Matthew Bellamy with facts and quotes.

Matthew James Bellamy
9 chernia 1978
Cambridge, England, UK
1.70 m

boiled from fiery red to white;
at the moment - a hot brunette
1) Matthew took 29th place on the list of the 100 greatest guitarists in the world according to the magazine “Total Guitar”;
2) the riff from Plug In Baby appeared at position 94 in the “Top 100 Riffs”;
3) the same reef was included in the almanac “Rock and Pop” for the magazine “Q-magazine” among the shortest reefs ever played;
4) the riff from Stockholm Syndrome, together with the Australian “Top 100 Riffs of all time”, was recognized as the greatest riff of all time, surpassing Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and other legendary speeches;
5) in 2005, the magazine “Kerrang!”

assigning Mett 28th place on the list of “50 Sexiest People in the World of Rock Music”;

6) Cosmopolitan awarded Metta the title of the sexiest rocker of 2003 and 2004.

7) Today, with NME magazine, Bellamy occupies the 14th meeting of the most famous rock and roll heroes of all times and peoples, most notably Lennon, Dylan and many other musical idols. Addiction, hysteria, pain, screaming... There is a hostility that the creativity of Matthew Bellamy (leader, vocalist, guitarist and songwriter) burns him in the middle. His songs are like passion, what burns, and romantic gods.

Metta's shrill vocals are an invisible part of the sound. This falsetto is one of the main important figures of the group. In one interview, Bellamy's partner, drummer Dominic Howard, realized that Matt had extremely small

vocal cords What does this mean by the ability to sleep in a high range. I would like to compare my style with Freddie Mercy, Thom Yorke with Radiohead, Axl Rose with Guns N' Roses, Jimmy Gnecco with Ours, Emilé Wordsworth, Bono, and the head rank, with Jeff Buckley, who, according to Bellamy himself, gave

greatest influx

s creativity.

Bellamy's style of piano playing is inspired by the works of pianists of romantic straightness, such as Sergei Rachmaninov, resulting in a fusion of classical romanticism and rock music, so characteristic of many Muse songs.

Zokrema, the compositions Space Dementia, Megalomania, Ruled by Secrecy combine elements of the first movement of Rachmaninovsky's Piano Concerto No. 2, and Butterflies and Hurricanes - the cadence of the third movement.


In his live performances, Bellamy often goes into long, romantic piano solos.
Varto guess the Prelude in C minor, which opens “Screenager” on this part of the “Hullabaloo” collection, which was played live.

The album Black Holes And Revelations brings us to the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

In the song Hoodoo, near the end, you can almost see the chord of the “Piano Concerto No. 1”, vikonani in minor, before other parts enter.

Matthew James Bellamy was born on the 9th of June 1978 near Cambridge, UK.

Yogo dad - George Bellamy, former musician, guitarist of The Tornados.

Mother took up home rule and a little spirituality - she flocked with the spirits of the dead without any additional steps.

In 1990, the Bellamy family moved to Tinmouth. Here the young man is lost in music. Once you start playing the guitar, you can try to reach one of the local subgroups.

After Matthew’s parents separated, and he began to live with his grandmother, music became his only inspiration. An hour later, they met their future friends - Matthew joined Dominic Howard's group. Initially, the musical group was called Gothic Plague, but over the years it has changed several times, as well as a group of warehouses.

3 2011 to the fate of Matthew's friends.

His team is actress Kate Hudson.

At the end of the day, a family bet gave birth to a son. ... read more >

Mood at once -

Matthew Bellamy

10 reasons why the Muse frontman himself singles out a decade of guitar music, from his baked solos and important riffs to his wilting performances on stage and super guitars.

10. Zavdyaki now the classics have become cool.

Bring Zach Wylde with a chamber orchestra, and you’ll most likely eat the dirigenta for drinking and pick at his teeth with a stick. The one on the right is Mette Bellamy: he breathes in this musty light of starchy hands and harpsichords and integrates his coolest ideas into his own riff templates. Doki you are slashing under a wild entrance until Plug in Baby, in fact, you are hearing a modified Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D minor.

