Improved qualifications of auditors.

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We kindly ask you to participate in the All-Russian competition - “The Best in the Profession”

The organizer of the competition is the Association "NP International Institute of Accountants and Auditors".

All practicing accountants, auditors, financial and tax service workers, depositors, and final year students majoring in “Accounting” can take part in the competition.

About introducing changes to the Federal Law “On Accounting Form” and beyond legislative acts

Federal Law dated July 26, 2019 No. 247-FZ "On introducing changes to the Federal Law "On Accounting" and the legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of regulating the accounting of organizations in the budgetary sector...

At the place of Pyatigorsk from 20 to 23 Chernya 2019 The All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Audit and sovereign financial visibility (control): what’s next?”

11-15 August 2019 There will be a XIX INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE, the theme of the conference: “Current developments in auditing, accounting, filing, government financial control (at a glance): daily news, vector development, solutions"

The Council of Professional Qualifications of the Financial Market, by Protocol No. 2 of 6 February 2019, confirmed the size of the reduction in professional qualifications for low categories of applicants: students, disabled children, and that...

New edition of the professional standard “Accountant”

A new edition of the professional standard “Accountant”, prepared by a group of specialists from the SEC FR, was approved by the order of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 103n on February 21, 2019, registered by M Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Podiaka Skobara V.V.

In the name of the Organizing Committee of the St. Petersburg International Forum of Pratsi - Deputy Skobar V.V.

Resolution of the round table: Preparation of practitioners of the economy of the XXI century.

Models of interaction between average initial deposits and robot sellers.

Practices, pitfalls, problems.

What are the main problems of training workers for the economy of the 21st century...

Within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Forum, the convention and exhibition center “ExpoForum” held a round table “Preparation of practitioners for the economy of the 21st century.”

Models of interaction between the average initial lighting deposits with...

Promotion of professional standards in the organization of business activities and their continuation in the field of personnel management.

We kindly ask the employees of the staff, personnel officers of enterprises, those who are independently involved in the organization of the work of the team and others who are interested in advanced qualifications for the special course program: Professional Development The same standards in the organization of business activities are also established in the field of personnel management.


The SVKFR has discussed the division and examination of CBS for conducting professional tests of specialists.

On September 22, 2019, the Council of Professional Qualifications of the Financial Market held discussions on the development and examination of sets of assessment tools for conducting professional tests of financial market specialists.


6th anniversary of the forum “National Qualification System of Russia-2018” to the robot.

On the first day, over 1,100 people met their fate - representatives of federal and regional authorities, employers, professional workers, and councils with professional qualifications.

6th anniversary of the forum “National Qualification System of Russia-2018” to the robot.

On the first day, more than 1,100 people met their fate - representatives of federal and regional government authorities, unions of workers, professional workers, rad from professional...

Participants in the IV All-Russian Forum “National Qualification System of Russia” discussed current issues related to the market and personnel training systems, including in the financial sector.

Zahid proyshov 6 breast...

The organizer of the Forum is the National Agency for the Development of Professional Qualifications under the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation with the support of the Ministry of Social Affairs The sole protection of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Light and Science of Ukraine.

October 29, 2018 A road map for the development of the National Qualification System in the Russian Federation for the period until 2024 has been sent to the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin for approval.


XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference near Sochi

At the place of Sochi from 12 to 16 June 2018 The XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Audit, accounting structure, sovereign financial control (at a glance): discussions, development strategy, decisions" took place.

Press conference for the competition for journalists and the editorial office of ZMI "National qualification system for selected Russian...

On June 16, 2018, from 14.00 to 15.30, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs will host a press conference of the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications and the Committee of Journalists of Russia - organizers of the ZMI Competition "National Qualification System" Ification among the depicted Russian...

On the 30th of September, the first task was established for the work group to develop the professional standard “Lawyer”.

Cooling off the group v.o.

Head of the Professional College of Lawyers of Russia Grigory Abukov.

