Presentation "Pre-school preparation of children. The onset of pre-school and post-primary education."

Software security

Center for the development of children - children's kindergarten No. 13 "Golden Key" metro station Salsk Kerivnik MDOU - Parasotska O.V.


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Philosophy of nutrition

The father himself is responsible for the education and education of children, and all other social institutions support, guide, and supplement their spiritual activity (I.P. Arnautova, T.A. Kulikova) ta inshi).

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Severity of the problem

fathers or shift the preparation of children before school entirely to the kindergarten;

because they don’t trust the teachers of the Children’s Health Sciences and try to solve this problem on their own.

Thus, there are differences in the mutual role of the kindergarten and the family in the implementation of a single goal - preparing the child for school.

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Organization of management activities aimed at creating space for mutual interaction between teachers and fathers in the aspect of pre-school preparation of recruits

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Monitor the child's readiness before starting school. Develop a model of interaction between teachers and parents in the aspect of pre-school preparation of students.

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Family and preschool education are of paramount importance for the socialization of a preschooler, the formation of this individual and preparation before starting school.

Teachers and teachers of the DHS will work in an integrative interaction and coordination that will be based on: the installation of reliable drains with fathers;

revealing to the fathers unknown stories and knowledge about the powerful child;

careful input of teachers and fathers on the problem of sleep with children;

organization of dormitory investigation and development of the characteristics of the child at home and in the nursery;

ensuring the child's sexual readiness before starting school

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Monitoring fathers' statements about their children's readiness before starting school

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Components of the model interact with batteries

Tsіlovy Structural-organizational deputy effective

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Whole component of the interaction model

Creation of optimal minds in interaction with fathers, in the aspect of pre-school preparation of graduates, based on the integration of teachers and fakhivts

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Structural and organizational component of the interaction model

Teacher-psychologist Kerivnik MDOU Instructor with full-time qualification

Nurse Fathers, whose children form part of the pre-school training group Teacher-speech therapist

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Structural and organizational component of the model of orientation towards:

Research and testing of organizational forms of interaction between teachers and specialists of the DHS with fathers, in the aspect of pre-school preparation of convalescents

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Structural and organizational component of the model of orientation towards:

Forms of spіvrobitnitstva

Individual consultations Fatherland newspaper Fatherland trainings Thematic consultations “Hotline” Fatherland evenings Fatherland rings Test classes Forum

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Batkivska newspaper column

“Getting ready for school” - includes materials from preparing a child before school in the family’s minds, lighting installations (children’s kindergarten, development group at school, pre-school lighting).

The main focus is on materials for the development of content, communication, decentralization, and reflection.

There is also a large block of materials directed at the creation of the next future: what school lighting programs are and how to implement them;

how to rob a school, readers;

How school adjustment will be necessary in the first place;

This is what a child's middle mind looks like when walking to school.

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Testing room for fathers

“Golden Pelican”, based on the results of which Father attribute its competence in the nutritional preparation of children before school.

Three (smallest) nominations are being transferred.

For example, "Maizhe Doka", "Doka", "Super Doka".

The testing mode is interactive.

A powerful and official, serious option for verifying competence (through the identified knowledge and ability to overcome pedagogical problems and situations)

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The initial-methodological set INCLUDES mutually interconnected AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE: development of language (primary concepts about language, literature, creative arts, music, mathematics, social media);

navkolishniy svit i yogo vivcheniya (subject and natural navkolishniy svit i yogo vivcheniya, OBZh);

the world of artistic culture (imaginative and applied arts, music, theatrical scenes);

the basics of physical culture (sports activities and games, plasticity and rhythm of role-playing games).

Through the efforts of all the people in the set, a ONE CENTER is created, which flares up like a didactic CHARMING KAZAKE.

