Coordinate the corner points online. Cadastral coordinates. Geodetic coordinate system

How to read GPS coordinates. First of all, let's dive into reading GPS coordinates, it is important that you have a good understanding of the GPS system and some basic knowledge about geographic lines of latitude and longitude. Once you understand and read your coordinates, you can practice using the online tools.

Introduction to GPS

GPS stands for Global Positioning System; a system that is widely used in the world for navigation and geodesy. It is widely used to accurately determine its place of growth at any point on the surface of the Earth and to determine the current time in the right place.

It has now become possible to track the 24 individual satellites, called GPS satellites, which crash around the Earth with great speed and accuracy. Vikoristic and low-power radio waves, devices can communicate with satellites in order to accurately indicate their location on the earth’s core.

Since then, the system has been used only by military forces; the GPS system has become available for use for civilian purposes around 30 years ago. Vaughn is supported by the US Department of Defense.

Latitude and length

The GPS system uses geographical lines of latitude and longitude to ensure the location of a person or an object. Reading and understanding of GPS coordinates requires a basic understanding of navigation based on different lines of latitude and longitude. Vikorist's line sets will provide coordinates for various places around the world.

Lines of latitude

Lines of latitude - these are horizontal lines that stretch from the start across the entire earth's coastline. The highest and highest line of latitude is called the equator. The equator appears to be at 0° latitude.

When collapsing above the equator, the skin line of latitude increases by 1°. Thus, there will be lines of latitude that can become 1°, 2°, 3°, and so on up to 90°. The image generally shows 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and 90° lines of latitude above the equator. Note that the 90° line of latitude is represented by a point on the Submarine Pole.

All lines of latitude above the equator are marked with the letter “N” to indicate the direction of the equator. In this way, we are 15° latitude, 30° latitude, 45° latitude, and so on.

Rising towards the equator during the day, the skin line of latitude also increases by 1°. There will be lines of latitude that can be set to 1°, 2°, 3°, etc. up to 90°. The picture shows a line of latitude 15°, 30° and 45° below the equator. The line of 90° latitude is represented by a point on the Pole.

All lines of latitude below the equator are designated by the letter 'S', so that they appear at the same time as the equator. In this manner, we may be 15° longitude, 30° longitude, 45° longitude, and so on.

Lines of Dovgoti

Sustainability lines are vertical lines that extend from the Subsurface Pole to the Submerged Pole. The main line of durability is called nullovy meridian The meridian of representations is 0° longitude.

As it collapses towards the zero meridian, the skin line of latitude increases by 1°. In this way, there will be lines of length that become 1 °, 2 °, 3 °, and so on up to 180 °. The image shows the 20°, 40°, 60°, 80° and 90° alignment lines as they approach the meridian.

All lines of access to the meridian are marked with the letter “E” to indicate the descent from the Prime Meridian. Thus, we are 15°E, 30°E, 45°E, and so on.

As it collapses as it approaches the meridian, skin latitude also increases by 1°. There will be continuity lines that can be set to 1°, 2°, 3° or up to 180°. The picture shows only the lines 20°, 40°, 60°, 80° and 90° as they approach the prime meridian.

All lines of approach to the meridian are marked with the letter “W” to indicate the approach to the meridian. Thus, we are 15°W, 30°W, 45°W, and so on.

You can view more detailed information about the latitude and longitude line by following the YouTube video below:

Reading geographic coordinates

Global navigation uses latitude and longitude lines to accurately identify specific locations on the surface of the Earth. These are given as geographic coordinates.

Always place the latitude line 10 ° N and the water line 70 ° W. When you specify the rotation coordinates, the latitude lines are always shown first, and then the water lines. Thus, the coordinates of this place will be: 10° downward latitude, 70° setting longitude.
The coordinates can simply be written as 10°N, 70°W (10° latitude, 70° west)

The greater part of the Earth is developed not according to linear latitude and longitude, but in the middle of figures created through the crossbar of horizontal and vertical lines. To accurately identify people on the surface of the Earth, lines of latitude and longitude are further divided and expressed in one of three different formats:

1/degrees, khvilini ta sekundi (DMS)

The space between the skin line of latitude or length is 1°, divided by 60 times, and the skin line is divided by 60 seconds. An example in this format:

41°24’12.2"N 2°10'26.5"E The line of latitude reads 41 degrees (41°), 24 degrees (24'), 12.2 seconds (12.2') per day. The line of readiness is read as 2 degrees (2°), 10 degrees (10'), 26.5 seconds (12.2') per descent.

