Wonderful eggplant salad. Crazy salad with eggplants Zagalni principles of preparation - salad with eggplants and tomatoes

Eggplant is related to a rich herbaceous plant of the Nightshade genus. We first became familiar with it in Western India, then in China and Central Asia. Within an hour it became popular in Africa and the Mediterranean. In Russia, eggplants were known only in the 18th century. Yogo was called Pakistan, blue, dem'yanka, badarzhan, podlizhan. How to cook vegetables correctly? How much color is it? Can you lose weight by eating eggplant?

Storage and calorie content

Many people continue to call eggplants “blue.” This is not correct! The color of vegetables may vary depending on the variety. Today you can taste golden-white, dark-violet, milky-white, brown-yellow, green eggplants. The most delicious and the most fruity is the blue-black, rich fruit. Some people have a little bit of life, they take the vegetables for relish.

How many calories does eggplant have? Varto means that vegetables are important low in calories, 100 grams of eggplant has less than 24 kcal. Vegetables are rich in vitamins of group B, C, carotene, PP. Eggplant storage contains a lot of sodium, potassium, magnesium, saliva, and phosphorus.

Eggplant crustiness

You will not be harmed by introducing this vegetable into your diet. With this help you can reduce it. We appreciate your respect, the pulp of the fruit is rich in potassium, which can help normalize metabolic processes and protect your heart.

Eggplants are responsible for obesity in the diet for atherosclerosis, gout, impaired liver function, constipation, and neurological pathologies. Living with vegetables, you will normalize lipid and water-salt metabolism, and reduce the acidity of sechoic acid salts. The product should be low-calorie, which includes all diets.

Do you suffer from intestinal or pharyngeal ailments? Prepare the eggplant herb thoroughly. It won’t just reduce the work of the schluk, but it will help you get rid of high cholesterol.

Elderly people and those who suffer from serious heart disease due to persistent strains should include savory and brown vegetables in their menu. It helps to normalize the body and bring water exchange to normal.

What can you make from eggplants?

In almost all countries, cooks bake, grease, and stew eggplants. In addition, vegetables can be cooked on the grill, resulting in delicious caviar and salad.

You can't eat raw eggplants. Before you cook the vegetables, you need to soak the vegetables first (add a little salt), so you will reduce the bitterness. I would like to immediately sell varieties without bitter juice.

Most cooks should soak the vegetables before frying, so that they do not absorb the oil. To avoid salting the vegetables, you can boil them before frying. When you buy eggplants, rub them gently with your hands. Plaid is not to blame for being soft. It is best to bathe vegetables with dark, smooth skin. Did you buy thin-skinned eggplants? Okay, you don’t have to remove it while preparing the herb.

Vegetarian diet with eggplant and zucchini

The basic principle of vegetarianism is clear: you should completely eat meat, in which case dairy products, eggs, and lean fish are allowed. A vegetarian diet includes whole grains, vegetables, fruits, peas, bread, soybeans, and legumes. In this case, it is necessary to avoid alcoholic beverages, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, fruits and preserves. It is recommended to drink more still water and green tea.


  • First option: skibochka siru (buy Adigean) + toast +, prepared with water + green tea.
  • Another option: non-licorice kava + buckwheat + grapefruit.
  • Third option: toast + cheese (Mozzarella) + egg (boiled) + green tea.
  • Fourth option: rice with milk, yogurt (natural without additives), green tea.

Lunch (optional)

  • + pear + apple.
  • Fruit juice (200ml).
  • 200 g berries.

Obid (number of options to choose from)

  • Soup with broccoli, eggplant, salad, bell pepper (you can season it with olive oil) + bread (no more than two thin slices).
  • Buckwheat with eggplants and tsibuleya + beetroot (season the strain with orange or lemon juice).
  • Brown rice with added vegetables + vegetable juice (200 ml) + apples (2 pieces).
  • Sochevychny soup with eggplant + kiwi (2 pieces) + vinaigrette.
  • Sheep soup with eggplant + cucumber + tomato and a bowl of bread.

Noon (select day)

  • Baked apple with added cinnamon and honey + juice.
  • Salad with apple, celery, voloskogo peas (season with lemon juice).
  • I eat dried fruits and peas.


