Dormouse planting and looking at the open ground. How to grow a dormouse in a private area - simple secrets of a rich harvest. Lines for planting dormouse at a dacha near open ground

Numerous city dwellers throughout Russia are engaged in the cultivation of dormouse. Several varieties of this crop can be mixed together to decorate the plot, and in our material we will learn about how to grow dormouse in the countryside using the method of collecting more fruit from a new yak tree.

To date, over 60 varieties and hybrids of the oleic form of dormouse have been bred. The culture is a miraculous honey plant, impossible to observe, and withstands frosts down to minus 5 degrees Celsius.

Preparation and planting of dormouse

In order for the harvest of olive dormouse not to be disappointing, it is necessary to carefully select a plot, select and prepare it as sweetly as possible, and also to ensure that it is not difficult, but is necessary for obtaining a good harvest - rules landings.

Selecting and cultivating a plot under the dormouse

Dormouse grows on any kind of soil, but gives a good harvest on slightly acidic loams, black soil, and chestnut soils. Swampy plots with high acidity, as well as beetroot plants, are not suitable for productive growth.

It is not recommended to plant dormouse after beetroot and tomatoes. To take revenge on these plots great quantity nitrogen, and don’t like yoga culture. This fact must be taken into account and for the good done. The field will grow better, previously sown with winter grains, corn, and cabbage.

Also, be aware that after dormouse the soil will require updating and is not suitable for all urban crops. Afterwards, you need to fertilize the soil and plant some grains, peas and kvass - they will help quickly renew the soil. It is possible to turn around before sowing dormouse in one field in just 7 days.

In the spring, add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the plot: superphosphate, potassium sulfate. After that, dig up the soil deeply so that on the level of the root there is no support for the soil and any hardened sections of the soil.

Preparation now before planting

The dormouse is fragile until it is re-cut, so it’s not good for me to hang around this past year. It is better to get them at a specialized store. Before planting, the planting material is calibrated and tested.

Calibration is carried out using additional sieves, removing only the largest specimens. They also check the volume of grain, or “to the fullness” - lower the salt mixture (a teaspoon of salt per liter of water) and vikoryst those that have sank to the bottom of the container for 10 minutes.

The vigor of the dormouse depends on the etching of the soil before planting, which is why poor people like to profit from it. Vikorist chemical preparations: Prestige, Agrovital, Commander.

Can be prepared people's zasib for drilling the dormouse with 100 g of twisted chasnik and lushpinnya tsibulya. The ingredients are poured with two liters of dill at night, the mixture is processed and left for 12 years. This method is more humane and safe for birds and creatures.

Planting a dormouse

They hang near the grass when the ground warms up to 8 degrees Celsius. In the field, dig holes with a hoe, 5-7 cm deep. The more you stand between the holes, the more droplets grow. Recommended planting length is 50 cm.

Lower the hole in the skin 2-3 times and cover it with earth. The soil is responsible for butivologim.

Technology of growing dormouse

Go and show up 10 days in advance. From now on it is necessary to regularly water the dormouse. Koreneva system And the above-ground part of the growth is great, and the vologgers live richly. The culture is not to deal with weeds; they require regular weeding.

In the phase of 2-3 leaves, it is necessary to invigorate the dormouse with azophoska 40 g and cherry 20 g - per 10 liters of water. Apply the fertilizer after the previous watering.

Add potassium fertilizer (sulfate or potassium chloride) to the forming bolls. This combines a shift in the level of dryness of the plant, the formation of a rich oil and an increase in their oiliness.

From the time the seeds are conceived to the time of flowering, the need for dormouse in the hair doubles. Therefore, the norm and frequency of watering during this period will increase.

Fighting diseases against dormouse

Before you can grow the dormouse in your dacha, you need to prepare yourself to protect yourself from illnesses and harm, since the crop’s productivity often suffers through them. Fungal diseases are the most dangerous: horny mildew, phomosis, mildew, phomopsis, white rottenness.

The stinks attack the leaves and flower boxes. Dormouse plants infected with fungi appear to develop, the droplets do not develop. The first signs of severe illness can be seen in the 2-3 leaf phase, but the main symptoms appear later. To combat diseased plantings, spray the flowering plant with Mikosan-B, Fitosporin, Trichodermin.

The bad guys of the dormouse and the fight against them

Swallow the olive dormouse to love the innocent mischief-makers. The most common species is the dormouse (lat. Homoeosoma nebulella). She lays eggs in the cat at the molding stage, and then the larvae hatch and hatch into the nuclei. There are also a wide range of species: spring weevil, darterweed, dormouse wusan, and thorn weed.

You can help to change the prevalence of mosquitoes: blowing the soil before planting, removing the weeds early, and changing everything until the end. If pests are detected, the plantings should be sprayed with insecticides - Taran, Desicant, Aktellik.

