Office jargon.



For those who are trying to understand what their colleagues and new hospital workers are talking about, we collected a dictionary and modeled a typical day for an office worker.

Career growth with the adoption of lower lexical units is guaranteed!

We have been discussing here for a long time and decided to write an article about how office coworkers talk there.

A fast-moving threat of security.

Themselves are just a little bit crazy.

* All words have been verified by official specialists and their meanings have been confirmed.


// What are the actual office workers to worry about (and who is to blame)?

Approve - confirm

Brainstormity - vigaduvati (or just think, THINK)

Accept (zasabiti) - confirm

Zaasainiti - acknowledge

Approve - praise

Draft - prepare

Zarejectity - skasuvati

Submit - add-on

Check in to the conference call - join before the teleconference

Zafolouapiti - control

Share link - give access to the file

Cancelnuti - skasuvati

Ketchapitis - zustritsya

Shovels - launch

Let's get a little stormy - collectively shake our brains, or, more simply, seem to "think"

Stop promotion - stop advancement

Sew - attach

Push through - push through

Update - update

Prolonguvati – prodovzhuvati

Invest - invest

Prufridity - coriguvati

Zrobiti propozal – proponuvati

Skip - skip

Slinkuvat - connect

Forwardnuti – redirect

Check - recheck

Understand your concern - understand your anxiety/problems


// How to cereble?

ASAP (as soon as possible) - yaknaishvidshe (shvidko zrobiv!)

FYI - for your information - let you know!

Chipove / luxury - cheap / expensive

// I still...

Assessment - assessment

Work/life balance - balance between work and special life

Benefit - benefit 1

Backoffice – a group of companies that interact with each other and do not interfere with clients


A decision maker is a person who makes decisions

Jobizdan - job is done - the work has been completed /we ourselves were happy/

* You can call a person that way to blame him.

Dreamtime – dream team

Case - incident / situation / situation

Call - jingle (or jingle)

Concern - problem, "turbo"

Contribution - contribution

The rally is a sustrich, just a sustrich

Possibility - ability

Request - asked

Research - investigation

Realities - truth

Front office is a branch that deals with clients.

Egrіvment - please

Epik fail - milk, joint, epic joint

Let's write a fail and let's finish this mini-dictionary.

Slinkuvat - connect

To consolidate a new lexical layer, we point the butt, which requires reading out loud.

Oleksiy, among the people Alex, sir associate in the international corporation.

Vіn works in this campaign a lot of rocks and has already become a part-office worker.

His wound begins to hurt.

Having bought gluten-free moccacino and orange smoothies, because of the detoxification in this area, you will have arrived after yesterday’s action in the eco-dog-friendly open space.

Alex got busy with his teammates, opened Facebook and searched for the link with the trending article “How to use the new features of iOS 9.”

Alex’s work started after the meeting, and his colleagues brainstormed ideas based on obvious cases, having seen new opportunities.

Vіn prov_rіlі deep research for this project.

Then there was a conference call, where we discussed different things.

Then he violated the signing agreement with the backoffice.

Here, you feel like you need to hangry and beat your colleagues, telling them to go and grab some snacks.

We came for lunch and discussed his promotion, and it was absolutely shuar, and soon he would be one of the tops.

After lunch, I drafted a contract, stuck him on the logger, so that he was blocked.


Then we realize that I need relaxation benefits.

You posted a couple of photos on Instagram, sent a request to the client, and, of course, added everything that was useful for the application.

And in order to spend money on work, I’ll start getting a garnet resume

We have been discussing here for a long time and decided to write an article about how office coworkers talk there.
For those who are trying to understand what their colleagues and new hospital workers are talking about, we collected a dictionary and modeled a typical day for an office worker.

A fast-moving threat of security. All words have been verified by office security specialists and their meanings have been confirmed..

A fast-moving threat of security.

Themselves are just a little bit crazy.

Read the article


obov'yazkovo with a no-nonsense accent

Approve - confirm

Brainstormity - vigaduvati (or just think, THINK)

Accept (zasabiti) - confirm

Zaasainiti - acknowledge

Brainstormity - vigaduvati (or just think)

Draft - prepare

Dry up - admit it

Submit - add-on

Check in to the conference call - join before the teleconference

Check in to the conference call - arrive before the teleconference

Share link - grant access to the file

Cancelnuti - skasuvati

Ketchapitis - zustritsya

Shovels - launch

Let's get a little stormy - collectively shake our brains, or, more simply, seem to "think"

Shovels - launch

Sew - attach

Push through - push through

To have a blast - to collectively shake your brains and “think.”

Prolonguvati - prodovzhuvati

Invest - invest

Prufridity - coriguvati

Zrobiti propozal – proponuvati

Zrobiti propozal - proponuvati

Forwardnuti – redirect

Check - recheck

Skip - skip

Understand your concern - understand your concerns/problems

// How to cereble?

