What do people believe about their zodiac signs? Astrology and why do people rely on horoscopes? We doubt about tomorrow

Do you know what people believe in a horoscope? It would seem that everything is already a relic of the past, people have become practical, and are not guilty of believing in mysticism. Alas, as if it didn’t sound wonderful, by the end of the day horoscopes become more and more relevant.

Horoscopes, in their essence, reflect the events of the future, and give the opportunity to look into the unknown for everyone, that is, those that have already happened and what will still be needed. And regardless of all their fears, people read horoscopes, believe and follow them. Even people have always wanted to know what is in store for them, and people pay a lot of money for this information.

How do horoscopes work out?
Astrologers create horoscopes behind the mirrors, as if the stench had been removed. And here comes the great doubt. Even the eyes, in order to convey the skin of a six-billion-dollar man, cannot be embroidered in different ways. We do not trust these horoscopes, which are formed individually.

Astrology is not here today and not yesterday. In ancient times, all the rulers lived their lives according to the horoscope. For example, Catherine de Medici enjoyed her astrologer a lot (Nostradamus). Louis the Great was once a court star. Before astrologers, Russian kings also brutalized themselves. For example, the Astrologer of the Great Ivan the Terrible created an individual horoscope for the king and conveyed the date of his death.

Do you know that there are at least fifty-hundreds of celebrants who rely on horoscopes and especially need the services of an astrologer before the beginning of the New Year.

So why, now and then, do people with great hope marvel at the sights and believe in the mysticism? And for those reasons.

As psychologists say, a boom in all kinds of transfers will occur during a crisis period: economic, political, during periods of instability and war. And for these reasons that there is instability in us above the world, it is not surprising that great quantity People are so caring.

Horoscopes are a kind of psychotherapy. The stench helps to calm, soothe and calm down better. This is especially relevant on the eve of the New Rock, if there is cunning and confusion in your head. Even the skin of us is constantly checking and... afraid of the coming of something new and unknown.

How people have respected the fact that in a horoscope, people are often depressed, anxious, and unsympathetic. You are welcoming and friendly astrological forecast and calm down. This is the program for a happy life. And there are people who are skeptical about horoscopes, and even worse. They are categorically encouraged to believe in astrology.

It is important to take advantage of the hundred-hundred-hundred-dollar guarantee, especially in the case of astrological horoscopes, which explain mass events. The stench does not correspond to the individual characteristics of the skin ointment. This is important to all important readings, and nothing more. However, if you have any forecasts, do not rush to believe them.

Gestalt therapist Natalia Trushina explains

I am a professional psychologist. I respect the scientific picture of the world, I try to think rationally and critically. This is obvious - I don’t believe in horoscopes. If a damn picture pops up on the Facebook page “rating of the middle signs of the zodiac,” I automatically look for that person in the rating (“I’m in the middle, the person is at the end of the list, okay”).

Bezluzda action? So. But behind the automatic skin function there is an unknown mechanism. And the irrational belief in astrology also has psychological reasons.

Reason #1: Svitoglyad

These are like cassette tape recorders. If you grew up in awe, where everyone heard cassette tape recorders, then, no matter how many rocks have passed, give you a cassette and a ballpoint pen - you will definitely know what to do.

Along with cassette tape recorders in the 1980s, new age ideas rushed into the Radian expanses: mysticism, occultism, astrology, esotericism. And since in the western lands these ideas developed in a very evolutionary way, which allowed the commonwealth to simultaneously develop the old “intellectual immunity”, then in the middle of the “harmful dependence” people appeared more and more drowned out by the flow.

In the 1990s, all popular magazines and newspapers had a “Horoscope” section, as well as on radio and television. So the idea came into the picture and no longer seems foreign. Few people think about this - why do I believe in horoscopes? What does this give me? What is this faith based on?

People just know: there are men and women, there are different races and nationalities, and- Taurus, Sagittarius and Scorpio. In order to especially make these ideas doubtful, you need a lot of effort, and few people take care of it - and so it happens in life, so that you can hit your picture of the world.

Reason #2: Identity

Our psyche has not only a perception of the effects of excessive light (light gaze), but a picture of itself: who am I, what are my main, immutable components, to what groups do I belong. Without whom we would not be able to fully live “by ourselves”, act and enter into life (example: people who have experienced amnesia, chapter “The Bourne Identity”).

