Monoecious plants: descriptions, representatives. Monoecious plants: Poplar butts are monoecious or dioecious

All species of science are divided into three groups - monoecious, dioecious and polyecious. In the first, the differences in color are found on one individual, in others - on different ones. In this case, the eggs themselves can be both parts - with the utricles and larvae, and also separate parts, which contain either the utricle or the larvae. Rich-domestic plants transmit the presence of two varieties of flowers in one individual. This is the name of polygamy, which is guarded against ash trees, grapes, and forget-me-nots. Ale is not about them at once. This article reveals what monoecious plants are located short description Their brightest representatives.

Monoecious plants: characteristics

Many people respect that one-article tickets have been settled in both articles, and this has become the result of evolutionary processes. When talking about monoecious plants, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that they are characterized by the presence of queen or temen flowers on one specimen. Representatives of both articles meet “in the same booth” - these are the names of these green plantings.

Plants of this type are most often wind-pollinated. Seizures occur when sawdust is carried by mosquitoes - this process is called entomophily. Roslins do not have power over autogamy if sawing occurs in the bowl of one flower. Most often, sawdust is lost here in the bosom of other flowers that grow on the same plant. And it’s downright rotten to be seen by the authorities today.

Monoecious plants grow on the skin. Add these green plants: kavun, corn, watermelon, hair peas, hazel, velkha, beech, birch and oak. There are also species that, in extreme minds, can transform from dioecious into monoecious - for example, hemp.

Volosky peas

One from the true representatives monoecious roslins. Wine is rich in vitamins, alkaloids, carotene, essential oils, salts and other barnacles. Hair ash improves memory, helps relieve constipation, which is essential for heart disease and diabetes, and prevents the appearance of breast cancer and epithelial veins.

The grass begins to bloom. Bark fruits The tree can be harvested already at the heather. The flowers are collected from a small group - from two to five pieces. Due to the fact that human and female flowers do not ripen overnight, over-filing occurs between them. Pea fruits can set without sawing, but their strength will be of very low yield.


Monoecious trees are trees of the beech family. Oak is a typical representative of this species. For a long time, special wisdom, durability, beauty and strength have been respected. Similar berries are found in the bark, leaves, and acorns of the bush. The stench is even stronger, it can withstand winter frosts and I'm baking in the summer, bad climate change and sudden weather changes. The height of the oak tree is no more than 30 meters, although the real giants often appear in nature. Few people know that the oak tree begins to bear fruit only after thirty years from the moment of planting.

On the oak tree both women and human flowers are grown, including trees of the same species. Tichinkov's individuals are collected in a small light, drenched in greenery. The top is decorated with a raspberry piping. There are fewer human leaves - the stinks are dissolved “in one batch”, three pieces each and may receive a pale-rotney discoloration. About jubilant power there seems to be a lot of oak. For the production of medicinal preparations, vikorista use everything - bark, shanks, leaves, which are early, astringent, anti-inflammatory powers. It is good to grow for any climatic minds: both in dry swamps (Virginian view), and in dry localities.


Monoecious trees can be reached not only from hairy peas and oak, but from birch trees. Wood components often become stuck in traditional medicine. For example, the infusion of nirok is actively used by healers to relieve various illnesses. And the birch mushroom gives good strength. It effectively neutralizes headaches and improves appetite. And all this action effectively cleanses the body, fighting against the formation and growth of internal fluff.

Birch trees can reach up to twenty-five meters. A small amount is given to the beech family for the number of canopies and species. And that’s the point. There are only 150 species of birch “clan”, while in beech trees the figure is much higher – 800 species. Perhaps all representatives are resistant to frost, so do not put them before the Japanese, Chinese and Himalayan individuals.


Volosko peas, oaks, birches - these are not all green plantations that are included in the group under the name “monoecious trees”. You can point the butt endlessly. Hazel also falls into this category - a long-lived teagarden who, on average, can delight people with savory and brown peas for about eighty years.

(tichinkovi) grows in the catkins of the plant, and the axis of the female (pistillate) is found in the flower stalks. Bushy filberts are universal monoecious plants. Fruits, bark, leaves and roots - all are actively used in medicine. Varicose veins, constipation, lack of milk in women who are pregnant, rickets, anemia, hypertension - all these problems can be easily dealt with with infusions, infusions, ointments and other products prepared from hazelnut components.


Overgrowing monoecious plants, I want to take advantage of this herbaceous specimen. Today there are over two thousand species. Sedge loves water, so most often it can thrive in swamps. You can also grow right by the water. Obvious ulceration from normal sleep and the appearance of light. However, the plant can be easily dried up to its full maturity.

