You can turn sea water into fresh water. How to get extra salty sea water for drinking: life hack. Distillation of boiling water

Zdobuvannya drinking water on the deserted island on the right it is not easy, but not at all rewarding

Yakshcho you stumbled on deserted island, then with the help of all the fruits and leaves collected from the leaves or fallen fruits, you have a good chance get fresh water and will be deprived of life for many days. To convert salt water into drink or fresh water, you need to follow the principles of nature. During the evaporation of sea water, clean water is collected and salt is lost. The onset of the process is based on the method of sleepy sampling for collecting water for drinking in an emergency situation.

Instructions on how to drink water

1. Dig a hole to collect water. The pit must be 1 meter deep and wide enough so that you can reach the bottom with your hand. As soon as you get close to 1 meter, you are obliged to drain the water from the water. Don’t rush, because you are close to the water, and the voltage rises before the hour.

2.Place the container at the center of the opening. I can eat coconut peas, fruits or large leaves. If there is enough moisture on the island, you can add it to the pit near the container. Water from the soil evaporates and accumulates in the vessel.

3. Cover the opening and press the cover down. Place a large leaf (for example, like a palm tree) on the hole and cover it as much as possible. Secure the outer edges of the sheet with stones. Place a bunch of stones at the center of the lid to create a small depression over the pit. This directs the water into the vessel. As the days and nights progress, dew and condensation accumulate on the self-sealing surface and settle in the middle of the vessel.

4.Remove the container from time to time to drink water or fill other containers for later use. Place the vessel back at the opening to allow water to accumulate. The water will be safe for drinking. none

The sailors and shipkeepers were the first to think about how to purify the water of the seas and oceans. And for seafarers, fresh water is the most valuable asset on board. You can fly in the middle of a storm, endure the harsh heat of the tropics, experience separation from the earth, eat corned beef and crackers for months. How can you manage without water? And hundreds of barrels of extremely fresh water were stored in the holds. Paradox! Aje drives overboard endlessly. So, water, either salted, or salted water, which is 50-70 times salted, is less suitable for drinking water. It is important that the idea of ​​desalination of water is as old as the world.

Another ancient Greek scholar and philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC)
The legend tells us that Saint Basil, who discovered a ship accident and lost his mind without water, lied to himself and his comrades. Boiling sea water, soaking sea sponges in steam, draining them and removing fresh water... Since then, centuries have passed and people began to create desalination plants. The history of desalination of water in Russia began in 1881. Then, at the fort on the birch of the Caspian Sea, near Krasnovodsk, a water supply was installed to supply the garrison with fresh water. We extracted 30 square meters of fresh water to extract. It's not enough! And already in 1967, a plant was built there that provided 1,200 square meters of water for production. There are about 30 desalination plants on the territory of Russia, and their total productivity is 300,000 square meters of fresh water per supply.

The first great backwaters from the production of fresh water from sea water appeared, especially, in deserted areas of the world. More precisely, near Kuwait, on the birch of the Persian inlet. One of the largest oil and gas deposits in the world is located here. Since the beginning of the 1950s, Kuwait has developed a number of enterprises from the desalination of sea water. The distillation plant at a complex with a thermal power plant operates on the island of Aruba in the Caribbean Sea. The water is already being desalinated in Algeria, Libya, Bermuda and the Bahamas, and in many areas of the USA. The first plant for desalination of sea water is in Kazakhstan on the Mangishlak dam. Here, near the desert, in 1967 there was a man-made oasis - the place of Shevchenko. Among the most important reminders is not only the powerful nuclear power plant, a great desalinator of sea water, but also a carefully thought out water supply system. Three water supply lines have been laid at the site. One way is high-acid fresh drinking water, another is slightly brackish water, which can be used for washing and watering plants, and the third is primary sea water, which is recovered for technical needs, including for sewerage. .

Installation for desalination of water at the Shevchenko nuclear power plant (1982).

There are over 120 thousand people living in the city, and there is no less water per skin than for Muscovites and Kiyans. Vistacha water and roslin. And drinking it - on the right - is not so simple: when the tree grows mature, it drinks 5-10 liters per year. However, every resident here has 45 square meters of area occupied by green plantings. This is 1.5 times higher in Moscow, 2 times lower in Vidnya, which is famous for its parks, approximately 5 times lower in New York and London, 8 times lower in Paris.

Once again, before feeding, remove the added nutritious water in extreme waters.

What's the point of going on a hike if you don't have enough nutritious water to drink? For example, there will be swamps, lakes, rivers, estuaries, seas. Unless there will be clean and fresh water.

Make sure you take special anti-contaminating water tablets with you when you go, read your grandmother’s recipes about anti-contaminating water with herbs, disinfecting water with peroxide or manganese.

This is all well suited for fresh and clear water. So, in principle, you can simply boil twenty khvilins and calmly cook on it.