The Great Skoda can be given birth to by the birds. To wash their white dormouse hats, tie different colored stitches. You can also use junk and old computer disks. Often, summer residents install lyakalos on their plots.

To protect this from birds and critters by tying the heads with a cloth that is dying, like gauze. It is necessary to work only after sawing and leaving it in this form until the flesh is fully ripened.

I give birth to the dormouse

The harvest of the dormouse begins at the sickle. Until then, the heads fall to the ground, the outermost petals dry out and dry out, and the soil begins to swell with black fermentation.

Ripe droplets are cut and, once consumed, left to dry (1-2 days). Hold it over the spread cloth. Rub the heads one against the other until everything falls off.

Dry now in the shade, hanging them on the lining in one ball. Having had enough of the windy weather, they sift through the soil. Why should they blame themselves for open localism, gain any capacity and fall back from the heights of human growth, these very visible storms.

Store dormouse in a dry place in hermetically sealed containers or bags made of non-woven material.


Grow the dormouse in your dacha and reap a good harvest to give strength to the mayor-cob. It is especially important to prepare the soil before sowing, timely watering, removing weeds and fighting against dangerous diseases and pests. If the technology for growing dormouse is described in our material, if you trim the surface, you will reap a wonderful harvest of savory and oily fruit.

Dormouse and dormouse, as it is most often called, belong to the Astrov family, and are cultivated both on a commercial scale and in individual kingdoms. The flower of the dormouse has a single head of large or small size, or a number of small heads, spread out in hair. Roslins grow as an olive crop, for harvesting fruits - as a plant, or as a decorative appearance. Topic of this article dormouse: planting and observation, photo. If this is the case today, how can we work correctly?

Dormouse: planting and observation, photo. When should I sit?

For the dormouse - when should it shine?

Bathing the dormouse will help to brighten it up, add brightness, and also give the freshness the ability to shine. The growth is single-sided and grows up to 3 meters in height. There are over 60 varieties of oil types available. Most often these are hybrids that are differentiated by ripening terms. In the middle, the first plants can be tried 2.5 months after planting.

When choosing a product, you need to focus on the following criteria:

  • size of the head of the dormouse (large or small);
  • the appearance is dark, the smell is white, black, dark;
  • The height of the trees, how high the stench can be severe.

U open ground The dormouse hangs near the grass if the ground warms up no lower than +8 degrees. Stages of planting roslini:

  1. Calibration is present. It is necessary to choose only the great, most important thing, so as not to cause harm.
  2. Soaked up now. Some summer residents soak their eggs overnight, but it is recommended to leave them soaked until the flock hatches. After this you can hang from the ground.
  3. Choose your place. Roslina needs to be planted in an open, sunny area, rather than being blown by winds. Call the dormouse to plant the uzdovzh parkaniv chi budіvel.
  4. Soil preparation. Dormouse does not grow well on clay soils, but prefers good soil fertilizers. Before sowing, humus can be added to the hole.

Plant the seedlings at the hole, placing 2-3 seedlings into the skin. The depth of the pit should be 5 to 8 cm, depending on the climate. In colder regions, the planting depth is greater. Stand between the holes - up to 45 centimeters, between the rows - at least 60 centimeters.

In order for a good harvest to be reaped in the spring, it is necessary for the trees to be kept in good standing. Dormouse trees love clear watering - once a day, in dry weather - twice a day. After watering, manually remove the weeds from the wet soil. If the planting is planted in a place that is blown, then you can provide a support so that strong winds do not bend or break the stems.

Keeping an eye on the dormouse

Dormouse is prepared with potassium fertilizers, which are applied to the ground immediately after planting. After the first weeding or before watering, it is necessary not to allow excess nitrogen in the soil, otherwise the crop will become amenable until it gets sick. In addition, all the powers of the dormouse can flow into the green mass, which is tall and beautiful, but with empty cats.

A major concern for the sprouts is caused by rodents after sowing crops and birds at the beginning of planting sprouts and after ripening the seeds. The protection against rodents can be carried out in the living room in a chapel-cibul infusion. For this purpose, mix 100 grams of fine cloves with mashed potatoes and pour in dill (two liters). Load up the doba. Then process and pour the mixture overnight before planting. To keep the birds out, tighten the white threads on the low stems that are driven into place. To remove birds from mature shoots, use vicor, fabric, newspaper, and old CDs. You can wear disposable medical caps on cats, which are sold in pharmacies. After the meat is ripe, the cat needs to be cut with a sharp knife.

Ozhe, dormouse: planting and observation, photo, when the sun shines And the rules of cultivation - all this will help you reap a good harvest of juicy, tasty vegetables for the joy of your homeland.