The essence of one article: male and female specimens contain 2 to 5 larvae and queens. Sedge leaves reach one meter in height. The stench is strongly grouped, which is all the more obvious from the purchases, which are easily visible to people’s vagus. The stench is very strong with hard edges; it is not recommended for people to tear it with their bare hands: they can seriously cut themselves. Nowadays, sprouts are increasingly being grown for decorative purposes - especially in plots where there are artificial reservoirs. Small lakes and bets are decorated with sedge. Also, the plant is often used as food, and is rarely used in pharmacology.

Types before the dendrology exam.

1 meal. Sections: taxonomy, morphology, ecology, phenology, area.

Living forms in the villages of Roslin. Classification of tea trees by height.

The living form is the external appearance of the plant (habitus), which ensures its relevance to the minds of the external environment.

· Tree is the life form of some trees, appearing from the earth, growing along the length of their life. Tree height 7-130m. The triviality of life in the village. 100-5-6 thousand. Rokiv. There are: high-cost burns (1 stovbur) and high-cost burns.

· Tea garden - there are a bunch of stems, which change each one over the course of life. Height 0.7-7m. Trivalist 20-200 rocks.

· chagarnik - chagarnik, up to 70 cm high (ciornica, lingonberry, heather). Trivality 20-40 years.

· Napivcharnik - a woody tree whose non-lignified part freezes during the winter (raspberry, raspberry).

· Liana is a tree-like growth that is not planted to independent vertical growth and will require support.

Methods of attaching to the support of vines: 1. Entwined (at the foot of the vine against the arrow of the year. Chinese lemongrass, climbing ply); 2. Vusikami (cultivated grapes, Amur grapes); 3. Vusiki with suckers (five-leafed girl grapes); 4. Leaf petioles (clematis, honeysuckle honeysuckle); 5. Potted corins (ivy, cherry hydrangea); 6. Dwarf trees - shaped growths that can spread (Slanik pine).

First size trees >25m (linden, common pine, pedunculate oak).

Trees of 3rd size<15м (рябина обыкновенная, черемуха обыкновенная)

Visoki >

Low< 1м (барбарис Тунберга, спирея ниппонская)

Systematics of roslins. Main taxonomic units. Concept of mind, form.

Roslin taxonomy is a science that includes the classification of roslins, the classification of roslins in their native group according to any signs.

Taxonomic unit – native groups.

A species is a collection of individuals that have similar morphological, biological, and ecological features that can easily be found among themselves and form sleeping place growing.

The species has a subvine name (pendling birch – betula pendula)

Among the species there are varieties (var.), forms (f,), varieties.

Form is a morphological variety in the middle of the species.

Classification of tea leaves based on height and durability.

Classification of trees by height:

First size trees > 25m (linden, common pine, common oak).

Trees of the 2nd size 15-25m (Kinskiy chestnut, ash-leaved maple, gostroleaf maple)

Trees of 3rd size< 15м (рябина обыкновенная, черемуха обыкновенная)

Classification of tea leaves by height:

Highs >2.5m (lushchina zvichaina, glide, buzok)

Medium 1-2.5 m (barberry supernumerary, Spirea japonica, sir, Troyanda zmarshkuvata)

Low< 1м (барбарис Тунберга, спирея ниппонская)

Classification of plants for durability and rapid growth.

Classification of tea trees for durability:

Classification of plants based on their speed of growth:

1. sprouts >1m (silver maple, white willow, willow, balsam poplar)

2. deadwood 0.5-1m (gostroleaf maple, mountain pea, yalina, pine, modrina sibirska)

3. abundant growth<0,5м (тис ягодный, туя западная, можжевельник казацкий, спирея японская)

Arkush and yogo functions. Rotating the leaves on the pagon. Tipi leaf.

The arkush is an organ of interconnected growth, which grows as a basis and represents the basic functions of life: photosynthesis, metabolism, transpiration.

Photosynthesis is the process of creating an org. in-in z inorg. with the participation of sleepy energy. Carbon dioxide is fading and sourness is visible.

Dihanna is a gas exchange process in which sourness is lost and carbon dioxide appears.

Transpiration is the process of evaporation of moisture from leaves.

Transpiration and breathing occur through the respiratory tract.

Rotating the leaves during the flow:

1. chergove (one sheet in one node)

2. opposite (there are two leaves in one node)

3. kulchaste (in one arch there are three or more leaves). Often on short shoulder straps.

Leaf types:

1. simple (one leaf blade per petiole)

2. folding (on the petiole there are a bunch of leaf plates). Petiole of a folding leaf – rachis

tripartite (3 leaves) palmate pinnae ( by

(Peli rachet) (more than 3 simple leaves) until the end of the year

(Kinsky chestnut) ↓ ↓

pariopinnate imparipinnate

(caragana tree-like) (pea)

Budova kvitki. Single and double tickets. Monoecious and dioecious lines. Basic types of existence.

Kvitka is a reproductive organ.

Budova: cup - totality of sepal leaves Sa.

Vinochok – collection of pellets

androecium - aggregation of larvae A

gynoecium (uterus) – totality of carpels G

The ovary is: upper and lower

One-piece cells are those that have a larvae, or a queen, or a queen, or a queen. ♀ or ♂.

