Adjectives of their meaning.



Country house

Russian language is complex, the vocabulary stock is numbered in millions of words, some of which are adjectives.

Let's take a look at what the Russians have and how they create it.

  • In contact with
  • Description
  • The adjective is a part of the language that indicates the sign of any action or the setting for which action is being fought.
  • Most often, the words are associated with the word.
  • Do not worry about the gender, the numbers, the end, the end.
  • Those, which are created from clear annotations, are leveling up: quietly - quieter, deeper - deeper.

The words that these parts of the promo stand for are divided into six great groups, each with its own power.

  • Diet of seabirds:
  • way of doing, they are given the following food: “yak?”, “yak?”, “yak yourself?”;
  • enter that step, food is placed before them: “How many?”, “How many?”, “How many?”, “How many?”;
  • hour, their food: “when?”, “how long?”, “how long?”, “how long?”;
  • place, you can put the question: “where?”, “stars?”, “where?”;

cause - “why?”, “why?”;

marks, you can put food: “what is the way?”, “For what?”, “With what method?”;

Five ways to illuminate:

  • Shlyakh is added to the main word of the prefix - prefixes,
  • the way the suffix is ​​added is suffixal,
  • prefixed-suffixal,
  • word formation,
  • Names and prefixes “na-”, “v-”, “s-”, “po-”, “iz-” with the addition of the suffix “-u-”: below, up, down.
  • collected numerals from the various prefixes “in-”, “na-” and suffixes “-o-”, “e”, “em”: morning, morning.
  • ordinal numbers with the use of prefixes “in-”, “vo-” and suffixes “-their/their-”: in a different way.

The method of compounding is a method in which a part of the language is created by combining two words (with different suffixes).

Examples of this method are the words ice-ice, passing.

The way to move from one part of the rinse to the next creation of the word: home, spring, croq, trishki.


By category they are classified into great groups: significant and grounded.

Initially, to indicate the method of this kind and other actions, we can find words and phrases with names, as well as words and (before them we can add such types - the way of doing, peace і stage). The soil will be exposed to the furniture for which the action was carried out (place and time, purpose and reason). Most often, stinks get used to the word


The vodnosniki are consigned to the river function

allied words


Orthographically, this is the same nutrition, but the lexical sense lies at the open head of the proposition.

For example: we don’t know where Vasil Ivanovich is procrastinating.


In this case, the word “de” does not mean food, but a happy place between the head and the stale part and indicates what those who speak do not know.

Examples include word forms: de, if, navischo, why, zvidki. Yakisni, and it demonstrates the ability to accurately describe the conditions that are encountered.

Without them, daily dialogue would be impossible.

  1. It’s impossible to break our language dryly, crying out from a feeling of lack of confidence.
  2. Align the two stocks:

I stopped writing and went to sleep.

Yesterday I stopped writing and went to sleep.

In another type of coronavirus, the picture below is more clearly visible.

The author worked hard for the rest of the day, and even more tiredly went to sleep.

  • In some cases, there are no adjectives and it is completely impossible to speak.
  • This refers to predicative forms, such as adjectives.
  • Thus, the proposition “It became quiet around the forest” loses its sense due to the presence of the new word “quiet”, which is a predicative name.
  • What are the differences in appendages?

Those who truly love the Russian language will know how to separate the seal from the seal, and it will be even easier to know the differences.

The notebook gives a clear description of the object: sweet tea, blue sky, wooden place, new furniture.

    • Syntactically it is connected with the nominative, with which it can stand in the same line.
    • The clerk changes by births, changes and numbers: pivdenno-pivdenna, pivdenna, pivdenna.
    • There are typical endings: -y, -y, -oh, -y, -yy, -a, -ee.
    • What kind of rice helps to strengthen the potion from the pot:
    • inscription on a song sign, furnishings, method of doing it;
    • syntactic link with the word;
    • daily attention to curtains, numbers and changes;
    • obviousness is complete: -o, -a, -i.
    • Short list
    • The new flow of words that these parts of the promotion come together cannot be accommodated on the scale of one statistic, through the wealth of the Russian Federation.
    • We will give you a short list of adjectives that are most often used in everyday life:
    • Shvidko,
    • far,

to home,



welcome, expensive, cheap,

hotter- hot, Cold, / ‑warm, early. Prislivnik as part of the language. Discharges of the Prisoners

In some cases, the epithelium may adhere to the name: run forward(Name name has meaning), the egg is not cool, kava in Warsaw style. In these cases, the urinary tract stands up as if it were unimportant.

