Political activity in short.


Golovna Treasure chest of ideas Activity is about understanding the actions of people, creating a way to satisfy their needs, transforming them into too much light and powerful nature. Human activity is goal-directing in nature. Political activity- to be aware of the direct actions of policy stakeholders in order to pursue individual, group goals and interests.

It is the prerogative of political professionals to define their functional obligations.

In this case, political professionals should enter before

sovereign structures

, Their activity is the totality of organized actions of policy subjects, investments in the implementation of major tasks

political system partnership. Political activity can be irrational, ineffective and illegitimate.

Such a negative result of political activity lies not only in the professional characteristics of the political subjects and the fact that they have the necessary resources, but also in their political motivation.

Because the ruling political elite, through its political activities, creates the most favorable minds for the relatively small ball of rich people, ignoring the interests of others (for example, how to deal with the beginning of the 90s of the XX Art. in Russia), then for most of the citizens of the country, marriage is so political the activity will be irrational, ineffective and illegitimate.

Main types of political activity:

the struggle for political power and power's re-importance.

This type of political activity is one of the main ones, since the government is in control and its participation in the implementation of power gives subjects great opportunities to achieve their intended goals;

participation in the development and implementation of political decisions;

activity in non-state political institutions (parties, civil political organizations and other institutions);

organizing and conducting mass partisan political events (rallies, demonstrations, strikes, pickets, etc.);

non-participation in various political approaches is motivated, for example, as a form of protest against politics, which serves the interests of the actor and his social group. Based on the directness of their actions, researchers see three main groups of political activity58: 1) activity within the political system itself, for example, interaction between political institutions;


action of the political system, directed at

Political behavior is a clear characteristic of political activity and political participation;

This is how people know themselves in different situations, in different political situations.

For example, 450 deputies simultaneously take part from the work of the State Duma in order to engage in political activity.

However, the behavior of all these political subjects is ambiguous.

Some are calmly dozing in their parliamentary chairs, others are about to jog around the place, others are rushing to the microphone installed on the podium, and others are starting to fight with their colleagues.

Participants in the political scene behave differently.

For example, some demonstrators peacefully continue along the declared route, others attempt to organize a heist, and still others attempt to provoke bloodshed.

All activities of political subjects and participants fall under the definition of “political behavior”.

In other words, all designated subjects and participants are engaged in political activity or take part in political activity, but also conduct themselves in their own way.

Behavior is determined by moral principles and moral values ​​of a political actor.

For example, Jan Hus, J. Bruno and many other great thinkers could not “give up their principles” and became victims of the Inquisition.

The competence of the actor in the political situation and political actions as a factor of behavior.

It manifests itself in how good the subject is in the situation, meaning the essence of what is expected is that it knows the rules of the game and the creators adequately vikorize them.

The behavior is influenced by political manipulations, if lies, deception, and populist falsehoods “intrusive” people to behave in a certain way.

Violent primus to the singing appearance of behavior. Such methods of behavior are characteristic of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. So, for example, under the communist regime in the Soviet Socialist Republic, people were encouraged to take part in mass political actions (subbotniks, rallies, elections, demonstrations) and in this case behave in a chant manner. The nature of activity and behavior has a significant influence on the motivation and stage of the actor’s preparation for political life. For example, for some, their role in politics is a slump, for others, politics is a profession, for others it is a desire for a sense of life, for others it is a way to earn money for their living. Mass behavior can be conditioned by socio-psychological authorities at the same time, if individual motivation is suppressed and weakened in those who are weakly aware of (sometimes spontaneous) actions at the same time. Concept "politics" Viniklo in

Ancient Greece, Initially, there are different forms of social (sovereign) government.

Aristotle's treatise "Politics" verbatim so called -

"Those who rise to power."

Sovereign and sovereign affairs were then called “politics.” Aristotle

(Greek philosopher) was the first to understand this term. His treatise “Politics” is a book about power, order, government..

Machiavelli having seen the policy towards independent science.

Politics is the mystery of the capable. Politics

- This is the mystery of the keruvati power. Politics is an activity that is connected with the differences between social groups, the peculiarity of a power, the power of conquest, the growth and development of

sovereign power- the activity of government bodies, political parties and civil society organizations is aimed at ensuring class and other vested interests through the process of winning or diminishing political power.

Politics is obviously more historical. Vaughn was like this forever. The emergence of politics is related to the vision power, that was polite

important moment at the development of a married life.

