Zovnishnya advertisement for a meat shop. Market of meat delicacies. How to conquer the squishy. Carrying out price promotions

Drinking on meat products will inevitably be filled with high. Tse rozumіє bіlshіst pіdpriєmtsіv, yakі actively pragvat vіti vіt tsey biznes, vіdkrivshi vlasnu vіsnu vіdpriієmtsіv, іkі actively pragnіt vіti іn іn business, vіdkrivshi vlasnu vіlshіst pіdpієmtsіv. However, regardless of the lack of program concept, in which business you can get stuck with a lot of difficulties, such as high competition, the need for real_zac_ї goods in short term and etc. It is necessary for you to know how to advertise a butcher's shop, bringing wine bringing a solid and stable income. This article was asked to help entrepreneurs choose the most correct and most viable methods of promotion and turn off ineffective advertising methods.

point decoration




Install pillars in front of your store - the stench plays the role of showmen. More than that, do not ob'yazkovo ob'yazkovyat pillars already with ready-made posters. You can quote special prices for them, or send sheets with a description of suitable propositions.

Advertising in elevators

Advertising in elevators can be done in a foolish way by pushing a butcher shop. However, remember, spreading similar ads around the world is simply underestimated. In other words, you should focus only on the adjacent area. Also, tell me about those that your poster was seen on aphids of similar stuns.

Internet advertising


Far from being a leather butcher's shop, the mother's website is to blame. So, if you see a small point in a particular area, such advertising is simply not a sensation. However, in order to increase the supply of meat to restaurants or to weekdays, the servants can be actively searched on the Internet, and often from a public site. Itself through the new one you will be able to make a promise and, especially, you will allow the skin client to respectfully receive all the necessary information.

As you have created the site by the power of your power, read our articles:

Here we have spoken our thoughts and thoughts on how to choose various tools, which are simply necessary for you to work with. Tse allow you to spend an hour on the supply of resources needed for this creation and to maximize the speed of profits from the site.

Numbling on nudity sites

You don’t just work in the store itself, but you give additional services, for example, you sell a special marinade for shish kebabs with delivery, you put meat products in the points of a public eating place, and spread it on the local resources without cost. Such advertising is cost-free, but even more effective.

Drukovan advertising


Opening and spreading leaflets is not the main way of pushing a butcher shop. You can swipe them on postal screenshots, scatter them on pid'izdah, hand them out to hands near the store. This method is budgetary, but more efficient, lower, for example, distribution of booklets or modern newspapers.

business cards

Irrespective of those who are far from being in a leather store or a local store, the client takes business cards, nevertheless, you can arrange a party and hand them over to them at the first purchase. It is especially important, as you also set the address delivery of your products.


discount cards

Reduction cards significantly increase customer loyalty. Finding special discounts for the current motives of people to look at your store for buying meat products, mind you that they regularly open a supermarket to buy other products.

Carrying out price promotions

Spread the most important promotions, as they will be viable for you, and customers. So you secure a stable income, it’s fast paced and you move a surplus.

Like advertising does not work for meat shops

  1. Advertising on TV. Broadcasting video clips and a live line simply does not bring cority for this kind of sales outlets, just like you advertise on local TV channels. What's more, it's practically wrong for your budget.
  2. Advertising on the radio. Similar advertisements are more effective, less effective on TV towers, but they are also less effective for butcher's shops and navit big chains. Focus more on the more cheap, ale wilder ways.
  3. Billboard. Billboards are good and practical for all kinds of business, but not for others. In order for the stench to bring skilki-nebud istotnu melancholy, you will have to make billboards all over the place, and leather from them will cost you from 10-20 thousand. It's not good enough for big companies and merezh, and it's catastrophic for small butcher shops.

Apply slogans for meat shops

  1. M'yasnі products vіdmіnnoї yakosti!
  2. Choose your nature.
  3. Nothing can replace meat!
  4. Tasty їsti corisno.
  5. Life becomes tastier.
  6. Natural choice.
  7. Bazhannya fit the skin!
  8. Fat skibochtsі і mouth radіє!
  9. Confirmed accuracy.
  10. Healthy taste of life!

