Get this package. Yarin's antiseptic tablets - instructions for stosuvannya, analogues, price, tips. Method of stosuvannya that dose


Site Nada final information vinyatkovo for knowledge. It is necessary to go through the diagnosis of that likuvannya ill under the supervision of a fahіvtsya. Usі drugs and mayut contraindications. Consultation fahіvtsya є obov'yazkovaya!

Warehouse and release form

A drug Yarina dispensed from looking like tablets, covered with a plaited shell. The active agents, which enter the warehouse of the drug, are etinilestradiol at a dose of 30 mg, and drospirenone at a dose of 3 mg. One package contains 21 tablets.

Yak de Yarina?

Yarina is combinable in a way, oscilki to avenge two levels of hormones - estrogen and gestagen. In addition, it is low-dose (low doses of hormones) and monophasic (all tablets have the same amount of hormones).

Zdatnist Yarini protect against vaginess is based on two mechanisms - suffocation of ovulation (ovulation maturation) and change of authority to the secret (mucus) that is found in the cervix of the uterus. The thick mucus of the cervix becomes a barrier for the penetration of spermatozoa.

In addition, taking Yarini helps improve the menstrual cycle (with irregularity). Pain decreases at the time of menstruation, bleeding becomes less intense (which fact reduces the risk of developing chronic deficiency anemia).

The most significant side effects of Yarini are antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic diuretics. This way the hormone drospirenone is used - it changes the lubrication of the body in the body, changes the bumps, which does not lead to body weight. Antiandrogenic effect - the purpose of the drug is to change the symptoms of acne (visipu vulgaris) and regulate the production of fat from the skin and hair (change the manifestations of seborrhea).

Indication before zastosuvannya

The main indications to stop the pills are the loss of vagity.


Zastosovuvat Yarina is not possible with the onset of illnesses in the camps:
1. Thrombosis of veins or arteries, and thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels by blood clots), damage to the blood circulation of the brain.
2. Become, yakі can lead to thrombosis - angina pectoris, past damage to cerebral circulation, lack of control of arterial pressure, serious surgical operations with a trivial bed rest.
3. Migraine, which appeared sometime earlier, or at a given hour, accompanied by other neurological symptoms (impaired vision, sensitivity, movement).
4. Blood diabetes, which is accompanied by complications from the side of the vessels.
5. A hen at a time, even if a woman is more than 35 years old.
6. Pancreatitis (inflammation of the submucosa), which is accompanied by the rise of triglycerides in the blood (or earlier).
7. Severe disease of the liver or liver failure, swelling of the liver.
8. Nir's insufficiency is an important form of a gostra leak.
9. Hormone-delayed evil infestation of various organs, including statutory ones, found in present moment, chi suspicion on them.
10. Bleeding from pikhvi, the cause of which has been established.
11. Vagіtnіst, the period of one year of the breast pіdozra vаgіtnіst.
12. Increased sensitivity to speeches that enter the warehouse anti-inflammatory pills.

Become, under any circumstances, be careful

Іsnuyu become that ill, for an hour to take Yarina's drug, you need to be careful. In such cases, there is a rhizik and a sharpened roughness in the face of the reception of liking in a skin patient. About qi illness, it is necessary to tell the doctor before prescribing the drug. Before them one can see:
  • Illness cardiovascular system(Risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism).
  • Angioedema.
  • Infection of the liver.
  • Increased rіven triglycerides (for example, cholesterol) in the blood.
  • Sleepy period.
  • Illness, associated with impaired blood circulation ( diabetes mellitus, systemic chervoniy vovchak, sickle-clitin anemia, Crohn's disease and other).
  • Illness, scho vinikli pіd hour vagіtnostі, or pіd the hour before the reception hormonal contraceptives.

Zastosuvannya with vagity and lactation

Under the hour of vagity and lactation, it is contraindicated for Yarin to take. At times, if the vagity was revealed at the first hour of taking the drug, follow the course and go straight to the doctor. Under the hour of breastfeeding, it is not recommended to take milk, shards of its components, and change the storage and power of breast milk, as well as reduce its quantity.

Side effects

  • The most common side effect of oral administration contraceptivesє vyniknennya irregular bleeding іz pihvi. The stinks can appear as if they were seeing that they are smearing, or as if they were bleeding. Most of the time they blame the stench for the first three months.
  • Inshimi side by side, associated with the reception of Yarini, there may be soreness, engorgement, or vision of milk sores, as well as vision of pikhvi.
  • 3 side nervous system you can change the same way, like a headache, drop or decrease in mood, decrease or increase in libido, migraine.
    Derangement of etching can be manifested in the appearance of nudity, pain in the stomach, usually vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Sometimes, when taking Yarini, there is an intolerance to contact lenses, which is blamed on the unacceptable appearance of the hour of the day's wear.
  • Impaired exchange of speech is manifested by a change in body mass - more often to elevations, more likely to lowerings, zatrimkoy in the body of the motherland.
  • Shkіrnі show increased sensitivity to the drug presented kropivyankoy, visip, rarely appearing nodular erythema.
  • Like in others against diseases with a hormonal warehouse, in single episodes with the use of Yarini, a development of thrombosis or thromboembolism is possible.


