Why is it not possible to break dishes three times? People's notes about broken dishes. Why be timid with vile signs?

Utensils are the main element of the skin's skin. It is completely natural that the dishes are associated with an impersonal sign.

1. If, for whatever reason, someone else’s plate showed up in your booth (you thought they brought you gifts from her too), then at all times, do not turn the owner’s plate around empty. As a matter of course, you need to put everything in someone else’s plate and turn it over. If you don’t eat anything, but turn around an empty plate, you can attract hunger from your everyday life. So take note.

2. In order not to find yourself penniless, you cannot, at any time of the table, end up with empty dances on the table.

3. If an unfriendly person accidentally breaks a cup, then this is a sign that you can get along with rich people And say goodbye to unfriendly lives. Surely, after such a thing, the boy can become friends, and the girl can get married.

4. If you accidentally broke the kelikh, then you can immediately check for a new novel.

5. Well, if you broke the bottle, then don’t rely on luck in the coming hour.

6. And the plate was inadvertently broken, which is a sign of Swedish success

7. It’s a very bad sign for names, as the name is picking up the plate during the fun hour. The shlyub can give a crack.

8. Broken dishes must be thrown away promptly if they are broken before sunset. As the dishes break after the sun sets, the tricks throw out the uranium of the coming day.

9. If, at the hour of moving to a new place of residence, the dishes are broken, they are thrown away at the first half of the next day.

10. It’s really bad, since the dishes broke during the hour of the funeral. If this has already happened, then it is necessary to carefully collect the pieces into a bag, without sticking with your hands (amount for a scoop, or take them with a paper), then put everything from the funeral table into this bag. In the dark, you need to take this bundle out of the house and place it in a place where people don’t go. You need to turn around before home, don’t look around. After returning home, you need to take a shower (if you don’t have the courage, then wash your hands with cold water, rather than as a holy thing).

11. It is necessary to get rid of cracked or chipped dishes. Moreover, first you take it out, throw it away, break it into small pieces at the wicker booth. You will avoid misfortune in your home by saving sticky and cracked dishes.

12. There is no need to trust your dishes with your guests.

13. Don't waste your dishes at night, which could lead to your home being rejected. For a long time it was believed that rude dishes would add evil spirits to the booths. Be sure not to turn the evil spirits into the dishes.

The villages still accept empty jars, potters, cups, etc. keep upside down, then. uphill in the afternoons. It shouldn't be empty.

It’s such a remarkable sign that the amount of dishes that are piled up at the door is associated with times of happiness. If broken tableware always brings good luck. In several situations, this is ahead of the approach of inconsistencies.

Breaking dishes never brings good luck

Take a look at the sacred

Breaking dishes in a holy place. The clink of a broken plate at entry is accompanied by a shout: “For happiness!” Ancient traditions tell us that when one is young in the first month of life, after having fun, a plate or cup breaks into small pieces, then one can count on them for a happy life. The more subtle the tricks, the happier will be their union.

Once upon a time, on another day, the oars were thrown out of the window of the room of the so-called clay potters. The miner, who broke up, was impressed by the proof of his betrothed’s worth.

When, at the hour of the holy day of the river, a wine glass bursts in the hands of the mother-in-law and mother-in-law, then scandals and conflicts of impending doom will be expected on the young, and fights with relatives at this hour will be even more vile. To minimize the influx of signs, the son-in-law must break a similar bottle by throwing it over his left shoulder.

For matchmaking, the newlyweds are offered herbs from the hedgehog. She is named to break him at once, so that his house will have prosperity in the future.

Just before the holy hour, the squad puts a plate on the table, this is a sign of what family life you can’t get by without the blessings of the betrothed. To avoid it, find the biggest trick and crush it with your left foot.

The bottle was broken by a man at the hour of Lent - this is a warning about those who may become addicted to alcohol in the future. You can neutralize the sign by spraying tricks clean water, saying: “I won’t be able to cope with the future, and I won’t be able to sleep as a servant of God!”

Pobutov's notes

If the dishes suddenly break on the eve of the day, nothing bad will happen. As soon as a plate or cup is broken, it means there is little misfortune. A wasted dish causes financial difficulties. If a cup is broken in this way, look for welding with a close person. It’s not good to indulge in this kind of expression of emotions, otherwise, through misfortune, you will lose the ability to live forever.

