Corruption sclerosis of Oleksandr Kapustin.


beauty and health

The leading candidate for imprisonment of the head of the St. Petersburg DIBDR regularly provided additional assistance to the FSB in “pedagogical situations”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has again sent documents to the Kremlin for the appointment of Major General Oleksandr Kapustin as a military officer of the St. Petersburg Department of Internal Affairs. According to Dzherelo, the FSB bureaucracy is lobbying for his candidacy. It is significant that this is already the fourth attempt to recognize Kapustin for this planting.

Previously, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Volodymyr Kolokoltsev, “cut down” his candidacy through foreign inviolability, which Kapustin does not indicate in the declaration.

According to the Novaya Gazeta newspaper, with his patronage from Lubyanka, Kapustin is helping the FSB in “deep situations.” So, September 18, 2016 Krasnodar region

The accident became serious, having provoked the FSB Major General in a Lexus.

This foreign car drove into the street and rammed a truck, which burned down.

At the DAI of the Krasnodar region, this incident is not lost, thanks to Kapustin’s efforts, the dzherela sings.

Major General Oleksandr Kapustin is increasingly facing the vacancy of the head of the St. Petersburg traffic police.

As it seems, his wife has a lot of worries about career growth and family life, and she is criminal on the right, which is gaining momentum.

The move is expected from Moscow, and de Kapustin is immediately rejected.

Of course, an apartment in Bulgaria is not a villa on the Azure Birch.

You can’t call it crazy.

However, according to the norms and rules of the MBC system, this is an unacceptable phenomenon.

A major general of police is not a special person.

Pursuits and status give not less privilege, but also impose serious restrictions.

It is worth remembering that in 2014-2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not recommend the birth of the kidney, and then defended its conscripts from crossing the border.

The Major General’s desire to move to St. Petersburg was completely clear - the settlement is solid, the place is familiar, the squad is there, the daughters are grown up, they recently became a grandfather...

Ale, as it seems evil, on the right it is not so with these reasonable motives.

It’s just that today, the Major General is facing news unceasingly through the criminal law about the evil of the new importances that have not yet been established in the service of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Krasnodar Territory.

Keep the point short. According to the law of the Krasnodar region, traffic police inspectors are responsible for evacuating cars from the street by calling a tow truck through the dispatch center. But for two years from Sochi there was no ... thirsty cry.

Last year, within the framework of criminal justice, a large number of police officers of the Sochi traffic police regiment and over 20 additional police officers were already recruited.

Before the “evacuation” notice, the prosecutor’s office of the Krasnodar region had already submitted its own inspections. In a word, the right is unfolding and obviously from the high ranks he will become an inevitable figure. The connection with this, of course, is nutrition: why, for two years, the head of the regional department of the Department of Road Safety and Health does not know about those who are in such an important place as Sochi?

Quite doubtful.

Maybe the most important thing is calling out to General Kapustin

gostre bazhannya

I will soon leave the Krasnodar region and move into the comfortable seat of the St. Petersburg head of the Department of Road Safety.

It’s getting hot these days, it’s a turbulent year, so you have to go to other places and sit in armchairs that are completely quiet and dishonorable.

Investigated by NDC

Already in 2015 and like 2016, Kapustin’s candidacy was rejected.

The leading role here was played not by some unknown official, but by the Office of the President of the Russian Federation to fight corruption.

In principle, just one negative message from this department is enough to shut down the security officer’s career once and for all. It’s more important to tell the official representatives of your family: General Kapustin, submitting a declaration of income, having taken from her the well-being of his family and obviously power. 5th quarter of 2016, following the evidence of the first audit of the anti-corruption department, Kapustin was condemned for violations when submitting income statements for 2014.

As they say, the reason for the tightening was the main one registered with his squad - Svetlana Ostanin, a kerivnik of the administrative and operational department of the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater. ZMI has already published documents, which show that back in 2008, they purchased a one-level apartment with an area of ​​71.91 meters for 30 thousand euros in the Magic Dreams apartments complex at the address Svyiy Vlas, Yurta under Patya, zag. Nessebar, 8256 Sl'nchev Bryag. This is the integrity of Oleksandr Kapustin’s declaration.

It seems that, explaining this situation, the hero himself tried to forget.

Before the speech, the same declaration contained information about those who, until the spring of 2015, Svetlana Ostanina was respected as the founder of RostTransKom LLC, registered in the Rostov region and operating in the field of transport in the territory ї Krasnodar region. Specialist of the Mariinsky Theater with interests in transport business

on the day in Russia?

