Sechokamian illness in cats and intestines (MCL). Sechokamian disease in cats: symptoms, treatment, prevention Urolithiasis in cats

Mochekam'yana khvoroba In cats and cats there is an extremely approaching pathological condition, which has recently become inappropriate and has led to severe death of animals. Nina is getting sick more often now. ICD in cats and cats is often a concern in young adults. Since the owners of the animal are expected to be in good health, they often consult a veterinarian, whose pathological condition is revealed during diagnostic investigations.

In other cases, resignation becomes a complete disappointment for his rulers. For a cat, it will be better if the damage to the sinus drainage through blockage of the sinus passages will be diagnosed earlier. Treatment at home and without consulting a veterinarian is extremely difficult. In a number of cases, the recovery of the animal’s life requires simple assistance and the installation of a catheter to remove urine. In case of severe stress, direct therapy is required.

What is it that kills cats?

Across the world, illness is taking place almost immediately. Many people believe that kittens are indestructible, so they do not properly select food and pay careful attention. This kind of lack of balance is the reason why young creatures often develop serious problems with minnows, honeycomb fur and visible paths through the stones that are molded into them. ICD in the intestines of an adult may not show pronounced symptoms for a long time, so the rulers of the creature do not suspect the development of this disease, which is not safe for life. Especially negative influx- this pathological condition can occur during pregnancy or the postnatal period.

A longer life may be the reason for the removal of stones and the development of complications. There is a low level of other conditions that can provoke an increase in the prevalence of pathology in females. At this time, there are no more statistics that indicate the spread of this disease, since not all veterinarians become veterinarians when it develops. Some veterinarians indicate that the skin of 15 domestic intestines, starting from 8 years, has a similar problem. Cats suffer from illness much more often. This is made up of the biliary system. It is now known that cats have a channel through which urine is removed from the body that is 3 times narrower, lower than the intestines. In this way, small stones can block the flow of the cut. In cats, typical manifestations of these pathologies begin to appear during the hour of going on a spree. Call for spring. The spread of illness in neutered cats occurs earlier. Thus, the place of creation of this article will require special respect.

Etiology of cat sickness in cats

The reasons for the development of this pathological condition are rooted in the disruption of metabolic processes. Particularly unsafe is the lack of protein vibrancy, incorrect selection of hedgehogs, including the consumption of dry and moist food, as well as the periodic inclusion of human hedgehogs. Since such a minor approach is systematic in nature, it is susceptible to the development of such illness. You may have the wrong year of bathing yourself style terms provoke disruption of metabolic processes. However, in young animals, if the diet is incorrectly selected, fires can occur. Tap water can cause the development of intestinal infections. There is significant concern in the regions, it’s even worse.

To prevent this pathological condition from appearing, it is necessary to give the recipient too much standing water.

Regardless of the fact that castration significantly reduces the risk of development of cat's disease in a cat, in some cases this operation itself creates a change in the development of this disease. The recommended time period for carrying out such a procedure is 8-12 months. If the operation is performed before 6 months, there is a significant risk of injury to the unformed urethra. This is not the only thing that can provoke the formation of stones, but it often requires a more difficult journey. In sterilized guts, illness is no more common than in animals that have not undergone this procedure. However, when the procedure is carried out on animals, which are not small, there is a significantly greater risk of infection, and then of sickness. These are not all the reasons for the development of such a pathological state. Factors that may contribute to the appearance of illness should include:

  • illnesses of external organs;
  • infections of the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • ignition processes at nirkakh;
  • damaged etching;
  • genetic diversity;
  • shortage of water and dry food.

This illness is not uncommon in animals that suffer from severe obesity. Prominent low-fragility significantly compensates for the disruption of exchange processes and molding. Symptoms of intestinal disease can appear through congenital abnormalities in the animal's intestines. Increased temperature dovkilla Sprays the molded lining at the nirkah at the vihovanets.

Symptoms of cat sickness in cats

The first manifestation of this pathological state may be weak and short-lived. Small stones can be excreted in urine, but the stench may cause discomfort to the practitioner, as fragments of such products often have sharp edges, which can injure the mucous membranes. When the disease develops in cats, symptoms are expected to increase step by step. Acute signs of a pathological process are most likely to appear when there is a permanent blockage of the urine flow. Thus, if the disease develops in cats, the symptoms can never be immediately identified by the ruler of the creature.

The restless behavior of the recruit is not the first alarm signal. The cat or cat begins to urinate more often. It is not uncommon for the animal to stop eating when the tray is installed. There are obvious signs of sepsis in the intestines, it is especially easy to see that if your pet sits at the tray for a long time in a position that is typical for sepsis, this is due to the fact that she suffers from stones that are beyond normal in Idtoku urine. In some episodes, painful trips to the toilet are accompanied by stools and pitiful yowls of the creature. This means that the process of urine excretion causes severe pain in the creature.

