Negative legacy of piecemeal exchange of social mobility by the state.


Repair and self-development

Klasi ta kasti.

Marriage marriages cannot be organized according to the caste type for low social and economic reasons, which are prioritized over the needs of marriage among qualified and competent Vikonavians, among people involved in the management of complexes. social, political and economic processes.

It is likely that in current marriages there will be social groups of a “closed” type, which can even be guessed by caste.

Thus, in many countries, such a clearly closed group is the upper ball of the social structure, which has advantages in occupying the highest social statuses and, therefore, advantages in the distribution of the suspense product, ownership, Illuminate this in the most beautiful way.

Also, in families there are social status groups whose vertical mobility is complicated due to their isolation and barriers created by representatives of other social groups.

At the same time, even if the group were closed, it is still essential that there be a small number of members of other groups that penetrate it.

1. Change of life.

It is not enough to simply earn money and spend large sums of money if the individual has equaled the income of representatives of the greater social squatter.

To gain a new status level, you need to praise the new material standard that corresponds to this level.

4. Slub with a representative of high status.

Over the years, such a gateway has served as the best way to protect barriers in order to stand on the path of social mobility.

First of all, we can greatly appreciate the manifestation of talents, which lead to material well-being.

In another way, it gives the individual the possibility of a quick move, often bypassing a number of status rivals (we must, of course, remember the vertical mobility of Popelushka in the search for the verity of matrimony).

Thirdly, the relationship between a representative and a representative of a high-status sphere is largely driven by the problems of social awareness and rapid assimilation of the symbols of the culture of a high-status sphere.

Such whores allowed people to meet important social barriers in caste matrimony, as well as penetrate into elite religions.

However, such a relationship may be especially significant in that the individual is from a low-status level of preparation until he quickly acquires new patterns of behavior and a new way of living for a new social extremity.

Since we cannot quickly acquire new cultural statuses and standards, then this goal will not give anything, as long as representatives of the high status sphere do not respect the individual as “their own”.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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"Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy (SibADI)"

Department of Philosophy

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“Positive and negative legacies of social mobility”

Vikonala: Skorozhenko N.S.

student groupie PGSb-12-Z4

room book number: 140

Verified by: Starnikova V. G.


These concepts mean the transition of an individual or a social object from a social position to another.

There are two types of social mobility: horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal mobility depends on the transition of an individual, a social object from one group to another, without losing his status.

Includes concepts such as migration and urbanization.

Vertical mobility signifies the transition of an individual or a social object from one layer to another.

Sociologists see several types of social mobility.

First of all, it is important to distinguish between the reasons for displacement and the voluntary movements of individuals within the framework of the social hierarchy of marriage, and mobility, which is dictated by structural changes that are made in marriage.

Another example may be social mobility, inspired by the process of industrialization: one of the consequences of the industrialization process was the increase in the number of people in working professions and changes not many people engaged in agricultural production.

In other words, mobility occurs between generations and within generations.

Intergenerational mobility is the movement of children around the world and below their parents.

Within the framework of intragenerational mobility, one and the same individual changes his social position many times throughout his life.

In addition to economical changes, the accelerated process of social mobility can also be met by social upheavals, for example, wars and revolutions, which usually lead to a change in the nature of the marriage.

In the context of the additional factor of social mobility, one can note a different level of population in different strata - lower in the upper and higher in the lower creates a kind of “vacuum” for the animals and evaporates the dryness of them Idtsiv from the bottom.

Movements between strata take place through special channels (“elevators”), the most important of which are social institutions such as the army, family, school, church, government.

The army functions as a channel that will ensure vertical mobility in both military and peaceful times.

However, during the war, the process of “increasingly” was progressing: large expenditures in the middle of the command warehouse lead to the filling of vacancies with people of lower ranks, who were recognized for their talent and goodness.

The church in the past was another channel of vertical mobility after the army, especially in the middle stratum.

As a result of the protection of the Catholic clergy, the transfer of church lands from the decline included the transfer of church lands, and after the death of the clergy, their lands were filled with new people.

Significant possibilities of reaching up from below also appeared during the formation of new religions.

Social mobility in an open marriage gives rise to low effects, both positive and negative.

The individual's exposure to the mountain facilitates the realization of his special needs.

As the rock moves downwards, it helps instill in people a more realistic self-esteem and a more realistic choice of goals.

Also, social mobility gives rise to the possibility of creating new social groups, the emergence of new ideas, and the emergence of new knowledge.

2. Positive legacy of social mobility

With urbanization and industrialization, there will be a large increase in professions and changes in professions prior to qualification and professional training.

As a result of industrialization, there is a constant increase in the labor force employed by the category of “large businessmen” and a change in the absolute number of rural labor workers.

The stage of industrialization actually correlates with the level of mobility, leading to an increase in the number of high-status professions and a decline in employment in lower-ranking professional categories fikovana pratsya).

The systematic development of vertical mobility flared up in the 50-60s.

Prominent American sociologists Peter M. Blough and Otis D. Duncan viewed the professional group in two ways: as a “supplier” of human resources and as a “supplier” of labor3.

The relevance of this and other professions as a result of the entry into the market depends on factors such as timely changes in the professional structure (over time, over the course of one generation), differentiated people There is the mortality in the middle of the category and the openness and closure of the professional hierarchy.

Analysis of intensive mobility patterns among the US population.

