The principle of robotic CHP scheme. Thermal power plants (CHP, CES): different types, tips, principle of work, fire. Yak pratsyuє combined cycle power unit

CHP is a thermal power plant, which generates not only electricity, but also gives warmth to our huts. On the butt of the Krasnoyarsk thermal power plant, we marvel at how it works, whether it be a thermal power plant.

Krasnoyarsk has 3 combined heat and power plants, the total electrical power of all is 1146 MW (for the sake of electricity, only our Novosibirsk TETs on May 5, the power is 1200 MW), but it’s important for me the same Krasnoyarsk TETs-3 team, there is no other station the first and so far the only power unit was tested by the System Operator and introduced to the industrial operation. That’s why I knew a beautiful station in the distance, as if I hadn’t drunk yet, and I learned a lot about the TPP that was new for me.

In this post, about technical information about KrasTETS-3, I want to reveal the very principle of operation and may be a heat and power plant.

1. Three dimars, the height of the highest of them is 275 m, the other in height is 180 m

The abbreviation CHP itself conveys that the station generates not only electricity, but also heat (hot water, scorching), and the generation of heat can be a greater priority in our country in the harsh winters of the country.

2. The electric power of the Krasnoyarsk CHPP-3 was installed at 208 MW, and the heat power of 631.5 Gcal/year was installed

The principle of operation of CHP can be simply described as follows:

Everything starts with a fire. The role of fire in various power plants can be played by coal, gas, peat, oil shale. In our view, there is a bure of brand B2 from the Borodino rosette, stashed for 162 km from the station. Vugillya to bring zaliznitsi. Part of it is folded, another part goes by conveyors to the power unit, de same vugіllya podrіbnyuєє to the saw and then go to the combustion chamber - the steam boiler.

A steam boiler is a unit for betting with the pressure of the atmospheric pressure without interruption of live water that comes into it. There is a wave of warmth, which is seen when burning fire. The cauldron itself looked to finish it off in a convoluted way. At KrasTETS-3, the height of the boiler is 78 meters (26-surface booths), and the weight of the wine is over 7000 tons.

6. Steam boiler brand Ep-670, made at Taganrozi. Boiler productivity 670 tons per year

I asked the site for a diagram of a steam boiler of a power plant, so that you could understand yoga power.

1 - furnace chamber (furnace); 2 - horizontal gazohid; 3 - convective shaft; 4 - firebox screens; 5 - stele screens; 6 - down pipes; 7 - drum; 8 - radiation-convective steam superheater; 9 - convective steam superheater; 10 - water economizer; 11 - povіtropіdіgrіvach; 12 - blower fan; 13 - lower screen collectors; 14 - slag chest of drawers; 15 - cold crown; 16 - fingers. The scheme does not show the ash catcher and dimosos.

7. View of the beast

10. You can clearly see the drum of the boiler. The drum is a cylindrical horizontal vessel, which has water and steam volumes, as if they are divided on the surface, called a viparovuvannya mirror.

The leaders of the great steam productivity of the boiler may be the surface heating, both the steam room and the steam superheater. The firebox at the new one is prismatic, somewhat shaped by natural circulation.

Betting words about the principle of boiler operation:

At the drum, passing the economizer, it consumes the water, downpipes descend into the lower collectors of the screens from the pipes, with these pipes the water rises uphill and, apparently, heats up, so that a torch burns in the middle of the firebox. The water turns into a steam-water summish, part of it is consumed by the wine cyclone and another part back is a drum. І there, and there it seems to be poured tsієї sumіshi on the water and steam. The couple goes to the steam reheaters, and the water repeats its path.

11. Chilled flue gas (approximately 130 degrees) exits the furnace into an electric filter. In the electric filters, gases are purified from the ash, the ash is seen on the ash pit, and the smoke gases are cleaned by the air. The effective level of purification of flue gases is 99.7%.
In the photo you yourself are electric filters.

