Signs that a demon has possessed a person.



Signs of demonic possession and their presence in mental illness

During this troubling time in Russia, atheistic observers have been propagating, as if they sensed the existence of some kind of spiritual forces.

This could not but be included in our focus on religion.

And sometimes, when we think about obsession, we cannot attract an incredulous glance, thereby depriving ourselves of allowing the dark forces to operate with greater activity.

What is obsession?

Currently, the number of people possessed by demons has significantly increased.

This is mainly related to problems of a social nature.

The axis of the main reason for such a phenomenon: Spiritual emptiness due to the lack of thorough devotion.

Additional information from mass media that promotes debauchery and violence.

Young people are inundated with aggressive computer games.

There are a great number of people who are addicted to alcohol, drugs and other substances that stupefy the mind.

A large number of satanic sects.

Obsession can be transmitted during recessions.

In addition, the Church respects that people who have not undergone the rite of baptism are also possessed.

How to fight obsession?

2. As if one of the members of the family is dishonest, or he is a filthy Christian.

There are no true Christian values ​​in the family, which is especially true for children.

In the hour of scandals between fathers, a spirit of fear may go away from a child.

This spirit, as Bill Sabritsky asserts, can cause asthma.

3. Sexual desecration of children by fathers (especially widespread in the Carpathians).

As a result, the child may lose the spirit of unforgiveness, and may wash away all the sexual sins of her father, the spirit of frigidity, etc.

8. Through speech (talismans, books, whiteness, etc.).

With this rite, chakluni can curse the ruler of any speech.

There were episodes where people lost their clothes and lost their whiteness.

Then the stench suddenly became evident from the speeches here in the yard, and a curse came into their life.

Such speeches will come sooner rather than later, but it’s best not to get stuck in them.

I'll point the butt.

14. Through blood transfusion.

Blood transfusions cannot be given.

We see episodes when, after a blood transfusion, people begin to experience hallucinations and other spiritual manifestations.

One woman received a blood transfusion from a drug-addicted man, and suddenly she had a hard time, and after the blood transfusion she became a schizophrenic.

If you are preparing before surgery or before going to bed, you need to know who is from the same blood group.

15. You may be found in any unclean place or place.

We see episodes when many mortuary workers have a spirit of necrophilia.

21. Through incorrectly caused contact between mother and son (spirit of control).

It turns out that fathers need to take care of their children and do not allow them to make independent decisions.

Apparently, since the child has already grown up, and she has power over the family and children, “matusya” is steadily “putting things in order,” imposing her decision.

If you are disobedient, you will end up with huge scandals.

As people have grown up, they are terribly afraid of “not getting through to Matusya.”

22. Through incest (articles of intercourse between close relatives).

23. Through improper use of spiritual gifts.

The ministry of the prophets is especially valuable.

Servants must adhere to the following rules:

a) God gives the prophetic word.

It is impossible to confuse the concept of “prophecy” and “voice, positive revelation.”

You cannot credit your heart for the prophecy of the world.

This causes a curse before God (Yer. 23:21,31);

Sometimes demons live among Christians and constantly provoke them into committing certain sins.

In this case, people seem to live decently, so they try to capture their uncleanness.

In this case, he reports as much as possible, so as not to sin, otherwise nothing will be done.

These people hate themselves, suffer from an inferiority complex, spirits of depression and condemnation.

Sometimes such a person begins to deliberately ignore their problems.

Such people need to know in themselves the strength to come to prayer for redemption, to confess, to swear against everything unclean, as if it would not be disgraceful or scary in their presence.

There are a great number of people who do not suspect that they are obsessed with reality.

A person can simply think that everything is great in her, just by becoming a little bit too aggressive.

