:
      Where are you going now? - I slept with a friend, scowling. - "Do you need to know?" - “And raptom is dear to us?” - "Probably chi."

    Skin proposition with direct mine can be depicted as a diagram.

    Scheme speech

    The speech scheme with my direct line is made up of the mental meanings of those different signs. For them, the letter “p” chi “P” denotes a direct movement, and the letter “A” chi “a” the words of the author. Fallow in the form of written letters, the words of the author are written straight from the capital letter.

    • "P" - a. “Here it was necessary to turn the left hand,” the passenger said to the water.
    • "P!" - A. “You didn’t stand here, youngster!” - Shouted the old woman from the card.
    • "P?" - A. Have you followed me? - I asked the old dog.
    • A: "P". Mom turned to sleep: “After school, go to the storeroom for bread.”
    • A: "P!" Grandmother pushed the plate back to onuk: “Well, you won’t go for a walk!”
    • A: "P?" The teacher lifted up his eyes with a sigh: “How are you doing things with such words?”

    Tse apply whole straight words

    Schemes of "broken" direct design

    The scheme of the speech with my direct direct show, as follows, to arrange the signs.

    Direct movie zastosuvanya

    An impersonal way of writing a rozpovid maє russian language. Propositions with direct language are one of them. Most of them are victorious in artistic texts and in newspaper articles, where verbatim transmission is necessary.

    Without the transmission of human thoughts and words, artistic literature is small, more than a descriptive character, and hardly any success among readers. It’s best to chirp other people’s thoughts and feel like they call out positive and negative opinions from the witness. The very same "attachs" the chitach to the creation, and that signifies yoga as it was worthy of chi.

    Another trick that stagnates in Russian literature and everyday life is indirect language.

    What is indirect movement?

    It is easy to remember how the propositions are raised in direct language in indirect language. She has no word-for-word transmission of other people's words and intonations. All folding propositions with adnexal and head parts, combined for additional splits, borrowers of chi parts of "chi".

    Propositions with direct and indirect my Russian mine convey other people's words, but the stench will sound different in one's own. For example:

    1. The doctor was ahead: "Today's procedures will open up a year earlier." This is a direct language from the literal transmission of the words of the doctor.
    2. The doctor is ahead of what today's procedures will open a year earlier. This is an indirect language, the shards of the doctor's words are conveyed by someone else. In speeches with an indirect speech, the words of the author (the head part) must always stand in front of the Vistula itself (the dodatkova part) and they are cremated in a new coma.

    Budova indirect speech

    Like a bunch of folding propositions, they indirectly add up from the head one and one more fit:

    • Having preceded the doctor, if today's procedures start a year earlier, you also need to get up earlier.

    Also, an indirect language can be transmitted from a simple proposition for the help of other row members, for example:

    • The doctor was ahead of the start of procedures a year earlier.

    In which case, the words of the doctor are conveyed without prompting a collaborative speech, but with whom they are written, they are conveyed correctly.

    An important indicator when changing a straight line to an indirect one is those that can be put in a folded line from the head part to another line of the head:

    • The doctor is ahead (about what?), that today's procedures will open up a year earlier.

    To encourage indirect movi vikoristovuyut splits and borrowers. Whom has the right to speak with direct and indirect mine.

    Union and allied words for the transfer of other people's words

    For that one, as an indirect language may have an opposing character, the union “scho” has a twist:

    • Mom said, better take a parasol.

    If the proposition of the spontaneous character is victorious, the union "schob":

    • Grandmother told me to shake the dishes.

    When making the power of the indirect speech, the same borrowers are taken care of, who can feed the power of the speech with my direct speech:

    Like a direct movіdsutnі zapitalnі zapitalni, vrechnі z indirect my vikoristovuyu part of "chi":

    • I asked: “Do you finish the borscht?”
    • I slept, chi dodatime wine borscht.

    When transmitting other people's words, indirect speech does not convey the intonation of the one who speaks.

    Nevlasne-direct movement

    Another type of indirect propositions is non-smooth-direct movement. At the same time, the language of the author and the character will go together.

    In order to better understand the difference, the next step was to analyze the speech with my direct, indirect, and obscurely direct.

    • Arriving from Greece, my friends said: We will turn around there. Tsya proposition with a direct promo, subdivided into the words of the author, is the same expression.
    • Arriving from Greece, my friends said that the stench of ob'yazkovo turn there. This proposition with an indirect promo, in some kind of the head part, you can put the food to the right (did you say about what?)
    • My friends came from Greece. Stink obov'yazkovo turn around! This is not a direct language, the main function of which is the transfer of the main meaning of what was said, but not in the name of the characters, as if they had been in Greece, but the author of the explanation, their friend.

    Golovna vіdmіnіst neskolno-straight ї movi - tse transmission of other people's emotions for the help of their own words.


    Another type of transmission of someone else's language in literature is tse dialogue. Vіn zastosovuєtsya for the transmission of the words of the number of participants, with which replicas are written from a new row and they are seen as a dash:

    The teacher asked:

    Why didn't you go to class?

    I went to the doctor, - an excellent student.

    Dialogue stagnates in artistic literature in creations from a great number of characters.


    Most of the time, it is necessary to appoint, by some members of the speech, words. The back of the head is called pidlyagaє and the award is a grammatical basis. So you will already have a whole song "pich", so that you can "dance". Then let's rozpodіlyaєmo according to the members of the speech other words, vrakhovuychi those that stench is divided into pridlyagaє i group of award. At the first group, at the friend - that furnishing. Throw away those who say words are not members of the speech (for example, splits, wiguks, introductory and insert constructions), but so, that in a row of words all at once add up one member of the speech (dієєprichetnі and prichetnі voroti).