Passing through the steam superheater, the steam heats up to a temperature of 545 degrees and goes near the turbine, where the turbine generator rotor is tightly wrapped around and, obviously, electricity is generated. It should be noted that at condensing power plants (DRES) the water supply system is completely closed. All the steam passing through the turbine cools down and condenses. Having changed into a new rare country, water vikoristovuєtsya anew. And in the turbines of the thermal power plant, not all the steam is consumed to the condenser. There are a variety of bets - virobnichi (a hot bet on betting bets) and a heating system (a line of hot water supply). Tse rob TPP cost-effectively vigidnishoy, but may have its own minuses. Not a lot of heat and power plants are those that stench may be awakened near the end of the city. Laying of heating mains costs great pennies.

12. At the Krasnoyarsk CHPP-3, a direct-flow system of technical water supply is installed, which allows the cooling tower to flow into the water. So the water for cooling the condenser and vikoristannya in the boiler is taken directly from the Yenisei, and before winter it goes through purification and salting. After the recovery, the water is turned by the canal back to the Yenisei, passing through the system of rozsіyuvalnogo release (mixing heated water from cold, to reduce the thermal turbulence of the river)

14. Turbogenerator

I agree, I was able to describe the principle of the operation of the CHP in a different way. Now troch about KrasTETS-3 itself.

The life of the station began as far back as 1981, but, as we have in Russia, through the collapse of the SRSR and the crisis, the TPP suddenly did not come. Z 1992 until 2012 the station worked like a boiler house - it heated the water, but the electrician learned how to vibrate only the 1st birch of the past fate.

Krasnoyarsk CHP-3 to lie Yenisei TGC-13. Nearly 560 errors are produced at the CHPP. In the present hour, Krasnoyarsk CHPP-3 provides heat supply to industrial enterprises and the housing and communal sector of the Radyansky district of the Krasnoyarsk metro station - zokrem, microdistrict "Pivnichniy", "Zlitka", "Pokrovsky" and "Innokentivsky".


19. CPU

20. There are also 4 hot water boilers at KrasTETS-3

21. Vіchko in toptsі

23. And this photo was taken from the power unit. The chimney is large, its height is 180m, the smaller one is the chimney of the starting boiler.

24. transformers

25. As a separate extension at KrasTETS-3, a closed extension with gas-insulated insulation (ZRUE) at 220 kV is being closed.

26. Useful life

28. I'll build a bright look of a rozpodilchogo

29. On whom everything. thanks for the respect

At the steam turbine, the blades of the working wheels are clearly visible.

Thermal power plant (CHP) vikoristovuyu energy, which is generated during the burning of organic fire - coal, oil and natural gas - for the conversion of water to steam high vise. This steam, which weighs close to 240 kilograms per square centimeter and a temperature of 524°C (1000°F), wraps the turbine. The turbine wraps a giant magnet in the middle of the generator, which vibrates electricity.

Modern thermal power plants convert into electricity about 40 kWh of heat, which was seen when the fire burned, the grate is thrown into dovkilya. In Europe, there are a lot of thermal power plants with vicorous heat for scorching adjacent houses and enterprises. Combined vibration of heat and electricity to increase the energy output of the power plant up to 80 kWh.

Steam turbine not installed with electric generator

Typical steam turbine to replace two groups of blades. High pressure steam, which comes directly from the boiler, enters at the flow part of the turbine and wraps the working wheels with the first group of blades. Then the steam heats up in the steam reheater and again comes to the flowing part of the turbine, to wrap the working wheels with another group of blades, as they work at the lower pressure of the bet.

View at the rose

A typical generator of a thermal power plant (CHP) is driven by a wrapper without a middle steam turbine, like 3000 wrappers per flute. In generators of this type, the magnet, which is also called a rotor, is wrapped around, and the windings (stator) are not damaged. The cooling system will prevent the generator from overheating.

Viroblennya energy for an additional bet

At a thermal power plant, it burns hotly near Kazan, in the sanctuaries of a high-temperature half-light. Water passes through tubes through the half-light, heats up and transforms into a high-pressure steam. The steam wraps the turbine, vibrating mechanical energy, turning the generator into electricity. Winds from the turbines, the steam goes to the condenser, decomposes the tubes with cold running water, and as a result, it turns back to the homeland.

