The order of dotrimannya prikmetnikov in english. Prikmetniki English mine. Gave the order of examples in the English idea for the scheme

The clerk at the rechenni should be placed in front of the name clerk, if he speaks at the function of appointment.

The articles are always placed in front of the prikmetnik:

Sometimes, in front of the clerk, there is a step clerk, so too [that] - too late, quite [quite] - more, dosit that in.

In front of the name-bearer, there may be a sprig of prikmetniks, and between them there is vіdminnіst.

Closer to the name day there will be scribes and indicate the camp of speeches, and in front of them there will be scribes that point to a subjective thought about the object, for example:

  • What a lovely sports bicycle! [Wat e Lovely Sports Bicycle] - What a wonderful sports bike! (sports - it's obviously more obvious, and lovely - then who should be like it, who has a thought about it.
  • It's great classic music

It is necessary to remember!

As it is necessary to live in a kіlka prikmetnіv before the name, then in the English speech the sing order of words is taken. Back to back:

  1. Opinion - quality, assessment (beautiful, difficult, silly, horrible ...)
  2. Size - size (little, large, tiny, enormous ...)
  3. Age - age (young, ancient, old, new ...)
  4. Shape - shape (square, round, flat, rectangular ...)
  5. Color - color (white, blue, gray, pink ...)
  6. Origin - travel (European, Russian, American ...)
  7. Material - material, preparation method (metal, cotton, paper, wooden ...)
  8. Purpose - recognition (sleeping, cooking ...)

For example:

  • Actualbody ha lost a typical large new rectangular black Chinese fabric traveling suitcase. - Having used a typical, large, new, straight-cut, black, Chinese, cloth valіza for more expensive ones.

Prikmetnik following the words:

1. If the clerk is assigned to an unappointed borrower:

2. If the prikmetniks can find fallow words and in different povnyalnyh constructions:

3. If the appointment is expressed by the absent [absent] - present, present [present] - present and others:

  • The birds absent are listed as endangered - the daily birds are listed to the Red Book.

Prikmetniki poslya dієslov - zvyazki

The prikmetnik is placed after the word - links at the function of the nominal part of the warehouse award. Warehouse name of the warehouse: diesel-link and name part. Most often vicoristovuetsya dієslovo-svyazok to be

Prikmetniki, yakі start with "a":

  • ashamed [still] - clogging,
  • alike [Elike] - however,
  • aglow [eglow] - awakening,
  • afloat [efloat] - floating and in.

So prikmetniki, yak ill [іl] - ailments and well [wel] - a good (about health) next to predict the function of the predicative. In this direction, it is not possible to zastosovuvat forms of steps of alignment.


At English language more than one clerk in front of the name-bearer is respected by the norm.

For example, "My parents live in a nice new house" or "In the kitchen there is a beautiful large round wooden table".

Wealthy people, like typing English language, can easily put the notes in the correct order, especially if there are more than two.

Today, I will propagate the discussion and remember, what is the correct order of empathy in English language.

Types of examples: objective and subjective

Insanely, the English language is the name of the blame and all the amendments. Prote wines may be a great algorithm, it is possible for English experts to find their place in a word-forming name.

Prikmetniki can be divided into two great groups - actually ( objectivefactadjectives) and prikmetniki, yaki express the special thought of someone ( subjectiveopinionadjectives).

The first group hopes to really know the information about you, that those who do not compete with you. Tse mozhe buti rozmir, kolіr, vіk toshcho.

And the axis of the other group of prikmetniks vouches for those who accept that other object (person, manifestation) that way they give an assessment to you.

Prikmetniki, as a rule, are placed in front of the name in this order

1. Subjective (estimated) -an expensive antique table; a delicious spicy soup;

2. Objective (actual): description of physical powers

  • a big English sheepdog
  • a handsome tall young man
  • a large round table
  • my beautiful new wardrobe
  • a small red bag

If there are two and more examples for the designation of color, we can win the union and:

  • a black and blue dress
  • yellow, white and green socks

And also the deacons have been installed, please in order to apply the color, so black and white, (NOT white and black); red, white and blue.