To our credit, there is a note about glass cups, flasks and kelikhas. And the order: “It’s a bottle, it’s good to live there.” Once you have earned a lot of money from your household, you can look forward to success.

If the curse begins to break, something else is a reason for concern. Zaboboni say what for family well-being It’s already very late for people who stay with a trusted circle:

  • If the bottle was broken by a woman, beware of slander and mischief.
  • If you are broken by a person, then be on the lookout for unacceptable words that convey an image.
  • If the bottle was broken by a child, watch out for the dirty whistles.

If a woman drinks a cup of a man or a dog, then she will soon have a super girl. Letting go of a bottle of water indicates business success.

The child's broken child will tell you about the meeting. The detection of the phenomenon is confirmed, as in a short period of time a number of the child’s speeches are heard.

The cup was broken by the child - to the filthy sounds

The dishes break by themselves

Sometimes you may notice that the dishes are cracked without any intervention. Such incidents occur infrequently, but since the stink lingers in the place, you must prepare before trying it out due to the lack of finances. According to Feng Shui, cracks on dishes take away positive energy, good luck and happiness. If cracks appear on the dishes, this is due to delay, so it’s not good:

  • let the water run on self-fuel;
  • give up;
  • forget about the problem.

The whole thing can get ready for action, unimportant in the furnishings, then black can change into white. Some dishes don’t just crack, but break on their own. It seems like the house-elf's twists. To pin them down, appease the housekeeper. Place a small plate of milk in the kitchen cupboard. Give the french coat the tenderness to the creatures and the twists of the Budinkovogo.

You can fight on your own if you are full of negativity. People respect that dishes can act as a conductor. When the negativity in the room becomes abundant, it bursts, clearing the space.

Cracks on dishes take away success

Broken dishes at Smitty's

A broken dishware is a source of negativity in the booth. Saving does not bring measles, but will add more evil. It’s not a good idea to save dishes with various damages in your cupboard, since you love the cup. Such sentimentality brings with it great insecurity: if you overcook dishes that crack, you will add selfishness.

It’s not surprising that you can’t glue a broken cup back together. For married couples, the presence of such a cup at home can result in separation.

Chipped kitchen stuffing brings prosperity. Just a small plate with a crack will give you something poor.

Get rid of all the damaged dishes in the booth. It’s better to work in the night of a young man: pull everything behind you. Why burn the dishes on a clean cloth and take the package to a deserted place. If you lose your vimovte:

“It’s been crushed, it’s been ground through misfortune, I’ll salvage it in a vacant lot, and luckily I’ll send it home. Yak said, so be it. Amen!”

Add new plates and cups, the stench will become the first crumb until life changes!

You must always believe in the good, and good luck will accompany you in life. You have to decide for yourself, trust the signs of someone else, and if you break broken dishes, you won’t be able to live a happy life.

Note those concerns associated with a wealth of speeches, and in to the current world do not lose their relevance. Explore the wisdom of your ancestors so that misfortune does not overtake you.

The note about dishes is indifferent. Some of them celebrate success and prosperity, while others report significant changes in life, and not always positive ones. If situations constantly arise in your everyday life, when plates and bowls fight or crack, you may want to reconsider your plans for life, change your mind about making a decision, or simply change your mind.

From one plate: what to add to the notes

  • Note that it is unusual from one plate. People decide to do welding for themselves.
  • Another interesting fact is that a meal from one plate can reveal to people your darkest thoughts and thoughts.
  • With sanitary utensils for eating, you don’t need to fry through the possibility of an energetic infusion one on one.

Note about Mittya's dishes

  • Unique dishes for guests. Our ancestors respected the fact that guests from Mitya stole dishes from their homeland for happiness and prosperity, they were expected to receive such help.
  • Mitting someone else's dishes can provoke a surge of negative energy to the one who has voiced to help. You can create gifts for distant relatives if you want to see them as guests more often. In this case you can trust them with the dishes.
  • These dishes can also be put into the father’s cabin, thereby creating significant connections of controversy.
  • As a rule, a young girl who is visiting someone else’s dishes will soon get married, and if the guest washes her hands over the foreign dishes, then the rulers must prepare for unpleasant news and scandals in the family.
  • If the guest does not ask you to help you remove the dishes, your home will be completely riddled with negative energy.
  • As a rule, gentlemen, when you wash the dishes before going to bed, you will bring prosperity and prosperity to your home.
  • Mitty, the dishes for the night are free from negative energy and nasty thoughts.
  • As a rule, do not wash dishes at night, so as not to get into trouble before welding.
  • Wash the dishes early and ensure good health for all family members.