  • First option: cabbage stewed with eggplants, mushrooms and tomatoes + compote (200 ml).
  • Another option: grilled eggplant and zucchini + wild rice (small portion).
  • Foil potatoes + tomatoes + boiled kvass.
  • Stew with all the vegetables (eggplant mixed with eggplant) + yogurt.
  • Ratatouille + kefir (200 ml) + a bowl of bread.

Who is this diet contraindicated for? For children, youngsters, elderly people, and also for pregnant women. Dietologists recommend that all other dietitians take advantage of the high-calorie diet they consume and try to improve their health with such a diet. It is best not to make a decision on your own and consult your therapist about such a diet.

Well, the eggplant is brown, and the smut is a vegetable, which is deliciously on your menu, since you care about your figure, health and beauty. Choose your own zucchini recipe and simply prepare the savory herb with eggplant. Do you want to lose a few kilograms? Try going on a vegetarian diet for an hour. Learn to eat properly, and you will always be fit, beautiful and healthy. Good luck to you!

Grease eggplants, bake, preserve... Because of the stench, they are wonderfully suitable for preparing summer salads. Take note of a number of eggplant salad recipes from the tomato company.
Substitute for recipe:

By softly mixing eggplants and tomatoes with other ingredients, you can create a miracle. The savory taste of these products allows you to constantly experiment in cooking, and changing one of the products can radically change the taste of the herb. Additional ingredients for the herb can include a variety of products: vegetables, fruits, various spices, and herbs, which add a new, unique flavor to the herb.

Basic principles of preparation - salad with eggplants and tomatoes

When picking eggplants, you need to look at the fruits. Steeply blue with a dark purple marinade. It’s not your fault but there are splashes, dents and ripples. The freshness is verified by light pressure - the hole has disappeared, the eggplant has just left the field. The eggplants first become plump due to the bitterness. Lightly salt the berries, scraps of eggplant and add 30 pieces of vegetable oil, after which the hot brine that appears on them is washed under running water. Such fruits can be frozen for thermal processing.

Before adding blue salads, they can be boiled, stewed, greased and baked. It is better to ripen young fruits, as they do not smear the dark and stale soil. The skin on the sheep is tender, not harsh. Most recipes are not visible, because... This helps to preserve the neatly shaped pieces. For these reasons, it is not recommended to cut eggplants too finely. Call the blue ones to cut: into cubes, slices, cubes, pieces, rounds or quarters.

Tomatoes for salads will be fresh, ripe, juicy, without spots or cracks. Allow the tomatoes to simmer fresh, before they undergo heat treatment: blanch, bake, boil. If you pay attention to the sauce for the recipe, then thoroughly pickle the fruits that are crooked, overgrown, with cracks, or without color or rotten. If the tomatoes need to be sliced ​​into slices, they may need to be peeled thinly, and some of them may be under-ripe. The tomatoes are sour, watery and unsavory, so add some cucumber to the salad. Give the sheep a rich taste.

Season salads with olive oil, which also gives you respect. It is not due to the musty smell, but it is fresh and fragrant.

Baked vegetables are drenched in aromatic dressing. What can we make savory? A wonderful appetizer made with eggplant, tomatoes and syrah, which is very difficult to prepare.
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 36 kcal.
  • Number of servings – 4
  • Preparation time - 1 year.


  • Eggplants – 2 pcs.
  • Sir - 150 g
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Chasnik - 2 cloves
  • Parsley - bunch
  • Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp.
  • Strength behind the relish

Pokrokov preparation:

  1. Wash the peppers, dry with a towel and place on the oven rack. Bake the oven for 30-35 minutes at 180°C. Then place it in a plastic bag, tie it up and set aside for 10 minutes. Then remove the skin and cut the pulp into strips. Also, for this recipe, you can not bake the pepper, but just roast it fresh, just cut it into strips.
  2. Wash the eggplants, cut into circles of 1-1.5 cm each, drain and pour over the surface until the hydration comes out. After rinsing with salt, dry and coat on both sides with oil.
  3. Place some of the greased eggplants, which have cooled, on a wide flat plate, season them, pass them through a pressure vessel and spread with mayonnaise.
  4. Place part of the tomatoes cut into bars on top, salt the bits and sprinkle with part of the grated cheese.
  5. Then add half a portion of sweet pepper and spread with mayonnaise.
  6. Repeat the balls in the same order. Season the remaining ball with finely chopped parsley and ground black pepper.
  7. Place the salad in the refrigerator for 2 years to soak.

