- Cause it. - Cause vtomi Yak podolati perevtomu

You can almost describe the lack of energy and motivation (both physical and psychological). We say that after training, an important day or an emotional strain - it’s completely normal, the shards of the body are powerful in spending their energy resources on such activity. As a rule, the problem is overcome in an elementary way - it restores or assists sleep. However, the older we become, the more often we feel like a lemon.

Cause, through yaki, you can winicate a little bit yourself

Almost as if the problem is widened, as it can manifest itself as an independent, so it is a symptom of illness.

Satisfied with the broader reasons for this and so:

  • unbalanced eating (and, as a result, deficiency of vitamins, macroelements and living things);
  • lack of rіdini in the body;
  • lack of sleep;
  • need intensive training;
  • constant stress;
  • caffeine addiction.
  1. Get to sleep

Insufficient sleep and irregular sleep can be the cause of the appearance of a little bit of fatigue, and it can increase the risk of unfortunate depressions and injuries. Based on the recommendations of the Mayo Clinic, a healthy mature person needs 7 to 9 years of sleep in the bovine. We also draw a daytime dream with a stretch of 10-30 strands, although this practice is far from cutaneous. Krim tsyogo, try to lie down and get up at once.

  1. Get Omega 3

Fatty fish (sardini, oseledets, tuna, salmon), for flax and peas - maybe, the best dzherela omega-3 fatty acids, necessary for a healthy body, paint skins, and also fight with a little bit of it. To that snack with peas in working hour- a miraculous way to replenish energy reserves.

  1. Eat Regularly

The mode of eating is not less important for garnogo self-feeling lower sleep mode. Eat regularly, so that the body has taken enough of the amount of food and vitamins to replenish energy reserves: folded in carbohydrates, brown fat and yakіsnі protein you will need every day.

Hello friends! Today we'll talk about those, how to fix that apathy. The symptoms of chronic autonomy are filthy moods, which go from baiduzhist to everything, have low vitality, if you don’t want to do anything, but don’t want to bachiti and chuti. Zanuryuyuchis at the vir vtomi, people step by step spend building wonder and radiate, become baiduim to everything. Obviously, the reason for this is low energy.

Irrespective of those who literally bathe in the ocean of energy, a person is exhausted by spending building victoriousness for the benefit of this extra strength. As if trying to do something about it, a person is led to be active in activity, and even more zanuryuetsya in the ocean of voluptuous apathy. I still don’t know how to forget the lessons of physiology and academician Pavlov, can you remember that best repair zavzhd bula i zavzhd bude zmіna diyalnostі.

Ration of eating and drinking

In the first place, in the fight against apathy, insanely, there is a meal ration. Here the rules for laying are simple and easy for everyone, but the rules are rarely used in practice. The richness of the diet with natural products with the absolute exclusion of all refined products is the worst.

And do not forget that you are also a source of energy, but energy is given like a borg. If you take more, you need less, you can get by with hundreds. Evil licorice that fat hedgehog you can bring relief for a short time to yourself, but for a deyaky hour the body is more stubbornly vimagati a damn dose of doping, step by step tightening at its vicious colo.

It is possible to fight effectively with this in the meantime for the help of a complete natural diet, which is formed by:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • meat;
  • ribi;
  • croup;
  • legumes;
  • Gorikhiv;
  • milk;
  • eggs are green.

In another place, the list of cats must be tired to stand on the floor. But don’t hurry to grab a cup of cavi or a bottle if you don’t want to lean on a black energy trap. Himself Let's get drunk The water is pure, as it is filled with a universal retailer and the lifeblood of life on our planet.

For doba it is necessary to drink less than a liter pure water without gas, cream of other drinks. Krіm vodi podolat vtomogaє svіzhovіdzhaty vezhovіdzhaty or fruit juice, greens and white tea, cocoa.

Sleep yak zasіb vіd tired

The night's sleep lasts no less than 7 years, and it also acts as a helper in the fight against chronic fatigue. For an hour of sleep, the body not only recovers, but rejuvenates and rejuvenates the secretion of the epiphyseal hormone melatonin, which is a blessing for the rest of scientific research, the right elixir of youth, bestowed on people by nature itself.