3. Objective (actual) : trip - an old Ukrainian song; the latest british film.

4. Objective (actual) : material – a large Wooden desk; an expensive oval antique Silver mirror.

5. Objective (actual) : vyznachni – a beautiful old Italian touring car; several young Americans baseball gravitsiv.

In principle, the order of examples in English language can be slightly quarreled, but I urged you to the one that sounds victorious.

You can check how you got the material here.

English language - tse mova, povna zaruchok and cunning. Ale not varto lyakatisya yogo problems! Varto only once rozіbratisya and razumіti, and that's all - you are already comrades with these cunning, and you are already on the “ti” with the use of hacks!

You, sing-song, chuli about such a phenomenon, like prikmetniks in English proposition. Today language pide about it. On our site, we have already talked about the order of words in English propositions, today we are talking about the order of examples. Although everything is quite enough in Russian language, in English it is far from being the case. In the Russian one, a free way of thoughts is allowed, in the English proposition one must write and move, clearly completing the suvor scheme.

Those same and with prikmetnikami. The one who speaks, you can guess two, three, or a little kіlka prikmetnikіv in front of the name man, like, for example: “We bought a great, garniy, looking budinok.” In the English language, the names of the accomplices are known in the sing order, because the skin of them has its own meaning. Let's figure out what's up with everything!

What kind of prikmetniks speak in English language?

In English, such expressions are often used, if it is necessary to score two, three, and more examples to characterize the name. Sob zrobity tse competently, it is necessary to trim the correct order of prikmetnikov in rechenni. Ring out, two or three prikmetniks will sing, and then the vines will sling, if there is a promo for the victorist's five and more prikmetniks for the name. Most often it is used in writing language.

Before that, how to get down to practice and show you the price on the butts of English propositions, let's, for the cob, let's figure out what kind of example in English language.

Also, the characteristic or the description of the name begins with the article, and then, without intermediary, the names and the name:

  • Article otherwise vyznachnik)- a, the, his, this
  • Opinion (Dumka, assessment) good, bad, wonderful, terrible, nice
  • Size) - Large, big, small, little, tiny
  • Age (Bik) - new, old, young
  • Shape (Form) - square, round, oval
  • Color (Color) - Red, yellow, green, blue, violet
  • Origin) - French, lunar, Polish, American, Eastern, Greek
  • Material (Material) - Wooden, cotton, metal, paper
  • Purpose sleeping, cooking

In such an order, the apprentices change into English propositions. If the present day has an example of these categories, then let’s go to those who are in the offensive category in order. Give respect:

  • AsillyyoungEnglishwoman
    Bad young English
    article, assessment, vіk, exodus
  • Ahugeroundplasticbowl
    Large round plastic bowl
    article, rosemary, form, material
  • Father's big green sleeping bag
    Tatov's great green sleeping-bear
    signifier, rozmir, color, recognition

And now bring respect to the butt English proposition, in order to sort out all listed types of examples in the correct order:

  • Pretty tiny new plumpish brown British plush playing teddy bear.

Obviously, the English don't use so richly in the speeches, we just pointed the butt, in which you can play. And to you, friends, we do not want to change your propositions with pricks, so as not to allow inappropriate pardons.

We'll have a scheme of prikmetnikov!

In order to more effectively remember the order of examples in the words of the English language, a simple scheme is needed, as we can help anyone. Vykhodyachi s іnformatsії, scho vzhe є, mi i і pobuduєmo tsyu scheme at once with you!

Otzhe, the scheme of roztashuvannya prikmetnikov in English proposition:

Mabut, dosit neatly vivchiti qiu remind me of the scheme. And yet, you don’t choose to win such a number of examples in speeches. Just christen її in English zashite and on a creamy arch paper, and, if it is necessary, if you sing right, vicorate її like a hint.

Another sprig of rules.

Well, friends, let's hope, you have mastered the order of examples in English language speeches! Now it is necessary to get to know the actual details of their living:

  • sound in the English language do not get used to more than three Adjectives sleep, most often - three more than two ( a big whiteball, a beautiful old brickbuilding);
  • so that before the name there are two or more examples from the same group, then the union and ( Theball isgreen and orange.);
  • if there are three and more examples from one group in front of the name, then it is necessary to distribute them with lumps ( He found a black, red andorange clock.);
  • deyakі prikmetniki get used only after the fiєslova-vyazku ( alive, sure, sorry, ill, afraid, unable, ready);
  • acts of prikmetnikiv that end with '-ed', so they get used to less after the dієslіv-zvyazok ( bored, thrilled, annoyed, pleased).