METHODOLOGICAL APPARATUS UMK “Pre-school of the new generation” together with the text of the tale ACTUAL FORM: direct respect;

“Programs for improving the competence of fathers and teachers regarding the problem of school readiness”, “Pedagogical diagnostics of children’s readiness before school for fathers”, “Pedagogical assessment of readiness before school” etc.

The plan is the “Friendship” program.

Stage 2 of practical orientations Promotion of fragmented projects in interaction with fathers, their correction.

Through the efforts of all the people in the set, a ONE CENTER is created, which flares up like a didactic CHARMING KAZAKE.

Development of tests to verify the pedagogical competence of fathers and teachers.

Various forms, instead of mutual interaction (for different minds of the course of the enlightening process) between teachers and fathers, preschool and school teachers are revealed.

Tests to verify the pedagogical competence of fathers and teachers.

The plan is the “Friendship” program.

Roboti form

Through the efforts of all the people in the set, a ONE CENTER is created, which flares up like a didactic CHARMING KAZAKE.

Newspaper Training Ring Forum ta in.

Stage 3: effective-reflective Critical self-analysis of professional activity to achieve results;

Fitting pouches, identifying colleges and adjusting programs for interaction with fathers

Improvement of the level of pedagogical reflection and efforts to self-illumination among fathers and teachers

Effective component of the model

Submitted by diagnostic methods, which indicate: the level of readiness of children before systematic enrollment in school;

pedagogical competence of teachers and fathers in the aspect of readiness and adaptation of children before starting school

For example, "Maizhe Doka", "Doka", "Super Doka".


Increasing the level of readiness of children before systematically attending school;

Improving the pedagogical competence of teachers and fathers in the aspect of readiness and adaptation of children to school;

creation of a positive “image of the nearest future” for the happy entry of fathers and children into the world of school;

The importance of effective forms and the replacement of mutual interaction between teachers and fathers;

Improvement of the level of pedagogical reflection and efforts to self-illumination among fathers and teachers

Analysis of surveillance and intelligence work

Let's bring the pouches.

Let your ancestors multiply

"Pre-school preparation program"

More details on the website

From the level of preschool education lies the success of a child’s life.

Pre-school education occupies third place (after high school and cob) behind the level of importance.

Improvement in children's health

The motivation of the “little girl” was immature before the beginning

Data on hygiene and health protection of children and children: compared with the 1980s of hundreds of children of the 6th century, not ready for systematic training, increasing in 5 times.

18.5% of six-year-olds are “mature”, over 49% are “intermediate”, and 32.2% are immature before functional readiness.

Advantages of preschool education programs for preserving the health and emotional well-being of children


At the age of five, children develop a singing development that cannot be lost in another age.

If this development is not retracted, then in the future the child is unlikely to be successful in her career.”

Meta of pre-school preparation

What is “Pre-school preparation”?

Goals, goals, specialties.

The main goal of pre-school preparation is to verify the starting abilities of future schoolchildren, so that they do not develop stress, complexes, or a sense of humiliation, which can prevent them from facing all future fates.

Pre-school education

This is a system of processes of mutual interaction between people, which will ensure, on the one hand, the development of the individual’s abilities, and on the other, their entry into marriage (socialization).

Goals of pre-school education

Social meta – ensuring the possibility of a unified start for sixth-grade first-graders;

pedagogical meta - development of the specialness of a child in the senior preschool age, shaping its readiness to systematic learning.

Pre-school lighting department

Organization of the process of initiation, training and development of children at the stage of pre-school education to meet the needs and abilities of children of this century;

choosing a place to educate children before pre-school education to ensure the preservation of self-worth during this period of development, in addition to duplicating education in the first grade of school;

L. S. Vigotsky: in the other half of the preschool age, the child is already psychologically ready, if not for school, then ready for “everyday activity.”

The Science of Pre-Kindergarten Readiness

A. A. Leontiev: From five to seven days, say, the “virtuation” of health reserves is taking place.

Golovne - in the emergence of special new creations, such as awakening, fascination with one’s emotions, scientifically-figurative thoughts (formed in the right full-fledged game).