Aroma and purity

Podolat with bagats to help aromati. Fill the bath with hot water and add aromatic strength to it, so that you can take the opportunity to savor the marvelous magic of aromas, kindness and strength, which is truly boundless.

Before the speech, purity - tse obov'yazkova umova badorostі and zdorov'ya. Regular water procedures are necessary for cleanliness of the body, and part of the routine - for the cleanliness of wardrobe items.

Here you can’t help but guess about such a charming procedure that allows you, ale and in the presence of a bad ailment, which is a guy. Znavtsі stverdzhuyut, scho coming at the steam room to cleanse the body and soul is not warmer, lower meditation.

That sounds

Sounds can become one more miraculous problem in the case of chronic autonomy. There are no universal secrets in this galusi, the skin can and is guilty of growing your own choice. Tse can be a fun hit, a classical melody or a guitar solo.

With wondrous power, the sounds of nature can be haunted. Dosit kіlka khvilin listen to the noise of the waterfall through the headphones, the splashing of the sea breeze or the rustle of the fox, as if you were starting a swede of steps. Do you want to try it?

Be healthy!

Depression is the mental state, which prizhnіchuє our life, zavazhє but by itself that is considered low characteristic symptoms.

Show depression differently:

  1. zanepad mood;
  2. lyudina v_dchuvaє vnutrіshnіy bіl і tіli;
  3. the brain cannot formulate one's own ideas with proper rank;
  4. one thought can upset a person and take root strongly in the head, creating anxiety and restlessness;
  5. a person cannot understand beforehand the pressures of people and those who want to convey to her;
  6. people do not understand the emotions of others;
  7. isolation;
  8. postiyny pessimism;
  9. apathy and loss of sense of life;
  10. distrust of people, readiness to defend themselves in front of people;
  11. a person takes everything in bagnet and drastically;
  12. see those that life is over;
  13. suicidal thoughts;
  14. uniqnennya vіdpovіdalnosti for yourself and your own diї to inspire in other situations;
  15. baiduzhist to the joys of life;
  16. a person calls himself to everything and engages in self-flagellation.

All these symptoms are indicated in such a way that a person can start having problems with poisoning or headaches.

Reasons for appearing

Cause a vindictive depression

  • diet;
  • beaten mode; sleep deprivation;
  • your causal and causeless ochіkuvannya;
  • vіdpovіdalnіst;
  • problem identification;
  • self-flagellation;
  • negative thoughts;
  • condemnation of others;
  • try to change others;
  • try to reach others;
  • respecting oneself with others;
  • seeing yourself among others;
  • pretentiousness to people/speech;
  • staleness according to the result;
  • filthy social colo - uninformed people, energy vampires(about energovampiry report);
  • modeling similar to the future;
  • worrying about speeches, they didn’t begin to speak;
  • broken speeches that don't suit you.

15 brown notices

Let's take a look at 15 breeds of psychologists about how to get out of depression on their own.

1. Take yourself in that station, in which you are at once

I don’t need to unify the filthy one, I’ll fight with him, I’ll lose my self-feeling stronger.

You are fighting and cultivating shkodi to your own self and to your social beginners.

How do you act like an opir to a filthy self-feeling and try to uniquely yogo, it will only help.

You can live її!

Depression is a remarkable manifestation.

Especially for people who are engaged in self-development, practice, do not hang around, for all people and women - this is part of your growth, your way.

I’ll go out so very quickly, like I’ll come.

Tell yourself: Є those who є. Maybe it’s unacceptable, but all the same time and pass! I'm crumbling away.

And then you don’t need any additional help from a psychologist during the hour of depression.

2. Redirect your focus to other activities: for example, do workouts in the gym

Come on, redirect your focus from depression to other activities, like this:

  • physically right;
  • swimming;
  • cycling;
  • more expensive;
  • reading books.