Don't be funny. Once the ZMI was released, there is no doubt that the “supportive activity” of Kapustin’s squad is not very close to the level of major general. Of course, the respect of the 2016 season is not enough proof that the general is bitterly complaining about his pardon, was justly punished and is now clean.

You can attribute it.

However, a new branch of the same anti-corruption agency has been nominated for a second proposal.

“During the additional analysis of the materials of the appointed candidate, it was established that he did not provide information about his income amounting to 1.5 million rubles, which his team deducted from the sale of a car.

The investigators revealed that in 2014-2016.

Sochi traffic police and “unidentified individuals from the police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Krasnodar Territory” were accused of corruption schemes related to the evacuation of cars.

According to the version of the investigation, these “individuals” gave the police officers of the Sochi Traffic Police Department: to deal directly with the tow trucks of five commercial companies LLC “TechIndustry”, LLC “SochiTrakService”, LLC “GSE”, LLC “B” Ile More" and LLC "Pivden Service+", and not through a single dispatch center, as prescribed by regional law.

As a result, all Sochi cars ended up in the impound lots of these companies.

For the happy service of the DIBDR, the merchants... paid 250 thousand rubles from the Maidan per month.

Last year, within the framework of criminal law, dozens of police and local police officers were already recruited.
The Prosecutor's Office of the Krasnodar region got to the point.

As ZMI wrote, a large-scale prosecutorial audit could result in a disastrous legacy for Kapustin.

Business on tow trucks is as simple as a ticket.

And, for example, commercial MREVs have been given to two businessmen close to the major general (Zimmerman and Stolyar) and the turnover there is already 70-80 million rubles per month.

In a word, the trap seems to have started mischievously and all the fantastic possibilities of Oleksandr Kapustin’s Moscow friends can help him reach St. Petersburg.

In 2016, in connection with the loss of trust, police colonel Dmitry Katkov, head of department “F” of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, was released, who or apartments in Chornogora.

At the beginning of 2017, when the evacuation criminal investigation was carried out, the commander of the traffic police regiment of the Sochi Road Safety Inspectorate, Andriy Gerashchenko, was released from the authorities based on the results of the service check. .

On this basis, it is difficult to assume that the hero of the Bulgarian indestructibility and one of the key figures in the Sochi government, Oleksandr Kapustin, is achieving career advancement.

This would be a serious reputational blow for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its servitude. Why, with such dedication, are they trying to get that same person to be recognized as the head of the Department of Road Safety and Inspection of St. Petersburg? From the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the Kremlin, documents were again sent for the appointment of Major General Oleksandr Kapustin as a military officer of the St. Petersburg Department of Internal Affairs.

Our officers at Lubyantsy discovered that General Kapustin, working in the Krasnodar Territory, has established himself as an officer who has more than once assisted the FSB in “difficult situations.”

For example, on September 18, 2016, there was a serious accident in the Krasnodar Territory: on the Rostov Highway, a Lexus driver did not make it through the lanes, swerved into a fast lane and flew into a large vehicle.

As a result, the closed truck burst into flames, the 52-wheeler Lexus with multiple injuries was taken to the hospital, and then evacuated to Moscow.

Nothing is known about the share of water of the great vessel.

The accident was not reported to the Department of Road Safety and Inspectorate of the Krasnodar Territory; moreover, all the mysteries about the accident were quickly revealed on the Internet.

On the right, the FSB Major General is driving a Lexus car.

According to our officers, General Oleksandr Kapustin played a key role in this secret accident.

It is possible that the FSB strongly “recommends” that the Ministry of Internal Affairs appoint General Kapustin as the head of the St. Petersburg Department of BDR.

Irek Murtazin

About those that are missing from official press releases... The President, by his decree, sent 11 generals and senior officers to the department and earned 15 appointments. The most - 5 exhibitions were hit by MBC.

Then follows FSIN and Slidkom (2 inserts each).

For one reason - the Ministry of Taxes and the Prosecutor's Office.

For another month now, the Presidential Administration has not posted personnel decrees on the portal of official assets. This seems to be the position of the new Kremlin personnel officer, Presidential aide Serishev. A great personnel officer, Evgen Shkolov, was a thief of great openness.

"So new style personnel officer Serishev - take everything in, hide your styles about every incident.

These are the iconic displays of leaf fall - the fall of the intercessor of the head of the Supervisory Committee, General Karnaukhov, and the head of the Department of Power Security of the FSVP, General Cherskov.

