The prayer rule for the Pochatkivtsi is Russian. Prayer books with prayers Rankov's rule of prayer is Orthodox

The prayer of the Holy Spirit is the holy stichera of Pentecost. It is not readable from the period from Great Holy Day to Pentecost. According to the words of the Apostle Paul, We don’t know what to pray for, as is required, unless the Spirit Himself labors for us with incredible prayers ().
King, Comforter, Soul(Spirit), I'll give it to you, Blazhi(by goodness) - form personal admin.
Vtishnik- means calls for help, Patron, Intercessor. Greek word soothe has the same meaning: calm down, calm down, calm down in sorrow, as well as convert, instruct to live a virtuous life.
(): If the Comforter comes, Whom I will send to you as a Father, the Spirit of truth, Whom Father comes from, to testify about Me.
Here you go through this and all this- Who is through, like God, and everything (the whole world, everything) is on top.
Treasures of the good- Dzherelo, Treasurer of all good things. Div (for church glory): A good person will reward his heart for his good belongings.
The fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, mercy, faith, gentleness, mortality ().
Life Podavtsyu- writer walnut value words horygos(Seller) - the one who for Vlasny Rakhunok having performed (in Athens) a choir for the saints (which was one of the most enormous duties, and this was an obligation for the richest citizens of the place). Later this word meant zagali assistant, the one who delivers or supplies: food, living supplies, receiving on myself spend it all. Compare in the New Testament (according to the words with this root): Giving And this day that is sowing, and bread for the grain of the earth, give the great quantity of what you have sown, and multiply the fruits of your righteousness. (); Whoever speaks, speak as the words of God; Whoever serves, serve according to the strength that God gives, so that God may be glorified in everyone through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. ().
In neither- we have.
Good- The Holy Spirit is called good as one of the persons of the Holy Trinity, because no one is kind, there is only one God ().


Holy One of God, Holy One, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read trichi, with the Christian banners and an explanatory bow.)

At 438 years of age near Constantinople there was an earthtruss. At the hour of the penitential prayer for one lad, the sky opened to pray, and he felt the angels singing the Trisagion hymn. The people began to repeat these words, adding Have mercy on us!, and the earth-truck kicked back.
Mitsny- Almighty.

Glory to Father, and to the Lord, and to the Holy Spirit, and to Nina, and always, and forever. Amen.

Nina and always and forever- now, and forever, and forever. Nina and every day put before our world, and forever and ever- Until eternity.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Vladiko, our vibach is lawless; Holy One, take away our infirmities, for Thy sake.

Find out and why are our illnesses- come (to us) and our evil spiritual infirmities, powerlessness, weakness.

Lord have mercy. ( Trichy). Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and to Nina, and always, and forever. Amen.

Trichy – for the great appearance of the Holy Trinity.

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven! May Thy name be hallowed, may Thy kingdom come, may Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; And we are deprived of our borgs, the Yashkers, and we are deprived of our fighters; And do not lead us into misfortune, but save us from the evil one.

With this prayer, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself instructed His disciples and all Christians to pray (div. ; ).
Let us sanctify Thy name- Let yourself become famous. Commentary by St. : "Speaking Let us sanctify Thy name“We do not bring anything to God, not the holiness that He has, but we glorify that.”
Daily- writer z gree. - necessary sleep. St. Fathers, in addition to the basic bread, understood the basic bread of the Holy Gifts, which is served when receiving communion.
Don't mislead us- Don't let us fall into disarray. Porivn. (): Do not say to anyone at peace: God gives me peace; because God does not bother with evil and He Himself does not bother anyone, except for the skin, the choking and the self-indulgent greed; (): The Lord knows how to punish the pious out of calm; (): Faithful God, Who will not allow you to be troubled by force, but will give you relief when you are calm, so that you can endure it; (): Drink and pray so as not to fall into depression: the spirit is strong, but the body is weak.
View of the Evil One- like the devil and, like all kinds of evil.

Troparions of the Trinity

Having fallen asleep, we fall to You, O Blessed One, and shout an angelic song to You, O Mighty One: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, God, have mercy on us through the Mother of God.

Troparions of the Trinity- Troparions, brutalized to the Most Holy Trinity.
Falls Ti- We fall to You (lit. to Your feet).
Screaming the angel's song- Let us recap the song with which the Angels glorify God. The Prophet Isaiah preaches about the Seraphim, who stand before the Throne of the Lord and howl one to one: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! the whole earth is filled with glory to Yogo! (). (Lord of Hosts- Lord of Heavenly (Angelic) forces, armies).
Mother of God- for the prayers of the Mother of God.

Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From my bed to my sleep, O Lord, my mind was enlightened and my heart and my sleep were opened to sing to You, Holy Trinity: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, God, have mercy on the Mother of God.

My feat- lifting me up.
Who's Pets Have You- so that you can be examined.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. The Raptor of the Judge will come, and whose work will be naked, and with fear the cry of the night: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, God, have mercy on us through the Mother of God.

Raptom the Judge will come- the Lord will come to judge each one of us (our death), and all humanity ( Last Judgment). Div ta in.
What kind of deed are they naked- Skin fluids (people) open up (Div.).
Ale is called fear every night- besides fear, fear has a name in the night of sin.
Pivnich is the hour of pivnich prayers. In addition, the night is lived here, perhaps, as an image of the raptness of the coming of the Judge (the marvelous parable about the 10 girls (), where the sayings come also in the night, as well as).

Lord have mercy (12 times) .

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Having risen from sleep, I prayed to You, Holy Trinity, as richly for the sake of Your goodness and patience without becoming angry with me, lazy and sinful, without harming me in the least; But you are a people-loving person, and in the unsatisfied nature of the recumbent feat, I am in such a way to exalt and glorify Your power. And now enlighten my eyes, open my lips, to receive Thy words, and understand Thy commandments, and do Thy will, and sing to Thee in my heart, and the Holy Spirit, and all the time. now and forever. Amen.

How rich for Your good- for because of Your great mercy, therefore You are good (por.).
Having spared me more- and without harming me.
If you love people, start ringing- Having shown primary, permanent (Your) love for people.
In an unsupported bedridden person - Unbearable for a bedridden person.
Morning in the morning- So, when you get up early, offer (Tobi) the morning prayer.
Power- vlada (also - strength, power, power).
My eyes- Thoughts, thoughts.
Read Thy word- at the hour of reading the Holy Letter and in prayer, contemplate the word of God and begin to comprehend the will of God.
Sing to you in what is known to my heart- to glorify, to honor You (with) our heart.

Come, let us worship the queen of our God. (Uklin)

Come, worship and fall before Christ, our God’s King. (Uklin)

Come, worship and bow down to Christ Himself, our King and God. (Uklin)

Porivn. (): Come, we worship and bow down to Yogo, and weep before the Lord, who created us: for this is our God, and we are our people, and we are the hands of Yogo.(heard by Yogo).
Come on- writer Let's fall to our feet.

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, for Thy great mercy, and through the impersonality of Thy generous ones, cleanse my iniquity. Recognize me from the lawless, and cleanse me from the sin. I know how iniquitous I am, and my sin before me is wine. You alone have sinned and done evil before You, so let them be vindicated in your words, and you will be able to judge You immediately. For in lawlessness there are conceptions, and in sin my mother gave birth to me. Having loved the truth; The weightless and hidden wisdom of Yours has revealed itself to me. Sprinkle me with hysop, and I will be cleansed; You miss me, and I’ll fall into more snow. Give my hearing joy and merriment; Humble brushes vibrate. Reveal Your face from my sins and cleanse all my iniquity. Create a pure heart in me, O God, and a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Thy face, and Thy Holy Spirit do not come from before me. Give me the joy of Your salvation and confirm me with the Lord's Spirit. I will teach the wicked to Your ways, and the wicked will turn to You. Free me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation; Your righteousness will be mine. Lord, my sleep has been lifted, and my lips are singing Your praise. As if you wanted sacrifices, you gave them: the whole burning was not appropriate. Sacrifice to God the spirit of contrition; the heart is sad and humble, God does not belittle. Bless your favored Zion, O Lord, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. So, like the sacrifice of truth, offered and whole-heartedly; Then put your little body on the altar.

The 50th Psalm is the repentant prayer of King David, written after the prophet Nathan had come before and had vindicated him in all sorts of evils: his death in battle, the war of Uriah, and his love affair with his retinue, Bathsheba.
In the depth of repentance and the strength of what is expressed in new humility, the 50th Psalm perhaps surpasses all others. Enter until the warehouse of the Little Supper, Evening, Third Year, Rank prayers, inheritance to Holy Communion and in.
For great mercy- with boundless mercy, because and my sins are boundless.
The greatest- Particularly, importantly, richly.
Blame- First of all, calmly.
To you alone- To you alone, to you yourself.
How will you be right in Your words?- so that You will be righteous in Your sight.
Overcome the day before to judge Ti- You will prevail if you judge me (you will prevail in judging me).
Tse bo- bo axis ( incoming words, Please don’t shift too much).
The lawless one- according to the patristic tradition lawless Here the corruptible (that is, susceptible to death) nature, which is associated with the impersonality of sins and lawlessness, has clearly calmed down. We'll go on and on about those.
In Greece- She gave birth to sins. Rody- writer passionately wanted(both in the Hebrew originals and in the Greek translation).
Truly loving you- (You) love the truth.
The weightless and hidden wisdom of Yours has revealed itself to me.- The invisible secrets of Your promise reveal me.
Sprinkle me with hysop- Sprinkle me with hysop. Isop- a stockpile of rye, white or black leaves. Yogo twigs, tied in a bundle, were twisted for sprinkling. They sprinkled them on lepers to cleanse their illness. David talks about sprinkling his soul.
To my ears yes- writer Do it in such a way that I feel it, hum in me (rejoice about my pardon).
Humble brushes rejoice- here: and the brushes of growth begin to appear, then. the soul is oppressed, oppressed (to the ill-suffering).
Create a pure heart- Cleanse my heart, (sun) my soul again in its prime beauty.
The spirit is right- The spirit is correct, fair, truthful, faithful. Porivn. I will give them one heart and a new spirit to invest in them. ().
Renew in my womb- Renew in the middle of me, in me.
Turn it around- Turn it around, give it.
Vladichny- to the volodaryuchim, the creator of the keruvati, to lead me.
Type of blood- perhaps we talk about the shedding of blood by Uriah, and also about God’s punishment under the Old Testament law for unjustly shedding blood. So God seems to Noah (): Whoever sheds the blood of a human being, that blood is shed by the hand of a human being: for human beings were created in the image of God.
God save me- God, my Savior.
My words are happy with Your truth- this is how my words of joy tell about Thy truth and mercy.
Lord, my sleep has been lifted, and my lips are singing Your praise.- Lord, open my mouth, and my lips will glorify You.
As if you wanted sacrifices, giving them- if You had always had sacrifices (silent creatures) which were punishable by law to bring), then I, of course, brought them (To You).
The bedroom is not suitable- (ale Ti) you don’t accept such victims, because the stench has become no longer so pleasing to you (although completely) they were respected more for other sacrifices.
The heart is sad and humble God does not belittle- God does not turn away from a contrite and humble soul.
Bless, O Lord, Your favored Zion- Thank you Lord, for your likeness, Zion. Here David, prophesying, asks for the restoration of Jerusalem after Babylon is full.
May the walls of Jerusalem arise- May the walls of Jerusalem be restored, destroyed by the Babylonians.
Then you favor the sacrifice of truth, offering and kissing- then you will accept the correct sacrifice, such as the Jews could have offered at the Jerusalem Temple. Pіdnesennya- part of the creature that is sacrificed, all-saved- the whole body.
Put it on the altar Your little body- Then you will make a burning sacrifice. The Old Testament temple had two vvtars: for sacrifice (altar) and censer vvtar (). Here the altar is on display.
For the prayers of St. from the fathers, the remaining rows of the psalm are a prophecy about the Sacrifice of Christ, Christian Church and the Eucharist.