Entirely and completely zanurisya in another busyness, change your focus on the new.

An hour later, the problem, which previously did not give you peace, will be given to you by a dribbling trinket and calling your unmerited respect.

In this way, you close your worries about those, how to get out of depression and believe in yourself.

So an effective breed psychologists share.

3. Chop less for positive emotions, don’t be afraid to waste them

How to understand and to see through:

  • Do not pretend to be ideal in an emotional way. Crying for positive emotions and trying to get rid of them, you grow your inner support to reality and what you see.
  • When you rush the appearance of filthy emotions, these little ones help me to appear.
  • All people on the planet marry for emotions, for the camp- For tim, scho to come and go and it is impermanent. I do not chase after him, which is impermanent.
  • You don't tremtish so much and change your grip on positive emotions, then you yourself will suffer less depression, and you will not feel negative emotions so much.
  • If you are at an emotional peak, just enjoy the positive emotions and see that it is not trivial forever.

Knowing your closing is about those, how to get out of a protracted depression on your own.

4. Go to a social space and meet new people: share your problem and let them help you

Why have that particularity of knowledge:

  1. You don’t go there, but you go and let others help you and help you.
  2. You go there, ready to accept other positive emotions of people through yourself.
  3. You try to focus less on positive people, and on others you don’t give respect and don’t bachish.
  4. If you allow others to positively spit on you, fears, anxiety and all negative emotions will appear.

If you call people to your company and allow them to help you in a positive way, the stench will be felt special by you.

Nutrition about those, how to help people, girls, relatives get out of depression, get drunk, as if the person herself does not want help, she does not ask you about it.

You don’t need to rely on friends and helpers, but just be in order with them.

Just tell people: “The axis is so restless for me, strained with a robot, I feel like such a rank. Please, what can I do in this situation?”.

Such a psychological help in case of depression along the way of communication with loved ones by unknown people cleanse you.

Voice those speeches, as if they were destroying your self-esteem, as if they were fighting and accumulated in your head. Let the mustache come out.

5. Win the meditation technique to improve the energy field and immunity

How to master this technique:

  1. Lie on your back more comfortably, close your eyes.
  2. Focus on your other parts body, neck, shoulders, arms, breasts, quilts, legs. On the skin space of the body, trim the focus for 15 seconds and see the energy that comes out in the middle.
  3. Now spend 100 minutes of energy from the top to the top and back. Listen to your tili, do not hurry.
  4. Now watch your body again as a single goal and see the energy field.
  5. Trim focus on which field for a few seconds.

Learn this technique and know everything about how to get out of depression yourself. Report about those, how to meditate correctly, you can.


  • climb up your energy field;
  • vinikaє vіdchutya tsіlіsnostі and vnutrishnyої povnenostі;
  • ty zmіtsnyuєsh іmunіtet, vіdbuvaієtsya likuvannya.

6. Hang out and add 8 years to sleep, so that a lot of energy appears in the body

Plus garny 8-year-old sleep:

  • If you sleep, you will restore your life energy.
  • You have an internal dialogue.
  • In a dream, you already have no worries, as if you are really turbulent.
  • Alas, there is no memory of the past, and there is no memory of the filthy past, and there is no future.

In order to restore your life energy in sleep, put on a nightly bandage on your eyes. If you don’t shine at all in the dark, the energy after sleep appears much more.

Change your mind, that the windows were patched up with curtains and from the street not to shine the light.

Why is it important to hang out:

  1. If you sleep little, the psyche is more broken.
  2. If a person does not hang out in society, he will be more under the influence of negativity, he will easily gain control over the situation and in front of himself.
  3. Tim himself closes the filthy evidence at the witness, what is done in the people of the city closes that unique negative message.
  4. Pіznіshe tse mozhe vylititsya vnutrishnіy bіl. It’s more important for him to hang out, so that there are less thoughts about those, how to help yourself get out of depression.

7. Don't project the future and save the focus of the past: practice with it what you can do at once

If a person takes the focus of the future, she spends the moment at once and rebuys at quiet obvious projections, like, nayimovirnishche, you won’t be able to.