2 / Degrees and tens of hvilini (DMM)

The space between the skin line of latitude and longitude, which becomes 1 °, is divided into 60 units, and the skin line is divided further and appears in tens of fractions. Application format:

41 24,2028, 10,4418 2 The line of latitude is read as 41 degrees (41), 24.2028 winter latitude. The coordinate for the line of latitude is above the equator, which is why it is positive. If the number is negative, the day will be placed in line with the equator.

The readiness line is read as 2 degrees (2), 10.4418 xvilins (10.4418) at the beginning. The coordinate for the descent line is the descent of the Prime Meridian, which is also positive. If the number is negative, it means entering the meridian

3 / Tens degrees (DD)

The space between the skin line of latitude and longitude, which becomes 1 °, is divided and appears in tens of fractions. Application format:

41,40338, 2,17403
The latitude line reads 41.40338 degrees on the day. The coordinate for the line of latitude is above the equator, which is why it is positive. If the number is negative, the day will be placed in line with the equator.

The convenience line reads 2.17403 degrees of convergence. The coordinate for the descent line is the descent of the Prime Meridian, which is why it is more positive. If the number is negative, it will go towards the meridian.

Reading coordinates on Google Maps

Most GPS devices provide coordinates in the format of degrees, subseconds (DMS) or, most often, in the format of tens of degrees (DD). The popular Google Maps provides its coordinates in DMS and DD formats.

The little picture shows the retouching of the Statue of Liberty on Google Maps. Coordinates of this move:

40° 41′ 21.4” N 74° 02′ 40.2” W (DMS) It reads like this:
"40 degrees, 41 degrees, 21.4 seconds of vertical latitude and 74 degrees, 2 degrees, 40.2 seconds of continuous latitude"

40.689263-74.044505 (DD) It is clear that the coordinates of the tenth degree (DD) do not indicate the letters N or S, but indicate that the latitude coordinate is above or below the equator. There are no letters W or E to indicate which coordinate is ready for approaching or exiting the First Meridian.

Try to get help from positive and negative numbers. Oskolki the latitude coordinate is positive, the coordinate is located more behind the equator. As a result, the proximity coordinate is negative, and is located at the approach to the prime meridian.

Checking GPS coordinates

Google Maps is an advanced Internet tool for checking the coordinates of a place of interest.

Finding the coordinates for a specific place
1 / Open Google Maps at and find out where to find your destination of interest.

2 / Right-click the mouse button and select “What’s here?” There is a small menu that appeared.

3 / A small orthocutaneous species will appear at the bottom with the designated name of the rotation and coordinates in the format of tens of degrees (DD).

Checking the coordinates of a specific place

Available websites that will ensure the transformation between DMS and DD. The axis is fixed on Web site, which provides the DMS and DD coordinates for any specific installation using Google Maps.

Devices with GPS support

To get the exact accuracy of the GPS system, you need a device with GPS support. These devices exchange data directly with GPS satellites, using low-power radio signals. By using three GPS satellites, the device can accurately determine the location on Earth.

GPS navigation devices

Companies such as Garmin and Magellan produce special GPS navigation devices. They come in different sizes and can resemble a smartphone or tablet. These devices are equipped with special security software, such as a GPS system, to help people find the shortest route to the singing place, find the right places and much more. The stinks start to vikorist in transport activities, hikes and singing sports events.

Nagori - images of the GPS navigation device; Magellan RoadMate 2255T-LMB.


Most smartphones, especially high-end phones, support GPS and can be used as a navigation device if you have the right programs installed.

Mobile computers

Some laptops and netbooks support GPS and provide up-to-date navigation information.

Computer peripheral devices

Devices that connect to a computer via USB, Bluetooth or expansion slots allow the computer to use GPS.

Coordinates These are called linear quantities (numbers) that indicate the position of a point on any surface or in space.