Symbol of faith

I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, who was born before all ages. Light is like Light, true God is like true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, like all was.

For our sake, for the sake of our salvation, who came from heaven, and infused with the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, who fell in love.

She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.

I rose again on the third day for the Scriptures.

And I ascend to heaven, and sit on the Father’s arm.

And if you come with glory to judge the living and the dead, there will be no end to Your Kingdom.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who is like the Father, who comes out, who worships and glorifies with the Father and the Son, who speaks the prophets.

Into the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

I swear that I am baptized into excess of sins.

I hope for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the next century. Amen.

Symbol of faith short wikilad basic dogmas Orthodox faith. Adoptions at the Council of Nicaea 325 (I part) and additions at the Council of Constantinople (Constantinople) Council 381. It has a protective function against heretical beginnings.
One- one united; (SR): This is to live forever, so that they may know You, the one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.
Almighty- all creation that takes revenge from His power; (SR): I am Alpha and Omega, head and end, say the Lord, who is and will be, the Almighty.
Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible- (Div.): By Him all things were created, both in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.
Only Begotten- (SR): For God loved the world so much that He gave His Only Begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but may live forever.
We have a hundred years ahead of us- Do it for us in advance, then. Sin is as eternal as God the Father.
Svetla from Svetla- (SR): God is light, and there is no darkness in New Year’s Eve.
Narodzhena, uncreated- (SR): So, Christ did not give glory to Himself but be the High Priest, but He who said to You: Ti Sin My, I gave birth to You.; and also (): Those who believe that Jesus is Christ, the God of nations, and those who love the one who gave birth (that is, God the Father, the Person of the Most Holy Trinity), and those who are born.(that is Jesus Christ, God the Sin, Friend of the Person of the Most Holy Trinity) from new.
Consistent with Batkov- one nature (essence with the Father). Porivn. (): Me and Batko - alone; ():Verte Meni, that I am in Father and Father in Meni.
Also the whole thing- By Him (the Word of God, the Other Part of the Most Holy Trinity) everything was created; (SR): Everything began through Nogo, and without Him nothing began.
For our sake people- for the sake of us, people, for the sake of everyone, they burned and burned their skin.
The one who fell from heaven- (Div.): No one has descended to heaven, like only Sin the Human, who came from heaven, who is in heaven; ():For I did not come from heaven in order to do My will, but the will of the Father, which He sent to Me.
Having merged- Div. (): And the Word became a body and lingered with us, outside of grace and truth.
View of the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin- Div. (): And Angol said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary, for You have found grace from God; And you will conceive in the womb, and you will become the people of Sin, and you will call upon His name: Jesus... The Holy Spirit will be found on You, and the power of the Most High will shine upon You, and the Holy People will be called the Son of God.
Crowded- tobto. becoming fully human, taking on both the body and the soul of a human being, without ceasing to be God. (): Vіn, being the image of God, not respecting the robberies of being jealous of God; but having despised Himself, having taken on the form of a slave, having become like people and looked like a human being.
Crucified for us- rose for us.
suffered- Like Lyudina who suffers on the cross. Yogo’s divine nature was stripped from him, unworthy of suffering, impartial.
For Pisannyam- (SR): I(Tobto Apostle Pavlo) having first given you... that Christ... rose again on the third day of the Scriptures(lit. in Greek. for the Writings). Let's talk about the prophecy of the Holy Letter to the Old Testament. The axis of action is: (): For You will not drown my soul in hell and do not let Your saint suffer decay. (): And the Lord ordered the great whale to sink Jonah; And Jonah was in the womb of the whale for three days and three nights (In the New Testament, the Lord Himself is sent to this place - ).
Sedentary right-hander Old Man- (SR): you will teach the Sin of Man to sit right-handed and come to the clouds of heaven.. ():The Lord said before the Lord: Sit My right hand, until the treasure of Your enemies is laid at the foot of Your feet.. Vzagali, the seat of the right-hander (or right-hander) of the royal throne means jealousy of honor and, therefore, royal power. In this way, it is said about Sin that he is equal to Father and ancient.
Maybutny packs- We hope to come again. Porivn. (): For the Son of Man will come to the glory of His Father with His Angels, and then He will give to everyone in His affairs.; (): And if there is a stench(Apostles) They marveled at the sky, at the hour of Yogo’s convergence, two men stood up to them in a white robe and said: Men of Galilee! Why are you standing and marveling at the sky? This Jesus, who ascended into heaven for you, will come just as you wished for God to descend into heaven.
There will be no end to the Kingdom- Yogo kingdom, tobto. The Kingdom of Heaven will be eternal.
On Father's Day Off- Who (the Holy Spirit) resembles God the Father; div. (): If the Comforter comes, Whom I will send to you as the Father, the Spirit of truth, Whom the Father will come to tell you about Me..
Who worships and glorifies the Father and the Sin, which the prophets proclaim.- (and I believe in the Holy Spirit) Who is worshiped and Who is glorified along with the Father and the Son (as God, as the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity), and Who (formerly, in the Old Testament) spoke through the prophets. Porivn. (): So, let us go and teach all nations, their gods in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; (): There are three witnesses in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit; And these three are one; and also (): For prophecy never came from the will of men, but the holy people of God prophesied it, being guided by the Holy Spirit.
One christening- one baptism; (SR): one Lord, one faith, one baptism.
Tea- I’m waiting, I’m waiting.
Life of the coming century- the future life (eternal), the Kingdom of Heaven; (SR): ...God has given us eternal life, and all life in the Blue Yogo.

Prayer 1, Saint

God, cleanse me, a sinner, as I have done good before You; Let me out of the evil one, and let Thy will be done in me, let me not open my unworthy lips without condemnation, and I praise Thy holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.

How I have done good before You- For I have never done anything good, good before You.
View of the Evil One- like the devil, like all evil.
Let Your will be done in me- div. prayer "Our Father" ().
That unjudgmentally lift up my lips is unworthy- so I will open my unworthy (to praise You) lips, not giving in to condemnation (for: Not skinny, who seems to be Meni: “Lord! Lord!”, go to the Kingdom of Heaven ().

Prayer 2, of the same saint

Having risen from sleep, I bring a midnight song to You, Savior, and falling waves to You: do not let us fall asleep in a sinful death, but be generous to me, be free of your will, and speed up the lying me in the night, and not let this sinless day pass me by, X Christ, God, and save me.

Pivnichnu song- (SR): Every night we rise to praise You for Your righteous judgment. Or a lesson from the parable about 10 girls (): The last night of the moon screamed: axis, adverbs ide, come out ahead of you.
Cramped by Ti's cry- falling down (lit. to your feet), vibrating.
Don't let me fall asleep in a sinful death- nothing like a sinful death (dark night - dark death, sin). The middle of the night (day is the darkest year) symbolizes the thickening of the sinful darkness. The fragments of awakening from sleep are an image of rising from bodily death, we ask the Lord for rising from sinful death.
Ale poshkodi me- have mercy on me (have mercy on me).
Open yourself up with your will- (You) having accepted the crucifixion as your will.
In the evening- In a non-turbo environment (about your own routine).
Hurry up and get up- hurry up, pick it up, put it down.
By night's sleep- after a night’s sleep (expanded: after sinful darkness).
Give me a sinless day- send me a bright, sinless day (expand; sinless life).

Prayer 3, of the same saint

To Thee, O Lord the Lover of Mankind, I come running from the sleep of the constant, and to Thy work I strive for Thy mercy, and I pray to Thee: help me every hour, with every speech, and everything. Hurry, save me, and bring me into Thy Kingdom forever. You are the Creator of every good Provider and Provider, all my hope is in You, and I give You glory, now and ever and ever. Amen.

I give in- I hasten to become angry (with prayer).
I strive for Thy works in Thy mercies- I hope for your merciful direct help, I hasten to do justice in your name, business, pleasing to you. Porivn. (): Without Me you cannot do anything.
Help me- help me.
For every hour, in every person's speech- Forever and always.
Against all sorts of secular evil speeches- from all evil in this world; burst into flames worldly Everything is called that is subject to the predilections of this world. Porivn. (): The grace of God has appeared, pleasing to all people, so that we, having abandoned godlessness and worldly lusts, lived meaningfully, righteously and piously in this century, looking forward to the blessed hope and manifestations of the glory of the great God and Savior Our Lord Jesus Christ. (): Do not love the world, nor what the world has: whoever loves the light lacks the love of the Fathers. For everything that is in the world: the greed of the flesh, the greed of the eyes and the pride of life, is not in the sight of the Father, but in the light of this world. And the light passes away, and at least nothing, but the one who submits to the will of God endures forever.
Devil's haste- Church glory word hurry up means more powerful diya, at the same time, the devil’s anger is more difficult to influence us through our addictions (through worldly things). Porivn. (): If we lived in the body, then the sinful addictions that manifest the law acted in our members to bring the fruit of death.. Porivn. also from the fifth prayer of St. before Holy Communion: And let me be holy... to drive out... the actions of the devil, the mislain in my decent hands(To become evil through thoughts).
You are my Creator- You are my Creator.
Promislnik and Podavets- The Wise Opikun ta Dzherelo (be it good).
About you- on you.

