Mortal kombat 2 sega code. Secrets for MORTAL KOMBAT II (MK2). Receive and ruhi fighters

Stage FATALITY will take place in the arenas of Kombat Tomb and The Pit 2.
FRIENDSHIP and BABALITY are working so you can't push X and A in the rest of the round.
FERGALITY will spawn in The Armory by turning on "Oooh Nasty!" at the secret menu.

X-High Punch
A-Low Punch
Z - High Kick
C - Low Kick

Special offers:

Force Ball - Back, Back, High Punch+Low Punch
Acid Spit - Forward, Forward, High Punch
Turn Invisible - press and press Block, then press Up, Up, Down, then press High Punch.
Slide - hit Low Kick, Low Punch, Block, Back at the same time


Fatality 1 - Punch Back, Back, Down, Low Punch from 3 long distances
Fatality 2 - Become invisible, then press Forward, Forward, Down, High Kick
Babality - Down, Back, Back, Low Kick
Friendship - Back, Back, Down, Low Kick

Special offers:

Hand Spear - Back, Back, Low Punch
Teleport Punch - Down, Back, High Punch
Air throw - press Block at the streak (perebuvaya in turn)


Fatality 1 - press and block Block, and press Down, Down, Up, Up, High Punch
Fatality 2 - Instruct the enemy to hit and hit High Punch, and hit Down, Forward, Forward, Forward.
Fatality 3 - On the surface, press and block Block, press Up, Up, High Punch
Babality - Down, Back, Back, High Kick

Pit Fatality - Down, Forward, Forward, Block

Sub Zero
Sub Zero
Special offers:

Ice ball - Down, Forward, Low Punch
Ice Puddle - Down, Back, Low Kick
Slide - press Low Punch, Low Kick, Block, and Back at the same time


Fatality 1 - Hit Forward, Forward, Down, High Kick from 3 distances. As soon as the enemy is cold, go to the next one and press Forward, Down, Forward, Forward, High Punch
Fatality 2 - Move to the edge of the screen and then press and press Low Punch, and press Back, Back, Down, Forward.
Babality - Down, Back, Back, High Kick.
Friendship - Back, Back, Down, High Kick
Pit Fatality - Down, Forward, Forward, Block

Kung Lao
Kung Lao
Special offers:

Throw Hat - Back, Forward, Low Punch
Teleport - Down, Up
Spin attack - hit Block, Up, Up, Low Kick
Diagnal Kick - Down, High Kick


Fatality 1 - Hit Forward, Forward, Forward, Low Kick at sweep distance.
Fatality 2 - Move as far back as possible to the edge of the screen, press it, press Low Punch and press Back, then press Forward.
Babality - Back, Back, Forward, Forward, High Kick
Friendship - Back, Back, Back, Down, High Kick
Pit Fatality - Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch

Special offers:

Slice with fan - press and press Back and press High Punch
Flying Punch - Down, Back, Up, High Punch
Fan toss - Forward, Forward, and one hour High Punch and Low Punch
Fan Lift - Back, Back, Back, High Punch


Fatality 1 - order from the enemy, hit Block, Block, Block, High Kick
Fatality 2 - instruct from the enemy, press that low punch, and press Forward, Forward, Down, Forward
Babality - Down, Down, Down, Low Kick
Friendship - Down, Down, Down, Up, Low Kick
Pit Fatality - Forward, Down, Forward, High Kick

Liu Kang
Liu Kang
Special offers:

Bicycle Kick - push and pull Low Kick for 4 seconds, and then release
Low Fireball - Forward, Forward, Low Punch
High Fireball - Forward, Forward, High Punch
Super Kick - Forward, Forward, High Kick


Fatality 1 - Get away, and do a 360 on D-Pad
Fatality 2 - instruct from the enemy, and press Down, Forward, Back, Back, High Kick
Babality - Down, Down, Forward, Back, Low Kick
friendship-forward, back, back, back, low kick
Pit Fatality - Back, Forward, Forward, Low Kick

Special offers:

Shoot lightning - Down, Forward, Low Punch
Flying Thunder God - Back, Back, Forward
Shocker - press and hold High Punch for 3 seconds, get close to the opponent, and press the button when you hit it.
Teleport - Down, Up


Fatality 1 - instruct the enemy to push and lower the Low kick for 6 seconds, let go, and continuously push Low Kick and Block at the same time, the docks will not reach the desired result.
Fatality 2 - hit and press High Punch for 8 seconds, changing order with the enemy, then let go
Babality - Down, Down, Up, High Kick
Friendship - Down, Back, Forward, High Kick
Pit Fatality - press that Block, press Up, Up, Up, and then press High Punch
Fergality - In the Armory arena, click "Oooh, Nasty", press Back, Back, Back, Block

Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung
Special offers:

Fire Skulls - (Fire One) Back, Back, High Punch.
(Fire Two) - Back, Back, Forward, High Punch.
(Fire Three)-Back, Back, Forward, Forward, High Punch.