ASAP (as soon as possible) - yaknaishvidshe (shvidko zrobiv!)

FYI - for your information - let you know!

FYI – for your information – let you know!

Chipove / luxury - cheap / expensive

Assessment - assessment

Work/life balance - balance between work and special life

Benefit - benefit

Backoffice – a group of companies that interact with each other and do not interfere with clients

Backoffice - a group of companies that interact with each other and do not interfere with clients

A decision maker is a person who makes decisions

Jobzdan - job is done - work is divided

Dreamtime - dream team

Dreamtime – dream team

Kol - jingle

Call - jingle (or jingle)

Concern - problem, "turbo"

Contribution - contribution

Concern is a problem, “turbo”

Rally - zustrich

Request - asked

Reali - true

Staff - nіsenіtnitsa / speeches / service personnel, depending on the context

Tim - team

Too much - too much

Egrіvment - please

Epik fail - milk, joint, epic joint

Let's write a fail and let's finish this mini-dictionary.

Feedback - comment / video

Front office – a branch that deals with clients.

Oleksiy, among the people Alex, sir associate in the international corporation.

Vіn works in this campaign a lot of rocks and has already become a part-office worker.

Read it.

Having bought gluten-free moccacino and orange smoothies, because of the detoxification in this area, you will have arrived after yesterday’s action in the eco-dog-friendly open space.

Alex got busy with his teammates, opened Facebook and searched for the link with the trending article “How to use the new features of iOS 9.”

Alex’s work started after the meeting, and his colleagues brainstormed ideas based on obvious cases, having seen new opportunities.

Vіn prov_rіlі deep research for this project.

Then there was a conference call, where we discussed different things.

Then he violated the signing agreement with the backoffice.

Here, you feel like you need to hangry and beat your colleagues, telling them to go and grab some snacks.

And laugh with us at the same time:)

After lunch, I drafted a contract, stuck him on the logger, so that he was blocked.


To consolidate the new lexical layer, we point out the butt that requires reading out loud:

Alex got busy with his teammates, opened Facebook and searched for the link with the trending article “How to use the new features of iOS 9.”

For spilkuvanniya (sokrema i robіtnik) it comes up with a couple of dozens of expressions in professional slang, which the uninitiated would call their faces like a sour lemon.

Why don’t you completely ignore the links of both articles and keep quiet for a little while.

As the sociologists of the pre-slednytskyi center of the recruiting portal, having studied 2000 office workers from all districts of the region, a quarter of the Russian companies have reported, there is nothing rotten in the country No office slang.

However, you need to give someone a “badge of honor” before the final certificate, for those uninitiated in secret and important matters.

According to the words of 25 hundreds of respondents, especially the words that get used to the work team, “help to increase mutual understanding”, are more familiar, and also allow you to “speed up verbal communication” Nya" for the rakhunok shortening of the sliv.

“Physicists” and “legalists” are words from the professional slang of lawyers that signify physical and legal persons in general.

Some companies affectionately call their customer service providers “subscribers.”

Far away - whoever doubts it, "anniversary", spivoroteniks of the financial sector - "dates".

Clients flock to the clerks not out of necessity, but out of “wants” (everyone remembers, of course, Viktor Stepanovich Chernomirdin, how such wants need to be addressed).

They will notice 29 hundreds of spivorbitniki, which respect that slang does not improve communication between spivorbnitniks, and, however, it is more primitive: “My hair has risen Yes, if I read the illiterate writings of the active spivorobnitniks, the stench of the so-called official is increasingly evident. slang. Suchasni Elochki-people-eaters!

Through the efforts of the portal's contributors, who withdrew their comments before the results of the investigation were published, the vocabulary of daily office slang was expanded.

Around the already guessed “vіkrizhiti”, words such as “Okeyball, oketos” (good), “nashlopati/stuff/zabiti” (stretch/bring to the base), “wind up” (zatelefonuvati), “Golovbusya” (head female accountant), at an insurance company: “vantazhivki” (those who insure vantages), “kolgospniki” (insure agricultural expenses), “elektrichka” (a woman in a gardening partnership who collects pennies for electricity) etc.

"Slang exists in any area, but in everything in the world there are reasonable boundaries, except for stupidity: while some vikory slang for the sake of short-term excitement, then in other wines it turns into persistent slang, There is a significant lack of vocabulary as a result of intellectual disability,” writes one From the commentators, and it’s important to get along with him.

1. And the axis stated on the kshtalt “our office speaks Russian, there is no slang at all!”- I believed with great difficulty.
Maybe it’s just their author, “Gena,” who escaped from reality in his office?

2. Let us assume that the author of this material immediately figured out at least ten hundred professional terms that are used in the newspaper at the time of its planning, delivery, various force majeure and marches to the top. We have a lot of professional people here, smart people, they know the Russian language - so the professional language has nothing unruly, slang and slang.
The kind of hair that the uninitiated would have looked like, we guarantee.
(short for business) – business.