The more severe the blockage of the passages, which is evident, the more intense the signs of intestinal illness.

For example, through the ducts of the great stones, the mucous membranes can be injured. This is often the reason why the color of the section changes. Urine may be dark, brown or red. This is the result of the loss of blood. If the urine flow is severely blocked, symptoms of cat sickness can be life-threatening. The creature’s body temperature significantly increases and signs of intoxication in the body increase. You might as well vomit. If you don’t survive the outbreak, the signs of cat sickness in cats become even more noticeable. Living with a newborn increases in size. Upon palpation, it is good to notice the re-appearance of the sechovy fur. Such manipulations should be carried out very carefully, as fragments of the wine may fall off through the vice. If the necessary assistance is not given at this time, the patient may die due to rash and peritonitis.

Methods for diagnosing cat fever in cats

When the first signs of illness appear, it is imperative to go to the veterinarian, since it is impossible to remove the animal on your own in the home. When you are first diagnosed, it is important to describe all the symptoms, which will significantly speed up the diagnosis. Vrahovay, that stones in ravines and sechovidnyh paths can change the structure. Most often cats suffer from:

  • struvity;
  • cystini;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • urat amonia.

Treatment of cat sickness in cats is carried out only after chemical treatment. For example, struvites, which are mainly composed of ammonium, magnesium and phosphate, as they are small in size, can be completely destroyed. Calcium oxalates may be reduced during surgery. In this way, only after understanding the chemical storage of stones, it is possible to select the most beautiful preparations. What matters is this the most important parameter, blood and blood tests will be carried out in the near future. The chemical analysis of stones and sand is also more important. If there is a suspicion of blockage of the thyroid ducts, ultrasound examination is immediately indicated. In some cases, when Danish method diagnosis is ineffective, radiography is required.

Persha helped with animals in case of sickness in cats

When it comes to illness, symptoms and treatment are interconnected. You can’t engage in self-care, the cat’s remains could be fatally unsafe. It is not possible to give painkillers, antispasmodics and other sedatives to the animal without a doctor, but you can improve the situation. Since the body of the creature is not critical, special drugs are injected into the kidney to alleviate the pain syndrome. Consider using these antispasmodics, for example, Papaverine and No-spa.

The only thing that is necessary is to remove the urine that has accumulated from the sawdust.

In case of severe illness, which is progressing, the cat will require catheterization for clear resolution. This procedure is not medical. All the debris that has accumulated is conveyed through this mechanical path. Catheterization allows you to remove rubbish stones and sand from the sieve. With this method, special doses and antibiotics are introduced into the honey. The catheter is sutured to the skin and is removed for approximately 3 days.

At this time, animals are regularly given sedatives, which relieve the sleepiness of sickly patients, spasm and reduce roachal activity. In order to protect the body of cats in case of illness, after inserting a catheter, disinfection steps are carried out. Special drugs, administered by dropper, allow you to quickly remove all the waste substances that have accumulated in the blood of animals through the destruction of urine. In some cases of illness, first aid includes blood-spinal medications, antibiotics, and medications that stimulate cardiac activity.

Complex therapy of cat fever in cats

Let the creature's body become brighter after the visits, but do not lead to therapy. In case of urolithiasis, the method of therapy should be stored in the same chemical warehouse. In such a manner, how to treat a cat's illness may result in the deprivation of qualifications of a veterinarian. Self-recognition of therapy is not safe for animals. In some cases, treatment of ICD in cats should be carried out with assistance. medicinal benefits, what is allowed to break open stones. To remove such products from the body, the following methods can be used:

  • Canephron;
  • Cyston;
  • Half fell, etc.

During the treatment regimen, drugs are administered that are intended to relieve the incendiary process and normalize metabolism. Make sure that the treatment of sickness in cats is carried out with the use of antibiotics, which can damage the functioning of the organs of the intestinal tract. To prevent this, probiotics are prescribed, as substances that help restore normal intestinal microflora. A veterinarian may recommend the use of such drugs as Vetom, Linex, Lactoferon, etc. Therapy can be supplemented with other drugs.

If a cat's illness develops, treatment can always be carried out using conservative methods.

Since the stones are too large or cannot be dissolved with special drugs, veterinarians are given before surgical treatment. Since there is no risk of intestinal illness, treatment with surgical methods is even traumatic. When performing a surgical procedure, it may be necessary to grow out the basil fur. Similar damage will then continue for a long time, which leads to the creation of inhumanity. However, such therapy, in a number of episodes, is the only way to turn life around for a convalescent.