The salad with greased eggplants and tomatoes is very tasty. Everything is getting ready and everything is at the table.


  • Eggplant – 3 pcs.
  • Tsibulya - 2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper – 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Ocet – 1 tbsp.
  • Cilantro - bunch
  • Strength behind the relish
  • Black chalk pepper - for the relish
Pokrokov preparation:
  1. Wash the eggplants, cut into circles, season with sill and place on the surface. Then rinse with water, dry with a paper towel, brush with oil and cool.
  2. Clean the tsibul, wash and shake with great sponges.
  3. Peel the peppers, remove the stems and stems, and cut into strips.
  4. In a frying pan on olive oil, coat one pepper and cibul until golden. Then let them cool. Cover the other pepper with fresh pepper.
  5. Place all the prepared vegetables and sliced ​​tomatoes in the salad bowl. Season with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Stir, sprinkle with chopped cilantro and serve.

Everyone shouted that the salads were about to be served in front of a chilled view. It is advisable to avoid stereotypes and create a savory and aromatic hot salad with fresh eggplants and tomatoes.


  • Eggplant – 3 pcs.
  • Zucchini – 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Cibulina - 1 pc.
  • Chasnik - 5 cloves
  • Cilantro - bunch
  • Olive oil - for dressing
  • Strength behind the relish
  • Tsukor – 0.5 tsp.
  • Table ocet – 1 tbsp.
Pokrokov preparation:
  1. Cut the eggplants into large slices, add salt, place in a bowl and drain until tender. Afterwards, rinse it under running water and remove the drops of hot water. Place them in a frying pan and brush with hot oil on both sides until golden brown.
  2. Wash the zucchini, cut into the same size as the eggplant and fry in the same frying pan until browned.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut into large quarters.
  4. Peel the zibula, cut it and marinate in table sauce with zuccer. Stir and let stand for 10 minutes.
  5. The greenery and chasnik can be further detailed.
  6. Place all the vegetables in a large, deep salad bowl, add salt and stir.

The simplest vegetables gain piquancy from the addition of aromatic dressing. The sauce for this salad is prepared from special spices, which gives the herb a unique taste.


  • Eggplant – 1 pc.
  • Ogirok – 1 pc.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Cybula - 1 pc.
  • Green cibula - bunch
  • Chili pepper - 1/2 pod
  • Strength behind the relish
  • Roslinna oliya - for lubrication
  • Turmeric – 0.5 tsp.
  • Red chalk pepper – 0.5 tsp.
  • Rice otset – 1 tbsp.
  • Dried ginger roots – 0.5 tsp.
  • Chasnik - 1 clove
  • Mustard seeds - 0.5 tsp.
Pokrokov preparation:
  1. Wash the eggplants, cut into cubes, season with turmeric, crush red pepper and mix thoroughly so that all the pieces are evenly coated with spices. Leave them to marinate for 10 minutes.
  2. Next, coat the eggplants in a frying pan with baking oil until browned. Place them on a paper server to collect excess oil.
  3. To season, stir in mustard grains at the foot. It’s not too much of a hassle to bring them to powder, just enough for the stench to release the aroma.
  4. Eat small mustard grains, small cloves, zuccor and ginger. Fill everything with ottoman, stir and add the vinegar.
  5. Peel the chili pepper and cut it finely.
  6. Shake the ripchasta and the green tsibul as well.
  7. Wash the cucumbers and cut them into strips.
  8. Cut some tomatoes into cubes.
  9. Place all the ingredients in a deep cup, lightly add salt, drink in the oil and stir.

Today's summer salad with eggplants, eggs and tomatoes.

The most delicious eggplant salad is prepared in a very simple way. Of course, such a salad is not dietetic, but you can still treat yourself to something savory. The bottom coated eggplant is easily combined with tomatoes and mayonnaise, and the chasnik adds a slight note of spiciness to the finished herb. Such a delicious salad has never been prepared before: I guarantee it.

Product warehouse

  • 2 medium eggplants;
  • 2-3 fresh tomatoes;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 2 chasnik cloves;
  • basil - for relish;
  • black chalk pepper - for relish;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • mayonnaise - for relish;
  • Sonyashnikov's refined oil - for lubricating eggplants.

