Prophet Muhammad saw the protection of all Christians

Say: “We believed in those that were sent to us and those that were sent to you.
Our God and your God are one, and we submit only to You.”
Koran, "Al-Ankabut"

The rest of the time you can regularly hear about the age-old intolerance of the Orthodox and the Orthodox.

Journalists and historians endlessly bring us facts of such events and emphasize the merits of one type of another. Ale chi tse so? Where and by what means is the respect of “great men” and those who read their works brutalized?

I would like to issue a funeral certificate to this person.

firmaan Muhammad

    (“Akhtіnami” Greek. Αχτιναμέ του προφήτη Μοχάμεντ; Pers. فرمان‎), given to the Christian monastery of St. Catherine in 620- and rocks.

    Behind the fact, the diploma is worried and talking about all the followers of the Muslim and Christian faiths, wanting “scientific men” to speak differently, punishing them to do less in other aspects and also in other educational and social aspects RUR Nowadays, historians value the established fact that the Arabic first-print of the firmament is written on the skin of a gazelle in Kufic handwriting and sealed with the hand of Muhammad., on the seashore, or in the deserts, or in any monastery, church or prayer house, I will be among them, as the guardian and guardian of their goods and speeches, with my soul, my helper and guardian, together with all the people my to the people;

    Because it smells to some of the people, it is an honor for me. Besides, I punish everyone let's put it in the persons' hands

    do not extract any kind of per capita taxes from them, but rather some other tribute, so that they can be crushed and crushed to the point of this kind.

    No one dares to change their judges or rulers, otherwise they will lose their guilt in the posads, not exiled.

    No one has to worry about them if they become more expensive.

    No matter how stinking churches are, no one can spare them.

    Whoever decides to annul any of my decrees knows for sure that he is annuling the order of God.

    In addition, none of their townsmen, governors, governors, servants, scientists, or anyone else, dependent on them, are not guilty of paying any capitation taxes, otherwise they will be subject to such th zahisnik, de b stink whether on land or at sea, at the gathering or at the setting, and those who live calmly and at ease on the mountains, they are not guilty of receiving neither a poll tax, nor a tithe of their income, and will not be any Muslim brothers who the stench lingers;

    Because the stinks are only practiced for self-care.

    Soon, if there is a harvest on the earth, there will be enough of its time, the inhabitants of the crop will swear by a bushel of skin, give them a song to the world.

    In the hour of war, it is not wrong to take their brothers from their lives, nor to dissuade them from going to war, nor is it wrong to extract any kind of capitation from them.

    In these eleven sections you can learn everything that can be applied to the principles, and in seven chapters you can teach what is relevant to every Christian.

    Those Christians, who are residents who are able to pay a capitation tax for their wealth and hand, pay no more than twelve drachmas per head per river.

    For the blame of this, nothing can be extorted from them, apparently to the direct order of God, which is to say: “And do not argue (oh, believers) with people. The Scripture is also the most beautiful."

    Whoever is above my gift, and who allows it to continue before this, becomes a true supporter of God, and of the divine messenger, whose protection I bestowed upon them, likewise before this obedience.

    No one is guilty of taking action against them, otherwise, the Muslims may wage war for them.

    And hereby I punish that my people should not dare to do anything in accordance with my obligation until the end of the world.

It is noteworthy that the text extends to the 29th sura of the 46th verse of the Koran, as follows:

“When you enter into a super church with the people of Scripture, then lead him in the highest order. Do not go up to these of them, as it is unfair to rebuke. Say: “We believed in those that were sent to us, and those that were sent to you.

Our God and your God are one, and we submit only to You.”

Before this point, I would like to cite the current words of the Evangelist Mark from the New Testament, which he quotes from Jesus:

“The Lord our God is one Lord; and love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy minds, and with all thy strength, is the first commandment! : Love your neighbor as you love yourself. There are no other great commandments."