Slid vrakhovuvati tsі rules when prompted by the rechennya z kіlkom prikmetnik, scho characterize the name.

Let's hope that you have acquired the material and have drawn your own richly rich chestnuts. See you soon!

A prikmetnik in the English language is a part of the language, yak, it matches the question: “yak?”, “yak?”, “yak?”, “yakі?”. and the sign of the object that signifies. The applicator describes the object or the object by color, shape, brightness, size, character, likeness and authority.

The main thing is that the names of the English language poets are in that the stench does not change the form and the end of the different names, numbers, do not think of the names when describing the names of the different genus. Pogodzhennya with other words can be seen without changing the word form.

Yakіsnі і vіdnosnі English prikmetniki – Qualitive and relative adjectives

In the English language, there are two types of applicators:

Yakіsnі - describe the color, shape, size, taste of the subject: beautiful, weak, green, powerful, square, happy (beautiful, weak, green, powerful, square, happy);

Vіdnosnі - describe the behavior of the subject, those for which the preparations are made: wooden, stone, clay, cherry, grape, curse (wooden, stone, clay, cherry, grape, glass). Stupenіv pіvnyannya so prikmetniki not toil.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives - Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Prikmetniki mayut three steps of alignment: positive (pochatkova), that miracle. Por_vnyalna that miraculous steps of the yak_snih English prikmetniks are established according to special rules, among them there are blames, yakі it is necessary to remember.

Por_vnyalny stupіn - Comparative degree

Short prikmetniki

The equal step of short marks, which are made up of two and fewer warehouses, is settled for the help of adding the suffix “-er” to the end of the word:

strong - stronger (strong - strongest);

fast - faster (Shvidky - Shvidsche);

Like a short English applicator ends in a closed warehouse (from the end - voice, voice, voice), the last letter subjugate, and then add the suffix "-er":

big - bigger (great - bigger);

thin - thinner (thin - thinner);

As a short example, it ends with a voice + "y", the remaining letter "y" is changed to "i" and "-er" is added:

tiny - tinier (krykhіtny - krihіtnіshy);

crazy - crazier (divine - divine);

As short as the word ends with "-e", add "-r":

nice - nicer (good - better);

safe - safer (safe - safe).

Dovgi prikmetniki

The second step of the old prikmetniks, which are added up from 3 and more warehouses, is settled for the help of the word "more":

colorful - more colorful (strings - strings);

wonderful - more wonderful (marvelous - marvelous).

Miracle step - Superlative degree

short prick

In order to make the miraculous step of a short prikmetnik, it is necessary to put the sing article and add the suffix "-est":

silly - the silliest (bad - the worst);

short - the shortest (short - the shortest).

Dovgy prikmetnik

The miraculous step of the long-time applier is settled by the path of adding “the most”:

powerful - the most powerful (mighty - most powerful);

attractive - the most attractive (privilege - the most attractive).

Vinyatki at the povnyalny and miraculous steps

These English practicians establish a new and miraculous step behind the rules, often changing the basis of the word.

  • good-better- the best(good - better - best);
  • bad - worse - the worst (filthy - worst - worst);
  • little - less - the least (small - smaller - smallest);
  • much (with non-numerical) / many (with counting) - more - the most (rich - more - most);
  • far - farther / further - the farthest / the furthest (far - far - far for everything);
  • old - older / elder - the oldest / the eldest (old - older / older, oldest / older).

"Father" and "further" are considered by the same, that the first word may be on the vіdstani (go farther - farther), the other - may be figuratively (watch the film further - marvel at the film farther).

“Older” and “elder” are distinguished by zmіst: the first word describes the century with a direct meaning (the piece of furniture is older - tsі furniture is older), the other one is victorious for century-old vіdnosin at s_m'ї (my elder brother - my elder brother) .

