Tag: church saints.


The church calendar is richly sacred; the dates of certain events are not fixed.

It is necessary to know them both for young people who have recently come to faith, and for those who have already believed for a number of years.

In 2019, the Orthodox community traditionally celebrates 18 saints, 7 fasts, and a number of days of commemoration of the dead.

Church is holy

  • All holy dates from the church calendar are dedicated to the lives of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and other saints.
  • At the end of each month there are holy days.
  • In Sichnya

In the first month of 2019, 3 great church saints are believed to signify:

7 sichnya – Feast of Christ.

As the name suggests, on which day the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ.

14th - Circumcision of the Lord.

  • On the 8th day after the light appeared, Christ was called Jesus and received circumcision.
  • It is sacredly observed on the day of remembrance of St. Basil the Great.
  • 28th quarter - Great Day of Christ or Holy Sunday.

Most Orthodox holy.

Voted for the honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Soon the date changes, so the won is calculated according to the monthly calendar (which, as a rule, falls on the period from the 4th of April to the 8th of May).
  • Lent itself marks the end of Lent, so you can eat plenty of food that has been preserved for 48 days.

The main chastovannya table is a symbol of the holy, and therefore, it is the farbuvannya and paska.

In Chernі

  • The Orthodox calendar of chernya 2019 consists of two saints:
  • 6 chervenya – Ascension of the Lord.

Signified on Thursday, on the 40th day after the Great Day.

Commemoration of the descent to heaven of Jesus Christ.

  • 16 chernia - .
  • It is called holy, including the Day of Holy Pentecost, Spiritual Day.

He is respected as one of the main religious saints, as he glorifies the Most Holy Trinity.

Marks the 50th day after Holy Sunday of Christ.

  • In linny
  • Orthodox mean 2 saints in the linden:
  • 7 linya – Rebirth of John the Baptist.

It was established in honor of the birth of the righteous Zechariah and Elisabeth to the son of a son who would later become known as John the Baptist.

12 linden - Holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul/Paul's Day/Peter and Paul's Day.

Day of remembrance of the two great apostles.

4 breasts - Entry into the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The mother and father of the Mother of God, the righteous Joakim and Anna, were childless.

Begging for the hour of the child’s prayers, they gave obitsyanka, so that whenever the child appeared, they obligingly dedicated it to God.

When Mary reached the age of 3, the fathers of their distant relatives and friends brought her to the Jerusalem temple.

Orthodox posts

In the Orthodox faith, as in all others, there are fasts, both rich and one-day.

At this time, it is necessary to take care of all creatures and various kinds of them, devoting more than an hour to prayers.

A physical fast without a spiritual fast is not effective for the salvation of the soul.

Changing gastronomic habits for an hour without changing the way of life is no more than a diet!

  • Rich days
  • The church calendar states that there are three periods of fasting.
  • The singing hedgehog is now allowed to live.
  • Exchange in hedgehogs, the fight against greed, the search for contentment and excitement, the maximum of good justice and prayers - this is the main point.
  • Great
  • Installed in honor of Jesus Christ.

Lasts 48 days.

In 2019, the birth falls between the 11th quarter and the 27th quarter.

The Holy Sunday of Christ will end.

The most important are the first and the remaining days.

Basic rules:

On the first day (clean Monday) you will be able to follow the hedgehogs.

At the beginning of the 6th week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays you need to eat only dry rosemary and drink water and compote.

40 days before the Feast of Christ (from the 28th day of leaf fall to the 6th day), the winter fast begins, which is symbolically called the Feast Day.

The Holy Day is often called Pilip, because it begins after the day of remembrance of the Apostle Pilip.

Follow the program, similar to that before Petrov's planting.

After the 4th day, fish is allowed on Saturdays and weeks, and the 6th axis of the day is required to wait, just like before the first star appears.

Same day

In addition to the three most important fasts in Orthodoxy, there are 3 one-day fasts, in which you can live with olive oil, and the axis of the fish can be trimmed.