Diet therapy for acute illness in cats

As a conservative and prompt treatment of this pathological condition, I will in the future be supplemented with special food. Why a cat suffers from a cat's illness is due to the veterinarian's knowledge of the chemical storehouse of stones that are dissolved in the pits and the creature's fluff. Food must be balanced and properly selected. It is necessary to transfer the animal to a special food for guts made from cut grass. I think it is necessary to give, strictly following the recommendations of the veterinarian. Any surplus that has not been eaten must be absorbed. Treating a cat with special dry mixtures according to the schedule. However, not all convalescents are ready to switch to healthy cat food based on the evidence of their illness. For any type of diet, a variety of natural products can be used when suffering from illness.

With this approach, it is especially important to clean up any excess food before the year, so that during breaks between meals, the caregiver does not have access to it.

When feeding a cat with a cat's illness, which is accompanied by struvite stones, it is necessary to introduce into the diet products that acidify the meat. There are a lot of chicken eggs, dilutions like this great quantity water, red currant or lemon, dairy products and meat. When molded in chopped oxalates and boiled liquid, the diet for intestines in case of sickness includes cut-edge fish, boiled meat and eggs. If the animal has previously consumed sour fruits and vegetables, they need to be removed from the diet. Liver, dairy products and other hedgehogs should not be given to the cat.

The vitality of the intestines during the cutting of the disease may be balanced, and in this case the acidity of the cuttings can be changed. In addition to a properly structured diet, the doctor must be present for regular access clean water. Choose healthy food for cats and for cats, which will allow the animal’s body to absorb the stones more quickly, so that they can switch to them if possible.

Prevention of cat sickness in cats

Nina of many Vlasniks of these creatures owes the utmost respect to prevent the development of this disease. Prevention of cat sickness in male and female cats primarily involves prompt castration and sterilization. This allows us to significantly change the risk of development of this pathological state. Prevention of ICD includes examination by a veterinarian and examination of the animal’s section, at least once in the river.

This makes it possible to immediately identify trends before the stones are set and promptly absorb them.

However, being cats, the creature’s body may already experience disruption of metabolism and sand may begin to form. Once the stone has grown, months may pass, so it is important to start raising veterinarians early in life to prevent stone sickness. It is very important to ensure that the creature has the ability to collapse. The rulers of the creature need to monitor its diet and fight against with a wagon at the cat's. Prevention of sickness in cats provides the animals with the necessary amount of clean filtered water. Just use preventive measures to prevent anyone’s illness from progressing.

Chantly, be the ruler of the guts, he feels about such an illness as Sechokam'yana hvoroba (MCL) . Why should you be afraid to start?

Sechokamyanya disease (urolithiasis) is a disease characterized by the formation of sechoka and urine in the urinary tract, sechomychuria or their obstructions in the lumen of the ducts and urethra.

And to be afraid of it follows from the moment when you decided to have a cat, because according to statistics, illnesses are reduced to 13.5% of cats, then. approximately skin size seven-eight. ICD, order 3 viral infections, ailments of the cardiovascular system, swelling and traumatic injuries, which are the main cause of death in cats and intestines in children aged 1 to 6 years.

Scary? Well, “whoever is ahead of the curve, will be better off”!

Are the stars taken from MKL?

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this food. By powerful officials and guilt:

Genetic diversity . The intestines are similar to African wild intestines, and they retain the ability to easily maintain a balance in the body and reduce the feeling of sprague. This is to bring the cuttings to a high concentration, which, with its mixture, absorbs the healing of the stones.

Diet of the creature - food with low food consumption, water and food with added minerals

A low-impact way of living

Incorrect exchange of speeches - Obesity

Infectionsі ignition processes in the sechovidil system, for example,

What kind of stone is it?

Possibly in skin veterinary doctor Like a geologist, he has his own collection of stones. Our chemical warehouse is very diverse: sechoic acid, urates, oxalates, carbonates, phosphates, cystine, xanthine, etc. The number of stones that settle in the septic organs ranges from one to a hundred or more. Their size also varies from millet grain to pea.

The intestines most often develop:

Struviti(tripelphosphates) - hard or fluffy, formed in the form of a contorted prism with diamond-shaped edges, which allows it to grow at the bottom. Struvits become 80% stone, power in the intestines from 1 to 6 rocks. The main reason is unbalanced food, too much magnesium and phosphorus.

Oxalati(Salts of oxalic acid) thicken less frequently. Calcium oxalate is a round-shaped solution with the appearance of an open trojan. It occurs mainly in cats older than 7 years, most often in long-haired Burmese, Himalayan and Persian cats. The reason is a shift in the level of calcium in the cut (acidification of the cut) through improper bathing.