- The policy of the other power and its apparatus became this mechanism, with the help of which the regulation of mutual relations between the people and the power was achieved. Functions of the policy

Various, depending on the most common terms: ob'ednuvalna,

is aimed at preserving the integrity and stability of the suspinal system;- mobile,

- lies in the established and achieved goals of suspinal development; - regulatory,

distributes political roles among participants in the political process;


helps to turn on the specialness in the world of social activities, and stimulate the ability to make thorough changes in the world. FUNCTIONS (ROLES) OF THE POLICY: Expression of interests of all groups of faiths in marriage;


social development

marriage and people, expansion of the sphere of exchanges between peoples, people and nature;

Management and care of social processes, ensuring dialogue between communities and powers; Socialization of specialness, transformation of people onto a socially active basis; Integration of beliefs of the population, maintaining stability and order in the marriage.*- Who is in charge of political activity on

political scene


What kind of “actors” are there?

Either from the scientific, who can be a subject of politics


(These subjects of politics are people).

The German lecture by M. Weber looked at the three stages of individuals becoming involved in political activity.

The level of education before politics, after M. Weber (German sociologist) Politicians from time to time

Politicians behind the madness Professional policies These are trusted individuals, ruling party-political groups, members of parliament, who “work on politics” only during the parliamentary session.

In order to get involved in politics, people create political organizations and associations (For example,political parties : Great Britain has Labor and Conservatives;

the USA has democrats and republicans; or the rich party system of parties in Russia in the 20th century, etc.) The most active subject of politics is

power .. In history, we are constantly aware of the internal and external policies of powers, orders, and political figures. The small groups of people who are likely to contribute the most to political decisions are called

political news

POLITICAL ELITE- Part of the marriage, which directly affects the political affairs of the country.

The political elite includes high-ranking government officials, leaders of political parties, members of the parliament, individuals who occupy key positions in the power structures of the power, members of the mass media, etc. The activities of policy subjects directly contribute to the preservation of their integrity, and bring about new changes in the interests of the entire policy subject. stva. M. Weber emphasizing that “Politics is a matter of concern for the participation of the ruler and a duty to flow into the distribution of power, either between powers, or between the powers between groups of people, in order to take revenge.”.

It is necessary to know that political actors adhere to the principle "meta truthful features" it seems that

“politics is rude on the right” For meals: *- What means are permissible for achieving good goals? Different hours gave different indications:

N. Machiavelli

: “For the sake of preserving the state, there is often hesitation to go against one’s word, against mercy, kindness and piety... The sovereign is guilty, if possible, not to go beyond good, but, if necessary, not to shy away from evil.”

From another point of view:

Political life is made up of mutually interconnected approaches, from which one can take the fate of the vast majority of the surrounding lands, or guide the edges themselves, which enters the light.

Like any type of human activity, political activity must respect the visibility of its subject, object and relationship between them.

The subject of politics is a social group or a political figure.

The object, the subject to which action is directed, is one of the sides of political life, for example, lawmaking or political power.

Political activity has its own goals and functions, focusing on these goals until the desired result.

Active activities in the sphere of politics and its subjects operate under an influx of clear but, however, insufficiently informed motives.

Political science has different approaches to understanding politics.

One of them lies in the view of politics as one of the four main areas of marital life.

The sphere of politics includes political information, political organizations (government, parliament, parties, etc.), and various social groups to oppose the regime, victorious government, and political a process that goes through conflicts and a process that includes preserving stability consolidation and reform.

Another approach to the foundations of common politics as a special type of social bonds between individuals, small groups and large communities, such as bonds associated with power, power, and right-wing management .

The third approach lies in viewing politics as a form of activity, i.e. the activity of its subjects - participants in political life.

The specific place of political activity is to become: the participation of the right-wing powers, the designation of forms, the assignment and direction of the activities of the powers, the division of power, control over their activities, as well as other influence on political institutions ї.

Kozhen, from certain points, identifies various types of activities: it seems that people are constantly taking over political functions within the institutions of state power and political parties, and the fate of 'is treated with greater importance by these and other institutions;

professional and non-professional activities;

This important activity is directed towards the changes in the political system or, at the same time, towards its ruin; Institutionalized and non-institutionalized activity (for example, extremism) etc. Political activity is manifested in various forms of participation of the broad masses in the political life of a marriage.

As a result of political activity, participants enter into specific agreements with each other. This could include competition, alliance, mutual support, and persistence, conflict, struggle., processes, situations, facts By looking at the objects of political activity, it is possible to create a summary of how politics flows into marriage, into all aspects of one’s life.

This shows the great importance of political activity in the development of marriage.

Political activity, as it is, conveys significant goals.

They are divided into long-term (they are called strategic) and specific purposes.

Goals can be relevant, priority or irrelevant, real or unreal. How relevant, on the one hand, and real - on the other hand, it is possible to conduct a thorough and accurate analysis of the main trends in the development of society, urgent social needs, the alignment of political forces, interests of various social groups. people, for example, are irritated, hated, feared, and hostile in the face of what they are experiencing.