Meat trader Entony Endryus from England stalks the vegetarians for more advertising signs, as they fit the purchases and bring in new customers. Floors, if one of the passers-by tried to criticize the butcher for being rude, the sellers didn’t have a chance to respond. Even the original marketing of the meat shop rushed to the vegans.

Entrusted by Entony Endryus Volodye and running a butcher's shop in the village of Duffield in Central England, Yaka is seen among the inhabitants of the city with its extraordinary advertising.

Cream of meat products, photographs of which are invariably posted on the side of the store on Facebook, Enton put up a bench with comedy inscriptions. Some of them are aimed at buyers.

You will eat meat.

And others are assigned exclusively to competitors.

Hipsters are fenced off! Chi do not come here with your overgrown persons, vegan diets, crispy legs and beddings with tirsi. Oh, check it out... it's about hamsters! Ham'yak is fenced!

Enton himself declares that this advertisement was created to amuse potential buyers, and not to imitate them, write Metro. Ale one of the vіdvіduvаchіv vіdvіduvаchіv vіdvіvаchі v kramnitsi vіrіshiv іnakshe.

The reason for the super girl, which flared up on Facebook, was a sign dedicated to vegans.

Dear vegans, we have a cow here that has eaten all your grass. Kindly please!

Koristuvach, having begun a discussion, having indicated that he wanted to go to the store, but having changed his mind, as if he had just talked, he wrote on the doshtsi.

Spotted: Duffield

Shanovnyy Entony Endryus, if I wrote on your doshtsi, I’ll say it, what you can pronounce, but if I read the message and see it, you’ll propagate only divination and grammatical pardons. Porada: do not betray potential customers. Don't talk.

Prior to publication of embarrassment, the client reported a photograph with the same sign and a letter about vegans. It is a pity for the author of the post, his words hit the koristuvachiv less, lower the advertisement of the meat store.

Before the discussion, we managed to get the shanuvalniki of the dewy hedgehog.

I think tse m'yasoidi look like a glittery comeback! Singing, clogged arteries block them almost like humor. Razgornuti

The press secretary of one of the British vegan restaurants, Dominica Piacek, has denied her serious opinion about the shops of Enton, but not yet in social measures, And in conversation with journalists. For the cob, the woman meant that the butcher's behavior was absolutely true and provoked by the vegans themselves.

At the same time, Piaseka added that, at the thought of the organization, I imagine that the advertisement of Endrius does not only depict vegetarians, but, on the contrary, it promotes the eating of a dewy hedgehog.

The irony lies in the fact that such a writer, in fact, helps people to remember the link between a dead cow, sold in a butcher's shop, and a reasonable living essence, like a bula.

The press secretary hung on to those who slandered the shop to allow people to better understand the reasons and principles of veganism, and Enton himself could be more careful with her. The skrivzhennoy shopper has already slammed a steak without kostov, and explained to journalists that he was the biggest farmer, even if he didn’t manage to kill his creatures every day.

Among the products of eating, which are the most popular drink among the Russians, meat products occupy a quarter of the space, supplying dairy products, vegetables and fruits, as well as bakery products. Drinking on products is steadily growing. Spozhivach is becoming more and more powerful force in the countryside market. The most spozhivach dictates the rules for the market, determining the assortment and prices. Tim for an hour, still lacking information, vaguely orienting in the invisible variety of varieties and species, without clearly expressing the feelings.

Zokrema, which clearly manifests itself on the market of cows' cheeses and meat delicacies, which is even more dynamic. For a new characteristic more high rіven competition, lower for other food markets.

Vyrobniki kovbasnykh virobіv zmushenі pratsyuvati in the minds, tied with a fast rizik. On the one hand, the market of meat cheese and meat delicacies is already stale in the propositions of meat cheese, and on the other side, especially the meat cheese, as it is supposed to be, the product is supposed to impose a heavy blow on the nature of its implementation in the minds of the mind. Zbut meat products are territorially surrounded by the place of production and regions, which are close to the new one. The great Moscow companies, which have their own distribution system, such as Kampomos, AIC Cherkizovsky, Ostankinsky Meat Processing Plant, Tsaritsino, Tagansky Meat Processing Plant, Dimvonitske ”, “Velkom”, “cow farm “Bogatir”. The stench will secure 80% of the market for cows' meats in Moscow. Є key engravings.