Fatality 1 - press that Block, press Up, Down, Up, Low Kick
Fatality 2 - At a Sweep distance, press and hit a Low Punch for 30 seconds. You are to blame for the other part of the match, to win yoga.
Fatality 3 - At Sweep distance, push and pull High Kick for 2 seconds and then right
Babality - Back, Forward, Down, High Kick
Friendship - Back, Back, Down, Forward, High Kick
Pit Fatality - press that Block, press Down, Down, Up, Down.

You can pretend to be the next 10 characters:

Sub-Zero - Forward, Down, Forward, High Punch (this is the original fatality of MK1!)
Scoprion - press that Block, then press Up, Up
Liu Kang - Back, Back, Forward, Forward, Block
Reptile - push and pull Block, push Up, Down, High Punch
Rayden - Down, Back, Forward, Low Kick
Kung Lao - Back, Down, Back, High Kick
Baraka - Down, Down, Low Kick
Jax - Down, Forward, Back, High Kick
Johnny Cage
Mileena - push and pull High Punch for 3 seconds

Special offers:

Shoot Sais - press and press High Punch with a 2-second pull
Teleport Kick - Forward, Forward, Low Kick
Roll on Ground - Back, Back, Down, High Kick


Fatality 1 - order from the enemy, press Forward, Back, Forward, Low Punch
Fatality 2 - order from the enemy, press and lower the Low Kick for 2 seconds, then release
Babality - Down, Down, Down, High Kick
Friendship - Down, Down, Down, Up, High Kick
Pit Fatality - Forward, Down, Forward, Low Kick

Special offers:

Energy Blast - Down, Back, High Kick
Ground Punch - press and hold Low Kick for 3 seconds, release when ready
Gotcha Grab - Forward, Forward, Low Punch
Quadra-slam - instruct your opponent to hit Low Punch and High Punch at once
Mid-air grab - press Block, while you are rebuffing (at the hairline) and hitting the opponent


Fatality 1 - instruct from the enemy to press and subdue Low Punch, and press Forward, Forward, Forward
Fatality 2 - Sweep distance, hit Block, Block, Block, Block, Low Punch
Babality - Down, Up, Down, Up, Low Kick
Friendship - Down, Down, Up, Up, Low Kik
Pit Fatality - Up, Up, Down, Low Kick

Johnny Cage
Johnny Cage
Special offers:

Lob high energy ball - Back, Down, Forward, High Punch
Lob low energy ball - Forward, Down, Back, Low Punch
Shadow Kick - Back, Forward, Low Kick
Shadow Uppercut - Back, Down, Back, High Punch

Corresponding comments on the Shadow Uppercut website can be worked like this: Back, Down, High Punch. Suddenly, Back is not obov'yazykovo. However, make sure the "combo" is more robust, because otherwise you won't yell. Nadislav Siziy cake.
Groin Punch - press and block Block and press Low Punch

Corresponding comments on the site Groin Punch are used only with the characters of CHOLOVICHOЇ PІDLOGI, with the characters of the woman's status (Milena, Kitana and Shang Tsung in their eyes). Vin just sit on the splits, but don’t hit the blow. Nadislav Siziy cake.


Fatality 1 - order from the enemy, press Down, Down, Forward, Forward, Low Punch
Fatality 2 - instruct from the enemy, press Forward, Forward, Down, Up
Babality - Back, Back, Back, High Kick
Friendship - Down, Down, Down, Down High Kick
Pit Fatality - Down, Down, Down, High Kick

Special offers:

Slice and Dice - Back, Back, Back, Low Punch
Blade Slice - Back, High Punch
Blade Spark - Down, Back, High Punch


Fatality 1 - order from the enemy, press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Low Punch
Fatality 2 - instruct from the enemy, press and block Block, press Back, Back, Back, Back, High Punch
Babality - Forward, Forward, Forward, High Kick
Friendship - push and pull Block, Up, Up, Forward, Forward, High Kick
Pit Fatality - Forward, Forward, Down, High Kick

Kindly welcome to Death Bay! Fight for the survival of the world with the toughest fighters in the world Mortal Kombat 2! The Mortal Kombat series is one of the cult series of fighting games on consoles.