  • I think maybe a month or the weather is getting worse, I might find out the reason is because of, and not in myself.
  • A clear sign of the presence of a demon in a person is the inability of people to go to church and the impossibility of going to church.
  • The Church has high-frequency vibrations, which are not safe for the essence, so under whatever drives, whatever the paths of people, we go around the church.
  • A negative reaction to prayers is immediately noticeable.
  • The essence is connected, often to the nervous system, organs and other places where energy is concentrated.
  • For this reason, a person’s abilities are aggravated or new ones appear, and when driven out, the entire body and the entire nervous system react to the process of exclusion, starting with a trial and ending with screams and hysterical laughter.
  • The main signs of obsession or signs of negativity in people:
  • often unprocessed emotions of a negative nature, especially thoughts of suicide.
  • I feel like I’m depressed, because of life, I’m trying to commit suicide.
  • weakness and fatigue
  • showing negative external problems in everyday life (in all areas of life: family, work, finances, health...)
  • It’s not necessary to go to church and it’s impossible to stay in it,
  • It’s not a shame to “make peace” with God, it’s not a shame to join a church
  • it is important to visit the church;
  • Having treated the priest, panic arises, and fear of sacred relics arises;
  • parts of the attack and convulsions occur;
  • supernatural powers may appear, previously powerless people;
  • at the moment of fear and fight, you can win and have greedy strength;
  • Without realizing it, people can catch my unspoken phrases.
  • blasphemy against God and holy things is imposed without the will of the people;
  • feeling angry, sickened, the image of alienation
  • after the removal of chakluns, magicians, especially black ones.
  • all unbaptized
  • Behind Raptov’s wariness we feel almost (somewhat, yes), and it seems to be oppressively alarming.
  • where there is sin, there and bіs.
  • I live in peace with you, sinner.
  • When a person begins to have slightly alien thoughts, voices.
  • Calling demonized women (uvi sni)
  • prevaga homosexual vidnosin
  • if you are drawn to watching films of horror, pornography, bloodshed, cruelty and violence and in which you feel satisfied with what you have watched, or even worse, if you are drawn to repeat the scenes in real life behind the script of the film violence and cruelty.
  • a craving for occult symbols, for books on occultism, healing, magic, witchcraft, and the fear of going to church, the fear of confessing.
  • without any variety of illnesses, and when diagnosing a person - all tests are good
  • to stop mental disorders, I need someone to drink more.
  • mental disturbances: what is important is the greater number of mental disorders such as demons, direct obsession or anxiety, if demons corrupt a person’s mind and go beyond anything
  • slaughter of neuroses
  • all types of depression (I become embarrassed and angry)
  • unreasonable fears
  • a whole series of physical illnesses, pain and unpleasant symptoms
  • obsessive likes (especially obscenities, if he himself is angry),
  • Bazhannya sits naked in front of the protile statue,
  • fornication without self-destruction;
  • bazhannya grimace, grimace, buduvati peaks, blaznyuvati;
  • incessant addiction to gambling;
  • incessant passion for anything material
  • heavy drinking (chicken), constant drinking (today), craving to get drunk.
  • a craving for all kinds of demonism, a strong obsession with any kind of addiction, a violent craving for self-destruction;
  • restlessness, if people cannot find peace in anything;
  • Such a laugh.
  • ungrateful mother of children (as you are already over 20 years old)
  • There are many deceptions on the side of people (don’t tell the truth)

parts for one and a friend (bet)

  • Demons can be absorbed or cause a whole range of known and unknown ailments:
  • fever,
  • twisting,
  • zginannya,
  • dry joints (hanging arm and leg),
  • head wiggler,
  • constant coward of members,
  • the daily shaking of the head and limbs, which stirs up the presence of a gracious person and a saint,
  • falling sickness (epilepsy),
  • boredom of the body,
  • such coldness of the body,
  • unforeseen sweatiness,
  • impairment of vision and function of the body,
  • increased swelling and disruption of their function,
  • blindness, deafness, dumbness,
  • various swellings, cancerous diseases,
  • SNID, obesity,
  • non-natural livestock,
  • pain in the subglobs,
  • podshkirny sverbizh,
  • impassable sprague or greed,
  • asthmatic symptoms,
  • allergic reactions,
  • viral illness,
  • diabetes,
  • There are a lot of sickness and illness, somnambulism, sleepwalking, levitation and a lot of other things.