Traditionally, the most popular way to cook is to cook smoked cowbass, Sausages, wieners. Kovbas can be considered as a barometer of the well-being of the population. For hours of stability, the increase in the economic situation of the cowbass will increase, the camp in Russia will decline - the drink on the cowbass will decrease. For the fates of the foundation of the country's cowbass production, a singing culture was formed for the settlement of the cowbas population.

“My friends and I are going to the dacha from the weekend. The axis was rolled with sausages and sausages. Even more delicious to go out on the bagatti. For nature - a barbecue, for holy - meat delicacies, for skin day - boiled cowbass and sausages. All yakіsne i vіdnosno inexpensive. Shvidko, tasty, sieve, inexpensive. What can you feel from the vіtchiznyanyh spozhivachіv in more vipadkіv.

In the global structure of meat consumption for a part of the cows, incl. gourmet varieties in Moscow fall 40%. Of these, 33% falls on the curing of boiled cowbass and 30% on the curing of sausages and wieners. 7-13% fall on meat delicacies. With this growth in income, the population will drink more for the supply of meat delicacies. Delicacy begin to recover not only from the holy hour, but from hour to hour, if "you want something savory."

The relishes of a calm person become selective at a good hour and you will have to be safe not only for the next hour, but also in the future. Hours, if spozhivachevi can be shoved off any product, have passed.

With an increase in income and an increase in income, a living will drink more on products of a delicacy category. However, for the whole hour, be careful to work vibir, to the one who is present in the market large number different brands and types of delicacies. "Whom do you turn? Why do you want to win? And what's tasty? "The premium segment has a great value for the quality of the promoted products. The price when choosing is included in another plan.

How to conquer the premium segment, especially if the main direct activity is the production of mass drink?

For the rest of the years, the meat brewers began to victoriously compete with others from abroad and began to give more respect to the design of their products. The barvysta obolonka has become vikoristovuvatsya, which allows you to increase the term savings, the great expansion of the bulk of piece products (distributed in a standard vase). To rob the country's products more competitive.

The Russian market has about 1.65 million tons of meat processing plants in natural reach. Spivvіdshenie produktsії raznyh privih іnіsh shchorіchno zmenyuєєtsya bіk zbіlshennya expensive prodіtsії. On the meat / cowbass, the share of the expensive segment is close to 20%, and this part is significantly reduced by 2-3%. It would have been better, the situation in the country is changing, the economic good is changing in the future.

Drinking on delіkatesnі virobi advances, but all the same, the culture of spontaneous delicacy has not yet formed, so it is not possible to set priorities among the main virobnikіv, vіn ruined in abundance proponovannyh yoma comrades.

In order to successfully compete in the market of meat delicacies, the harvester needs to ensure the specifics of the market:

  1. The market has reached its reach. The rules of the grid are dictated by the minds of the zhorstkoy competition, which determines the assortment, quality and price policy.
  2. Branding is at the development stage. However, the greater part of the development of business, the creation of brands is spontaneous.
  3. Too much sourdough varieties in retail outlets are orienting the culinary specialist to the release of high-quality branded products, the search for new niches and the creation of innovative products.
  4. One of the main factors to the product is the stability of the quality.
  5. The market is occupied by a small number of key gravels, as they serve 80% of the needs of the entire market of courgettes / gourmets.
  6. Details of market segments are required.

Trends in the field of eating:

  1. Yakіst virishuє everything.
  2. The boom of healthy eating.
  3. Cowbas cannot have differentiation ideas.

Replicated distribution strategies:

  1. Inflowing into the final element of distribution - sellers. Okremy vipadok - replacement of sellers on "their own", zatsіkavleny in sales of products to the given plant
  2. Feelings and word of mouth.