The most widespread symptoms in case of overdosing of Yarini can be nausea, vomiting, uterine bleeding, you can see that they are smearing, or metrorrhagia. In times of overdose of the drug, that appeared її a sign of the next negainoly turn to the doctor. Likuvannya, as a rule, is more symptomatic.

How to accept Yarina?

It is necessary to take the drug once a day, at the same time, at the same time, with a small amount of water. For clarity, the skin tablet is marked with the day of the day, if it is necessary to take it. Drink pills in order, point with an arrow. If all the pills are taken, it is necessary to break the trivality for 7 days. For 7 days (mostly for 2-3 days), menstruation begins (or bleeding of the eye). After 7 days, stop to start and take the next package of the drug. In this order, the acceptance of the skin packaging will begin on that very day of the week.

Persha packaging Yarini

1. In case, if there is no contraceptive zasib, to avenge the hormones without stopping the previous month, it is best to take Yarini on the first day of menstruation. From the package, you need to choose a pooch, marked on the next day of the week. They gave the next drink in the order indicated by the arrow. It is also allowed to start taking on the 2-5th day of the cycle, in case of the first 7 days of taking the pills, it should be accelerated by additional methods of contraception (for example, a condom).

2. It is also necessary to switch to Yarini's intake from other combined oral contraceptives, to take the first pill without interruption. In such a manner, as far as the previous intake of 28 tablets, the administration of Yarini is started after the remaining active tablet is taken, and not later than the day after taking the remaining inactive. Yakshcho well zasіb mistiv 21 tablets, take Yarina on the next day after a 7-day break.

3. In the case of a different vaginal ring or hormonal patch, Yarini's treatment is repaired on the day, if the stench was removed, and not later than the day of the introduction of the offensive ring or gluing the patch.

4. Even before the reception of Yarina, they fought for the sake of taking revenge only on the gestagen (mini-drank), they can be interrupted any day, and start drinking Yarina. With this, it is necessary to win the bar'erny method of defeating the first type with a stretch.

5. When switching to Yarina with an injection, an implant or an intrauterine spiral of Mirena, start taking pills on the day, if there is an attack on the onset of an injection, the implant or an intrauterine contraceptive will be taken. After that, 7 days, Crimea Yarini, vikoristovuyut bar'ernі methods contraception.

In case of damage to the liver, the drug cannot be taken until the indications that characterize the function of the liver (liver samples) return to normal.

When the work is damaged, the nirok should be protected, the shards of the face are contraindicated in acute or severe nirkov insufficiency.

Interaction with other drugs

Main row medicinal preparations, building to reduce the effectiveness of Yarini
  • for treatment of epilepsy (such as phenytoin, barbiturates, topiramate, carbamazepine and others);
  • for treatment of tuberculosis (rifampicin);
  • for the treatment of VIL-infections (for example, nevirapin, ritonavir);
  • antibiotics (tetracyclines, penicillin, griseofulvin);
  • preparation of zvіrobyu (wycortis for the glee of a low mood).
At the same time, taking Yarini can interfere with the metabolism of other drugs (zocrema lamotrigine, cyclosporine).

Zavzhd next to remind the doctor, who recognized Yarina, as the faces are already getting used to. Until then, follow other doctors (including dentists) to prescribe other doctors about the reception of Yarini. In addition, it is necessary to say about the pharmacist who sells faces in the pharmacy.

In some cases, you may need to add additional barricades to prevent vacancies.


1. Before that, in order to start accepting Yarina, it is necessary to go through a medical obstezhennia to reveal a counter-indication that obmezheniya should be taken. Obstezhennya obov'yazkovo is guilty of turning on a ceremonial medical look at the death arterial vice, pulse, determination of the body mass index, gynecological examination, obstezhennia of milk ulcers, Papanicolaou test (additional signature of the mucus cervix). Also, the doctor may additionally recognize other contributions.

2. It is important to remember that the use of combined oral contraceptives increases the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism. Therefore, before taking the drug, it is necessary to call for scaling risik and possible measles.

3. There are also data on the greater incidence of cervical cancer and breast cancer in the case of a more frequent combination of oral contraceptives. Possibly, it is connected with more straps and regular obstezhennyami women, as if they were accepted.

5. When Quincke's sagging nature of the speech, which enters the warehouse of Yarini, can worsen the symptoms of illness.

6. The effectiveness of Yarin's preparation may decrease in three cases - when the tablet is missed, the etching disorder, or as a result of interaction with other faces.

7. Keep in mind that Yarina is not safe, that she protects against infection with SNID (VIL-infection) and other illnesses that are transmitted by the path.