Oil-fired, coal-fired gas boiler

Middle of the cauldron

The cauldron is filled with chimerically bent tubes, through which water passes, which heats up. The foldable configuration of the tubes allows you to increase the amount of heat transferred to the water, and for the account of which you can make more money.

Supply of population with heat and electricity is one of the main tasks of the state. In addition, without the vibration of electricity, it is impossible to reveal one's own viroblative and reworking craftsmanship, without such a country's economy it cannot be founded in principle.

One of the ways to solve the problem of shortage of energy is the operation of thermal power plants. Deciphering this term is simple: this is the name of the thermal power plant, which is one of the widest varieties of thermal power plants. In our country, the stench is even wider, the shards work on the organic vikopny paliva (vougillya), to the characteristics of which the vimogi hang even more modestly.


What is the axis of TEC. You already know the decoding of the understanding. But what are the features of the different types of power plants? Aje nevipadkovo їх they see in the same category!?

On the right, in the fact that the stench vibrates not only electricity, but also heat, as if it were served to the calm at the sight of a hot bet. It is necessary to respect that electricity is a by-product, shards of steam, as it is fed into the scorching system, wrap the turbines of generators. The combination of two enterprises (boiler houses and power plants) is good, so let's go ahead and speed up the fire.

Vіm, tse prizvodit to finish the insignificant "area of ​​expansion" of the TEC. The decryption is simple: not only electricity is supplied to the stations, but with minimal costs it is possible to transport for thousands of kilometers, but heat-carrying heat, they cannot be transported to a significant city in the settlement. It is not surprising that practically all thermal power plants were roused near the uninterrupted proximity to the city, the stinkers of such stinks sing and visvitlyuyut.

Ecological value

To the extent that, when such a power plant is in operation, it is possible to get rid of the rich old Russian boilers, they play a supernaturally negative role in the ecological camp of the region (a large number of boilers), the cleanliness of the air in the city can be increased by an order of magnitude. In addition, the new thermal power plant will give the opportunity to liquidate the blockage of death on the city's tombs.

The new cleaning power allows you to effectively clean the wiki, and the energy efficiency of such a solution appears to be superbly great. So, seeing the energy from burning a ton of oil is identical to what is seen when utilizing two tons of plastic. And what “good” to hit dozens of years ahead of time!

Most of the life of the TEC is broadcasting the victorious copalins, about which we have already spoken more. In the meantime, in the rest of the year, it is planned to create a collection that will be installed in the minds of importantly accessible regions in Krayny Pivnoch. Oskіlki pіdvezennya paliva there is extremely difficult, nuclear energy is the only hope and the only source of energy.

Yakimi stink?

Buvayut TPP (photos of those є at statti) promislovі and "pobutovі", opaluvalnі. It’s hard to guess from the name, the promises of the power plants provide electricity and the warmth of the great industrial enterprises.

Most of the time, they are still at the stage of life at the plant, putting together a single infrastructure with it. Obviously, "pobutovі" raznovidi be built near the sleeping microdistricts of the city. Among the tradesmen, they pass from the sight of a hot bet (no more than 4-5 km), from the times of the slanderers - for the help of hot water (20-30 km).

Vіdomostі about the possession of stations

The main possessions of these industries are turbine units, which convert mechanical energy into electricity, and boilers, which are viable for betting, which wrap the flywheels of generators. To the warehouse of the turbine unit, enter both the turbine and the synchronous generator. Pipes with a pressure of 0.7-1.5 Mn/m2 are to be installed at thermal power stations, which provide heat and energy for industrial facilities. Models w with a pressure of 0.05-0.25 Mn/m2 serve for the safety of butovyh patients.

Food KKD

In principle, all viroblene heat can be vikoristati more. The axis is only a small amount of electricity that is generated at the CHP (deciphering this term you already know), without intermediary deposits in the form of thermal energy. It seems simpler, in the spring-summer period, the vibration may decrease to zero. In this rank, installations with protitisk vikoristovuyutsya only for the supply of trade pressures, in which the magnitude of the contraction is greater or less equal to the length of the tense period.