Bitter preparation process

  1. Wash the eggplant, remove the stem and cut into strips. For this purpose we cut out plates with a thickness of approximately 5 millimeters. And then they move across, like straws.
  2. Transfer the eggplants to a bowl, add half a teaspoon of salt, stir and add for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain the tomatoes and cut them into strips.
  4. Fresh chicken eggs must first be boiled in salted water, then filled with cold water and cooled. When the eggs are ready, peel them and cut them into strips.
  5. We chop the basil leaves with a knife into large pieces.
  6. A slice of chasnik cloves (adjust their quantity to your taste) is peeled using a peeler or a knife, even finely.
  7. After draining the eggplants, transfer them to a drain and rinse with running water. We squeeze out the water with our hands and dry it with a paper towel.
  8. Pour a little olive oil into the frying pan and heat it up.
  9. We coat the eggplants with hot oil until golden brown, several times in a row. Place into one ball in a frying pan.
  10. To remove excess oil, place the eggplant on a plate lined with paper cutlery.
  11. Place the cooled eggplants in a salad bowl, add a little time and mix lightly.
  12. Then we transfer the ingredients into a salad bowl: tomatoes, basil, eggs, black pepper for relish.
  13. Season the salad with mayonnaise: adjust the quantity yourself. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  14. Porada. To keep the salad crispy and juicy, use the dressing recipe on our website.
  15. The prepared salad is immediately served on the table.


The calorie content per 100 g of fresh eggplant is 24 kcal. For 100 g of vegetables there is:

  • 1.23 g protein;
  • 0.11 g fat;
  • 4.49 g carbohydrates.

The vitamin and mineral warehouse of the product contains minerals, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins B2, C, PP, beta-carotene.

The calorie content of baked eggplants per 100 g becomes 43.1 kcal. A 100-gram serving of herb contains:

  • 1.38 g protein;
  • 2.2 g fat;
  • 4.4 g carbohydrates.

Oven-baked eggplant is an excellent low-calorie dietary herb. With this method of preparing vegetables, almost all vitamins and minerals are preserved.

As a seasoning for this type, you can add chalked pepper and spices. Such additives enhance the taste of eggplants and activate the fat-burning properties of vegetables.

Calorie content of greased eggplants per 100 g

Calorie content of greased eggplants per 100 g is 131 kcal. 100 g of dish has 1 g of protein, 7.9 g of fat, 10.1 g of carbohydrates.

If you want to reduce the number of calories in vegetables when frying, try one very simple method. For this eggplant, before greasing, cut into halves and soak in water for several years. The calorie content of greased soaked eggplants does not exceed 90 kcal.

Calorie content of eggplants with cheese per 100 grams

Calorie content of eggplants with cheese per 100 g is 94 kcal. 100 g of herb contains:

  • 7.18 g protein;
  • 5.45 g fat;
  • 3.6 m in carbohydrates.


  • 1 kg of eggplants is cut into slices, boiled in lightly salted water for 15 minutes, cooled in a dutch oven;
  • In a bowl, mix 0.2 kg of grated cheese, 0.25 kg of low-fat cheese, 1 egg, a splinter of cloves, parsley, crepe, chalked black pepper and salt (add the remaining 4 ingredients to taste);
  • From the boiled halves of eggplants, scoop out a small amount of pulp with a spoon, put sumish into the bowls;
  • Stuffed eggplants are bubbling in the oven at 180° C in the oven;
  • For more flavor, prepare the eggplants with cheese and pour sour cream over the beast.

Calorie content of stewed eggplants and tomatoes per 100 grams

Calorie content of stewed eggplants per 100 g is 40 kcal. A 100-gram serving of the herb has 1.18 g protein, 1.87 g fat, 5 g carbohydrates.

Steps for preparation:

  • 1.2 kg of eggplants are cut into halves and dried in the oven for 40 minutes;
  • Finely chop 2 cibulins into a bowl, rub into thin strips 2 times the size of a carrot. Grease the vegetables in a frying pan;
  • Cut the dried eggplants into small pieces and mix with the greased vegetables. Otrimana sumish extinguishes when the lid is closed for a length of 10-15 khvilin;
  • mix stewed vegetables with chopped 0.5 kg of tomatoes, 3 cloves of chasnik, dill and parsley (add for relish);
  • The dish is stewed for 10 - 12 minutes.