A similar text is found in the Evangelist Luke, who further suggests an inflamed interpretation in order to replace the parable told by Jesus to understand the meaning of the word “neighbor”: “Ale Vin, surely to justify himself by saying to Jesus: who my neighbor? Then Jesus said: A woman went from Jerusalem to Jericho and killed the robbers, who took his clothes, wounded him and left, depriving him of his life., not even talking about those who want to communicate and interpret the truths of other religions and prophets, and - most importantly - “THE SAME”?

Prepared by: Dmitro L. (Minsk, Belarus)

on Sinai region, Right in the middle of the Muslim world, the Orthodox monastery of St. Catherine has stood for 14 centuries.

During this time, the monastery was never destroyed or robbed, and at the hour of the revolution, the poor took the monastery under their protection.

Monastery of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, Sinai, Egypt.

Photo by Illy Kolpakov

Pads 200 warriors

In 2011, on the day of national solidarity with the police, we decided to celebrate the day of protest against police brutality.

After prayers on Friday, thousands of people came out to Tahrir Square, dissatisfied with the fact that the country is already in a military state, and the police are not responsible for their actions.

The Bedouins told the Chentsy that they had been with them all this time, and were not going to deprive the monastery of their hardships.

That same day, the poor occupied the abandoned blockhouses in the gorge, which blocked the lower Spartans of Thermopylae.

Warts were also exhibited on Girsky stitches near the monastery.

The defense was vigorously maintained until the power in the region passed to the military and the monastery did not turn under the protection of the state.

“It blew my mind,” Father Justin guessed.

The monastery keeps a permanent copy of the original document.

The original document was issued to the Turkish Sultan in 1517.

Traditionally, sultans confirmed the privileges granted by this document until Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the remaining Sultan of Tureccini.

“This document deserves to be better known and more respected, as a precedent for peaceful and constructive exchanges between Muslims and Christians,” Fr.


If a priest or a villager settles on a mountain, near a valley, in a cave, on a plain, in a food place, near a place, a village or a church, then I will be there to protect them from all their enemies them, I myself and all my companions, all the companions of the faith mine and all my successors, for these priests and Samitniks are my flock and my belonging, and I will restore them to every image.

As for the harados**, then take from them only those who give the stink voluntarily, without squeezing them and not smudging them before payment.

And don’t let them bother you about going to war, let alone any duties.

Those who deal with slaves, mines, land power, or engage in trade, do not pay more than 12 dirhams per river.

Let him not recognize the injustice done to them;

Let the Muslims not enter into a super-speech with them about the superiority of their religion, let them not spread the wing of mercy over them, and let them not see anything unacceptable from them, if there were no stink, if the stink did not live.
If Christians interact with Muslims, then do not force them in any way, allow them to pray in their prayers and do not consult with their fellow believers.
Whoever intends to oblige his predecessor to the covenant of God and his predecessor, he is a rebel against the union established by Allah and His prophet.

Let me not give them help in their daily prayers and place of worship, and let me serve this help until the preservation of their religion and the protection of the imperfection of the commandment.

Please do not force them to wear their armor, and do not let the Muslims themselves wear them for them.

Let us not break this remaining commandment until the hour dawns and the world stands.

With the testimony of this covenant, which was written by Muhammad, the son of Abd-Allah, the Messenger of Allah, for all Christians, and the guarantors of the faithful ruler, the essence of the following inscription lies in it: Ali sin Abu Talebov, Abu Bekr sin Abu Kahafi, mar sin Al-Khattabov Affonov, Abul -Warda, Abu-Ghoreyra, Abd-Allah sin Masudiv, Abbas sin Abd-El-Motalebov, Fadl sin Abbasiv, Zobeir sin Avamov, Talha sin Abd-Allahiv, Said sin Maaziv, Said sin Obodi, Sabit sin Kaysiv, Zeid sin Sabat iv , Abu Hanifa sin Anini, Hashem sin Obeydiv, Hares sin Sabitiv, Abd El-Azim sin Hasaniv, Moazzel sin Koreyshiv, Abd-Allah sin Amru, Amir sin Beshirov.