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If you love lubricated soil, then a wonderful option is to grow dormouse in your dacha. In addition to the bark crop, this crop also has a decorative function, so it’s not a bad idea to revive its vibrancy in any case. Looks like the plant is not too wobbly and it won’t take you too long, but the result will please you.

Popular varieties

The most popular varieties of olive dormouse for growing in Russia and middle smoothies are:

  • Variety SVK– It is one of the most popular and demanded on the market. Among all the varieties and hybrids, the dormouse appears to be the finest honey-bearing plant. The plant ripens in an average of 90 days. Gives advantage to the spacious territory. Before planting SPK in the present day, it is recommended to pickle them, because the variety is very susceptible to illness.
  • Variety Anyuta– the height of the trees rises, reaching two meters. The plant ripens in 110–115 days. Its advantages include resistance to illness, dryness, damage from birds and high productivity.
  • Sort Lux– appearing as a successor to the resolute selection of dormouse variety “Donsky Magnificent”. Plants of a good father's growing variety, Lux, are resistant to many illnesses. The culture of this variety is grown to high productivity and early maturity (100–105 days). Also, one of the best varieties is the large seed, which adheres lightly to the walls of the seed and is obviously easy to pick up.
  • Gorishok variety– selected as a result of selection of varieties of SPK and Lasunu. The same applies until the early stages of the dormouse (103-105 days). It grows with remarkably low growths, which can grow for any climatic minds and thus bring a good harvest. The genetically inflated immune system can lead to various illnesses, such as dormouse moth, etc.
  • Variety Lasun- to reach the middle age of the variety, which will bring a harvest from the great present. They ripen quickly (105-110 days) and simmer with high yield. This variety grows even more delicious, it’s not for nothing that the variety is called that. In addition, Lasun is a wonderful honey plant.

Get to the ground and planting place

One of the main advantages of the dormouse is its inability to detect and destroy germs. Wine can survive short frosts down to -5°C, resistant to dryness. But in order to capture the great and savory world, you still need to create singing minds and give respect to this culture.

To prevent a high crop, you need to plant the dormouse in rich soil with, instead of a medium amount of clay, white root and a sufficient amount of water under them. Acidic, swampy and salty soil is not suitable. It’s also not good to plant algae on the ground, because beans, beetroot and tomatoes have grown. It is not recommended to choose the same place for planting dormouse, as it is necessary to take a break to renew the soil and reduce the occurrence of illnesses. Good soil after planting grain and corn. The place for planting must be selected from the sun and protected from the wind.

Preparation for today and planting

Before landing, it is necessary to carry out calibration and airflow in the present day in a special way or an hourly infusion with tsibula lushpinny. To prepare it, take 100 g of chasnik, pass it through a meat grinder, then add the mashed potatoes and pour in 2 liters of dill. You need to stretch the mixture, then strain it and place it in the dormouse for the first time of planting. With the help of such a procedure, you can use rodents and other lovers of petting animals for the first hour.

Sit now It is necessary to have wet soil, which must warm up to 8-12 ° C, the optimal temperature for sowing is 20-25 ° C, as a rule. final hour for planting - kviten and grass. It is necessary to create shallow furrows, plant them, and then plant 2–3 seedlings per skin hole at a depth of 5–8 cm. The distance between large and tall dormouse may become 70–90 cm, and for medium-sized dormouse – 50 cm. Dormouse grows faster , the greater the virulence of the present day.


Dormouse - viroschuvannya and insight

For a quiet culture, pay careful attention. As for the dormouse, they need to be watered, fertilized, trained, and treated to protect them.


Since the dormouse is a very water-loving tree, watering is required clear and regular. As a rule, it is necessary to apply one watering per dose, but with heavy watering, its quantity increases up to 2-3 times per dose.


The garter helps the tall dormouse not to curl and bend in the wind and the heaviness of the rain. Since the tree is tall, without a garter you can fall and get hurt. If the crop is planted in a windless place, next to a park that contains water that protects and supports, then you can do without it.


The dormouse loves potassium and is bad for tolerating nitrogen. If the soil is rich in nitrogen, the growth is more susceptible to various diseases and it is possible that the dormouse grown on such soil will turn up empty. When fertilized with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, the dormouse plants are well cut, and the plant grows plump, large and savory. Apply well before planting, after watering or first weeding.

Bad people, illnesses and how to fight them

Before the main ones sicknesses the dormouse is told:

  • Appearing white rot, which protects the cat from the internal parts and greatly reduces the severity of fertilization
  • Viniknennya, as it is meant to spread throughout the entire stem. The first signs are the dark spots that appeared on the sheet.
  • The vegetative phase appears on the cob, which appears as white spots at the bottom of the leaf.
  • Viniknennya Phomopsis- the most widespread illness of the dormouse, which leads to the fact that the growth becomes gray-silver in color, the stovbur is devastated and the dormouse is hyne.