And as funny as it may sound, information about the fact that I am a Capricorn is also part of my identity, since I was a child and wrote down “Zodiac sign and character” on a thin book. And if you know your zodiac sign, then if you didn’t know it, at first glance, it’s obvious that you want to say: “You’re not Teresi, you’re a Taurus” (mentally)- You are very aware of discomfort. Because here in the depths of the soul, when you dig, it seems to everyone that his “team” is great and better than others. And it’s welcome.

Reason #3: Social stereotypes

The light is even more foldable. In order for anyone to have an orientation and collapse, it is necessary to understand his future laws. It’s impossible to know everything about everything in detail. Therefore, we create for ourselves an approximate scheme of simple images - stereotypes.

Politicians are lying, Italians are biased, blondes are bad, and leftists love but respect the center. Horoscopes show a clearly simple explanation and explanation of the scheme: who has a certain character, who should be friends with whom, and who would rather not be friends with whom. You think that you can tell how a person will behave, how a love will develop and what will happen tomorrow - this is not a matter of happiness.

And if the diagram has not been explained clearly, it is unimportant. Golovna, it’s remarkably simple. The value of stereotypes- the stench may be precise, but the stench may be inaccurate, mild and infuriating. If the decision is made easier in the minds of the shortage of information, then we are often blamed for them and given the priority of simplicity - truth.

Reason #4: Lack of mood

The insignificance of our future sounds alarming. Significance, however, will calm you down. That’s why any kind of transfer is so popular, including horoscopes “for tomorrow, this day, the day, the whole life.” As a person has an inner strength, he has a lot of resources and supports within himself and around him.- it will not require the illusion of control over tomorrow to give transfer. The less resilient a person is, the more easily they can endure anxiety, the more often they follow prophecies and believe in them more strongly.

And people who are anxious by nature and are not to blame for “suspenseful” situations, they need to rely on some kind of forecast (“the better the bad evidence, the less clear the evidence”). And those whose anxiety is situational, in connection with everyday situations: separation, separation, moving, other changes and crisis situations, a sedentary situation of instability in the place/ regions/territories – all this disrupts the essential flow of life, breaks tired eyes and enhances insignificance. Todi wants, “I want the horoscope to say it’s good.”

Reason No. 5: Pressure of versatility

Kozhen is an adult and lives with a colossal load of reliability, at least for his life. Plus, optionally, children, disabled relatives, etc. You still don’t know the size of the conformity, that’s how it works. And everyone always says, “I don’t want to spoil anything, I want to put it in my hands.” I would like to entrust someone with confidence, at any time. And here - here you are, be kind- “Why don’t you worry about financial expenses.” Glory to the stars, but there are no problems with work, professional fulfillment and financial stability - this is how the heavenly bodies have ordered this year! Phew, you can see and think important thoughts. Perepochinok.

Reason #6: Magical miscellaneous

In psychology, under magical thoughts, we understand this way of thinking: “It may be the case, that’s what I want.” A relic of childhood, which is less clearly expressed, is lost in all of us ("everything is clear in our minds, if we want to...") and is especially active in situations when a person succumbs to his powerlessness. For example, fathers try to predict the conception of a child, so that she is born under the required zodiac sign. Becoming a father is even more scary, because in this process we have no control, and it seems that you can give away the child’s share and fall on her. Similarly, start a business or make a large purchase from the singing day, recommendations from the horoscope.

Reason No. 7: Aesthetic-existential

I would like to believe that there are miracles. And what is sense for everyone. That my life is not a “method of invigorating protein bodies”, it is not a collection of fluctuations and my tests on this variability are intensified (to be sure, in fact, and the process is not always under control). No, my life is crisscrossed by the trajectories of the heavenly bodies. This means that for anyone who is sick, this was so necessary. It is unintelligible and unfinished, but it sounds much more beautiful and feels better, greater.

Reason No. 8: The Forer effect and the appearance of verisimilitude

Psychologist Bertram Forer conducted an experiment in 1948. He ordered students to take a special test. And in the end, instead of the relevant individual result, we gave the very same text, similar to the descriptions from horoscopes. Students rated the text's performance on a five-point scale. The middle text “Ni pro scho” was rated at 4.26 points, so it is plausible. Therefore, the well-formulated transfer of truth copes with the hostility of the “worker” - there are so many spills that there may be some kind of development that is more likely to “waste” him. And people, we are not initially skeptical, we hardly think about those who escaped with the help of sweeteners. And it’s still possible to create unforgettable affection for a trusting person - especially if you connect magical attributes and other emotionally charged details.

Have you ever wondered why you attach such great importance to daily horoscopes, find information in special books about the zodiac wisdom of the Kokhan people, and new river starting from reading the article “Forecast for Pisces (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, etc.)”? There are a number of versions that explain the widespread obsession of people with astrology. We tried to lighten the skin of them as much as possible, so that you would understand that it makes you afraid to believe in the rather doubtful, in the opinion of some skeptics, forecasts and forecasts.