The classification of adjuncts consists of two substructures - for the function and for the values.

Classification of adjectives by function

The function is followed by two categories of borrowers - znamenny and borrowers

Znamenni speakers name the signs of action and other signs, borrowers- point to them, equal: right - de, left hand - kudi, zduru - why, for evil - then, uchora - todi .

As it was stated, the complex has 2 borrowers, not by the category of borrowers, but by the category of borrowers (div. borrower).

Borrowers' accounts may be divided into classes depending on the classification of borrowers, for example: there, there, then- vkazivny, where, where, where- food supplies, through, everywhere- initial, etc.

Classification of adjectives by meaning

There are two ranks of symbols behind the meanings - meaning and furnishings.

Significant The adjectives characterize the action itself, the sign itself - its sweetness, strength, method of execution ( really, beautiful, fun, in my opinion, pishki) and fall into the following categories:

- clearly, or way (yak?): what rank? ;

- shvidko, yes, double, or Kilkisny (come on that step): what kind of world? .

How many? duzhe, anitrokh, vtrichi

- Primed (The servants call the current conditions and are divided into the following categories:): place ;

- where? (where?): stars? ;

- right-handed, there, on the hills (one o'clock): if? how long? ;

- yesterday, today, spring, when (cause): why? .

hot, why, that
what's the matter?
How many? for what? for evil, for good, then Discharges of the Prisoners
Diet of seabirds Butts About an hour
If? How long? Why? Until what time?
recently, recently, forever Mіstya Where?
Significant allied words De? Stars?
at home, right-handed, beast De? Goals
What's the matter? With what method? For what?

intentionally, specially, for evil


Like what? nasty - worse - worst, dzvinko - lesser dzvinko - dzvinche for everything, smіlyo - smіlyvo - smily for everyone.

The syntactic role of the adverb

The river’s chandelier, sounding, gets used to the surroundings (Boy good knows the topic). You can play a role sooner unforeseen execution (Mom was preparing an egg soft-boiled .) .

We vlashtuvali zmagannya from the run

hotter navvifronts At school, the consecrator is taught in the 7th grade. The article is presented as a supplement to the tool, allowing you to briefly learn about the main features of the tool as part of the language and quickly repeat the material before the test. - tse independent part Russian movie , which means a sign of action, a sign of an object or a sign of other signs:

hotter navvifronts willingly, competently, like a child, joyfully.

The food, as indicated by the squash, should be stored in the place where it matters.

Most often, the succulents provide nutrition: yak? where? where? what kind of world?

stars? if? what's the matter?why?).

The Unchangeable Part of the Movie . It cannot be dismissed, manipulated or even exploited in other words.Leaving this, the language cannot and cannot be completed.).

The functions of the receiver include splints, uses and particles. Prisoners from split

They are contradicted by the fact that the first ones are often referred to before an adjective in a sentence, and sometimes before a prefix, a adjective, a numerical or a noun. The union is a convenient component between members of the river, parts (why?).

foldable proposition or whole propositions:Trochi).

my chest was drawn, talking about those who are alive ( urchin We began to get ready for the road,

little bits the call has begun to light ( spilkawhy?).

View the call has begun to light ( usersFollowers are advised not to enter the admin form of the name:).

Tsutsenya unconsciously stepped on a bunch of rocks

nazustrich Nazustrich meni vyyshov himself hospodar budinku ( recipient

On the administration page particles , the appendages cannot syntactically connect to the name with the drive and stand in front of it: (why?).

I'm gone particles (directly).