Notes on broken dishes

  • If you broke a plate on your birthday, then you will receive a lucky river, a new spring and joyful signs.
  • The plate, broken on the church sacredly, promises prosperity to the whole homeland.
  • Unmarried girl, Yaka broke the plate quickly, you can check the Swedish request for a romantic treat.
  • The guy who breaks the plate can get a quick career.
  • Dishes that have cracked for no apparent reason will save you from the negativity that has accumulated in your home.
  • A woman who is friendly can take a broken plate to the forewarnings about possible conflicts with a man.
  • A man at a hooker who accidentally breaks a plate is guilty of being ready to deal with inconveniences at work.
  • For summer people, such unacceptability costs a lot of money.
  • A plate broken at a party does not indicate success in life, and even with it you take part of the negative energy of the rulers of someone else’s home.
  • A broken plate on Mondays promises happiness and spring in the coming days. If you have broken a plate at a secondary store, you can cash out new items and profits from a good business. The breaking of dishes on Wednesday promises inconvenience and conflict in the business environment. In four, broken dishes provoke a low level of disagreement. On Friday, your carelessness with dishes will lead to your death, even if you conduct your household rule correctly. Since it is not acceptable to eat on Saturday, then check for guests in the coming days. During the week, a broken plate promises peace and happiness in the family.
  • A cup that is accidentally broken on the counter means good news for the family, and if you have broken it on the table or other furniture, then get ready to protect yourself from the attacks of your friends.
  • Break the saucer as a sign of the Swedes' friendly relations with people you haven't seen for a long time.
  • The curses of the insightful dishes oblige the reception bugs and the Shytide holiday in great company guests.
  • A broken kettle to talk about the Swedish sustrich from distant relatives, who are unlikely to come to you on a visit.
  • As soon as the child’s dishes broke, especially the cup, the mother wanted to read a prayer over him in the presence of the dog.
  • Broken dishes in the bedroom indicate health problems.

A note about the cooking utensils

  • Dark spots on the plates appear as if the rulers are about to reject the unacceptable signal.
  • The old marks you put on the dishes may indicate your dishonesty.
  • If a girl licks the plate, then her man will become a summer fox man.
  • For young men, such a sign labels an unattractive girl with a bad character.
  • If a child licked the plate, then check at the reception for new items.
  • The breast cup in your everyday life is associated with scandals with the khan, as well as unacceptable lashes at your address.
  • In addition, a rude plate announces the arrival of an unkind person who will bring negativity to your life.
  • There is a great quantity of heavy dishes in the booth - to the point of sudden illness and the influx of material problems.
  • Leave the dishes for the evening - until the end of the day.
  • As a rule, the depletion of heavy dishes under the spoon is caused by self-esteem and negative thoughts.

Note about the gift of dishes

  • Caring people are afraid to give plates, because they believe that such a gift will be considered unacceptable both to the giver and to those who accept the gift. In this case, you should be prepared to provide utensils filled with fruits, so as to avoid inconveniences.
  • Plate, donated to new holy, indicates a drought-free and financially stable river.
  • The service given to new families guarantees family wealth and prosperity. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors tried to give the young people a new set of services, so that they could quickly get back on their feet and be able to conduct their reign independently.
  • The increase in income comes from a silver saucer given on National Day. Choose colorful speeches so that the birthday boy blossoms and garnishes every day.
  • If you are given a gift of a set of cups, you can immediately change your partner.
  • Pots and frying pans, donated by guests, indicate problems with parents and Swedish ailments.
  • Giving knives, forks and spoons is highly unacceptable.
  • Gifts of porcelain, in addition, show material goodness, and crystal indicates a change in beauty.

Notice about someone else's dishes at the booth

  • Someone else's plate in your everyday life is likely to lead to financial problems, so it is important to turn it over to the rulers. However, don’t forget that that empty empty plate is negative for you. Turn clean dishes, filling them with malt or fruit.
  • If you stole someone else's plate, then theft will become a problem in your booth.
  • Someone else's cup promises to be super and talk about the fact that your friend has romantic connections on the side.
  • It’s okay for someone else to talk about the presence of problems with alcohol in some of your relatives.
  • If you have broken someone else’s dishes at your cabin, then perform a cleansing ritual before taking a bath.