Calorie content of eggplant caviar per 100 grams

Calorie content of eggplant caviar per 100 g is 90 kcal. 100 g of product contains 0.59 g protein, 7.1 g fat, 6 g carbohydrates.

To prepare caviar, add tomatoes, eggplants, tsibul, carrots, and bell peppers. Strava is infused with cobalt, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, honey, vitamins A, C, E, group B.

Calorie content of Korean eggplants per 100 grams

Calorie content of Korean eggplant per 100 g is 109 kcal. For 100 g product:

  • 0 g protein;
  • 8.9 g fat;
  • 6.52 m in carbohydrates.

To prepare Korean-style eggplant you need eggplant, bell pepper, olive oil, chasnik, spices, carrots. The product is infused with magnesium, honey, salt, potassium and contains a lot of group B vitamins.

Calorie content of canned eggplants per 100 g

Calorie content of canned eggplants per 100 g is 48.7 kcal. 100 g of product contains 0.92 g protein, 0.69 g fat, 7.31 g carbohydrates.

Canned eggplant is contraindicated for acute illnesses of the thyroid gland. At the same time, the product of saturation with brown pectins has the effect of cleansing the toxins of power.

With regular consumption of canned eggplants, the risk of developing bone tissue diseases is reduced, preventing atherosclerosis.

Calorie content of pickled eggplants per 100 g

Calorie content of pickled eggplants per 100 g is 63 kcal. 100 g of product contains 0.62 g protein, 5.5 g fat, 2.2 g carbohydrates.

Recipe for pickled eggplants:

  • in boiling 2.5 liters of water with 10 tablespoons of 9-liter otto and 1.5 tablespoons of salt, simmer 2 kg of diced fresh eggplants;
  • Boil the eggplants for 5 khvilins, place in a pan and let cool for 50 - 60 khvilins;
  • details of the crepe and 6 cloves of chasnik, 1.5 tablespoons of pine oil mixed with boiled vegetables;
  • Place the eggplants in a jar, cover with lids and place in the refrigerator;
  • The herb is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 dB.

Eggplant crustiness

The barkiness of eggplants has been brought to the surface:

  • Eggplants, boiled, baked or pickled, have a low calorie content, so include them in your diet during pregnancy and when you are losing weight;
  • product containing potassium, useful for the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system;
  • Eggplants can be applied to the skin to help prevent swelling;
  • Regular cultivation of eggplants – prevention of cancer diseases;
  • eggplants are filled with coarse fibers, which stimulate the functioning of the organs of the cervical tract;
  • Vegetables reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Eggplants contain nicotinic acid in their storage, which is why those who wish to throw fire should do so.

Skoda eggplant

Eggplants have a number of contraindications, including the following when using the product:

  • zagostrennykh illness ShKT. Vegetables are stuffed with cellulose, so it’s easy to digest the disease in the intestines and gut;
  • illness of the subsoil vine;
  • arthrosis;
  • hvorobakh nirok;
  • with gout.

Salad made from greased eggplants is usually prepared with various fresh vegetables. Eating soft eggplants and fresh vegetables gives a unique, spicy taste. However, not everyone is ready to indulge in meat ingredients, so they can easily be enjoyed with smeared eggplants. Moreover, for those who like light and summer salads, you can add feta cheese and brinza to the salad.

If you happen to have a salad with greased eggplants, it will be crazy. And how many vitamins are in one dish is simply too much. And don’t let me berate you because the eggplants are greased. If you don’t add a lot of oil or just brush them completely in the oven, this herb will turn out to be low-calorie and seem to be dietary.

To ensure that the eggplant is not bitter, it is necessary to add salt and set aside for 20 minutes. Or you can fill it with salt water, this method will also take away the honey.

How to prepare a salad with greased eggplants - 15 varieties

Don't prepare this salad if you don't like greased vegetables. In the final stage, it will become the most popular herb in your homeland.


  • Eggplant – pcs.
  • Bell pepper – 3 pcs.
  • Pea sauce
  • Cedar peas = 50 g


Eggplants are cut into strips and coated with olive oil. Clean the pepper from the flesh and stems. Cut into strips and fry. Mix the ingredients and season with pea sauce.

It’s unlikely that chi tsey salad will deprive you of food. Fresh, crunchy and very tasty.


