Plugins for displaying similar WordPress posts.


Every webmaster tries to create maximum success for the users of his Wordpress site.

To prevent others from wasting their time searching for posts similar to the theme of your site, you can install special plugins.

It means life will be easier for both the money-grubbers and you.

If you don’t want to bother with plugins, you can create copies of similar records in other ways.

3. No less popular is the Related Posts Thumbnails plugin.

Please proceed immediately after activation.

To create your setup, you need to go to your menu first.

Here you will see the inscription “Zagalni vlastivosti vibrazhenya”.

Below it is a list of options.

Persha is responsible for the production of such articles, such as the skin side with the material.

To activate it, you just need to check the box.

If you want to display a list of relevant articles on another site, you can use the correct code.

Next we will go lower and write “Dzherelo miniature”.

Here you specify the settings for displaying thumbnails.

12. Jane's Related Posts is easy to navigate and displays relevant posts at the end of the page or directly in the widgets.

13. Kindred Posts display articles that are most relevant.

14. Another popular plugin is Symply Tags. It is determined by a special mechanism of unpacking, whichever plugin you choose. keywords and take them as a basis for further sorting. Let Symply Tags begin to work and you will need some small deals.

You need to open single.php in the website’s dashboard and paste the code there.

This can be inserted immediately after the “the content” attribute.

This is how to discourage so many successful webmasters.

Please note that adjustments are carried out in the plugin menu itself, so there are no

special knowledge

You don't need any programming in the area.

21. Post 2 Post allows you to insert a post on relevant material in the same article.

This is obviously not obvious, because such a phenomenon cannot be encountered very often.

Most often, different advertisements are inserted in the middle of the text.

The only drawback of Post 2 Post is that there is a small selection of options.

In advance, as you have already realized, this is necessary for the creation of loyalty to the site’s contributors.

The number of views of your articles will also increase, and the level of trust in search engines will increase. For the rest, the key role is played by the number of hours that clients are present on the site..

The more it is, the better it is. It happens that the tension gets worse. Please note that when winding up, set a limit of about 10-20 seconds for one advance.

Also, your clients can easily retrieve your old statistics that have been posted for several months or many years.

When new skin is added, the old one moves down.

This leads to the fact that few people read them, so this is a plus to complete the summation.

With the right plugins, your work won't go to waste.
For those who don't want to vikorize plugins
If you have a lot of WordPress plugins installed on your site and the server is running poorly, then you need to remove the most necessary plugins, or rather delete them.

Then, in order to display relevant posts, you need to add the code below to the site.

// print related pages

if (!is_front_page()) (


Let's figure out the code in a little while.

In the fourth row, you set the number of relevant posts. The third indicates re-verification. stop advertisers on your site.

There are a lot of plugins for implementing such posts, and one of the most popular is the Yet Another Related Posts Plugin, or YARPP for short.

Installation and configuration of the plugin

You can download the plugin freely from the official directory, or install it automatically through the WordPress admin panel by going to the Plugins → Add New section. After installing and activating the plugin, in the Settings menu you will find a new item “Linked posts” for customization. Which section can you check?

  • external look
  • and plugin parameters: select between displayed lists and thumbnails, set the number of records to be displayed, set title text for sections with similar records, and also select a sorting method:
  • Score (based on movements)—sorts by type of records

Date—sorting by date of articles

Title - sort by article title in alphabetical order

Please note that the sorting will be frozen until the results have already been selected.

This means that when sorted by date, your new articles will not appear in the list, since they do not bear any resemblance to the current article.

Varto also means a section with settings for RSS feeds.

Here you can include a selection of similar posts in your RSS feed.

This is effective, especially if you publish new articles in WordPress RSS feeds, and not just their announcements. After setting up the plugin, you can download it in just an hour to switch to any article. As a site administrator, you will increase the relevance of the site to the main status as a contributor.

Viewing your site and reading RSS pages doesn’t matter much.

Once you have configured the YARPP plugin, you can choose between displaying similar articles in a list or a grid with thumbnails.

The third mode is for more advanced users, which allows you to completely change the layout of similar articles.

When activating Custom, YARPP will create a number of additional templates for your theme.

You can use them to create a powerful template for displaying articles with your own marking.

It would be good to be able to display similar posts wherever you are using the related_posts() plugin function.

YARPP Experiments

If you are working on a site with a large number of articles and high visibility, then you will benefit from the YARPP Experiments plugin.

This is an official plugin from the YARPP retailer, which adds additional adjustments to the main plugin, including caching, reduced speed of similarity (helping to reduce the impact on the server) and more.