Two words, equal to the miraculous steps of which you can make both in the following ways:

clever (intelligent) - cleverer (intelligent) - the cleverest (intelligent)

clever - cleverer - the most clever

polite (vіchlivy) - politer - the politest

polite - politer - the most polite

friendly (friendly) - friendlier - the friendliest

friendly - more friendly - the most friendly

They also lie before them:

common (hard), cruel (hard), gentle (lower), narrow (high), pleasant (reception), shallow (dry, superficial), simple (simple), stupid (stupid), quiet (quiet).

Porіvnyalnі turnovers z vikoristannymi prikmetnіv v rechennyah

  • twice as ... as - double ..., lower;
  • three times as ... as - mornings ..., lower;
  • half as ... as - y half chogos (two times)
  • the same as - such a yak;
  • less ... than - less ..., lower;
  • the least / most ... of all
  • the ..., the ... - chim ..., tim ...;
  • ... than - chim.

Your bag is twice as heavy as mine. - Your bag is bigger than mine.

Mary's copybook costs half as little as ours. - Zoshit Mary cost less for ours.

Your dream is the same as important as theirs. - Your dream is so important, like їх.

Tsey flower is less beautiful than that one growing in the garden. - Tsya kvіtka less garn, nіzh is the one that grows in the garden.

The more careful you are, the easier it is. - What a protector you will be, it’s easier for you to run into it.

Tse exercise is the least difficult of all. - Tsya is right - the least is folding with us.

San Francisco is smaller than London. - San Francisco is smaller than London.

Classification of examples according to the way of word formation

Applicants of English, according to the way of word-creation, are divided into three groups: simple, warehouse, and pokhidni.

I'm sorry - Simple adjectives

For simple examples, there are daily suffixes and prefixes; the word is formed less from the root:

  • young - young;
  • orange - orange;
  • slow - better;
  • shy - rubbish;
  • clever - smart;
  • safe - safe;
  • light - light;
  • loud - loud.

Warehouse adjectives - Compound adjectives

Warehouse clerks are settled for the account by adding suffixes, prefixes (prefixes) or both morphemes at the same time:

  • grateful - vdyachny;
  • benevolent - kind-hearted;
  • picturesque - malovnicheskoe;
  • responsible - vіdpovіdalny;
  • impatient - impatient;
  • unexpectable - unexpectable;
  • extraordinary - extraordinary;
  • careless - turboless;
  • lucky - happy;
  • immortal - immortal;
  • irregular - incorrect;
  • independent - independent;
  • fantastic - fantastic;
  • To the hardened - neymovirny.

Pokhіdnі prikmetniki - Derived adjectives

Pokhіdnі prikmetniki sladyutsya іz dvoh slіv: dvoh prikmetnikov; іmennik and prikmetnik or prislіvnik z prikmetnik; whether there are two words that mean for a couple one with one sign of an object:

  • good-looking - pleasant;
  • sober-minded - respectful;
  • empty-headed - empty heads;
  • self-sufficient - self-sufficient;
  • all-rounded - with a wide light-gazer;
  • absent-minded - differences;
  • well-paid - good payment;
  • ill-sorted - not daily;
  • self-righteous - insinuations of one's rightness;
  • self-confident - self-singing;
  • state-of-art - modern;
  • strong-willed - bullock;
  • pale blue - pale blue;
  • two-week - two days;
  • ill at ease - nervous;
  • well-bred - with good manners.

It is important to remember that in translating from English into Russian and in other words, an apprentice in some speeches can sound like a participle, and a participle can sound like a participle. In English, the words in the meaning of the description are, however, taken up to the group of adjectives.

Word-creative suffixes of English examples

Carry suffixes with your own different values, yakі priymayut prikmetniki when word-creating:

Word-creating prefixes of prikmetnikiv

The prefixes or prefixes of examples in English language give the word a protile, negative, or meaning, which enhances and changes the degree of difference.

Transition of references to names

For help chants"the" illustrator can pretend to be a name that describes a group of people, creatures and objects, united by a sacred sign of their likeness.

Stink about the fact that the Norwegian territory is the most beautiful part of our planet. - The stink is drunk, scho norwegian land- The most beautiful part of our planet.

The Norwegians are usually very reserved people. - Norwegians are people who are smarter.

Homeless dogs and cats - it is a result of people's irresponsibility and cruelty. - Homeless dogs and guts- the result of human ineptitude and zhorstokost.