  • Eggplant - 300 g
  • Tomatoes – 300 g
  • Sweet pepper – 400 g
  • Greenery
  • Tsibulya -2 pcs.
  • Chasnik


Eggplants are cut into circles and coated on both sides. Pepper is cut into small pieces. The cibul is cut into thin slices, and the tomatoes into large cubes. We chop the greens finely. In a salad bowl, mix all the ingredients. Salt the salad for relish and sprinkle lemon juice over our salad.

When you try this salad for the first time, you think it has mushrooms. Very tasty and delicious.


  • Eggplant – 3 pcs.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Cybula - 1 pc.
  • Greenery


Boil the eggs thoroughly. Peel the eggplants, remove the skins and cut them into cubes. Coat the eggplants with a small amount of oil. The cibul is cut into cubes. After cooling, the eggs are cut into cubes. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise. Chop the greens finely. Let's decorate the salad.

This simple salad is just right for children.


  • Eggplants – 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - pcs.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Watchbook – 2 pcs.


Eggplants are cut into cubes, the skin is not removed. Grease the eggplants with oil. Boil the eggs and cut into cubes. The chasnik can be passed through the press. Mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise.


This strava can be easy, but the first thought is that of Milkova. Once you try it, you will understand how much it tastes like.


  • Eggplant 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Pecheritsi - 300g
  • Cybula - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream
  • Pecan walnuts - 100 g
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.


Peel the eggplants and cut them into cubes. Grease them with a small amount of oil.

Eggplants really love olive oil. Therefore, you will need a lot to grease the eggplants. As a result, the eggplants become even more fatty. It would be best to put them on the soundboard at the blower. The smells will bake, but will not be greasy.

Tomatoes are cut into cubes. The cibul is cut into small pieces. The pecheritsa is cut into slices and coated with a small amount of oil. Let's prepare the sauce. Mix sour cream, lemon juice, chalk and salt. The ingredients are mixed and seasoned with their sauce.

The bright taste of this salad plus its simplicity does not deprive us of chances. You will become one of the most favorite salads in our homeland.


  • Eggplant – 3 pcs.
  • Tomati – 3 pcs.
  • Chasnik - 3 tooth
  • Brinza - 200 g
  • Soy sauce - 40 ml
  • walnuts - 30 g


Eggplants are cut into small pieces and brushed, stirring gradually. For example, add soy sauce. The pots are chopped into pieces. Sir and tomati are cut into slices. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with olive oil and pots.

You can replace this spicy salad with a friend’s herb. The salad is very rich and full of calories.


  • Mova yalovicha - 200 g
  • Eggplant – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Marinated pecheritsa - 150 g
  • Cybula is green
  • Cybula ripchasta - 1 pc.
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Ocet balsamic - 10 ml
  • Soy sauce - 10 ml
  • Zukor
  • French mustard - 10 ml


Eggplants are cut into thin slices and coated in olive oil until ready. After which we put the scarf on the paper towel. Once the stench has cooled down, we cut them into scarves. Clean the zibula and pepper and cut into cubes. Coat the cibul and pepper with a small amount of olive oil. Boiled yowl mousse is cut into cubes. Let's prepare the sauce. Mix soy sauce, mustard, zuccor and citrus, mix well and season the salad with it.


Korean salads are even more popular. The stench in the world is warm and unfamiliar.


  • Eggplants – 4 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Tsibulya -1
  • Bell pepper – 2 pcs.
  • Chili pepper – 1 pc.
  • Soy sauce - 40 ml
  • Chasnik - 3 tooth
  • Coriander
  • Black pepper
  • Red pepper
  • Sesame
  • Ocet 70% - 10mol


Eggplants are cut into strips, mixed with cherry and mixed well. Place the 8-year-old eggplants in the refrigerator. After that, remove them and rinse well in cold water. Fill with water and add water for 15, then press with your hands.

Clean the pepper and cut off the stem. Pepper is cut into thin strips. Korean carrots. The cibul is cut into thin slices. Chili pepper in detail on small pieces. We cut the clock into pieces.