Take note of the dishes that are cracked

  • A cup with a crack symbolizes the happiness of one of the partners in special wines and the happiness of the business sphere.
  • A chipped cup foretells discord between friends.
  • It’s wrong to talk about Swedish super girls with your relatives.

Note about new dishes

  • Mitya new dishes - for good luck and prosperity. Pursue the idea of ​​gifting dishes in order to absorb all the negative energy.
  • Our ancestors used new Sillyu dishes. This is how people got good luck at the booths. The dishes were also sizzled in order to obtain the “sieve” of life.
  • Do not place new dishes on the table immediately, so as not to cause bad luck.
  • If the new dishes break, they will end up on you.

Regardless of whether you believe anything or not, try

Placing cracked dishes in the apartment for aesthetic reasons is not the best solution. In addition, in terms of practicality, most often plates or cups with cracks are absolutely dirty. They are unlikely to be actively exploited by members of the family, then the police will take their place, and the saw will be taken carelessly. If any defects appear on the dishes due to what seems to be an unacceptable situation, then a quick glance at the beaten kitchen will soon bring to mind heavy thoughts and thoughts about what will appear on the mood and microclimate in the family. However, there is a magical explanation of the songs that cannot be deprived of the cracked beginning.

What is the danger if dishes with cracks are found in your home?

According to old beliefs, there is evidence that the plate or bottle was cracked, which signals great quantity negative energy in Budinku. A note about the defects that immediately appeared on the table is that family members need to prepare for serious tests and difficulties, which are expected in advance. Changes are coming, and they always cast a positive light.

Keeping broken dishes near your home attracts selfishness. It is true that people still regularly struggle with cracks in their beginnings, which is due to doubts, marriage, and the opinions of friends and loved ones.

There are a lot of mystics and esoterics in the song, so that the cracks on the surface of the dishes absorb negativity, which then spreads throughout the entire household. In addition, it used to be respected that such a rite gives signs of evil forces that interfere with life and can harm members of the family.

If plates or bowls that have burst have not been removed for a long time, such items will begin to attract a variety of unpleasantnesses. Something like this at home can lead to problems with finances and provoke discord between friends. Moreover, since the dishes often crack and splinter on their own, this predicts a serious illness for the Swede.

Sometimes it happens that every day the filling starts cracking before it arrives. For example, before the holy city, a few days before an important performance, whatever it may be, before the trip. This means that you are most likely to follow through with your plans: do not celebrate the holiday, or postpone the celebration to another hour, or get ready for the trip. In other cases, it can turn out negatively for a person and cause many unacceptable problems.

If you really want to see success and good luck, then you need to not throw away the dishes that are cracked. Adje same vona y add. However, in order to improve the situation in life, it is necessary to carry out an inspection and, without pity, throw away plates and cups with broken edges and cracks.

The article tells you about the dark side of things tied to broken, new, other people’s dishes.

Human life is based on beliefs and slaughter, which have been passed down for centuries from generation to generation. They were guessed by people, focusing on the conditions that they experienced after some kind of accident, for example, breaking dishes.

U everyday life People often throw their respect onto a plate or cup that has broken so badly, as they want to protect themselves from inconvenience. In fact, you will see broken dishes in most cases, but the skin damage will cause damage to the furniture.

Note that tlumachennya:

  • The cup broke on the forgery - I have recently experienced positive experiences, so I can change for the better.
  • A cup broke on the table (other furniture) – Most of all, you have people who are jealous and unkind, who often wish you harm.
  • The plate broke about the forgery - look out for the arrival of guests, look out for changes and table service, look out for gifts and surprises (receptions).
  • The plate broke on the table (other furniture) – Unplanned expenses will be expected of you and a cheerful bug may be approaching.
  • The saucer broke - check with guests good friend, receptions rozmovi and sustrichi.
  • Rose sklo (flask, kelikh, decanter) - If you pay for everything, it’s not easy to ask you for pennies to the bank, otherwise they’ll spend a lot of money on you.
  • A broken teapot, teapot (it’s ceramic) - Check out the visit of a distant relative, or we know the friend from the good old days.
  • Broken dishes across the doors, at the front room (be it a plate, a cup) - This is a sign to talk about the presence of a meeting, you need to light a candle in the church or separate your place from those who are unkind and hostile.
  • The cup and plate under the table broke you will soon be able to spend your pennies or their money at the borg.
  • Navmisna break the dishes at the booth - It’s a bad sign that you sense financial instability, spending and wasting pennies “for nothing.”
  • Broken dishes in the kitchen - It’s a good sign: this “city” little house is a happy homeland, good changes in life.
  • Broken dishes near the bedroom - It’s a bad sign, she has problems with her health and her hundred-pounds.
  • The child from Filizhanka got upset - talk about those who will meet in a child, because I want evil.
Note about breaking dishes at the booth: tlumachennya

Note: take dishes at a party, at someone else’s booth

Apparently, whatever the guest’s actions, especially related to the dishes, the rulers at home expect changes in life and future events. You should carefully keep track of this before you leave the dishes for yourself in the household, as you should do with other items.

Tlumachennya note:

  • Frequently I am a guest after eating dishes at someone else's booth As a person you trust and often let into your family, there is no sign of a nasty cloud.
  • Distant relatives wash dishes - Parts of the soup may be a quick departure from the family and more expensive.
  • Mitty dishes at the father's house - It’s a good sign that it looks like it’s going to happen for a long time, sometimes it’s sore.
  • The guest takes a cup with him - before the welding, before the scandal that unimaginableness in your ankles.
  • The guest brings a lot of dishes. It’s important that this is a bad sign, so a “stranger” person in your house “sees happiness.”
  • The guest washes someone else’s dishes (not less than her own) – After all, after this there will be a number of problems and misfortunes in the family and everyday life, the fragments of the “alien” people have lost all the positive energy.
  • A young girl is washing dishes at a party. before the Swedish marriage or marriage of a young boy (girl) at a booth in which there were dishes.
  • Mother-in-law washes dishes while visiting you before welding between family members.
  • The guest washes her hands over the dishes at a party - Unacceptable conditions, welding, financial problems.
  • The guest did not wash his own dishes - It’s a good sign to talk about those that your home is sure to be stolen in the presence of “filthy” people.

Note about Mitya's dishes at a party: tlumachennya

Someone else's dishes at the booth: a note

Someone else's dishes in a booth have a negative meaning for a person. On the right, in whatever life it is, there is protection in that “forte” that protects the skin from the unpleasantness of the outside world. By bringing someone else’s speech into your home, you destroy the energy and cause it to spill, which is why you yourself suffer.

So it’s important that you can get other people’s dishes from your own home and even to your own dislike, hostility and greeting. Therefore, be careful not to provide your own special dishes (you should have special plastic containers that will be used for guests and relatives). So just turn around the dishes that you have given or brought, which you have had before - this is how you will feel the bitterness.

Note that tlumachennya:

  • Someone else's cup in the booth supernitsa, the man's wife, the man's secret ties “on the side”, respectfully stand up to the centenary.
  • Someone else's bottle or kelikh u budinku - Family health problems may be related to alcohol.
  • Someone else's plate, straw in the booth financial problems in the family, great battles and overworldly expenses.
  • Lots of someone else's dishes in the booth great problems with health and breasts, problems with welding and incomprehensible, perhaps, separation for a friend and serious illness of one of the family members.
  • A plate was stolen from the booth There is a sign of “villainy” in your life, it is possible that money will be stolen from you, and perhaps you will be deceived.
  • Break someone else's dishes at the booth you've been tricked
  • Give back your dishes and don’t take them back - Before energetic discharge, you may feel bad and you are overcome by low failures.
  • Mitya puts someone else's dishes in his booth“remove” all the damage and attention that a stranger and an unkind person might give you.
  • Turn someone else's dishes empty or empty - get “empty” energy from your life, experience harm and disappointment for your health.
  • Turn someone else's dishes over get positive energy into yourself, paint your hundreds with people.

Note about other people's dishes at home: tlumachennya

Nemitiy dishes: note

Brutal dishes are always negative energy. So, in any case, if you lose your dishonest dishes for a long time, you end up with negativity and problems. Broken dishes – negative energy flows, as well as energy flows and stagnations.