In this case, mobility along the exit line prevailed.

Most often, displacement took place in the border strata, and not through a few steps.

The lower “white merchants” and the lower “blue merchants” (including unskilled agricultural laborers) were the ones most likely to decline in their father’s professions and were highly mobile.

The lower “white merchants” were anxious to converge with the higher stratum, although some of them were afraid to become “blue merchants”.

In a similar rank, blues from families that belonged to the lower categories of “blue merchants” more often became higher “blue merchants,” and a small part of them penetrated into the category of “white merchants.”

As a result, it can be said that the American savagery wasted on a real bar: “white commerce” - “blue commerce”, the result of the transition was clearly overkill.


There are young people and people who are more mobile, younger people and women.

For young people, power is professional mobility, for adults it is economical, for summer it is political.

There, where there is a high level of population density, the population is younger and more fragile, and for the same reason.

In this country, the population of the people is unequally divided among classes.

The lower classes, say, have more children, and the higher classes have fewer.

There is a basic pattern: the more people get involved in social gatherings, the fewer children they have.

Like the sons of representatives of prestigious strata, following in the footsteps of their father, on the upper reaches of the social pyramid, people still emerge as descendants from the lower classes.

Professionals (doctors, lawyers, etc.) and qualified services also do not have enough children,

how they could fill their jobs for the next generation.

It is not important to determine who will benefit from social mobility in the spouse.

4) Place of residence.

They have actually revealed a direct difference between the size of a populated area and the scale of professional reach.

However, it also became clear that the young people of the village, who moved to the place, reached their new settlement along with their fathers, and the native townsfolk settled down with theirs.

5) Migration processes.

Immigrants who come to the country from other countries occupy lower positions in the social structure, rising and hastening the extinction of the native inhabitants.

Well, social mobility is the totality of social movements of people.

This topic has haunted humanity since ancient times.

People’s incompetence or Rapt’s downfall is the axis of love for the plot of folk fairy tales: the cunning colt Rapt becomes rich, the poor prince becomes a king, and everyone can see Popelushka, who married the prince, thereby changing his Its status and prestige.

But human history does not develop as much from individual shares as from the collapse of great social groups.

Thus, the financial bourgeoisie is replacing the landed aristocracy, low-skilled professions are disappearing from the current emergence of the so-called “white merchants.”

Wars and revolutions will reshape the social structure of marriage, raising some to the top of the pyramid and lowering others.

Mobile individuals begin socialization in one class and end in another.

The migration pattern of daily marriage is changing.

At the beginning of 1996, the world had over 125 million migrants, who, apparently, created their own “nation of migrants”.

As before, the flow of social groups flows into the labor force.

Foreign workers will fill vacancies because they do not want to go to work in local jobs.

Current international migration has also undergone clear changes, reflecting the scientific and technological revolution.

Experts believe that the individual restrictions on social mobility by the state will lead to negative consequences.

Based on the knowledge and facts of married life, let us name three such inheritances.

Read the text and vikonite zavdannya 21-24.

As his marriage develops, his social structure becomes immutable.

On a micro-level, mutual relations, social connections, group structure, statuses and roles, and connections between groups change.

Economic conditions and political decisions of government, legal and moral norms change on the macro-level of the lower and middle levels.

In addition, every person is directly focused on advancing his status.

All this creates is not a static, but a dynamic picture of marriage.

One of the processes of social dynamics is social mobility.

The intensity of social mobility lies in line with the development of marriage, economic conditions, democracy of wages, and the life of the population.

Post-industrial society is characterized by intense vertical mobility.

In a democratic marriage, where people's status does not lie due to their status, nationality, religion, channels of vertical mobility open, and people who are satisfied with the songs of the possible, I can advance with Your social status.

According to the words of P. Sorokin, in a democratic union “there are a lot of openings and elevators for going up and down...” Social mobility, for example, there is a large number of people from lower levels in management structures, talk about some kind of abnormality , social cataclysm (revolution, war, epidemic), that she has lost the wealth of representatives of the highest faiths).

The legacy of the piecemeal exchange of social mobility may be formulated differently, other correct explanations may be given.

Once there is a radical transformation of the Russian marriage, profound changes are expected in its social stratification, which loom low characteristic of Fig.

First of all, total marginalization of the Russian marriage is being guarded against.

It is only possible to evaluate it, as well as to predict its social influences, only by taking into account the totality of specific processes and minds in which this phenomenon functions.

For example, marginalization, caused by a massive transition from the lower levels of life to higher places, i.e. upward mobility (although it may be wasted), can be assessed positively.

Marginalization, which is characterized by a transition at the lower level (with low mobility), is also of a persistent and mass nature, leading to heavy social consequences.

We have both high and low mobility.

Ale, those who remain in a “landslide” character cry out loudly.

What is especially noticeable is the growing ball of marginalized people who have been knocked out of their sociocultural middle ground and have transformed into a lumpen ball (grooms, homeless people, tramps, etc.).

Specialization is coming - this is the blocking of the process of forming the middle class.

Russia will immediately become the minds of the transition, on a steep evil.

The spontaneous development of stratification carries with it a threat to the stability of the marriage.

It is necessary, according to T. Parsons, “external invasion” to have a system of rational placement of social positions, which is formed, with all the inheritance, if the natural profile of stratification becomes a lock and The value and progressive development of marriage.