In real political life, it is rational and irrational to interact and interact.

Political events can be spontaneous or organized.

A spontaneous rally and a carefully prepared party conference are examples of such actions.

At the same time, the importance of such methods of political activity as reconciliation, adoption of a common thought, constructive dialogue between different political forces, control over the development of legal norms, forecasting the legacy of these and other political forces has increased. ій. Everything depends on the subjects of politics, high political culture, moral self-control, political will. Political activity differentiates between theoretical and practical.

Being clearly independent, they are intelligent.

Political passivity is a type of political activity in which a subject, and possibly an individual or a social group, does not realize its interests, but remains under the political influence of another social group . Passivity in politics is not inactive, but a specific form of activity is that form of politics when a social group realizes not the authorities, but the political interests of others. A type of political passivity is conformism, which is expressed by a social group accepting the values ​​of a political system as their own, even though they do not correspond to their vital interests.

A special technique for shaping conformist political attitudes is a specific technique of infusing the knowledge and behavior of people - manipulation, which conveys the “transformation of people on the surface of the object, the deformation of their inner light, thoughts, seemingly and thus the formation of their features by the way of influxes that contribute to the manifestations about active interests and needs and indisputably, while preserving free will, order people’s will, which is alien to them.”

The manipulation system focuses primarily on the subdivision of the human psyche, and its methods and features

current marriages

political activity and participation instead of rigidly formed political parties, priority is given to political movements without a clearly defined organized structure;

A mature form of political activity is the political movement, so that it is purposeful and supported by the social activity of a singing social group, which may be aimed at reshaping the political harmony or its conscious protection.

Well, the concept of “political activity” reflects all the diversity of actions of people in the sphere of politics, and the concept of “political activity” is a creative, transformative form of political activity, expresses the essence of politics - realities sharing your interests with a social group.

Political participation is a characteristic of the stage of a subject’s involvement in politically active action, and the concept of “political behavior” allows us to reveal the mechanism and structure of political activity.

The main problem with significant political activity is that it is often substituted for completely different concepts – political behavior.

It is not behavior, but activity that is a form of behavior - a concept of psychology.

The activity depends on the social, family and political context.

Once the basic terms of statistics have been published, it is necessary to revise the concept of “politics”.

To look at politics from the perspective of activity, there are integrated concepts: the management of people, science, and military service - all for the sake of the conquest, cultivation and implementation of power.

One of the main signs of politics, such as political activity, is rationality, which is primarily equal to political activity.

Rationality always means understanding and awareness, planning of terms and costs.

Rationality tends to be underpinned by a strong ideology: people must be wise to why they engage in this or any other kind of political activity.

A strong ideology determines the vector and fluidity of activity of subjects in the political arena.

It is easier to deal with political activity: the stink is always associated with either savings or the change of suspense-political investments.

All politics, including political activity, is fundamentally and directly aimed at specific goals.

Goals, characteristics and results are the main and unified components in political activity. Political activity includes various resources and tools that help achieve political goals. The variety of political issues is great, they can be of absolutely different nature and different scale: elections, insurrection, finance, ideology, nonsense, legislation, human resources, bribery and blackmail - the list can be continued and to the point of infinity.

New features have been added to this list today - Internet

social measures

with the most striking results and political activities: the Arab Spring, the exit of Great Britain from the European Union and the referendum on the independence of Catalonia.

It’s impossible not to remember the famous saying that “meta is true pennies.”

The dubious history of this assertion is connected to us directly from the Bolshevik terror.

This approach is suitable for powerful totalitarian regimes, radical groupings and other partnerships, prone to extremism and violent methods.

The subject of political activity is a whole body of activity directed at an object (groups, institutions, news, features of the political context, etc.).

What matters is that the subjects themselves can be the same individuals: features, institutions, different groups of people and their subordinates.

The objects and subjects of political activity are entirely interchangeable and not limited to each other.

The stench flows into each other one on one.

  • The object of political activity means the scope and methods of infusing the subject, who, in turn, also changes the object.

Options for political activity

The great number of types of political activity is explained by the subjectivity of this concept.

They can be eaten in three great varieties:

  • Political alienation (escapism). Despite the exotic name, it appears richly more often, but should not be ignored. Moreover, the escapism of serious overindulgence can be seen in the representatives of the marriage who are absolutely pro-active in their decisions - from Sergiy Shnurov with his demonstrations from the category “I put it on your ban” to the ruling parties that are in power It’s a troubling hour.

The most fertile ground for political passivity since ancient times has been totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.

  • Conformism is going nowhere.

Until now, there are a great number of political parties - party functionaries who are moving from party to party in search of the most recent “place in the sun.”