Monthly pid hour to receive Yarini

Menstruation occurs at the hour of the weekly break, most often on the 2nd-3rd day, approximately the same day of the week (if you know the right way). For bajannya it is possible to change the day of the appearance of menstruation. In order to take the cob of monthly, it is necessary not to work for a 7-day break, but to start taking the next pack of tablets after the end of the flow. You can take the pills, the docks will not run out of packaging, or, for a reason, take it some day (when menstruation starts). When I take the pills from another package, I can see if they smear, or I bleed. I’ll take the packaging of Yarini, after interrupting it for 7 days, as soon as possible.

To change the day of the beginning of the month, you need to shorten the 7-day break at the reception. In this way, menstruation will start earlier. If the break was less than 3 days, the month may not start, but the natomist may appear bleeding, or smeared vision at the hour of receiving the offensive packaging of Yarini.

Smearing vision or bleeding for an hour to receive - what to work?

Even more often, when taking Yarini, you can blame the sight that they smear, or bleeding is due to the type of bleeding. Such bleeding is seen - irregular, and caused by intermittent use of Yarini. Most of the sightings are blamed for the stretching of the first three menstrual cycles and it is a sign that the body is suffering from an anti-inflammatory disease. To this, continue with the reception of Yarini, vicorist, ensure individual hygiene. At times, if the sights do not stick in 3 months, they become brighter, or they show up again after they are pinned, they turn back to the doctor when they are stoked.

When is it necessary to turn to the doctor?

When you receive Yarini, the doctor must be checked regularly - at least once a day, for preventive examinations.

The doctor saw the yakomog earlier, as he blamed the following situations:
1. If there are any changes in health, especially in the camps, for some zasіb zasosovuyut with protection, or for some of the faults of contraindications.
2. Like a milk bunker, it turned out to be an encirclement of the gorge.
3. If necessary, take other faces.
4. As if you can try the unruliness, the bed rest - for example, as in the case of the application of plaster or surgery.
5. With the appearance of vaginal bleeding, as strong as it is clear, lower sound.
6. At the time of missing a tablet on the first day of taking it, even if it was small, the state was taken in the previous 7 days.
7. As a result, menstruation did not occur 2 times later, or it caused a suspicion of vaginess.

Qlaira is a modern hormonal contraceptive.

Qlaira to replace estradiol valerate and progestin dienogest with a dynamic dosing regimen. When taken internally, estradiol valerate transforms into female hormone identical to natural.

Taking the drug Qlaira (instruction):
Klaira is a 4-phase dosing regimen: different doses of estradiol and dienogest on different days of the menstrual cycle to ensure the required effect in required hour. 26 active tablets of Qlaira are suitable for several active phases.
After these active cuddlers, two inactive cuddly cuddly cuddlers follow.
Studies have shown that congestion of oral contraceptives may shorten the duration and intensity of menstrual bleeding, and in 15% of cycles, menstruation may not occur.

If the drug Qlaira was taken correctly, and the vomiting and strong carry-over was not successful in other preparations - the level of vaginess was very low. However, even if two menstruations do not come, after that, tell me about your doctor.

For the first few months, I can take Klayri to cause intermenstrual bleeding. Start bleeding on the 26th day, if another dark red tablet is taken, otherwise in the coming days. Women, who took part in the clinical trial drug Klaira, indicated in their children, that in this cycle, intermenstrual bleeding is often blamed (10-18% of patients). If intermenstrual bleeding lasts longer than 3 months, or if it is blamed again after a few months, doctors will need to determine the cause of their vindication.

Clayra instructions:

When to start:

Likewise, hormonal contraceptives were not victorious in the preceding month:

It is necessary to recommend an ear of Qlaira on the first day of menstruation. It is necessary to choose an hour of the day that is easy to remember, and take one tablet from a package of Qlaira at approximately the same hour each day.

Switching from other combined hormonal contraceptives, combined contraceptive vaginal ring or plastic:

It is necessary to take the next day's Qlaira preparation after taking the remaining active tablet (the remaining tablet, to avenge the speech) of the previous drug. When switching from a combined contraceptive vaginal ring or a plasty, start by taking Qlaira on the day of the ring's expiration or taking a plasty, or by appointment of a doctor.

Switching from contraceptives to avoid progestogen(pills that can only be used with progestogen, injections, implants or hormones of the intrauterine system "IUD") and the medial intrauterine spiral:

It is possible to switch from pills to avoid only progestogen, at any day (with an implant or an IUD coil on the day of removal, with an injection - at the day, if it is necessary to start an injection), but in any case, it is necessary to stop sovuvati dodatkovі zahisnі come in (for example, a condom) for the first 9 days to accept Qlaira.

After the fall:

It is recommended to take Qlaira on the 21st and 28th day after the fall. As soon as possible later, lower in 28 days, you can beat the supplements to come in (for example, a condom) for the first 9 days to receive Klaira.

As if after a gentle act before the appointment of Klaira, it is necessary to change, because the woman is not vaccinated, or to get an offensive menstruation.

For the appointment of the cob, the doctor needs a consultation.

How to fix (klaira instruction):

To make it easier than a day to take pills, 7 stickers were put in the skin of the Klaira package. The skin sticker says 7 days of Monday (all stinks start from the last days of Monday).