Today you can marvel at how everything started. Another Mortal Kombat vision of the distant 1994 rock. Ale dosі dosі pravzhnі fans remember mustache fatalities and accept their beloved fighters.

Screenshots of Mortal Kombat 2

Secrets, passwords, codes and fatalities to Mortal Kombat 2

A blow from below with a blow from the bottom of the building took away half of life's energy. Ale, in order to win with this technique, it is necessary to shake the enemy, stribnut in a sluggish way, and tse vimage the rightness.

On its own, it was easier to fly more correctly, but the second throw in the combination of shoes and tongue was brought to direct exposure.
Kitana moves swiftly and good vede near bey.

  • Vlivo + X - blow with a vial,
  • Trich vlіvo, X - attracting the enemy with a vial,
  • Livoruch, livoruch, right-hander, Х+А — kidok viyala.

Jackson is greedy in close combat. You can also work the underhand throw to shorazu when throwing the opponent over yourself: just block the upper punch with your hand until you throw the opponent over the chotiri.

For additional help, you can "evil" the opponent at the front and the head of your significant ushkodzhen.
A fracture of the ridge is more common in combinations.

  • Utrimuvati Z three seconds - an earth coward.
  • Right-handed, right-handed, A - strike with your fist from the chokepoints.
  • And vpritul i trim X - 4 hit the ground.
  • X vpritul - a blow to the head.
  • Povitry has a fracture of the ridge.

The teleportation blow of Milenya allows you to hit the opponent in front of him after casting magic on him. Knife thrower is recommended to be used less in combinations.

The key element of the offensive and defensive combinations of Mileni is the chain. It’s best to beat yoga after kicking a haircut.

  • Right-handed, right-handed, C - teleportation.
  • Livoruch, livoruch, to the bottom, Z - podkat.
  • Trim three seconds and X - knife throw.

Barack's melee is monstrous. After blocking the blue sparkle of Barak, it appears unprotected; be afraid of pіdnіzhki z far ї vіdstanі. Vikoristannya highly effective "meat grinder" in close combat is problematic, shards, pushing levoruch, levoruch, levoruch, and inevitably move away from the enemy.

  • Livoruch + X - sword strike.
  • Trichi to the left, And knives with swords.
  • Down, to the left, X - knife throw.

Scorpio is medium gray and in attack, and in defense. You can beat the harpoon against attacks from the back. Pulling up the opponent, apply an uppercut to youma.

Kidok at povіtry folded. Stop yoga not at the most important point of your haircut, but closer to the ground. And here it will be more important for the enemy to put a block.

  • Livoruch, levoruch, A - harpoons.
  • Down, left hand, X - teleportation.


Raiden miraculously plays at the approach.

An electric shock is a more foldable method, to which the wind skovuє ruhi, and moreover - it's rotten in the mode for one grave.

  • Livoruch, levoruch, right-hander - magical policy.
  • Down, right-handed, A - they shot with electricity.
  • Down, uphill teleportation.

Liu Kang miraculously plays in the attack, and in the hands of a gamer-professional building and up to the defense. It's very important to block Kahn's low bliss. Mitteviy and repetitions of Kahn's strikes are easily blocked, albeit in offensive combinations. A kick with a spin can be stuck in order to hit the opponent at the moment of landing.

  • Utrimuvati Z three seconds - bicycle kick.
  • Right hand, right hand. Z - polit іz with a kick.
  • Right hand, right hand. A - fire from below.
  • Right hand, right hand. X - fire in the mountains.
  • Uphill, right hand, right hand. X - fire at the window.

With a drop of a drop, you can keruvate, which allows you to attack the enemy, which, bending down or podstribnuv.

Immediately after the teleportation of Kung Lao may viconate a blow, so as not to be attacked by the enemy.
Garniy strike at the front. Having kicked yoga, kicked back, kicked a new blow into the kick, then we’ll start again and so on.

  • Lіvoruch, right-hander, A - kidok kapelyuha. Uphill down - a droplet is poured.
  • Uphill, down + Z - magical kick.
  • Uphill, down teleportation.
  • Uphill + C - turntable, twist.

Johnny Cage is a master at close combat. Vikoristovyte low hit with your hand at the same time with a forged blow, or with a blow with a twine - and you are impossible. Let the green gleams of bazhan from the great wind. The high green glare allows you to strike the enemy at the haircut.

  • A + B - twine with a blow between nig.
  • Livoruch, right-handed, C - knife blow.
  • Right-handed. to the left, A - they shot them with bags.