Holy Eve of Khreshchensk

On the 18th day, the Orthodox are preparing for purification and sanctification, which requires vidmova from all creatures.

Desecration of the chapter of John the Baptist

The Eastertide falls on the day of remembrance and death of the great prophet John, which falls on the 11th of Sunday.

Exaltation of the Lord's Cross

As a sign of remembrance of the Savior’s suffering for the benefit of the human race on the 27th of April, you should look out for the unstable one and spend an hour in prayers and verses about sins.

Social life

  • The Orthodox calendar has 5 years, which do not need to be separated on Wednesdays and Fridays:
  • 01/7/2019-01/18/2019 - Christmastide;
  • 02/18/2019-02/23/2019 ‒ Mitar and Pharisee;
  • 03/04/2019-03/10/2019 ‒ Maslyana (Sirny Spring).
  • You only need to be careful about meat;

04/28/2019-05/04/2019 ‒ Easter;

06/17/2019-06/23/2019 – Troitska.

  • Days of remembrance of the deceased
  • Every time you can’t forget about your family and friends who have passed on from life.
  • There are only a few days in the church calendar when it is recommended to come to the graves of relatives and pray for them.
  • In 2019, Father's Day falls on:
  • 4, 23 and 30 Bereznya;

6th quarter; 7 Travnya (Radonitsya), 9 Travnya (commemoration of dead warriors);

15 chervenya (Ecumenical Trinity Fatherland Saturday);

2 leaf falls (Dimitrievskaya Batkivska Saturday). Video: how to post correctly

No one is surprised by the presence of a specific number of visits.

You can buy a church calendar from different methods.

Most often, numbers are sold in stores at the Catholic Church; a few can sometimes be found at a printing or stationery store. It’s not too late to buy the calendar, everything will lie there because it’s a meta bath..

If you just need to find out what day Easter Lent begins, all you have to do is go to the Internet and make a special request.

If you really want to divine the saints today. Give your victims carefully - buy better Catholic calendar for every day

It is already clear that the entries are divided into transitional and non-transitional. There are fewer Catholics in the Orthodox transition period. The stench can only be heard until the basic entrances and the Great Dimension through the bushes.

The great day to move on in 2019 is spent on 21 quarters.

Until this 45 days there will be no streaming.

Great day

  • Catholic calendar 2017
  • and 2018, fell on the 10th and 1st quarters every day.
  • Not after Christmas
  • Catholic calendar 2016
  • , just like in 2019, it’s firmly on the 25th chest.

Catholic calendar for 2019, what are the plantings?

Sensation of morning on a poor, rich food at the said different tastes of secular life - the fatty skin of creaturely adventures, romp.

This will result in spiritual freedom, vitality and joy.

  1. Beforehand, prepare your body and mind.
  2. Shorten your portions and make your diet easier to digest.
  3. Don’t fool yourself with all the different “song products” of commercial activities.
  4. All these stinks prevent harmful carcinogens that kill our microflora (sweet mayonnaise, baked goods, zucchini, snacks).
  5. Prepare preparations for sweet drinks and make sure your refrigerator will always have fresh vegetables and fruits;
  6. Find a number of vegetable recipes for grains and legumes that can be prepared over the course of the day.

Find yourself busy during your days, walk more, read, participate in your Church, meet friends.

Remember that this is the hour of spiritual growth and rebirth, and not just children for weight loss.

The result of your post is peace in the heart and gratitude to Jesus for his ability to be cleansed from sin and avoidance.

Why does the Catholic church calendar for 2019 differ from the Orthodox one? Until the 16th century, these calendars were different. They all lived under the same calendar.

Years later it was discovered that our calendar does not keep up with the astronomical one.

And, as a result, there was one lost property from a number of rocks.

In the 16th century the calendar was improved by jumping 10 dib.

They themselves ordered the ban on all churches.

With this fate, more and more churches joined the new calendar style, but some are still alive, as before.

The numerical scientist, without becoming too precise, also uses the astronomical year.

