A short biography of Adolf Hitler. Short biography of Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) - the great political and military hero, the founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, the founder and ideologist of the theory of national socialism.

Hitler is familiar with the world, let us reconsider, like a crooked dictator, a nationalist, like a dream to take the whole world and purify it from people of the wrong (not Aryan) race. Having conquered half of the world, having ignited a world war, having created one of the highest political systems and having millions of people in their camps.

Short biography of Adolf Hitler

Hitler was born at a small town on the cordon of Niemchi and Austria. At school, the lad started to look bad, and sanctuary I didn’t care to take it away like that - the two vins tried to enter the academy of mystics (Hitler had an artistic talent), but they didn’t praise him like that.

At the young age on the cob of the First World War, Hitler, having voluntarily violated the war on the front, de y was born in the new great politician and national socialist. Hitler achieved success at the military cavalry, taking off the rank of corporal and the sprat of military contingents. In 1919, the roci of wines turned from the war and joined the German Labor Party, where they could also slip through the service. During the serious economic and political crisis in the city of Nimechchina, Hitler favored the party's low reforms of the national-socialistic shtib and tried to plant the head of the party in 1921. From the first hour of the year, having begun to actively promote your policy and new national ideas, vicorist apparatus of the party and your own victorious news.

After that, as per Hitler's order, they organized the Bavarian Putsch, but they illegally arrested him and sent him to prison. Himself for spending an hour at the village of Hitler and writing one of his main works - “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”), in which he exclaimed his own peace of mind about the situation that developed, knowing his position on racial nutrition (the pride of the Aryan race ), voicing the war against the Jews and the communists, and also declaring about those that Nimechchina itself can become a powerful power in the world.

Hitler's way to the light panuvannya rose in 1933, if it was recognized for the planting of Reich Chancellor Nimechchini. Having taken off the grounds of the economic reforms carried out by him, Hitler helped to overcome the crisis that swelled the 1929 fate (Nimechchina bula rose after the First Holy War and bula was not in the best camp). After his appointment to the landing of the Reich Chancellor, Hitler negainally fenced off the mustache of the other parties, the Crimean party of nationalists. During this period, a law was adopted, zgіdno z yakim Hitler became dictators for 4 years, yakі mayut unlimited power.

Through rіk, 1934 fate, vin himself recognizing himself as a gang of the “Third Reich” - a new political system, Founded on the nationalistic principle. Hitler's fight against the Jews flared up - the SS corrals, concentration camps were created. During this period, the army was modernized and rebuilt again - Hitler was preparing for the war, which is not enough to bring panuvannya to the world.

In 1938, the transition began to move Hitler with light. Austria was buried on the back, then Czechoslovakia - the stench was brought to the territory of Nimechchin. A friend of Svitov's war was at the fire. In 1941 Hitler's rotational army attacked the SRSR (Great Vitchiznyan war), prote for chotiri rocks of the viysks and zahopit the country to Hitler did not go far. The Radianian army, following the order of Stalin, called in the military nimtsiv and sank Berlin.

For example, fight your own rest days Hitler keruvav vіyskami from the underground bunker, the protétse did not help. Humiliating astonishingly, Adolf Hitler at once with his retinue Eva Braun committed self-destruction to 1945 rock.

The main provisions of Hitler's policy

Hitler's policy is the policy of racial discrimination and the victory of one race over another. The same tsim cheruvavsya dictator, like an internal one, so i foreign policy. Nіmechchina pіd yogo kerіvnitstvom is guilty of bula transforming into a racially pure state, as if following socialist principles and ready to stand on the cholі world. In order to achieve this ideal, Hitler, having pursued a policy of humiliation of other races, was especially persecuted by the Jews. They just spared them all civil rights And then we just started to catch and drive in with a special zhorstokistyu. Later, before the concentration camps, the soldiers were also full of soldiers at the hour of the Other World.

Prote, varto signify that Hitler was far away from significantly improving the economy of Nimechchina and leading the country out of the crisis. Hitler is essentially short of worklessness. Raising promislovіst (they are now focused on serving the Viysk galley), wanting different people to come in and different holy (including the middle of the native German population). Nіmechchina, in a flash, before the war could get on its feet and gain singing economic stability.

Hitler's government pouches

  • Nіmechchinі far away vibrate from the economic crisis;
  • Nіmechchina pretended to be a national socialist power, as small as the unofficial name "Third Reich" and pursued a policy of racial discrimination and terror;
  • Hitler, becoming one of the main figures who untied the Friend Holy war. Youmu was far away to seize the majestic territory and significantly strengthen the political influx of Nimechchini in the world;
  • Under the hour of Hitler's terror, hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed, including children and women. Numerical concentration camps, where Jews were brought in by those other objectionable specialties, became death chambers for hundreds of people, only a few survived;
  • Hitler is considered one of the greatest dictators of the world in the entire history of mankind.