Symptoms of MCL

Symptoms of sickness disease lie in the shape, size and dislocation of stones.

If the stones do not clog the lumen of the urethral canal and do not have sharp edges that fray the mucous membrane, illness may not appear. The traps were caught if the creatures had a stone more than two centimeters in diameter. During the current hour of the creation of such a stone (and this is close to the repetition of fate), the sign of illness was not observed.

Sechokamyana disease in cats manifests itself only when it is difficult to shed: the animal often sits on a pot or in an inappropriate place, straining, but the cut appears weakly, in specks, often with a house of blood and dust. If the seed is sealed with a stopper, the fur stretches, allowing for a steady state until the seed is released. When this happens, the creature’s body is noticeably devastated: the blood vessels of the slashing fur burst, the blood is drained into the slash, and, as a result, the slash is drained into the blood, which destroys the body. The whale appears at the stern and water, collapses a little, and is constantly trying to urinate. Vomiting is common, judged as a sign of severe intoxication by the components of the cut. A mighty burst of mikhur. This country, which is not safe for life, will require urgent medical help.

When the hour slows down, the hour is the supreme official, who is willing to bring the creature to extinction. So, be kind, don’t push, don’t expect that “everything will go away on its own,” but as soon as possible, deliver the convict to veterinary clinic!

Diagnosis of MCL

Sechokamyana disease occurs both in males and females, but it is clinically more often visible in cats through the anatomical structure - a narrower and convex bud. In the intestines, KSD is diagnosed when the stone settles in the honeycomb or burrows, which is accompanied by bleeding and is confirmed by X-ray or ultrasound.

The diagnosis can only be made by looking at clinical signs, laboratory analysis of the section, the results of x-ray and ultrasound examination, and a number of similar symptoms of government and other illnesses. Thus, difficulty in bleeding or discharge may be due to the appearance of swelling, inflammation, and bleeding and pain may appear with acute cystitis, etc.

Likuvannya MKL

Treatment of cat sickness in cats and kittens is carried out until the following actions:

1. Renewal of the flow section. To do this, it is necessary to remove the blockage of the urinary tract with a catheter and flush the lumen of the urethra with an antiseptic solution. Please wait under general anesthesia. In advanced cases, an operation is performed (opening the urethral opening for the type of female) or cystotomy is an empty operation for removing great stones from the sechovogo.

2. Stabilization of the frontal area. To renew the water-electrolyte balance and relieve intoxication, an internal drip is administered (from 1 to 5 days - always before the death of the animal) and prophylactic and antibacterial therapy is carried out (up to two days).

3. After stabilization I will be recognized prenatal prevention: diet (liquid food), physiotherapy (sex collections, etc.), as well as regular (once every 3-6 months) diagnostics: section analysis, ultrasound examination of the secretion and sec.

The same doctor can give recommendations from the date first aid for relapse of illness. You can ease the critters' condition with the help of an antispasmodic (no-spa ta in.), the drug "Kit Erwin", as well as a special medical diet, and if infection is evident - a course of antibiotic (only if prescribed by a doctor).

Treatment is then selected individually depending on the results of diagnosis, the state and age of the animal, the severity of illness, the presence of other illnesses, etc.

As a rule, there is no time to get ready for the rest of the day, but it is necessary to control the progression of illness and prevent the spread of illness. And then the creature can live a long and full life.

If there is insufficient control, in important cases, parts of the urethra are blocked from obstruction. Skin relapses are accompanied by aggravation of the skin and ruined skin, which can lead to skin deficiency.

Prevention of SCL

The best approach to the problem of MCL is prevention.

The most important factor in this regard is...

When using natural hedgehogs, you should avoid viscous products rich in salt (fish, milk, various seafood, mineral supplements, etc.), as well as hard drinking water. The diet must be enriched with vitamins.

It is widely believed that ICD is caused by intestines due to the legacy of their dry food. Not so. However, ready-made food is a very balanced product, containing a mixture of living substances, microelements and vitamins, which contain maximum benefits for the health of the animal. In addition, it is recommended to use components to prevent MCL. You must remember to give your student fresh water and make sure they are well-hydrated (!). Of course, as they say, only high-class feeders (!) are in trouble. Feed economy class (Kitekat, Darling, Whiskas, Katinka, Friskies, etc.) can really keep your critters healthy.

To prevent the creation and destruction of the stones that are evident in the sectum, the doctor uses a special dietary food . The choice should be made according to the type of stones that caused the illness. Since struvites are dissolved in the acidic solution, and oxilates - in the acidic one, then normalization of the pH of the liquid leads to increased crystallization and their disintegration. The effect of healthy feeds is to control the acidity of the meat (Royal Canin Urinary S/O, Hill's C/D, Hill's S/D, Purina UR).