There are two cells - cells that have both a larva and a utricle.

Monoecious plants are plants in which both male and female flowers are found on the same individual.

Domestic plants are plants that have both male and female flowers found on different individuals.

All plants from the category Pokrytonasynnyh (vitaminaceae) are divided into groups and can be classified as dioecious or monoecious specimens. This article will examine the differences between dioecious and monoecious plants, so that both dioecious and monoecious plants are included in the group of dioecious plants.

What is homedom?

To the group of households there are specimens that are endowed with female and human veins, Then the queens and larvae cannot be found on the same page and on the same representative of the flora. In connection with this particularity of the surface, the possibility of self-filing is turned off. Roslins can undergo additional xenogamy - cross-filing, as a result of which files from one copy are transferred to the uterus of a different growth.

In this way, sawing off the flowers is only possible in the event that other mosquitoes that live on sawdust can begin the filing process. There is not a lot of over-sealing due to the fact that half of the squashes still don’t show up.

Important! The species are still evolving to the idea that it is possible to separate the growing species and bring them up to dioecious or monoecious species, not only the same specimens, but also non-flowering ones, which are endowed with human and female generative organs. Therefore, most often these groups include plants that are not susceptible to color.

How do monoecious plants differ from dioecious ones?

Monoecious plants are characterized by the presence of different species on one specimen, at that hour, as housewifes wiggle their flowers, there is only one article on one branch. Monoecious plants are often sprayed with the help of the wind, so that when the wind flows from one flower, they are transferred to another, and dioecious plants are sprayed as soon as a file is transferred from a human flower to a female mosquito.

Household growths are presented pistachio, poplar, aspen, actinide, sour sorrel, figs, hemp, oxamite.

Household representatives

In order to understand about the genus family, it is necessary to look at a short description of the various representatives of this group.

Actinidia is a genus of woody vines, of which there are 75 species. The expansion of actinides in the snow-descent part of Asia and the Himalayas. The stench emanates from tea leaves and vines, especially those that have a tendency to cause leaves to fall. The leaves of these plants are all or partly covered in leaf scars, the leaves are rotted, the edges are jagged. The flowers can be small, about 1 cm in diameter or up to 3 cm in diameter.

Most species have odorless, white flowers, while some have buds with a gold-yellow or orange tint. The fruit grows like a rich berry, yellow-green or light orange in color. The most common representative of actinidia is the delicious actinidia, which is commonly known as keva.

Actinidia is planted as an ornamental plant, often vicorized as a medicinal plant, and the fruits of natural varieties survive in hedgehogs.

In nature, actinides grow in thin forests, where a natural smell is created, Therefore, in order to plant in the minds of the home, it is necessary to create such minds themselves. Regardless of the fact that actinidia grows well on shady plots, it is better to plant them on the sunny side, but fruiting only occurs with sufficient lightening. Actinidia feels good on soils with low levels of nitrogen and phosphorus; it does not tolerate well-wet soils. The best option is slightly acidic soil. It is impossible to grow trees on important clay soil.

Important! If actinidia is planted as a fruitful crop, then it is necessary to grow both female and human plants in one planting - on the skin, 3 copies with female flowers are responsible for at least 1 human th representative.

Oksamit reaches deciduous trees, reaches 20 to 30 m in height, with a large drill diameter of about 120 cm. The crown of the tree in forests is highly raised, in single plantings it is characterized by a knobby shape. Roslina has greyish-gray bark, with a beautiful decorative appearance; in young trees, the bark has a silvery iridescence. The upper ball of bark is characterized by a velvety structure, with a cork over 5 cm, the inner ball of bark has a yellow color and a specific smell. The leaves are of a green color, the leaves are rotating, their shape is similar to ash leaves, but they have hard blades and a characteristic unpleasant odor.

The flowers are small, unmarked, diameter - up to 1 cm, have a greenish tint, flowers are collected in the pulp of the day, water - up to 12 cm. The ripening of the fruits occurs in the spring, the fruits of the year stі, black, sparkling kustyanki, unidentifiable before implantation, are characterized by sharpness. Oxamite can be found in Manchuria, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur and Primorye, China, Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Japan. Oxamite is a relict weed, which is why the tree died long before it froze.

Do you know? Representatives of the flora, which expanded in past geological eras, are brought to relict growths.

Oxamite is an ornamental plant that grows even in European countries and Western America, popular for planting in the regions of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Oxamite is used with licentious methods and reaches good honey plants. The bark is also often used to extract yellow fabric for making various types of fabrics. The large ball of cork is vicorized to work as corks for sealing dances, vikoristuated as a material for floats, ritual keels, bibs, souvenir products. The bark from the tree is easily creamed, without harming the tree itself. Oxamite wood is characterized by its rich color and striking appearance, so it is used for making furniture and decorative elements.