Insomnia is a myth that came to us from the middle class, what is reality?

Although I have a medical background, I never believed in demons that inhabit the human body, because...

I knew that this phenomenon has a scientific explanation, and is most often associated with the presence of mental disorders.

However, while doing an internship at a psychoneurological dispensary, I happened to come across a sleepy person, the signs of such a phenomenon clearly differ from the symptoms of mental illness.

  • In this article I will tell you how to recognize an obsessed person and save yourself from such a fate.
  • According to representatives of the clergy, demon possession is not a real thing, but not just guesswork.
  • There were so many sleepy people, but the debris of evil spirits, who did not want to be marked, would quietly haunt the body of their victim.
  • The clergy insist that the demon in a person can be recognized by the eyes.
  • It’s hard to stand in front of his cold and penetrating gaze.
  • People who live with bis cannot tolerate anything related to religion.
  • They can be broad-minded, misunderstood, take over someone else’s idea and be put before others without reason.

Let’s start talking about God and about those connected with him, as they immediately change in a person, and because of their politeness, their respect does not disappear without a trace.

Bis cannot sense his presence if he hears about his late opponent.

  1. In addition, the stench cannot be in the church or near the priest.
  2. The presence of bad signals.
  3. People are most often alcoholics or drug addicts.
  4. The demon that resides in a person’s body urges him to drink alcohol and drugs in order to speed up the process of losing his personality, and to nourish his body and mind.

Being in a changed state of obsession, people behave aggressively and inappropriately, and after testing they do not remember anything.

Gluttony or gluttony.

A strong appetite and constant thoughts about hedgehogs can indicate the presence of a demon in a person.

  • The skin treatment of hedgehogs with such features looks like a grandiose arrangement for a company of 3 people.
  • In addition, they always stink and chew something - at home, at work, near transport, on the street or at a party.
  • It's too late.

Other people's successes motivate a normal person to complete self-reflection and reach the heights of power.

When people are sleepy and marvel at the triumph and happiness of other people, they begin to do all sorts of mischief.

It seems that their entire structure is sinking and the work of inconceivable changes is becoming damp.

Insomnia or mental illness?

  • Regardless of the fact that signs of insomnia and mental disorders loom similar, it is entirely possible to catch an obsessed person who is ill.
  • A human being, in whose body there is a living demon, tends to behave aggressively to those who are out of touch.
  • Naturally, mental disorders can also manifest themselves in a similar manner, which is why there are consequences if a person’s personality constantly behaves badly, regardless of the situation.
  • headaches;
  • tediousness for no reason;
  • how thin and obese;
  • tremor of the ends;
  • fever or decreased body temperature;
  • Mummification of body parts.

Of course, it is not possible to mistake all the alarming symptoms for insomnia; it is necessary to go to the doctors in order to identify the cause of the filthy self-esteem.

As soon as the evidence of any illness is not confirmed, then, having seen everything, the people will be captured by the demon, and will be tempted to do all sorts of harm to his health.

The clergy also talk about such episodes, when a demon captivates a father’s mind and completely converts him into an obsession with a child.

As a result, instead of turning into a medicine, the stench tends to drive away the unclean from their child, which often leads to their death.

As a rule, such people are categorically against traditional medicine, arguing for the great mistrust of it.

How to protect yourself from the population of demons

According to the priests, people create trouble for themselves if they begin to lead the wrong way of life.

You can go out into the world at once through sin, for example, alcohol, drugs, over-love, cynicism, killing. Sinners do not expect a strong guardian angel, and also the smell of God’s grace, it is not important for demonic entities to order their body and mind.і To protect yourself from evil spirits, you need to practice Christian morality, follow the Bible commandments, regularly attend church, take communion, confess your sins, read prayers, and practice fasting. Be afraid to approach believing people, because...