Most of us begin to become familiar with the new issue of our favorite magazine not from the editor’s column, which conveys all the materials, but from the astrological forecast for the signs of the Zodiac, which, as a rule, is located on the remaining dark glossy look Anna. Those who worry about high-quality TV shows: while going to work, we can easily miss the release of new films, but the forecast for the coming day can make us “stuck” in front of the TV screen. It’s wonderful that the skeptics who insist that horoscopes are worth nothing, no, no, and walk through the “wasteland column”, hoping to read everything thoroughly and find out the evidence for themselves nourished Khtos to be at all to the profession of astrologer I ask for the quiet selection of personalized Natalna Karu, Yak, Yak Obitsyut Fakhivtsi in the Tsiy Galuzі, Vidkriyu Tamnitzi Maybutnoy, and the same zero zhelvikh, the same, is not incomparable.

Today's science is adept at introducing astrology to falsehoods, which is not surprising. And we, simple inhabitants, approach horoscopes with a grain of skepticism, and sometimes we laugh at those who seriously believe such forecasts and live their lives in accordance with the formation of the planets.

Well, there is a paradox: although, as we think, we are reasonable people, we cannot say in the course of a hundred hundred years that the character and destiny of a person are not always determined by the date of their birth.

Thinking to ourselves: “What’s wrong with this?”, we still try to describe the signs of the Zodiac and try to try them on ourselves. So, let’s figure out what really tempts us to believe in horoscopes and listen to them, even if it is clear that the stars and planets are purely cosmic objects, and they can no longer permeate people’s lives.

Barnum effect

The famous American showman Phineas Barnum led a powerful circus and was always known for his talented hoaxes. In his work, Barnum successfully summarized the methods that can often be used today - in advertising, PR and marketing. In honor of whose great manipulator, whose motto was the phrase “We have nothing for the skin,” and the name is a psychological phenomenon that explains the widespread infatuation of people with astrology, palmistry, socionics and other pseudosciences. The essence of the Barnum effect lies in the fact that people are more inclined to believe such descriptions of their peculiarities, which, as it seems, were created especially for them, rather than actually stagnating with a wide number of the same astrology amateurs, which are absolutely not specified And it needs to be registered. As simple as it seems, we take horoscopes seriously only because we think: “This is definitely about me,” although the text may be disjointed, and the writing will suit less than half of the people from our time.

We love compliments

In the description of the signs of the Zodiac, it is important to write more accurately, and numerous negative aspects can be smoothed out as much as possible. The worst that you can read about yourself sounds something like this: “You are too powerful in relation to others, you must be stuck, sometimes disrespectful,” etc. In another zodiac forecast, it’s like a jar of honey: “You attract people to you, you are a natural leader. Your busyness and indolence can be late. You will come to help in the future close people. You are optimistic and will always bravely marvel at the future.” Wait a minute, is it good to read about yourself? That’s why we re-read horoscopes every now and then - so that once again we can see what miracles are like.

In the description of the Zodiac signs, please write in a more appropriate manner.

We are not ignorant of tomorrow

People who don’t feel they have enough strength to say: “I’m rich enough, I can pay off all the troubles and I can live my life the way I want,” as a rule, more often resort to horoscopes. Their stinks tend to increase their power supply voltage, which is why they excrete. It seems to me that “science”, which has been around for centuries, simply cannot be fooled. Having read the phrase in the astrological forecast: “Everything has worked out for you, and it is planned to be in the best possible order,” the stench calms down for a moment, the fears are muffled, and the responsibility for the power of life no longer feels like such an important burden, leaving the stench now lie in vain from the rulers of horoscopes .

Of course, the skin itself determines how astrological forecasts are made. At times, the faith in them begins to turn brown: the actions of people unwittingly comply with their zodiac description, and as it says: “You are an honest and noble person,” they tend to behave in this way - honestly and nobly. However, it’s hard to think that such transfers completely and completely mean our future: a horoscope will not help you achieve success while lying on the couch, you will have to get up and do what you want to achieve your goal.

    How often do you read horoscopes?

Why do people give great importance to the zodiac signs? Opponents of astrology are amazed at how one can believe in horoscopes, and are disgusted by those who take the words of astrologers at face value. It appears that this is an explanation.

Women are passionate about their nature, and they are often tempted to determine the love interest behind their marriage date, according to popular articles on the Internet. It is important for people to learn more about the characteristics of the Zodiac sign and the forecast for the coming year and month.