From the other side, through the projections of the future, there is a gap, a break.

With the present hour, you can always manage, but it’s impossible for the mind to get stuck with the projections of the mind - it’s impossible to get stuck with the future.

Not without reason it seems: "there is food in the world for their need."

Perebuvayte zavzhd at once, schob close nutrition about those, how to get out of deep depression on their own.

8. The key is for those who, having become addicted to life and sipping yoga, are stupid

  • A lot of happy people have already learned that life is stupid.
    You are not the only unique person who has come to you. You are not special!
  • It’s just that happy people have robbed themselves of being happy with only one mind at their heads: “Life is stupid! Haha! Well, good! Continue to have fun and roar far away! ”
  • Life has become stupid for you? Well, rob God's words, reach for new heights. You can also report on passion and motivation in life.
  • Start May in life, know what you want in life. Otherwise, all the world does not give you energy, even if there is no desire in you, and you do not want to realize anything.
  • People with great goals always have a lot of passion, energy and motivation.

Do not rob yourself with a special sacrifice, try to collapse far away and don’t worry anymore about those, how to get out of depression on your own, if there is nothing to work.

9. Know what is wrong with the negative, train your mind, reflexively turn the problem over for fun

Ask yourself: What are the problems, how can I know the situation in my situation?

Worry more, like you are given at the first glance by a change.

Let's look at an example.

  • I have less zhalyugidna depression, and sometimes I don’t have a dahu above my head and nothing. I live well.
  • I live in the minds of others, I have all the modern conveniences, the Internet, light, hot cold water. That I am the best person.
  • I have a healthier body, and I'm sorry for life. Adzhe є people without nіg i stink are more happy.

Learn to turn over whether the problem is hot and fun, and by the same token you close your diet about those, how to get out of the depression of an independent woman or a person.

Everything that you perceive negatively can always be viewed in a positive way. Train your mind to reflexively turn over whether the problem is hot and fun.

Yak tse vprovaditi

  1. Laugh at yourself.
  2. Vmіy laugh at that, like you screwed up.
  3. Laugh at the fact that you are trying to win the role of the sufferer.
  4. Vchisya know the advantages of navit in the negative.

Enter your awareness and don't worry about those, how to quickly get out of depression.

10. Get out of the house more often and breathe fresh air

Why is it important to dihati fresh poitryam and get out over the door:

  1. improving immunity;
  2. relaxation and calm for the nerves;
  3. Vіn spryає garny sleep;
  4. become more bloody;
  5. hurry up the exchange of speeches at the body;
  6. long walks increase appetite;
  7. the pores open up, a positive splash on the shkir.

More often than not, we need more walks, sit untroubledly in one place.

If your child is too busy to sit at home, then it’s not surprising that the filthy self-feeling is out there. Remember that you need to breathe fresh air more often, and don’t ask more about those, how to help your daughter or get out of depression.

11. What did the wise Taoists foresee: the camp of “unbreakable”

  1. Reveal such an hour of your inactivity in the midst of activity: if you are actively trying to do your job, then you score on everything. Show yourself such a camp, if you don’t want to work: don’t chat with friends, don’t go anywhere - neither to work, nor to study.
  2. I will not be obov'azkovo vilaziti for this. I don’t want to work anything, which means I don’t need to work anything. You no longer need additional help with depression, if you just dorimueshsya tsikh points.
  3. You just get to know each other. You do not try to make yourself happy in your own life. For example, you don't need to get stuck in computer games.
  4. You also go to the soul from the wound, sleep well, go where to go for a walk, ale tse not є roblenyam chogos navmisne in order to take care of.
  5. How in the future you begin to work and learn: The axis is yours and tsya meta, as far as you want to bend in the middle", then you can try it.
  6. How do you feel we'll squeeze it with you, then not your option.

Tse is such a watchful sleeper. You fall at the price of indestructibility and simply marvel at yourself. Remember about it and know everything about those, how to get out of severe depression on your own.