In order to be deprived of the right faith, it is simply necessary to complete Lent in 2019.

This article is about those who plant the cob of the plant, how to eat it, and when it runs out.

Food rules are scheduled from Monday to week for 40 days.

This article is about the Catholic faith, except for the change of holy days and fasts that are expected for Catholics in 2018.

People of other religions are increasingly joining our lives.

It’s important to stay up to date with the Catholic saints as we head into 2018.

Faith in God, and in those who live after death, richly helps to live.

As in any other faith, Orthodoxy has an impersonal saint and tradition, like a new believer.

The Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos in 2018, as if by any other fate, is assigned to the middle of the month.

From these articles we learn about the exact date of this saint, as well as the special features of this holy day.

The faith of modern Orthodox Christians may be confirmed by the established rules of conduct in the hymns of the church.

2018 will not be the blame.

This holy month is rich in fasting. 7
To learn about the main church traditions of this period, use this material below. This holy month is rich in fasting. 19
Regardless of those who have many believers, they know how to remember the Orthodox saints and fasts, the dates that pass, change to the Great Day and change quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the Orthodox calendar 2019 in hand, so as not to miss important religious days. 15
Also, the calendar will show you, if you need to get rid of life, during which period Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Ascension and Pentecost fall. Church calendar for 2019 with holy days and fasting for a new style 7
List of the Twelve Holy Transitions The list of twelve is sacred, so don’t go over it 19
today The list of twelve is sacred, so don’t go over it 28
Baptism of the Lord The Lord's Day 21
The Eastertide falls on the day of remembrance and death of the great prophet John, which falls on the 11th of Sunday. The Lord's Day 27
lutey Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 4


Transfiguration of the Lord This holy month is rich in fasting. 14
Serpen Church calendar for 2019 with holy days and fasting for a new style 28
Dormition of the Virgin Mary Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7
spring Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 12
On the 18th day, the Orthodox are preparing for purification and sanctification, which requires vidmova from all creatures. The Lord's Day 11
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple chest 14

Great church saints

Circumcision of the Lord

Great day Rebirth of John the Baptist
Holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary
yellowish Rich and one-day fasts with a table of food by day
great post
What can you eat? Rich and one-day fasts with a table of food by day
1st week “Urochiness of Orthodoxy”
11 bereznya Vidmova and Ezhi
Week 3 “Vorage of the Cross”
25, 27, 29 Bereznya Rich and one-day fasts with a table of food by day
26, 28 Bereznya jams, stewed vegetables without oil, fruits
30 – 31 bereznya Vidmova and Ezhi
4th day of “Saint John the Cliff”
1st, 3rd, 5th quarter Rich and one-day fasts with a table of food by day
2, 4 quarters Vidmova and Ezhi
6th quarter
7th quarter
5th anniversary of “Venerable Mary of Egypt”
8, 10, 12 quarters Rich and one-day fasts with a table of food by day
9, 11 quarter jams, stewed vegetables, fruits, olive oil
13th, 14th quarter Vidmova and Ezhi
Day 6 “The Entry of the Lord to Jerusalem”
15, 17, 19 quarters Rich and one-day fasts with a table of food by day
16, 18 quarter jams, stewed vegetables, fruits, olive oil
20th quarter fish caviar, boiled, stewed vegetables, fruit, oil, wine
21 quarters fish, boiled vegetables, stewed vegetables, fruits, olive oil, wine
Week 7 “Addicted Week”
22 – 25 quarter fruits, vegetables, dried fruits without heat treatment
26th quarter Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary
27th quarter Rich and one-day fasts with a table of food by day
28th quarter, Great Day conversation

Petriv post

In 2019, the morning of the morning of life's contentment and blessings will be carried out from 24 cherven to 11 linden.