At the heart of the trends, there are some delicacy virobivs, everything is virulent. Calmly looking for the best products without worrying about the price. With the choice of premium class products, special respect is attached to the quality of the products. Yakіst - tse pershochergove rice premium brand. Guaranteeing steel quality is the main task of virobniks, the stones themselves carry steel quality in their own premium brand.

premium trademark by a natural order, they add supporters - innovators and leaders of thoughts, zavdyaky blaming usn_ kommunikatsії schodo it (guess that with a marketing success of more than 50%, they took away information from known and unimportant 50% for advertising).

Premium trade marks can zastosovuvaty strongly uzkosravanovanі kody, scho create the most rich, pokuslivі image and razhennya.

It is practically impossible to turn a brand oriented towards the mass market into a brand with a premium status. At the link with many companies, they don’t try to get a share and instead of trying to enter the premium sector in an organic way, they create a premium brand. The Toyota company and її premium trade mark Lexus serve as a prime example.

Thus, it is problematic for great companies that produce meat delicacies for the mass market to issue premium class meat delicacies. Shards in Russian practice on the meat processing industry market, the name of the product is assigned, coming from the virobnik plant.

It is also important for the great meat-processing plants to reduce the level of capacity.

More recently, food about those who need to sell meat products using BTL methods (promotions, merchandising) simply did not stand - meat and so it is brought to the goods of the first need. With increasing competition, the situation has changed.

“The sales volume after the promotions increased by 40%”, - say the expert of APK “Cherkizovsky”. The specificity of the meat market lies in the fact that the number of breeders show the products of the same names to the same names, the assortment of the great factories covers 300 names. In such minds, it is important to differentiate your goods on the market. The main factor in the choice of meat products for a savior with equal price and taste old look. With a large number of propositions of similar products, the most effective method of pushing is merchandising and promotions (tastings and interest in buying). The specificity of the presentation is dictated by the product itself, more precisely, by its lower power: freshness, zvnishnіy look (zrіz). In order to appreciate the quality and relish of products and taste for її ask for trading point minimum zusil, it is necessary to see the required goods with POS materials, firms trade and technological adjustments and support single standards of tabulation. The strongest way to sell meat products is to work with sellers, so 43% of male buyers ask sellers about the quality of products.

In the minds of fierce competition and the abundance of the market, vicory vines are different form advertising podtrimki. Dribnі i srednі vіrobniki vіddâyat prevіdnі vіdnі vіstsі vіstsyah vіdіvіv, more - advertising on tb. For example, the marketing budget of "Kampomos" in 2005 was about $ 6 million. Moreover, half of the budget falls on television advertising, 30% - on BTL-come in, like, according to the opinion of experts, allow more effectively to convey product ideas to the consumer, form positive image of the company. Why, to advertise their products, virobniks go to other ZMI. Virobniks agree on the opinion that elite products cannot afford to go for the help of mass TV advertising. Accent povinnі buti mіscya prodavіv, de pokupets najblizhche znahoditsya to the advertised product, vіdpovіdnі POS-materіali і, mozhlivo, glossy magazines. Choose a specific channel for promotion or combinations to deposit as a complex strategy for launching a product or a brand on the market.

On the domestic market of cows' cheeses and meat delicacies, the most gravitational strata are demonstrated by the most advanced strategies. So, the company "Dimov" for a short period of time managed to take a stable position on the market. An uninvited stereotype of the behavior of the residential resource of the MIST-MILIONKIV, Yaki showing Kovbashi, sausages of the I Shardelki, nevertheless under the Zbilshenі income is so insignificant, ale Zbilshu, the disperse of the fisheries, the yakshcho is faded by the same factor. .

And how can you not show your products here? Only those who concentrate their production in the middle segment, the niche of delicacies is still unfinished, especially for the market of cows' meats and meat delicacies. And the market continues its growth and new competitors appear. The Dimov company, as it has set its sights in the middle in the middle segment, as the most favorable from the point of view of its marketing goals, has developed a special line of products "Vysoka Cuisine" - meat and wine with a unique flavor: oregano, saffron, etc. red wine . The main idea: "Dimov" - all products for people, how to choose high quality, Exclusivity and prestige. To carry out an advertising campaign, unique recipes of meat products were developed, which are included in the line, label design and non-standard cowbas casing communicate the premium quality and high quality of products. The main meta: to convey to the soul the idea about those meat products that the Dimov company promotes, you can decorate the table with a true masterpiece.