Prayer 4, of the same saint

Lord, that the abundance of Thy goodness and Thy great bounties has given the Tibes, the passing hour of the night of the sun, without adversity, to pass over whatever evil is disgusting; You Yourself, Vladiko, the Creator of all, grant me Your true light and illumined heart to do Your will, now and always and forever. Amen.

Lord, what is your rich goodness- Lord, Ty, for Your rich kindness.
Minuliy- a minute ago.
Without adversity, go through any evil guide- Carry on without fear in any way to resist (Meni) evil.
Everyone's Creative- Creator (Creator) of everything.
Grant me Thy true light and illumined heart to do Thy will- honor me with blessing (oh, enlighten me) with your true light (por.): There was Light of truth, which enlightens every person who comes to the light) And let Thy light illuminate (delight) my heart, so that I may do Thy will.

Prayer 5, Saint

Lord Almighty, God of hosts and all flesh, living in the highest and looking upon the humble, and searching the hearts and wombs and innermost parts of men, the forerunner, the Beginningless and Ever-Everlasting Light, is with Him - there is no change, or change, overshadowing; Yourself, Immortal King, accept our prayer, that in today’s time, boldly upon Thy generous indifference, in the face of the filth that we have committed before You, and forgive us our sins, to them, for we have sinned unknowingly; and cleanse us from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. And grant us with a strong heart and a strong mind to live a good life, waiting for the coming of the Bright and revealed day of Your Only Begotten Son, Lord and God, and the Judge of all will come, to whom you will give in your work; Let us not fall and be evil, but it will be brought to the cause that is about to prepare for joy and the Divine palace of glory. You are the true Light, you shine through and sanctify everyone, and you will eat all creation forever and ever. Amen.

God of hosts and every body- God of the Bodiless Heavenly forces and all creation endowed with body.
Living on high and looking down on meek- the one who abides (in His fullness) with the Cherry (Heavenly) light and graciously marvels on (all) earth, above.
And try the heart and the womb, and the innermost person to reveal the vision- what the heart guards (penetrates) and secretes your thoughts and the seer (who knows in advance) the hidden chambers of people.
Cobless- that doesn’t wash the cob of His soul.
Presutteviy- Eternal (from now on).
And in Nyogo there is no change, but there is no change in the autumn.- (Light), which has no change in power (as opposed to the visible light) and which does not deprive the shaded place on His path (visible, all). Porivn. (): Be it kindly given and every gift of thoroughness go down in flames, before the Father of the worlds(it was shining), Who has no change and no shadow of change. For church glory: Every blessing given and every gift burns thoroughly, descends from the Father of light, He has no use for changing the walls. Porivn. also(): God is light, and there is no darkness in New.
I'm- like (that’s our prayer).
I am bold in the facelessness of Your bounties- trusting in Your richness of compassion, mercy.
We create such filth before Your lips- (like prayer) is brought to You with (our) unclean lips.
Zalish- Vibach.
Vedennyam- Svidomo.
Badjorim with our hearts- writer with a saw heart, tobto. What keeps the commandments of the Lord, the promise of God is seen. Porivn. (): Behold, I’m standing outside the door(that's the heart of the doors) And I knock: If anyone hears My voice, I will close the door, go out to someone else, and have dinner with him, and with Me., and also (): What do you need(to the apostles) I say, I tell everyone: saw.
With a solid thought- with a firm thought, to construct an operation of any kind of devilish forest (to deceive), please.
There is nothing to go through the whole of life- To spend (go through) the entire (sinful) nich of this (earthly) life.
Clear day- glorious day (to the hour of Another Coming); day is opposite to the night of this earthly life, as the light is before the darkness.
In onzhe - on yakiy (day).
To everyone- Kozhen.
Let us not fall and fall evil, let us fall hard and be active in the cause that is being prepared, for the joy and the Divine palace of glory We are uniting- in Greek the originals of the prayer are: . the building, and ready for joy... In what way is the translation of the designated fragment of the offensive: let it be found (by the Lord) not lying down and sleepy, and not sleeping, and (literally rose from His commandments) diligently following His commandments, and ready (prepared) to leave Him with joy is and divine hall of glory to Yogo. Porivn. (): Saw this because you don’t know what day your Lord will come. (): The hour has come for us to awaken from our sleep. Bo Nina is the closest to us, even if they believed us. The night has passed, and the day is approaching: we can now overcome the darkness and cool down in the light. (): Get up, sleepy one, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine upon you. Porivn. Also the troparion to the 8th voice from the Midnight Office (whose wine is sung on the wound in the first three days of the Holy Day): The axis of names will come on the eve, and the blessed servant, who will watch over him, and the unworthy one, who will not be able to worship him.
Holiday ideas- de triumph.
The unmistakable kindness of Thy denunciation, who can see, is unmistakable- the incredible, incredible joy of those who admire the incredible beauty of Your appearance.
This is the true Light, which illuminates and sanctifies everyone.- because You are the true Light, which enlightens and sanctifies the whole world; (SR): There was a bright truth that will shine through to every person who comes to the light.

Prayer 6, of the same saint

Thou art blessed, the Lord of God and the Lord of mercy, to do with us great great and unexplored, glorious and greedy; We thank You, that having not destroyed us with our iniquities, but having loved people above all else, and having risen in the unsatisfied recumbents of You, in which we glorify Your power. We pray to Your immeasurable goodness, enlighten our thoughts, eyes, and our minds from the heavy sleep of laziness: open our lips, and let me praise Your praise, which is forbidden to all, and to the sight of the all-glorious God, the Insignificant Father, with Your Only Begotten Son, and Your All-Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Blessed- glorifying praise, glorifying.
Cherry- what do you know about everything?
Great and unexplored, glorious and greedy, there are countless of them.- great and unforgivable, glorious and awe-inspiring (trembling, fear) events, of which there are no number.
In our calm weakness- for the repair necessary due to our bodily illness.
Weakening of the labors of the richly laboring flesh- (and for) relaxation, relief from the pain (that is, suffering, illness) of the richly suffering, richly painful flesh.
Alas, love of people comes first.- ale showed primordial (Your) love of people.
The nespodivantsi have to lie down, having moved us.- see the dream, the unknown body is dumb, lying upright, waking us up.
How can we glorify Your power?- so that we glorify Your panuvanya (strength, power).
Tim- Tom.
Ochesa- Ochi. The Lord speaks about the purity of our eyes: A lamp for the body and an eye. Therefore, if your eye is clean, then your whole body will be bright. If your eye is dirty, then your whole body will be dark ().
Put our minds in a heavy sleep- again (turn to the cob mill) our mind, which is constantly in the dreams of sinful worldly thoughts, is eager to go to God and dispel the evil thoughts.
I repeat Your praise- fill them with praises given to you. Porivn. Therefore, in the name of all believers, after Communion the choir sings (during the transfer of the Holy Gifts from the altar to the altar): Forbid our lips to repeat Thy praise, O Lord, for let us not sing Thy glory.
How can we easily sleep and confess to You?- May we, with invincible (nothing, no effort) faith, bring You a song of praise and confess to You (our God).
Everyone looks the same- to all creation and to all creation (glorious).

Prayer 7-a, to the Most Holy Theotokos

I cherish Your grace, Lady, I pray to You, understand my grace. Walk the right way and instruct me in the path of Christ’s commandments. Drink until the song is over, and induce sleep. Bound by the fullness of the Fall, by Thy blessings, Bride of God. At night and in the days, I take care of the enemies that fight and fight for me. The dweller of the ancestral God, who was killed by passions, is revived. Even the light of the evening, my dear fellow, enlightens my soul blindly. Oh, wondrous Vladichna palace, the house of the Divine Spirit create for me. A folk doctor, my affectionate soul has rich passions. Through the storm of life, until the stitch of repentance to the right. Deliver me from eternal fire, and the worms of evil, and tartar. May I not show any joy that I am rich in sin as a submissive. Create me anew, having been surrounded by unnetworks, Immaculate, sinner. Show me every kind of wonderful torment, and Vladik was blessed by everyone. Heaven grants me joy, with all the saints. Most Holy Virgin, hear the voice of Your unnecessary servant. Give me strength to my tears, O Most Pure One, my soul cleansing the filth. I bring walls from my heart to You, dear Lady, without ceasing. Accept my prayer service and bring God’s blessings. Most of all, the Angel, the worldly one, overcame the evil of creation. The light-bearing Seine is heavenly, spiritual grace is my guide. The hand of the highest mouth for praise, defiled by filth, All-immaculate. Save my soul-destroying vile ones, who are also kind to Christ; Honor and worship are due to you, both now and forever. Amen.

Thank you- Give me grace.
Follow the right path of Christ's commandments- teach me to walk straight, to walk correctly in the path of Christ’s commandments, to obey the commandments of Christ.
Children before the song of the day- grant strength (not sleep) for prayer.
Captivities of the Fall- by the bonds (lances) of my sins.
Allow me- Zvilny.
Boryuchikh's enemy- Type of attackers (on me) enemies.
Mortified by my addictions- me, (soul, conscience) dead from addictions.
It's Evening Day- (You) gave birth to Svetlo Nezahidniy (Unfading).
I'm going blind- I won’t give away the truth.
Vladichnya palato- Chortog, temple of Vladika.
House of the Divine Spirit create for me- make me a house of the Spirit of God. Porivn. (): Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God is alive among you? ():Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives among you, Whom you see as God?
Doctor- Christ – Doctor of souls. (): The scribes and Pharisees, having learned that He is with the mitars and sinners, said to Yogo’s disciples: How is He with the mitars and sinners? Feeling this, Jesus said to him: The ill will require a doctor, but the sick; I have come to call not the righteous, but sinners until they repent. Div. also ; .
Khvilyuyucha- shakes (shudders).
Eternal- Eternal.
Worms and evil and tartar- like an evil (inferno) worm (snake), and like abyssal hell. Div.
May I not show any joy that I am guilty of so many sins- don’t allow me, who is guilty of many sins, to become the joy of demons.
Having been treated as innocent, immaculate, a sinner- weak and decrepit due to insensible sins (that is, sins that were not perceived, to which I had already lost sensitivity), oh, Immaculate.
Show me all kinds of wonderful torment - you have given me all this torment.
Please - ... about my little order.
We will receive joyful things from heaven, with all the saints, worthy- make me worthy to reach the heavenly merriment with all the saints.
Unnecessary- Worthless, dirty.
Give me some tears- Give me streams of tears.
Benevolent- merciful, sensitive.
Naivishcha Angel, created me from the worldly evil- what is the place of Angels, bring me above the addictions, create less confusion, anger with everything worldly (with addictions), lit. Bring me above the vanity, turmoil, storms and troubles of this world.
The heavenly canopy- Sen (Chamber), to take revenge on God, who lives in heaven.
I have direct spiritual grace- rule, control the action of spiritual grace in me.
I'm getting ready- I raise, I die (to You in prayer).
Please spare me the dirty tricks that choke me - spare me the evil that angers my soul.
Retelno- Enforced.