Sometimes, in order to understand that things are not the same with people, it’s easy to marvel at him in his eyes... It is possible to be daily and see a person, perhaps a politician, an entrepreneur or an artist.

Marvel at his eyes - and you will feel.

There's something more demonic there.

Priest Kostyantin Parkhomenko

Representatives of the clergy argued that the devil’s entry into people is not an average guess, but a terrible action.

Such episodes loom throughout the 21st century.

The signs of demonic possession are far from being similar to those you might see in horror films.

It is important to recognize the demonic one, and this is because evil spirits have a powerful cunning. As long as there is no one to believe in the real essence, she can calmly get on with it, having finally arrived among the world of people and moved into one of them.

The passion of a whore at the same time with the loyalty of her other half is a realized dream, without which humanity would die out.

Anger to satisfy one's life without love, disenchantment, frequent change of partners, for the sake of - an influx of evil spirits.

The most important thing is to drink wine for an hour - sacredly, for an hour and get together with friends.

And the axis of alcoholism and drug addiction is already like a devil.

Drunkenness or a drug addict, reducing the dose is the simplest way to victims of evil spirits. Love before culinary tests - it’s a waste of time, a test of self-expression, a good way to make your neighbor happy.

Inattention is a great sin.

It seems like such a dog is a demonic glutton, when the chaklun saturates the demon, which creates an enormous appetite.

According to the words of the priests, the mother often has to deal with the situation when serious mental illness is mistaken for sleeplessness.

On the right there are not only godly relatives who worry about their loved ones.

Sometimes they themselves suffer from the influx of evil spirits and thus experience mental disorder. Obsession is often contrived as a way to gain respect for one’s person. How the devil possesses a person and how not to allow anything to happen Today's priests are convinced that people especially prepare a vein for demons and demons with their preparations. Before

How does the devil possess a human being?

It is a sin to enter again.

An old sinner never stops being protected

God's grace

. whereby demonic essences sorely exploit. Beatings, arrogance, fornication, cynicism, enthusiasm for occultism and affiliation with Satanists - all this opens the way for demons.

The fathers are especially concerned that they believe that the baby has been possessed by a demon.

The evil chronicle to this day is explained by similar stories, and for children they often end in tears.

Do not forget about those who may be with you, who are seeking additional medical assistance from the “mad” - the unclean, cunning and intelligent.

At first, the culprit is due to the sudden weakness and tendency to fatigue.

Whatever the form of attacks and convulsions, it will not only lead to a doctor who needs to work with us first.

It’s such a good time to think - why weren’t sins the cause of this illness?

Symptoms similar to sleepiness include fever, drooping parts of the body, tremors in the arms, sweating, coldness of the skin, obesity or thinness, as well as somnambulism. In general, regardless of the cunning and adaptability of evil spirits, it is still possible to recognize their presence, which reveals the life of a person and their soul.

A lot of the above signs can be attributed to half of the inhabitants of the region..

It often possesses those who are involved in occultism.

It turns out that children suffer from obsession - in the opinion of the priests, the sins of their fathers fall on them. How does the universe appear?

“Sin does not enter the soul at once, but gradually, through passing stages of development from the outside, external spontaneity that knocks on the soul, until it is masterfully disposed of”

, - Father Kostyantin Parkhomenko respects.

The Church divides sleepless people into two categories.

In the first episode, the devil appears as a different speciality, a “dark twin” of the person, then the victim watches out for signs of dual specialness.

For another, the human will is constrained by various sinful addictions.

Christ said that it is only possible to drive away demons through additional fasting, cross and prayer.

The Orthodox, ISNUT NILICH of the Zakhisny Molitov’s worships: a way, before them to come in to the prayer to Serafima Sarovsky, the prayer of Startzi Pansofiya Athos “Bisiv”, the prayer of St. Grigory Miraculous I, the prayer, prayer to the izus of Christ.

However, practice shows that simple actions do not always lead to results.

For the expulsion there is a special ceremony, which can be carried out by no means a priest or a monk.