Reptilia has a miraculous kick with a leg with a turn, but a weak uppercut. The spittle spitting is already fast, zastosovite it more often. Kulova bliskavka also zastosovyte at the bottom with a spit.

  • Right-handed, right-handed, X - acid spitting.
  • Livoruch, livoruch, X + A - throws with bags.
  • Utrimuyuchi, press uphill, uphill, down + X, then let B-stack to the first blow.

Sub-Zero's offensive characteristics are unenviable. Tolerant Sub-Ziro to fight in close combat, yogo chance - in zastosuvanni low blows with his hand. In the near essence or, for example, offensive combinations, you can zastosovuvat podkochuvannya.

  • Down, right hand, A - freeze.
  • Down, to the left, C - krizhan kalyuzh.
  • Livoruch + Z + C - pick.

The only magic of Shang Tsung is glitters.

Transforming into another fight, Shang Tsung is left behind in Yogo's image for about a quarter of the time.
Tsung has a miraculous kick at a hairdresser. Yogo can be zastosovuvati zі znachnoї vіdstanі, not vtrachayuchi exactly.

  • Livoruch, livoruch, X - they built fire sacks.
  • Livoruch, livoruch, right-handed, right-handed, X - streaked with fire sacks.

MORTAL KOMBAT 2- Gra "Mortal Kombat 2" is one of the series of the shortest beats for Sega. If you compare with the first part, then it will be better than the schedule, it has become dynamic, new opportunities have appeared, as if they were a day earlier.

For example, now there are a few new characters, so it’s impossible not to underestimate the low new additions. A lot of praise can be awarded to the edge and landscapes, on which battles are fought!

Before speech, the character of Reptile became available without using different codes and combinations. You can take yogo in the menu for choosing a fight.

Hit that fatality for the soldiers from Mortal Kombat 2:

Flamed sack on top: FORWARD, FORWARD, X.
Fire sack below: FORWARD, FORWARD, A.
Kick at the floor: FORWARD, FORWARD, Z.
Bike: trim C.
Fatality 1: Down, Forward, Back, Back, Z.
Fatality 2: FORWARD, UP, BACK, DOWN.
Stage Fatality: (shouldered) BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, C.

Kidok droplets: BACK, FORWARD, A.
Teleportation: Down, up.
Blow іz poshtovhom: UP, DOWN, Z.
Wrap: UP, UP, UP, C.
Fatality 1: (in front) FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, C.
Fatality 2: (on the great vіdstanі) trim A, BACK, FORWARD, let in.
Friendship: BACK, BACK, BACK, DOWN, Z.
Stage Fatality: (shouldered) FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, X.

Uppercut z tinnyu: BACK, DOWN, BACK, X.
Defense kick: A+B.
Fire to the beast: UP, UP, UP, C.
Fire from below: UP, UP, UP, C.
Fatality 1: (back to back) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, A.
Fatality 2: (vpritul) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, UP, trim DOWN + A + B + C.
Friendship: DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, Z.
Babality: BACK, BACK, BACK, Z.
Stage Fatality: Down, Down, Down, Z.

cool BACK, BACK, X+A.
Invisibility: UP, UP, Down, X.
Forging: BACK Z + C.
Fatality 1: (On view) BACK, BACK, DOWN, C.
Fatality 2: (back to back) FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, Z.
Friendship: BACK, BACK, DOWN, A.
Babality: Down, back, back, A.
Stage Fatality: (vpritul) DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, Art.

Freezing: Down, Forward + A.
Freeze the ground: Down, back, C.
Forging: BACK + Z + C.
Fatality 2: trim A, BACK, BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, let in.
Friendship: BACK, BACK, DOWN, Z.
Babality: Down, Back, Back, Z.
Stage Fatality: (shouldered) DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, B.

Fire Skull: BACK, BACK, X.
Two fire skulls: BACK, BACK, FORWARD, X.
Three fire skulls: BACK, BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, X.
Fatality 1: trim Z.
Fatality 2: UP, BACK, UP, S.
Fatality 3: keep a long time A.
Stage Fatality: (vpritul) take B, Down, Down, Uphill, Down, let in.

Change to other soldiers:
JAX: Down, forward, back, p.
MILEENA: shrink X.
raiden: Down, back, forward, p.

Punch at the floor: FORWARD, DOWN, BACK, X.
Hvilya vіd viyala: BACK, BACK, BACK, X.
Kidok viyala: FORWARD, FORWARD, X+A.
Vialom blow: BACK + X.
Fatality 1: (back to back) B, B, B, Z.
Fatality 2: (back in) take C, FORWARD, FORWARD, Down, FORWARD.
Friendship: Down, Down, Down, Up, C.
Babality: Down, Down, Down, C.
Stage Fatality: (shouldered) FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, X.