Karnaukhov's installation was tied to the Dagestan right.

On the right is that Karnaukhov

However, after the start of the special operation in Dagestan, it became clear that the protector Bastrikin had a lot of connections with a lot of corrupt officials.

Yoma was encouraged to quietly cry behind his eyelid.

Vіn did not notice.

Now Bastrikin faces a serious problem of finding a replacement for Karnaukhov.

It seems that this position is being occupied by a person close to Management M, who wants to repair the operation of Bastrikin himself.

From the planting of the kerivnik of the USB FSVP, General Oleg Cherskov was respected by the creation of the head of the FSVP Kornienko.

In the conflict between Kornienko and the FSB, the director of the FSVP has staked his claim on MVS personnel.

Cherskov came from the legendary GUEBiPK and recommended for recognition as ex-aide of the President Shkolov.

As a result of Chersky’s confession, a conflict began with the spy agents of the FSB Directorate.

At the end of 2017, a scandal arose, as a result of which Chersky was accused of corrupt expenses to pay for his birthday - at the restaurant of the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow.

Materials were collected about the family's visit to the head of the security services of resorts, expensive restaurants and beauty salons, concerts of light mirrors in VIP boxes, accommodation in five-star hotels.

Later, Chersky’s spy agents were accused of preventing the collection of materials by FSB spies.

The CSS blamed weak work for revealing facts of disruption to the regime and torture in the colonies.

After the famous Yaroslavl justice in ІЧ-1, the decision to lay all the blame on Chersky was praised, as a result of which he was guilty and liberated.

General Bessonov, a minister at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes for the Yamalo-Nenets District, has been retired.

Since 2002, the structure of the MNF in Yamal has about 10 members.

The call of General Bezsonova brought with it the fate of the past.

According to the words of Dzherel, the reason for Bessonov’s extreme resilience was due to his friendly relations with the managers of Gazprom and Lukoil.

Mіstseva Ministry of Taxes and Taxation from many sources flattened her eyes on the problems, for which she sought additional help from naftov workers and gas workers.

Management was in good hands in Moscow. Now Bezsonov is being named as a candidate for the position of vice-governor of Yamal in cooperation with the security forces..

From 2006 to 2011, the forces of the Lipetsk region were overwhelmed.

The Vinevsky district of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnodar region immediately after the scandalous history of the Tsapkovs, in which many high-ranking police officers were implicated.

The administration of Vinevsky needed to be cleaned up, but it turned out that the general did not fit in with these departments.

For many years Venevsky was called the creature of General Murov.

They confirmed that the FTS has accepted the recognition of Vinevsky’s richness in the Krasnodar region.

In 2015, Vinievsky’s family was planned to be transferred to Saratov, but he left.

It seems that Vinevsky knows contacts with the representative of Ustinov.

According to the words of Dzherel, Venevsky’s share was decided upon as soon as the general was advised to prepare for retirement.

People were released from the general’s nearby stake: the chief of police Kuznetsov, the head of the Main Investigation Department Dyomin.

At Vidstavka, Zgіdnu, by decree of the president of the VID, was destroyed by the intercessor of Kerivnik to the Department of the Kadriv MVS Zlobinsky (Kruuv in 2011-2015 Rocks to the managerials according to the robots of the non-launch of the Moscow Mercya;

Zlobinsky’s observation is an alarming signal for Kolokoltsev.

Zlobinsky was impressed with his eyes and boos from the personnel manager, which strained a lot of clans at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the purge of the Bashkir police, the intercessor of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bashkiria, the head of the DSU, General Viktor Mikhailov, was sent to the headquarters.

This statement is even more symbolic of the scandal about abuse in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bashkiria.

Viktor Mikhailov served as a member of the DSU of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs from 2011.

Before work in Bashkiria from 2007 to 2011, similar management was adopted in the Omsk region.

In 2016, Mikhailov’s family was appointed to the position of the Minister of the Republic, but the promotion was not lost.

The head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Tula Region, General Krasnov, was also sent to the headquarters.

It’s cool that Krasnov was given the general’s shoulder straps even after this summer, especially thanks to the director of the service, Korniyenko.

Krasnov was sent to the department for the verification results.

Numerous facts of wasting money from vyaznivs, violation of the rules of the regime on the side of criminal authorities, and contacts of the FSVP with them were revealed.

In addition, the police officers of the Tula FSVP organized drug supply in the drug colony.