Thus, the child’s readiness before school conveys the development of the child’s activity system (choosing costs, methods, putting oneself at risk and asking for them);

broadening one’s horizons and stimulating cognitive activity;

formation of contentment and freedom of behavior;

independence, to serve oneself, to interact with the same-year-olds and adults.

D. B. Elkonin: “The readiness of a child before starting school is determined by four lines of development: line 1 – formation of sufficient behavior;

2nd line - cognitive activity (voluptuousness in ways and forms);

3rd line – transition from egocentrism to decentration;

4th line – motivational readiness.”

Why and how to start preschool children.


Consider the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children who are ready to start school;

These are the basics of organizing successful education and training of preschoolers and young schoolchildren;

Development of figurative thinking, revealing creativity, the foundations of verbal and logical thinking, enrichment with the methods of cognitive activity (identification, analysis, classification, enumeration, schematization, modeling);

my own language and the main forms of language (dialogue, monologue);

elements of initial activity in the middle of other specifically child-specific types of activity (design, painting, molding, various games)

Blame of decentralization

Intellectual readiness.

Blame of decentralization (the shape of another person’s position when analyzing the situation);

vision of knowledge from the outside context of activity, awareness and identification of methods of development, planning and control;

Children are aware of the world of people, speeches, nature.

Material from the site

Pre-school preparation - Presentation 8693

“By nature, a child is a meticulous follower, a champion of the world

So let a miraculous light appear before him from living farbs, from bright and tremulous sounds, from art, from grace, from powerful creativity, from beauty.

Through a fairy tale, a story, through a child’s unique creativity, the right road to the child’s heart.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Pre-school preparation as the first stage of continuous education

Presentation by the teacher of the cob classes of Municipal Educational Institution Zosh No. 2 villages.

Redkino Lyapunovy N. A.

The Concept of the Federal Purpose Program has the development of information

2006-2010 The following is the meaning: “Pre-school education” - the education of children in the senior preschool age with the method of ensuring equal opportunities for further education in primary school.



The fertilization is aimed at directly concluding the initial actions, forming willow bones in itself.

7. Development of communication skills 8. Formation of basic skills 9. Development of child’s fine motor skills and hand-hand coordination, ability to navigate space and time.

The main areas of pre-school preparation

Accessibility - Pre-school preparation is intended for children of any level of readiness for school.

Versatility - Preparation is carried out in such ways as are most suitable for the formation of this group of preschool children.


a positive emotional assessment of any educational achievement from the side of the conducting group, so that the success of the boys is experienced by them as joy;

Straightness - does not deal with the complex development of the child, but forms the components necessary for the further initial activity of the child on the basis of the already formed game.

Discretion - Teachers of various specializations and programs take part in pre-school preparation.

Volunteerism – Before group preparation, all children and fathers (or the individuals who replace them) gave the year for preparation.

Relevance is the result of the current achievements of science, the current response to changes in social norms, lighting standards, and monitoring indicators. 1. Basic course of mathematics and logic 2. Development of language and literacy 3. Awareness of the extra world

Directly borrow

Sensory development - development of language - development of psychological processes - development of mathematical phenomena - development of motor skills, social development - physical development - aesthetic development

pre-school preparation – adaptation of children to the beginning and creation of minds to verify the starting abilities of children from different social groups and beliefs of the population.

The attention of pre-school groups is dictated by the capabilities of the lyceum, the needs of fathers and students.

Lyceum No. 82 in Kamenolomni Zhovtnevoy district of the Rostov region has an innovative facility that has such potential.

We have chosen our program “Gatherings before school”, where at the first stage teachers and the administration of the lyceum are holding Fatherland gatherings in the kindergartens “Zirenka” and “Kazka”, where they advertise the installation, teachers, innovations, the squishy well-fed fathers.