12. Work in the opposite direction and in the opposite direction to the fact that depression seems to work for you

How to stop at life

  1. As if you’ve thrown yourself over and thought: “I, sing-song, will be left lying in bed all day,” then now you’re all safe!
  2. You do not listen to depression, otherwise you will have power over you.
  3. I call on you, now, to phone your friends, or go back to nature.
  4. It sounded like it sounded like it didn’t want to be cured, it’s necessary to make yourself vibrate from home.
  5. Maybe you'll have a wonderful hour! Who know? But you don’t know in any way, if you don’t kinesh viklik, I’ll become. Otzhe, you will not be more worried about those, and apathy.

Seek out these rules and remember them.

Following them, for example, the woman wrote about the gradual closure of the diet about those how to get out of the mental depression on their own. Abo cholovik pidbadyoritsya and know yourself.

How does it work

  • As soon as depression appears, you will only cheer, She will become stronger and stronger for you. As you continue to hear that voice, you will feel everything louder and louder. What do you need?
  • Therefore, start working on positive speeches, so that we are preparing for a positive result!
    For example, if you continue to work in negative speech, it will be a bad check for a positive result.

Remembering about you, you know everything about those, how to help people get out of depression.

13. Never ask for pity in others

You say, what's wrong with you? Could be hotter!

Don't lie to yourself and don't screw up.

Diy! Dominate!

You do not need additional help from a psychiatrist for the hour of depression.

Diy himself unwilling to attack!

Push more!

See it on the road, children are getting stronger, lower at the same time.

14. Do not encourage yourself in malt: especially those who have previously been on a diet

it is especially necessary to work for those who are on a diet and for all their own minds.

Under the hour of humiliation, I will become nothing nasty in pampering myself with licorice.

Diet negatively affects the camp.

Indulge yourself with savory and malt fruits, as you crave and want.

Tim himself piks to himself, giving a contrast to the taste buds.

You see the taste of life.

If you think about those, how to help a person get out of depression or your squad, treat the person with licorice.

For example, what I like to pamper myself:

  • repeated chocolate;
  • bananas;
  • yogurt;
  • savory cupcakes;
  • cakes;
  • long loaf with condensed milk.

15. Citizenship is necessary doty, docks we do not know that we do not need stench anymore

  1. The situation is different in that the people themselves are in difficult circumstances may have more chances to start taking care of yourself.
  2. In the most emotional situations, people can tell a joke: search for yourself that znakhodzhennya sensu in the sufferers of that life. As a rule, the most profoundly condemned people begin to take care of themselves.
  3. You, who is doing well better for everything, you don’t want to put food on your well-being with your thoughts. “Navіscho ruin those who bring satisfaction?” - Mimovoli z'yavlyaetsya in the mind of a person.
  4. Suffering is necessary, shards of stench create minds, such people cannot have more. Then the people begin to bigti, break in, shukati the ways of the rozvyazannya.
  5. Deyakі vіdkryvayut new world, a new self and change your life. Deyakі vanish at the satisfaction of various kinds of fallows.
  6. Nothing helps us to grow like suffering and fears.
  7. Citizenship is necessary Until we see that we don't need any more stink. Remember about tse, and you close your food about those, how to stay out of depression.

Wise words

Quote from one person.

“Having spent a few months between life and death, I remember how, with a smile on the faces, passing through the streets of the city and at least a moment, I could say the words: “I give you all suffering,” bіl that suffering is for us and in such a way svіlnitissya among them.

The year of my setting to the difficult life of others has become less.

I stopped being afraid that someone is suffering.

Rozumіyuchi that great value, scho carried bіl, rozcharuvannya that suffering, I give people vodchuvatse and direct yogo vglib tsikh suffering (to dzherel), as I may have such a possibility.

Looking at my life, I can say that I am happy with our ailments, shock camps, experiences and “failures” that were in me.

The stench itself helped me the most.”

On whom everything. Now you know everything about those who come out of depression on their own.