Earthquake: trim C.
Grip with blows: FORWARD, FORWARD, A (A sprig of times).
Break your back: block at the front.
Fatality 1: (vpritul) take A, FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, let go.
Fatality 2: (From the strike) B, B, B, B, A.
Friendship: Down, Down, Down, Up, S.
Babality: Down, Down, Down, C.
Stage Fatality: (shouldered) FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, Z.

Kidok saji: shrink X.
Teleport from pіdkatom: FORWARD, FORWARD, C.
Pickup: BACK, BACK, DOWN, Z.
Fatality 1: (shouldered) FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, O.
Fatality 2: (back to back) triple Z.
Friendship: Down, Down, Down, Up, Z.
Babality: Down, Down, Down, Z.
Stage Fatality: (shouldered) FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, S.

Blade strike: BACK + X.
Leza Kidok: Down, Back, X.
2 hit: Z, Z
Knives: BACK, BACK, BACK, A.
Fatality 1: BACK, BACK, BACK, X.
Friendship: FORWARD, FORWARD, Z.
Stage Fatality: (shouldered) FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, Z.

Mortal Kombat 2
A short help of a koristuvach
1995 Stupid Horror Pictures

"System" keys
F10 - Setup
F1 - Gris cob for first engraving.
F2 - Gris cob for another engraving.
Alt+S - Mute/mute sound effects.
Alt+M - Mute/Mute music.
Alt+P - Pause.
Alt + Q - Exit.

When playing twice on one key, a lot of speeches can not be practiced. All fallow as a key and її controller. For example, I have a third fatality Shan Tsunga het-purely does not work with double. This is how haircuts are cut off gradually. Zrobiti Slide (pіdkat) vzagalі without ointment = (... I recommend to press at once the least of the keys.

Fatality available on Pit II and Kombat Tomb
(Following the text will be called Pit/Spikes Fatality.)
On Pit II and Kombat Tomb, you can kill the enemy not only with great fatalities =), but also for the help of Pit / Spikes Fatality. The one on the right works only in these arenas and nowhere else. Combinations of buttons for your skin fight. It is necessary to stand close to the opponent.

Dead Pool Fatality
On the vіdmіnu vіd Pit/Spikes, Dead Pool fatality shy but be a fighter. The combination is simple:

Friendship and Babality
If you want to show your opponent that you are a lemer, then you can replace fatalities and make evil BABALIT (turn your opponent into a ba ... sorry, into a child) drive in...). However, not everything is so simple =). In order to turn the balls or the freeship, it is necessary to score the opponent in the winning round, without chopping the balls.
Babality and fraternity can be robbed of whether it is like a country in the face of an opponent.

Yak fight with Jade
It is necessary to win 1 round, vikoristovuyuchi only keys forward, backward, uphill, down, lower kick. Guilty buti zrobleno pіd hour gris with a computer, in the arena, which is in front of the screen with the symbol "?".

Yak beat with Smoke
When fighting on Portal, when a muzzle appears in the lower right corner of the screen, press start (F1 for the first grave, F2 for another). The muzzle blames after a successful opercot.

Yak fight with Noob Saibot
It is necessary to win 25 battles in the past.

Strike the hour of battle:
(... I made fun of the stories of the battles and virishiv bring enough here)
(Vilny retelling of these stories (ailments =).)
It is possible to eliminate the fight against non-necessary movements for an hour
stuffing tricky combinations of buttons to trim the block.

Hit for all the fights:
Pidsіkannya - back, lower kick.
Round kick - back, top kick.
"Opercut" - down, top punch.
Spurnut the opponent - near the bottom punch.
The skin has its own - near the top blow with the hand.

1.Liu Kang:
"... Having soaked Shang Dzung, turning the wise Liu home, to the Shao-Ling monastery. Thinking, thinking, destroying the Kingdom of Darkness in order to take revenge on all these ghouls..."

Upper fire ball - forward, forward, upper punch. (can be seen)
Hizhniy fire ball - forward, forward, lower punch.
Polit - forward, forward upper kick.
Vilisipidist - press the lower kick with your foot, release it after 4 sec.

Fatality 1 - back, down, forward, uphill. (if it didn’t go well, then again =)
stand not too far from the enemy
Fatality 2 - down, forward, back, back, top kick.
stand close to the opponent
Pit / Spikes - back, forward, forward, lower kick.
Babality - down, down, forward, backward, lower kick.
FriendShip - forward, 3 times, lower kick.