Recently, the first patron of the FSVP of the Tula region, Vsevolod Snurnitsin, was sentenced to 6 sentences of reduced liberty. The prosecutor was jailed Novosibirsk region

Volodymyr Falileev.

There were connections with local crime.

Zokrema, there was talk about friendship with Magomed (Mikhail) Magomedov on the nickname Magomed.

The evil partnership in Transbaikalia was involved in drug trafficking, theft of cars, and trade in valuable raw materials.

Zhovna Falileev was sent at the outlet.

The submission was also sent by Lyubov Kuzmenok, the first intercessor of the prosecutor of the Novosibirsk region and, in fact, the cardinal of the prosecutor's office.

The prosecutor's office also released the former deputy prosecutor of the Novosibirsk region, Andriy Turbin.

A special team of the Prosecutor General's Office, assisted by the intercessor of the Prosecutor General, Yuri Ponomarov, dealt with Falileva's case. But the basis for the cleansing was the results of the work of the FSB Directorate, which revealed facts of corruption among everyone security forces


The Department of Biological Safety Inspectorate has already been released from the Shtelmakh region, the entire prosecutor’s office has been fired, and purges in the Department of Internal Affairs have begun.

Among the new purposes.

General Rostislav Rassokhov rejected his status as a cerevist at the State Administration for the investigation of particularly important information.

From 2014 to 2017 Rassokhov was the senior investigator of particularly important inquiries under the head of the Investigative Committee.

There are a number of resonant documents, in the middle of which is the governor of the Tula region Dudka on the right, Togliattiazot on the right.

Ex-senior investigator for particularly important inquiries under the Head of the Investigative Committee, Mykol Ushchapovsky, was assigned 1 intercessor of the GU for investigation of especially important inquiries.

Ushchapovsky in the low level of information related to the disaster of the pilots;

Golkin’s department contains practically all the reports – from the Serebrennikov report to the Dagestan anti-corruption reports.

Sergiy Golkin is on the right Kashin.

Intercessor of the Chief Directorate for the Investigation of Particularly Important Inquiries to the Investigative Committee, Colonel Anatoly Razinkin, having completed the Supervisory and Inspection Department

Kerivnik of the sled brigade at Khodorkovsky's administration Valery Alishev was appointed as the protector of the sledding brigade of the DSU Slidko-kerivnik of the department of investigation of crimes against the state and in the economic sphere

The largest senior manager of the procedural control department for Slidkoy, General Zolotarev, became the protector of the senior manager of the DSU Slidkoy.

Zolotarov won the Moscow Region administration of the Slidesky Committee, then becoming the first protector of the DSU Slidesky in the Moscow region.

Being one of those who served as Moscow region prosecutors.

The largest department of the Sledkoe Department of the Volga Federal District (since 2015 – the department of the 3rd Department of Investigation) and the department of the investigation of crime against individuals and public safety.

Denis Kolesnikov, having promoted his status to the protector of the DSU Slidkoy.

Kolesnikov took an active part in the collapsed and investigated criminal proceedings in Nizhny Novgorod and Mariy El.

All officials are respected by Bastrikin’s client and are connected with the security forces.

Head of the Investigation Department Kurgan region Petro Krupenya to reprimand the management of Slidkoy in the Pskov region.

Since 1991, Krupenya occupied the Kerivny plantings in the department of internal affairs of the Pskov region, in 1996 he was appointed as the intercessor of the head of the department - the head of the police of the civil security of the Pskov region sti.

Until 2009 Roku ocholyuvav UVS shodo Yaroslavl region.

Pereyshov to the Slide Committee in 2010.

Krupenya became famous for the cruelty of the soldiers in the UVS of the Yaroslavl region.

They called him a tyrant.

In fact, Krupenya has lost control over the bodies of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And he himself was accused of facts of corruption.

The closest relatives of Pyotr Krupena are closely related to the Velikolutsk Cowbasy company.

General Mishagin greeted the UVS of the Ulyanovsk region.

The new Minister of Internal Affairs of Kalmikia could be the intercessor of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Orenburz region - the chief of police, Colonel Igor Pogadaev.

Police Colonel Vladislav Tolkunov has become the new head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs near the Bryansk region.

In 2011-2012, he served at the central office of the GUBEPIK MVS, known from Chuychenko.

The appointment of a large police chief of Mordovia to Bryansk looks unusual.

Sugrobov's comrade-in-arms, a number of rocks, sat in Penza and Mordovia and immediately denounced the UVS of the Bryansk region, representing the interests of Medvedev's Miratorg.

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