The association of participants in the financial market of the North-Eastern Financial Markets Market was announced among...

On June 3, 2018, the North-Eastern Commission for Financial Markets negotiated digital qualifications for financial market specialists.

Disaggregated digital competencies of specialists in the application of professional standards “Accountant”, “Auditor”, “Internal Controller”, “Sales Specialist...

On September 23, 2018, the Council of Professional Qualifications in the Financial Market held a meeting of the Working Group to develop professional standards in the supply industry.

On June 26, 2018, the appeal committee of the North-Eastern Commission for Financial Markets was appointed to the new warehouse.

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Within the framework of the All-Russian Olympiad of Professional Mastery, Ph.D. Professor Skobara Vyacheslav Volodymyrovych held discussions with those present from different regions of the country on the initial contributions of current nutrition

Study: "Improving financial literacy among work teams"

Within the framework of the implementation of the Strategy for promoting financial literacy in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 2023, the National Agency for Qualification Development (NARC) together with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) and Bank of Russia...

A full meeting of the RSPP Commission was held: from banks and banking activities;

from financial markets;

for insurance activities.

An agreement has been signed regarding the cooperation between the Rada and the professional qualifications of the financial market and…

On the 18th of April 2018, within the framework of the Moscow International Salon, a signing was made about the cooperation between Rada and the professional qualifications of the financial market in the person of the General Director Diani Karimivna Hey...

A.V. Murichev, late Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, member of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation with professional qualifications, on the 4th quarter of 2018, speaking at a meeting of the State Committee that science and nutrition "Rozvitok...

On February 22, an informal polling and election meeting of members of the Association of Financial Market Participants “Ready for the Development of Professional Qualifications” took place.

The meetings reviewed the activities of the Association in 2017 and the work plan for the ongoing...

On November 23, 2017, the Department of Audit, Analysis and Audit will hold a Roundtable on the topic “Discussion of direct reform of audit activity” at the address: Moscow, Financial University, Leningradsky Prospekt, 55, room.

213 (hall...

November 29, 2017 - rocky project “Financial Directors Club”

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Exhibition “Safety.

Protection of personnel”, section “Promotion of professional standards and independent assessment...

On the 16th of leaf fall 2017, within the framework of the exhibition “BOTIK-2017” (safety, protection of workers and personnel), the special section “Promotion of professional standards and independent assessment of qualifications” was held.

Working hours are from 10:00 to 18:00 to...

The local Yuletide sunset dedicated to the "Day of the Auditor and Accountant of the Krasnodar Region"

1st birthday 2017 at the great concert hall of the former State Regional Philharmonic of Krasnodar for the support of the administration of the Krasnodar region, the International Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors, SRO auditors "Asoc "Iation of friendship" (Moscow).

XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference at Sochi 13-17 June 2017

At the place of Sochi from 1 pm to 17 pm, 2017. The XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Audit, accounting structure, sovereign financial control and visibility: evidence accumulation, trends, development horizons" was held.

Non-profit partnership "Chamber of Professional Accountants and Auditors" celebrates 20 years

The non-profit partnership "Chamber of Professional Accountants and Auditors" celebrates its 20th anniversary!

Today, June 14, 2017, 20 years have passed since the creation of the professional association NP "Chamber of Professional Accountants and Auditors".

Interregional conference “Professional standards and educational programs: vector and development paths”

On April 21, 2017, the Interregional Conference “Professional standards and educational programs: vector and development paths” was held.

Video recording of the entry

On February 20, 2017, the International Institute of Certified Accountants held a Round Table Webinar.

For the first time, representatives from two professional teams of the Non-Profit Partnership “International Institute of Certified Accountants” and...

13 February 2017 in the city of Krasnodar with the method of providing practical assistance in the implementation of the Order of the Ministry of Public Affairs and Housing and Communal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 12/20/2016 to date No. 996/pr “About the confirmation of the design form...