Kirilo Sisoev

Calloused hands don’t know shit!


The elimination of sand, and after stones (uroliths) in a pet in the mikhur and nirks - the cause of mortality among convalescents has been expanded. In veterinary practice, the following indications are used: MCL, urolithiasis. With an early diagnosis of cat sickness, treatment at home will be effective. In advanced cases, hospitalization and surgery will be required.

Cause guilt and illness

Cats are more susceptible to illness than in the lower intestines. In castrated cats, urolithiasis increases, as in their non-sterile counterparts. Castration does not concern the causes of illness, but if they were killed, if the castration was less than half-baked, the creature’s urethra would be left undeveloped. It is important to treat the cuttings of the disease so that the narrow lumen of the cutting channel is closed. The list of causes of urolithiasis in cats includes improper speech exchange.

Officials, who will hide the sickness:

  • excess ribi;
  • fat hedgehog;
  • feed cheaply;
  • mixing in one year a bath of fresh hedgehogs and food;
  • shortage of water, bad water;
  • obesity, low activity;
  • congenital disorder of the sechostatic system, spasm;
  • infections, staphylococci, streptococci.

Main signs and symptoms

Mark the illness on early stage foldable. Many rulers are beginning to be on the alert, even if there are obvious signs of illness in the cat, if the situation is close to critical. Without urgent help, the creature can die, so it is important to survive the approach without worrying about the danger. Vlasniks of convalescents need to respond to possible symptoms cat sickness in cats:

  • the whale “has hesitated” and collapses less;
  • the creature has lost its appetite;
  • The cat behaves restlessly when discharging, goes up to the tray several times, urinates without first trying, forcefully licks the genitals.

Serious signs appear further:

  • The hatchlings become more frequent when they sit at the tray for a long time.
  • There is pain, the cat is screaming at the hour of seduction.
  • The cut will become bark in the erysipelas, and blood clots will form in the tray.

At this stage of the cat’s life, the cat is no longer safe. The salt deposits are moved by sechovidal ducts, stones get stuck in the urethra, the ducts become clogged, salt accumulates in the sechine fluid, which leads to intoxication. If the section leaves the body there is no more harm, it is fatally dangerous. The cat's mikhur, under the hour of extended illness, lives greatly increased.


The symptoms of the disease are so obvious that a veterinarian should make a diagnosis at the first birth. When choosing a method for treating a cat, the most important consideration is the formation of a complete clinical picture. Chemical warehouse The stone is cracked. Visible:

  • struvite (in their storage magnesium, phosphate or ammonium), earthenware;
  • calcium oxalates (uncommon, surgically treated);
  • cystini;
  • urat amonia.

In cats, struvitis is more important, as well as oxalates, as well as mixed type illnesses. Select the type of paper in order to write down the joints. Detailed investigation of the illness includes:

  • blood test;
  • X-ray (to determine the size, shape, localization of the stone);
  • Ultrasound (sech mikhur, nirok);
  • Chemical analysis of kaminets.

How to treat cat illnesses

You can remove a cat at home, but under the care of a veterinarian. It is not possible to give sechogin during the day, but it will aggravate the illness. To relieve the spasm, you can give “No-shpu”. Since there is blood in the section, homeopathic injections “Travmatin” are recommended, the stench will go away, the wounds will heal. Tsim Dolikarska additional help gets absorbed. How to get rid of a cat, say fahivets, recovering from illness.

Diet therapy

A cat's food intake during a period of illness is of much greater importance. Not all animals are good at eating dry food; they prefer natural products. And diet can help here. The rulers respectfully follow the rules of the ancient creatures:

  1. Follow the regime, groom the cat up to 3 times a day, tidy up the hedgehog’s surplus. During breaks between births, the creature does not have access to food. Replacement of the recommended dose is higher instead of a mixture of mineral substances.
  2. With struvite stones, it is important to enrich the cat’s menu with hedgehogs, which acidifies the cut. Includes dairy products, eggs (zhevotok), and, most importantly, meat. If you are ready to drink acidified water, drip lemon, cranberry, and currant juice into it.
  3. If the cat has oxalate, give fish, eggs and boiled meat in small quantities. Since animals love sour vegetables and fruits, get them out of the diet. You cannot bake foods rich in calcium.
  4. The water, although clean and fresh, is needed in abundance for sick creatures. If the cat doesn’t drink enough, soak the hedgehog.

