Nicaragua is the capital of some country. Geography of Nicaragua: nature, resources, climate, population, flora and fauna. Correct telephone numbers and addresses

The capital of Nicaragua, Managua, has already recognized a lot of blows from its unfortunate, behind the worlds of history that have been greedily accepted.

History of the place

In 1523 p. the lands of the future were included to the warehouse of the Spanish colonies: on the back, as the auditorium of Santo Domingo, from 1539 - as the warehouse of the auditorium of Panama and in 1573 - as the province of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, the captaincy general of Guatemala. In 1821 p. Nicaragua voiced that it was no longer under the order of Spain (the metropolis waited for more than 1850 r.) veyshla z ієї federation. The requirement was to be appointed from the capital of the country. This role was claimed by two great places at that time - Leon and Granada. I that and іnshіy on cherzі already small status. A small colonial settlement called Leal Villa de Santiago de Managua, the capitals did not look like a supernik. However, in 1846 p. the whole settlement took away the status of the city, and in 1855. - capitals. This compromise was political in the singing world: in Leona, democrats of the liberal shtibu occupied strong positions, and in Granada - clerics and conservatives, aristocrats from the campaign. Mіzh tsimy tsimi politichesko-vplivovyh forces іsnuvali implacable tirіchchya, scho threatened the integrity of the state. And Managua, in whose plan, is neutral. Jogo and recognizing the capital of President Patricio Rivas, like the American William Walker, who defeated Granada. At 1856 p. Walker becomes president of Nicaragua. For the first time, beginning in 1857, Managua began to change. Elegant villas, churches, then the presidential palace, houses of National Assembly, ministries, banks, churches, offices of trading companies were built.
Ale was not destined to know Managua's capital city. Strike the elements followed yoga. March 31, 1931 an earthshaker with a magnitude of 5.8 on the Richter scale, often blasting the place, over a thousand people perished. December 23, 1972 in Managua, there were three hardships with a magnitude of 6.2 balls behind the Richter scale and more. Bulo zruynovano 90% budіvel, died close to 20 yew. tens of thousands of people took away the wounded and lost without a dahu over their heads. Hurricanes also did not pass the side of Managua. The strongest of their letters "Mitch" (1998). On the streets of Managua, there were massacres during the low coups and rebellions of the XX century, especially baked during the mass wars of 1974, 1978-1979 and 1981-1990. Larger, lower regions of the country, tse place knew the power of dictator A. Somosi and Sandinista D. Ortega. However, 4 leaf fall 2012 p. Ortega met with the president of the country in the third place. Yogo lawyers knew a way to interpret the Constitution of the country in such a way that it became possible, regardless of those that are ambiguously said in it, which is similarly unacceptable - to avoid the emergence of a new dictatorship.
To the one who spent the first time in Managua, first, who falls into a thought, how can you orientate yourself in this place, can you name some big streets, but can’t name numbers on small ones?
That place is not a lesser place to think so, yogo resident, writer Sergio Ramirez, those thoughts: “Managua is a chaotic and very unruly place for living.” However, the axis of the paradox is that the population of the capital of Nicaragua is only growing, at the same time, a third of the population of the entire country is alive in this agglomeration. The best guides in Managua are people of a frail age. The stench remembers, de, if, that the place stood until 1972, and they orient themselves more importantly at two straight lines: “to the lake” (on the pivnich) and “view of the lake” (on the pivnich). Stay up to the required time in the quarters, since it allows you to work regularly planning Managua.
Describe Managua simply and well. At 90% of the place today - one-surface. The center in the new is practically not, nominally the center is respected by the Revolution Square, the National Palace, the municipality and the Old Cathedral, this square is the main place for city walks. Among the main memorials of Managua, in fact, there is only one single artistic value. The Old Cathedral, which was seen in the earthquakes on 31 February 1931, and 23 December 1972. Ale in Managua and ancient artifacts. Tse traces of human feet and paws of creatures that abused in the volcanic lava, revealed the first hour weekly work in the 1930s. The stench is on display at the museum Guellas de Akualinka (“Follow the Aqualinka”), which is about 6,000 years old.
Lake Managua is majestic (60 km of the dam and 32 km of the dam), but the building has lost its self-purification, it seems, irrevocably: dosi here are thrown into the cave plantations, instead of the sewer pipes of the place, back in the 1950s. before yogo, wine company Kodak drank mercury. Take care of sippani pobutovym smіttyam. If in the wake of hurricanes, storms and earthquakes, the lake emerges from the shores, the unsafe flood fills the old quarters. Don’t overwhelm them with anything, fish in the lakes of the inhabitants of Managua to catch and eat, without worrying about the heritage. Mimovoli develops hostility, scho zamislyuvatisya - not in their rules. The playwright Pablo Antonio Cuadra (1912-2002) sings at his book “Nicaraguanets”, thus marking the national character of the spivvichizniks as fatalism, self-irony and sarcasm. Managuantsi iz cym do not overlap. Usudi, where people go over a cup of mica caviar, to sound jokes about themselves, especially popular about the weather and villainy. There is no trace of such negative bravado here, it is more similar to the psychological self-defense of not too successful and happy people: in the other lands of Pivdenny America, the natives of Nicaragua are justly praised as the most successful and sumlnish. And in the Batkivshchyna, navit near the capital, the stink of living is not rich. Nearly 70% of the inhabitants of Managua are employed by a different kind of "drobitka", which is a euphemism here for any kind of vipadkov and timchas work, so that once in a while one does not speak the word "bezrobittya" out loud. With this, people are not especially overwhelmed, they are pleased with it, what it is.
40 years have passed since the catastrophic earthquake of 1972. And seismologists seem to think that the most important period of repetition of laborious underground shipments is 40 years itself. At that very hour, there are no absolutely exact methods of transferring to an earthworm, as you know. Vlad calmed the townspeople: 40 years ago, the houses were wooden, old, and at the same time - stone, inspired by Japanese technologies and especially durable designs. Ale, people do not relax, even though one by one the volcanoes of San Cristobal, Telika, Apojeque, Masaya and Concepción are activated, not far from rotasha, it does not seem to be about the Momotombo volcano along Lake Managua. All the "pidrobitok" in Managua po'yazaniya sogodnі zі zmіtsnennyam residents.