When choosing a place for planting oxamite, it is necessary to make sure that the tree has a long life, so that its roots are not harmed by spores, place the tree far from the tree. Also, if you plan to be near a tree in the near future, try to stay away from the oxamite as much as possible so as not to harm the roots or harm the growth. The tree must be provided with shade, so it is better to plant it in the garden, with suitable soil for planting and cultivation of loam, which is not suitable for planting with nourished soil.

Slumber is a one-way, courtyard, in some cases a rich dew, reaches a height of 80 cm. Over the course of a century, dormant growth is characterized by certain differences in its appearance. Small specimens grow on oval leaves that reach up to 10 cm, and throughout the year there are bifurcated stems with paired lanceolate leaves. Buds up to 3 cm in diameter appear to be in bloom and spread at the top of the stem, each bud has 5 pellets, blooms from late spring to early autumn, whiter in color. Slumber is widespread in European countries, at the end of Asia and in Western America.

It is also used to develop hygienic properties, as it contains a large number of saponins, which seem to cause problems in the production of thick foam. The slumber needs to be filled with frost-resistant dew, so it can endure the cold weather of winter. At the moment, drowsiness is not cultural and is not recognized in the industry.

Important! The maximum decorative effect of the dormant plant is achieved when planted on drained neutral, slightly acidic soil; normal growth develops on nourished dry soils.

Dormancy grows in well-lit areas, and if it can tolerate light dust, it will grow better in dormouse plots. Roslina does not require particularly fertile soil, good growth on basic garden soils, and the only requirement is that the soil is plump.

The willow is native to the villages of the groves, of which there are approximately 550 species. Trees grow up to 15 meters tall, while their edges sharpen up to 40 meters. Examples of willows that grow at night are short, and in the Georgian regions, willows grow like short chagarnas that spread, with a minimum height of up to a few centimeters. Depending on the appearance of the willow, the leaves can be thick, curly, bright green or rare, clear grayish green or grayish white. The leaves are planted directly, the leaf blade can be wide, eliptical or narrow and long, with solid or toothed edges, and shiny blades.

A characteristic feature of these species is the tendency to produce large leaflets, which most often develop in young shoots. The stems of the gills are thin, brittle, soft to the point of laxity, and the leaves can be dark brown, red-yellow. The flowers in the willow are very small, collected in the thick of life, so they are easy to mark. After flowering, fruits appear - boxes of tiny fluffy substances. Willow is a widespread species and grows in the middle part of Russia, in Northern America, and also grows in the tropics.

The willow is seen as a decorative specimen, Also, various types of trees are often planted in order to reduce the fluffy soils and sands, leaving the root system of the tree rich, even expanded, with numerous holes. The wood is cured for making dishes and decorative elements. Willow is a valuable honey plant; the bark of its species is suitable for tanning hides. It is very common to cut wood as a material for making wicker baskets. Willow leaves are popular in folk medicine as a medicine.

Willow grows well on loam and rich soils; plant the tree in an area with maximally hydrated soil, in a well-lighted area.

Fig is a subtropical deciduous plant that belongs to the genus Ficus. The tree has light gray smooth bark. Roslina is characterized by the presence of a large, black-planted multilopathic or divided harsh leaf. The leaf axils are filled with generative tendons and contain the flowering of two types - caprifigs and figs. Caprifigs are human flowers, stinks are of other flowers, figs are women's flowers with great flowers.

When cutting down figs, blastophagous wasps are forced to carry the sawdust from human trees to their feet. Fruits appear on the tree - figs, in the middle with a lot of berries, licorice and juice. Depending on the variety, the color of the fruit can be yellow, blue or dark blue; yellow-green fruits are most often found.

Figs have grown widely in the Mediterranean Sea, Transcaucasia, the Pivdennoe Birch Crimea, and Central Asia. Most often, a fig tree is planted in order to pick out the harvested figs, which grow into fresh, dried and canned figs, stink with a strong taste, and can also be used for preparing jam and as an additive to other desserts. In folk medicine, fig leaves are used as a medicinal syrup.

Plant a tree in a well-lit area, on outdoor plots so that the figs are protected from strong winds. The tree is superior to light loams with charcoal permeability.

Important!Figs are also planted like indoor plants in an apartment; they grow to a small size, but are old enough to bear fruit.

Hemp is a single-grain, bast-fibrous plant. It is characterized by the presence of an erect stem, a rounded base, opposite leaf growth on the upper part of the growth and with leaves on the lower part. The leaves are folded, there are 5-7 leaves with a toothed edge, more leaves spread to the base of the stem, from bottom to top. The flowers of the plant are represented by flowers in the form of a folding ear, in the place of which there are double-headed pots that have an egg-like or concave shape, a smooth or ribbed structure, a gray-green or brown color. The growth is widespread in the world, and can grow in both tropical and tropical zones.