Condensing units

In this way, for the sake of warm vikoristovuetsya less than the titles of "steam vіdboru", and all the other heat is often just spent, rising from too much middle ground. In order to reduce energy consumption, the CHP is responsible for the minimum heat release into the installation that condenses.

Tue, for the rest of the SRSR there will be such stations, in which the hybrid mode is structurally transferred: stench can work as a primary condensing CHPP, but the turbine generator can easily operate in the anti-pressure mode.

Universal variety

It is not surprising that the very installations with the condensation of bets have gained maximum expansion due to their versatility. So, only stinks give the opportunity to practically independently regulate the electrical and thermal energy. For example, heat demand is not required (in times of especially squalid weather) the population to be provided with electricity for the forward schedule (Zahidna TPP near St. Petersburg).

"Teplovi" various thermal power plants

As you could already understand, the generation of heat at such power plants is irritated by extreme irrationality stretching rock. In an ideal climate, there is close to 50% hot water or a bet to go to heat the coolers, and the heat transfer line is vikorated for the generation of electricity. This is how Pivdenno-Zakhidna TPP works near the Pivnichniy capital.

The release of the heat of the zdebіshogo is consummated for two schemes. As a rule, there is a victorious option, a hot steam from the turbines goes without a hitch to slow down. As soon as the closed circuit of the robot was selected, heat transfer is supplied after the passage of heat exchangers. The choice of the scheme is determined by the rich officials. In Persh Cherga, it is insured for the object that is provided with heat and electricity, the number of people and the season. So, Pivdenno-Zakhidna TPP near St.Petersburg works behind a closed circuit, the shards won't ensure greater efficiency.

Characteristics of the paliva that vicory

You can beat harder, more often, and so, as TPPs will most often be in close proximity to great settlements and places, you often have to beat the bills to see the prices, gas and fuel oil. Zastosuvannya like such a vugillya and smіttya our country is covered with fringes, far from all stations, a modernly efficient air-cleaning unit has been installed.

To clean the windscreen of the installations, special trapping of hard particles is carried out. In order to expand solid particles in the high spheres of the atmosphere, trumpets will blow 200-250 meters. As a rule, all combined heat and power plants (CHPs) stand at the top of the great water supply station (rivers and reservoirs). And for that, there are piece systems that include cooling towers to their warehouse. Straight-through water supply streaks very rarely, in specific minds.

Features of gas stations

Gazov TPP stand apart. The heat supply increases not only for the energy fluctuations that are generated during the spalling, but also during the utilization of the heat of the gases, which they are used for. The CCD of such installations is supervisibly high. In some areas, like thermal power plants, nuclear power plants can be victorious. Tse is especially wider in some Arab countries.

There, these stations play two roles: they supply the population with electricity and industrial water, and the stones are important to win the functions.

Pivdenno-Zakhidna, St. Petersburg

In our country, the popularity of Zahidna TETs, which is near St. Petersburg, is becoming popular. Registered as VAT "Pivdenno-Zakhidna TETs". The everyday life of this daily object was followed by a few functions:

  • Compensation for a strong shortage of thermal energy, which mattered to the intensification of the program of living life.
  • Improving the reliability and energy efficiency of the Russian system in a flash, showing the same aspect of the maw problem St. Petersburg. The TEC allowed the problem to be solved frequently.

And yet, this station is known to us, which, being one of the first in Russia, has become a proof of the greatest environmental vimog. For the new undertaking, the Mishkiy order saw an area of ​​over 20 hectares. On the right, in the place where life was built, a reserve area was introduced, which was left in the view of the Kirovsky district. In quiet parts, there was an old collection of ash from TETs-14, and the region was not an adjunct for everyday living, but it was far from rotting.

The launch was similar to the year 2010, moreover, at the ceremony, practically all the architecture of the place took place. At the same time, two new automatic boiler installations were introduced.