3. 404 He gave me his bini card - he gave me a business card.
404 – a remedy known to every skin irritant, it “flies” if the energized side is silent.
Today the Internet sees the following warning: “404 Not Found”.

4. News and new office slang concepts.“Don't bother asking John.
He's 404.”

5. - Don’t try to find out from John. Vin is completely off topic.

6. (Synonym: to take into account, to notice) - remember, mark (people).“After seeing his cool presentation at the conference, I bookmarked him” – After seeing his cool presentation at the conference, I remembered him.
Chips and Salsa

7. (synonym: Chips = hardware, salsa = software) - “zalizo” and computer security (programs).“First we gotta figure out if the problem's in your chips or your salsa” – It’s important to figure out what the problem is – the product or software.
Open-Collar Workers
(Synonym: telecommute) – people who work at home, remotely.

8. “Organized labor is worried about the millions of new “open collar” workers who will be able to do jobs at home that once required office setting - that may be about 35 percent of work force by year 2015” (The Washington Post) - Profspilki recruited by millions of so-called new workers who work at home, traded offices for private apartments; Until 2015, they will reach 35% of the total workforce.
Cube Farm

9. (View “cubicle office” - daily offices “in a cage”). The verbatim translation is a farmhouse.
“Do you like your office?
-You kiddin'?

10. It’s just a cube farm full of cube chicken...” Does your office suit you?-Are you laughing?
She is the laziest person I've ever met, but boss like never notices it.

11. – Well, she certainly looked boss-spasming.- Vona is the laziest person I know, but she doesn’t even notice anyone.
– Well, there’s no doubt that you’ll have a “reasonable” (robotic) look.

12. To bottom this out(Synonym: ride out the storm) - get out of a steep situation.

13. We need to bottom this situation out – It’s our fault to get out of this situation. This slut ain't worth the squeeze
(Synonym: the rewards of an action aren't worth the effort) - the game does not ruin the candle.


– A new graduate who doesn’t require internship, but can handle his skills just like a miracle.

Original translation of the meaning: “Turn on and work” (the principle of computer work). - So this guy can start work right away.(Why spend another hour on learning?).

Saving time

According to the words of the soldiers themselves, office slang immediately helps us to spare an hour for explaining these and other tasks, in order to simplify communication. In addition, the terms that are used in language slang often have an ambiguous connotation and irony, which creates even more of a team.“In our robots, slang is gradually becoming popular,” even designer Anastasia Sidorova.

- This way it’s useful to save an hour on clarification, you can get along with your colleagues “on the same page.”

Regardless of the singing of practitioners about those who are obsessed with slang - to simplify the process of spitting, there is a rich ironic subtext behind the table, which, it seems, is a slang invention, including to lighten the mood.

“Slang words get used to everything, and people especially love to call one another, - it seems HR Manager Olena Antonova.

- Managers - managers, phoenixes - specialists in the financial department, orcs - worked with corporate clients, and so on.

This is even more modest than I have ever experienced. It didn’t dawn on me how easy it is to put together. In my opinion, it sounds clearer to say “corporate sales manager” or “orc”.

And vikoryists use such slang simply for the sake of laughter, since the workers are stuck in childhood and have not dared to call one another with fancy nicknames.”

Office jargon often finds its way into the English language, which creates even more negativity among opponents of such vocabulary.

Many Russians do not subscribe to such a humorous approach and are respected for being seen better by fellow Russians.

“As a person, every word inserts office jargon, so to speak of his limited vocabulary,” Olena Antonova sang.

- Such spivrobitniki compensate for their illiteracy and lack of adequate professional terms with slang in order to feel more included in the team.

A good speaker with a vocabulary reserve of the Russian language, not at the level of a cob school, has no need to compare his language with such smudges.

Situations can become blameworthy if specialists use professional slang (for example, software). But if jargon is used both with clients and with management, it’s just ignorance.” Not all kernels are adjusted so categorically.

Not only do they not condemn their associates for slang, but they themselves become fond of such mine.

And yet, it’s not good to mislead with slang.

  • According to psychologists, the extreme living of a specific office language can cause problems both among clients and among the team.
  • “It is important to remember that no matter what slang can always be alienated,” it seems
  • psychologist Maria Pashnina
  • .
  • - Without understanding the significance of these and other expressions, people can simply feel bad about themselves and begin to suffer from a unique spell.
Therefore, slang is often inappropriate when dealing with clients and professionals, but may not be entirely acceptable in the middle of a professional group of professionals.
And it’s no longer possible for us to live the jargon of words in business sheets, everything may be in the world.”

In this manner, when using non-standard phrases with your colleagues, do not forget about the rule of the golden mean.