Prayer 8-a, to our Lord Jesus Christ

Richly merciful and all-merciful My God, Lord Jesus Christ, richly for the love of the people and poured into you, as may you save them all. I, Savior, save me for your grace, I pray to You; Because what I am doing is not grace, but a gift, but more burdens. Oh, rich in generosity and invisible in mercy! Believe in Me, that is, in Christ, who will live and not suffer death forever. If the faith that is in You, the most eminent souls declare, I believe, save me, for my God is You and Creator. And faith in place of deeds, do not let me earn money, my God! That same faith of mine, don’t let me try to sweep away my ears, don’t let me prove it, don’t let me set me straight, and don’t let me show me a partaker of Your eternal glory. Do not let Satan steal me away and boast in the Word, so as to throw me out of Your hands and fence. If I want, save me, or I don’t want, Christ my Savior, soon before, soon the dead: For my God is from my mother’s womb. Vouchsafe me, O Lord, to love You; And don’t let me work with you without any work, I’ll work in front of the flattering Satan. And most of all I will give thanks to You, the Lord and God, to my Jesus Christ, all the days of my life, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Most merciful and all-merciful- (Thou), the testimony of rich and thorough mercy.
Ziyshov and vtilivsya- zayshov (from Heaven) and having taken over the human body. (Division of explanation 12 and 13 to the symbol of faith).
Say it like that- let's get it out of the way.
Packs- I’m calling (I’m calling).
More- Bo yakscho.
It is not the axis of grace and gift, but the greater one- (then) this is not grace and a gift, but a greater burden (these are those who owe due duty as the city for justice).
Їй- Yes, truly.
Believe in Me, speak- for he who believes in Me, - saying to You (Christ) (div.:): He who believes in Me may live forever).
As long as the faith that is in You, the most eminent souls declare, I believe- Therefore, since faith in You ranks up the wicked (they have lost all hope), then I believe (and ask).
Because you didn’t know the truth, they told me the truth.- because you won’t know any legal documents that you can prove to me.
It's so heavy- May there be enough.
Please tell me the truth, please show me the communicant- If you give a confession (for me), let him tell the truth for me, then make me a participant.
Let Satan not steal from me, and boast in the Word- Father, let me not be captured by Satan and I will not boast, O Word (of God).
What should you sell me?- why am I thrown out.
Ogorozhi- Zakhistu (fence).
Otherwise I don’t want to... the front will soon, they will soon perish- If I don’t want to, then hurry up and get ahead of me, otherwise I’ll die soon.
Yaki- just like that.
Inodi- just once.
Also- diligently, with diligence.
Uleslivy- nonsense, approachable.
The greatest- Ale especially (ale most).
Tvarina- Life.

Prayer 9-a, before the Guardian Angel

Holy Angel, aware of my damned soul and my passion for life, do not spare me a sin, but forgive me for my inconsistency. Do not allow the evil demon to dominate me through the violence of your mortal body; Honor my poor and poor hand and guide me on the path of salvation. Oh, holy Angel of God, the protector of my accursed soul and body, I have received all the images you have in my life, and what else you have sinned in the past of my night. do not let me anger God in any sin, and pray for me to the Lord, let me strengthen me in Your passion, and show me Your servant goodness. Amen.

My soul and my life were ahead.- provisions for burial, which protects the misery, the pitiful, the ongoing struggle of my soul and the misfortune (to the extreme and addictions) of my life.
Come closer to me- And don’t come near me, don’t come near me (don’t move away, don’t bother me).
Do not give the place to the evil demon to control me, by the violence of your mortal body- do not allow the opportunity (do not allow) the evil and approachable demon to captivate me (to subjugate myself) through the strangulation of the involuntary mortal body (through my bodily addictions).
Grasp my poor and poor hand and guide me on the path of salvation- lift (literally take) my unfortunate, weak, weak hand (under your hand you must understand the will) and lead me to the streets.
Їй- Yes, truly.
All I see is what you represent- Vibach me everything that I have shown you.
What else have you sinned in the past, please forgive me?- if I feel like I have sinned last night, protect me.
In spite of all the tranquillity of the prostrate- for whatever the witch's (or devil's) peace of mind.
But in no sin do I rot God So that I don’t rot God with any sin.
May you strengthen me in Your fear- And don’t let me know I’m afraid (get embarrassed) Yogo. Porivn. (): The ear of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

Prayer 10-a, until the Blessed Virgin Mary

Most Holy My Lady, Theotokos, with Your saints and all-powerful blessings, see me, Your humble and accursed servant, uneasiness, forgetfulness, foolishness, unbalance, and all my heart and my gloomy mind; And extinguish the half of my passions, like the wretched and the damned. And save me from all the riches and cruel misfortunes and enterprises, and from all the evil deeds, free me. How blessed are you throughout all generations, and glorified by your most beautiful name forever and ever. Amen.

From now on- Vidzheny, let me go.
The humble and the damned- I pity the oppressed, the deflated, the poor, the pitiful, the miserable.
Zabuttya- Forgetfulness, disrespect (from the right side).
Nedbalstvo- Vіdsutnіst diligence, zusillya; unbalance.
Pogana- Unclean.
Lukava- I’m angry, I’m late.
Zhebrak- here: a gall of garlic, which doesn’t bother them.
Fierce guesses and enterprises- Violent, vile thoughts (images) and plans, intentions.
How blessed are you in front of all the canopies- For all nations, all generations bless You.

Prayer call to the saint whom I bear

Pray to God for me, holy saint of God (im'ya) I, as I earnestly come running to you, speedy aides and prayer books for my soul.

Like me- Bo I.
I give in- I’m freaking out, I’m going to get help.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You in women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, as the Savior gave birth to our souls.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You ; Blessed is Ti in the squads - div. () – words of the Archangel Virgin Mary.

Blessed are You in your company and blessed is the fruit of Your womb.- Div. () - Words of the righteous Elizabeth.
Rejoice- The original form of the expanded greeting on the Skhodya.
Blagodatna- inspired by the grace of God; liter. blessed.
In the squads- Among the women.
Like you gave birth to the Savior- Bo Ti gave birth to the Savior.

Troparion to Christ and prayer for the viciousness

Save, O Lord, Thy people, and bless Thy life, giving victories to the contrary, and Thy life, which is preserved by Thy Cross.

Your people- Your people, Your people.
Your nadbannaya- writer - Thy slaughter (to those who believe).
on the opposite side- Over enemies, enemies.
Your life is preserved by Your Cross- by the power of Your Cross, saving Your people ( living here at the significant residents), Your people (then Christians).

Prayer for the living

Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (name), my fathers (names), relatives (names), bosses, mentors, benefactors (names) and all Orthodox Christians.

Prayer for the deceased

Spokіy, Lord, the soul of your slave: my father, kinchiv, a benevolent (Imen їh), I. Orthodox Christians, I forgive ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї nerlnі і nerlnili, I grant me.

About the deceased- about the dead (about the deceased). The dead are called “dead” because they try to rise from their trumpets (from their sleep) and resurrect.

If you can, read this monument instead of short prayers for the living and the dead:

About the living

Know, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Thy mercy and generosity throughout the present world, for the sake of those who are loved, and crucifixion and death, the salvation of the right in Thee for those who believe, who endure patience. and rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and sat as the right hand of God the Father, and marveled at the humble blessing of those who cry out to You with all their hearts: Thy ear has come, and smell the humble prayer of me, Thy unnecessary servant, for the stench that smells Your spiritual. And in the first place, remember Your Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, and secure with Your honest Blood, and confirm, and expand, and expand, multiply, reconcile, and protect the insurmountable barriers of hell forever; Calm the torn apart Church, extinguish the cunning paganism, and soon destroy the heresy rebellion, and turn it into worthlessness with the power of Your Holy Spirit. (Uklin)

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on God, protect our land, the ruler of this army, protect our power in peace, and subdue every enemy and adversary under the foot of the Orthodox, and speak peacefully and kindly in their hearts about Your Holy Church, and about all your people: Let us live a quiet and peaceful life in the law, and in all piety and purity. (Uklin)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on the Great Pan and Father of our Holy Patriarch (im'ya), Eminences of the metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops, priests and deacons, and all the church authorities, who have placed You to shepherd Your verbal flock, and through their prayers have mercy and save me the sinner. (Uklin)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (I'm yogo), and with His holy prayers, forgive my sins. (Uklin)

Save, O Lord, my dear father (their names), my brothers and sisters, and my relatives behind the body, and all my loved ones, and friends, and grant them Your peace and the most peaceful kindness. (Uklin)

Save, Lord, and have mercy for the wealth of Your bounties on all the priests, cenaries and monks, and all in childhood, piety and fasting, who live in monasteries, in deserts, in caves, mountains, forts, gates, rossels inah kam'yanikh, And in the place of Thy sovereignty to live faithfully, and to serve Thee piously, and to pray to Thee: lighten the load on them, and soothe their sorrow, and before the feat for Thee, give them strength and fortune, and with their prayers grant us the excess of Ikhiv. (Uklin)

Save, O Lord, both the old and the young, the married and the orphans and the widows, and those who suffer from illness and sadness, troubles and sorrows, situations and fullness, afflictions and injuries, good luck Innyah, for the sake of you Believe the Orthodox, from the language of the atheists, from the apostle and from the heretics, Thy true servants, and I know, see, serpents, thy spirits, and by Thy strength I will weaken, freedom and will allow them to be sacrificed . (Uklin)

Believe, Lord, and have mercy on those who bless us, have mercy on us and give us life, have given us mercy, and have told us that we are unworthy to pray for them, and those who give us peace, and do Thy mercy to them, granting them everything, not even for salvation. prohannya, i v. (Uklin)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on those sent to the service, mandating, our father and brother, and all Orthodox Christians. (Uklin)

Believe, Lord, and have mercy on them even with the madness of my spirit, and having turned towards the path of salvation, to the deeds of evil and inappropriate results; By Your Divine Providence I will once again turn the path to salvation. (Uklin)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on those who hate me and represent me, and on those who cause me misfortune, and do not let them perish for me, a sinner. (Uklin)

Having come from the Orthodox faiths and the lost heresies blinded, the light of Your knowledge of enlightenment and Your Holy Apostleship of the Catholic Church parish. (Uklin)

About the deceased

Know, Lord, from whose life the holy patriarchs who came, the eminence metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops, and in the Jewish faith, and in the church parish, and in the monastic rank served You, And in Your eternal settlements and holy rest. (Uklin.)