Topography has such coordinate systems that allow the most simple and unambiguous identification of the position of points on the earth's surface, both according to the results of direct measurements on the locality, and with the help of maps. Such systems include geographic, planar rectilinear, polar and bipolar coordinates.

Geographical coordinates(Fig. 1) – kuta values: latitude (j) and longitude (L), which indicate the position of an object on the earth’s surface to the cob of coordinates – the cross-point of the cob (Greenwich) meridian with the equator. On the map, the geographic grid is indicated by a scale on all sides of the map frame. The back and forth sides of the frame are lined with meridians, and the back and bottom sides are parallels. In the corners of the arkush map, the geographical coordinates of the points on the sides of the frame are written.

Small 1. System of geographical coordinates on the earth’s surface

In a system of geographic coordinates, the position of any point on the earth's surface is usually indicated by the coordinate system. In our country and in most other powers, the point of cross between the cob (Greenwich) meridian and the equator is accepted as the cob. Being such a unit for our entire planet, the system of geographic coordinates is essential for the perfect determination of the relative positions of objects located at significant distances one after another. Therefore, the military authorities make this system the main rank for managing breakdowns associated with the stagnation of long-range combat capabilities, for example, ballistic missiles, aviation, etc.

Plane rectilinear coordinates(Fig. 2) - linear quantities that indicate the position of the object on the plane of the accepted coordinates - the crossbar of two mutually perpendicular straight lines (coordinate axes X and Y).

In topography, the skin 6-degree zone uses a different system of rectilinear coordinates. All X is the axial meridian of the zone, all Y is the equator, and the cross point of the axial meridian behind the equator is the origin of coordinates.

Small 2. System of flat rectilinear coordinates on maps

The system of flat rectilinear coordinates is zonal; It is set for the skin six-degree zone, which divides the surface of the Earth when depicting maps in the Gauss projection, and is intended for inserting the position of depicting a point of the Earth’s surface on the plane (map) of this projection.

The core of coordinates for a zone is the point at which the axial meridian crosses the equator, which indicates the positions of all other points in the zone in the linear world. The coordinate coordinates of the zone and its coordinate axes occupy strictly the same position on the earth's surface. Therefore, the system of flat rectilinear coordinates of the skin zone is related both to the coordinate systems of the zones and to the system of geographic coordinates.

Establishment of linear values ​​and determined position of points to create a system of flat rectilinear coordinates by manually performing divisions both from a robot and a map. That's why the military system has the greatest stagnation. Direct coordinates indicate the position of the location, your battle formations and goals, and they also help indicate the relative positions of objects between one coordinate zone or on adjacent plots of two zones.

Systems of polar and bipolar coordinatesє local systems. In military practice, there is a stagnation of the designated position of some points and other equally small plots of locality, for example, in target designation, identification of landmarks and goals, folded locality schemes and others These systems can be associated with systems of linear and geographic coordinates.

2. Assignment of geographic coordinates and plotting of objects on the map based on known coordinates

The geographic coordinates of a point drawn on the map are determined by the closest parallel and meridian to it, the latitude and longitude of such views.

The frame of the topographic map is divided into sections, divided by dots into sections of 10 seconds each. On the sides of the frame there is an indication of width, and in both sides and sides - length.

Small 3. The meaning of the geographic coordinates of the point behind the map (point A) and the point plotted on the map behind the geographic coordinates (point B)

Using the thin frame of the card, you can:

1 . Find out the geographic coordinates of any point on the map.

For example, the coordinates of point A (Fig. 3). To do this, you need to use an additional compass-finder to measure the shortest distance from point A to the edge of the card, then apply the edge to the edge of the frame and measure the number of seconds in the edge of the frame, sklasti otrimane (Vimirians) meaning khvilin ta seconds (0"27") with the latitude of the sun-setting corner of the frame – 54°30”.

Latitude points on the map: 54°30"+0"27" = 54°30"27".

Dovgota is indicated in the same way.

Using a compass-finder, move as short as possible from point A to the leading frame of the card, apply a compass-finder to the same frame, mark the number of lines and seconds at the matching edge (2"35") and fold it out. e (Vimirians) meanings due to the length of the rainfall frames - 45 ° 00 ".