General information

The capital of the Republic of Nicaragua and the administrative center of the department of Managua, the largest city in the country.

Capital of Nicaragua: from 1855 p.
Administrative-territorial division: 7 constituencies. The warehouse of the city of Managua agglomeration includes 9 municipalities in the department of Managua, as well as 30 municipalities in other departments in Nicaragua: 4 - Granadi, 8 - Carazo, 9 - Masaya.

Language: spanish.

Ethnic warehouse: mestizos - 69%, migrants from Europe - 17%, Afro-Latino Americans - 9%, Indians - 5%.

Religion: Catholicism.

Groshova loneliness: cordoba.
Largest lake: Managua.
Most important airport: International Airport Augusto Sandino.


Area: locality - 267.17 km 2, agglomeration - 6197 km 2.
Population: 927087 people (2010), agglomerations - 2,408,000 people. (2010).

Population size of the city: 3470 osib/km 2 .

Average height above sea level: 84 m

Climate and weather

Tropical herding.

Rainy season: grass-leaf fall.

Average temperature:+28°С.
Average number of falls: 1125 mm, for the season of timber - up to 2000 mm.


Managua is the largest transport hub in Central America: through the place to pass the Pan-American Highway.

Industry: naphtho-refining, cement, textile, vzutteva, kharchova.
Jewelry industry.
Service area:
banking and transport services, trade, tourism.

Significant reminders

■ Old Cathedral (Cathedral Catholic Cathedral of Santiago, neoclassical style, 1928-1938), New Cathedral - De la Purisma-Concepción (Immaculate Conception) (1993), National Palace (1935), Fans Nicaragua , Ruben Dario Theatre, Mausoleum of Carlos Fonseki, the leading Moscow market "Huembes".
Museums: National, "Follow Akualinki" (archaeological), revolutions (history of all revolutions and free wars in Nicaragua), culture of Nicaragua (at the "Grand Hotel").
Laguna Tiscapa Natural Park.
In the outskirts: pictorial lake Laguna de Hiloa in the crater of the volcano (20 km to the hiking trail), El-Trapiche resort (17 km to the hiking trail) - swimming pools, which are reminiscent of natural thermal vents, Volkan Masaya National Park (23 km to the hiking trail) ): a great volcano in the country with smaller craters, thermal dzherela and cracks to smoke.

Tsіkavі facts

    The patron saint of Managua is Santo Domingo de Guzman, the protector of the poor. This person lived in Spain in 1170-1221, Nicaragua was by no means new. But for the Managuants it is not important, they have legends, for example, the statue of the holy black tree was revealed in a hollow tree near the village of Las Cierritas
    for example XIX century. The villagers saw the statue of the priest, and in 10 days it reappeared in the hollow. "Fiesta Patronal" in honor of Santo Domingo de Guzman three 10 days sickle. To blame the statuette on the back of the temple in Las Cierritas, and in the accompaniment of a rich procession, on burdens, richly embellished with quilts, go to Managua, and after 10 days turn to a silsky temple, I will again be escorted by an escort of people who pray and pray radio, at a masquerade ode.

    Like all non-caraguans, the inhabitants of Managua are encouraged to sleep better not on sofas, but in hammocks: in a humid tropical climate, the beds are aired. Hammocks from Managua are one of the articles of the Nicaraguan export, the stench is the most important in Latin America.

    The River Tipitapa goes down Lake Managua with Lake Nicaragua, the only freshwater lake (lagoon) in the world, where sharks live - if the lake was flooded by the Pacific Ocean. Ale, sharks do not enter Lake Managua through yogo zabrudnenist.

The Republic of Nicaragua, the largest in the area of ​​the Central American powers (129,494 sq. Km), reaches 540 km of land, and may go as far as the Pacific Ocean, where the valley and coastline become bl. 320 km, i to the Caribbean Sea (480 km of coastline); the total length of the sea cordon is 800 km. On land, Nicaragua is between Honduras at the pivnoch and Costa Rica at the pivn. The capital of that smut of the country is Managua. Nicaragua is one of the rarest populations of the lands of Central America and acts in the same way as Belize.

Nicaragua. The capital is Managua. Population - 4430 thousand. osib (1997). Population size - 34 individuals per 1 sq. km. km. The population of the city is 71%, the population of the country is 29%. Area - 129,494 sq. km. The best point is Mount Mogoton (2107 m). Derzhavna mova- Spanish. Panyucha religion - Catholicism. Administrative-territorial division: 15 departments, 2 autonomous regions. One penny: cordoba = 100 centavos. Nationally holy: Independence Day - 15 Spring Sovereign hymn: "Greetings to you, Motherland".

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Relief. At the borders of the territory of Nicaragua, where you can see the great variety of landscapes, you can see 4 great natural areas. Most of the country is borrowed trikutna from the plan, which sounds on the day of the hirsk region (Nicaraguan nagir'ya). Immediately before the new border, another area is wide - the swirl of the lowlands, which frames the Caribbean coast, looks like the Moscow coast. The third region is created by the lowlands, which stretch across the isthmus from the gulf. Fonseca on the first descent to the Caribbean coast, and the fourth - the volcanic zone of the western Nicaragua, with numerous volcanoes that blow.
The central mountain region - Nіkaraguanske nagіr'ya - is a folding system of fold-often-folding ridges, oriented at the latitudinal direction; on the pivdenny entrance, the stench is covered with a hood of volcanic vіdkladen. The height of the height at the pivdenny entrance becomes approx. 1500 m above sea level that gradually decreases to 600 m on the slope. Numerical peaks rise above the level of the ridges, reaching 2400 m. At the lower flow of the river there are wide valleys with a flat bottom and flow between mountain ridges, which step by step go downhill - at the beak of the Caribbean Sea. The lowland of the Moskіtovogo shore, in places over 80 km of the ridge, stretches along the shores of Nicaragua's river bank. San Juan and continue far away in the borders of Honduras. This lowland is composed of sediments of numerous rivers that flow along them, including Coco (abo Segovia), Rio Escondido, Rio Grande de Matagalpa and other, and clearing swamps.