, not burning up and not looking back (

hotter navvifronts The cherry blossoms fell to the ground, falling which plays a significant syntactic role in the speech.

Most often, the syringe does not contain significant or stale words. Also, the adverb is often associated with the adjective word in the role of furnishing.

The adjective may in 100% of cases can be replaced with a synonymous word:

then - then, first - first, at the same time - at once, freely - freely.

adverbium) is an immutable, independent part of language that signifies the sign of an object, the sign of an action, and the sign of signs.

The words of this class suggest food: “where?”, “when?”, “where?”, “stars?”, “why?”, “where?”, “how?”

  • 1 / 5

    And most often they are referred to as words and signify the sign of action. The process of establishing adverbs is called adverbialization..

    This means that there are approximately 6 thousand of the descendants of the first and other groups (in the same way as the next step) and the number of them is actively increasing.

    And the remaining groups include a few more than 260 words, and their number may not increase.

    There are very few reasons (up to 10) and goals (up to 10).

    • Encyclopedic YouTube
      • way Prisoners are immutable words: they hide and hide, there is no end, they do not change behind the curtains and numbers. And even more clear adjectives, created as annotations, suggest a level of leveling and forms of subjective assessment: quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly for everyone, quietly, quietly
      • Kilkisny Syntactic function The river has the function of furnishing, as well as (sometimes) significance or accessory. Classification by value
      • where? Primed: - signifies the image of a child ();
      • Primed like spring, so ), they suggest when asked: How?, What rank?);
      • right-handed, there, on the hills- signifies to the world that stage of what ( trichy, trichy, double, trichy);
      • yesterday, today, spring, when), when asked: How much? How many?).
    • How many?
      • clearly How many? - signify the hour of death ();
      • shvidko, yes, double yesterday, today, tomorrow, in France, during the day, in the evening, at night, in the spring, now, later, year, forever - signify the place of slaughter ();
      • far, hand, in the distance, nearby, here, there, right-handed, left-handed, back, from afar, nasustrich, side, white- indicate the reason for the action ( running, galloping, croaking, swimming, uphill, idling, gorilitsa, melodiously);
      • upgrading and improvement - (in a woman's way, in a witch's way, in the old way, in our way, in a friendly way, as before, without a gag, upright, squiggle, dibki, izhachk, stop);
      • totality - (double, morning, publicly, quietly).

    Yallow succulents, made from yak annexes, smear leveling degree:

    • The leveling stage is expressed:
      • syntactically: for additional suffixes -її(), -she, -e,-same (tsikavishe, more, stronger, louder). Each set of concoctions creates the equal rhubarb suppletively, so as to change the base:, good - better, richly - more;
      • little - less, gliboko - glibshe analytically: for additional additional words more stronger, in connection with the exit form of the urchin:, more expected bolsh bridko
    • etc.
      • The miraculous world manifests itself: σοφὸς - σοφοτατα ): synthetic (Greek) wisely - wiser ;, for additional suffixes: -eysh-, -aysh- I ask you kindly
      • I bow to you the most ., It is very rare to get used to the current Russian language;, analytically: we combine the word most with the output form of the adjective: most expected
      • most scary the worst thing, etc. It is a bookish version and vikors of the more scientific style of journalism and journalism; folding shape: combined with sliv everyone

    everything From the synthetic form of the leveling step: best for everyone. Є beetles, banners.

    What stinks should be called a sign, and not indicated on it:


    like a wolf Stages of leveling of the chandeliers Leveling step A) Simple form

    disguised by additional suffixes -її, -ey, -e, -she, -same fun-fun b) Folding form get help for help

    2.more mensh

    like a wolf Stages of leveling of the chandeliers and in the output form: SuvoroMiracle step

    disguised by additional suffixes -її, -ey, -e, -she, -same it is necessary to use the additional replacement of the suffix - about the suffix

    -eyshe (-ayshe): meekly-pokirno, brightly-brightly conceal yourself in two ways: For further help please call

    -eyshe (-ayshe): everything, everyone Folding form and simple forms of leveling step:

    greatest, greatest

    • greatest, least: the greatest benefit, Classification by method of illumination;
    • suffixal: shvidky - shvidko
    • creative - creative: prefix-suffixal, dry - dry;
    • prichepny
      • good - bad where - nowhere, Addition of different types:;
      • folded drain: ice-ice-ice-ice: unusual - crazy; addition with the first element
      • sing- supine; while sitting.