Dovgota points on the map: 45°00"+2"35" = 45°02"35"

2. Place a point on the map at the given geographic coordinates.

For example, point B latitude: 54 ° 31 "08", longitude 45 ° 01 "41".

To plot a point on a map, it is necessary to draw the reference meridian through this point, for which you need to add a number of lines along the original and the same frame; To plot a point along the latitude on a map, it is necessary to draw a parallel through this point, for which you need to connect a number of slopes along the incoming and outgoing frames. The crossover of two straight lines indicates the location of the expansion of point B.

3. The rectangular coordinate grid on topographic maps is also digitized. Additional grid on the stick of coordinate zones

The coordinate grid on the map is a grid of squares formed by lines parallel to the coordinate axes of the zone. The grid lines are drawn through a whole number of kilometers. Therefore, the coordinate grid is also called the kilometer grid, and the lines are called kilometer grids.

On the map 1:25000, the lines that create the coordinate grid are drawn every 4 cm, or every 1 km on the locality, and on the maps 1:50000-1:200000 after 2 cm (1.2 and 4 km on the locality in the same way). On the 1:500000 map, a linear coordinate grid is applied on the inner frame of the skin sheet every 2 cm (10 km at the locality). Depending on the needs of these outputs, coordinate lines can be plotted on the map.

On topographic maps, the abscissa and ordinate values ​​of the coordinate lines (Fig. 2) are indicated at the exits of the lines behind the inner frame of the arch and in nine places on the skin of the card. The additional values ​​of the abscissa and ordinate for kilometers are signed for the coordinate lines closest to the edge of the map frame and the crossline of the coordinate lines closest to the exit point. Other coordinate lines are signed with two digits (tens and units of kilometers). Labels along the horizontal lines of the coordinate grid indicate distances along the ordinate axis per kilometer.

The signatures along the vertical lines indicate the zone number (one or two leading digits) and the distance in kilometers (three digits) from the origin of the coordinates, intelligently transferred to the setting of the axial meridian of the zone at 500 km. For example, the signature 6740 means: 6 – zone number, 740 – look at the mental coordinates in kilometers.

On the external frame there are outputs of coordinate lines ( additional mesh) coordinate system of the adjacent zone.

4. Determination of the rectilinear coordinates of the points. Plotted points at their coordinates on the map

Using the coordinate network using a compass (ruler) you can:

1. Find the direct coordinates of the point on the map.

For example, points (Fig. 2).

For this need:

  • write X - digitize the lower kilometer line of the square where point B is located, then 6657 km;
  • measure along the perpendicular from the bottom kilometer line of the square to point i, using the linear scale of the map, determine the size of this section in meters;
  • Fold the estimated value of 575 m from the digitization values ​​of the lower kilometer line of the square: X=6657000+575=6657575 m.

The values ​​of the Y ordinate are vibrated in a similar way:

  • write down the Y value - digitize the left vertical line of the square, so 7363;
  • measure along the perpendicular line from this line to a point that is 335 m;
  • Add the dimension to the digitizing value Y of the left vertical line of the square: Y=7363000+335=7363335 m.

2. Place the target on the map at the given coordinates.

For example, point G behind the coordinates: X = 6658725 Y = 7362360.

For this need:

  • find the square in which the point P is drawn for the values ​​of whole kilometers, then 5862;
  • insert from the lower left corner of the square sections at the map scale, so that the historical difference between the abscise marks and the lower sides of the square is 725 m;
  • from the point taken perpendicular to the right of the section, so that the original difference in the ordinates of the mark and the left side of the square is 360 m.

Small 2. The value of the rectangular coordinates of the point on the map (point B) and the point plotted on the map along the rectangular coordinates (point D)

5. Accuracy of coordinates on maps of different scales

The accuracy of geographic coordinates for maps of 1:25000-1:200000 becomes close to 2 and 10" approximately.

The accuracy of the points determined on the map of rectilinear coordinates is determined not only by the scale, but also by the amount of distortion that is allowed when drawing or folding the map and placing on it various points and objects of locality.