There is a wide tectonic depression at the west end of the mountain region, framed by long lines of breaks and stretching along the straight line of the hall. fonseca. At the borders there are two great lakes - Managua zavdovki 51 km і zavshshki vіd 16 to 25 km і Nicaragua, zavdovki 105 km і zavsheshki bl. 70 km. Tsya region is shy to the extent of earth cowards. Above the surface of Lake Nicaragua rise three volcanic cones, the largest of which is Concepción (1557 m above sea level). The great volcano Momotombo (1259 m) rises on the pivdenno-zahidny birch of Lake Managua. Lanciug with 20 volcanoes continues further on the pivnіchny entry, to the hall. fonseca. Lakes with water-creams overlooking the Pacific Ocean with a zone of humpbacked and low-mountain topography, with a view of 25 to 50 km; the height of the masses is 900 m-code.
The climate is natural growth. The watery tropical climate of the Moskіtovy shore and the shidny part of the mountainous region are characterized by the panuvans of the grasslands, which are brought to the water from the Caribbean Sea. Here you fall more and fall more, lower near Central America; the river sum fell down, saving us from moving 2500 mm, and r. San Juan del Norte - 6200 mm. Set the average temperature to approx. 26 ° С, the difference between the warmest and the coldest month here is less than 2 ° С. Oak and pine grow only on the highest mountains on the mountainside. Far into the glib of the country, from far away to the Mosketovy shore, tropical foxes change with pine savanna woodland, smuga which stretches out of the latitude of Bluefields to pivnich to vіdstan approx. 500 km, continuing to the territory of Honduras. Such growth sounds like a sound in the subtropical zone; її presence on the Caribbean plains, perhaps, is explained by the low birth rate of the soils. Spectacular ta vology climate is also typical for the valley of the river. San Juan and the shores of Lake Nicaragua. However, most of the lakeside lowlands are protected by mountains from similar winds, which carry water, and the amount of fall off falls down a little on the pivnich, standing 1275 mm in Granada and 1150 mm in Managua; More falling falls in the wind. The temperature on the lakeside lowlands in the most spicy region of the region reaches 35 ° C for an hour. Creature world Nicaragua is even richer. Here vedmedi linger, sprats see deer, and near the tropical forests - a black panther, a jaguar and an ocelot. The wild boar, rice, wovk, coyote, borsuk, fox, cougar and baker lie before the most prominent forest creatures. On the lowlands, there are tapir, mavpi, murahodi, koat, molten and kinkazhu, which is the most characteristic of reptiles, alligatori and snakes, and bran sorrel. Give respect to the rose of various birds; Surrounded by migratory species, wild turkeys, pheasants, parrots, including macaws, chaplis and toucans, grow here.
Ethnic warehouse, demography, way of life. The population of Nicaragua on the cob of the 1990s increased by 3.1% broadly and in 1997 it was estimated at about 4.4 million people, with 2/5 of the population permanently living in the rural area. It is believed that by 2005 the population of Nicaragua will have to move 5.5 million. An increase in the plantation of export crops in the 1970s and the threat of attacks by enemy pens on counter-revolutionaries in the 1980s called for an intensive population movement from the village to the city, and until 1995, over 70% of non-Caraguans lived in the cities. Approximately half of the population lives in the central depression between the lakes of Managua and Nicaragua on the Pacific coast. Innumerable purebred Indians, who make up 5% of the total population, are divided into two groups: Bravo Indians, who linger on the central nagir'ї, and Miskito - residents of a safe uzberezhzhya. Deyakі from them rozmovlyayut only with their mov - sumo and miskito. Negri, who make up 9% of the population, live mainly on the Caribbean coast, many of them speak English. The center of the region, which lies to the Pacific Ocean, is populated mainly by mestizos of the Spanish-Indian migration (69%) and white (17%); and others speak Spanish and follow the Catholic religion.
Mista. The headland of the country - Managua (with a population of 1.2 million people, as of 1997) - the capital and trade and industrial center since 1858. The center of the intellectual life of the country is Leon, where the university is known, founded in 1812; yogo population 101 ths. Cholovik. Zalizna road I get Granada (88 thousand), a place on Lake Nicaragua, with the Pacific port of Corinto. Other great places are Masaya (75 thousand), Chinandega (75 thousand) and Matagalpa (68 thousand). All places are located near the western part of the country. The largest place on the Caribbean coast - Bluefields with a population of 20 thousand. osib.