Patients must select a sticker to start from the day they start taking pills. For example, as today's Wednesday, it is necessary to select a sticker, which is due to the abbreviation: "SR". Other 6 stickers are not needed.

Attach the sticker to the top of the package.

Now over the skin tablet of indications is the day, it becomes obvious that the tablet was taken on the same day. It is necessary to follow the arrows on the package directly, because all 28 tablets will not be accepted.

Sounds like this is the name of the bleeding of the mind, if another dark-red pill is taken, or the pill is inactive, and you can take it to the cob of the pills from the offensive packaging. It is necessary to take two placebo tablets for 2 days of sleep, then start a new pack of Klaira with dark yellow active tablets, regardless of the bleeding. In this manner, the new package will begin on that same day of the month, and menstruation will begin approximately on the same day of the month.

If you take Klaira in such a rank, you will be safe from vaccination and for two days, if inactive pills are taken.

Important rules for administering Qlaira (Klaira instructions).

  • It is necessary to prepare the packaging, vicorous sticker for the next day.
  • It is recommended to take the active tablets from the pack of Qlaira at approximately the same hour each day.
  • It is necessary to take all the toys from the package of Qlaira (including inactive toys). So it will be easy to remember, if I come next to the Qlaira package, break the shards between the packages.

It is important not to stray the pills:

It is important to take the tablets in the correct order, at the same hour of the day, and start a new pack as soon as the front pack is finished.

  1. Skin pack of Klaira contains 28 tablets. Always start with the first tablet of evil in the mountains, marked with the inscription "Start", and take one tablet a day, following the arrows on the package.
  2. It is necessary to take all 26 active color tablets for 26 days of sleep, starting with dark yellow.
  3. If you take all the color tablets, you will need to take one inactive tablet in the remaining two days of the dermal pack.
  4. As soon as one package runs out, it’s necessary to start a new one. Break through the packages not guilty buti.

What does it do when you miss a tablet

Inactive tablets: Yaxcho miss bіlu pіgulku(2 tablets in the same package), do not need to take it later; to that there is no way to avenge the wild speeches. In my case, I missed a pill, so that the number of days did not increase without taking active pills, so the risk of vaccination could be reduced. It is necessary to take a pill at the appointed hour.

Active tablets: In the fall of the day of the cycle, if one active tablet is missed, you may need additional methods of contraception, for example, a condom. It is necessary to take pills according to the offensive principles.

- As a zatrymka to the receptionist, she folded less than 12 years, the contraceptive zakhist does not change. It is necessary for him to take a pill, as only a few people think about it, the next pills are taken at the right hour.

- If the receptionist was more than 12 years old, the contraceptive zahist may change. In the fall of the day of the cycle, if a tablet is missed, it is necessary to take supplementary contraceptives, for example, a condom.

- If you missed more than one tablet from one package: the patient should go back to the gynecologist.

You cannot take more than 2 active tablets per day.

As if it was forgotten about the cob of the new package, or one or more tablets were missed between 3-9 days of packaging, due to the risk of pregnancy (for example, 7 days before the missed tablet, according to the article). And here it is necessary to consult with a doctor. The more pills are not taken (especially in the period from 3 to 24 days) and the closer the smell is to the phase of inactive pills, the greater the risk of reducing contraceptive intake.

However, it is not accepted whether there are active tablets in the package, and there is no bleeding at the end of the package, vaginess is possible. It is necessary to consult with a doctor, first I will open the packaging.

Klayra Side effects:

Yak and all medical preparations, Klaira may mother side effects but not all have stinks. In rich situations, the manifestations may have a non-serious and temporal nature and pass through a few months in the process of adaptation to the body. That is not the reason to take the drug. If these phenomena disturb the woman or stay for over 3 months, you should discuss the matter with the gynecologist.

Side effects may include:

  • engorgement of milk worms
  • head bіl
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle
  • bіl in the stomach
  • minimum sbilshennya vaga (<1 % женщин)

If you are afraid of serious symptoms, you need to go to the gynecologist.

Parts of the nutrition about the drug Qlaira and apply vidpovidey on them:

Nutrition: If you first need to take Qlaira?

A. Tablets should be started on the first day of menstruation. Choose an hour that is easy to remember. Take the first color "active" bag of the first package for the first 24 years of menstruation and prepare the package with a sticker from the appointed day of the day.

Nutrition: If you want to take Qlaira when you switch from other combined oral contraceptives, vaginal ring or plastic?

A. You should take Qlaira next day after taking the remaining active pill (the remaining pill, as a way to avenge the speech) of your previous medication. When switching from a combined contraceptive vaginal ring, or a plastyr, you should take Qlaira on the day of withdrawal, or take care of the doctor.

B. How to switch from contraceptives, to avoid progestogen (pills, to avoid progestogen, injections, implant or coil with progestogen):

0. You can switch from pills to avoid only progestogen, be it a day, from an implant or a spiral on the day of your withdrawal, from an injection - on the day, if you need to get an injection, or in any case you need to zastosovuvat dodatkovі zahisnі come in (for example, a condom) for the first 9 days of taking pills.