Know, Lord, the souls of Your dead servants, my fathers (their names), and all relatives behind the body; And forgive them all their sins freely and mercifully, granting them the Kingdom and the participation of Your eternal goodness and Your endless and blissful life for generations to come. (Uklin)

Know, Lord, and all the resurrection and eternal life of the deceased, our fathers and brothers, and sisters, and there that lie everywhere, Orthodox Christians, and with your saints, where there will be a light revelation of T Hey, everyone, have mercy on us, for the good one is a lover of people. Amen. (Uklin)

Grant, Lord, the excess of sins to all who have had the resurrection of faith before our father, our brothers and sisters, and create an eternal memory for them. (Trichi)

Completion of prayers

It is worthy that You are truly blessed, the Most Blessed and Immaculate Mother of God, and the Mother of our God. Most cherub and most glorified without equaling are the Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word of the people, the real Mother of God, You are magnified.

The author of the song “The most beautiful Cherub...” is respected by St. Cosmas, Bishop of Mayum, creator of canons (†787). And the first part - “It’s good ...” - followed the passages in front of the icon Holy Mother of God The angel who appeared in the X century to one Chen on Athos.
It is worthy as to truly bless Thee Theotokos- It is truly right to glorify You, Mother of God.
Most Blessed and Most Immaculate- I will always be pleased, I will always be glorious and in highest level, absolutely innocent.
The most beautiful Cherub- I am honored with great honor, below the Cherubim (Angels closest to God after the Seraphim).
The most glorious age Seraphim- incomparably glorious, more glorious, lower Seraphim (Angels who are closest to God, from the nine ranks of Heavenly powers, the ranks of Angels).
Without depreciation- Painless, no harm.
Suchasna Theotokos- True Mother of God.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and to Nina, and always, and forever. Amen. Lord have mercy. (Trichi)

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our like and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

For the sake of prayers- For prayers.


(1) Overhead in italics (explanations and names of prayers) are not read during the hour of prayer.

(2) On the Holy Day before the Ascension, instead of this prayer, the troparion is read: “Christ has risen from the dead, having corrected death by death, and so that those who gave will live at the tombs.” (Trichi) From Ascension to Trinity we begin prayers with “Holy God...”, omitting everything in front.

This respect is due to prayers for the coming sleep.

(3) Church Slavonic language does not have the sound yo, and therefore the need to read “klichemo” and not “klichemo”, “tvoe” and not “thy”, “moe” and not “mine”, etc.

(4) On Holy Day until the Ascension, this prayer is read after the 9th hymn:

“An angel shouting to the Most Gracious: Pure Virgin, Rejoice! And another river: rejoice! Your Sin has risen from three days of trouble and death; people, have fun!

Shine, shine, new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord is upon you. Rejoice now and be glad, Sione. You, Pure, show off, O Mother of God, about the rise of Your Resurrection.”

There is a lot of respect and evening prayers.

Brief rank and prayer rule

Rankov's prayers

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Peredochatkov's prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, pray for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is through this and all this, the Treasure of good things and life to the Giver, come and sit in us, and cleanse us of all filth, and save, O Blessed One, our souls.


Holy God, Holy Mitsin, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
(Read trichi, with the Christian banners and an explanatory bow.)
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Vladiko, our lawless servant; Holy One, take away our weaknesses, for the sake of Your name. Lord have mercy (Trichy ) Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and to Nina and always and forever. Amen.

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, you are in heaven! Let us not let Thy name be hallowed, let Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, for it is in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and give us our borgs, as we are deprived by our fighter; and don’t lead us into confusion, Let us be free from the evil one.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary, rejoice, Blessed be Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed is Ti in the squads and the blessed fruit of Your womb, for the Savior gave birth to our souls.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Having risen from my sleep, I pray to You, Holy Trinity, for I am richly rewarded by Your kindness and patience without becoming angry with me, lazy and sinful, and even more so for my iniquities; But the love of mankind, you call forth, and in the unsatisfied state of the recumbent, you debated me, in order to exercise and glorify Your power. And now enlighten my eyes and minds, open my lips to learn Your words, and understand Your commandments, and do Your will, and sing to You from the confessed heart, and study the all-holy. I am Yours, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, hundred. Amen.Come, let us worship our King God.(Uklin)
Come, worship and fall down to Christ, our King of God.(Uklin)
Come, worship and bow down to Christ Himself, our King and God.(Uklin)

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, for Thy great mercy, and for the abundance of Thy mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Most of all, cleanse me from the lawless, and from the sin that can cleanse me; for I know my iniquity, and my sin before me is guilt. They alone have sinned and done evil before You, for it is forbidden that You are right in Your words, and you will be able to judge You. For I was conceived in iniquities, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. Having loved the truth; Your weightless and hidden wisdom has appeared to me. Sprinkle me with hysop, and I will be cleansed; Let me know, and I’ll get rid of more snow. May my hearing rejoice in that merriment; bring joy to humble hands. Reveal Your face from my sins and cleanse all my iniquity. Create a pure heart in me, O God, and a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Thy face, and Thy Holy Spirit do not come from before me. Give me the joy of Thy salvation and confirm me with the Lord's Spirit. I will begin to follow Your lawless path, and I will turn to You in godlessness. Free me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation; My joy is in Thy righteousness. Lord, my sleep is awake, and my lips are singing Your praise. Because if you wanted a sacrifice, then you would give them: the burning is not appropriate. God's sacrifice is the spirit of sorrow; God does not belittle a broken and humble heart. Bless, O Lord, Your favored Zion, and may the plagues of Jerusalem arise. Then you favor the sacrifice of truth, presented to the whole body; Then put your little body on the table.

Symbol of faith

I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. I in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, What is the Father of the People of Peredus; The Light is like the Light, the true God is like the true God, born of the people, uncreated, consubstantial with Batkov, who is all that is. For the sake of the man and for the sake of our salvation, who came from heaven and infused with the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin and fell in love. She was crucified for us under Pontifical Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. І Sunday third day for Scripture. And the one who ascended to heaven, and sat at the right hand of the Father. And until the glory of the future is judged by the living and the dead, there will be no end to His Kingdom. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who is from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who is spoken of by the prophets. Into the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I swear by one baptism against unnecessary sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the coming century. Amen.

Prayer of the Persha, Saint Macarius the Great

God, cleanse me, a sinner, for I have never done any good before You; if you spare me the evil one, and let Your will be done in me, so unjudgmentally I open my lips unworthy and I will praise Your holy name, Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, nini And always and forever Amen.

Prayer of the same saint

To You, Vladiko Lover of Mankind, I rise up from sleep and run to You, And for Thy works I strive for Thy mercies, and I pray to Thee: help me at every hour, in every speech, and spare me from all secular evil speeches and devilish haste, and save me, and bring me into Thy Kingdom forever. You are my Creator and Provider and Giver of every good, all my hope is about You, And I send glory to you, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Holy Angel, watch over my soul and my miserable life, do not deprive me of the sinful thing, come to me below for my insanity. Do not give the place to the evil demon to rule over me, by the violence of this mortal body; Save my poor and poor hand and save my life forever. Hey, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my accursed soul and body, Vibach all of me, with which you formed my entire belly, and if we sinned last night, cover me now And save me from any tranquility of the contrary, but in no sin do I rot God, and pray for me to the Lord, May you strengthen me in Your fear, And it is time to show me the servant of Your kindness. Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Thy holy and all-powerful blessings were revealed to me, Thy humble and accursed servant, evil, carelessness, foolishness, foolishness, and all the filth, the evil one and the filth were thought in the sight of my damned heart and in the sight of my gloomy mind; And extinguish the half of my passions, for you are wretched and wretched. And having spared me the rich and cruel guesses and enterprises, And from all the evil actions, free me. Blessed above all the canopies, And be glorified by Your blessed name forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer call to the saint whom I bear

Pray to God for me, holy saint of God(im'ya) , because I'm trying hard to get to you, to the Swedish pomichnikov and prayer book for my soul.

Prayer for the living

Save, Lord, and have mercy spiritual father(im'ya), my fathers (names) , relatives (names), bosses, mentors, benefactors(Names їх) and all Orthodox Christians.

Prayer for the deceased

Rest, O Lord, the souls of your departed servants: my fathers, relatives, benefactors (Names їх) , and all Orthodox Christians, And let’s face it, all sins are free and fleeting, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Completion of prayers

It is truly worthy to bless You, the Most Blessed and Immaculate Mother of Our God. Most honorable are the Cherubs and the most glorious, without equal, the Seraphim, without the blame of God the Word, who she chewed, the real Mother of God, You are magnified.Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, the Reverends and God-bearing father ours and all saints have mercy on us. Amen.

Having risen from sleep, first for every other right, become reverent, showing yourself before the All-Seeing God, and, the current holy banner, vim:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then wait for a few minutes, until all your thoughts come to silence and thoughts from everything on earth, and then practice proper short prayers with bows, without haste and with respect from the heart.

Mitar's Prayer

God, be merciful to me, a sinner (Luke 18:13).

Peredochatkov's prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

The Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who is everywhere and everything is on top of Himself, who is good and the Giver of life, come and settle in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

On the Great Day until the Ascension, instead of this prayer, the troparion of Easter is read:
« Christ rose from the dead, having corrected death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life ".. (Trichi)

From Ascension to Trinity we begin the prayers with “Holy God...”, omitting everything in front.


Holy God, Holy Mitsin, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (3)

Prayer of the Holy Trinity

All-Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Vladiko, our lawless probach; Holy One, cure our infirmities, for the sake of Thy Name!

Lord have mercy. (3)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and to Nina, and forever, and forever. Amen.

If it is written “Glory:”, “І nini:”, I need to read it out loud: « Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and to Nina, and forever, and forever. Amen."

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, in heaven! Let us sanctify Thy name; Hail Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us our daily bread today; And we forgive our fighters, as we forgive our fighters; And do not lead us into mischief, or deliver us from the evil one.

Troparion of the Trinity (Holy Trinity)

Having risen from sleep, we fall before You, O Good One, / and sing an angelic song to You, O Mighty One: / “Holy, Holy, Holy are You, O God, / through the prayers of the Mother of God, have mercy on us!”

Glory:From the bed to sleep You lifted me up, Lord! / My mind and heart are enlightened, / and my lips are open, / to pray to You, Holy Trinity: / “Holy, Holy, Holy, You, O God, / through the prayers of the Mother of God, have mercy on us!”

