Why is it such a joy to live here anyway?


Repair and self-development

A world-famous model, sponsor, and wealthy mother, Natalia Vodianova wins not only photographers, but also people with her remarkable generosity and good-heartedness, which at the same time creates extraordinary beauty They are one of the most popular and beloved people in the fashion industry.

Recently the star realized that it is much calmer in Moscow, and even less so in Paris.

Natalia Vodianova is a beautiful, talented model with ideal natural characteristics, a social activist and the mother of five boys.

The top model achieved success in life as a result of her efficiency and reliability.

Protein popularity has both sides of the coin, and celebrities also have plenty of unkind people.

The persona of Natalia Vodianova previously seemed to be a star of numerous wives to the fullest extent.

It’s crazy that in such a time they would cross each other and mean that accepting women would be the most likely to be presented as changes and not really in such a manner.

These untreated individuals with meticulous uniforms prepared five lads, just as Vodianova did.

If you sense this or read about it, it is wrong to get into the habit of giving in to doubt and looking at the opposite stated point of view.

In many cases, which are not the greatest if everyone is right-handed, left-handed people are smarter and safer.

Most of the “gurus” motivate us to live here and at the same time.

If we talk about those who are only important at the same time, it is our fault to work only with those who bring us satisfaction.

Instead of living in the present moment, rather live for the future and remember your past.

Do it in such a way that you want to guess about it.

In fact, it really does fly by.

It’s impossible to get caught up in today’s work, which is hardly possible.

If you understand, we will already pass.

If you don’t want to mischief about your work, perhaps this article is for you.

Those that happened a long time ago have no sense to analyze.

And the axis closest to the past is directly connected with your current choice.

How have the last two rocks of your life passed?

Life is a story, as we write ourselves.

At the moment there are only traces of the pen on the paper.

We know in a melodious way that this pen cannot be stopped: it will last forever to write again and again.

So why not take it in hand and independently write a story that can fill the book of our life?

Your guesses indicate the extent to which you feel the answer is

Since your wound is over, there is a great likelihood that we will be away all day.

And as a result, if you pressed the button several times and set the alarm to ring in order to add 15 hours to yourself, and as a result you did not manage to accomplish anything that you had planned for the morning, the part of the day that was lost will also not matter whine.

The emotions that cry out to us about the past mean a lot in what we feel at once.

In this way, if you already do things in such a way that you can write about yourself in the future, you will increase your confidence in success in the future.

Turbopa allows you to create your ideal future

The famous book “A Guide to Highly Effective People” by Stephen Cove is starting now, clearly showing the final result.

Sometimes it’s so easy to know your own self-righteousness and not to live up to the obligations you give to yourself.

It happens that we cannot bring the anger under control and it manifests itself in children.

Sometimes the bakery looks so appetizing that we can’t say “no”.

And sometimes we just lie on the couch instead of going to training.

Sometimes we allow ourselves some weaknesses.

If we work too often, then our past will not be at all the way we would like it to be.

The life of every person is a treasure, for whom one wants to write down one story, but another one altogether.

James Matthew Barrie, author of Peter Pan

If we always remember about our past and future, then it will be easier for us to gather our will into a fist and make the right decisions.

You can work while others are daring, save money, and not waste it and not give up, even if you really want to quit on the right.

Angelina Jolie has long been close to the royal homeland.

In 2014, her family received the Order of St. Michael and St. George and the title of Dame of Cavalry, and now Duchess Camilla.

Daily Star insiders revealed that Camilla became close to Angelina Jolie in order to boost Kate Middleton's reputation.

“Camilla always respected that Kate should not suit William, just as Meghan should not suit Harry.

According to Camilli, members of the royal family can be even aristocratic women.

Now there’s the victorious Jolie, who’s splashed out on the press with that hugeness and the blatant actress against Katherine,” it seems to have been seen.

Preparation before moving to London

According to the foreign press, Angelina Jolie plans to move from the USA to Europe.

The main reason is that the simple “Brangelina” has child care for more than half of Hollywood who has become upset with Brad Pitt.

Now Jolie plans to move with her children to London and join the House of Lords.

As insiders confirm, Jolie herself partnered with Camilla: in Engi’s opinion, dating with the Duchess helps her form the right image in the eyes of the British community.
It is important for me to give myself time to the present moment, and not wait until the next moment arrives.

It is necessary to completely confine yourself and get comfortable with what is happening at once.
Burning tumors grow on your eyes, and you will have a lot of desire to pay for them.

Live every day, because it is impossible to repeat.

Price it while it lasts, before it disappears and disappears again.

To live here and at the same time, appreciate the primary benefits of life.
The hour for happiness is now.
And people, who think that it’s better here, don’t think it’s better here.

And people, like to think, that whenever it happens, it will be better, at the same time.

And people, how good they are here, even before anyone else thinks!