Bah'n'roll, baby...

9. Yogo appeared on stage - complete madness.

Of course, this must be conveyed to all Muse set designers, otherwise

satellite antennas And acrobats in the world cannot compare with this, as one little lad from Devon indulges himself in music. When you see Bellamy, you won’t feel the sounds and friendly fires;

Instead of which he manipulates the focused virtuosity, all the talk of his Manson, sounds like an electric blast, using all his neurasthenic energy to create the greatest show on Earth (or be some other planet).

Muse released their first album in 1999, backed by Britney Spears' debut single "Baby One More Time" and much more.

The guitar music was fresh, so that the sound of Bellamy's guitar strings became like a fresh wind.

Without great respect for the statements about those that Muse are no longer Radiohead plagiarists, Matt heroically performed with songs on the Muscle Museum platform, and, finally, he showed that the world of music has appeared in a special way.

5. Stereotypes are destroyed.

Let's face it, on paper, the combination of progressive rock, classical, electronic and pop music is not to be used... it's not enough to get to the core of Genesis played in the greedy style of the classic albums of the 80s.

Mett zmusiv tse pratsyuvati proper rank.

Not many musicians can so easily switch from a beautiful piano program in the style of Danny Elfman to devilishly important guitar riffs, as does Bellamy.

Listen to New Born to discover the essence of human genius.

4. Yogo solo – vitvori mystetstva.

Metta's solo was inspired as miraculously as his guitar.

You'll always risk getting screwed if you date someone like Jimmy Hendrix, but let's face it, you can rest easy as long as you talk about Matt Bellamy.
Mett vicoristic effects and feedback like musical instruments, interspersing solos with a marvelous pop sound and harsh heather.
Just like Jimmy.
In Metta's hands there is a guitar - something more, not just an instrument, it becomes an extension of his body and his voice.
Just like Jimmy's.

And also a rare tribute to a guitar virtuoso and a talented composer, capable of writing great songs that can be re-verified for hours.

I still know it just like Jimmy.

Matthew Bellamy and El Evans are getting ready for fun!

The British rocker has developed the position of the hand and heart of the American model, with which two rocks meet closely.

The stench is secured!

The 28-year old El Evans herself announced on Instagram that she became the 39-year-old Matthew Bellamy.

The model wrote:

“I was going to impress everyone at the Rezdvo, but I simply couldn’t wait anymore... We are happy to voice the lights that we have entrusted!”
Very romantic
  • El illustrated her story with colorful photographs from the island of Fiji, where the family went to celebrate the model’s birthday.
  • After a horse walk on the birch and the ocean, the frontman of the Muse group took a heart from coconuts into the sand, and in one of them he wove a heel with a diamond for a kohanoi.

In her post, Evans said:

“Literally a couple of days after my birthday, which had become the most romantic in my life, the man-mriya urged me to marry someone!
After tears of joy, shock and seconds of disbelief, I said “SO”!
I don’t show my life without him.

I can recognize our bright future, which is beyond the love and light of our family and friends, the moments that are transformed in the dark, and a life beyond bliss.” separated.
The couple got together for 6 years.
The first suspicions about discord in their lives arose after Patel was on the 30th day of his life at the end of the day.

Moreover, it became noticeable that during the rest of the interviews, the actress talked about the Virgin, although she had not previously skimped on warm words. We also reported about the end of the drains and the rupture of the clasps.
Kate Hudson and Matthew Bellamy The actress and lead singer of Muse Matthew began to join forces in 2010. During this hour, they became the fathers of the son of Bingham "Bing" Hawn Bellamy, they announced the pledge, but there was no fun.
For a little while, Kate didn’t think long and knew

nove kohannya

especially dancer and actor Derek Hough (“Nashville”).