B. After I took the pills, I got sick and vomited. Chi zberezhetsya diya pills at tsomu vpadku?

A. Bluvovota and a strong carry-over in the first 3-4 years after taking a color pill can reduce its effectiveness. On both occasions, I will take a tablet of Yaknaishvidshe. If you don't want to change your usual order when you receive your pets, you can accept a different pet from the other package. Yakshcho vie will not take one more pill for 12 years, div. scheme for diy in times of missed pills.

Q. I bled between two periods. Is it ok?

A. Intermenstrual bleeding sounds like a prolongation of the first months of taking pills and it occurs at the hour of the onset of cycles. Praise, sound a little about what. Do not take pills, otherwise you will not be protected and may be safe. If intermenstrual bleeding occurs more than 3 months, or it reappears after a few months, talk about it with your doctor.

Q. I breastfeed a child. Can I take Qlaira?

0. In case of breastfeeding, the drug Klaira is not taken. If you want to take contraceptives during the period breastfeeding You need to consult with your doctor.

I took Qlaira, and for the next month my period did not come. Chi means that I'm pregnant?

Even though you took all the pills correctly, even though they weren't very effective, they weren't. Qlaira is a highly effective drug. If you don't have any menstruation, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are pregnant. Possibly, the viscous ball of the uterus (endometrium) is insufficiently formed and, therefore, cannot be seen. Tse vіdbuvaetsya approximately 1 5% cycles. As if menstruation did not come after two menstrual cycles, or you took the pills incorrectly, maybe you were pregnant. Talk to your doctor, first start a new package.

Q. I am taking another drug at the same time with anti-drug pills. Chi vplyvaet tse on the supremacy of pigulok?

A. Some drugs, such as antibiotics, may interfere with the effectiveness of contraceptives. Read the patient information tab that is included in the Qlaira package. If you have any doubts, ask your doctor about the possibility of mutual cooperation by injecting drugs one on one.

P. Can young women take anti-abdominal pills?

O. Klayra is suitable for young women.

Q. Do you protect against SNID and ZPSSH anti-inflammatory pills?

B. Anti-sickness pills do not protect against SNID, or be it some other illness that is transmitted by the state route. For protection against ZPSSh, use a condom.

Z. Can you take contraceptive pills?

0. Not everyone can take combined oral contraceptives (COCs), so the doctor will tell you about your authority, as well as your family history. Obov'yazkovo tell you about all the ailments of the operation, as if you were transferred. Axis of activity contraindication

  • Do you think you can be already like this
  • you have a history of a blood clot in a blood-bearing judge or any other organ.
  • You are suffering from the transcendental vaga
  • you have a vice
  • you have either a history of cancer or a suspected diagnosis of breast cancer or other organs
  • Are you taking medications that reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives?
  • you have severe migraines

The skin woman can think about the health of the offspring, and also, plan the pregnancy for a pleasant period. Here, oral contraceptives come to the rescue. This is one of the most diverse and superior methods of destruction. The choice of the protizaplіdnyh is great, but it doesn’t mean that you can just drink and buy pills, looking for the suffocated remarks of a friend, or better, better packaging, better suited.

If you post a diet about a choice of hormonal diseases, only a drug of rejuvenation will try this drug, let me tell you. Taking hormonal pills for obvious contraindications threatens serious health problems. Properly administering the drug to allow the intimate intercourse with a kohanoy person without fear of an unsatisfactory pregnancy.

What are these tablets?

Oral contraceptives - the same preparations, in the warehouses of which there are hormones, similar to those that are viroblyayutsya in the female organism: estrogen and progesterone. Those preparations, in which there are insults to hormones, are called combinations. Preparations made from more than one hormone (progesterone) are called "mini-drank". There is also evidence of emergency postcoital contraception preparations, which are not covered by the trial.

How to practice protizaplіdnі pіgulki

In the ovaries of a woman of the reproductive age, the first menstruation begins to mature eggs. After leaving the follicle, it is pushed through the fallopian tubes, destroys the spermatozoa and fills it. After that, the ovum is ingested into the uterus, for implantation, it is already the creation of the most pleasant mind.

All antiseptic drugs have a similar principle to the injection: progesterone slows down the maturation of the egg, and estrogen does not prepare the endometrium of the uterus to stop the egg. In addition, under the influx of hormones, the cervical mucus becomes viscous and thick, impenetrable for spermatozoa.

Try postcoital emergency contraception anyway. They are accepted already after the statute act. Navіt ya zaplodnennya vіdbulosya, ovum can't stick to the uterus, to that її її endometrіy just vydkina. Get ready for a “micro-abortion” kshtalt. Such methods of defeating the unfortunate and their not followed victorious more than two times per river.

Yak accept

The first time you take the pills, you are guilty of taking the pills in case of contraindications. You can start drinking dragee no matter what day, or better, start on the first day of menstruation. Today, at the singing hour, drink one tablet, finishing the scheme. Sound the skin pill is indicated by a number that symbolizes the day you take it, and blisters are marked with an arrow for clarity, along the way you need to drink a pill.