Since I am not one to happily wash dishes, because I want to finish with them as quickly as possible so that I can drink a cup of tea, then I also cannot happily drink the tea itself.

With a cup in my hands, I think about what I’m working on, and the taste and aroma of tea will be forgotten at once due to the satisfaction of the drink itself.

I will always be tired of the future and will never be able to live in the present moment...

Thich Nhat Hanh

There are moments in which people don’t think about them, don’t measure them, don’t appreciate them, but there aren’t so many of them.

We call these moments happy.

At that moment, when you are completely lost there, where your body is, you are lost here.

Those who were afraid of the Khvilina just yesterday,

but over the course of the remaining six months,

or the remaining sixteen rocks,

or the remaining fifty rocks -

doesn't mean anything.

Those who are very respectful

What are you doing right now?

The skin patch is very large.

For example, fortunately... Live every day, every day,

Some days may end at sunset.

There are too many people who watch for Friday all day long, the whole holy month, the whole season of summer, and all the days of happiness.

And you need to enjoy your skin day and enjoy the skin mitta.

SKIN MITTY I know a paradise in every skin situation, a blessing in every skin situation, a treasure in every human being.

In fact, all that needs to be done is to fully embrace this moment.

Preparation before moving to London

Then you are at peace with yourself and here.

Eckhart Tolle One minute has passed, the next day has not yet arrived.This moment is deprived - pure, filled with energy.

Live it!

Remind yourself more often that the purpose of life is not at all to end everything planned, but to enjoy the skin crumbs, worn out on the path of life, in order to fill life with love.

Richard Carlson

Sometimes it’s impossible to accept, because it’s unacceptable or greedy.

And those that are.

Watch out for how the mind creates shortcuts and how it is distributed, how constantly going through judgments creates pain and makes you unhappy.

By supporting the mechanisms of the mind, you become a support for the stereotype and thereby allow it to exist. Live it!

This state gives you the opportunity to feel the taste of inner freedom from external environments, and the taste of experiencing inner peace. Everything that you have been looking for is in front of you, so you don’t have to stretch out your hands and take those that were considered for you as a people’s gift.Just stop kidding, enjoy what it is.No matter how much you worry, no matter who you are afraid of, no matter who you are with, just listen, watch out, marvel, know.

Just live.
Live like this, no matter how you came into the world and did everything that will leave you behind!

Happiness in life lies in the present moment, in smart living and skin awareness, feeling, breathing, breathing... Skin care - Live.

If you want to live happily, love everyday things.

The obvious gloom, the rustle of leaves, the colorful sparkle of the horobts, the denunciation of passers-by - you know in all these everyday things.

Akutagawa Ryunosci

The world will be presented to you exactly as you perceive it to be.

You are constantly adapting your life to the power of this revelation.
If you believe in life a lot, then you will benefit from your life.

And this time, not by chance.

In fact, the everyday heat in which you live is nothing more, as the result of your continued belief in those who are here and at once - not at all paradise.

Chuck Hillig

Sidish - and sit by yourself;

If you go, go on your own.

At this moment, this is the field on which the game of life is played out.

And we can’t find ourselves anywhere else.

The secret of living smartly, the secret of success and happiness can be summed up in three words: Unity from Life.

Oneness from life is oneness from what is contagious.

Once you know this, you will understand that you live your life, and life lives by you.

Zhittya is a dancer, and vi is a dance.

Eckhart Tolle

The best way to talk about the future -

Eternity pulses in the breath of the skin.

Anyone who understands life does not rush.


See the taste of the skin!

LAST YEAR The whole world is about to be created anew.

Therefore, there is no truth about the past, there are only thoughts about the past.

Blink your eyes and the light that you will see without sleeping if you closed it.

Therefore, the united, powerful body of the mind is healthy.

One mighty heart is buried.

The heavens you see now, you have never seen before.

Now is the perfect moment.

Be happy.

Terry Pratchett "The Wicked Hour"


If you stop digging into what happened...

And I’m turbulent about those that are no longer there...

Then you can feel the Joy of Life.

Lose yourself now.
You can’t change anything in the past, and the future will never come to you the way you saw it or you’ll get better.
Dan Millman.

This is how the Little Engine from Romashkovo faded: stop, look around, listen, because you can sleep for the rest of your life...

Take a deep breath, I will calm my body and mind.
I see the rogues, I laugh.
Having experienced it all at once, I know that this is a marvelous moment!

Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today's gift!

As if from the window of his cubicle, the stars could be seen in the market square, Rabbi Nachman noted one of his students.

That's why he's already croaking.

Why did you come to marvel at the sky today?

- Having asked yogo rabbi Nachman.

No, slaves, I’m not in time.

Believe me, for fifty years everything you’ve been here for, you know.

There will be a different fair here - with different horses, with different carts, and the people will also be different.

I won’t be here anymore and neither will you.

What is so important that you don’t have enough time to look at the sky?

The world is beautiful, thorough and endlessly colorful.