    Otzhe, you already have a postal scheme of proposition. If you take away the words themselves and leave out the lines, with which the members of the speech are substantiated, you can still use the scheme. However, let's say, everything is more folded in your mind. For example, your proposition is complicated, so, for example, in the new one there is a dijection. Such a turnover is usually underlined as a furnishing, and on the water-cream scheme it can be seen in other lines with vertical risks: ,|_._._._._|,

    If your proposition is foldable, then on the scheme it will be necessary to show all the predicative parts, which you will know in this community. The predicative part can be seen by looking at the proposition of all grammatical stems: one grammatical stem - one predicative part. So, as we have a folding proposition (tobto, parts in equal rights and one in another place can’t be deposited), then insulting parts are seen with square arches, and between them there is a different sign and a union, which is their connection:, i .

    If you have a coherent proposition, then you will have to show all the interrelationships between the parts, the shards in such a speech are one part of the suborder. The one who is subdued is the head, the one who is subordinating is the subordinator. The head is signified by square arches, the podryadne - by round ones:, (like ...). Such a scheme would be more appropriate for the proposition, for example: "We beat the buds, like Jack," and the proposition would be collapsible with the consecutive signifier.

    When folding the scheme, insure your vikladach’s helpers, the shards of your vimogi can be resurrected. Also, do not forget that the scheme is just a prelude to the analysis of propositions, the more you write in the scheme, the more you can understand and then say. Ale, do not change the scheme: for example, often there is nothing to show on the scheme of the great folding proposition all the members of the proposition, like there є. You can add more grammatical basis.

    The design of the direct movement in the text allows you to create all the features of a living movement.

    Understanding the direct language and the words of the author

    Direct language - tse in the creation of a foreign language, in which it is saved yogo lexical, syntactical and intonational features. Direct movement is accompanied by the words of the author, from which it is known who should think, for which conditions and how it will be hanged.

    The design of a direct movement allows you to show all the features of a living movement: expressiveness, animalism, wiggles too thin. The direct language saves not only the versatility, but also the lexical, grammatical and stylistic features:

    "Vasya! Come here!" - buzzing from the yard of the father.

    Rozdіlovі signs that straight move

    Decorated with the paws of a straight move and a binding rule, moreover, in the paws one should take the signs of nutrition and a call, as well as a bagatokrapka, which ends the proposition. Point and who needs to be blamed for the paws. However, even though there are signs in the paws, food or a hail, or a speck, then no dot, no coma behind the paws. Direct language can be formed in one or a few words, as well as many parts.

    It seems that the design of the direct language in the text, the words of the author can be before, in the middle or after it.

    • Grandmother asks: "And what, children? Do you want pirіzhkіv?"
    • "And what, children? - Ask the grandmother. - Do you want cakes?"
    • "What about, kids? Do you want cakes?" - Ask grandma.

    It is possible to acquire the incorporation of different signs in constructions when drawing up straight lines (P, p) with the words of the author (A, a), using offensive schemes:

    Follow the respect that the words of the author are seen in a dash on both sides, if they are in the middle of a pronounced opposing proposition of the direct language. As the words of the author end with a vkazіvka (adding, saying, refusing, vіdpovіv), which is three straight lines, the design of the other part of the next start from the great letter; after the words of the author, in his mind, it is necessary to put a double dash and a dash.


    A variety of direct mov є dialogue. Dialogue - ce rozmova two chi more osib. Okremі podomlennya that food, from which a dialogue is formed, are called replicas. When replicating, the words of the author are often missing. In dramatic creations, the words of the author are called remarks.

    Razdіlovі signs at dialogues

    The dialogue begins with a paragraph and a dash before the replica:

    - Mother! Does the sun have children?
    - Є.
    - What about the stink?
    - De? And in the sky ... those little stars that shine at night, those children of the sun ...

    In dramatic creations, the dialogue is written after naming the individual and the point:

    M a l k. My boobs are frozen ...
    D about in h to a. Put on your hat!

    In all aspects of the design, the direct language is based on great letters.

    Transfer Direct Movie Indirect

    In life and in literature, it is often necessary to replace direct language with indirect language, so that you can convey it in your own words. A proposition with a direct language becomes even folding, in a kind of head proposition I make up the words of the author, but I fit - a direct language; for the connection of the head and the substring elements of the vicorist, there are splices "schob" or "a", as well as borrowers and appenders:

    • "Will you go by boat to Kanev?" - after sleeping a senior school teacher.
    • Having asked the teacher, the senior students should go on the boat to Kanev.

    Nutrition, which is contrary to the following words, are called indirect; for example, such a proposition should not be marked.

    Alien speech, conveyed in the name of the author at once with the words of the author, is called indirect mine. If someone else's speech is conveyed to oneself, then by indirect language, the words of the author are swayed by the head proposition, and the direct language is slandered.

    Quotation rules

    The quotation is a literal citation of urovok from any creative text to prove chi іlustrаciї ієї chi іншої thoughts. Quote obov'yazkovo taken at the foot.

    1. Nothing in the quotation can be changed, you can create different signs. If the quotation is in full obsyazi, the gaps next to it should be marked with three dots.
      The quotation is made in two ways: in looking at a direct move, and looking at an indirect move.
    2. If the quote is directed at a straight move, then the design of the rozdilovyh signs with it is necessary to work the same way, as if the design of the direct move on the sheet.
    3. As a quotation is induced like a warehouse part in the author's speech, then before it it will be the same vimogi, like before an indirect mov.
    4. If a quote is given in the form of a verse, do not take it into the paws.
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