What is the secret of the widespread adoption of astrology? Skeptics may also recognize the similarity of his character with the description of the Maiden of Capricorn. The reasons why people believe in horoscopes are related to the psychological implications of the information.

Barnum effect

Due to the Barnum effect, people easily believe the characteristics of a feature that seem to have been written specifically for them. Consider such descriptions even expanding and stagnating to a great number of people.

We love compliments

If you read most of the texts written by astrologers, you can see that they are written in a positive manner. Unacceptable moments can be remembered quickly, even in a soft form. The formula may sound like this: “You are never tolerantly put up with despair”, “Sometimes it is important for you to streamline emotions, and you may fall out of love, which negatively affects family life and work life”, etc.

What is missing is the main part of the astrological description of the signs of the Zodiac, it is the over-interpretation of the impersonality of positive figures, which, as you imagine, are inherent in your nature. Often people, who rely on a horoscope, re-read their psychological portrait several times in order to tell themselves what kind of miracle they are.

We doubt about tomorrow

People often resort to horoscopes and palmistry during an important period of life: poor health, heart failure, financial troubles. If a person is unable to deal with the problem but wants to find the answer to poor nutrition, he can find it in an astrological forecast.

If in the text an astrology enthusiast comes across the following sentence: “Your plans for the future will be implemented in life,” you can calm down and forget for the moment about the troubles and doubts that have crept into your mind.

Psychologists can easily explain what people believe in a horoscope. You can expect astrology lovers to attack them for encouragement and flattery, without even realizing it. The secret of the “truthfulness” of the horoscope is that the text contains different parts of phrases that can be understood by any person.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

The skin of us, on the verge of doom, from our dying hearts is waiting to be transferred to the future river. Why are we so confident in this transfer? Our obsession with horoscopes has been around for a long time. It seems that in the old days, many rulers lived solely based on horoscope forecasts, and in the past they lived their lives based on them. Catherine de Medici herself was a servant of Nostradamus. And the court star of Louis XVI survived his butt for more than 21 days. However, at that moment, the king did not listen to the words, and the inheritance was simply ruinous - on this very day, the 21st of today, the king of suffering. Apparently, Russian rulers also paid tribute to astrologers. For example, an individual horoscope was compiled for Ivan the Terrible and the date of his death was determined. True, the prophecy was not judged, the king felt a miracle. After he made the decision to spend a star for the spoiled information, he didn’t realize that it became rotten for him.

U to the current world Astrological forecasts are gaining great popularity. According to analysts, about 40% of Americans, 53% of French, 63% of Germans, 66% of English, 54% of Russians believe in horoscopes. Recently it became known that one popular newspaper in Nimechchyna had launched other horoscopes at any time, after which in its editorial office the phones were not locked: most prepayers called in order to update the horoscope column.


The answer is simple. It is clear that the transfer is correct. Besides the fact that they can be a bit straightforward, they are true for absolutely everyone and convey information in no uncertain terms. When a person receives horoscopes, a phenomenon called the Barnum effect appears in her brain. Once upon a time, Barnum was already known as an American showman, who was known for various psychological manipulations. The Barnum effect can be interpreted approximately as follows: people are willing to take into their shell all the hardening parts of the hardening in order to realize that all the data was taken away as a result of the influence of unconscious factors. To put it simply, the essence of this effect lies in the fact that it describes a person in zagalnyh rice, many of us can help ourselves in these descriptions.

Already often objective re-verifications have shown that horoscopes are absolutely impossible. So, in 1948, the famous psychologist Forer decided to conduct an experiment: by distributing a test to all his students, who could not describe the analysis of their characteristics. Of course, this test is absolutely identical for all people and taken from the horoscope: “you need people to love and respect you, otherwise you are going to become critical of yourself. Regardless of those you have certain weaknesses, you are ready to compensate for them in the future. You may great quantity unspent treasures. Although you look very happy and calm, in the middle you feel anxiety and insecurity. Sometimes your information shows some doubts about whether you did the right thing or have mercy. You care about diversity and change of rules, being squeezed, you become dissatisfied with your position. You are also very proud of the fact that you have such freedom and independence. However, you do not respect wise people to open up to people and completely trust them. At times you can be an open and friendly person, but at other times you close yourself off from the outside world and go to your place, where you are even calm and quiet.” After this, you asked your students to rate on a five-point scale how effective the description of their features was. The average score was 4.26. It is impossible to say that this assessment is not influenced by the authority of the bank account. This experiment was repeated later, and the result was the same. The Forrer effect has often been called the Barnum effect.