If the tablets of one package run out, there will be a seven-day break. Break the hour for 2-4 days, menstruation begins. The trivality of bleeding was non-trival. After a few months of taking the right pills, you will have such a clear rhythm that you will know not only the day of the month, if the month starts, but the th hour.

Don't forget that the lack of attention to which method of contraception can lead to pregnancy. For forgetfulness, a mobile phone can be a good helper. Just activate the function of guessing and keep your mobile phone permanently with you. A small change in the schedule is not in line with the contraceptive effect.

If you forget to take a pill and less than 12 years have passed, then just take it as you can only guess. If it’s too late to become over 12 years old - the zahist is lowered and for the full hypnosis it is necessary to beat the condom with a stretch of the day. In times of menstruation, it is necessary to turn off vagity in the definitions of the term.

As it was already said above, menstruation with taking the pills will start on that very day of the week, maybe on Thursday. If you want menstruation to start, for example, in second women, then just shorten the seven-day break for 2 days, if you want it by Friday - obviously shorten the break for 6 days. Let's drink for the scheme.

Sometimes it may turn out that you are guilty of bleeding on the day of the planned important date and you would like to skip your period. In such a mood, start taking the next pack of tablets immediately after the end of the in-line packaging, without delaying a seven-day break.

You can take it for a long time

There is such a myth among women that such a myth cannot be accepted for a long time. Most often, gynecologists themselves recommend that their patients work for a break in order to “give repair to the ovaries”. In fact, the assertion is unreliable, but there are few daily data about the negative impact on the reproductive health of women. Moreover, during breaks (for example, for a few months for 1-3 years), and then, when the reception is renewed, the endocrine system

So, I can’t imagine the myth that after a trivial intake of pills, a woman finds it difficult to conceive. Actually, the majority of women are pregnant for 3-4 months after the prevention of the disease. If a woman cannot conceive through a river, then, better for everything, one of her partners is free. As tablets are well tolerated by the body, they can be taken until menopause.

A number of advantages in anti-inflammatory pills are the same as shortcomings in the appearance of side effects, which are experienced in the world of adaptation to them. In some women, the state of tension decreases, in others, depression and aggression are manifested, and in others, they begin to gain weight. As a side effect, do not go through a stretch of the wind, dotally turn to the doctor. Take another drug for you.

It is the woman's responsibility to cherish the well-being of her well-being, even if the responsibility for the health of her offspring is entirely in her hands.


Good day, I have a hormonal disorder, I went to the gynecologist, they prescribed me to take jess for 6 months, I didn’t take antiseptics earlier. First month cr. days passed the last month, another month - started from 15 walks, went 2 tizhn, third month just like that. Break through the packages did not break. For instructions, a new package needs to be repaired the first day of the cr. days, suggest that I should start taking 4 packs, moreover, I have cr. the days before the spade of the offensive packaging will end, I will break and start to lay down the first day of the kr. days, or else I’ll start the packaging, not marveling at the indications in the instructions? Meni 24 years, woman to become, drug Jess, I take 1 tablet per day, for the results of ultrasound everything is much better, just kr. days went up to 10 days, so they prescribed to drink Jess.

I live! If we start taking it after a normal cycle, then we start taking yoga for 1 or 2 days of menstruation, and if we already drank Jess in the previous cycle, then we don’t focus on those if we see blood. If you have, then in a pack there are 24 active tablets and 4 inactive ones, then you can take yoga without interruption, active tablets first, then inactive ones. Under the hour for the reception of inactive debts, bloody visions appear (otherwise, it’s silly, as it was smeared earlier). After the remaining inactive walk, we start by accepting a new pack again from active walks. If you have a great Jess, then you have a pack of 24 tablets in total. After the rest of the active, robimo 4 days interruption, the bloody sight of the guilty will increase, and after 4 days we start a new pack. Postiyni miserable bloody or brown vision can be with the admission of Jess the first 4 months, the effect of the call.

The site provides additional information, including for information. It is necessary to go through the diagnosis of that likuvannya ill under the supervision of a fahіvtsya. Usі drugs and mayut contraindications. Consultation fahіvtsya є obov'yazkovaya!

olga asks:

Hello! The first time I take jess, can I start taking jess from 7 or 8 days of the menstrual cycle or check the next. monthly?

Olga asks:

Thank you for the advice! Well, I began to take jess on the first day of July 18, the months lasted 2 days, it didn’t bother me. everything passes. On July 21, I began to see smeared brown visions. Nutrition is like this: normally those months were 2 days (and so it took up to 5 days) and those that I described, if you can not stop using contraception? drink ketorol for abdominal pain? zadalegid Thank you very much!

The use of any painkillers at once from Jess Nebazhane, stinks of stink can reduce the contraceptive activity of the drug. There is nothing terrible in the short period of menstrual bleeding - it is normal to inject a hormone drug per cycle. The main contraceptive activity in case of contraceptive Jess is due to the contraceptive use of the active pill, before which term it is necessary to select additional contraceptives.

Olga asks:

Thanks for the advice! :)

We are glad to help you.

