iPhone does not stick in: what to do?

Repair Golovna It often happens that people who are so bad at knowing technology don’t know

How to turn off iPhone 4 And be sure to look at the instructions before installing, so as not to have mercy. And that’s correct, - better installation of the device from the first hvilins of this vikoristan guarantees proper operation. So, if you first hold a “four” in your hands or have bought an unknown iPhone model, it’s not easy to boast - it’s easy to turn on. Indicates that it is turned on POWER button, rottashovana

on the upper side of the structure . To turn off the device, you must leave it until it appears

I'm an apple from Apple on the screen . You will only be able to click on 1 to 10 items, dock your iPhone and you will be able to use it completely.

As soon as the phone starts up, it doesn’t connect, it’s not turned off, so battery strength. In this case, it is recommended to connect the device to a hot-wired computer via a USB cable or to an outlet behind an additional charging device. As soon as the apple appears on the screen, everything is fine.

Sometimes you can press the button for a few seconds

The iPhone 4s became extremely popular among other smartphone users after its release.

The ugly design, the nasty camera, the smoothness of the robot interface, the simplicity and effectiveness of the software - all this has won the respect of millions of business owners around the world.

If the phone is not in trouble, problems will arise in the future, mainly related to the problem with the virus.

However, problems also occur due to the incorrect connection of the phone.

Also, new users don’t know how you can unlock your iPhone 4s in non-standard ways without getting wet.

  1. Let's take a look at the report below.
  2. How to shut down iPhone 4s using standard methods

All iPhone owners know that this phone only has three buttons on the body - Power, Home and sound controls.

However, the distributors tried their best and created two ways to turn on the iPhone 4s:

Use the Power button for a short period.

For additional help, press the Power and Home buttons for seven seconds.

Another method is emergency and only causes the skin to peel in extreme cases.

In addition, there may also be a variety of problems with the phone that may prevent the iPhone from being turned on.

Overheating or getting wet iPhone 4s

If the phone is exposed to sunlight or in a sensitive location for a long time, it may overheat.

Both the flash memory and the processor need an hour to cool down in order to shut down the iPhone.

Today's iPhone is super popular and in demand.

What a wonderful screen that gives an incredibly clear picture, which has won the hearts of millions of customers.

Practical design, popular interface, manual programs will not deprive you of anything you need to know until the end of Apple's creations.

Well, it’s best to work, since such a thorough device is prone to problems.

For example, it simply won’t turn on.

And here it is very important to correctly diagnose the cause.

No more after all.

We need to diagnose problems first

We will describe the most common causes of problems and show you what you need to do.

It turns out that the device still doesn’t stick in.

Then you need to connect before charging and prevent your iPhone from charging for fifty to sixty minutes.

Don't hesitate to make sure the charging screen is lit.

If something goes wrong, carefully reverse the socket, charger and cable.

Perhaps they have a reason.

Well, right now you need to connect to charge for five to ten minutes.

Once connected to your computer, check to see if the device is not showing up in iTunes.

If this does not happen, switch to DFU mode: hold down the “HOME” and “POVER” buttons for ten seconds, and then release “POVER”.

Continue pressing the “HOME” button for fifteen to thirty seconds until iTunes writes “Recovery Mode.”

Don’t wait until the screen opens up to you and shows you an apple.

The confirmation of the DFU input indicates the presence of any image on the screen.

If you need to update the firmware in your iPhone, find the “Update iPhone” button in iTunes.

To end the operation in this mode, simply unplug the cable from the device and press “HOME” and “POVER” for ten seconds.

After these manipulations, the iPhone may become re-engaged.

5. The service center will come to help

Since, despite all the efforts, the iPhone could not be resuscitated on its own, it was necessary to turn to the police for help.

6. When activation ends, try calling.

All right, dial the phone number.

This means that additional functionality of your iPhone is enabled.

How to soak iPhone 4s

For this generation of iPhones, the activation process means forgiveness - using a computer has become unnecessary.

How to shut down iPhone without using iTunes.

1. Insert the SIM card and press the phone using the “Power” button.

2. Choose your own familiar language interface: Russian-Russian

3. The phone is powered up, let you know where you are located (you will need it later to use cards, check-ins on Facebook, etc.).

If these functions are necessary, then it is permissible.

4. Then the iPhone will ask for Wi-Fi connection.

In principle, this crop is not binding.

This can be earned at a later date, whatever the matter.

We still need the Internet to send information to Apple about the successful activation of the device, as well as for the operation of various online services such as iCloud and iTunes Match.

For these purposes, you can successfully access the mobile Internet of a local operator (3G/GPRS).

5. Now the iPhone will register with the mobile operator, eliminating the necessary setup for MMS, SMS.

In case of any problem, if the button does not work, the phone must be taken to the service center.

It’s better not to open it up on your own.

How to shut down an iPhone when it's suspended

To do this, you need to quickly set up the primus restart mode: press and hold the “Home” button (on the top) and the “Home” button (one round button under the screen) for a long time.

After whose phone the phone went out.

If you get wet again, then you will be able to re-enforce it even longer, without causing any problems to be corrected automatically.

How to freeze iPhone 3G

On the top side of the screen you need to press “Adjustment” - “Basics” - “Mereza”.

At the next window, slide on the slider.

Press the "Disabled" position opposite 3G.

If the 3G protocol is used, the information will be downloaded faster, and the battery charge will be consumed even faster.

What should you do if your iPhone 4 is frozen, but a similar method doesn’t help you at all because the keys don’t respond?

In this case, you will need to quickly follow the instructions below.

iPhone 4 frozen, what to do in this situation

Now let's look at another option for re-engaging the iPhone mobile device.

This option can be called advantageous and is suitable because the device is usually or often required to function in standard mode.

Remember that you can restart your communicator from any place, for which you need to know why the iPhone 4 froze, what to do with it and how to turn it back to life.

So, you need to press and press two main buttons – Power and Home.

The work lasts for about an hour (less than ten seconds).

If you see two more buttons in the pressed area, the screen of the device will completely go dark.

At the next stage, you must immediately release the buttons.

In some cases, the logo of the manufacturer's company immediately appears, which begins to attract attention to the device, after which the device begins to function in standard mode.