What else is there to do if the oyster is fed with salt water during the hike? For example, the Pivdenny coast of Crimea and the Kerch Peninsula, where it’s amazing to see, have very little fresh water.

You can, of course, buy fresh water. It's too hard to live in places like this. Why is the day far from civilization?

To go out, there is only one way out - to carry water with you. And for a little while, it’s not easy to add another five-liter bottle of water to a 15-kilogram backpack.

To eliminate such inconveniences, an experiment was carried out with the desalination of sea water through the additional process of distillation.

What is distillation?

Distillation- when the water boils, the steam above it collects, cools, and reconstitutes back into the water in the receiving container.

Why does distillation purify water from salts? Because salt boils hotter high temperature lower water. That's why the water is steamed first. No salts. What do you need to earn from sea water?

What will be like water, what will be distilled, what will boil at a lower temperature? For example, letki organic speeches? The stinks are vibrated by the first ones. Therefore, one of the principles of distillation is not to directly collect steam in the device, but to allow the water to boil.

Also an important principle of distillation is a garne of cooling of the bet. The efficiency of the cooling depends on the productivity of the device. Since part of the steam is not cooled, but evaporated, then, obviously, less pure water comes out.

Well, we carried out distillation of sea water practically.

Distillation of sea water in practice

Place held : beach on the street near the village of Pidmayachne Bilya, Kerch metro station. It takes at least a day to get to the nearest store with water. There, it’s absolutely beautiful - shave it, shari copalin too. Ale specially.

Dzherelo Vodi: Azov Sea. The sea is not even saltier, the salinity is close to 10 g per liter. The same with it has the salinity of the Black Sea – 16-20 grams per liter.

Materials and ownership :

* two targets;
* rich;
* tourist kettle;
* aluminum tube is bent;
* glass dance;
* Hole in the sand;
* basin for sea water;
* a lot of firewood and even a lot of turf

The distillation procedure is very simple. Sea water is at the kettle, the kettle is on the water. Hole near the ground. They buried a scurly dance under her skin. Only the neck was washed in the sand, and a tube was inserted into it to transmit steam.

That's it - the water boiled, passed through the pipe into the dance, and cooled down there. For quick cooling, the dance was watered with cold sea water. In the world of steaming salted water, water was added to the kettle.

Now technology know-how:

I. First, what has been skimmed, add a dash of sea water to the teapot. Morska water is liable to take less than half a vodka, or more than one-third. It is necessary to increase the intensity of vaporization. It is unknown why the couple is getting closer this time, but it turned out that this is so.

II. Then, it is not possible to water the transfer tube to cool the steam. Cold water appeared accessible and flowed down the pipe (up to the river, about 80 cm long) from below into a bowl of clean water. Apparently the taste of purified water is not that great.

III. Then don’t take a plastic dance for a better device. Bo її bet as a bet. I want, as there is no glass under my hand, to go from plastic. At the place, where the tables were removed, there were enough plastic and glass dances.

Results: in 30-40 minutes of distillation, approximately 350 ml of water is purified using the described method.


When you try the distiller, it cleans sea water well. The salt in drinking water is not palpable. Obviously, there simply aren’t any of them there :) The cleansing process is quite important great amount paliva. Refrigeration of the optimal capacity increases the productivity of the distiller by up to two times. A tried and tested distiller can provide 2-3 people with clean water for 2-3 days per day to resolve all changes and problems. In order to provide clean water to a large number of people for a long time, a more thorough distiller is needed (to cover it with a structure and create folding transport tanks), or to create a testing distiller for special purposes (every day for every participant cleans itself with the required amount of water).

Thus, the investigations showed the miraculous results of purifying sea water in a similar way. The worst thing is that the water in the teapot and the betting tube did not exceed 500 grams.

Today, the problem of drinking water is becoming increasingly urgent in the world - there is not enough water. Africa, for example, is endowed with this resource for less than 30 thousand of the required amount.

This continent is connected to other countriesdelivery of drinking waterAs far as possible, it still doesn’t happen. This very situation prompted everyone to think about how it is possible to produce food from sea water? It is true, perhaps, in the minds of the home, although this is a long process. In this case, you will need a distillation cube or a moonshine still. This is a law of physics that requires salts to be completely destroyed in drinking water. Then after evaporation the minerals are lost for days.

Sea water test

Having driven the sea water through the moonshine still and boiled it first, the nutritious water is ready for imbibition minimal strength little house. Behind your warehouse, it looks more like distilled water, rather than doing electrical work. So it’s hard to drink enough of it. Ale in pharmacies they sell so-called “successful people”, after adding just a few of their drops, you can remove the water that is necessary to the human body. Also, the production of drinking water from the sea coast is a little more expensive than the production of mineral water.

How can you create nutrition in natural waters from sea water?