How to care for a cat when it is sick

The diet for acute illness in cats always includes human food. Many veterinarians rely on vykoristanny in the hour of illness, deprived of factory-made feed, dry meat, containing natural products. Since farmers decide to combine food with fresh hedgehogs, it is not possible to combine the hedgehogs in one meal. Special Likuvalne Kharchuvannya must be carefully selected from the warehouse:

  1. Hills Prescription Diet Feline S/D, Eukanuba Struvite Urinary Formula can help with struvite uroliths. These foods disintegrate stones and remove them from the body.
  2. For oxalates, use Hills Prescription Diet Feline X/D Eukanuba Oxalate Urinary Formula.
  3. For mixed type illnesses, recommended by Royal Canin Urinary S/O Feline.

Medication-free treatment

Since the patient's condition is not difficult, conservative treatment can help, without surgical intervention. As a result, the acidity of the seed changes, struvite, cystine and uric acid stones disintegrate. If, correctly, cat food does not solve all problems, medical support is required. For acute illness, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics. If the illness is complicated by infection, the veterinarian will prescribe "Lincomycin" or antimicrobials from the cephalosporin group ("Kefzol", "Tseparin" etc.). Serve for 5-7 days, 0.2 g per serving.
  2. Uroseptics are antibacterial drugs that act on the sechostatic system. Cats are given "5-NOK", "Palin", "Furagin". Take a quarter of a tablet 2-3 times for 7 days.
  3. Features for rehydration (during winter) – Regidron. Pour into the cat's mouth in small portions, in case of severe watering of the skin.
  4. Homeopathic properties. They are referred to as “Kantaren” for injections. Recognizes spasm as anti-spasmodic, sechoginous. In case of acute illness, inject subcutaneously or internally, 1-2 ml up to three times a day. The course lasts 7-10 days.


If a cat cannot urinate for a long time, stop catheterization. The tube is inserted into the secho canal to drain the blood. Then the catheter is sutured for 2-3 days. This is necessary if the calculi (stones) are large or the urethra is very swollen. After catheterization, it is necessary to remove intoxication, during the hour until the cut comes out, the cat’s body has recovered from any damage that could have occurred. Vikhovanciu put a dropper.

Surgical delivery

The cat needs surgery if:

  • The stone is very large and does not come out after washing;
  • oxalate, non-rosin stones;
  • The cat's urethra is blocked.

Surgical treatment of cat illnesses comes in two types:

  1. Urethrostomy. There is an opening in the urethra through which stones can be seen. Until the cat's body becomes stable, do not allow the opening to become overgrown.
  2. Cystotomy. A more radical method of administering medicine is used in important cases of illness. The cat's fur is cut off and the results are seen. Such an operation is necessary if the stone is very large, and otherwise it is not possible to lift it.

Prevention of illness

All creatures can tolerate the disease once, otherwise most of it recurs. The cats were well-rested and did not suffer from urolithiasis; prevention is required. It is aimed at controlling the acidity of the vihovantsa section and includes the following points:

  • Starting from the river age, do the analysis every now and then.
  • Divide the additional ration of the product into equal portions and serve at regular intervals.
  • The cat's food may need to be balanced.
  • The water in the bowl is fresh, not harsh, from a filter. Monitor how things change.
  • Keep an eye on the cat's discharge, as it is rare, the cutting will be concentrated, as well as the words that are broken down in it. The norm is two per serving.
  • The cat needs to collapse more so that the exchange of words does not fail.
  • Use vikorist food for the prevention of cutworms and neutered cats (if the animal has undergone surgery).

Video: how does this disease manifest itself in cats and kittens?

The video reveals how a ruler can prevent a careless loved one from falling ill. By recognizing the first “links” of the MCL, there is a greater chance of helping the patient recover without surgical intervention and repair. The “group of patients” is complaining – cats and guts, which may have a great likelihood of rejecting an unacceptable diagnosis.

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Sechokamyan's disease in cats

Sechokamian ailment - urolithiasis - is the most widespread and most dangerous illness in cats. The high mortality rate of creatures confirms this. It is characterized by the presence of sand and stone in the organs of the sechostatic system – the cervix, the sechomychur.

According to the statistics, cats most often suffer from sickness by 5 years.

Before groupi rizik enter:

  • males;
  • century category 2 – 6 years;
  • creatures that suffer from obesity;
  • long-haired breed;
  • males after sterilization;


The illness has a genetic root and proceeds chronically, with acute relapses.

The flow can last up to 2 times, after which it becomes severe and it is difficult to manage without surgery.

Officials appeared to cut the disease

This ultrasound image shows a cut of the disease near the intestine. I want my guts to suffer much more often due to the illness of my lower cats.

The fact that a stone appeared in the pelvic organs lay in several warehouses. These warehouses, in their own way, are divided into external and internal.

External factors

The acidity of water plays a direct role in the development of cat sickness in cats.