An extraordinary promo stand has been installed at the trading floors of supermarkets in Moscow. Promoters handed out leaflets to the students, announcing the action, and also asked for a tasting of products from the premium line "High Kitchen". The promoters tried to taste the meat delicacies from the Dimov company, reported on the skin from the presentations at this tasting position, and informed the buyers about the prize scheme. For the purchase of products from the High Kitchen line, you will be rewarded with a gift - an original magnet, a gift set of a candle or a frame for a photograph (in stock in the sum of the purchase). The action was successful. The volume of sales of Dimov's products of the High Kitchen line has increased by 3-4 times on average in the same period. It was done to promote the interest of representatives of the target audience to premium products, to improve the image of the Dimov company and the interest to the brand.

If the brand "Dimov" became popular on the Moscow market, the main managers of the company were informed about the unique taste of the products, the main channels for covering the target audience were the press, POS-materials, and promotional campaigns you can take new information“What is wine guilty of choosing Dimov and evaluating the quality of products for additional tasting in the place of purchase. The brand was supported by interviews and comments by Vadim Dimov in a wide range of basic, businesslike and quiet views.

The result of a properly developed and developed creative and media strategy was offensive results: the company "Dimov" secured its presence in all the great trade areas of the high price segment, expanded distribution channels, including in the regions; the successful launch of a new line of sourdough brews "Visoka kitchen"; becoming an increase in total sales: in the period from spring 2004 to spring 2005 the total in Russia was close to 70%.

In this hour, the company "Dimov" attaches great respect to the goods on the store police, with which it is necessary to improve the main rule of merchandising: you are guilty of the result of the joint efforts of the virobnik, the distributor and the seller, with which the consumer is put on the first place. Tsіkava vykladka m'yasnyh vrobіv є important intellectual high sales. There are three ways to display the products on the showcase: the first one - by varieties, the other - by categories, the third - by names. The lining on the shelves is also installed: horizontal and vertical. In order to increase the additional value of the increase in production in general and the increase in the turnover for the additional opportunities of the impulse purchase, the Dimov company, for example, the vicorist additional points of sale - special refrigerators. The products in them are marked with the front side before purchase, and popular products reports on priority police.

"Kampomos" positions itself as an enterprise, as it propagates innovative solutions to the compatriots, for example, absolutely new tastes, as well as lack of solutions in the field of packaging of already known and loved products. Today, the best building brand is surprisingly calm, reaffirming originality and innovation, while also protecting traditions and values.

In the mezhezhivy retail trade, the post-employees conduct special visits for the sale of meat products. So, in the Merezh “Paterson”, the programs to explore the novelties of tasting to the novelties of the orginal vi -Planens on the vitrini, to the FIMOVA PIDSTAK PID Products, the pinking of the tsikavi і Vigіdni for the purchase of the product in the booklets, they can be visible to the matches for the gravity, to be visible to the matches encourage you to drink on products of a premium format.

So, due to the great gravity of the market, the activity of which has been successful in the effective promotion of delicacy products, you can see the next come in - all media channels, to which TV broadcasting, radio, sales, on-line, meat products appeared on the sides of glossy magazines - Cosmopolitan, Shape, "Vona" and іn .; the company is constantly working with the help of mass information), direct marketing, Sales Promotion (BTL-programs, tastings), connections from the community (organization of conferences and presentations for partners and others), external advertising, participation in exhibitions, special visits, sponsorship. Experts unanimously sing that it is not effective to promote mass advertising channels for promoting delicacies, and the main concern can be found in sales areas, in the distribution of expanded POS-materials, and also in glossy magazines.