Pist mensh suvory, nizh the Great. Rebirth of John the Baptist
The table shows the food of the first year.
Then the diet is repeated in the same sequence. Number
24 chervenya, Monday 25, Tue
fish, seafood Number
26, equal 25, Tue
dry day Number
27 th Number

28, paragraph

29, Sat

Pist mensh suvory, nizh the Great. 30 chernya, week
Assumption Post 25, Tue
The Suvorish fast is carried out from the 14th to the 27th sickle. The table shows how you need to stretch the first stretch.
Then the diet is repeated in the same sequence. 25, Tue
How you need to grub The table shows how you need to stretch the first stretch.
14th sickle, Wednesday 25, Tue
15 th
jams, stewed vegetables, mushrooms, grains without oil, fruits 16, paragraph

17, Sat

18, nd

Pist mensh suvory, nizh the Great. Rebirth of John the Baptist
19, Mon
20 September, Tuesday The table shows how you need to stretch the first stretch.
jams, stewed vegetables, mushrooms, cereals and olives, fruits Number
Revelation post 25, Tue
Conducted from 28 leaf fall to 6 days. Number
It’s important to change your diet as you get closer to Christmas. 25, Tue
Z 28 leaf fall to 19 breast Number
Mon Number
20 September, Tuesday The table shows how you need to stretch the first stretch.
jams, stewed vegetables, mushrooms, cereals and olives, fruits 16, paragraph
Revelation post 25, Tue
Conducted from 28 leaf fall to 6 days. Number
It’s important to change your diet as you get closer to Christmas. 25, Tue
Z 28 leaf fall to 19 breast Number
Mon Number
20 September, Tuesday 25, Tue
jams, stewed vegetables, mushrooms, cereals and olives, fruits The table shows how you need to stretch the first stretch.
Revelation post 25, Tue
Conducted from 28 leaf fall to 6 days. The table shows how you need to stretch the first stretch.
It’s important to change your diet as you get closer to Christmas. 25, Tue
Z 28 leaf fall to 19 breast 16, paragraph
Mon 16, paragraph


  • Fri
  • Sat
  • Nd

3 20 breasts to 1 sichnya

From 2 to 6 today

  • One-day fasts: how to eat
  • Vodokhreshcha – 18 sichnya (jams, stewed vegetables, mushrooms, grains without oil, fruits).
  • Extension of the chapter of John the Baptist - 11th spring (drying day).
  • Exaltation of the Holy Cross - 27th Veresnya (jams, stewed vegetables, mushrooms, olive cereals, fruits).
  • Days of remembrance of deceased fathers and relatives
  • According to tradition, people always go to the temple early to pray for their deceased relatives or to pray for the repose of the magpie.
  • It’s better to come to the graves from chastisement and ask the priest to perform a panakhida on the evening.

Ecumenical Father's Saturday - 2nd Birth

Whose video does Archpriest Volodymyr Golovin (rector of the St. Abraham's Church, confessor of the protege commission of the Chistopol Diocese of the Tatarstan Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church MP) reveal how to correctly predict deceased births ch_v:

The most important Orthodox Christians pay special tribute to their holy services.

The greatest and brightest day in the church calendar of Christians is Great Day.

Vaughn has a special status and the greatest local service. The date of the holiday is determined according to the monthly calendar and is unique for the skin (falls in the period from the 4th of May to the 8th of May).

  • Other great saints are divided into twelve and non-twelve.
  • – these are the 12 most important saints of the Orthodox calendar, dedicated to the steps of earthly life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.
    They are divided into two categories:

Intransitive They set a fixed date and quickly fall on the same date.

Before them are 9 twelve saints.

Transitional A unique date for the skin is looming, which lies under the date of the Holy Day and moves at the same time from it.

3 twelve saints are brought to them.

As a sign of remembrance of the Savior’s suffering for the benefit of the human race on the 27th of April, you should look out for the unstable one and spend an hour in prayers and verses about sins. Nearly two dozen

– these are 5 great saints of the Orthodox Church, dedicated to the people and death of John the Baptist - the baptizer of Jesus Christ, the apostles Peter and Paul, the appearance of the Mother of God, the circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Basil.

Orthodox fasts and holy weeks


- The period of exchange in hedgehogs, during which time to avoid the hedgehogs’ animal activities.