St. Petersburg International Praci Forum

On 15-17 February 2017, the convention and exhibition center "EXPOFORUM" will host an international forum of activities, at which, for the most part, the nutritional assessment of qualifications will be discussed.

More details...

FinSkills Russia named the best in the profession

The National Agency for the Development of Qualifications together with the Rada of Professional Qualifications of the Financial Market is pioneering the All-Russian Competition of Professional Mastery of Financial Market Facilitators Russia (FSR).

Presentation... The competition will be held on the basis of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference...

Member of the Presidential Chamber of Professional Accountants and Auditors Svitlana Mikhailivna Bichkova took part in...

Member of the Presidential Chamber of Professional Accountants and Auditors Doctor of Economics, Professor Director of the Institute of Economics of SPbDAU Svitlana Mikhailovna Bichkova took part in the anniversary competition "Woman of Rock - 2017" from the section "Science and...
On February 28, 2017, there was a cost-free business sale “Current nutritional requirements of the MSPF in Russia”

On February 28, 2017 from 10.00 to 13.00 at the International Business Center “Neptune” there was a no-cost business deal “Current nutritional requirements of the ISFZ in Russia”.

The initial-methodological center of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University conducts advanced qualification of certified auditors for programs approved by self-regulatory organizations, in front of the official audit and audit of exchanges, budgetary funds and investment institutes

UMC accreditations from the next SRO:
SRO "Audit Chamber of Russia",
SRO "Audit Association Spivdruzhnist"
SRO "Moscow Chamber of Auditors"
SRO "Russian Board of Auditors"
It has the right to upgrade the qualifications of its members.

Similar to the “Ground approach to organizing and conducting qualification testing in a simplified manner” (published on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation), all advanced qualification courses include such programs, completed Genome of SRO auditors:

  • “Dotrimannya complied with the Federal Law “On the prevention of the legalization (diversion) of income seized by evil methods and the financing of terrorism”
  • “Anti-corruption under the hour of audit activity”
  • "Professional ethics"

The mode is to occupy - stretching 1 tizhnya for 8 ak. year per day, stretching 2 years of 4-5 ac.

To take an advanced qualification course you need to register ahead of time by phone or send a request by email.

To formalize the contract legal entity It is necessary to send by e-mail the details of the organization (legal address, bank details, contact numbers, where the person signs the agreement).

To formalize the contract physical person You must send your passport details, registration address and contact phone number by email.

Enhanced qualifications and mandatory training for auditors, as a result of the legislation of the Russian Federation, auditors may immediately undergo similar courses.

Whenever necessary, the auditor will automatically be issued a stringless auditor certificate.

Before taking courses, it is necessary to ensure that the relevant center conducts them in accordance with the standards established by law.

Auditor Advanced Qualification Program

Such courses of advanced qualification are required to be no less than 120 years for three calendar years after or at least 40 years for a short time.

The shape of the decoration can also be different.

Acting centers present three forms, and the most basic form, which can be represented by initial courses and corporate learning, distance form (before this form includes webinars, as well as learning from distance learning), as well as combinations new form (tse sumish intramural forms of learning from computer programs and remote services).

As part of such courses, the auditor is required to take away the necessary skills and competencies that he or she is required to acquire in the course of his/her professional activity.

Increased qualifications of auditors in Moscow
Moscow has the largest number of initial centers for advanced qualifications registered. Among the most authoritative tracks see Basic and methodological center "Accounting and audit" at the National Institution "Higher School of Economics"

  • , which organizes courses following programs approved by current self-regulatory organizations:
  • NP "IPAR";
  • NP "MOAP";


Within the framework of these organizations, which operate on the basis of a non-profit partnership, advanced qualification courses are regularly conducted for a period of 40 academic years.

The dose of the skin dose is approximately 9 thousand carbovants.

Activities begin at lunchtime so that people can begin the process of starting their current professional activities. The topics of advanced qualification courses are varied. Auditors are encouraged to enhance their knowledge of audit legislation and thoroughly understand the specifics of regulatory regulation and internal audit.