Heat some olive oil in a frying pan and brush the eggplants. Afterwards we transfer them to a sieve to accumulate the oil. The same ingredients include coriander and black pepper. Now the spicy oil is literally 3-5 minutes long. Add some carrots to Tsibulya. Let it sit for an hour until the carrots become soft. Now we mix all the ingredients and mix well. Pepper and add about a tablespoon. Mix well, add soy sauce and honey. For example, I’ll add some chasnik and chili pepper. Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for 12 years.

At first glance, it’s a rich and rich herb, but it’s just a salad.


  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Sausages – 4 pcs.
  • Zucchini – 0.5 pcs.
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Ketchup - 50mol


Potatoes are cut into round pieces. Grease the potatoes in the frying pan. We remove the hot sauce from the sausages and cut them into a bowl, fry them in the same frying pan. Peel the zucchini and eggplant and cut into cubes. Afterwards we coat it with oil. Clean the pepper and cut it into cubes. Tomatoes are cut into cubes. Lettuce leaves are missing. We tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces. We put vegetables and sausages on the salad. Dress the salad with ketchup.

A delicious salad for every day.


  • Eggplants – 2 pcs.
  • Tomati – 2 pcs.
  • Shinka – 300 g
  • Chasnik
  • Girchytsia


Eggplants are cut into large cubes.

If the cubes become crumbly, the eggplant will turn into porridge.

Coat the eggplants in olive oil. The tomato is cut into cubes. Cut the cowbass into cubes. Let's prepare the sauce. Mix mustard and mayonnaise, mix well and add pepper. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with our sauce.

This salad is central to your table. It’s so tasty and delicious.


  • Chicken fillet - 00 g
  • Eggplant – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.


Eggplants are cut into strips. Salt and add 20 pieces of salt. Then put it on a sheet and put it in the oven for 15 minutes. Carrots are cut into Korean style. Pepper is cut into strips. Coat the vegetables with a small amount of oil.

Boil the chicken meat and shred it into fibers. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise.

The jars can be topped with olive oil.

A vitamin-rich and delicious salad for lovers of simple herbs.


  • Eggplant – 1 pc.
  • Ogirki – 2 pcs.
  • Tomati – 3 pcs.
  • Feta – 100 g
  • Cybula - 1 pc.
  • Basil


Clean the eggplant and cut it into slices. Pour olive oil into the frying pan, heat it and brush the eggplant. The cucumbers are cleaned from the skin and cut into pieces. The tomato is cut into cubes. After cooling, cut the eggplant into slices. The cibulina is cut into slices. We decorate the salad with basil and feta cheese. Salt and pepper.

This salad is loved by everyone for its simplicity and lightness.


  • Eggplants – 4 pcs.
  • Tomatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Tsibulya - 1 pc.
  • Feta sire – 100 g
  • Chasnik
  • Parsley


We peel the eggplants and brush them on both sides until golden brown. Tomatoes are cut into large cubes. The blender contains parsley, mint and chasnik. Add olive oil and mix well. The cibul is cut into slices. Place the eggplants on a flat salad bowl, then the cabbage, tomatoes and feta. Pollemo salad sauce.



  • Paste - 250 g
  • Eggplants – 2 pcs.
  • Cybula - 1 pc.
  • Feta – 100 g
  • Basil


Eggplants are cut into slices and coated in oil. Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package.

To prevent the paste from curdling, pour oil over it.

The cibul is cut into slices. Eggplants are cut into slices. Mix all the ingredients. .salt and pepper for relish. Garnish the salad with brinzo and basil leaves.

Autumn is the richest time for fate. Vegetables have and have not yet begun to absorb their vitamins and microelements. Therefore, in the spring it is especially important to eat vegetable salads.


  • Chicken fillet - 200g
  • Garbuz - 200 g
  • Eggplant – 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Cybula - 1 pc.
  • Sir - 100 g
  • Soy sauce - 20 ml
  • Sour cream – 100 ml
  • Mustard grains 100 ml


First of all, let's cook the chicken in salted water. After that, peel the eggplant and cut it into cubes. Grease the eggplant cubes with a small amount of oil. Garbage is cut into cubes and also coated with olive oil.

Cook the watermelon until al dente, which will add a special crunch to the salad.

The chicken is cut into cubes and coated with oil in the given hour.

The cibul, tomatoes and peppers are cut into small cubes. And the cheese is cut into large cubes.

Prepare the sauce, mix sour cream, sauce and mustard.

Mix all the ingredients and season the salad with sauce.

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