That is our price for freedom, psychologist Alain Erenberg explains at the book “Be yourself then”. We help you to get millions of rights, we are roamed by robots, telephone rings, electronic sheets, family rights and other bindings. We ourselves kill ourselves.

Toma is a kind of zahisna reaction, a way for the body to protect us from a crazy life. Vіn does not give us a bunch of new certificates. Also, this can be viewed in a positive context.

At the same time, it is necessary to analyze it with a glance of psychology, medicine and sociology.

1. Professional automata

“We call not the one who works the most, gets the most,” explains sociologist Mark Lauriol, author of the book “An Hour in the Tommy”. On the vіdchutya vіd vіd robots infuse zatsіkavlenіnі nіy, її svіdomіst, vyznannya your merits, zahochennya from the side of the authorities and other factors.

You care what you need to do for the sake of honoring your colleagues, your boss and your clients, and if you don’t care about anything, you don’t want to show initiative. The second one praises the result itself, and it’s not against pratsyuvati more and more beautifully for the sake of it.

Even though your robot does not have a variety of differences, you are more likely to suffer in the form of negative emotions, as if you are accepted as if you were. And if all yours can’t help vikonati through marriage, it’s an hour, a little helpless, that you’re hoarse, you can make it possible to look out of your mind.

Yak overcome

Are you ready to change the job? Then you can try to know the sense there, de yoga you can’t, otherwise you should look like a happy Sizif.

Colleagues chi chief do not show emotions about your work? Repair rose first. Strengthen your role, for example, at the laying of the great please. Abo explain why you don’t get an hour, or resources for singing tasks. Possibly, kerіvnitstvo zovsіm not against seeing you a helper.

2. Emotional vtom

“Winter is a traditional hour in the winter: a lack of vitamins, sleepy light, cold - everything is bad for people. Steps and emotions: you feel not on high, you don’t achieve anything, you are dissatisfied with yourself and the world, you care that you don’t see anything, step by step you become bored. And the list of planned inquiries is growing, helping the whole camp,” psychologist Violena Gerito describes the emotion.

Yak overcome

Patience has that vitrivality є mezhі. You need to choose not for that, but for positive emotions. First, try to find out that you have been calling on yourself too much. Think about what you can do to transfer to the next month or hand it over. You won’t be aware that you’ve been working on your goiter, and also, you won’t feel sorry for those who haven’t caught up.

Do not look too rich and do not raise the bar too high. Come home, you won’t be in perfect order, let you miss three lessons with the instructor and didn’t go on a diet. Be kind to yourself during this difficult period. Ale navіt yakscho vy languished over the world, repair the opіr bazhanny, lay down under the carpet. Selfishness is less powerful for this emotion. Collaborate and go out to the world to relieve your nerve tension.

3. Hormonal vtom

“For a few days before the end of the cycle, women become aware of this specificity,” explains gynecologist-endocrinologist Claire Briquet. - Sound її vyklikає disruption of spіvіdnoshennia between estrogen and progesterone, two female hormones. Tsej zbіy viklikaє dratіvlіvі that slump of forces. Under the hour of menstruation, there is a sharp decrease in the number of hormones, which leads to the second type of pregnancy: a lot. In addition, it is strong to cause bleeding to the physical level through the absence of a leak, but weaken the bottom of the abdomen nervous system. In a more mature person, a decrease in estrogen is also provocative because it is not exhaustive.

Yak overcome

If you have recognized these symptoms or have shown a connection with the song period of the cycle, discuss it with the doctor. Possibly, it is possible to recognize the analysis and type of hormonal preparations.

4. Kharchova vtom

“You can also call out to see the fall of strength,” Jacques Fricke adds fahivets from food. - If you eat shvidki in carbohydrates (pechivo, white bread, zukerki) increase rhubarb tsukra in the blood and suffocate the pidslunkovu zloza viroblyat large doses of insulin, to reduce yogo rіven. It is not necessary to bring up hypoglycemia - a decrease in the level of blood sugar, - which accompanies the apparent malaise.