I nini:Raptom the Judge will come, and order the skin to appear. / Ale, in fear, vigilantly every night: / “Holy, Holy, Holy, O God, / through the prayers of the Mother of God, have mercy on us!”

Lord have mercy. (12)

Prayer of the Holy Trinity

Having risen from the dream of You, the Holy Trinity, because of Your great kindness and
be patient, O God, without being angry with me, a lazy and sinful one, and without saving me for my iniquities, but rather by inflicting upon me Your love of mankind, and by lifting me up, uncompromising, so that I may early lie to You and praise You. and in Your power.
And now enlighten my thoughts, open my lips, so that I may begin to receive Your word, and understand Your commandments, and do Your will, and sing, glorifying Your heart, and celebrate the all-holy. Thy name, Father, and Sin, and the Holy One , and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Come, let us worship our King, God!
Come, let us worship and fall before Christ, the King, our God!
Come, let us worship and fall before Christ Himself, our King and our God!

Psalm 50, repentance.

Have mercy on me, O God, for Your great mercy, and for the abundance of Your mercies, blot out my iniquities.
Many times have you seen me from my uncleanness, and cleansed me from my sin, die from me,
For I will make my iniquity and my sin known before my eyes.
Before You, You Alone, I have sinned and committed evil before Your eyes, so that You are righteous in Your sight and pure in Your judgment.
I was conceived in lawlessness, and my mother gave birth to me in sin.
The Axis of You fell in love with the truth about what is in my heart and showed that Your wisdom knows everything that is in me.
Sprinkle me with hysop, and I will become clean; Speak to me, and I will be the greatest for the snow.
Give me a little joy and cheerfulness, and give joy to the bones that have been grown by you.
Reveal Your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and restore the spirit of righteousness in my midst.
Do not cast me out before Your face and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me.
Give me the joy of being saved by You and the Lord’s Spirit honoring me.
Let those who have gone astray on Your paths, and those who have sinned before You, turn around.
Grant me from this crooked lot, O God, God of my salvation, and let my tongue praise Thy justice.
God! open my lips, and my lips praise You:
Because you don’t want sacrifice, I gave it to you; The whole world is not like You.
The sacrifice to God is the spirit of contrition; You do not disdain the sorrowful and humble heart, O God.
Bless, O Lord, Zion for those who are like yours; Forget the walls of Jerusalem:
Then your victims will be accepted, vindication, offerings and massacres; Then put your calf on your birthday.

Symbol of faith

1. I believe in one God, Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, everything and
visible and invisible.
2. I in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, like the Father, born before all ages, the Light like the Light, the true God, like the true God, the people, the uncreated, the one and only Father, through Whom all things came into being.
3. For the sake of us, people, and for the sake of our salvation, who came from heaven, and was infused with the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and the one who fell in love.
4. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, both sick and buried.
5. I the third day of resurrection, for the Scriptures.
6. And the one who ascended to heaven, and sat right-handed before the Father.
7. I will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will not exist
8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, from the Father, who goes out, with the Father and the Son, he worships and glorifies himself, speaking through the prophets.
9. In one, holy, united and apostolic Church.
10. I recognize one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
11. I wait for the resurrection of the dead,
12. And the life of the next century. Amen.

Prayer 1, St. Macarius the Great

God, cleanse me, a sinner, for I have never given up anything good before You, but deliver me from evil and let Your will be in me, so that I will not be condemned by opening my unworthy lips and glorifying Your Holy Name, Father, and Son , and the Holy Spirit, hereafter, and forever, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 2, of the same saint

Having risen from sleep, I offer a nightly song to You, Savior, and falling at Your feet, I call to You: do not let me sleep in a sinful death, or have mercy on me, having voluntarily accepted the baptism, and will soon depart they save me, without a turbo, and save What is it worth to me? before You in prayer. And after a night’s sleep, send me a clear, sinless day, Christ God, and save me.

Prayer 3, of the same saint

Before You, Vladik Lover of People, having risen from sleep, I hasten, and I take up Your deeds, for Your mercy, and I pray to You: Help me at any hour, in every way, and deliver me from all evil wickedness in this world and from the devil’s confusion, and deceive me, and bring me into Your Kingdom forever. Bo You is the Creator and the Provider and Provider of all good. And in You is all my hope, and I will send glory to You, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 4, of the same saint

Lord, You, out of Your great affection and Your great mercy, have given me, Your servant, the last hour of the night to pass without adversity from any evil of the enemy. You Yourself, Vladiko, Creator of everything, deign me to do Your will with Your true light and sanctified heart, O Nina, both now and forever. Amen.

Prayer 5-a, Basil the Great

Lord Almighty, God of the incorporeal Forces and all flesh, who is alive on the heights of heaven and surveys the parts of the earth, the heart feels, and the inner senses and secrets of people knows clearly, without seeds and eternally Light, Who has no change it and never change it! Himself, immortal King, accept our prayers, as we, who humbly trust in the impersonality of Your mercies, are offered to You out of foul lips, and forgive us our sins, in deed and in word and in thought, in knowledge and through ignorance. Explained by us, and cleanse us from all defile the flesh and the spirit, robbing us of the temples of Your Holy Spirit. And grant us with a sawn heart and let us firmly in our minds pass through this entire life of ours, awaiting the coming of the bright day of the appearance of Your Only Begotten Son, Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, if He, the Judge of all, will come to earth with glory in Give it to the skin on the right side; May you know that we are not scorched and evil, but sleepless and present, at the end of the commandments of God, and ready to go with Him to the joy and divine palace of His glory, those who are the holy voice of the unceasing and invisible people that I see There is unparalleled beauty in exposing Yourself. For You control the Light that enlightens and sanctifies everything, and You guide all creation forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 6, of the same saint

You bless you, all -seeed God, the Lord Grastivius, the Zhzhdi to repair the great non -zero -buggenni, the glorious fuel, the number of numbers, having given us a dream for the abundance of n. We thank You, for You did not destroy us with our iniquities, but rather showed Your love of humanity, as before, and us, lying in the soullessness of sleep, judged for the glory of Your power. Therefore we pray to Your immeasurable goodness: enlighten our mental eyes and our minds from the heavy sleep of turbo-freeness. Open our mouths and fill them with Your praise, so that we may freely acknowledge, glorify You, before all eyes, the glorified God, the seedless Father with Your only begotten Son, and the all-holy, and the good, and the living By your own Spirit, nina. and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 7-a, to the Most Holy Theotokos

I cherish Your grace, O Lady, I bless You, my grace is in my mind. Instructing me to walk right in the path of Christ’s commandments. Save me, and saw in your sleep, give me a good night's sleep. Bound by the chains of sin by your blessed blessings, the Named One of God. Save me night and day, preventing attacks from enemies.
Yak gave birth to God, the Suppressor of life, revive me, killed by passions.
She gave birth to the Everlasting Light, to enlighten my blind soul. O wondrous Palace of Vladika, make me the home of the Divine Spirit. She gave birth to a doctor, the great rich passions of my soul. We are carried along the hills by the storm of life, straight to the path of repentance. Please spare me from the fire of the eternal, evil worm. Let me not rejoice at demons who have many sins. Remind me, Immaculate, that I have grown old through untold sins. Show me disrespectful to the point of being so bad and bless Vladik with all his blessings.
Honor me with all the saints to become one of the heavenly merrymakers. Most Holy Virgin, hear the voice of Your unneeded servant! Grant me streams of tears, O Most Pure One, that cleanse my soul of filth. I bring you constant groaning from my heart, try hard, Lady! Accept my prayer service and bring it to the merciful God. Presented above the angels, above the worldly turmoil, bring me above.
The light-bearing Tabernacle is heavenly, I have direct spiritual grace. I raise my hands and lips to praise, defiled by the cap, the All-Immaculate One. In the face of soul-destroying guides, please me, diligently benevolent to Christ, - It is my honor and honor to honor you here, and forever, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 8-a, to our Lord Jesus Christ

My most merciful and all-merciful God, Lord Jesus Christ, great kohannya Ti zayshov and poured in to hide everyone. And I cry, Savior, I pray to You: save me with grace! Aje yakbi Ti for just this moment they lie to me, but it would not be grace and gift, but rather the Borg. So, rich in intelligence and invisible in mercy, - for You said about my Christ: “He who believes in Me will live and not save death forever.” Since faith in You saves those who have lost hope, then, I believe, save me, for You are my God and Creator. Do not let me take the faith to replace my deeds, my God, because you will not find any deeds to vindicate me. Instead of all this, let this faith of mine be sufficient, let it testify, let it vindicate me, let it show me as a participant in Your eternal glory. Let Satan not steal me, and let him not boast that he threw me before Yours, Word of God, guard those hands. Whatever I want, whatever I don’t want, save me, Christ, my Savior, come soon to help me, hurry, I am dying, for You are my God from my mother’s womb! Vouchsafe me, Lord, to love You, just as I have loved this sin, and to serve You again without hesitation, diligently, just as I have previously tried to do to Satan, the mischievous one. I constantly serve You, my Lord and God's Jesus Christ, throughout the day of my life, now, and forever, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 9-a, until the angel of protection

Holy Angel, do not deprive me, a sinner, of the orders to satisfy my ill-fated soul and my passionate life, and do not stand before me for my inconsistency. Don’t let the evil demon’s ability to overcome me for the help of this mortal body. Take this very unfortunate thing and lower my hand and lead me to the path of salvation.
O holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my ill-fated soul and body!
Let me know everything that I have shown to You in every day of my life, and how I have sinned every night, save me from every day, and save me from all the tranquility of the enemy, so that I have no harm. Let us not rot God, and pray to the Lord for me. Let him confirm me in Your fear and show me as a slave, driven by Your kindness. Amen.

Prayer 10-a, until the Blessed Virgin Mary

My Most Holy Lady, Theotokos, with Your saints and all-powerful blessings, in honor of Your humble and unfortunate servant, the evil, carelessness, unreasonableness, wickedness and all the filth, evil and filth, have been prayed for in the sight of my ill-fated heart. And like a gloomy heart, like a gloomy heart, because I am miserable and miserable. And leave me free from rich and disastrous thoughts and intentions, and from all the evil deeds of me, so that all the worlds bless You and glory in Your rich name forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer call to the saint whom I bear

Pray to God for me, holy saint of God (or: holy saint of God)(im), because I’m trying hard to come to you, the Swedish assistant and prayer man (or: Swedish helpers and prayer books) about my soul.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary, rejoice; / Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You! / Blessed are you among women / and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, / for You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Troparion to the Cross of the Lord

Save, O Lord, Thy people / and bless Thy slaughter, / granting victory to the faithful* over foreigners / and saving Thy people through Thy Cross.