It can be predicted that it will re-determine the success of the crops and that the applicability of progress to new types of meat and meat products will be due to active marketing efforts and extraordinary technological solutions.



They can’t earn a penny, and a lot of people are constantly fooling around for ways to earn extra money. Stable otrimannya passive income - tse not filthy way to grow your material camp. Use a lot of methods to earn money: investment, deposits, the Internet. However, in order to earn money in one of these ways, it is necessary as a minimum of spring and cob capital, and as a maximum - financial literacy.

If you don’t have any of that, or else, but if you earn money, then if you have a private car, you can try to reduce the income from advertising (pasting a car). You can’t become a millionaire in this way, but earn pennies on the PMM, rent a garage, or more money in the line, it’s real. How to get a good business, which will be practiced practically independently?

Placement of advertising on your car as an income

  • This type of advertising is much cheaper, lower Internet, television, radio advertising, placement of banners and billboards.
  • Guarantee a great audience. Cars are constantly moving around the place, and advertisements of goods are delivered to anonymous people. Navite how auto cost in trials, advertising works. If an advertiser wants to capture a larger territory, then it is possible to glue over vantage transport security, as a way to win international transportation.

Vigodi for the driver:

How much to pay for advertising on cars?

  • Z kim wi pratsyuete. You can make an agreement on advertising directly with the company, or you can work through intermediaries, such as advertising agencies.
  • body type. You can pay less for light vehicles, more for a vintage car.
  • Vik machine. chim new car, Tim is more versatility.
  • Zovnishhnіy look. Often, customers pay more for advertising placement, which makes the car look invisible, so as a regular color and tuning of cars, they look more, and therefore advertising is more effective.
  • The area is pasted over. In the advertising price of shoes, include the parameters of stickers, the more they smell, the more you pay for them. Also, the cost of roztashuvannya will be added to the price. Advertising on the back of the car is one price, on the wings - another price.
  • PR type. It is more common to put stickers on cars, or you can ask for more creative advertising elements, for example, like constructions, which will naturally be more expensive.
  • Location. AT great places over-the-counter advertising on a car is more expensive, in regions - cheaper.
  • Route. great infusion you can count on the price to drive a car yourself. If the water often passes in the center, when there is a great flow of cars and people, then pay more, for a ride across the border - less, or don’t pay. Parts of international travel can be paid more.
  • Individual rates. Naturally, the price of an advertising company, including a passenger car, depends on the advertiser's tariffs, which are in the organization at the moment. Htos pay rich, htos - kopіyka. Tariffs can be adjusted depending on what time you drive by car around the city (during peak and weekdays - more expensive, at night and weekends - cheaper).

In the average for a month, the transport revenue can bring the Lord from 500 to 8000 rubles, for a passenger car, and from 1000 to 12,000 rubles. bring vlasnik on vintage cars in St. Petersburg.

How to create auto advertising in Moscow

If such an income is good for you, then you can go to dіy, and know the applicant who is ready to place his sticker on your transport bill.

Shukati clients can be done in different ways:

  • Powerful forces. Develop the report commercial proposition and send it to the organization of your place. Do not take decisions for other companies of your choice, change the proposition everywhere, let the businessmen think without your help, why should they advertise on cars.
  • Through deafening. Often, on popular websites, companies are stunned by car owners who are ready to paste advertising on transport zasib.
  • Through an agency. You can apply to advertising agencies, as if you are giving services for the search for undertakings in similar positions. It is necessary to understand what agencies take from car owners in the wine city. It is possible to pay a one-time fee, or you may have to spend a few months on a penny, or remove advertising from the placement.
  • Through special measures. There are special sites on the Internet, which act as intermediaries between zamovniks and car owners. Having registered on such a resource, you can immediately go to work. The whole process of spіvrobіtnitstvа povnіstyu avtіstyu і bezpechny.
  • Through a friend. If you have friends, if you want to run your own business, then try to propagate them to special transport zasib, like a billboard.

How do you work?