Order. After the success of independence in 1826 and until 1979, when the popular revolution put an end to the authoritarian rule of the Somoza dynasty, 15 constitutions were changed in the country. By stretching out the last hour of political life, it was marked by a super-nation between the army leaders, and by stretching out the greater part of the 20th century. the lands founded dictatorial regimes. From 1979 to 1986, vlada was in the hands of the khunti. In 1987, the constitution was formed, adopted by the elected legislature in 1976. On the basis of the power of Nicaragua, the president is the head vikonavchoi vladi, which is collected by direct, infamous votes on the five-term term. The supreme body legislatorsє National Assembly, 93 members who are going to direct direct voting on the 5th term. ship system including Supreme Court, appellate judges and judges of lower instances. The Supreme Court includes 12 members, which are elected by the National Assembly for 7 years. At administrative review The country is divided into departments and municipal districts, and there are also special territories. Heads of districts are appointed by the central order, and organizations municipal self-regulation are collected by the population with the approval of direct voting by the term 6 years. The Constitution provided for cultural and administrative autonomy for the Indian and Negro population, a zone of compact living in particular areas.
Political parties. Head of the National Vicolniy (SFNO), Yaki Mayzha 20 Rocky Viv Borotbu with a dictator of Somosi in 1979. The head of the native of the Sito, and the wide range of lines of the lines of the lines of the lines of the lines of the lines of the lines of the Polita, in 1979. - prikhilnikov "Theology of Violence". The SFNV program will vote for broad social reforms aimed at creating the foundations of social justice and equality, pluralism in politics, democracy, the improvement of the economy, and the fight against the powers of the United States. SFNV zdobuv zdobuv rіshuchu vymogu on elections 4 leaf fall 1984 rock, if yogo leader was elected by the president, having won two-thirds of all votes, and may be such a great opportunity for conquests by candidates to the front in parliament. In Chervni 1989, the creations of the Opposition National Union (ONS), which opposed the SFNV in the elections of 1990. There were 14 parties in the coalition, including Marxists, Christian Democrats, various groups of Indians and representatives of the foreign lands. Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, the head of the main opposition newspaper Prensa and the widow of the leader of the anti-Somo movement Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, who was driven in in 1978, was nominated as a candidate for the seat of the president. Approximately the same way, the services at the National Assembly were divided. The ONB has blatantly said that some victory in the elections will be accepted by the opposing side of the United States and economic sanctions.
Evil forces. In 1989 Sandinista People's Army, which is available 75 thousand. a person who was numerous in Central America. Zbroynі aggregation, scho resisted їй, "contras" numeral bl. 12 thousand osіb was often rozzbroёno in the middle of the 1990s. The order of Chamorr having built up the rapidity of the numerical strength of the warehouse of the armed forces and reported the zusil to the point that the army was more neutral in political terms. In 1995 The Sandinist People's Army was officially renamed the Army of Nicaragua.
International blues. Nicaragua is a member of the UN, the Organization of American Powers (OAD) and Ruhu is unacceptable. Over a hundred years of basic nutrition foreign policy Nicaragua was deprived of blue water from the USA, yak paid back the country from 1912 to 1934. Div. far

Encyclopedia of Collier. - Vіdkrite suspіlstvo. 2000 .


Wonder what "NICARAGUA" is in other dictionaries:

    Republic of Nicaragua, held by the Center. America. Named for the lake Nіkaragua, and out of the Indian tribe Nіkarao, sho sacking on the yogo shores; the gua element, which cannot be translated unambiguously, is widely represented in the aboriginal toponymy of all Latin America. Geographic encyclopedia

    Nicaragua- Nicaragua. Momotombo volcano. NICARAGUA (Republic of Nicaragua), the power of Central America, is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea. Area 130 thousand. km2. The population is 4.27 million people, most importantly Nicaraguans. Illustrative encyclopedic dictionary

    I (Nicaragua), a lake in Nicaragua. 8.4 thousand km2, depth up to 70 m. San Juan in the Caribbean. II The Republic of Nicaragua (República de Nicaragua), a power in Central America, is washed by the Pacific Ocean on its way. Encyclopedic dictionary

    Republic of Nicaragua (Republica de Nicaragua), power in the center. Ameritsі, on the pivdenny entrance is washed by the Quiet Bl., Skhodі Caribbean m. 130 yew. km². population 4.3 million people (1993), the leading rank of Nicaragua. Miska population is 61%. Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Nicaragua). The Republic of Nicaragua, a power in Central America. On the territory of Nicaragua, ancient Indian cultures developed as a head rank near the lakes of Nicaragua and Managua, under the influence of the civilizations of Mexico, Guatemala and ... Art Encyclopedia

    - (Nicaragua), Republic of Nicaragua (Republica de Nicaragua), holding at the Center. America. Pl. 130 thousand km2. Hac. 3.1 million people (1983). Capital of Managua. B adm. The visible territory of H. is divided into 16 departments and 1 territory (comarca). Official … Geological Encyclopedia

    NICARAGUA- (Nicaragua), the Republic of Nicaragua (Repiiblica de Nicaragua), the state center. America. Pl. 130 t. km2. Us. 2.96 million years. (1982). Capital of Managua (block 400 vol., 1982). Until the vote of independence in 1821. N. Volodya Spain. In 1979, N. ... ... Demographic encyclopedic dictionary

    Exist., kіl near synonyms: 2nd lake (162) power (281) Glossary of synonyms ASIS. V.M. Trishin. 2013 ... Glossary of synonyms

    Nicaragua- (Nicaragua), the largest holding at the Center. America. The country was colonized by the Spaniards in the 16th century, having agreed to independence in 1821. For a short hour it was part of the Mexican Empire Agustino de Iturbide, after its collapse it became part of the federation ... All-world history

    Nicaragua– NICARAGUA, Republic of Center. America, mezhuє on p. that s. h. from the Republic of Honduras, on the front. z pishkoyu Kostarika (along the river S. Huang and lake N.), on the z. wash Quiet. ok m, v. the Karaib Sea; occupies an area of ​​111.913 sq. vir. Beregova ... ... Viyskov encyclopedia

    Nicaragua- (Nicaragua) State of Nicaragua, geography and history of Nicaragua, sovereignty Information about the state of Nicaragua, geography and history of Nicaragua, sovereignty of Nicaragua Nature Population Sovereign way… … Encyclopedia of the investor


  • Sandy-style revolution in Nicaragua Prehistory and legacy Platoshkin N. The book is dedicated to the first successful death revolution in Latin America after the Cuban-Sandy-style revolution in Nicaragua, which overcame in 1979. The book has a short sketch of history.