Prayer for the living

Save, Lord, and have mercy on our Holy Patriarch (name), His Eminence Bishop (or His Eminence Metropolitan or Archbishop) our (name), my spiritual mentor (name), my fathers (names), relatives (names), bosses, mentors, benefactors (names) and all Orthodox Christians.

Prayer for the deceased

Rest in peace, Lord, the souls of Your dead servants: my fathers (names),
relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and remove all their sins, both free and fleeting, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Completion of prayers

It is truly worthy / to glorify You, the Mother of God, / eternally blessed and all blameless / and the Mother of our God. / I honor the Cherubim / and the inestimable glory of the Seraphim, / innocently gave birth to God the Word, / the true Mother of God - Greatness to You.

On the Great Day before the Ascension, this prayer is read after the end of the 9th hymn of the Easter canon:
« The Angel spoke to the Blessed One: / “Pure Virgin, Rejoice!” / People, triumph! Shine, shine, new Jerusalem, / for the glory of the Lord has come upon you! / Now rejoice and show off, Sione! / Rejoice, O Pure Mother of God, / about the resurrection of the One You gave birth to.
It is also a tradition for twelve saints to read the hymn and irmos of the 9th hymn to the holy canon - the honoree.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and to Nina, and forever, and forever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (Trichi)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, our venerable and God-bearing fathers and all saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Prayers throughout the day

Prayer of the Venerable Optina Elders

Lord, give me peace of mind to face everything that the day brings me, which is coming. Lord, let me completely surrender to Your holy will.
Lord, for every year of this day, instruct and encourage me.
Lord, if only I had not put away the messages of this day, I would now accept them with a calm soul and firm determination that everything is Your holy will.
Lord, reveal to me Your holy will for me and those who are absent from me.
Lord, in all my words and promises, you yourself care with my thoughts and feelings.
Lord, in all unforeseen episodes, do not let me forget that everything was sent by you.
Lord, start to behave correctly, simply, sensibly with everyone at home and with those who are away, with your elders, with your peers and with your youth, so as not to embarrass anyone, but for the good of everyone.
Lord, give me strength to endure the tedium of the day that is coming, and all the days that pass.
Lord, grant me Your will and begin to pray, trust, believe, love, endure and forgive me.
Lord, do not let me be at the mercy of my enemies, but for the sake of Your holy name, guide and guide me.
Lord, enlighten my mind and my heart to understand Your eternal and immutable laws, which provide light so that I, Your sinful servant, can correctly serve You and my neighbor.
Lord, I thank You for everything that will happen to me, for I firmly believe that those who love You will use everything for the good.
Lord, bless all my entrances, deeds, and words, deigning me to joyfully glorify, celebrate and bless You, for blessed are You forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Righteous John, Presbyter of Kronstadt

God! Your name is Love - don’t tell me to have mercy.
I have Your Strength - save me from what is falling and what is falling.
Your Name is Light - enlighten my soul, darkened by life’s addictions.
I am Your Light - reconcile my soul.
I have mercy on you - don’t stop being merciful to me. Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

My Queen is the greatest blessing, my Hope, the Mother of God, the corner of the orphans and the mandrivniks, the joy of the sorrowful, the patron of the crooked! Bachish my misfortune, Bachish my sorrow; help me, as a German, directly to me, as a mandarin. You know my image: allow it according to Your will. For I have no other help than You, no other Charm, no good Comforter - only You, O Mother of God: may you save me and protect me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the unification of Christians by Archpriest Leonid Fedorov

Look, O Merciful Lord, Jesus our Savior, at the prayers and prayers of sinners and unworthy servants of Yours, who humbly fall before You, and unite us all in the Unity, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Your light flows unfailingly into our souls. Leaders of the church, let us glorify You with one heart and one mouth, and let everyone who we know know vernі uchni Yours and Your beloved children.

Our richly merciful Lord, soon your monastery will end, and may there be one succession and one Shepherd in Your Church, and may we glorify Your Holy Name forever, without ceasing, and forever and ever. Amen.

An Orthodox believer is encouraged by worldly people because in everyday life follows the commandments of God and continues in prayer. The prayer rule for the early beginnings is to read hymns to the Almighty and the saints for the near knowledge of the Creator.

Why are the rules needed?

Christians with experience know them in memory, but every Orthodox person has a “Prayer Book”, based on the texts of the book, not only early and evening, but for all types of life.

The rule of prayer is that there are many prayers. For the morning that evening sleeps zagal order sacred reading. For individual skin problems, the spiritual mentor corrects prayer rights based on the level of the person’s employment, the place of transition and spiritual life.

Molitov is not a rule

Often early Christians rebel against reading texts written by saints, which is important to read. Prayer books written on the basis of crying out to the Lord of people who have accomplished the feat of faith, lived in purity and worship of Jesus Christ and were led by the Holy Spirit.

The first symbol, which became an invisible part of the prayer rule of morning and evening prayers, giving the Savior Himself to His followers. “Our Father” is the main prayer with which Orthodox believers begin and end the day. The generous reading of the prayer book becomes a prayer that invigorates the soul with God’s wisdom.

About important church prayers:

The Church preaches a prayer rule for the beginning, so that the soul that is unloved in Christianity grows in deeds that are right for the Creator.

Generous rose from the Creator - it is the sound that is alive, not the empty sound. The praise of singing with the almighty God conveys to Rozmova the right words, in which there is no empty part.

Important! Turning to the Almighty, the Orthodox will be filled with God's gifts and His protection, if they abandon vanity and completely neglect prayer.

How to behave correctly during a prayer ceremony

The prayer service of all Orthodox Christians is performed standing, only people of advanced age and illness can sit. At the hour of reading the prayer book, in recognition of their sinfulness and inadequacy, showing humility, people bow, some to the waist, others bow to the ground.

Prayer for singing with God

Orthodox Christians pray while kneeling. The holy apostles spoke out against such worship, explaining that only slaves stand on their hands, whose children do not need to work. (Gal. 4:7) However, those who have committed any sin cannot be defended by standing on their knees at the ground, begging forgiveness.

About prayer rules:

  • Schema nun Antonia's prayer rule about the killed unspeakables

Ears of corn will probably not be able to properly work the horseradish banner for an hour. Fold the fingers of the right hand like this:

  • little finger ring finger having pressed down to the valley, the stench signifies that Jesus became God and man at the same time;
  • the great, impressive and middle finger are folded together, three-fingered, as a symbol of the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How to christen yourself correctly

Small in the wind of the cross, stick out the middle of the neck with folded fingers, then lower the hand a little lower than the navel, move to the right, and then the left shoulder, only after which you should shake the curve.

Nedbale placed before the Holy Banner, following the words of John Zolotoust, the joy of only the demons cries out. The Christian banner, created with faith in reverence, is filled with God's grace and has terrifying power for demonic attacks.

Before reading spiritual texts, try to get rid of vain thoughts, which is sometimes not easy, so try to recognize the great sacrifice of Christ and your presence before Him in this world.

If you don’t make your prayers “for show”, the spiritual world will smell like an empty sound. Delve deeply into the word of the beast until the Savior, being reminded of His grace and love.

Prayer rule - end with grace

Many Orthodox Christians eat food, since prayer is a great beast before the Creator, then they will eventually be brought under the law.

The Saratov abbot Pachomius clarifies in this way that freedom cannot be confused with permissiveness. The freedom of believers depends on their standing before the throne of the Almighty, which sinners and non-baptists cannot allow themselves to do. Permissiveness turns the believer to great life, and turn to the grace of the beast until the Savior is then much more important.

The spiritual world has no single thought about the need to pray and pray before the Almighty. Some people spend their days in reverent worship, while others cannot observe the good times.

Encourage your soul to pray with the Creator every day and help you read prayers regularly and steadily, even if it is 15 evenings and evenings.

Molitov is not a rule

To get started, pick up the “Prayer Book” and read it. for an hour Orthodox Lyudina It is understood that the reading after the obligatory is completed on an empty note, as this has become the case, then you can move on, as St. Theophan the Recluse did, to the reading of the psalms and writings from the Bible.

Golovne, now that we are reminded of the worship of the Creator, enter into His presence, perceive His intercession throughout the day. The Evangelist Matthew wrote that in order to conquer the Kingdom of God it is necessary to report to power. (Matthew 11:12)

To help the beginning of the prayer book

For Orthodox believers there are three prayer periods.

  1. Outside the prayer book, the rule is reserved for spiritually stable believers, including the ranks and clergy.
  2. The prayer rule for all the laity consists of a repertoire of prayers that are read this evening, a repercussion of which can be found in the “Prayer Book”:
  • translations: “To the Heavenly King”, Trisagion, “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God”, “Rising from sleep”, “Have mercy on me, O God”, “I believe”, “God, cleanse”, “Until you, Vladiko”, “ Holy Angels”, “Most Holy Lady”, invocation of saints, prayer for the living and the dead;
  • Vespers: “To the Heavenly King”, Trisagion, “Our Father”, “Have mercy on us, Lord”, “Eternal God”, “Good King”, “Angels of Christ”, from “Elected Leader” to “It is fit”.

Seraphim of Sarov stated another short prayer rule for these lay people, for whatever reason they often live in unfathomable surroundings.

Icon of Seraphim of Sarov

It comes down to reading three skin prayers:

  • "Our Father";
  • “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”;
  • "I believe."

I pay special respect to the reading of spiritual books to the Almighty Creator and Savior during the period of shit, before receiving the Sacrament of the Sacrament and at the time of important life experiences.

Please! The mercy of God accompanies those who, having started singing with God, before eating, and finishing reading spiritual texts before supper.

Moral preparation before worship

For an Orthodox believer who is just beginning, it is important to supplement the “Prayer Books” with the current Russian language, so that when reading what is written, they delve deeply into the word, be inspired by His power and grace, and take away the devotion and encouragement.

This is the joy of Nikodim Svyatohirts, who points out the importance of understanding every word of the text that is being read. Every year, a lot of texts are stored in memory and read in memory.

Before reading the “Prayer Book,” you should ask the Holy Spirit to show you what is in your heart of excess images, bitterness or irritation. Thoughts to investigate all the crooks and to learn from those who were wronged, so the Orthodox pray.

Behind the words of Tikhon of Zadonsky, there is no trace of any negativity, because, as Grigory Nisky wrote, the Creator is Kind, Righteous, Patient, Lover of People, Kind-hearted, Merciful, the meta prayer rule transforms itself into the image of the Creator, infusing all the goodness for love of people.

Reading prayers at home

Jesus Christ began to pray with Him and went to his prayer room, closing the doors to allow too much light. Every Orthodox homeland has a little room with icons, although it’s true that you can still light a lamp there.