Add to the popular ones

head center "STEC".

These specialists are offered over 40 programs to advance their qualifications. It is an accredited institution that works closely with the numerous Chambers and Associations directly involved in the audit process.

The primary center offers courses of 20, 40 and 60 academic years.

  • Lessons are carried out both before and after lunch.
  • Improved qualifications of St. Petersburg State University auditors
  • For auditors who want to take advanced qualification courses in St. Petersburg, it is recommended to pay attention to
  • Basic and methodological center at St. Petersburg State University.
  • The Center organizes courses in accordance with the programs established by the current Self-Regulatory Organizations:

The course can be completed either in 1 day or in 2 days, which will keep people busy.

It is recommended to register for the same course in advance.

The effectiveness of the skin course of advanced qualification varies depending on the duration of the course and the schedule of implementation.

  • The average rate is 8 to 10 thousand rubles per course for a period of 40 academic years.
  • Advanced qualifications of auditors – Yekaterinburg
  • Ekaterinburz, like other megacities, has a number of centers for advanced qualifications of auditors.
  • Among the most popular are the following:

Ekaterinburg branch of the National Humanitarian Academy; Lighting Center "Professional"; UrDEU;

Center "Potential". The centers will present a variety of topics for advanced qualification courses. The course is due to its particular popularity "Internal audit". It’s so difficult to get 40 academic years, and the price is 8100 rubles.
Posada: Director of the Basic Methodological Center for Certification of Professional Auditors, Associate Professor of the Department of Galuzev and Corporate Finance Senior level: Candidate of Economic Sciences Vchene title: associate professor Lighting up the place
Qualification: economist-manager Workplace: Office.

No. 212 (KK No. 2)

Addresses: vul.

Maliy provulok, 32(Phone: 8 (4012) 69-01-04):


    Work schedule: Mon-Fri: 8:30 – 17:00

Daily break: 13:00 - 13:30

The educational center is included in the state register of basic methodological centers, which have the right to train professional auditors, as decided by the Board of Self-Regulatory Organization ASSOCIATION "SPIVDRUSHNIST" (SRO AAS) No. 314 1 May 1, 2017


THE INITIAL METHODOLOGY CENTER FOR Certification of Professional AUDITORS ON THE BASE OF FSBDOU KDTU plans to conduct courses to improve the qualifications of auditors in programs

002 - Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kaliningrad State Technical University"

6-1-14 "Innovations in the accounting field and information related to auditing activities" (20 years)

6-3-27 “Workshop on the implementation of international auditing standards” (20 years)Vart_st navchannya 10,000 rub.The application must be completed by September 20.undergo advanced training programs, which is confirmed by the self-regulatory organization of auditors, of which it is a member.

The triviality of such an endeavor is minimalestablished by a self-regulatory organization of auditors for its members andnot less than 120 years in three consecutive calendar years, and not less than 20 years per year".

1. Provisions for the passage of the short-term obligatory OPK and the procedure for confirmation by members of the SRO AAS for the passage of the OPK

2. The decisions of the Board of the SRO AAS dated 10/30/2017 (minutes No. 333) assigned for 2018 a transfer of advanced qualification programs that should be based on the priority topics determined for the purposes of the audit whose activities dated September 22, 2017 (protocol No. 38) are insured for the purpose of completion by auditors – members of the SRO AAS can help you with the obligatory training of the PC programs, which are transferred to Part 9 of Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Auditing Activity”.

Lighting organizations, which are included in the Register of UMTS SRO AAS, are registered with the planned courses for improving the qualifications of auditors in 2018. to ensure the ability of auditors - members of the SRO AAS to follow programs of advanced qualifications that represent priority topics.

3. Registry Initial-methodological centers of the Self-regulatory organization of auditors of the Association "Companionship" (as of May 15, 2018)

The basic methodological center with certification of professional auditors of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kaliningrad State Technical University" enters the warehouse of the basic methodological centers of the Self-regulatory organization of auditors Association "Spivd" appearance"

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