Having submitted a car for advertising on advertising placement, be it with the descriptions of more methods, it's time to move on to the design of the site. For the first time, the automaker and the advertiser are to blame for the agreement, in which all the nuances of the contract will be written, for example:

  • Terms of advertising placement on cars;
  • The most important route of the car driver;
  • Type and size of the advertising voiceover;
  • Specifically, the place of pasting the machine;
  • Skilki will cost the servant (varty per month);
  • Term and method of payment for advertising. The car can pay for a day, a week, a month. Payment can be made on a card, prepared or bank account.

Then, the client will develop the layout of the sticker, so that you can use it for your transport needs. Be prepared for the fact that the manager can help you to have a GPS tracker for your transport, which will follow your transfers and help you to pay the payment correctly.

If all the nuances are correct, you will have to drive the car to the service, de fakhivtsi apply advertising materials on the back of the car or the body of the car. If your transport fund is ready, you can start earning.

the letter of the law

Advertising on cars can be. Another short informational text that describes the service and contact details of the advertiser. For example, a client, for example, in Yekaterinburg or Rostov, asks to stick an advertisement on the back of the slope, or the body is screaming, shouting a picture, or writing a provocative letter, attaching respect. Buvay, what is necessary to place on transport allowance paraphernalia, pov'yazanu z company-deputy. But the axis of the scale is legal, such activity is more than food.

Advertising on cars for pennies is not registered anywhere. You do not need to go to the traffic police and take it off, write a statement, or in advance about us, put an advertisement on the TK. Carry on your own car whatever you like.

From one side, TS - tse your authority and you can outside the right to arrange yoga the way you want, ale:

All these rules are relevant when interacting with the traffic police. And how about booty with a tribute?

In fact, you earn money on your car, but according to the law, otrimuyuchi earnings you need to pay a 13% income tax. Yakscho wi on post-yny bases spіvpratsyuєte zі spetsialіzovanymi serіvіs in the Internet, then the stink of vzaєmodіya z taxpaying to take on yourself. You yourself must pay the necessary sums and issue declarations. If you work on your own, then pay if you don’t pay in taxes - it’s less likely to lie in wait for you. Ale, as if it were a rank to piss you off on smartness in order to pay taxes, then “hang” administratively or criminally damaged.

  • Law. Your task is to thoroughly comply with the law on advertising in general and 20 statutes of the law. Aje FAS can fine you and your deputy for wrong wording of the advertisement. And article 20 of the law is specifically assigned to re-advertising.
  • Contract. The law vomagaє obov'yazykovogo skladannya contract between the parties. Krym tsgogo vin to secure you from unscrupulous clients. Relatively check all clauses of the contract. The stench is guilty, but it is formulated as clearly as possible, precisely and sensibly.
  • Sales As soon as it was decided to sell the vehicle, then the agreement is due to either rozirvaniya, or re-registration to a new vlasnik.
  • The control. Keep in mind that all the prepared materials did not supersede the rules of the traffic police, so that fines can be paid by the authorities. Advertising on a car for a penny is not guilty of provoking a spirnі situation, to show what else it is. You have to give credit for the nasledki.

It’s not easy to give such an income to the lungs, remember that the deputy officers resolutely choose to do it with the help and lay down the hard contract, like they put goiter on the water. The stench can walk around for a few kilometers a day, or move along specific streets. Golovne, so that the grants were economically profitable for you in the first black, think about it well and clear everything before him, as if signing an agreement.

If you are engaged in the sale of meat and meat products - it is necessary to bring your store to a new level. Yaskraviy facade with Vivian respect, but it is more complex. Therefore, for the sake of zadiyati zvnіshnyu advertising and social media. We propagate the special features of the promotion of the butcher's shop, as well as the advertising texts.

  • "FIRMOVY SHOP Pervouralsk Meat Processing Plant"

🔍 Promoting the store in social networks

If you like products to spit out the social media, for whatever age, advertising on Instagram and VK will bear fruit.

🔹 VKontakte

The creation of the public "VKontakte" for the store is necessary in the general language order. While Instagram marketers love the audience from 18 to 35 years old the most (and there is a large part of the koristuvachiv), then representatives of all age groups, especially 21-45 years old, regularly visit VK. With the expansion of VKontakte, it becomes more universal social media. Obov'yazkovo zavantazhyte there all the data, building your pluses. Submit information about the farm, certificates, licenses, photos of products. Make a discussion, de people can get rid of the advice.