Previously, the dew was tapped in order to extract the oil and oil from it, as well as the fibers that were extracted from the waste. Cannabis was also used as a medicinal drug, and recreational drugs were prepared on its basis. Hemp can be useful for spinning skeins, ropes, cables, clothes, paper and threads, the splinters of which are formed from very fine fibers.

Hemp can reach the soil where it grows. Therefore, before the visa, it is necessary to clean up all the necessary cleanings. Roslina gives preference to well-lit areas under open sun, the soil is liable to absorb a lot of living rivers, which are water-retentive, since hemp cannot be tolerated in dry conditions.

Bring the dill to the perennial herbs, It is characterized by the presence of a meticulous root and with numerous small connections. The height of the kettle grows from 30 cm to 2 m. There are a lot of fuzzy hairs growing on the stem and leaves. The stem is herbaceous, with oppositely grown leaves on it. The leaf blade is ovate-heart-shaped or lanceolate, up to 17 cm long, up to 8 cm wide.

The edges are covered with large teeth. On the crops, long-lasting flowers develop, on which a lot of different green flowers are planted; in the place of the flowers, plants appear over time, represented by dry, slimy yellow or brown pots. One sample can produce up to 22,000 nasins. It is becoming more common in Europe, Asia, China, and Northern America.

Kropiva is a weed that is often used in hedgehogs; soups, borscht, and salads are prepared on its basis. Vikorist is used as food for thinness. In folk medicine, the leaves of the plant are used to prepare infusions and infusions.

Diomena weed grows up to the bur-yanovy dew, This can also grow on any kind of soil; growths especially often grow on soils rich in nitrogen. Roslina is light-loving, but it is also good to grow in water and shade.

The River Laurel reaches up to subtropical trees and teacups. Laurel is an evergreen growth that reaches a height of about 15 m, with smooth brown bark and bare branches. The crown of the tree is dense and pyramidal in shape. The leaves on the pagons are planted in chergovo, the entire edge is bare, bare, simple, at the end they can reach 20 cm, the tops - 4 cm. The leaves have a powerful, receptive aroma, the aroma is characterized by a thick lanceolate or elliptical plate, sounded to the base. The leaves are dark green on the upper part of the leaf, and lighter on the lower part.

The laurel flowers are collected in a pair of yellow parasols, which are spread out at the ends of the leaves, a few pieces at a time, at the leaf axils. The flowers are too friable, chewy, and will soon turn into fruits of a dark blue color. Laurel grows near the Mediterranean, Transcaucasia and on the Canary Islands.

Bay laurel is cured as a spice, and essential oil is prepared from the leaves, which is steeped in cooking. Also, bay leaf is a medicinal syrup for preparing various medicinal preparations.

Laurel is most noticeable in well-lit areas, but can tolerate light staining. Roslina is not able to reach soils and can easily be tolerated on dry land. Before planting, it is important to add organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil so that the plants develop better.

The sea buckthorn family includes two species. Roslins are represented by teacups and trees from 10 cm to 6 m tall, sometimes up to 15 m. The leaves are planted from scratch, to last long and well, the color of the leaves is green, the surface of the plate is covered with small dots of a gray color. The sea buckthorn flowers earlier, the leaves begin to bloom, the flowers are smaller and smaller. In place of the knuckle there is a knuckle, which is made up of peas and knuckles. The color of the fruit is a red or orange tint, and the stink is very thick on the hilts. Sea buckthorn grows in Europe, Asia, Mongolia, and China.

The fruits of sea buckthorn are often harvested as a food product, they are eaten or made into drinks, and sea buckthorn oil is used in cosmetology and medicine. Singing species of sea buckthorn are decorative shoots, they are planted to enhance road mowing or create livestock. The leaves of the vicor tree yield tannic orchard.

The place for planting sea buckthorn may be well-lighted, The tree is not afraid of direct changes, is superior to light neutral soils, tolerates regular fertilization and enjoys a good harvest on them.

The flowers have even smaller buds, up to 3 mm in diameter, a greenish-yellow color, in place of the flowers there is a layer of yellow or red color, representing a wild berry, with sticky pulp. In nature, there are up to 70 species of mistletoe, which grow mainly in the subtropics and tropics of the African continent, in the tropics of Asia and in the middle of Australia, practically throughout Europe.

Do you know?Mistletoe was used as a traditional holiday decoration in England until the second half of the 19th century, at which time the English began to decorate mistletoe, which became a symbol of Christmas.

Mistletoe fruits are food for birds. The same applies to the preparation of glue. Traditional medicine uses recipes for an extract from the young leaves of the plant, which is used for various health problems.

Aspen is related to the type of leafy trees of the Poplar family. Roslina is characterized by the presence of a columnar-like trunk, height - up to 35 m, diameter - 1 m. The tree grows even quickly, but is less susceptible to illness than the tree, so the difficulty of life becomes no more than 90 years old. The root grows deep into the ground, clearly growing for several meters. The tree has a smooth bark of green or gray color, which cracks with age and changes color to darker.