2.Kung Lao:
Kolishnіy Shao-Linsk black, a member of the White Lotus partnership, Kung is the last bait of the great Kung Lai, who was slaughtered 500 years ago by the evil Mountain. At Temne, the Kingdom has fallen for the company of the wise Liu Kang.

Teleportation - down, uphill.
Dashing kick - down, upper kick (only near the window)
Kapelyukh - back, forward, lower punch.
Tornado - uphill, uphill, lower kick.

Fatality 2 - Squeeze a low punch, back, forward, release a bottom punch.
Pit/Spikes - forward 3 times, top punch.
Babality - back, back, forward, forward, top kick.
FriendShip - 3 times, down, top kick.

3.Johnny Cage:
After the first Mortal Kombat of merit, the artist of the USA zanudguvav ... Decome to the head of the vіdіrvati, there is no one to break the eggs ... Cage squinted. Ale, for good luck, took Liu Kang through. "Let's go," - it seems - "brother Cage, destroy the earth like adversaries!". Zradiv John - "Axis," - I think - "I'll go there, I'll shave everyone's heads, then I'll throw it out!". In short, yoga is the wise Liu having calmed down the path of the true.

The lower green glare - back, down, forward, lower punch.
Upper green bliskavka - forward, down, back, upper punch.
Tіnyovy operkіt - back, down, back, upper punch.
Tinyovy kick - back, forward, lower kick.
A blow to the balls - a block + a lower punch.

Fatality 1 - down, down, forward, forward, top punch.
stand close to the opponent
Fatality 2 - forward, forward, down, uphill.
stand close to the opponent
Pit / Spikes - 3 times down, top kick.
Babality - 3 times, top kick.
FriendShip - 4 times down, top kick.

Shan-Tsungsky special guardian, elusive ser Reptil, sіv at the sitting in the shadows, to soak the podlich variorіv, like they want to portray the yogo ruler. To fool us, looking like a human being, but in truth, under this mask, there is an evil reptilian creation, a race of such people died millions of times ...

Spit with acid - forward, forward, upper kick.
Great ball - back, back, lower punch + upper punch.
Invisibility - uphill, uphill, down, upper punch.

Fatality 1 - back, back, down, low punch.
stand on the vіdstanі stribka vіd the opponent
Fatality 2 - forward, forward, down, top kick.
stand close to the opponent, you need to be invisible
Babality - down, back, back, lower kick.
FriendShip - back, back, down, bottom kick.

5.Sub Zero:
Killed at the Shao-Lin tournament, Sub-Zira turned mystically. Before the Shao-Lin Tournament, the people asked to beat Shang-Tsung. But then again, the robot lost its nevikonana, now I need to go to the tournament again, spend an hour on driving in some suckers, so that Shang-Tsungu and vikonati will get away with the contract. Soak Kanoi before buying Kіntara from Shao.

Freezing: - down, forward, lower punch.
Krizhan Kalyuzha - down, back, lower kick.
Pidkat - block + lower punch + lower kick.

Fatality 1 - Squeeze a low punch, back, back, down, forward, throw a low punch.
stand on the vіdstanі stribka vіd the opponent
Fatality 2 - Part #1: forward, forward, down, high kick.
Part #2: forward, down, forward, forward, high punch.
walk a couple of short distances in front of the opponent, rob
pershu part, go close, rob another part
Pit / Spikes - down, forward, forward, block.
FriendShip - back, back, top kick.

6.Shang Tsung:
After gaining control over the Shao-Lin tournament, having beaten Shao-Tsung before your master Shao Kang, and becoming tearful, ask Yogo to rule like bullshit, so that the earthly warriors clung to qiu bullshit, and there they all died. Having trusted you Shao Kahn, turning youth to you and saying: "Live!"

One fire sack - back, back, upper punch.
Two fires kuli - back, back, forward, upper punch.
Three fires kuli - back, back, forward, forward, upper punch.
Change at...
Liu Kang - back, forward, forward, block.
Kung Lao - back, down, back, top kick.
Johny Cage - back, back, down, low punch.
Reptile - uphill, down, top punch.
Sub-Zero - forward, down, forward, top punch.
Kitana - block 3 times.
Jax - down, forward, back, top kick.
Mileena - press the top blow with your hand, release after 2 seconds.
Baraka - down, down, lower kick.
Scorpion - uphill, uphill.
Raiden - down, back, forward, lower kick.

