The Norman Conquest in short.


Software security

2000 rub. BC

Take from Britain

OK. 700-200 BC

Migration of the Celts (Gels, Brnti, Bilgi)

55-54 BC

Caesar's Campaigns to Britain

Conquest of Britain by the Romans

Roman legions deprive Britain

Anglo-Saxon conquest

The beginning of Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons

King of Wessex

King Offa of Mercia

Kinets VIII-IX centuries.

Raids of the Normans (Danes)

Unification of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms under Wessex

2 excuses.

IX Art.

War with the Danes

Alfred the Great

Wedmorsky world (with the Danes)

Subordination of the Area of ​​Danish Law


Kanut the Great.

Danish conquest of England


The end of the Danish pannuvania

Eduard Spovidnik

Norman Conquest of England

Rebellion in England

"The Book of Doom"

Wilhelm Rudy

Baron's Troubles

Henry II Plantagenet

Plantagenet Dynasty

Richard Levove heart

Rebellion of William Dovgobeard near London

John the Landless

Pope Innocent III

War with France

Battle for Buvina

"Magna Carta"

Henry III

Gromadianska war

Call to the first parliament

The fight for a free Scotland

Conflict with the barons

Edward II

Edward III

John Unclef

Defeat of the English in Scotland

The Centenary War from France

Battle of Sluys

Battle of Cres

Buried Calais

"Chorna death"

"Ordinance about workers and servants"

Battle of Poitiers

The peasant uprising of the Jacquerie in France

Richard II

Wat Tyler's Rebel

Henry IV Lancaster

Statute “About the bedroom of heretics”

John Oldcastle's Rukh

Henry V Lancaster

Agreement with Troyes

Henry VI Lancaster

Bedroom Jeannie d'Arc

Rebel Jack Ked

Viyni Troyand

Battle of St. Albans

Edward IV of York

Richard III

Battle of Bosworth

Henry VII Tudor

Henry VIII Tudor

The beginning of the reformation.

"Act of Supremacy"

Thomas More Strat

"Pilgrimage of Grace"

Edward VI Tudor

Robert Ket's Rebel

Mary Tudor

White's Rebel

Elizabeth I Tudor

William Shakespeare

Insurrection pіvnіch

Anglo-Spanish War

Strata Mary Stuart

Normandy was in the middle of the 11th century. the land that has reached full bloom of feudal wealth. This was revealed to us in front of her military brutality: the Duke was the head of the important royal family of his vassals, and the great incomes gained by the sovereign of Normandy from his Volodymyr, and from the place, were allowed Oh my mother's power, the beautiful military paddocks. The Duchy has little advantage in its internal organization, aligned with England, and is strong Central Vlad which was in the hands of both feudal lords and the church. Having sensed the death of Edward the Companion, William sent Harold to England after taking his vassal oath and immediately proclaimed everywhere that Harold was a usurper and an oathbreaker. William turned to Pope Alexander II, called Harold's broken oath and asked him to bless William's invasion of England. the posture of Normandy, calling the barons to the meeting in order to deny the weather for the march. The two armies, Anglo-Saxon and Norman (behind the warehouse and the French mine), were like two stages in the development of the military mysticism, with particular importance in the socio-political harmony of Normandy and England. 50-60s of the 11th century. fighting sokirs.

Huskerli and erli had small swords, Danish battle hawks and shields, and also fought in the same formation.

The main striking force of the Norman army was the Litsyar Kinnot.

The well-established military-feudal system and the feudal hierarchy ensured that the Duke would continue to have significant, well-trained and strengthened military forces.

Normandy had a large number of different princes, over whom the dukes before William exercised considerable effective control, and whose military activity took place during the campaigns to Italy, where the Norman county of Aversa and the Duchy of Apulia were formed.

Wilhelm was able to select and enlist these individuals into his service.
Under Harold's leadership, William became remarkably familiar with all aspects of the everyday military mysticism.

For a cob 1066 rub. William began preparations for the invasion of England.

He gave up the much-vaunted business from the gatherings of the barons of his duchy.

William's reputation ensured the arrival of his army of people from Flanders, Aquitaine, Brittany, Mena and the Norman principalities of New Italy.

William also sought the support of the Emperor and, more importantly, Pope Alexander II, who sought to strengthen the position of the papacy in England and replace Archbishop Stigand.

The total strength of the Norman army grew to 7,000 men, and a fleet of 600 ships was prepared to transport them.

Two days after the Battle of Stamford Bridge, the winds along the English Channel changed.

The invasion of the Norman army on the ship suddenly began, and on the late evening of the 27th of April, William's fleet sailed from Saint-Valery.

The crossing took all night and time, when the duke's ship, having become strongly separated from the main forces, lost one, and there were no English ships from the prototype, and the transported army was successfully completed on the 28th spring in the bay of Pevensey.
The Norman army did not remain in Pevensey, which was surrounded by marshes, but moved to Hastings, a larger port with a strategic point of view.