The wasp has black leaves, the leaves are represented by round or rhombic plates, up to 7 cm long, with a sharp or blunt apex, the leaf has a small edge. The flowers are characterized by a small size, the smell is collected in the flowers of the earrings, they can be red or green, the flowers are up to 15 cm, the color lasts until the flowers bloom. After coloring, a soft box is formed, covered with down (down), which can be expanded for tens of kilometers. Aspen can be found in the forest and tundra, and in the forest and forest-steppe. The tree grows in Europe, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and Korea.

Osika is often popular as an ornamental tree, You can see the streets, near the parks of the city. The bark is cured for tanning hides, with the core of yellow and green furby. The tree is brought up to good honey plants. The wood is vikorist in the appearance of roofing material. In the same way, aspen is treated like orchard in folk medicine; the bark and leaves are revered with veneration.

Aspen is best grown on well-lighted plots, but it can also tolerate light soiling and cannot penetrate the soil; it grows well on both poor and well-lived, acidic and moist soils. The only thing that can reach the ground is that it is dry, soiled, swampy or frozen. It is also difficult for wasps to tolerate highly polluted groundwater, which is why it is necessary to treat them when planting plants.

Asparagus is a native plant of which there are approximately 210 species. Possible growth in the appearance of grass and agaric plants. Roslina has well-developed rhizomes and strongly loosened stems. On the stems there are a lot of golloid-like needles. Asparagus has undeveloped, fragmented leaves, represented by luscious or prickly specimens. The color of the plant is divided into buds, which are collected in single, thyroid or racemose flowers.

The kvetka contains 6 pellets, which are divided into two stakes. In place of the flowerpot, there is a berry-shaped plaid in which one or a bunch of flowers can be placed. The berries are in a ripe red or bright orange color. Asparagus can be grown in the temperate climates of Western America, Europe, Central Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Do you know?Asparagus is a natural aphrodisiac. In Ancient Greece, young people wore wreaths of this size on their heads for the birth of their offspring, and at French merry festivities, at least three asparagus were always on the table of the bridegrooms.

Most often, asparagus is sold as a vegetable, which is commercially available for sale. Particularly valuable are the varieties of medicinal asparagus, which grow no more than 20 cm, with a head that has not yet blossomed, in such a stage it is as short as possible for growing into the urchin. Boil, can, and prepare salads and soups in this way. Asparagus pods are also used in traditional medicine, and the essence, extracted from the plants, is used in prepared homeopathic remedies.

Asparagus is a growing crop, so it is necessary to carefully select a place for planting, the area should be well-lit, windless, and better planted on the wet side of the plot. Roslina will grow on light, soupy soils rich in humus.

Poplars are considered a genus of deciduous trees that actively grow, as there may be 95 species. The tree is up to 50 m high, sometimes 60 m, with a drill diameter of over 1 m, the crown takes the shape of a tree. There are a lot of cracks on the brown-gray or dark gray bark. Poplars are characterized by a strong root system, which lies on the surface and extends many meters from the trunk. The poplar leaves are planted in a chergovo manner, the blades are lanceolate or wide oval, with frequent veins.

The coloring begins before the buns are released, the different flowers are spread on the flower earrings that hang from the necks. In place of the flower, a box is created - a blanket, which contains smaller plants with numerous hairs. Today it is either dark or oval-shaped, the color is black or black-brown. Poplars have become widespread in the summer climate, in the subtropics of China, the boreal zone, in America, Mexico, and Africa.

Poplars are characterized by the appearance of a light white wood, which lends itself well to cultivation and vicorization as a plant in the plant of paper. In sparsely folied areas, poplars are used as a living material. Nirki roslini can buti dzherelom otrimannya farbi violet color, and leafy part - for farbi yellow color. Poplars are planted as a decorative tree, for landscaping alleys in the city, Crimea, the tree is a miracle honey plant.

Poplars are not able to reach soils and can grow on any types of soils, giving preference to dormouse plots. It is normal to tolerate swampy areas and highly contaminated groundwater, but it is possible for the soil to be permeable to wind, so when choosing a plot for planting, pay attention to this particularity.

Pistachio is the name given to a range of evergreen or deciduous trees and teacups, of which there are 20 species. The bush has a two-tiered root system, the roots extend between the crowns by 30 m and by 15 m at the depth. The tree is characterized by the presence of a thick ball of bark with a dark gray color, and a waxy coating on young branches. The leaves of the pistachio are pinnate, have a whole edge, are shiny. Dribnaya fruits, collected from the yellow, red, dark rye colors, which contain the fruits of the drupe, given before cultivation.

The tree grows in Africa, the Mediterranean, Asia and Central America.

Do you know?In Europe and Syria, pistachio sajants are first imported up to 1 tbsp. n. That is, the Roman Emperor Vitelius, the Italians became fond of hot drinks, so they began to actively add pistachio to various herbs.