Arena ask:

Hello, I'm 24, I've been taking Jess for 3 months, I'm accompanied by nudity and migraines ... sometimes I have mood swings, I feel like I'm constantly pms ... I haven't taken any pills before ... that's why in the world with such an effect ... but not nagolovnіshe. for the whole hour I've been taking pills - I never had a menstruation ... 2 days anointed and that's it ... I start to lakatis ...

In this case, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist to review nutrition about the drug or replace it with another contraceptive drug. Read more about this drug in the article: "Jess"

Milana asked:

hello, I'm less than 15 years old, the gynecologist prescribed me Jess vіd vugriv. Analyzes for hormones are good. Can you help me?

It is recommended that you consult with a dermatologist and take a look at the affected surface skin and exclude the presence of demodicosis. In that case, since the level of hormones is within the limits of the norm, there is no need to take hormonal preparations in puberty. Only after reviewing the results of the treatment, the dermatologist will make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, recognize adequate treatment and praise the solution to the need for administering a hormonal drug. For a report on demodicosis, read on for help: Demodicosis.

Hanna asks:

What is the risk of taking inactive pills for an hour before my period starts? chi can you calmly mother of non-embezzlement of articles of the act?

At the same time, you regularly took Jess during the last menstrual cycle, did not take medicinal preparations of speech, which would reduce the activity of Jess (antibiotics, sorbent, alcohol), the contraceptive activity of Jess did not decrease for an hour. Imovirnist vaginosti during the period of inactive pills ingestion, in case of overexposure of more minds, not exceeding such, in the period of inactive Jess pills ingestion. You can read more details about Jess in our single-name distribution: Jess.

Olya asks:

Jess package contains 4 empty buns, found on the days of the month. If I need to take a pill on the first day of menstruation, then we see that empty pills should be taken on the next day. Monthly dues to be rested on the same day? Chi varto beware of the day I take empty pills? Thank you in advance for your help!

Hanna asks:

Good afternoon, I'm going to go from Yarini (tormented by side effects) to Jess. Explain, be kind, how to ask correctly? In the package of Yarini there are 21 buns, after the rest of the wiping bun, I will break for 7 days, then I will start the packing. Jess maє 28 tablets, if you need to start drinking, the coming day after the rest of Yarini (that month there will be no menstruation), or after 7 days? And yet, if I switch to Jess again, I need to drink them without interruption (I finished one package, I’ll start the next day)? Thank you in advance for your advice.

In this situation, if the transition is more smoothly, it is necessary to do so. After the stoppage of the remaining (21st) tablets of Yarini, it is necessary to start the blockage of Jess (without a seven-day break). Jess will need to be taken again (21 active tablets and 4 inactive tablets), if the stoppage of the offensive pack begins. If you want to interrupt, after the jam of Yarini, you will need to start the jam of Jess no later than another day of menstrual bleeding, moreover, for the first ten days of the jam of Jes, you will need to overcome the contraceptive supplements ї (condom). You can read a report about the rules for administering the contraceptive drug Jess in our one-name thematic section: Jess.

Anna comments:

Good early. Clarify, be kind, as I begin to drink Jess in a row after the remaining tablets of Yarini, then what month will there be no menstruation? І, another food, You write: "Jess will need to be taken again (21 active tablets and 4 inactive tablets), if the stoppage of the offensive pack is caused" - and in Jess pack there are 28 tablets. Thank you for your help

For the first point: So, in this menstrual cycle, there will be no menstruation, it is to blame for the stagnation of inactive Jess tablets.
For another point: May be on the vazі zastosuvannya vsіh pills Jess (і active (їх 24), і inactive (їх 4)). If Jess is congested, it will be especially important to take care of the regular congestion of the drug and to take a contraceptive at the same time. A delay in the birth of a year can be brought before the appearance of a breakthrough bleeding (bleeding of the eye).

Sashko asks:

Hello!!! Tell me please, can I start receiving Jess from another day of my month???

Katya asks:

Good afternoon!
The axis is how I have a month to go 3-4 days on the fourth day, can I start drinking jess?

It is recommended to start taking the pills of Jess from the first day of menstrual bleeding - in this case, it is not necessary to stop the supplementary bar of contraceptive methods. In that case, as you start by taking pills from the 2-5th day (this is also allowed by the instructions from the congestion), you need to take the first 7 days to take the supplementary contraceptive method, in order to get rid of the extravagance i. More detailed information about the hormonal contraceptive Jess, indications and contraindications before yoga stoppage, rules and specifics for taking You can at the thematic section of our website: Jess

Victoria ask:

What do you need to take "jess" at the hour of the month?

