Walking through the ruined place with the hero from Kucha.


Enter I love you! With you

Doctor G.

The publication of this guide has taken a little longer, due to the time pressure in me and the inconsistency of the first boss, so we won’t wait an hour and get started before the completion. Lord Slime Spis

Dossier: On the cob of the skin path, the Hungry Naga is invoked. The first turn is 1/1, the second is 2/2, the third is 3/3.

And the stench grows until death.

Varto means that this is not just a naked stat, but a buff on it (you want to convert 30/30 to 1/1).The deck doesn’t have anything special: Archer 2/2 (2 waste on all opponent’s points), Invisible Shadow (+6 armor, + 3 cards) Water elemental, provocateur 5/7, Crying Roar and more.

The publication of this guide has taken a little longer, due to the time pressure in me and the inconsistency of the first boss, so we won’t wait an hour and get started before the completion. Foldability

: Visoka


Lady Naz

Doctor G.


: As a matter of fact, all the items on the table have the same effect, even if the battle cry Recombinator + costs 1 more mana.

All the best!

  • Editor: fudg3, design: iLoveNorth, follow our news
  • The place has been built - the third and transferred wing of the new benefit is the League of the Followers.
  • You will find even more new dangerous opponents in this part, and even more cities will be taken away for their poverty!
  • This type will be the first to join us in most of the benefits, and the adjustments are by no means friendly.
  • The Lord has two hero powers - Light hunger and Vistup!, and the other one will work even more if you understand the essence of the Cauldron, which is under the control of the opponent.
  • For help, the first squirrel Slizka Spis will call on the battlefield of the Hungry Nagas absolutely without any harm.
  • Moreover, the indicator of skin attack increases by 1 point.
  • As soon as you manage to deal with the Cauldron, the hero power will be replaced by Vistup!
  • This building will cost two units of mana and increase the Lord’s attack by 2 points on the ear of the skin.
  • Lord Slime Deck List in Primary Mode
  • Shock x2
  • Strata x1
  • River crocolisk x2

Curse of Rafaam x2

Regardless of the complexity of the confrontation with Lord Slimy Spis, which is happening, defeating him is not a matter of worrying yourself for a long time. The only danger in this battle is the Hungry Nagas, who will increase their attack rate with a skin offensive move. However, by including cheap mass purification spells and cheap mass purification spells in your deck, you can easily deal with the early onslaught of your opponent.

After the liberation of Ser Finley Mrrgglton, the boss will give you nothing - the deck in

emergency mode

This guy's face seems weak.

Budget deck of sacrifices against Lord Slime List in the primary regime

Reward for passing Lord Slizka Spis

After defeating the first boss of the Ruined Place, you take away not one, not two, but three pairs of cards - the Great Toad and Gorilabot A-3 and Pasta with Darts.

  • Velikiy Plavets
  • This boss is a giant murloc.
  • And there is nothing surprising that this deck is formed solely from the origin of this category.
  • The hero power of this amphibian is Mrglmrgl Mrgl!
  • - strongly guesses the Paladin card - Divine Grace.
  • Then you need to draw cards from your deck until the number of them is not equal to the number of cards in your hand.
  • The same responsibility lies with the Vartosti of this creation - the vile murloc will vikorist it absolutely harmlessly.
  • The Great Swimmer deck in primary mode
  • Maliy Plavets x6
  • Oracle of Dark Luska x2

Murloc narcotic x6

Murloc-hvilya x6

Warrior Bluegill x2 Mudpack x1 Vash'ir Seer x2

Old Pokhmury x1

Mrgl mrgl nya nya x4

As for the city, for defeating the king of the murlocs, you also take away three bets of cards - Murgle Gates of the Share, Everything is murgle cool with us!

ta Maliy swimmer.

Lady Naz'jar

Beautiful is that greedy Lady of Naz'zhar - the axis of who stands between you and the treasured city for the completion of the third wing, the League of the Pre-Successors will benefit.

  • The power of the hero of the boss - Pearl of Tides - is automatically generated and activated on the ear of the boss's skin.
  • Editor: fudg3, design: iLoveNorth, follow our news
  • After this is removed, all the items on the dossier are replaced with additional minions, giving you one unit of mana more.
  • - strongly guesses the Paladin card - Divine Grace.
  • Lady of Naz'jar deck in basic mode
  • Maliy swimmer x2
  • Sailor of the Pivdenny Seas x2
  • Slime, what to share x2
  • Murloc-hvilov x2
  • Vash'ir Oracle x2
  • Spirit of the wild wolf x2
  • Servant of the Earth x3
  • River crocolisk x2
  • Zberigach Uldaman x2

Snack seller x2

Naga healer x3

Kraken of the Light Sea x2

Strategy against Lady Naz'zhar in the emergency regime

It is not easy for the common Lady Nazzhar to forget that their creation is not only on their own, but also on yours - which requires active participation, calling on the battlefield for minions such as Myslyvets on Gol Kokurikh, Dragon Mechanic, Face of the Hand and others .

However, you need to stick to the same tactics, and the key to defeating your opponent is to make meaningful trade-offs based on Nazzhar.

Doctor G. Don’t forget to turn on and cast a massive board clearing spell on your deck - having lost control on the board, Leda can no longer turn the advantage and you easily take away an easy victory.

Budget mage deck against Lady Naz'jar in the emergency regime

Reward for passing the Lady of Naz'jar

After the defeat of this boss, you take away 3 pairs of cards - Viper, Sea Witch and Sanctuary, and the reward for completing the inherited wing will be cards of Ser Finley Mrrgglton and Tropical Owl.

- The first boss of Zruinovany town, third quarter. This guide will tell you about cheap decks that you can use to beat him in normal and heroic modes. Reward for defeating Lord Slizka Spis

Besides, the boss does not call for special difficulties, we recommend that you focus on your hero’s strength.

In normal mode, it is necessary to call Finley earlier for additional cheap sources or spells.

In heroic mode, the hero's power flows more into the game situation, and from this there is a chance to profit. To neutralize the evocations, you can use Mental Techniques, Accurate Thought, Sea Velets, AoE spells and freezing. Basic Priest (normal)

I'm sorry, let's go so far as to release Ser Finley Mrrgglton for

minimum strength


For this, it is necessary to remove the starting hand from the starting hand. Word of Temryavi: Bil.

Having placed Finley on the field, choose the strength of the hero paladin, mage or chaklun.

After the murloc is released, the hero power of Lord Slizke changes from potentially unsafe (invocation of the Grandfather of the Strongest Heads) to banal (+2 before attack).

If you didn’t manage to kill the provocateur on the first move, you can use cheap items for change or clean the table at the same time.

Vikorist primary control tactics, and fighting with the boss will not give you any special problems.