The next critical period - after three hours and a half a year after that, it was as if she was fat and important. Such a hedgehog can be over-etched properly and will require a great amount of energy. Until then large number fat in the blood increases the pressure on the liver. In the future, unbalanced eating leads to avitaminosis and deficiency of magnesium, as if it were a nerve disorder.

Yak overcome

Eat 3-4 here a day. Vranci give plenty of carbohydrates (bread from visivka, fruit, porcini). The stench will give the body a boost of energy. At the same time, in the evening, put on a white vegetable and vegetables. Try not to have a bite to eat and not to wrap your zhu on the go. First of all, drink water to help your body cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.

5. Physical volume

“However, you see m'yazov that after a whole day on your feet, or you fall without strength, just having lost 15 hvilin from basketball from the blue, - tse anxiety symptoms”, says Stefan Kashua, author of the book “What is a healthy sport for health?”. The body signals that your physical form is far from optimal. “Regular sports activities without frivolous pretensions will help you better. The stench promotes vibrancy and stimulates the release of endorphins,” - blatant fahivets.

Yak overcome

The simplest exercises to learn are walking, cycling, swimming. In order to take the maximum of cordiality, you need to step into the rhythm step by step. As long as your life has not had sports for a long time, there is a sense of rozpochat from regular walks at a swedish pace.

6. Vtom through the wrong dream

“In order to remember, the brain needs a new (approximately second) phase of deep and paradoxical sleep,” Stefan Kashua explains. - The phase of deep sleep is necessary in order to collect information for the day and put it in order. When the phase is broken, the ability of memory is reduced, it becomes easy for you to look at something.”

The paradoxical phase (that's the phase of dreams) helps to turn back to your own strength. Like a person to spare її, she will end her days in a clinic for the mentally ill. Noise, softly and softly, and other sounds call out micro-awakening, as a result, one phase changes differently for you and the cycle is not completed. As a result, you are thrown off for a little bit. Tsei camp is well known to young mothers, like a few times for nothing they get up before the new people.

Yak overcome

If you have a little child, then through a lack of sleep I will be able to calm down for some hour. Reshti vipadkiv needs diyati. Take care of your partner’s pleasure, improve the sound insulation of walls and windows, replace the mattress with a bigger one. Podbayte, so that nothing disturbs your full sleep.

The symptoms of a chronic one are known to be rich: swedish drowsiness, forgetfulness, nervousness, drowsiness from an early wound, and over the evening became an autopilot and nightly sleeplessness.

Why I will become impersonal:

Not enough trivaly or restless dream,
- accumulation of stress,
- rewind,
- avitaminosis and wrong eating,
- acceptance of acts medicinal preparations(for example, antiallergic),
- practically be like an ailment that runs like a cold (induces a severe cold), and in a prihovany form.

One single reason can be left unmarked for a long time, and a few reasons in a complex can turn life into an important burden.

Sometimes at the root of all problems lie serious health problems:

Endocrine disease (ailments of the thyroid gland, epidermal infections),
- ailments of the cardiovascular system and blood (atherosclerosis, hypertensive and hypotensive ailments, anemia),
- infectious disease (tuberculosis, chlamydia, chronic viral infections), helminthic invasion,
- chubby brain disease,
- ailments of the nervous system and various functional disorders (vegetative-sudal dystonia, neurosis, depression),
- Obesity.

But most often it’s not about the threat of illness, but about the functional disorder.

As a result of biochemical processes, the life products of clitin, toxins, non-perfect urination of molecules, products of lipid peroxidation, galvanic neurotransmitters begin to accumulate, thus improving the speed of the passage of the nerve impulse into the brain and back. The legacy is a loss of memory, a decrease in spriynyattya, mlyavist, povolnist.

In the aftermath of this, we suffer from damage and immunity: all chronic ailments appear, often due to a cold or something else.

For obstezhennya, you need to spend an hour and a penny, sign up for an appointment and get your own bills.

While you are planning your visit to fakhivtsya, try to change your self-tightening. Possibly, your mood is not so important, and you won’t need any medical equipment.