Up to list external factors appear:

  • climatic minds - because of how careful it is in the booth, urine becomes highly concentrated and becomes difficult to filter through filters;
  • the vibrancy of the live fruit – the presence of salts in the water leads to the accumulation of salts in the water, as a result of the hardening of stones;
  • life- excess or lack of proteins in hedgehogs leads to an accelerated concentration of urine;
  • hypovitaminosis, - A lack of vitamins provokes a lack of nutrition in the epithelium, accelerating its collapse.

Internal factors

The vulnerability to sickness can be transmitted genetically.

Officials call what is in the middle of the body internal or endogenous. It is clear to them:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • peculiarity of anatomy;
  • disorder of the scolio-intestinal tract;
  • slumpiness;
  • Infections, viruses.

Causes of sickness in cats

There are two types of stones that have been created: struvite and oxalate.

The struvitis was removed after surgery for the treatment of the disease.

The most widespread cause of the development of sickness is considered to be impaired speech metabolism.

Minerals that reach the cat’s body react with waste products. The humming clusters of the honeycomb fur melt as crystals appear at the center. Passing through the sechovidous canals, the crystals injure the mucous membrane. The overwhelming number of such crystals is the cause of blockage of the lumen, blocking the exit of urine. Nirks continue to vibrate, otherwise they accumulate in the lumen, which results in severe intoxication.

The peak period for illness is in autumn and spring. The significant role of the appearance of pathology may be obvious ignition processes in the nirkah, schnular-intestinal tract. As a result of these processes, crystals can be formed. Individual flexibility is also a major factor in the development of the disease.

Peculiarities of the anatomy - a very narrow lumen of the urethra, which complicates the drainage, relieving congestion.

Video about the five main reasons for illness

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms of sickness.

It is possible to diagnose the presence of a stone or sand in laboratory samples, or in home samples, it is possible to make an early diagnosis for these signs.

  1. The whale urinates frequently, sometimes uncontrollably, sometimes with difficulty, and sometimes in small portions.
  2. About an hour.
  3. The cut is dark, appears red in color, or contains blood.
  4. The creature tends to crumble less, appears to be in the stern and water.
  5. Through the small output of urine, a larger population lives.
  6. Intoxication of the body is possible;
  7. The temperature rises to 39-40 degrees. To be consumed by judgments, three tons of the whole body.

Such symptoms can be experienced for at least 1-2 years during a period of illness. It is important not to allow any serious form to occur; undergo a veterinary examination, otherwise lethal end becomes 80%. If the diagnosis is made early and treated, the prognosis is good. A comprehensive clinical picture is formed by a veterinarian based on visual examination and laboratory investigations.

Treatment and diet for the cat

Therapy for sebaceous disease is carried out in a comprehensive manner, including radical methods such as surgical removal of stones and cleansing of semen tracts.

Insertion of a catheter through the ducts to the mikhur under general anesthesia.

The period of bathing is difficult and distressing, it draws a small amount of attention from the side of the doctor and the ruler of the cat. Persha emergency assistance- Possibility of a free exit. The catheter is inserted through the ducts into the sechovy mikhur, under general anesthesia. Difficulty in inserting a catheter - indicated for a non-gain operation, at which time the catheter is inserted and is removed by 1-2 tension.

Intensive bathing It is recommended to use symptomatic therapy: analgesic drugs, antispasmodics. Antiperspirants, antibiotics, immunostimulants, diet. The series of drugs is used with narrow directness to support the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the colonic-intestinal tract. I'll help you.

Likarsky estate

PHYTOAELITA® ZDOROVI NIRKI (PHYTOAELITA® SANUS RENES). Obovyazkova - consultation with a doctor.

Drugs that are often used in the treated MCL due to the possibility of urine patency: nitroxoline tablets, “Healthy Nirki” phytoelite, phytolysin, neurovital tablets, baralgin injections.

In more complex cases with surgical debridement, therapy is indicated: injections of amoxicin, baralgin. In the middle – phytoelite “Healthy Brunki”, phytolysin. Catheterization is carried out using a stagnant anesthetic agent such as xylazine and ketamine.

To clear and eliminate the infection, inject a dose of metragil with a physiological dose into the catheter. During the rehabilitation period, antihypertensive therapy is required. Contain Cotervin, Nephroket, Renal powder, suspension or tablets "", tablets "Urinar Tract Suport".

How to care for a cat with a sickness in the home

The purpose of the diet for urolithiasis depends on the type of stones found in the animal’s sechostatic system.

The presence of oxalates includes the presence of oxalic acid in the body. Take a seat at the stove, nirkah, and tea. Calcification is relieved by adding calcium to: dairy, fermented milk products.

Veterinary hospitals sell special food for cats suffering from catarrhal diseases.