The place of Murmansk is seen as the base of our fleet on the Baltic Sea. Ale wines are characterized by extreme suvoristyu of climatic minds, which impose songs of vimogi on your energy system. It is not surprising that the Murmansk CHPP is rich in why it is a unique technical object to build on the scale of the Ukrainian country.

The bula was put into operation in 1934, and since that time, it has been supplying heat and electricity to the inhabitants of the place. In the meantime, at the first five roki of Murmansk TPP was a great power plant. The first 1150 meters of heating mains were laid over 1939. On the right, in the outskirts of the Nizhnyo-Tulomsky hydroelectric power station, it almost completely cut off the demand for electricity, and then it was possible to use a part of the heat generator to scorch the local houses.

The station is characterized by the fact that the entire river works in a balanced mode, the oskilki are thermal and the “energy” vibrations are approximately equal. In the meantime, in the minds of the polar night, the thermal power plant during the peak moments begins to beat the greater part of the fire itself for the generation of electricity.

Novopolotsk station, Belarus

The design of that life of this object was born in the 1957 year. Nova Novopolotsk CHPP is small enough to supply not only a heat supply, but also electricity to a refinery located in the same area. At Birch 1958, the project was still signed, praised and approved.

Persha black was put into operation in 1966. Another bula launched in 1977 roci. Similarly, Novopolotsk CHPP was first modernized, the peak power was increased to 505 MW, and later the third line of life was laid down, completed in 1982. In 1994 the station was switched to natural gas.

At the moment, about 50 million dollars have already been invested in the modernization of the business. Zavdyaki such significant penny infusions of subsistence not only were completely transferred to gas, but also took away the majesty of an absolutely new possession, as if to allow the station to serve for dozens of years.


It’s not surprising, but on this day, the TPPs themselves have been outdated, which are truly universal and promising stations. Vykoristuyuchi such as neutralizers and filters, you can heat water, burning practically everything smitta, like viroblya population point. With whom one gains a profit:

  • Rozvantazhuyutsya and rozchischayutsya names.
  • The place takes cheap electricity.
  • The problem with scorching is escalating.

In addition, near the coastal areas, there is a real life of thermal power plants, which will immediately be refreshing sea ​​water. Such a countryside is entirely suitable for irrigation, for Tvarinnitsa complexes and industrial enterprises. In a word, the right technology of the future!

CHP is a thermal power plant that generates not only electricity, but also gives heat to our huts. On the butt of the Krasnoyarsk thermal power plant, we marvel at how it works, whether it be a thermal power plant.

Krasnoyarsk has 3 combined heat and power plants, and the total electricity demand is over 1146 MW. On the great photograph you can see 3 dimaries of CHPP-3, the height of the highest of them is 275 meters, the other in height is 180 meters.

The abbreviation CHP itself conveys that the station generates not only electricity, but also heat (hot water, scorching), and the generation of heat can be a greater priority in our country in the harsh winters of the country.

The principle of CHP operation can be simply described in this way.

Everything starts with a fire. The role of fire in various power plants can be played by coal, gas, peat. In our view, there is a bure vugill from the Borodinsky rose cut, cut for 162 km from the station. Bring Vugill by air. Part of it is folded, another part goes by conveyors to the power unit, de same vugіllya podrіbnyuєє to the saw and then go to the combustion chamber - the steam boiler.

The car transfer, for the help of some kind of vugill, hang in the bunkers:

Here vugіllya podrіbnyuєtsya and potraplyає in the furnace:

steam boiler- the whole unit for betting with the pressure of atmospheric water, which can be entered without interruption. Looks like a fire of warmth, which is seen when burning fire. The cauldron itself looked to finish it off in a convoluted way. At the Krasnoyarsk CHPP-3, the height of the boiler is 78 meters (26-surface booths), and it should be over 7000 tons! Boiler productivity - 670 tons per year:

Type of beast:

Namely number of pipes:

Virazno seen boiler drum. The drum is a cylindrical horizontal vessel, which has water and steam volumes, as if they are divided on the surface, called a viparovuvannya mirror:

Chilled flue gas (approximately 130 degrees) exits the furnace into an electric filter. In electric filters, gases are purified from ash and smoke is purified into the atmosphere. Efficient rate of purification of flue gases to become 99.7%.