The hormonal contraceptive Jess should be taken from the first day of menstruation and followed by the scheme, directly on the cob and the end of intermenstrual bleeding. Read the report about the rules and specifics of taking this drug at our website: Jess

Irina ask:

I live! Jess bought 28 buns and found out that it was 21 buns. What is the difference? What do you need to bathe? I'm so understanding, since I have a cycle of 21 days, do I need 21 tablets? Todi, scho robiti, as I have already begun to take 28 tablets from the package. Explain pliz ancient people)))

There are 28 tablets in the package of Jess, 24 of them are active, and 4 tablets are inactive. The tablets should be taken strictly in order for a period of 28 days, after which, without interruption, you should take the tablets from the black package. Jess from a number of tablets 21 is not dispensed, so follow the rules for taking, described above. Jess tablets should be started on the first day of menstrual bleeding and given 1 per day at the same hour until the end of the package. You can find out the report information from the source you can at the relevant distribution of our site by clicking on the next message: Jess

Irina ask:

I live! Start taking Jess after 3 plastir. Mіsyachnі small rozpochatis last Thursday, and today already zb. nope. What work?

In this case, it is necessary to turn on the vaccinia, so I recommend that you do a blood test for CHL. You can get more detailed information about nutrition, which you can click on in the thematic section of our website, by clicking on the next message: Analysis for hCG

Alesya asks:

Good afternoon. Start taking Jess from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. Do you need to take everything 28 first, then proceed to the next package?

Depending on the fact, if it was taken by Jess, the tablets should be taken strictly according to the scheme: active, then inactive, and the next time you should start taking the tablets from the black box. For a report on this topic, read the thematic series of articles on our site, following the instructions: Jess

Aunt asks:

Good day. Please be kind. I started taking Klayra on the cob of my chest, my months started at 21 tablets and did not end until the next day, until I started a new pack. I want a normal cycle: 4 days to go. On the other pack came months for 17 tablets. "About me to switch to other pills?"

In the next month, taking hormonal contraceptives is so possible, it’s not hard for him to survive, I recommend that you continue taking Klayri according to the scheme. You can get more detailed nutritional information about what you need to know You can visit our website by clicking on the following instructions: Hormonal contraceptive

Olga asks:

I live! I started taking Jess Plus tablets on the day of my period. In the instructions it is indicated: to protect such a person by the barrier method by stretching the first 7 days of taking pills. I took 7 pills at the same hour. After 2 years, after taking the somo pills, the non-theft of the articles of the act. What is the imovirnіst vagіtnostі?

In this situation, the regular intake of the hormonal contraceptive Jess is not instructed, the risk of non-negligible vagity is practically excluded, there is no cause for concern. You can take additional information about nutrition, which you can tell you at the appropriate distribution of our site, by clicking on the following instructions: Hormonal contraceptives

Lara asks:

Hello, tell me to be kind, I’ll start drinking the first pack of jess at once, today is Friday, then I’ll start with the first pill, what’s the fifth? In the instruction it is written to take a piguk, as it is marked on the day of the week, does it mean that I need to drink it for a rachunk?

The first day of taking the hormonal contraceptive Jess is considered the first day of menstruation - the same number, regardless of which day it is due, the first day of taking it for you. Then you take all the pills strictly according to the scheme - after finishing one package, immediately go to the next one, and take all the pills in order, then the first one. You can see more information about nutrition, which you can click on at the official branch of our site, by clicking on the upcoming messages: Jess. Additional information can also be found at the next section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Botagoz asks:

I live! Meni 22 rocky! Please be kind! I have a broken cycle of monthly, monthly visits either 2 times a month or 1 time for 2 months, and I went to the gynecologist and she told me that I had PCOS, and she prescribed Jess pills, I had 7 to 9 blacks then 15 to 20 chern, and I started to drink a pill 1 linden of the skin day about 9 pm, on the cob there were headaches, weakness and mood swings and severe boredom, then my month started 14 lindens and I still can’t stop walking 3 ( 10, 11.12 linden) of the day I missed the pills because I had a bad meal, did I take the pills correctly? And why don't my periods start to ring? I'm checking on you, be a caress for such a long time!

In this situation, you need to continue taking Jess pills for an offensive scheme: if the overdose took more than 2 days, then you should not take the pills for 4 days, and then start regular taking the pills from the new package, directly on the cob or the end of the menstrual period alnopodіbnoї bleeding. See more information and nutritional information that you can click on You can in the thematic section of our site by clicking on the next message: Jess. Additional information can also be found at the next section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Sashko asks:

Good afternoon.
Meni 22 rocky. I will finish taking 1 pack of Jess Plus. By stretching the mustache cycle, bleeding is smearing. The instructions say what is normal during the adaptation period and I don’t particularly panic. Ale, all the same, apparently unacceptable.
For the joy of the gynecologist, the first month, all the same, won the contraceptive bar. From the other pack of pills I plan to stop vikoristati. Nutrition like this: how to prevent bleeding, how can you interfere with the effectiveness of the pills?

Indeed, in the first few months of taking hormonal contraceptives, including Jess, it is possible to see what to smear, but the stink after the first seven days of the reception does not add to the contraceptive effect, so that additional methods of contraception are needed ki for the first 7 days I will receive it in the first month.

You can get more detailed information about nutrition, which you can click on in the thematic section of our site, following the upcoming messages: Jess - a completely new mode of contraception and in a series of articles: Contraception and contraception. Additional information can also be found at the next section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

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