Note that tlumachennya:

  • Brudna cup – welding with a guy, a man, a farmer, talk to friends, known wives.
  • Brudna plate – At the booths, an unkind or unkind person may come to you to make you sick.
  • Lots of rich dishes - health problems and financial problems at home, in the family.
  • Broken spoons, knives and forks - Unacceptable behavior and vile relations between family members.
  • Brood dishes for nich - lateness and greeting, hanging out with loved ones and known people.
  • Heavy dishes under a spoon – inappropriateness in wet and intimate panties between friends and friends.
  • Broken dishes on the table - health problems, self-importance and depression.
  • Broodware at miitsa – It is important that such a sign is “most important” only because the wash is a direct connection to the sewer (the place where it is customary to “release” negative energy). Such a sign will not bring much harm, but may increase the possibility of minor inconveniences.

Notes about the crude dishes and their tarnish

Tip: deprive the dishes for the night

It is also important to be careful before you take away any utensils that are in them and what items you do not take away.

Tlumachennya accept:

  • Chest cup in the relief zone (bed, sofa, armchair) – to the future troubles and problems on the material plane: borgs, positions, programs.
  • A breast cup or a plate on the underside – There are a lot of difficulties on which you will spend a lot of money: mortgages, loans, mortgages, repairs, etc.
  • We clean the dirty dishes at once - The energy of people is destroyed, there are often mood swings, depressive conditions, disappointment and apathy, problems with mental and physical health.
  • Solid dishes filled with water - stagnation in the energy plan: illness, drowsiness, depression
  • Misuse of dishes – unfinished work, deception, lack of knowledge.
  • Broken dishes in a bucket for smittya – no more problems, no uniqueness.
  • Brutal knives – zipped notes between family and friends, separation, welding, protection.
  • Brown saucepans, frying pans – There are a lot of surpluses, expenses and debts, long financial difficulties.
  • Brudniy portselyana – Since porcelain is already a noble material, depriving it of roughness is a nasty sign that will lead to fewer failures and conflicts.
  • The young girl deprived her of her brooding dishes It’s a good idea to talk about those who won’t be able to get married for a long time
  • A young man has lost his brooding dishes The sign is that I am keeping up with my “filthy” squad.
  • A man deprived of his brooding dishes - welding with a team through unimaginable and financial problems, perhaps separation.
  • The squad deprived the brothers of their dishes - welding with a close person.

Tlumachenya accept about heavy and unwashed dishes

Note: put away the dishes for the night

Too much disheveled dishware is a bad sign, while a clean hour is kind and friendly. Therefore, wash the dishes “corrisno” first, never mind.

Note that tlumachennya:

  • Mitty dishes to svitanku get lucky, get rid of accumulated negative energy.
  • Mitty dishes for nich - overcome the negativity that has accumulated for the day and receive positive energy for yourself.
  • Mit the dishes at night - It’s a bad sign, I’ll bring you welding and financial difficulties.
  • Mitya dishes early Vranci It’s a good sign, I feel healthy and healthy from getting sick.

Note about Mitty Brudny's dishes: tlumachennya

Gift of utensils: note

Please note that the dishes are not the same the greatest gift in the energy plan. There is only one fault - the dishes from the gifts for fun and the river of fun. It’s so kind to give dishes to your daughter’s fathers, as he has planted.

Note that tlumachennya:

  • Grant a set of cups - to the right in the family, with the greater world at the woman’s side.
  • Give away plates – before problems in the financial plan, position and position.
  • Give away saucepans and frying pans - before conflicts with fathers, problems with health and material development, lateness and insanity.
  • Daruvati sklo (cups, flasks, kelikhs) – to partial ties, to new acquaintances.
  • Give knives, visionaries, spoons - to scandals and squeaky drains, to illness and nasty changes in life.
  • Grant to the porcelain – until my material body is improved, until I get dressed.
  • Daruvati Krishtal – Until good changes, until the normalization of the material state and the improvement of the veins.
  • Grant sriblo – until you get tired due to a serious illness, until you get better hunches.
  • Grant of chipped dishes - before separation and welding between friends and friends.
  • Give cheap utensils - to all sorts of welding and scandals, to the negative atmosphere in the booth.
  • Grant black utensils - before illness and goodbye
  • Give white dishes - a good omen, good and positive spirit in the family.