Due to the fact that pistachio makes a strong and durable wood, it is used in carpentry and resins are added to it to dissolve varnishes. The leaves contain a lot of tanning agents that are used to trim the skin. The most popular product of the pistachio tree is pistachio peas, who are highly respected by this valuable and valuable product. Peas get used to the hedgehogs independently or are used for preparing herbs.

Pistachio can be grown on gray soils and brown soils. Roslina is light-loving, dry, loves soils that are rich in calcium. Plant best on rich soil and maintain acidity at pH 7.

Spinach is a family of herbaceous plants, of which there are three types. Either single-sided or courtyard, the height grows up to 50 cm, it can be naked or gloomy. The leaves are grown in pairs, oval, or even shaped with a whole edge. The leaves have a smooth or short structure, small flowers, collected in spike-like fluffy yellow color, in place of which appear clusters of fruit. Spinach grows in Iran, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Afghanistan as a wild crop, and is also planted everywhere for cultivation on an industrial scale.

Spinach is a valuable herb that can be grown in vegetables, simmered in raw vegetables, added to salads, boiled, greased, stewed. He is a victor in folk medicine, because the medicinal authorities take care of all kinds of illnesses.

Spinach is suitable for planting and gives preference to native soils, so it is best grown on a plant rich in organic matter. It grows well on loamy soils, grows well on food, and with regular watering.

Sour sorrel is a species of herbaceous growths of the Sorrel genus. The sprout has a stem, even short and loose root, characterized by the presence of a stem that can stand up to 1 m in height. The stem is silver-colored, with a base with a purple tint.

The leaves grow from the root, along with the petiole, have an arrow-like base, a whole edge and a clearly visible central vein, the blade reaches 20 cm at a depth, the leaves are striated. The flowers are planted on fluffy flowers and show horny or reddish colors. In place of the flowers is a triangular blue, black-brown color, smooth, shiny. Roslina is expanded in Western America, Asia, Europe, and Western Australia.

Sour sorrel is grown as a food product and is cultivated as a vegetable crop. On the basis of sorrel, green borscht, borscht, and vicor leaves are prepared for canning. Sorrel is used in traditional medicine; its leaves help cure illnesses.

Sorrel is best grown in well-lighted areas, especially in the area. Sorrel is not able to reach the ground, but still gives advantage to light soupy or loamy soil, and grows well on peaty soils. Sorrel grows on wind-penetrated soils with low levels of groundwater.

Thus, vedomous plants are widespread throughout the world and can be represented by grass, tea leaves, trees, and lianas of various sizes. The stench is absolutely different, but it eats them up - on one copy the female and human stems cannot be separated at the same time. This is why care must be taken when planting young shoots to ensure the ability of sawing and shaping of the ovary.

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Porivnyay Dodomny rosliny, Rich-dominated rosliny.

Suchasna encyclopedia. 2000 .

Wonder what “MONOHOUSE ROSLINS” are like in other dictionaries:

    Monogamous plants, which have single-part flowers: males (stamens) and females (pistillates) or otherwise. that squad. state organs (in non-flowering plants) are located on the same plant. Birch, hazel, oak, pine, yalin, corn, garbuzovy, many others. Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    The Great Monoecious Plant Monoecious plants are called plants that produce one-piece flowers, whereby the flowers grow on the same plant. Monoecious e, zokrema, birch, willow, corn, a lot of plants from the family... Wikipedia

    Roles in which the same female (pistillate) and female (germ) cells are found on the same individual, for example. lishchina, corn. Porivn. Dodomny rosliny, Bogatodomny rosliny... Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Monoecious plants- SINGLE SPLINES, plants that have the same species (pistillate) and female (temen) flowers are found on the same individual, for example, filbert, corn. Porivnyay Dodomny rosliny, Rich-dominated rosliny. ... Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary

    Roots that have the same female (pistillate) and human (germ) stems are found on the same individual, for example, filbert, corn. Porivn. Home grown plants, richly grown plants. * * * MONOOCUS ROSLINI MONOOCOMIC ROSLINI, roslini, ... Encyclopedic dictionary

    Roots, which have one-piece flowers, males (teams) and females (pistillates), are found on the same plant. Apply O. R.: birch, hazel, oak, pine, yalin, corn, garbuzov. O.R. also called plants that do not wring cards... Great Radyanska Encyclopedia

    Roslins, some of whom have single wives, (Pistikova) and a man. (germ) cells are found on the same individual, for example. lishchina, corn. Porivn. Dodomny rosliny, Bogatodomny rosliny... Nature studies. Encyclopedic dictionary

    MONOHOUSED ROSLINI- plants, in which larvae (females) and uterine (females) flowers or male and female organs of statistic reproduction (in non-female plants) develop on one individual. Before O. N. Most of the soil is produced with different types of cones and flowers. Silk State Encyclopedic Dictionary

    monoecious lines- growths, in which the larvae and queen cells (in the uterine growths) and antherids and archegonia (in the archegonial growths) are established on the same growth... Anatomy and morphology of roses