It is difficult to convert sea water into drink, as it would be difficult to create a kind of moonshine still from available materials. For this you need a hole, which is wrapped in the middle with spittle, a pile of large stones and hay. Water is poured into the hole and covered with hay. A stone is placed on top, and it is also covered with spittle. When the water gets hot, it begins to evaporate, and when it gets cold, it condenses on the stone. Of course, there will be very little water, but there will be enough for what you want to do.

One of the most important problems today's world There is a shortage of nutritious water. Nutritional shortages are relevant and practical for all countries and continents. The essence of the problem lies not in the production of fresh water, but in the production of salt water (

Relevance of the problem

If the water contains up to 1 gram of salt per liter, it is already suitable for drinking in limited quantities. If this indicator approaches the limit of ten grams per liter, such liquid can no longer be drunk. There are also a number of options for drinking water containing microorganisms and organic components. In this manner, the extraction of pure raw material is completed by a complex, enriching process.

The most popular method of removing drinking water is desalination. Moreover, this method is relevant not only for regions with arid climates, but for Europe and America. Maintaining fresh water from salt water shortest method top problem.

Various types of fruits with a lot of salt can be found in almost any region of the planet. The smell of daily urine is for the proliferation of microorganisms. Rosesols lie on a remarkably deep depth, which makes it difficult to blame the current obstruction of the careless chemical elements. You can also extract fresh water from sea water. In this article we will look at the most popular ways of achieving the highest level of success.

Distillation of boiling water

This technique has been stagnant for a long time. Nina offers a number of distillation options. The point is to bring the liquid to a boil and condense the steam. As a result, desalinated water comes out.

To produce seeds, we are obliged to use two of the most popular technologies. One of them is called rich-column distillation. The essence of the technology lies in bringing the raw material to the boiling station in the first column. The steam, once released, congeals to transfer heat to other columns. This technique is effective. With this help, you can extract fresh water on an industrial scale. This technology is very energy intensive. Therefore, in our hour, vikoryism is rarely done.

Distillation of mitt boiling has been found to be effective. The essence of the technology lies in the evaporation of salted radish in special chambers. The stench of the showman is being lowered step by step. Apparently, to remove water vapor, a lower temperature is required. Moreover, this technology is more effective.

There are two more distillation methods: membrane and compression. The stench was a legacy of the modernization of the first two technologies. Membrane distillation is based on cured membranes of the hydrophobic type, which has the function of a cooling coil. Vaughn washes away the water, allowing its steam to pass through. Compression distillation is based on a vicoristan in the first column of compressed (superheated) steam.

All over-innovated technologies suffer from one and the same shortcomings. It stinks so much energy. To heat the heat from zero to one hundred degrees, you need to spend about twenty kilograms. And to change the state of water from rare to gas-like, you will need two thousand two hundred and sixty kilojoules. The energy that follows the principles of these technologies is spent in the amount of three and a half or more kilograms per year per cubic meter of desalinated water.

Distillation with sun

In modern countries, sonic energy is used to facilitate the distillation process. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of desalination of salt water. To start the distillation process, you can use solar batteries or solar thermal energy. The simplest one technical planє technology based on evaporators. The rest are special prisms, cut from glass or plastic, into which the salt is poured.

Through the war, sonic energy moves the water temperature. The liquid begins to evaporate and appears as condensation on the walls. The drops that appear as a bet are collected in a special container. As you know, the technology is very simple. With these minuses, you can see a low CCD indicator. It does not exceed fifty hundred. Therefore, this technology is less popular in poor regions. With this help you can provide fresh water in the best looking guy small village.

There are plenty of engineers to work with the modernization of the technology in question. Its main purpose lies in the greater output of such systems. For example, the stagnation of capillary fluid can significantly reduce the effectiveness of sonic distillers.

It’s important what systems, what to pay for money alternative jerels Energy is the main tool for extracting fresh water. However, their stagnation does not require significant investment in the distillation process.

To remove salt from the mixture, you can use other technical solutions. Add the popular method of water purification - electrodialysis. To implement the method, put together a pair of membranes. One of them is required for the passage of cations, and the other is used exclusively for anions. The particles are distributed along the membranes under the flow of a steady stream. Similar solutions are often implemented simultaneously with solar and wind generators.

Reverse osmosis

Water desalination technologies are gradually being improved. These days, techniques based on reverse osmosis are becoming increasingly popular. The essence lies in the stagnant permeable membrane. It’s salty to pass through it. Through the war, parts of the salt houses are lost from the side, declaring too much pressure.

The reverse osmosis method is the most economical. Especially if you want to use it for desalination of water with a mild amount of salt. In this way, to extract one cubic meter of water, you can extract one kilowatt-year of energy. Therefore, the technology of reverse osmosis is considered the most promising.


The skin method of desalination of water has its own peculiarities. In order to produce fresh water on an industrial scale, it is necessary to select the most economical and effective option. The reverse osmosis method is the most effective today.

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