You just need to be aware of life in the moment Here and Now.

And I will open all my doors for you.

So be open with your heart!

Wash your skin so that you don’t repent later and don’t scold about those who wasted their youth.

Paulo Coelho ---

Try it if you don’t want to bring your mind to the little one.
To marvel at the world is simply to marvel.
Don’t say “befits”, “not befits”.
Don't say anything.
Don’t mince words, just marvel.
The mind perceives inhumanity.
Rozumov would like to say something.
You just say to the mind:

“Movchi, give me a break, I’m just amazed”...

While stretching out their arms to the stars, people often forget about the flowers under their feet.

D. Benthem ---

Life is like that, how to bach.

It’s wonderful to drink so that you don’t need anything else.

-- Bernard Werber --

And three shepherds that steal joy and light: sorry for the past, anxiety for the future and misfortune for today.
If you want to be a happy person, don’t feast on your memory.
Accept reality as it is.
Value everything that comes to your life.

Enjoy it while it stops.

Let me go when the time comes.

I was inspired by the words of Chögyam Trungpa, the Tibetan master of meditation, who seemed to be inspired by the idea that, flowing from the Chinese pile, I would cross the Himalayas from my studies, perhaps without any preparation, no provisions, and no knowledge of the routes. and the results of your risky enterprise.
His answer was short: “My feet are crawling like crazy.”

To live here and at the same time, appreciate the primary benefits of life.
Jorge Bucay
Happily, it is more accessible to everyone and more accessible immediately.

We need to stop being hesitant and respectfully marvel at the misfortunes that are about to leave us.

And people think that if it was (it would be) better than ever.

And people, how good they are here and at the same time, while others still think.

How you live your day is how your life goes.
How easy it is to succumb to the thought that one day nothing will happen, since we still have many similar days ahead of us.

Live in the world without ideas about what will happen in the future.

Whether you will overcome it or we will overcome it, it doesn’t matter.

Death will take everything.
You cross over and play, but you don’t have a network.
The only thing that is important is that it was important all the time, as soon as you played with the group.

Did you enjoy it?

- I play it myself... - and then washing my skin becomes a bit of joy.


Walking on water is no wonder.

It’s a miracle to walk on the Earth and see yourself alive right at the same time.

And laugh!

Most of us live in such a chaotic rhythm that daily routine and cleanliness sometimes seem foreign and incomparable.

Most people, having sensed my words, will say that the stench does not last an hour to sit and marvel at the flower.

Well, let me tell you that the stinks do not linger for an hour, just to please the laughter of children or to run barefoot under the board.

Let me tell you, we need to borrow for people like this.

They don’t have a lot of friends, because their friends also need time.

Robin Sharma ---


Ask yourself: “Why do I feel joy, peace and lightness in what I am doing now?”

This means that the hour comes at once, and life is perceived as an important burden and struggle.

We squander, let our fingers slip through our fingers, otherwise their treasury is in reserve.

We begin to think about tomorrow, about the future river at that hour, when we need both hands to grasp the cup, poured over the edge, as life itself reaches out, unbidden, with its extreme generosity - and drink, and drink, until the cup passes to others hands. Nature has long been frequent and disliked.

Oleksandr Ivanovich Herzen

There comes a time in everyone's life when it is necessary to realize that the old is no longer there. It was there in the past, but the rest of it fell apart irrevocably.So we are ready to let the hour go.Few people are alive today. Whether you will overcome it or we will overcome it, it doesn’t matter.

Most are preparing to live later.

Be mittevo.

Bring to this meeting all your total awareness.

Don’t let the past one get in, don’t let the next one come in.

There is no more past, it is dead.

Die for the past of your skin, no matter how it was in the past, heaven or hell.

Whatever happens there - die for the new one, and be fresh and young, and be born again of this world.
The people are obviously staying with the present, but they are no longer visible.

There are too many people who watch for Friday all day long, the whole holy month, the whole summer of summer, and all the lives of happiness... And you need to enjoy every day and rejuvenate with skin mitia.

Recently I re-read my article about the changes for 2017... And this article made me smile.

It seems to me that during this year of 2018 I have changed more than in the entire year of 2017!
In my breast it seemed that a serious transformation was taking place in me.

But it’s incomparable with this, because transformation is happening at once!

I don’t know what I’ll be like in a month.

I know that the Lord can turn everything around no matter what, I will never be able to transfer His plan and His gift.

It's wonderful!

Invisibility is beautiful...

Sometimes I have less active coaching, so I come to a lot of new people for consultations.

And I find myself suddenly starting to “scream like a horse.”

Lisa squirmed and ticked.

I walked up to her again and again, without pretense, asked why the saw sucker was whining there.

I really wanted to understand her.

And Liza said: “I want to suck it myself!”

I calmly gave her the cleaner, she fought with it for about 5 minutes, and then I finished cleaning up without any problems.

And everything was not a feat.

And practice a little.