    MONOHOUSED ROSLINI- plants in which the generative organs of both humans and women (the thymic and uterine cells in the female plants, the antherids and archegonia in the archegonial plants) are found on one specimen (for example, in Zea mays L., species of the genus Fagus , rich mokhiv) ... Glossary of botanical terms

Roslins, which may represent representatives of various articles - human and female - are the same as domestic ones. Use such plants as diodobium, poplars, asparagus, spinach, willow, hemp, pistachio, podcarpus and others. Ale is far from being fresh.

And all the growing plants will have flowers, and some will have “men’s” flowers, and others will have “women’s” flowers. Such representatives of the flora are not characterized by over-filing. Monoecious and dioecious plants are differentiated by the fact that the first “men” and “women” are born on the same line.

Cutting down vegetative growths

In view of the evolutionary development, the home grown plants are respected in detail. The stench doesn’t last until it’s self-extinguishing, and this furnishings gives off a splendid appearance.

For active fruit trees, the presence of representatives of both articles is important. During the process of fertilization and fertilization, the seeds and fruits of the larvae of the larvae are taken up by females. Only in this case can the fruit be harvested. Ale does not mean that one tree of prostatic status is required for the skin “wife”.

One representative of the human race serves to cut down a whole series of female shoots. Oriental strength varies depending on the type of plant. For example, to plant a whole bunch of date palms, plant more than a few “male” trees. One palm tree is enough to cut down 40-50 palm trees. Often, to ensure successful sawing, the stem of the tree is pinched at the end of the tree.

The roles of representatives of different articles of the same type

It is very often important to be important from the very beginning, before any budinka is placed on Roslin. It ceases to be a prison when the time comes for the first harvest to be collected - the fruits will be on the female species. At the same time, there is a noticeable difference between a human and a female card. A human being may have little guilt and there is no sign of anger, just as a woman’s buds may have day-old larvae. The larvae in the female flowers may not vibrate the saws, just as the larvae of the human flowers are clearly absorbed by it.

Practical knowledge about dioecious plants

For practical purposes, it is important to know how dioecious the plants are and to carefully differentiate the status of individuals belonging to the same species. For example, if there is a mulberry tree in the field that does not bear fruit, then, most likely, it is a human tree. And in order to enjoy the juicy and brown berries, you need to plant a couple - a woman’s tree. Or I’d like to pinch the branch of the woman’s tree. And as a tip: pinch the woman’s tree’s neck.

At the same time, if it is necessary to add a mulberry tree to a garden plot, including for decorative purposes, so that there is no need to constantly pick up the berries that have scattered on the ground, it would be better to choose a human tree - there is a beautiful pine tree crown, otherwise there will be no bear fruit.

The growths of the genus, zokrema, representatives of their human part, vibrate the file with great agility. This situation has a simpler and more logical explanation: the tree may not appear in order, so there is a lot of sawing to be able to reach the mark. The wood of the tree vibrates more sawn, the parts of which are lighter and have a flexible shape, which makes it easy to “rise in price” on wind currents.

Figs are a special dioecious plant

The fig, also known as the fig tree or the fig, is one of the most important representatives of houseplants. Vіn respects the oldest cultural heritage. The riddle about the fig tree is told in the Bible.

Does not interfere with wild flowers - the flowers of figs are small and not visible. What little ale there is is more than compensated for by its juicy and honey-like fruits. It’s true that only a woman’s tree can bear fruit. Therefore, a fig tree grown from a fig tree may appear, as people say, as an empty flower, like a human tree. And without it there will be no fruit on the trees of women.

Cutting down figs is a very important topic of vegetable cultivation. On the right is that the figs are behind the additional axis-blastophages. The wingless male wasp checks on the female in the middle of the human bird. The sealed female blastophaga collects on her body the files of the human cells, selected from a new name, and in search of new human flowers, transfers the files to the female cells.

It has been established that for the health of people, susceptible to allergies, houseplants pose a great danger. Among them, allergenic plants are most often found. And those of them that have earned the reputation of having the strongest allergens are also dioecious. However, when choosing plants for landscaping, you may not be able to distinguish them from domestic plants, you just need to give preference to female species - they don’t shake the file as much as humans, so they are less likely to splash on people.

For the sake of unfriendly minds, dioecious plants, for example, hemp, can transform into monoecious plants. In this case, on the same page there will be representation of men and women.

For a long time now, there has been widespread knowledge about those such dioecious plants. Its application can be found in the history of military conflicts. For example, during the entire period of raids on foreign territories, human species were found in the fir trees - it is much simpler, it is easier to destroy all plantings, which guarantees the availability of the harvest and the return value. them economical surpluses of the state.

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