    Addition of suffix or prefix and suffix:

    • let's walk - pass by half, strength - increased, Spelling of hyphen in hyphens, in the orbs, -oh, -youmu -ki (-ski, with attachment, By-, otherwise, good);
    • let's walk - pass by in German, in English-youmu like a witch-their -їх);
    • in unimportant suffixes with a prefix de- and suffixes - either/-or/-yet/-ka (here, I suppose);
    • in the oracles, consecrated:
      • repetitions of words and basics of words (ledve, want-not-want, no way);
      • to the names of synonymous words ( unpredictably).

    prefix -ki be written at once:

    • in adjectives, created as appendices for the additional value of prefixes and suffixes -y, - little, -Onku (Just);
    • with the forms of the level stage of the succulents ( more);

    Please write:

    • applicators with adjectives ( until now, call, the other day);
    • receivers, approved for use Vі on with the collected numerals ( twice, morning);
    • servants, established connections

    The adjective is an invariable part of language, which means a sign of action, a sign of an object: speak indecipherably, completely foolishly, face down.

    The main grammatical feature of the orb is its immutability, despite the fact that the deeds of the orb have arisen from the “overtaken” forms of the name-name or name-name with a drive ( evening, day, hour, morning, tomorrow ta in.). The adverb represents the syntactic function of the setting, sometimes as a part of the nominative adjective:і Come early

    It became less bitter. Through the invariability of Russian appendages, they develop many forms, and at the same time, with their illumination, they develop other forms. Thus, the leveling step is attached to the succulents, so that they look like clear stencils (

    shvidko, m'yako, beautiful ta in.).і The same miraculous step of the chandelier is created in the same way as the steps of the clasp..

    Unconcerned with their apparent simplicity, the servants are preparing someone who goes to great lengths and is a total mess. For example, after distinguishing the homonymous forms of the appendage and the appendage (in a common sense). It is possible to earn money by focusing on the meaning, syntactic function and connections of words with other words. Try to “know” the proverb: The water is cold Keep it colder On the other hand, the symbols are divided into banners and borrowers according to the meaning - the names of the signs or even the insertion of it is consistent.

    Borrowers are differentiated similarly to borrowers: vkazivni ( so, there, then), food ( where, where, yak, stars), unsigned ( fuck it up, I guess) and in. According to the meanings of the Russian slavniks there are several groups: slavniks of the world and stage ( just a little bit, completely ), method dii ( slowly, substream ), mіstsya ().

    Let’s not forget about a special group of adjectives – the predicative adjectives. Predicative adjectives are used in non-specific utterances at the function of the adjective;: as a rule, stinks convey meaning.

    I will become emotional Yomu had fun The spelling of the suffixes is one of the most complex sections of Russian orthography. There is a new set of rules that are regulated separately and separately hyphenated writing However, a lot of them are written according to tradition, in other words, their writings need to be memorized, which makes things difficult. So, the most regulated section is the hyphenated writing of the prefixes: guess – in German, in a child's way, in a new way, in a summer way, firstly, thirdly, somehow, here, whenever, little by little, precisely, cross-wise And here we must not forget about the blame and tricky situations: little by little, better ta in.; take a new route and the most difficult to anger

    separate writing Prislivniki. Here you need to remember about the words that are vibrating, about the number of words that are included in the dictionary, about the figurative meaning of vibrating words and not forgetting about the blames (

    open, one at a time, two at a time, three at a time

    ta in.).

    You will still have to memorize the spelling of these idioms:

without knowledge, without enlightenment, instantly, hotly, conscientiously, on the fly, on the run, on the relish, on the eye, according to the dose, on the riddle

ta in.