Where to know Nicaragua? Geography, population, capital of Nicaragua

5 leaf fall 2017

Nicaragua is one of the largest lands of Western Europe. There are 18 volcanoes and a freshwater lake with sharks on its territory, and guanas, beloved by the inhabitants of the country. Where to know Nicaragua? What does it look like among other lands?

On which continent is Nicaragua located?

The country may go up to two oceans and may even have a varied landscape. There are mountains, low valleys, beaches, evergreen foxes and numerous rivers. Ale pro tse zgodom. Let’s first figure out where to know Nicaragua?

Geographically, the country extends to the mainland Pivnichna America, and the axis in the historical and cultural plan lies to Central America. Nicaragua has less than two sovereigns: on the feast day between Costa Rica, on the feast day - with Honduras. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea by the Atlantic Ocean.

Її area ohoplyuє 129494 km 2. The coastline of the country stretched for 921 km, and land cordoni occupy 1231 km. The largest place is the capital of Nicaragua - Managua with a population of 1,850 people. Other largest places: Granada, Esteli, Chinandega, Leon, etc. The main currency of the republic is cordoba, first issued in circulation in 1912. The coins of Nicaragua are called centavos.

Geography of Nicaragua

The country is endowed with great natural diversity and resource potential. Vaughn maє raznі korisnі kopalinі і rodyuchi soil, yakі not vykoristovuyutsya povnoy miroy.

Mayzhe half of the territory, where Nicaragua is located, covers the mountains. It starts from pivnochi and sounds at pivdenno-zahіdny directly. All the winds of the Cordillera, occupied by forests and plantations. At the same time, the swamps of the lower reaches stretch along the slope, which is called the Mosquito Coast. There is a growth of mangrove trees and evergreen tropical growths.

Uzdovzh of the western coast of Nicaragua stretches lances of volcanoes. The presence of this soil has grown the soil more familiar, lower in the lower part. Therefore, the majority of settlements and agricultural subdars are rebuyed near the western region.

You can see the nature of the republic, as we know, and collect exotic specimens. A row of primary oaks and pines, rubber trees, a tree of sapodilla, mahogany, nispero grow in it. Pumi, mawpi, turtles, ocelots, alligators and deer, flying hummingbirds, toucans, pheasants and parrots live near the mountains and impenetrable jungles. Yaskrava is a stormy momot bird that lives in small chagar forests and gallery forests, which is a symbol of Nicaragua. There is a long tail (up to 35 cm)

Lake Nicaragua

Near the northern-western part of the country, beating the very cordon from Costa Rica, there is a great lake Nicaragua. If there was a flood, but through the volcanic activity, part of the bottom rose and blew it into the ocean. Now Nicaragua is the largest freshwater lake in all of Latin America with an area of ​​8157 km 2.

The reservoir stretches for 177 kilometers along the valley of water, and the yogic clay ripples from 13 to 45 meters. Closer to the western shore, two archipelagos have been planted. The river San Juan will go to the Caribbean Sea. Because of this, shipbuilding has been opened here, and the nearest place of Granada is a lakeside port.

The lake is often restless, and the inhabitants of the city are able to move it from the sea. In the past, attacks of pirates were trampled on the new. The waters of Nicaragua are inhabited by sharks and swordfish; for this fact, youmu have no peers in the world.

History of the Republic

The territory where Nicaragua is located was declared by Christopher Columbus in 1502. Twenty years later the Spaniards came here to put their colonies to sleep. At that time, among the Mist tribes, a culture was established with its own religion and architecture. Not all Indians were lucky enough to give the Europeans their native lands, which war broke out on the pivnich of the rocky rock. Z pіvdenno-zahіdnymi tribes far away lay down a peace treaty, and the whole country began to be named after their leader Nіkarao.

The first colonial places were Granada and Leon. Plantations of kawi, reeds and cocoa were planted beside them, on which African slaves worked. The culture of the Indians gradually faded away. A lot of indigenous people perished in the wake of the Spaniards and the brought ailments, a lot of those who zmishavsya with the colonists.

The conquistadors mastered the peninsula and the Pacific coast. On the shidnih shores, white of the jungle and pain, the English pirates settled. In the XVII-XIX centuries, stench was robbed by Spanish ships on the river San Juan and Lake Nicaragua.

In 1821, Nicaragua took back independence, and in no time for a few years it moved to the warehouse of the Mexican Empire, and then to the succession of the provinces of Central America. In 1838, Great Britain and the USA fought for a flood over the country. Dali Nicaragua had a chance to survive the dictatorship, the revolution that hromada war. The rest ended in 1988. In 1990, democracy will come to power, but political intrigues will continue to do so.


The Republic of Nicaragua is the largest power in Central America, and with it one of the rarest settlements. The population density of the region becomes 47.5 people / km 2, for this indicator її overwhelm Belize from the population 16.2 people / km 2. 6,248 people live in the republic.

Racially speaking, the population of Nicaragua is 69% mestizo, about 17% white. Other sacks lie down to the black race, sambo, mulattos, etc. Approximately 5% of the native population of the region are Indians.

Official language is Spanish. It is not enough to know English, in the country it is more important to speak black people, who linger on a similar shore. Less than 2% of the population everyday life speak in Indian language. Most of the inhabitants of the country are Christians, and Catholics themselves. Krіm them, є vydki Єgovy, moravani, evangelіsti, atheists and muslims.

Nicaragua has an average population density and stands at 125 months out of 188. The population is of a growing type: most of the inhabitants (63.8%) are represented by people from 15 to 65 years, even 32% of the inhabitants from 15 to 15 years. Such a picture will sound powerful in the lands that are developing, in which high rіven nationality and mortality.