Then we ask you to go to the lyceum on the Day of Open Doors, so that fathers and children can go to school and learn about the additional lighting.

  • At the next stage, developmental activities for preschoolers begin.
  • The most important tasks of pre-school education are ensured with special development.
  • The basis for organizing the learning process is the following principles of working with children:
  • A selection of methods to activate the mind, recognizing the sound activity of children.
  • Introducing the elements of the problem, the task of the open type, there may be different solutions;
  • A safe child has the ability to focus on a one-year-old partner, interact with him and learn from him (and not just from an adult);
  • Formation of a children's team that will ensure the child's comfort and success in various forms of organization, which include various specific children's types of activities;

Carefully interact with the everyday lives of children, their independent activities (games, art, etc.);

Safeguarding the oral activity of children in various forms;.

Wide range of gaming techniques, toys;

creation of emotionally significant children by the situation.

I encourage your respect to take part in a series of presentations on the program “Gatherings before school”.

Activities and presentations

Physical fitness - Presentation 29182-15

Preparation before school

Engage in the development of elementary mathematical concepts.

Methodical apparatus of the educational complex "Pre-school of the new generation".

“Preparation before school” - Mayday’s “first graders” became familiar with the schedule and routine of the day.

Intellectual readiness.

Preparing children for school.

“Being prepared before school does not mean reading, writing, and saving.

The child uptake rate reached 81%.

Communicative readiness.

Rozvitok mov and mislennya Navchannya literacy and hand placement Mathematics.

“Children go to school” - Names of family members.

Teacher at the school.

Obsyag know ditini.

Dumkov's readiness.

It’s hard to get a grip on the bazaar.

creation of emotionally significant children by the situation.

Criteria for readiness before school.

An authoritative person.

Know the truth.

Psychological readiness.

Moral readiness.


Recommendations for dads.


Development of logical thinking.

“Pre-school preparation of children” - Kriza 7 rocks.

Let's get ready for school.

Monitoring the manifestations of fathers.

Substitute component of the model.

Organization of management activities.

Monitoring the manifestations of fathers to ensure the readiness of the child before starting school.

Model of interaction with fathers.

“Pre-school preparation of children” - Psychological and psychophysiological features.

Goals of pre-school education.


Criteria for lighting quality.

creation of emotionally significant children by the situation.

Physical readiness.

Health and physical development.

Features of children.

Pre-school education.

Special readiness.

Social development.

Pre-school education department.

“Interaction between school and kindergarten” - Piznavalna activity.

The system for the robots of the children's kindergarten and school.

Preparing children for school is one of the pressing problems.

Engage in the development of elementary mathematical concepts.

Model of implementation of spivpratsi children's kindergarten and school.

“The relationship between the school and the kindergarten” - The relationship between the school and the kindergarten.

Educational and training complex "Pre-school of the new generation".

A graduate is a person who is at the center of the drainage system.

The system of the robots of the children's kindergarten and school.

Organization of initial activities during mathematics lessons.

A bunch of people are busy.

creation of emotionally significant children by the situation.

Cognitive activity.

“Pre-school preparation of children” - Singing development.

Rozvitok mov and movnogo spіlkuvannya.

Kriza 7 rocks.

Features of pre-school education.

Pre-school preparation of children.

Criteria for lighting quality.

Aesthetic development.

Value and development of emotional-positive attitude.

Argumenti against.

Special readiness.

Physical readiness.

Goals of pre-school education - Presentation 29182-8

"Preparation before school" - Communicative readiness.

Psychological readiness.

“Preparing preschoolers for school” - Preparing children for school.

A rush of anxiety.

The principle of natural conformity.


Sense of human life.

School start.

Start a youth.


Particularly oriented principle.

Form a lesson: 32 activities per week (1 time per week);

It's a trifle to take (25 times);

people in the subgroup are 6-7 years old.

Form control: Testing method.