A note about donating dishes: tlumachennya

Cracked, chipped dishes: sign

It appears that the dishes are not broken, but have small chips and cracks - this is also a sign that you can feel in a person in the future.

Note that tlumachennya:

  • Cup with a crack- Zrada in the family, or shvidka zrada (zrada, sex) of one from a friend, perhaps, separation.
  • Cup with chips Kokhanka from a man or the bonding of a friend on a battle (often permanent), separation between friends.
  • Cup s great quantity cracks in the middle (microcracks) - The family has problems with their drains and problems with their financial situation.
  • Plate with a crack problems with money, positions, lack of money, programs.
  • Plate with microcracks - Often and constant pennies are spent “down the drain.”
  • Plate with a chip the waste of a great amount of money is even more important.
  • Mint saucepan, frying pan - Problems with trust and understanding in my family, everyday life.
  • Crooked forks, spoons, knives Send notes from family and friends, co-workers and colleagues.
  • Slope with chips and cracks - waste of strength, effort, prosperity, loss.
Dishes with chips and cracks: notice and tarnish

Blue dishes or blueware: notes

It is important that the color of the dishes plays an important role in everyday life. For example, white is pure, light and garnet, black is dirty. A great role is played by the blue color, which was the first to appear on the dishes of Ancient China.

Note that tlumachennya:

  • Buy and accept blue dishes as a gift - good mutuality, material security, happy life.
  • Give blue dishes - nalagodzhuvati stosunki, bazhati goodness and happy life.
  • Mother's service in a blue color or with blue flowers, with blue flowers - Prosperity for the household, happy members of the family.
  • Steadily eat and drink from dishes with blue waters – you know courage and wisdom. People are lucky in special and material ways.

Notes about blue dishes and dishes with a blue top: tarnish

There are often dishes in the booth: a note

If you often have dishes in your hut, you need to be respectful of this fact. On the right is that negative energy is steadily creeping into the everyday life (villainy, quarrels, scandals, evil, evil), everything that drives you away is psuvatime, lamatism, pratsyuvatime “against you.”

IMPORTANT: dishes that are frequently broken (and even those that crack in the middle) can be a harbinger of bad things: terrible illness, separation, wasting pennies and going home.

How can you place dishes on a rack: note

Dishes cannot always be placed on a tray, either on the table or on the shelf near the dishwasher. If you waste dishes on the underside (usually brown), you will end up with problems in your household. Before that, empty dishes are acceptable so that the booth is empty.

How long are the dishes on the robot: note

As you noted that you are not at home, but at work you are constantly running out of dishes - this is a sign that not everything is going so smoothly in your professional sphere. Cups are fighting, plates are fighting, you are not in control of your superiors. Cracks appear in such a way that you need to gain respect for your colleagues, perhaps, if you want to “target” your work place.

Notes when dishes are being processed on a robot: tarnishing

New dishes: note

When buying or accepting new dishes as a gift, you should know about those who accept a number of ties with them:

  • Mitya after purchasing or presenting new dishes- Take away from it all the negative energy that has accumulated during the hour of saving in the store.
  • Please send me new dishes- Add new dishes for food and drink, which you can bring with you to the cabin.
  • Posipati new dishes with cucrum– bring positive energy to the new tableware and “licorice”, the sieve of life.
  • Place new dishes on the table– charge the alarm with “fresh” and positive energy.
  • Place new dishes on the shelf- It's a bad idea, bad luck.
  • Break new dishes- a sign of what is coming for you
  • Save new and old dishes at the same time- here you should show respect for how one dish harmonizes with one another, which is not appropriate for you - distribute the dishes among different police stations and then everything will be in order.

Note about the new dishes and their decay

People's notes about disposable tableware

Disposable tableware, from the looks of its stagnation and acceptance, is a sign of time-consuming cleaning. It is not possible to accumulate friendly energy and therefore it is not possible to save it. If you choose to keep them at home, you may receive negativity, and, in fact, such dishes are smittya.

There are a lot of dishes: note

If you notice that the rest of the time you have a lot of dishes or there is someone who is in charge of you - this is a negative sign, which is to say about those who look like you are negative. Either you wish evil on a particular person, or else they will bring a curse on you.

Video: “How long are the dishes: notice”

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