Gromadyanskaya war in the 80s greatly weakened the economy of the country. Nicaragua is one of the lowest GDP among the powers of Latin America. In 2007, about 50% of the population lived outside the borders of poverty, and the state was small for 3 billion dollars.

Prote Nicaragua has great potential. Here, genera of gold, silver, tungsten, midi, mercury, zinc, nickel, oil and gas, various minerals have been revealed. The distribution of more of them is not carried out at the same time. In the country they get kitchen power, gold and silver. Promislovist is represented by a grub galuzz and a processed strong syrovin.

A part of the economy falls on the production of dairy and meat products, the cultivation and processing of kawi, rice, soybeans, cane, corn, bananas and tyutyuna. Together with shrimp and lobster, all products are exported. Close to 56% of GDP is to become the service sector.


The city of Managua became the capital of the country in 1855. The middle place of Central America for the number of others is only Guatemala. Founded in 1846 on the birch of a lake of the same name, beside the bottom of the Momotombo volcano.

The capital of Nicaragua simply attracts cataclysms. Vіn suffering in the ruinous povіnі, pozhіzhі, but, roztasovannyh bail, the dormant volcano has already brought three times to the earth cowards. In 2014, the fate of the capital's airport, when a meteorite fell, about the same time, to mark the crater with a depth of five meters.

Irrespective of everything, Managua is on the tonus. The place is the financial and virobnichim center of the country. A new memory saved deaks of historical memory, for example, the mausoleum of the revolutionary Carlos Fonseca, the wake of the National Gallery and the Cathedral of Santiago, which stood against the earthworm in 1931.

Significant city of Nicaragua

Due to the publicity and low popularity, Nicaragua is not overly lined for tourists. Natom_st vіdpochivati ​​in nіy is richer cheaper, lower in more sudіv kraїni, and marvel, obviously, at what. We are virushayut on zustrіch іz nature.

For whom, Lake Nicaragua is suitable with volcanic islands and remnants of the fall of the American Indians. In the Caribbean waters, the country can be seen on the Corn Islands with coconut plantations, wonderful beaches and coral reefs.

You can get acquainted with the secrets of the tyutyun's cultivation at the mist of Estelya, as well as bring the cigars of the city. On the outskirts there are wonderful landscapes with gorges, waterfalls and Catholic churches founded by colonizers. Extremes are coming to the new and active volcano Cerro Negro, which erupted like 18 years ago. One z rozvag є descent on the boards of yoga with shills, covered with gravel.

You can reach the Spanish colonial architecture at Granada and Leoni. More budives were miraculously saved and functional dosі.

At the end

Nicaragua is located in Central America, between Honduras and Costa Rica. The country is poor, but to finish the yaskrav. Impenetrable jungle, beautiful lakes, gіrskі rivers, volcanoes and wonderful beaches, sharpened by coral reefs - the main rodins of Nicaragua.

This is the land of the Indians, the European colonists poured into the culture of some significant influx. They brought their religion and language here, they created their own place and temples. The sum of the two traditions is observed everywhere, inspiring in the culinary arts. Mіstseva їzha is based on rice, meat, corn and faceless vegetables and spices.

Regardless of vigilance, the crime rate in the country is richly lower, lower than most of the other Central American powers. If you add low prices, edge of the countryside, beaches, then you will see a wonderful country for the views.

POPULATION: 4.7 million people. Over 70% of the population of Nicaragua become Spanish mestizos - well, in the western part of the country. Here, too, the largest group of the Indian population of Nicaragua, the Miskito (5%), is the most numerous. Europeans live close to 17%, Africans and other people - 9%.

MOVA: Official language - Spanish. Most of the inhabitants of the country immediately speak in dialect english movie and Miskito - my Indians, the native inhabitants of the same uzberezhzhya.

RELIGION: Most believers are Catholics (90%), Protestants - up to 10%.

GEOGRAPHY: The largest country outside the territory in Central America, bordering Honduras on the mainland, Costa Rica on the mainland, Skhidne save The edge is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea, the backside is the Pacific Ocean. The relief is very mountainous, there are about 40 volcanoes that exist, also on the territory of the region lie Lago de Nicaragua, which is the largest lake near Central America. Parts of ruinous earthquakes (in 1972, about 75 hundred square meters of dunes in Managua were destroyed by earthquakes) and volcanic eruptions. Zagalna area- 130 thousand. sq. km.

Climate: Tropical pastoral. The temperature of the "cold" month (sichnya), at an altitude of 1500 m, becomes +16 C. Air, windfall, windfall, parts of the territory can reach up to 5000 mm. fell on the river The Caribbean is protected by a sparse and spicy climate, here you can see the trees for a short dry season (birch-grass). Farther on the way, the quantity of falling falls decreases. There are two distinct seasons to dry here: dry (breast - crisp, often grass) and wet (grass - leaf fall), the average daytime temperature of the dry period is + 32-24 C. Falls fall from 1000 to 6500 mm. (In the mountains) on the river. Parts of a ruinous tropical hurricane. The most pleasant hour for seeing the Pacific and central regions of the country is the dry season from chest to chest.

POLITICAL STATION: Nicaragua has been an independent power since 1838. The head of state in a row is the president. The legislative body is the unicameral National Assembly.

CURRENCY: Gold (nova) cordoba (1 US dollar is about 10 cordoba). In case of repayments, the US dollar is accepted as a par with the national currency. Traveler's checks are important to be exchanged, you can only collect them if you cross the cordon in Managua. Throughout Nicaragua, most hotels and restaurants accept credit cards, and in some parts of the country, especially in tourist areas, find the cheapest mortgages to accept them before payment. To show respect that cordoba cannot be exchanged in any other country, it is obvious national currency better than vitratiti to vіd'їzdu. Nіkaraguantsі do not deprive of tea at inexpensive restaurants. At good restaurants chayovі to become up to 10% rahunka. Acts of restaurants include payment for services, which should be clearly stated. Do not confuse the tea with the national tax on dodan vartist (15%), which is also assigned to the skin rahunka. In view of the presence of a large number of intestinal villains, it is recommended to take care of the singing outside entries and respectfully follow the luggage and documents.