Most accurately (with precision, which does not exceed 0.2 mm) geodetic points are plotted on the map. Whites and objects visible from afar are most clearly visible, significant landmarks are visible (around the ring, factory pipes, which are of the tower type). Therefore, the coordinates of such points can be determined approximately according to the accuracy with which they are plotted on the map, for a map at a scale of 1:25000 - with an accuracy of 5-7 m, for a map at a scale of 1:50000 - with an accuracy of 10-15 m, for a map at a scale of 1:100000 – with accuracy – 20-30 m.

Other orientations and points of the contours are plotted on the map, and then marked on it with a reduction of up to 0.5 mm, and points that are not clearly visible on the locality of the contours (for example, the contour of a swamp), with a reduction of up to 1 mm.

6. The significant position of objects (points) in systems of polar and bipolar coordinates, plotted on the map of objects directly and directly behind, behind two corners or behind two distances

System flat polar coordinates(Fig. 3, a) consists of point O - the beginning of coordinates, or poles, that cob directly OR, called polar all the way.

Small 3. a – polar coordinates; b – bipolar coordinates

The position of point M on the map or map in this system is indicated by two coordinates: where the position θ is, which is measured along the direction of the arrow along the polar axis to the point M, which is indicated (from 0 to 360°), and in Idstannyu OM=D.

It is important to take the watchful point, the firing position, the exit point of the ruk as the pole as the pole, and the geographic (reference) meridian, the magnetic meridian (direction of the magnetic compass needle) or as the polar one. directly to some kind of landmark.

These coordinates can be either two positions, initially directly from point A and directly to point M, or the directions D1 = AM and D2 = BM to it. The position of the kuti is as shown in Fig. 1 b, appear at points A and B either as a direct line to the base (then A = BAM and B = ABM) or any other direct lines that pass through points A and B and are taken as cobs. For example, in another type, the location of point M is indicated by the position corners θ1 and θ2, which are aligned with the direction of the magnetic meridians. flat bipolar (two-pole) coordinates(Fig. 3 b) consists of two poles A and B and the lateral axis AB, called the base or the base of the notch. The position of any point M for two data on the map (locality) point A i is indicated by the coordinates that appear on the map or on the locality.

Placing the identified object on the map

This is one of the most important moments of the identified object. In addition, as soon as the object (meta) will be plotted on the map, the accuracy of its coordinates must be ensured.

Having identified an object (meta), it is necessary to first accurately identify, behind the various signs, what has been revealed. Then, without worrying about the object and showing yourself, put the object on the map. There are many ways to place an object on a map.

Okomirno: an object is plotted on the map if it is located near the desired landmark.

Directly and directly: for whom you need to orientate the map, find your stopping point on it, look on the map for directions to the object and cross the line to the object at your stopping point, then indicate the distance to the object , having died, get on the map and compare yogo to the map scale.

Small 4. Applying a mark on the map with a straight line at two points.

Since in this way it is graphically impossible to determine the background (the enemy is important, the visibility of others is poor), it is necessary to accurately measure the azimuth to the object, then transfer them to the directional corner and place them on the map from the point of the parking directly at which lay down stand up to about' Ekta.

To remove the directional cut, you need to add magnetic azimuth to the given map (direct correction).

Straight serif. In this way, you can put an object on the map with 2-3 points, from which you can keep a watchful eye on it. For which skin points are drawn on the orientation of the map directly to the object, then the intersection of straight lines indicates the location of the object.

7. Methods of targeting on the map: at graphical coordinates, flat rectilinear coordinates (high and short), by squares of a kilometer grid (up to a whole square, up to 1/4, up to 1/9 square), at the landmark, at the mental line, at azimuth and the range of the mark, in the bipolar coordinate system

Carefully and correctly indicating goals, landmarks and other objects on the site are important for managing sub-units and fire in battle or for organizing battle.

Tsilevkazivki in geographic coordinates It’s rare to get stuck in these situations, as long as you move away from a given point on the map on a significant distance, which is expressed in tens and hundreds of kilometers. In this case, geographical coordinates are indicated by a map, as described in nutrition No. 2 of this activity.