Advantages of VKontakte:

  • fine-tuning targeted advertising to reach the audience for specific parameters
  • the ability to conduct detailed discussions, experiments
  • easy access to statistical data
  • more wide audience


Create a commercial account in a proper manner, enter contacts and an address. The appearance of the distribution of "Actual" in "History" was redesigned by Instagram: highlight "History" as a catalog of goods. Here you can add special propositions. You can also create commercial advertising, so that people from your place can make a novelty in their line. Regularly add cicada content - meat recipes, photos from the store, cicada stories. Conduct contests obov'yazkovo: let the profile select new pre-payers, and the stench will be counted one by one in the comments. At the very least, new potential buyers are being discovered about you.

Pros of Instagram:

  • more fashionable maidanchik among the koristuvachіv social merezh
  • Nothing special: only pictures, short notes and likes
  • Properly formatted advertising posts do not call out to an annoying effect, they are treated like cicada content

Get buyers to help you see new ads:

  • Viviska. Won maє buti yaskrava, z pіdsvіchuvannyam, you can robiti ob'єmnі letters
  • Banner on the facade. A beautiful picture is needed from images of meat. A logo is applied to the banner, the text is a special offer or a product description is sold
  • Pillar. Installed near the entrance. If you will stand on the pavement - paint a sign, this will motivate the client to go to the butcher's shop
  • Advertising on the billboard- a good way to declare about yourself, but to finish the glass. That's why it's good to go into such a situation only with a good turnover of products, and not at the start-up stage.

🥓 How to push the butcher's shop in a small place

Small settlements the main role in the play of the word of mouth radio. From the vlasnik, the site needs the function of maintaining a high level of service quality, regularly following the production line.

✅ Hover butt:

An individual entrepreneur opened a butcher's shop, independently engaged in the preparation of our favorite products (barbecue, dumplings, meatballs). The client needs to know that a person will go to his soul with his soul, talk about the quality of the meat being supplied, the control of the robot by the staff. Assessing the taste of the product, the buyer is sure to find out this point with his own knowledge.

I guessed, I didn’t know anything about the brand and advertising in social networks, it’s also necessary to talk about the brand. Bazhano come up with an original name, in which figure the name is, or the name of the ruler. Tse zavzhd dvishchu rіven dovіri, the store is easier to recognize and remember.

✅ Good examples:

  • "Meat from Rinat"
  • "Pig from Zalinka"

🐖 Features of promoting a store in a residential area

Selling m'yaso for sacks of squatting budins, depending on different nuances. Buyers check your meat products, which I turn over for the same propositions in national supermarkets. Prices for the most demanding food products are low, and the smallest pardon can build a reputation.

How to call a client in a residential area:

  • discounts in early years (especially for pensioners)
  • promotions for significant price reductions on products with the term of applicability
  • special propositions for different population groups
  • a wide range of meat varieties

Obov'yazkovo instruct leaflets with a bright design.Їx often wikidue, that requires originality. The skin leaflet is guilty but presented as a personal discount coupon. Install the surroundings of the term dії, so that a person will feel guilty about missing out on opportunities.

Win accumulative plastic cards. It is a successful practice of trading merezh to bring the effectiveness of this method of passing through. Hire a courier and distribute cards to local residents. More people know about the company, sooner or later the stench is quickened by the proposition.

Enjoy the tasting. Navіt yakscho you don't sell ready m'yasnі stravi- Don't try to demonstrate the quality of your product. Prepare savory frequency and evaluate the reaction of the blowers.

🎯 It's time to play!

Knowing how to get rich buyers into your mind, you can quickly open a butcher shop. You can get ahead of competitors only if you save the quality of the product and regularly promote the interest of the audience. Investments in advertising are small, the main article is the preparation of advertising structures and other products.

Vlasna butcher's shop is a butt business, and I am inspired by your success!
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