Main bad guys:

  • meadow snowstorms, what do the leaves of the bushes attack;
  • frightening owl, as the roots of young shoots gush;
  • , what is grieving now, what is growing, and going away;
  • , which is in charge of harm to leaves and cats;
  • birds and rodents.

Help in case of comas insecticides. And in the fight against birds you can use a clack, stretched threads from fabric, foil and old CDs. The piles of sawed-off trees can be covered with gauze with openings for ventilation.

I'm going to give birth

If the dormouse’s head turns away and snarls like that, it means that the time has come to collect the harvest. Cats, on the surface, cut, beat the linen, dry and collect paper bags to save. You can lift the uncut dormouse over the bucket and tap it until it falls out. The harvested crops cannot be harvested, as the seeds may crumble to the ground, fall into the box and appear. The stems of the dormouse also need to be collected from the beds and burned so that all diseases and illnesses are eliminated. After harvesting this crop, the soil needs to be fertilized thoroughly, and the dormouse fragments will be thoroughly removed.

Video about growing dormouse at the dacha

It is difficult to grow dormouse, if you follow all the rules and recommendations, you won’t be able to harvest a rich harvest. Nowadays you can work at home Sonyashnikova Oliya or they have a blurred appearance. The use of this product will provide the body with important vitamins and microelements.

America is the fatherland of the dormouse. This plant is widely harvested for various purposes: it is used to extract biodiesel fuel and Roslynna Oliya, I'm living with a hedgehog these days. In addition, bright and light dormouse can be used to decorate a windowsill or balcony. Dormouse is easy to grow into a potter - this is not suitable for small children.


Part 1

Vibir dormouse and gorschika

    Add some more to the dormouse. Dormouse can be purchased at a garden supply store in the city, at a rose garden, or via the Internet. If you want to harvest a rare variety of dormouse, it’s best to get it via the Internet. Other varieties are better suited for growing among mountain farmers.

    • Dormouse oil is also sold in grocery stores, but it is intended for hedgehogs and not for grooming. Lubricated dormouse oil is not suitable for germination.
  1. Select your preferred variety. On the package of dormouse (or in the description on the website) there may be a specific variety of dormouse and the approximate height of the plants. If you buy pineapple from a plant grower, you can get all the necessary information from the seller.

    • In single-stemmed dormouse trees, one flower grows from one tree. If you want the dormouse to bloom all summer, they need to be left for 10-14 days. Single-trunk varieties of dormouse do not stain the saw, so the stench will not cloud the veranda, furniture or clothes.
    • Planted varieties of dormouse can be given a few plants throughout the season; they do not need to be replanted. In addition, the dormouse flowers, which are softening, can be subject to unexpected spoilage, such as burgundy and chocolate.
  2. Find a reliable miner. When choosing a pot, consider the height of the dormouse trees and the number of bushes that you are going to plant in one pot. As a rule, pots up to 30-40 centimeters in height are suitable for dwarf dormouse.

    • The great dormouse needs potters with a volume of about 20 liters.
    • If you have already used the potter for something else, quilt it so that it is clean and sterile. In addition, it is recommended to open the drainage openings in the pot. Without such openings, the dormouse could rot.
    • Place the pot on a plate or saucer so that the water drains from the pot.
  3. Place soil and compost in a potter. Select high-acidity living soil (for example, soil for room growths). Add compost to it to provide the plants with the necessary living resources.

    Part 2

    Landing now

    Plant the plant near the soil at a depth of 2–3 centimeters. If you plant a bunch of meat in one pile, there will be at least 10-13 centimeters between them. After you plant it, the soil can be covered with a thin ball of compost.

    • Quilt so that there is 10–13 centimeters of free space around the bottom. Do not apply too close to the walls of the potter.
  4. Water daily. When the dormouse grows, it needs more water than other trees. Make sure that the soil is free of moisture and allows water to pass through well. During the germination period, consume at least 8 liters of water per day.

    Quilt this as the seed sprouts. After 7–10 days, the dormouse will sprout and give a small amount of pasture. For as long as possible, continue to water the soil daily and follow this until the soil becomes wobbly, especially around the soil.

    • If you grow dormouse in the open air, you can cover the dormouse with a canopy or net to protect it from birds.
  5. Part 3

    Keeping an eye on the dormouse
    1. For bazhannyam, vikorist dobryva. If you want, sleepyheads can do without kindness, additional encouragement to keep their flowers bright and plump. For the cob, use high-nitrogen dobrova, and after the buds appear, switch to dobrova. about more instead of phosphorus.

      Trim the plants under direct dormouse light. When they sprout, they need more natural light in order to form thick and strong stems that can accommodate the large heads of dormouse. During the growing period, dormouse requires 6-8 years of direct dormouse light every day.

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