The size of the mark (object) is indicated by latitude and longitude, for example, height 245.2 (40° 8" 40" latitude, 65° 31" 00" od.). On the downward (backward) and outer (outside) sides of the topographic frame, mark position marks in latitude and length are applied with a compass. For these signs at the depth of the topographic map, lower the perpendiculars to the crossbar (apply command lines, standard paper lines). The point of the crossbar of the perpendiculars is the position of the mark on the map.

For nearby target rectangular coordinates All you need to do is indicate a grid square on the map to create an object. The square is always indicated by the numbers of kilometer lines, the crossbars of which create the downstream (lower left) corner. When entering a square on the map, the following rules are followed: first, name two numbers, signed on the horizontal line (leading side), which is the “X” coordinate, and then two numbers on the vertical line (the left side of the sheet), which is the “Y” coordinate. If you say “X” or “Y”, don’t say it. For example, enemy tanks were spotted. When transmitting a message by radiotelephone, the square number is indicated: "eighty zero two."

If the position of a point (object) needs to be determined more accurately, it is necessary to use new or shortened coordinates.

Work new coordinates. For example, you need to calculate the coordinates of the road indicator at square 8803 on a map at a scale of 1:50000. The backbone means that the road extends from the lower horizontal side of the square to the road indicator (for example, 600 m at the locality). This is how you stand in front of the left vertical side of the square (for example, 500 m). Now the way to digitize kilometer lines is to determine the coordinates of the object. The horizontal line bears the signature 5988 (X), adding the extension of this line to the road indicator, we extract: X = 5988600. In exactly the same way, the vertical line is calculated and 2403500 is selected. The external coordinates of the road indicator are as follows: X = 5988600 m, = 2403500 m.

Shortened coordinates The turbidity is quite high: X=88600 m, Y=03500 m.

If you need to clarify the position of the mark on the square, then place the entire mark in a letter or numerical way in the middle of the square of the kilometer grid.

Upon request alphabet way In the middle of a square of a kilometer grid, the square is cleverly divided into 4 parts, each part is assigned the great letter of the Russian alphabet.

Another way - digital method insets in the middle of a square kilometer grid (insert according to ravliku ). This method, having lost its name, is the placement of smart digital squares in the middle of a square kilometer grid. The smells are arranged as if in a spiral, with the square being divided into 9 parts.

When making calculations, call the square in which the mark is located, and add a letter and number that specifies the position of the mark in the middle of the square. For example, height 51.8 (5863-A) or high-voltage support (5762-2) (div. Fig. 2).

Targeting as a guideline is the simplest and most extensive method of targeting. With this method of insertion, the closest landmark to the mark is called, then the value of the distance between direct to the landmark and directly to the mark at the edges of the landmark (visible with binoculars) and the distance to the mark in meters. For example: “The landmark is different, right-handed forty, two hundred away, in the surrounding bush there is a machine gun.”

Tsilevkazivka from the mental line You are welcome to stagnate in Russia on combat vehicles. With this method, select two points from a straight line on the map and connect them with a straight line so that the targeting will be carried out. This line is marked with letters, divided into centimeter sections and numbered starting from zero. This will encourage you to work on cards of both transmitting and receiving indications on the target.

The purpose of the mental line is to stagnate in Russia on combat vehicles. With this method, use a map to select two points directly and connect them with a straight line (Fig. 5), so that the target will be carried out. This line is marked with letters, divided into centimeter sections and numbered starting from zero.

Small 5. Purpose along the mental line

This will encourage you to work on cards of both transmitting and receiving indications on the target.

The position of the mark to the mind line is indicated by two coordinates: a section from the cob point to the base of the perpendicular lowered from the point of spreading the mark to the mind line, and a section of the perpendicular from the mind line to the mark .

For the purpose, the purpose is to call the mental name of the line, then the number of centimeters and millimeters that lie in the first section, and, decide, directly (left-handed or right-handed) and after the other section. For example: “Straight AC, five, s_m; right-handed zero, six – NP.”

Targeting of the brain line can be seen by pointing directly at the mark under the brain line and going up to the mark, for example: “Straight AC, right-handed 3-40, one thousand two hundred – machine gun.”