Here William conquered the castle and began to attack the approach of the English armies.

Subordination of Eastern England

Norman Conquest of England 1066 r. that rebellion of the Anglo-Saxons 1067-1070. Land power and social structure

Model of an Anglo-Norman castle The specificity of the division of landed lords in England after the conquest was that all the new barons acquired land in small plots scattered around the edges, which, with a rare exception, did not create compact territories. I would like to confirm that the fragmentation of land trimans, which is hoped for in the feuds, was the deliberate policy of King William, it is certainly not possible, given the peculiarity of the organization

land power

Following the organization of the central administration of the conquered land, King William mainly adhered to Anglo-Saxon traditions. Although the steward, butler, and chamberlain were stationed behind his yard, they were assigned to the French administration, the smell was small, most importantly, honorary functions. An important innovation was the abolishment of the post of Chancellor at M., who was responsible for organizing the king’s affairs. The Great Royal Council, in which all the barons of the land took their part, was the defender of the Anglo-Saxon Witenagemot. In the early Norman period, wine began to be collected regularly (three times on the river), having spent a significant part of its influx on making political decisions, sacrificing the place of the royal curia (lat.

Curia regis ). The remaining institution was the gathering of the barons closest to the king and townspeople, to help the monarch with the specific problems of the state.

The Curia became the central element of the royal administration, although its meetings were often informal. The basic principles of the fiscal system remained unchanged after the Norman Conquest. in the country.

A division of secular and ecclesiastical jurisdiction was established, a system of judicial bodies was created, and baronial courts were abolished.

An important innovation was the widespread use of trial by jury, whose influences can be seen both in Norman practice and in the traditions of the Danelaw. In the reorganization of the shipping system, an important role belonged to Geoffrey, Bishop of Coutances and Archbishop Lanfranc. Significance


Strata Mary Stuart


The Norman Conquest led to the depletion of the Anglo-Saxon military-service nobility (shadows) and the formation of a new lordship of the feudal lordship, based on the principles of vassal-feudal vassals and the volod of the ship-administrative power over the rural to the population.

Sensing about the death of Edward the Companion, William sent Harold to England after taking his vassal oath and at that time declared everywhere that Harold was a usurper and an oath-breaker.

People were flocking to William's tabar.

There were Normans, there were people from Brittany, Flanders, Picardy, Artois, etc. The number of William's troops is difficult to establish.

Historians believe that Normandy could have fielded 1,200 citizens, while other regions of France had fewer.

The two armies, Anglo-Saxon and Norman (behind the warehouse and the French mine), were like two stages in the development of the military mysticism, with particular importance in the socio-political harmony of Normandy and England.

The Anglo-Saxon army is an important rural army, armed with swords and sometimes battle hawks.

Huskerli and erli had small swords, Danish battle hawks and shields, and also fought in the same formation.

Harold had no army, no archers.

The Normandy Army is a miraculously important film.

The men fought from the saddle.

They also drove the archers.

The defeat of the Anglo-Saxon army was foreseeable.

At the battle, Harold and many shades and irls died, the damage was permanent and residual. who accepted the English crown after the death of the great monarch Eduard Spovidnyk, right after he began to occupy the treasures of his power, he stabbed his brother Tostya to death, having joined forces with the Norwegian king Harold Garrada. Tim, another contender for the English throne, the Norman Duke William, through forest prowls, tricks, and cunning, gained the diligent encouragement of his vassals, asking good people from France, Flanders to come to him, adding blessings to the church of his hospitality. There were a lot of people who loved military benefits, especially in the service of the church, and William’s expedition, praised by him, was profitable, because he had settled the towns and lands;

Until now, important adventurers have flown from all sides.

French bishops expelled from England by Harold's father,


The Anglo-Saxons stood on a ridge of hills: it was not high, but still gave them an advantage in position over the Normans.

This benefit, however, was greatly appreciated because the Normans' education was better.

The head was made of something like a battle falcon;

They are still very much involved in the Anglo-Saxon wars;

Harold, an arrow in the eye, fell to the throne, and most of the Anglo-Saxon aristocracy fell on the battlefield.

Sussex, the little cat can become Godwin's bed, becoming his grave.

The two men searched for a long time for the body of the remaining Anglo-Saxon king in the piles of corpses and could not find him;

Only the eye of Edya Lebyazhaya Neck was recognized as the trampled body of her horse.

The sickness that sent William's youth to bed in Canterbury and gave his violent warriors the freedom to plunder and fleece did not bring the English nation out of its hopeless malice, did not bring it thoughts about one-stay vs.

During the birth of William, he was already coronated and anointed king by the Archbishop of York at St. Peter's Cathedral in London and took my first royal oath in French.

The warriors, sensing a joyful cry from the church, mistook it for a scream and rushed to rob and burn.

Only if the stench bothered him that he was from the church, robbery kicked back.