1. Daily routine

As if we were not stressing your schedule, suvoro appoint an hour for pidyom, vіdboyu, go. Find at your place an hour for sleep, a stable order to allow the body to adapt more easily to the pressure of that lack of sleep.

2. Cold shower

The best thing you can give to your body before the funeral. Water procedures normalize the work of the heart-vascular system, speed up the exchange of speech.

If you work at home, then don’t worry about anything, like a shower for a stretch of the day. Dream that vtom like a hand znіme.

Those same stosuєtsya and evening exercise. If we don’t have enough strength already, and the kokhani sees you off with a humble look, take a cold shower, douse your feet with brown water.

And, it is possible, not to be brought to the wall and to be really unacceptable on the job, or a migraine.

3. Physical education

Do not hurry to put a cross at this point. Navit 5-10 good warm-up for the beginning of the day to give you strength, so that you will be regular.

Let it go and it’s important, but for additional charging you will improve blood flow, the tone of the vessels, the rest is thrown and charged with positive emotions.

I give special respect to the neck part of the ridge. To bring on osteochondrosis to the permanent contraction of the main vessels, to revive the head brain.

For yoga prevention, turn your head to the right and to the left, pulling it uphill, trying to lift your head, and then pull it in your shoulders, reach your chest up to your chest, and then gently heal your head back.

It doesn’t take time - just stretch, then, breathe deeply, sit on the horizontal bar, build a couple of nachiliv.

4. Shkidlivі zvichki

Chicken, alcohol and here you can’t stop. Cigarettes and alcoholic drinks, apparently, call for a spasm of the vessels, including the brain, to give rise to atherosclerosis.

Therefore, in the case of those who are far from brown "outer worlds", they should be categorically considered.

5. Optimize your diet

Try not to overdo it. After the transfer, the burden of sleep is a physiological need. Everyone can see that it is necessary to get up at the table hungry.

If you end up giving birth and fresh fruits and vegetables disappear on the shelves, increase your diet by the piece: take dietary supplements, polyvitamins, mineral supplements.

For the fight against this second color preparations, which are zinc, selenium, saline, magnesium, vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E.

The women are sick until they bleed during the first hour of menstruation, as a result of which anemia often develops.

Sometimes the only manifestation of anemia is post-mortem.

For the prevention of undercrowding, white mushrooms, liver and nirk, peaches, apricots, parsley, potatoes, eggs, life bread, buckwheat - produce, bagatі on zalizo.

Try to eat meat with seafood rich in iodine, selenium, magnesium and zinc.

Dzherelom rich in mineral resources and fermented milk products.

Do not be ill with diets, especially during the hour after the illness of the month. In qi period, the body needs a lot of living speech, vitamins and microelements for active work.

6. Stitch behind the vaga

Obesity brings a lot of inconsistencies, inaccuracies and complexes. Ale, krіm tsgogo, it pours in and on the development of chronic automy.

In people from the vagary, endocrinitis is most often blamed for that heart-sudinal disease, after which the stench is less stagnant to navantage, more somlyuyutsya.

Obesity can lead to the development of nighttime sleep syndrome or apnea syndrome (like walnut "breathlessness") higher sleep.

At every hour of sleep, a person is blamed for episodes of fluttering, and the head brain suffers from hypoxia (non-sickness).

As a result - a filthy sleep, a rankova vtom, stomluvanity, daytime drowsiness.

7. Phytotherapy

You can add strength and vigor to the infusion of infusions, varieties and syrups of such roses: hop cones, fruits of hunger, herbs, St. John's wort, sunnitsa, horsetail, plantain, wood, ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, Chinese magnolia vine, rhodio in.

It helps to increase resistance to stress, sickness (stimulate the immune system), activate the nervous system, it is better to take it in the first half of the day.

On the night, it’s best to win the tea from various calm gatherings, to take revenge on valerian, mint, mother, dog-drop and other. So how the stench will help normalize the night's sleep, wake up anxiety and anxiety.

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