If you have problems with the power supply for the YARPP plugin, please leave it in the comments or ask us about it Shan's friends, hello everyone!, as you are to know, when articles are published in the same way as we look at in this post, the similarity is indicated by the headings, similar articles are displayed in the same headings in which the post is posted, I have previously entered a number of headings for one post, anyway not too tough, but more precisely not good.

It appears that if you have installed the Simple Tags plugin, which acts as tags, you can also get them, but the tags themselves are not indexed, because they are closed for indexing, fragments of tags from create duplicate content.

Maybe I’ll be satisfied with the good news in front of them, there’s no need for them, but that’s my special thought.

It’s easy to enter similar articles or records (it’s called as it should be) and there are no problems at all, for which you just need to copy the code that I’ve placed below and paste it in the right place, Of course, you need to enable the plugin first, Which is indicative of the publication of similar articles, especially since you have one.
Axis, power, and the code itself:
Read also:
$categories = get_the_category($post->ID);
if ($categories) (
$category_ids = array();
foreach ($categories as $individual_category) $category_ids = $individual_category->term_id;
$args=array (
"category__in" => $category_ids,
"post__not_in" => array ($post->ID),
"caller_get_posts" => 1);
    $my_query = new wp_query ($args);
    if ($my_query->have_posts()) (
  • echo "!}!}">

  • }
    while ($my_query->have_posts()) (

" rel="bookmark" title=" echo " wp_reset_query();

Now let's find out a little bit about what's going on. Screenshot below

(Here you can watch a video tutorial about those)

, in which I will show you what you can change and adjust for yourself.

For example, after this row you can place either a banner, and then place a code that indicates the display of similar articles, but the location will be left to you, so as not to give you any information.

You can also place this code on the very beginning of the file (comments.php) and then the statistics will be displayed before the comments (although this option is not my choice).

I am sure that this information will help you, you will be able to use unnecessary plugins, develop your blog and finally learn how to display similar articles without plugins.

As you have been honored, I will go through the social buttons as quickly as possible, I will be very enthusiastic.

As always, I check your questions for this article, as well as

Should you leave your site after reading the first post?

Increased visibility and a reduction in the number of quick glances is not a big problem for the website’s users.

Images for contributors of similar posts have proven to be an effective way to increase the number of views on pages.

You can easily display related posts on your WordPress site with the help of an additional plugin.

This article describes how WordPress plugins can be used to display similar posts.

1. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin aka YARPP

This plugin is one of the most popular WordPress plugins for displaying thematically related posts, it has more than 3.4 million views, and also supports the display of related posts It also has a thumbnail view and text.


YARPP has a search algorithm for finding similar posts.

Increased visibility and a reduction in the number of quick glances is not a big problem for the website’s users.

It has a wonderful set of templates, allowing you to display both thumbnails and text, support post types and RSS feeds.

You can easily display related posts on your WordPress site with the help of an additional plugin.

The plugin does not support all templates for displaying thumbnails.

Sometimes, instead of this, it simply displays thumbnail images behind a bulleted list.

For the most part, developers can add additional CSS tables for styling, but it will be important for you to do this.

Like YARPP, this plugin also does not work on large sites.

Increased visibility and a reduction in the number of quick glances is not a big problem for the website’s users.

Also, some hosting providers for WordPress block this plugin for their clients, which is why on large sites it is ineffective to the robot.

3. Related Posts for WordrPress

You can easily display related posts on your WordPress site with the help of an additional plugin.

This plugin is a lighter option, an alternative to popular plugins.

You can delete all resource-intensive items in the administration and edit the cache to display similar entries.

Related Posts for WordrPress focuses on productivity.

Increased visibility and a reduction in the number of quick glances is not a big problem for the website’s users.

This works in a way that does not improve the performance of the site, and also encourages the display of related posts in the appearance of thumbnails and text.

You can easily display related posts on your WordPress site with the help of an additional plugin.

The widget contains a shortcode that can be inserted in any location to display related posts.

If you have used another plugin for similar posts, you may not be aware of these additional functions.

4. Yuzo Related Posts

Increased visibility and a reduction in the number of quick glances is not a big problem for the website’s users.

This is a great, costless plugin for displaying similar posts with a full set of functions that can be obtained from such a plugin.

You can easily display related posts on your WordPress site with the help of an additional plugin.

Displayed in the view of thumbnails, horizontal row with thumbnails, displayed in the view of lists, cache entries, etc.

The plugin is extremely simple in Vikoristan and Naštuvanna.

This article has already repeatedly said that plugins for displaying linked records can extract great resources.

It is not excluded that their activities do not work well on the official WordPress hosting.

In such situations, you can use the Manual Related Posts plugin.

It allows you to manually add related posts before recording.

This link is established in both directions in such a way that if you add an old post to a new entry, then the old post is also similar to the new entry.

Another option is to manually display similar posts with thumbnails without using plugins.