Fatality 1 - Slam the top kick, release after 2 sec.
stand on the vіdstanі vityagnutї hand vіd adversary
Fatality 2 - uphill, down, uphill, low kick.
stand close to the opponent
iFatality 3 - land a low punch in 30 (!) sec. let in.
stand comfortably. if you press the lower punch with your hand to the cob of the round, then do not check again for 30 seconds.
Only Pit - down, down, uphill, down.
Babality - back, forward, down, top kick.
FriendShip - back, back, down, forward, top kick.

Blow with a blow - back, upper blow with a hand.
Vikinuti slow - forward, forward, upper punch + lower punch
you can have it
Paralysis - back, back, back, upper punch.
Polit - forward, down, back, upper punch.

Fatality 1 - Squeeze a low kick, forward, forward, down, forward, throw a low kick.
stand close to the opponent
Fatality 2 - block, block, block, top kick.
stand close to the opponent
Pit / Spikes - forward, down, forward, top kick.
Babality - down, down, down, low kick.
FriendShip - down, down, down, uphill, low kick.

His name is Jackson Briggs, Major Jackson Briggs, leader of one of the American Special Forces units. Having taken SOS as Lieutenant Sonya Blyada, Jax hasten to help.

Earthtruck - Squeeze a low kick, release after 4 sec.
Clean your face - forward, forward. bottom punch.
Quadruple Slam - slam the opponent, then push the top punch with your hand.
I can't get out...
Spurnut energy - forward, down, back, lower kick.
Back Breaker - block (may be broken in front)
I can't get out...

Fatality 1 - push the lower blow with your hand, forward, forward, forward, release.
stand close to the opponent
Fatality 2 - block, block, block, low punch.
stand on the vіdstanі vityagnutї hand vіd adversary
Pit / Spikes - uphill, uphill, down, lower kick.
Babality - down, uphill, down, uphill, lower kick.
FriendShip - down, down, uphill, uphill, low kick.

Teleportation with a kick - forward, forward, lower kick.
Perekid - back, back, down, top kick.
Spurnut daggers - press the upper blow with your hand, after 2 seconds. let in.
you can have it

Fatality 1 - forward, backward, forward, lower punch.
stand close to the opponent
Fatality 2 - Slam the top kick, after 2 seconds. let in.
stand close to the opponent
Pit / Spikes - forward, down, forward, low kick.
Babality - down, down, down, top kick.
FriendShip - down, down, down, uphill, top kick.

Underhand kick - double upper kick (near the opponent)
Shable on the throat - back, upper blow with the hand.
Meat grinder - back, back, back, lower punch.
Spurnut energy - forward, down, back, upper punch.

Fatality 1 - back, back, back, back, top punch.
stand close to the opponent
Fatality 2 - back, forward, down, forward, lower punch.
stand close to the opponent
Pit / Spikes - forward, forward, down, top kick.
Babality - forward, forward, forward, top kick.
FriendShip - uphill, forward, forward, top kick.

Spis - back, back, lower punch.
Teleportation z - down, back, upper punch. (can be seen)
Rozkoryaka - forward, down, back, lower kick.
Kidok at the front - a block at the haircut was instructed by the enemy

Fatality 1 (1) - uphill, uphill, upper punch.
stand on the vіdstanі pari kroіv vіd the opponent
Fatality 1 (2) - down, down, uphill, uphill, top punch.
stand de zavgodno
Fatality 2 - push the top punch, down, forward, forward, forward, throw the top punch.
stand close to the opponent
Pit / Spikes - down, forward, forward, block.
Babality - down, back, back, top kick.
FriendShip - back, back, down, top kick.

Torpedo - back, back, forward. (can be seen)
Spurnut energy - down, forward, lower punch.
Teleportation - down, uphill.
Petal - press the upper blow with your hand, after 4 sec. let in.

Fatality 1 - Part #1: Land a low kick after 4 seconds. empty
Part #2: block + low kick too often.
stand close to the opponent. after the first part
work hard for a friend.
Fatality 2 - Slam the top blow with your hand, after 10 seconds. let in.
stand close to the opponent
Pit / Spikes - uphill, uphill, uphill, upper punch.
Babality - down, down, uphill, top kick.
FriendShip - down, back, forward, top kick.

Mortal Kombat 2

Receive and ruhi fighters:

Rayden: garni in ataci
Down, -> , A - sleeping light;
Down, Uphill - teleportation;
Down, Z - reconciliation;
pressing Y/B, press Down, Down, Uphill and then Z - change into silence;
take five seconds and then press Y / B + C - fatality No. 1;
reduce X for three seconds - post;
otrimuvat X vіsіm seconds - fatalities №2;
reduce Y for three seconds near the enemy - energy recovery.