The American psychologist Stagner, in the 1950s, asked 68 employees of various companies to take a test that allowed them to create a detailed psychological description of a person, and after that he wrote one huge false characteristic, using 13 propositions of various horoscopes as a basis. iv. Then the psychologist asked people to read their characteristics and said that the stench was divided based on the data from the psychological test. Test the skin after the skin application to determine the extent to which it represents the truth and truly reflects their character. Most of the latter said that the horoscope revealed their character with great accuracy, and none of them even noted any mercy in the characterization. Alas, it would seem that these people were simply professionals in the assessment special yaks. However, the most truthful people in this horoscope found the axis of this phrase: “you gain the advantage of diversity in your life, when you begin to be bounded by boundaries and strict rules, you begin to be forced,” “you want є actions are short, you are much kinder you cope with them.” And the following statements have become less true: “Your sexual life has some problems,” “Your hopes can sometimes be even more unrealistic.” From this one can come to a conclusion that the Barnum effect only works with positive affirmations. But it’s clear that no one wants to recognize their vile viciousness.

Such investigations were repeated more than once in different variations. Thus, one French psychologist published a report in the newspaper about those who provide services to the stars. And who would have thought, hundreds of people called him to ask about his fate. The answer to all this is the same horoscope, which is a composite of the celestial affirmations. Everyone was pleased and satisfied with the results, and the psychologist himself rejected the faceless pages and words of gratitude for the completely accurate horoscope.

And the Australian psychologist Treveten encouraged his students to write down their dreams on paper and describe the stench of different-colored boots. After this, without any material being collected by him, the professor presented to each student the same analysis of 13 phrases that Stagner had just taught and asked for feedback on the correctness of the analysis. Only after that, as a student saying that I was completely satisfied with my analysis, the professor allowed me to marvel at the basic analysis one by one. The American psychologist Silverman was already intrigued by what astrologers said that they could tell from the signs of the zodiac whether these bets were crazy or not. The psychologist looked at the shares of over 3000 pairs, after which he compared astrological forecasts with reality and did not know the water escape. Men and women who are not crazy according to the horoscope have become friends and separated many times, just like crazy.

And the Ding axis in the astrological description of the characteristics of a singing group of people, replacing information with information. І 95% of such people said that the forecast was absolutely accurate.

Besides positive phrases, what else can make a person believe in an astrological forecast? It is completely clear that trusting people rely heavily on horoscopes. The Barnum effect, however, affects both men and women. Of great importance is the popularity and growth of people in the marriage. In this case, as they say, the forecast is based on long-standing psychological forecasts - success and security.

Researchers say that if a person believes a horoscope, it can consist of several positive phrases in the following order: there are more positive conclusions than negative ones in 5 cases. The axis, for example, is as follows: “optimism will always surprise you in the future. Such people love to make acquaintances with good people. The stench may be enough to justify the intellect. Such people are cultured, decisive and easy-going. Although the mind tries to finish the job, the robot often copes poorly with the work on the job.” This kind of characterization of a person is typical and includes mostly positive thoughts, which means that he will be happy to meet a person. Although there are a few shortcomings in it, they are divided in such a way that they are not unmistakably recognizable.

Another factor that positively influences the Barnum effect is what all horoscopes are based on: before prophecies, people who are unaware of themselves and the future often commit violence, the disturbances and problems of life, people who are in the social sphere other insignificance. Such people simply require positive information about themselves and about their special character, about what will happen to them in the future. For them, training plays the role of psychotherapy, which is designed at any time to ease their fears and encouragement. Although the other takes responsibility for the work, people find it much easier. Here, there is absolutely no need for internal work, as can be done in a session with a psychotherapist. This is how it appears to trust that love is based on astrological forecasts.


The only positive side in horoscopes is those that make people look beautiful. For example, having read that people of your zodiac sign are very honest and reliable, we begin to spontaneously try not to give in to the accusations and to comply with what is written. This is the back of the medal. If in your horoscope you find words about bad luck or the next tragedy, you can take everything to heart and attract negativity to yourself in this way. Most often, reading a horoscope and fitting it into one’s own person becomes just a drug for a person. A person loses faith in himself and begins to invest only in his share. The person inadvertently tells herself that everything written in the horoscope obliges her to get along with her. And if the prophecy turns out to be true in practice, it instills even more faith in people. Well, if the forecast did not come true, then there is nothing terrible. Freud also wrote that people have the power to remember positive messages addressed to them, and negative ones tend to be forgotten.

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