HOUR: Vіdstaє vіd moscow vіtka for 10 years, vzimku - for 9 years.

Basic Pam'yatka: Nikaragua, uninvited on all -ori -tikhni tules, Charivna Mix, recognized by the very nature for the Tikh Mandrivnikiv, the unique "Specifications of the Pam'yatok", Ale Mayat Rosuminnya, so far. equal". The nature of the countryside is over-the-top malyovnicha - "Chorna selva" (foxes of Matagalpi), burn on the beer islands on Lago de Nicaragua to pronounce the mandriving great diversity of landscapes, that mayzhe did not recognize the influx of civilization. Throughout the country, the ruins of ancient Indian civilizations are scattered, richly from some and dosі prikhovu lush tropical forest. Earthquakes and wars erased a lot of material evidence cultural recession Nicaragua, the colonial architecture was especially affected, although the place of Leon had saved a lot of beautiful old houses, the impersonal record of history was also taken by the colonialists. Among the numerous (and not safe!) volcanoes, which fascinate with their beauty, most of them are of particular interest to climbers and lovers of extreme tourism. Particularly visible are the Masaya volcano and two volcanoes on the Isla de Ometepi islands. Lake Lago de Nicaragua offers fantastic opportunities for ribeye fishing, surfing is popular in the Poneloya area of ​​León, and in the area of ​​Playa Popoyo area of ​​Rivas. The capital of Managua has expanded on the shores of Lake Managua and has been resurfaced by the population - over a quarter of the inhabitants of the country live here. The main monuments of the capital are located near the Place de la Republika, including the miraculous municipal cathedral on the very birch of the lake, a kind of refurbishment for the help of foreign sponsors and now open to the public. Behind the cathedral - the recently renovated Palacio Nacional palace, which can be on the facade of two giant frescoes depicting Augusto Sandino and Carlos Fonseca. The Museum of Guellas de Acahualinca may hold a unique exposition - a collection of traces of ancient people and creatures that were seen in the hot volcanic ashes, that the lakes were rising from the volcanic eruptions. It is possible to see something similar only in Italy, near the famous Pompeii. The Museum of the Revolution (Museo de La Revolucion) hosts historical exhibitions with an emphasis on the revolutionary struggle of the capital. Right in the middle of the place there are also sprats of lagoons, hot volcano crater lakes with mineral water, and popular pools. At 23 km. on the right side of Managua lies the Volcan Masaya National Park with a great volcano in the center of the territory, which is protected, which still flows and regularly pours lava and drank. The Masaya volcano itself is a circle of smaller volcanoes and thermal vents. Legends say that the Indians sounded to throw young women near boiling lava, to calm the goddess of fire Chakitika, like in these fumaroles. The Spaniards respected that they entered the hell, inhabited by devils. For 20 km. Laguna de Xiloa, a glaringly beautiful crater lake, as a missive "significant memento number one" lies on the pіvnіchny zahіd vіd mіsta. In El-Trapichі (17 km. to the spring exit from the place) water from natural dzherel bula was straightened at the great pool of just the sky, honed by gardens and restaurants, loved in the past month by the mistress elite. Leon is traditionally the most liberal of the cities of Nicaragua and none of them is the radical and intellectual center of the country. Monuments of the revolution, including the amusing frescoes of the Sandinista, dominating the architectural image of the place, faceless buds marked with openings in the cult. Although, in the wake of numerous earthworks and the war, the place suffered greatly, yet it’s still like a miracle with its beautiful colonial churches and official booths, old Spanish-style booths, which are traditionally made of wooden walls, red, and those cold skull doors "party" of inner courtyards. Yogo Cathedral is considered to be the largest in Central America and may have the most unique majestic painting "The Rise of the Cross" by Antonio Sarria, as well as the grave of the poet Ruben Darboa. Gallery Hiroes ta Martires has a memorial exposition, as it includes photographs of those who perished for the revolution during the 1978-79 years. Not far from the ruined in the jungle village of Muї Muї V'єho ("Better, dearer old") near the province of Matagalpa for 130 km. on the pivnіchniy skhіd vіd Managua, archaeologists have revealed majestic stone statues, faceless clay vessels with little ones, which depict the mawp, as well as various objects, virіzanі z jade - the sacred stone of іnkіv. Behind the children of the clergy, one of the most grandiose victories, the settlement of the pre-Columbian civilizations of America and, in the future, will compete with the famous Copan and Chichen Itza. The Caribbean region is still visibly weakly vikoristovuetsya with a tourist method. One part closed tropical forest uzberezhzhya, yak sing from mandrivniki - Bluefields - the center of music "reggae", and yet tourists often see Іslas del Mays, like, yak and other islands of the Caribbean uzberezhzhya, earlier they were one of the marinas for pirates. The largest of the islands, Islas del Mays, is about 70 km away. to protect it is now a popular festival venue. At the unmeasured kіlkost, that clear turquoise water, white take care of food with coconut palms and coral reefs, miracle fishing, coral reefs and the slow pace of life. Las Isletas is a group of 356 small islands in Lake Nicaragua. On the island of San Pablo, the Spaniards set up a small fort to defend against the British pirates in the 18th century. The island of Isla Zapatera is protected as a national park, one of the most important archaeological areas of Nicaragua. Giant stone statues, erected by the Indians in the pre-Columbian era, moved in their own time to other museums, but on the islands other ancient inscriptions were saved. Takozh large number ancient graves and ancient castle sculptures can be found on Isle del Muerto ("island of the dead"). The Archipelago de Solentinami, which lies at the top part of Lake Nicaragua, is a part of the communal service, organized only for artists by the poet Ernesto Cardenal. Islands in their miraculous school of barvy "primitive" painting, as well as a miraculous place for relaxing walks, fishing for ribs and relaxation. Nine 17% of the territory has the status of a national park. Regardless of the economic shock, the Volkan-Masaya, Saslaya national parks, the Apanas and LR reserve. to be known as a guardian and deservedly respected by the best in the region of the world.

