Mova operating system windows xp. How to install Russian language Windows XP

Allowing more than one pardon at Windows installations– deputy of the Russian language having spoken English, you can, after the completion of the unsupported test of the English interface. However, instead of having to re-install the operating system anew, do some tinkering with tweaks.


  • Press the Start button, as it is on the task bar at the bottom left corner of the screen. Select Control panel from the menu. Although the operating system may look classic, it will be three things different: press Start, then Settings, and then Control panel.
  • A new window of the menu of the keruvannya panel will appear. Press the Regional and Language Options button - the icon is displayed next to the globe. The window has three tabs: Regional options, Languages ​​and Advanced. Choose to stay.
  • Find the list that appears Select a language to match the language version of non-Unicode programs you want to use, select a new Russian language – Russian.
  • As it is necessary for you, so that these changes were not only for the koristuvach, who enters the operating system of the physical record Administrator, check the box next to Apply all settings to the current user account and to the default user profile. At the end press Apply.
  • It's new to appear, in which the system to request a restart of the computer, in order to change the ranks. Give advice on this question firmly, and then enjoy the Russian interface operating system. Kirila appears in the names of catalogs and files, as well as in other menus and dialogs of Russian programs.
  • Please note that all the above descriptions and changes in the coristuvach can only be done if you enter the operating system under the Administrator profile of your computer. In the case of a home machine, if, as a rule, access to all OS installations may be possible for all members of this family, it does not have a special meaning. On a working computer, it can be problematic, the screens sound like an admin profile entry available only to special practitioners - for example, system administrators.
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    How did you get a PC or a laptop, on which the OS is installed on English language If you don’t feel free to do it, or it’s just that you don’t know how to practice in it, then Russification will be the only way out. However, not everyone knows how to Russify Windows XP and are afraid, zealous on their own, and at the same time having mastered the necessary software, it’s not so easy to work, it’s more difficult to read the instructions described below.

    Russian Windows XP

    To install a Russian movie in Windows XP, you need the MUI (Multilingual User Interface) program, which you can find on the Internet. The next thing to know is that the official Russian version of the English version is possible only for Windows XP Professional. On Windows XP Home it will not be possible. After that, as a russifier will be installed, it will be necessary to carry out a kilka nalashtuvan. For this next, go to the Control Panel, know the shortcut Language and Regional Options and in the mobile interface select "Russian", and at the same time select all formats and display sums, numbers and dates. To change your ranks, you need to log into the system again. Everything, Russification of Windows XP is completed. Sometimes, when you start buvay, instead of Russian letters, you can make small squares that are not readable, and little pictures. In order for Windows XP to have a Russian language, you need to run the registry editor. To do this, go to the "Start" menu, select the "Vikonati" option and regedit.exe, after which press OK. At HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage and change parameters: from "1250" to "1255" to ="c_1251.nls"

    Russian Windows XP Home

    In order to successfully Russify Windows XP Home, it is necessary to transform a little bit, what is fenced in by licensed land, it is better to buy a localized version. However, if this is not acceptable for you, and you are not likely to get into trouble, then go to the registry editor and find the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM, in which the ControlSet with numbers was divided. You will need a distribution of the largest digital values. For which you need to know the Control option and select the Product Options item, if the ProductSuite parameter is set to Personal, it is necessary to delete and replace the "DWORD" parameter with the Brand name, the value of which can be set to zero. After that, in the process of restarting the PC or the laptop, press the F8 key and enter through “Entering to the remaining remote configuration”. As a rule, after such a russification of the OS, it will pass without problems. Now you know how to Russify Windows XP and you can do everything without any special difficulties and troubles.

    In my article, I want to bi-rozpovist about those. It's no secret that the operating system under the name Windows is supplied not only by Russian, but also by a couple of other languages ​​- English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Turkish and others.

    Often there are situations when they brought you, you yourself bought your own laptop, netbook or computer from an installed operating system at a tourist or business trip abroad. What's the job here?

    Ways to understand the non-Russian wind.

    It is possible, obviously, in an emergency order to move the language of your country, as your operating system is sharpened. The process is laborious, but familiar. So, if you do your best, then after a few months (or rokiv) you will be indecently aware of what is written on the screen and what the computer will look like you like in that chi іnshoy vpadku. Ale mi in this way is not possible 🙂

    You can, obviously, come home with a purchase and install a new Russified operating system, or you can Russify the already installed one.

    Russification of Windows XP.

    If you have Windows XP, then problems with Russification have been blamed. Just go to the site of the others and download the Russian MUI (Multi User Interface) link. You can download and download from the official site - the whole Russifier-package is widely spread on the Internet.

    After download install yoga sobi on computer, having installed the bird opposite the Russian one. Let's restart the computer for the sake of the system and it was amazing - nothing was Russified. And everything is not so simple;

    Іdemo in the Control Panel, English Control Panel, then go to Movie and Regional Settings (Language and Regional Settings), let's go to the Movie tab and there, in the list, select Russian. After that, press the button Zastosuvati, Ok and restart the computer.

    The computer is resetting, the working style is visible - and it's a miracle! Vіn becoming Russian. Axis and all z Russification XP.

    Russification of Windows 7

    Everything is more foldable at the sight of the sіmkoy. On the right, the Russification packages (for XP they were called MUI, for Windows 7 - even LIP (Language Interface Pack) are available only for the most advanced versions - Enterprise and Ultimate. It’s easy to get everything from them - it’s necessary to get it, install it, it’s practically so of course, yak і u vipadku z XP, scho I described more. Well, if you have more primitive folding of the sim, then you have to think a little 🙂

    As there are no official Russifiers, the Russian people do not know the significance of it, but they quickly become unofficial. I especially know the site, demonstrating the Russian my version of the SIM, not up to the official Russification. Tse site

    For the cob download required utility under the name Vistalizator, install її on the computer and add the Ukrainian item to the MOV interface. After adding a file is added - Russifier for your version of the operating system, and install yoga by clicking Add Russian language. After installing the program, ask to change the computer, do not repair the operation. As a result, you will reject your own Russian operating system without reinstallation.

    Ale here is a small underwater stone, which, buvay, be led, but buvay, sho and nі. On the right in the fact that sometimes it says "Your version of the Windows operating system is checked as a reference". Deyakikh koristuvachіv tse povіdomlennya nervous, deyakіh - nі. Verishuvat you.

    Axis i is all about food. I spodіvayus, you see everything!

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