Homeless should be given a warm place to live in. - The homeless need their own warmth.

Functions and the role of prikmetniks in speech

1. At the rechenni prikmetnik can win the role of the appointed one. In such a mood, one can stand without a middle in front of the name:

Laura to catch their little fire marveled and went away: that side of the camp effectively drove її crazy. - Laura looked at them with a crying look: what a marvelous situation brought her out of herself.

Autumn was slowly beginning: the feathery leaves were flying everywhere, and each usually boring place soon became noticeable due to them... ym…

2. The clerk can enter the warehouse of the folded award, which will cost the next time:

The sky today is frost: thunder is coming soon, and the flashes of lightning over the might empty hills of our village look magnificent, mystique and dangerous. - The sky is gloomy this year: the axis-axis will become grim, and the spalakhs of the glimmer over the low empty pagorbs of our village look hospitable, mystical and unsafe.

Dinner smelled delicious : in the back of the fact that we are guilty of going home, I have overcome my fears. - The smell of resentment was unspeakable: without respect for those who turned home over that pizno, we virishi skustuvati yogo.

The procedure for placing a number of applicants who sign one and the same name

In the English language, in whatever proposition, the skin-applier-principal may roztashovuvatitsya in his place in an offensive order:

opinion / attitude - size - quality - age - shape - color - origin - material - purpose

thought / vіdnoshennia - rosemіr - yakіst - vіk - shape - color - pohodzhennya (country) - material - purpose / zastosuvannya

  • a beautiful male good old square green German wooden kitchen cupboard
  • a new English ship - a new English ship;
  • an unusual round glass framed mirror - an unusually round mirror in a glass frame;
  • a large wine red Victorian house - a great wine-red house in the Victorian style;
  • a favorite cotton school bag

How many words mean one and the same sign, stand behind their meanings up to one and the same category (for example, for example, for example), the first one is to blame for the greater sign, and specifying - roztashovuvatisya in another place:

  • the first two decades - the first two decades;
  • a nice clever horse - a good smart horse.


Prikmetniki in the English language is rich in why they are simple: stinks rarely change their form, they have two days, a number and a row. However, regardless of its simplicity, the stench brings expression to the language, emotions and relieves us in the form of lowness. The more beautiful you will be with the rules of placement of prikmetniks at the riverside, the more different, more powerful and brighter will be your language.

The order of examples in the English language is necessary to do, even though not all authors and do not always do it. It is necessary to know that such an order is used and to take it into account when writing works in English. For example, the number of articles placed is not large in the right, as it helps to understand and fix the order of examples in English. Practice is the best value for raising a movie.

We know what is destined to finish suvoro. And what about some prikmetniks, which ones can be a sprat? Nasampered, live more than two or three prikmetniki at once not recommended ale, if you want so much, try to put them in order, what a mind to the English.

On the first place - your thought, the enemy's assessment

If you want to describe the subject of a dekilkom with prikmetniks, then think about your setting before the new one: garniy, corysny, important, tsikavy, savory, etc. Tsі prikmetniki englіyskoy sound put on the first place. If there are two of them, then on the first place put an objective

a cute little girl
an intelligent old man
delicious french food
a lovely intelligent dog

They gave the order of examples in the English idea for the scheme:

Deyakі explanatory shchodo schemes.

How big? - What kind of rozmіru, dozhini, form, width?

Prikmetniki rosemaryі dozhini(great/small/high/short/dovgy) ring out to go in front of the pranksters formі width(round/thin/thin/string/wide)

a big square box
a short slim woman
a long wide avenue
big fat bear

how old? - What age?

a nice old film
a huge antique book
a handsome young man
a beautiful newborn baby girl

What color? - What color?

Two prikmetniks quarrel with a word and, three and more colors are divided into a coma, before the rest and:

a green and yellow fruit
a green, brown and red flag
a white, gray and green dress

Where from? - are the stars from?

cute Russian children
a famous English tower
blue, white and red French flag

What is it made of? - W why zrobleno?

a large red plastic bag
ancient wooden horse
fantastic thai vegetarian food

Correct the order of examples in English

Order of application

Arrange the pins at the temples in the correct order.

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