ENTRY RULES: Visa regime. Minimum term execution of documents - 7 days. It is necessary to submit questionnaires and photographs (1 each, the questionnaire looks like Russian or Spanish mine), the request is not required. Term dії visa on vіzd – 30 days. Consular fee - 25 dollars. USA. Visa-free transit is not allowed. Children up to 16 years of age fit into the visa of the fathers (mothers). Russian citizens, who travel to Nicaragua with a term of up to 1 month, do not hesitate to register, who arrived in the country for foreign civil passports - they are registered in the Migration Service, continuing the term of a day, or issuing a dose. Citizens of Great Britain, the USA, the Scandinavian countries, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and more European countries do not require visas and travel on a tourist card (variation - about 5 USD), but may arrive for 90 days. When passing the cordon, it is necessary to present a passport with a visa and a deposit, for which one is assigned: П.І.Б. passport number, what addresses are being transferred, meta trips, mode of transport, what is being awarded. There is no border crossing on the edge. If you choose from the country, the airport fee is 18 USD.

MITN RULES: Importation and nationality foreign currency no swearing. It is allowed to import cigarettes without limit - up to 200 pieces, or 50 cigars, or 500 gr. tyutyun, alcoholic drinks - up to 3 liters. (for persons over 18 years of age), tsukerok, thin chocolate. - Up to 2 kg. Import of computers, binoculars, as well as photo, audio and video equipment - 1 skin item. It is possible to import ammunition for filling and cartridges (up to 200 pcs.) with the permission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua international certification type of zbroї, scho to be imported.

The Republic of Nicaragua is located in Central America and, for its own right, is considered to be the largest marginal region: it covers an area of ​​129,494 square meters, the width of which is 540 kilometers. The country can have direct access to the Pacific Ocean with a length of coastline of approximately 320 kilometers and to the Caribbean Sea with a sea cordon is close to 480 kilometers. On land, Nicaragua is between the two countries, Costa Rica on the side of the countryside and Honduras on the side of the countryside. In addition, the powers lay a sprinkling of coastal islands.

The capital of Nicaragua is Managua, and the state itself, not respecting the majesty of the world, is another sparsely populated region of Central America after Belize. Considering the rest of the tribute, the population of Nicaragua as of the fall of 2009 is expected to be 5.9 million people.

The first European who set foot on the land of Nicaragua was Christopher Columbus at his fourth road. The rest of the conquest of the country began a little later, in 1522. As a result, the greater number of the local population, which is formed most importantly from the Indian tribes, was reduced for an hour, or died from illness. Today, the territory of modern Nicaragua is inhabited by less than 5% of the indigenous population, Indians, and 69% of mestizos, 17% of whites, 9% of blacks, zocrema mulativs and sambo. Official language in Spanish, deaky Indian dialects, as well as in English.

The basis of the economy is the agrarian sector, which may be the reason for the extremely difficult situation of the mass population, even the country of Nicaragua, one of the largest powers of the Western world. Here reed tsukor, bananas, kava, rice, bavovna, corn and tyutyun are spun, as well as meat and dairy breeds. thinness. Lobsters and shrimp are seen from the sea.

The national currency of Nicaragua is cordoba gold, so you can win the American dollar, and from euro you can exchange it only in banks.

The culinary habits of the local population are mainly reduced to the gifts of the sea, rice, meat and sheep. The most popular m'yasnі stravi from an armadillo, an armadillo of small rosemaries.

Mother's Day, Day of the Sandinist Revolution, Day of the Bible, the Battle of San Jacinto and others are celebrated before the traditional saints of Nicaragua. In addition, the skin of the place celebrates "fiesta-patronali", the day of the guardian angel. Such festivals are a miracle for the local population to have fun and take part in masquerade processes and folkloric performances.

The territory of the krai is characterized by an over-the-top variety of landscapes, among which there are some of the main natural areas. Hirska region, Nіkaraguanske nagіr'ya, occupies the main area and є trikutnoy dіlyankoy, which sounds like a country's day. Basically, it is a system of mountain ranges, the height of which varies from 600 meters at the exit and up to 1500 meters at the approach. Above the ridges along the entire river, mountain peaks rise, the height of which often reaches 2400 meters above the sea level.

At the descent to the nagіr'ya, the Moskіtovy shore, another natural region, closes in. The lowland bula was formed by sediments of rivers, which flow through the territory, in about 80 places they can be over 80 kilometers wide and practically stretch along the shores of the edge of the country.

On the westward of the mountain ranges, a third region rose up, the lowlands, where the lakes of Nicaragua and Managua are located. Here, earthquakes often trap, and Momotombo, a volcano of 1259 meters, hangs over Lake Managua. And the west of Nicaragua occupies a fourth, volcanic zone, with a majestic number of volcanoes that are blowing.

The creaturely and growing world of Nicaragua is even richer and more varied. Tropical foxes inhabit the jaguar, black panther and ocelot, weed and deer, as well as rice, wild boar, borsuk, coyote, fox, baker and cougar. On the lower territories, you can see murachoid and tapir, molting and mawp. Reptiles, snakes and alligatories, are chirping here. Bird world performances by pheasants, chapels, toucans, parrots and various migratory birds. Fauna of Nicaragua - tse oak, red tree, pine, rubber. Below - Nicaragua in the photo.

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