Liu Kang: garni at the attack, but you can and badly defend
-\u003e, -\u003e, Z - polit again with a kick;
->, ->, A - fire cooler at the bottom;
->, ->, X - fire cool on top;
Uphill, ->, ->, X - fire again;
take three seconds and C - bicycle kick;
take 5 seconds C - bicycle kick;
utrimuyuchi Y / B, press, Uphill, >, C- pit or thorn;
->, Down, ->,
Kung Lao
, A - throw a droplet (Uphill or Down - water a droplet);
Uphill, Downward + Z - magical kick; Down, Uphill - teleportation; Uphill + C or Utrimuyu Y / B, press Uphill, Uphill, C - turntable; ->, ->, ->, C - fatality No. 1; A - fatality No. 2;
->, ->, ->, X - pit chi hispi; , ->, Z- transformation to non-movement.

Cage: melee master
A + B - twine with a blow between nig
, C - hoisting kick;
->, Down, A - low half-light;
->, Down, A + Y / B - crusher le sack;
->, ->, Down, Uphill - fatality No. 1 (one head);
->, ->, Down, Uphill, stretching Down, press A+Y/B+C - fatality #2;
Down, Down, ->, A - pit chi hispi;
Down, Down, Down, Z - reconciliation;
->, ->, X - acid spit;
pressing Y/B press Uphill, Uphill, Down+X - click to the first hit;
->, ->, down, Z - fatality №1;
Down, ->, ->, Y/B - pit chi hispi;
Sub Zero
Down, ->, A - freezing;
Down, pressing A, press on fatality No. 1;
->, ->, down, Z - fatality №2;
->, Down, ->, ->, X - fatality №2а;
Down, ->, ->, Y/B - pit chi hispi;
Shang Tsung
, X - podvіyny built a fiery sack;
, ->, X - lost fire sack;
take three seconds Z - fatality No. 1;
->, ->, down, Z - fatality №2;
->, Down, ->, ->, X - fatality №3;
Down, ->, ->, Y/B - pit chi hispi;
Shang Tsung's transformation into other battles:
Scorpion - pressing Y/B, press Uphill, Uphill
Baraka - Down, From
Mileena - trim X three seconds
Jax -Down, ->, Cage - Reptile - increasing Y/B, Up, Down, then X
Kitana - Y/B, Y/B, Y/B
Kung Lao- Cub-Zero - ->, Down, ->,X
Liu Kang - Y/B
Rayden - Down, C

(, ->, Х+А - kidok viyala;
C+(->, ->, Down, ->) or C+(->, ->, Y/B, Y/B, Y/B, Z - fatality #2;
->, Down, ->, ->, Down, ->, Z abo ->, Down, ->, + C - pit or hispi;
Y / B + (Down, Down, Down, Uphill), C - reconciliation; Down, Down, Down, C - transformation into silence.

Trim 3 sec. Z - earthworm;
->, ->, A - strike with your fist іz zahoplenyam;
pressing X, push A (nearby) - hit the ground with chotiri;
->, ->, A - buried; X (near after the throw) - a blow to the head; Utrimuvat Y / B repeat - fracture of the ridge;
->, Down, Y/B, Y/B, Y/B, Y/B, A - fatality #1;
A + (->, ->, ->) - Fatality No. 2;
START + (Uphill, Uphill, Down + C) - pit chi hispi;
Y / B + (Down, Down, Uphill, Uphill), C - reconciliation;
Y / B + (Down, Uphill, Down, Uphill), C - conversion to silence.

trimati three seconds X - knife throw;
->, ->, C - teleportation;
trim two seconds Z – fatality №1;
->,A - fatality No. 2;
->, Down, ->, C - pit chi hispi;
Y / D + (Down, Down, Down, Uphill), Z - reconciliation;
Down, Down, Down, Z - change to silence.

Wagaka: melee master
Vnmz, Z, Z - subway kick;
Y/B+(, Down, ->, A - fatality №2;
->, ->, down, Z - pit or hispi;
utrimuyu Y / B, press Uphill, ->, ->, Z - reconciliation;
->, ->, ->, Z - transformation to non-movement.

Down, ->, Down, Y / B (at the back) - throw;
pressing Y/B, press Uphill, Uphill, X - fatality No. 1;
trim X three seconds - fatality No. 2;
Down, ->, ->, Y/B - pit chi hispi;

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