Recommended saturate the organism with the meadow What can be found in beets, legumes, cauliflower. Showing products, rich in magnesium : peas, boiled meat, fish, rice, other types of cereals. Turn off dry food entirely and eat canned meat and fish.

Struvite infection

The lesion with struvites transmits the shutdown of liquids saturated with calcium and other substances. This group includes: dairy and fermented milk products, egg juice.

Special food for cats and cats with acute illness.

Refinement is allowed: oat porridge, pechivo, cabbage. Vikoristovvati canned meat and fish food. Dry food - only savory, obviously cinnamon supplements for the cat. The dietary intake should be consistent with the doctor and strictly adhere to the diet and dietary norms.

Throughout this process, rehabilitation should be carried out periodically laboratory research establish suvorous control over the creature’s self-perception. Combination of ready-made dry or canned food in one container with domestic hedgehog Strictly fenced.

Prevention of cat sickness in cats

A complex of preventive treatments for cat sickness is available to the skin. It is necessary to control the potency of other medications and their potency. Overeating can lead to an increase in the meadow in the area. Insufficient supply of calcium to the body results in the formation of phosphate compounds, so it is important to avoid eating hedgehogs rich in calcium.

Control your cat's petitiness. The water can be purchased, soft, or boiled and standing. Don’t be vicarious - just like complementary feeding, if possible, you will need some extra addition to your diet.

Feeding with dry food requires ensuring there is enough water. It's hard to kill a creature like a hard hedgehog. Add soups and rare porridges to your diet. Instead of training with friendly sanitary and hygienic minds, avoid the possibility of causing other infections.

In order to eliminate the appearance of the disease or its relapse, obligatory medical examination is indicated. Living in careless minds, the creature has a minimum risk of causing pathology of the sechostatic system.

First days after surgery

We specially selected this picture. Quarantine after surgery must be done successfully!

The first few animals after the operation require strict quarantine of the animal. Balancing the diet, keeping exits from the house, contact with other animals. Do not allow the hedgehogs to “fall into a fit”, eating posture under the regime. Do not skip the obligatory treatment, indications for rehabilitation.

Sechokamyana disease in cats is a chronic pathology, which is manifested in the presence of salt in the form of sand (at the beginning of the disease) or stone (in the later stages). KSD (urolithiasis) can appear in the intestines of any person.

Cause guilt and illness

According to statistics, cats are larger and have lower intestines to urolithiasis, and in neutered cats, castrated cats develop stones more often than in non-castrated cats. The reason for this is the immature urethra of the creature, which the rulers intended to castrate before reaching 6 months.

This does not mean that castrated cats will definitely develop illnesses. However, a cat with distant siblings should be wary of hormonal imbalance. The person's weakness decreases, and his appetite increases, which can lead to obesity.

Factors to be used for MCLs include:

  • Fish is more important in a diet;
  • the hedgehog is lubricated;
  • unclear food (economy class);
  • mixing natural and dry food;
  • the quantity of food is small;
  • the creature’s supramundane vaha;
  • lack of activity;
  • infections (staphylococci, streptococci);
  • reveal congenital pathologies of the sechostate system;
  • disruption of speech exchange;
  • slumpiness.

The idea that cats who eat only dry food are more susceptible to illness is incorrect. Urolithiasis is sick and convalescent, as the so-called natural woman lives.

Why is there a problem with cut-out sickness?

In the sechovidnye canals, the cat is careful not to develop stones (sand and stones), which is a general rule of thumb for the treatment of great harm:

  1. Injure the mucous membrane, scream sick people that bleeding.
  2. Fold the cut, which provokes a fire.
  3. Prevent infection and reversal reflux (reflux) from the nitric acid tubules, in which case the ignition process may occur there.

A cat suffering from illness without proper and timely bathing can lead to death.

Representatives of various breeds of children up to ICD

Veterinarians believe that long-haired and short-haired cats are more likely to prevent urolithiasis:

  • English;
  • Maine Coonie;

Remnants of the disease in cats are often transmitted genetically; when a cat is added, it will not be obvious to find out from the breeder whether the disease was present in the ancestors of your breeder.

Signs of cat sickness in cats

Crystals are created in the nets, which take up empty space and change the volume of the net. The crystalline linings have sharp edges, as if they were constantly tearing away living tissue. By the time the juice has been released, the product is allowed to be mixed together, which is reminiscent of the juice, causing the crystals to come out frequently and injure the canal that is being removed.

The stage of sickness is approaching, at which time the salt deposits are moved by the honeycombs. Since the intestines have a straight and wide duct, which is why the crystals do not get tight, then in cats the urethra has an S-like vigin, at which point a siege begins to appear. This will lead to further blockage of the ducts. The creature cannot empty itself, and the waste accumulates in the furniture.

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