In the photo you yourself are electric filters:

Passing through the steam superheater, the steam heats up to a temperature of 545 degrees and goes near the turbine, where the turbine generator rotor is tightly wrapped around and, obviously, electricity is generated.

A small CHP is those who stench may be awakened near the end of the camp. Laying of heating mains costs great pennies.

At the Krasnoyarsk CHP-3, a direct-flow water supply system is installed, so the water for cooling the condenser and the condenser from the boiler is taken directly from the Yenisei, and before the winter it is cleaned. After the water has turned, the canal turns back to the Yenisei.


Now trochs about Krasnoyarsk CHPP-3 itself.

The life of the station began in the distant 1981, but, as we have in Russia, it was not possible to prompt the TPP through the crisis. Z 1992 until 2012 the station worked like a boiler house - it heated the water, but the electrician learned how to vibrate only the 1st birch of the past fate. Nearly 560 errors are produced at the CHPP.

Dispatch office:

There are also 4 hot water boilers at Krasnoryaska CHPP-3:

Vіchko in toptsі:

And this photo was taken from the power unit. The pipe is large with a height of 180m, the other one is smaller - the pipe of the starting boiler house:

Before the speech, the most famous dim pipe in the world is located at the power plant in Kazakhstan near the city of Ekibastuz. Її height - 419.7 meters. Tse won:


Use the middle bud_vl_ ZRUE (shut-off roof with SF6 insulation) for 220 kV:

I’ll build a bright look of a rozpodilchogo:

On whom everything. Thanks for the respect.

Interactive addendum "How to practice CHP"

On a small livoruch - power plant "Mosenergo", degenerates electricity and heat for Moscow and the region. How palvo vikoristovuetsya environmentally friendly palvo - natural gas. At the CHPP, gas is supplied by a gas pipeline near the steam boiler. In Kazan, gas burns and heats water.

The gas is better than hot, the boilers have draft mechanisms installed. The boiler is fed again, like oxidizing gas in the combustion process. To reduce the level of noise, the mechanisms are provided with silencers. Smoke gases, which have settled down at the mountain fire, are introduced into the smoke pipe and rise in the atmosphere.

The liquefied gas is channeled through the flue and the water is heated to pass through the special tubes of the boiler. When heated, the water turns into superheated steam, as it comes near the steam turbine. The pair go to the middle of the turbine and start wrapping the turbine blades tied to the generator rotor. The energy of the bet is transformed into mechanical energy. At the generator mechanical energy is converted to electricity, the rotor continues to wrap around, creating a change in the stator windings.

Through a moving transformer and a step-down transformer substation, electricity can be reached by power lines. The steam is pumped into the turbine and goes straight to the condenser, where it turns into water and turns into the boiler. At the thermal power plant, water collapses over the stake. Cooling towers are designed for water cooling. At the CHPP, fans and tower cooling towers are installed. The water at the cooling towers is cooled down by the atmospheric winds. As a result, a couple is seen, yak mi and bachimo over the cooling tower at the sight of a gloom. The water in the cooling towers, under pressure, rises up the hill and falls like a waterfall down into the fore-chamber, the stars come back to the thermal power station. To reduce dripping wine cooling towers are equipped with water catchers.

The water supply is supplied to the Moscow River. At the chemical water treatment plant, water is purified from mechanical houses and goes to the filter group. On some of them, it is prepared to the level of purified water for the life of the heat source, on others - to the level of unsalted water and go to the regeneration of the power units.

The cycle, which is victorious for hot water supply and heating, is also closed. Part of the bet from the steam turbine is direct from the water heater. They gave hot water straight to the heating points, de venting heat exchange with water, which comes from the houses.

The high-class fahivtsy of Mosenergo actively support the process of virobnitsia, providing the majestic metropolis with electricity and heat.

Yak pratsyuє combined cycle power unit

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