VILNIUS, 24 worms - Sputnik. A person 128 years from the city of Salte, Argentina, voicing that the biggest Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and the rest of 70 years from Ukraine, voicing Sputnik International.

And even though these statements do not seem to be plausible, protest against the recent revelations in the country of fascist artifacts. Giving an interview to ZMI, a German immigrant of rozpoviv, who arrived in 1945 to Argentina with a passport in the name of Herman Günterberg, which the Gestapo saw after the end of the Other World War.

Vin also added that he had vindicated his trivial ukrittya, the Mossad (Israeli secret service - Sputnik) was officially observed in his policy of re-investigating the Nazi military evils in 2016. Most of the early work of the Mossad included the hoarding of a large number of Nazis who are in Latin America, and the most famous butt of this kind is the 1960s of Adolf Eichmann. In addition, a person can publish his autobiography in the Veresni and "reveal" his suspile image.

"I was called by rich malices, as if I were not timid in any way. Through cement, I had a chance to spend more than half of my life, hovayuschie in the Jews, to that I already took off my punishment. Everyone respected me as a filthy lad, less than the one that we read in the read. my version of history, change your mind about me,” said Günterberg/Hitler.

At that hour, the main historians universally predicted that Hitler had succumbed to suicide on April 30, 1945 at the Führerbunker, Berlin, if the Chervona Army was beating over the German capital, the alternative chroniclers let it go, that the Fuhrer, perhaps, in Latin America. Nazis on the completion of the war.

At the end of 2016, Abel Basti published a review of the video "Hitler at the Vignanni", assuming that the Fuhrer, that he was building, vt_k to Argentina. There, according to the writer's thought, he lived ten years, first moved to Paraguay under the protection of dictator Alfredo Straussner, who is the root of the German.

Basti, in his own version, is convinced that Hitler died on the third cruel year of 1971 near Paraguay.

It is not surprising that few people believe the history of the old, socrema and yogo 55th squad of Angela Martinez, as if admitting that this shocking hardness is the result of bewilderment. Vaughn said that no one had ever thought of Hitler as a Nazi until 2015, if they showed symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Martinez is aware that he is a person, it is possible, being a Nazi, who feels guilty in his past.

"Sometimes I forget who I am and de wine. We look like this, we never go into a trance, then we start talking about Jews and demons, and then we turn back to normal life, like nothing happened," she said.

How much did the camp of the leader of the national-socialists as a private individual and who could take after his death a penny?

In 1945, 91,698.77 Reichsmarks were marked on the head of Adolf Hitler in the district settlement of Berchtesgaden (Berchtesgaden, Oberbayern). The central NSDAP watchdog "Franz Jeher" had about seven million checks against the author of "Mein Kampf" to stop the sale of the book. Another type of the Fuhrer lost his inviolability - the Berghof, the residence near the Bavarian Alps, and the Munich apartment on the Principal Strass, as well as a large collection of works of art.

Fuhrer's salary

About tse povіdomlyaє Stern.de, adding that with the ostentatious modesty and asceticism of the public image of Hitler, less stained, connected with the reconstruction and services of the Berghof, they cost no less than a billion Reichsmarks. As you can see, it’s true that the leader of the NSDAP did not in any way shy away from special powers between the party cadre and the high-ranking Haman, and millions of donations to great companies, recognized for the needs of the party, instantly stained for the ruling court.

Yak Reichschancellor, Fuhrer officially otrimuvav salary close to 60 thousand Reichsmarks on the river. More pennies "people of rock" for the version of the American magazine Time (September 2, 1939) brought fees for the book "Mein Kampf", which appeared in millions of copies. For the sake of his remaining wills on April 29, 1945, the fate of Hitler ordered a collection of works of art to the Austrian city of Linz, and reshtu - to the party. The dictator's mine was confiscated by the allies and later handed over to Bavaria, the shards of the vlasnik were registered in Berchtesgaden.

Claims of recessions

Discussions about possible declines were vindicated after July 25, 1956, if the Fuhrer was officially resurrected from the list of the living. In 1959, the court reviewed the claims for the fall of Pauli Wolf, Hitler's sister and two children of the late sister Angela, and nibito praised the positive decision, but for other reasons before the payment on the right, it didn’t work. Claims from Evi Braun, for example, for an apartment in Munich, were based on the evidence that Adolf Hitler's squad died for a little while before the death of his man, that could not be respected by the fall of the militia.

As well as with other possible Nazi functionaries, most of Hitler's assets were vikoristano to pay compensation to the victims of Nazism.

P.S. Before the speech, as the American press told, in Argentina, the “right master” of the lane appeared in Argentina - a man, who affirmed that Adolf Hitler was guilty and vtikach in justice, however, a man, claiming to be the leader of the Third Reich, turned out to be just a perplexed pensioner.

Hitler's recession: skils and to whom? updated: Serpen 13, 2019 by: Marco Bayanov

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