Political activity is, above all, the implementation of political views. This is the optimal way of political activity, to “grow up” to any requirement of intelligence. We are not talking about simple activity, but about politics, which is respectful of purpose, aware of the length of the hour of action.

“Wait a minute, or else”

Violence is the most ancient political tool in many social conflicts. IN to the ancient world

There was only one form - direct physical violence, the destruction of opponents and those who simply enjoyed living.

Another, progressive stage was the awareness that the enemy was most likely to work on what was needed.

“Wait a minute, or else” - who had not only slave labor, but also the blessings of political minds. The third, most advanced stage was the mutually beneficial economic motivation and social exchange: you do what you do, and I will earn it. It would seem that the obligation of violence may decrease in parallel and proportionally to the change in social methods of increasing conflicts.

Unfortunately, logic doesn’t work here; political violence is still being lost by “method.”

The political process is the totality of interactions between subjects on the political scene.

These subjects realize their political interests and play their political roles.

There is a feeling that many political scientists have been engaged in the theory of the political process, but so much of the concept has been lost after them. Some relate the process to the struggle for grouping for power, others – to the reaction of the political system to external influences, and others – to changes in the status of subjects. All interpretations, one way or another, are subject to change.

However, the broadest and most similar concept is the conflict - it offers most options for the interaction of political subjects.

  • At this point, the conflict can be viewed as competition between political parties for power, renewed importance and resources.
  • The leading actor in the political process is always the power.

Yogo zavy -

huge marriage


Other actors are parties, groups and individuals.

Officials who indicate the scale and speed of political processes are divided into:

Internal - the goals and interests of the actors, their personal characteristics, the real distribution of resources, etc. External - political conditions, rules of the game, etc. Political changes

  • Political changes will always be linked to new regulations in marriage.
  • Prices may rise as a result of step-by-step transformations, or perhaps as a result of a continuous change from one system to another.
  • Such political changes are called revolution - the most radical form. The revolution is being disrupted by a coup d'état.
  • The coup did not bring deep and fundamental changes to the political structure of the country - it was more a violent change of the ruling elite.
  • The most optimal and extensive form of change is the step-by-step adjustment of political influx and the introduction of constitutional amendments - everything that can be expressed in two words - legitimacy and evolution.
  • Leading actor – power

The political activity of a power is both internal and external – this is a classic of the political genre.

  • It seems that these two hypostases are clearly separated in terms of both goals and functions, which end up being completely different.
  • sovereign authorities
  • International development (economic, cultural and other connections).

It would be nice to think that the political activity of the ruling power is fundamentally divided from the side of the opposition political forces.

The structure, goals, values ​​and results become unchangeable, such is the nature of political activity.

  • We are, of course, talking about civilized powers with democratic principles of governance.
  • Current powers have acquired new functions within the framework of political activity:
  • Worldwide encouragement for entrepreneurship, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

Inflow to economical processes with the help of administrative assistance.

New social services, especially digital formats of such services. Political care Political care is one of the

  • the most important directions
  • political activity.
  • It will be carried out in conjunction with state and party activities and will then consist of the following stages:

The significance of goals from the perspective of a political subject.

Selection of methods, tactics and means of achieving planned goals.

Communication and people management.

An important concept for current political science is a political platform.

This is an unknown part of the political policy, which will replace the basic ideological positions, political course, programs, benefits, etc. The political platform should be created by state and party bodies at once.

Suspension-political leadership - even expanding the variety of political activities.

Such leadership conveys recognition by great masses of communities of one person or group of people, through the way of mutual interaction between leaders and masses.

Another type of political activity is elections.

Sometimes you choose to guess only the ritual and not to get involved in the marital political life of the marriage - this is the situation that, unfortunately, the rich powers face today.

If we are talking about valid elections with high competition between candidates, lack of succession and pronounced intrigue, then such political activity can overlap with popular TV series and popular shows.

  • Vibori are always accompanied by votes.
  • The political role (significance) of elections depends on the country’s voting method.
  • As a direct form of democracy, voting outweighs the majority and the significance of elections is noticeably low.

It is important to re-evaluate the significance of elections as a form of political activity: it often happens that illegal elections have a single political idea and the real participation of people in the political life of the country.

  1. The whole world will follow the elections of any country - this is a sensitive indicator of the social landscape in marriage.
  2. The features of current suspense political activity are as follows:
  3. The growth of alternative formats of political activity such as huge movements replacing the main party organizations with their harsh attitudes and behavioral codes.

Most often there is a mixture of motivation, sometimes rational and sometimes instrumental.

Residents are trying to get involved both in the adoption of government decisions and in search of choosing the best representatives of the authorities of all regions.

Every citizen has the right to take part in political activity.

For whom everything is needed: political awareness, rationality and ideological motivation.