Chervony kut at budinku

Before commemorating the cob, worship God's footprints by lighting a candle, which is placed near the temple. This family, and this is the prototype of the church, has its own rules about how to pray on your own, and how to work more efficiently, and the prayer of the righteous can be greatly strengthened. (James 5:16)

Theophan the Recluse, who spent many hours at the place of worship of God, wrote that there is no need to hurry before starting to pray. Having received the banner of the Holy Cross, having bowed, I then pray, entering the camp of worship and reverence before God. Every word of prayer may come from the heart, which requires not only to be understood, but also to be heard.

Reading the “Our Father”;

  • give praise to the Creator who exists in Heaven;
  • submit your will of life to God;
  • according to the correct doctrine, the Borgs, blame other people, for this is the obligatory mind for God to forgive the skin of the Orthodox;
  • ask Yogo for mercy from the top of all material problems with the words “give us our daily bread today”;
  • voice the power of God in your life and His protection over you and your homeland.

As soon as the hour of reading the “Prayer Book” came to my heart, the need arose to ask God for any need, do not put it aside for later, but immediately bring it before the prayer throne of the Almighty.

The Lord instructs His children to be steady and easy in prayer on the example of a poor widow (Luke 18:2-6), so that the prayer will not be lost from Him without proof. It is important to hurry up before the hour of prayer for the Savior, so that only in the enlightened brutality can you reach God.

For the pleasure of Vladika Anthony, so as not to be taken away at any hour when you are in a new place, you should start a yearbook so that the bell rings at the right moment. It doesn’t matter how many hours the prayer rule is practiced and how many prayers are read, the brand is dedicated to God.

St. Ignatius calls regular prayers for sinners an important practice, the righteous are united with the saints and experience the Trinity forever.

As soon as thoughts “pop in”, there is no need to hurry, then turn back to where the Russians have begun to read the spiritual beast and start everything from the beginning. It will help to focus on the text that is being read, promoting all the beasts out loud. It’s not for nothing that it seems that prayers are read, prayers are read, God is felt, and prayers are heard in the voice.

Silouan of Afonsky said that God does not hear what is said with empty thoughts and worldly rights.

Silouan Afonsky

A prayerful spirit is valued through regularity, like an athlete’s body during training. Having finished your prayers, without the need to immediately “pounce” on worldly matters, give yourself a few more benefits of experiencing God’s grace.

Do you need to read a prayer throughout the day?

As if they had dedicated their lives to the Lord, Orthodox people spend all their lives under His protection.

Throughout this everyday day, do not forget to invoke the mercy of the Father with the words “Bless, God!”, having passed through what has been tried, having brought blessings to the city, having successfully accomplished the right, do not forget to give all the glory to the Creator with the words “Glory to you, my God!” When you’re stuck in the rough, when you’re sick or unwell, shout: “Believe me, God!” And I can smell it. It is impossible to forget about the Lord’s thanks for everything that was sent to the fire.

Before accepting the hedgehog, do not forget to thank the Creator for the gift of the hedgehog, ask for His blessing to accept it.

Constantly persevering in prayer, knowing the call to call, yak, ask, repent before God with all our hearts, and not in empty words, the Orthodox people become God-minded. Worship of God helps to understand the goodness of the Creator, and the foundation of the Heavenly Kingdom brings Orthodox Christians closer to God.

Video about vikonannya prayer rule

Generosity- mercy is generous; mercy, compassion, pity.
The greatest- especially, most ( more- More).
Yako- Here: bo, bo.
I- I.
Blame- Start again, start without delay.
Overcome the day before to judge Ti- You will prevail if you judge me (you will prevail in judging me).
Tse bo- Axis, truly ( se- Axis; bo- so what).
Isop- the grass that took root as sprinkled.
Dasi- Give.
The brushes are humble- rozroshcheni, rozbiti (as we are not talking about the illness or it is strong because of that).
Humble brushes rejoice- here: and the brushes of growth begin to appear, then. the soul is oppressed, oppressed (to the ill-suffering).
Create- Create it, create it.
The spirit is right- The spirit is righteous, just, truthful, faithful.
womb - here: the inner, hidden, invisible depth of the soul
Turn it around- Turn it around, give it.
Sleep- lips, mouth (double strength in fall asleep- lip).
If I- yakbi.
Ubo - here: truly.
All bedroom or else tsіlopaluvana- a sacrifice for which the creature was spat upon the altar without excess.
Please- Good, be happy.
Zion- the mountain in Jerusalem, on which the House of David was founded; symbol of the Church.
Vivtar- altar.

Word psalm means song. This psalm was composed by the prophet David, when he repented of his great sin - he killed the pious Uriah the Hittite and captured him with his squad Bathsheba. This psalm is called a repentant psalm because it expresses deep disappointment about the past sin and an old prayer for mercy, and behind the depths of repentance, it is possible that everything else will be overcome. Therefore, this psalm is often read in church during the hour of worship. To all of us, who are guilty of impersonal sins, this psalm is heard most often, delving deeply into the word.
Have mercy on me, O God, for Thy great mercy, and for the abundance of Thy mercies, cleanse my iniquity. It is a great sin, so the prophet asks God and has great mercy. Only God's incredible bounty can cleanse the burden of lawlessness.
Most of all, cleanse me from the lawless, and from the sin that can cleanse me. The Lord has already spoken to David through the prophet Nathan, who takes away his sins for repentance (2 Sam. 12, 13), and David prays that God will cleanse him from sinful impurities. So we, who are in possession of the Sacrament of Penance for the remission of our sins, are still guilty of constantly clamoring to the Lord, so that we are guilty of the very root of sin.
For I know my iniquity, and my sin before me is guilt. Have mercy, Lord, cleanse me! Sin weighs heavily on me, I cannot forget it, I see it day and night in my conscience, as it steadily stirs my soul.
You alone have been sinned, and you have done evil before You, for let me not be vindicated in Your word, and overcome, judge You (in the Russian translation of the psalm: so that You are righteous in Your judgment and pure in Your judgment). The prophet manifests himself not to human, but to God’s judgment (David is a king, and to him is not a terrible human judgment). Having received lawlessness from people, you do not receive it from the Supreme Court, Who is still the same; Before God's truth, our wickedness is revealed - our untruth and wrongfulness, and all our self-righteous weaknesses.
For I was conceived in iniquities, and in sins my mother gave birth to me. We all, children of Adam, begin with sins, inheriting original sin. We are blessed by God for forgiveness, presenting to Him our natural propensity to sin.
Having loved the truth... (turn respect to my word you- here he orders the 2nd person: axis, You have fallen in love with the truth). You, Lord, You Himself are the Truth ( I am the way and the truth and life- in. 14, b), You love the truth and want us to be in the truth. And I confess that You love the truth and hate lies, I confess and make known to You that I have sinned.
The unknown and secret wisdom of Yours has revealed itself to me.- unknown (in the dark) and in the dark (in the dark) Your wisdom has shown me. (King David speaks about his prophetic gift, about those that God, by the Holy Spirit, has revealed the invisible secret places to His Promise; and every Christian receives in the Sacraments of the Church the gift of the Holy Spirit, and through the honor of the Church, the hidden secret places are revealed to the Provision of God, and so our wife has been denied weightlessness and darkness of wisdom By God: we have come to the true faith, we have been shown the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.) How do I rely on these gifts of grace? I'm sorry!
Sprinkle me with hysop, and I will be cleansed; Let me know and I'll get more snow. Here - the hope is to completely get rid of sin and be filled with joy. The prophet likens Joseph to the work of the Holy Spirit, who cleanses all filth in us.
May my hearing rejoice in that merriment. Give me, my hearing, the gracious news of mercy, rejoice and make me happy!
Humble brushes rejoice. The accumulation of sin destroys not only the soul, but also the body: under the severity of sin, the wrists become weak; Once the sin is forgiven and the unbearable burden is lifted from the debt, then the whole body is restored to joy (one can imagine how, with great relief, the shoulders are relieved and straightened).
Show Your face to my sins, and cleanse all my iniquity- Blame them from the book of my life.
Create a pure heart in me, O God, and a right spirit in my womb. Having risen to the primal beauty, my soul has sunk, having found in me the impurity of my father’s sin. Give me the grace of righteousness!
Do not cast me out before Your face, and do not let Your Holy Spirit pass before me.. Sin casts itself before God, through Dzherel Zhittya - and we pray that we do not end up in the impenetrable darkness, where the face of God is not visible.
Give me the joy of Your salvation, and strengthen me with the Lord’s Spirit. Turn me back, turn me back to the joy that I have enjoyed since I was saved by You; give me the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The wicked will begin to follow Your path, and the wicked will turn to You.. If You free me from sin and give me the Holy Spirit, I will be able to read the evildoers again, so that they may walk in Your paths, say to the Lord David, God’s angel. And for us, this monastery has the same thought as the Lord’s Prayer: Let us sanctify Thy name with us, Lord; For if You have cleansed our sins and through Your grace we will begin to live according to Your will, we will be able to preach Your truth to our very lives and turn the hearts of people to You.
Free me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation... Prophet David asks God to honor him from the shed blood of Uriya, in any tone (from the blood - an accurate translation of the words of the psalm). Words God save me equivalent words God my Savior- fertilization to the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ. With these words of the prophet we pray to the Savior about redeeming us from the killing of our sins.
My words are happy with Your truth. Lord, I sleep, and my lips sing Your praise.. My lips are stained with sin. Having forgotten the remission of sins, I will not hesitate, but will testify about You, recognize You and glorify Your mercies.
Because if you wanted a sacrifice, then you would give it to them: the whole world does not favor. You, Lord, have laid down the lawful sacrifices, which cannot grant remission of sins: the external sacrifice, which is offered without the participation of the heart, has no meaning.
God's sacrifice is the spirit of sorrow; God does not belittle a broken and humble heart. The sacrifice, having fallen in love with Ti, is the sorrow of the heart in repentance; You do not despise the sorrowful and humble heart, O God (Russian translation).
Bless, O Lord, Your favored Zion, and may the plagues of Jerusalem arise.. King David prayed not only for himself, but for his place and people, and asked the Lord to renew his destruction of the walls of Jerusalem by sin. Ale Zion and Jerusalem in the Holy Letter also represent the whole Church.
Then you favor the sacrifice of truth, presented to the whole body; then put it on your birthday. The psalm ends with the image of a sacrifice to God, which brings purity of heart and righteousness; Having cleansed our souls through repentance, we, with all our essence, turn towards God and give up our whole heart, our whole heart, our whole life - which will be our “all-bedrooms”.

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