Tsilevkazivka in azimuth and range to the snow. The azimuth directly to the target is indicated using a compass in degrees, and the distance to it is indicated using a compass or approximately in meters. For example: "Azimuth thirty-five, range six hundred - a tank in a trench." This method is most often used for research because there are few guidelines.

8. Linking tasks

The assignment of coordinates of locality points (objects) and targeting on the map is practically done on the initial maps after the preparation of points (marked objects).

The first step is to determine geographic and direct-cut coordinates (draw objects at known coordinates onto the map).

Methods of targeting on the map are practiced: at flat rectilinear coordinates (long and short), squares of the kilometer grid (up to a whole square, up to 1/4, up to 1/9 square), by orientation, by azimuth and range.

However, those who didn’t like geography in school understand the importance of maps and the power of searching for coordinates. Infection cards, as well as many other things, have spread to computers, tablets, and smartphones. Maps that you can use on the Internet can help you figure out the location, find the required installation in an unknown place, plot a rational route, find out the obvious coordinates of the place. The importance of the availability of exact coordinates has increased with the advancement of GPS and GLONASS navigators. The most commonly used services are Google and Yandex maps.

How to correctly enter coordinates, different coordinate formats, and how to communicate them among each other?

Under the coordinates, the values ​​of geographic latitude and longitude are transmitted - the main indicators of the location of a point on Earth. Latitude and longitude are measured in degrees and degrees. The accuracy of the search for the coordinates, first of all, depends on their correct entry. Here it is necessary to say the following:

  1. Latitude is entered first, then longitude.
  2. In Yandex maps, vikorysts have the same latitude and similar longitude. If other options are required, please specify the following:
  • N(С) - subsurface latitude;
  • S(Yu) – snow latitude;
  • E(B) – similar length;
  • W(З) – closing time.
  1. Latitude range: -90 to 900; range of durability: -180 to 1800.
  2. Three formats for entering coordinates are possible:
  • degrees, then hvilini and seconds - 440 31'47”, 56012′33”;
  • after degrees and seconds in the form of a tenth fraction – 39 24 256, 75 45 349;
  • in the form of tens of degrees - 33.76498, 67.51237.
  1. To transfer data from one format to another, there are formulas, or it’s easier to use open converters to do the conversion automatically.

Search for coordinates on the map (how to enter coordinates)

The desired location of the object using the specified coordinates is reduced to the correct entry and selection of information about the point that is being searched.

Yandex mapi

To locate an object on the map using explicit coordinates, these coordinate values ​​are entered into the search row at the top left corner of the selected Yandex map. When tsyomu hvilini enter in tens fractions, for example: 46.7543, 28.239675. As it is not further specified, the assumptions are taken to be equal (C) latitude and similar (B) longitude. For Yandex maps, it is possible to use the value of latitude and length in both Cyrillic and Latin.

Google maps

The procedure is similar for winning cards. The advantage is that in this service the values ​​​​of breadth and length can be read only in Latin letters.

Significant coordinates of the point (latitude and longitude)

Another key function of the maps was the ability to determine the exact latitude and longitude by specifying a point.

Yandex mapi

To obtain precise data about the latitude and longitude of a point, you need to move the cursor over it and press the left button, causing the cursor to appear at the end of the designated name of locality and the exact coordinates in tens of degrees. Another possible option is when you hover the cursor and press the right key and select the “what’s here” option in the context menu. In another option, the information will be displayed in the left-hand window next to the card.

Google maps

Similarly, on Google Maps, the cursor is moved to the point that is searched, the left button is pressed, or the menu is clicked with the right button, just like in Yandex. In this case, in the lower part of the map, the end is merged, where the name of the place or object, as well as the exact coordinates, is indicated.

Find the coordinates behind the address (find the address and then calculate its coordinates)

Most often, the search for an object is based on its name and address, which means its geographic location.

Yandex mapi

The search for the required object is based on obvious information

  1. If you have the exact name of the object being searched for, then it will be entered into the search row, the result will be the marks on the map with a marker, and on the left side a map of the object with the name, address, and coordinates will be shown.
  2. The search leads to a group of objects, such as supermarkets. A supermarket appears next to the row, and the place is indicated. Markers will show obvious supermarkets on the map of the place. When you hover the cursor over the skin marker, data about the name, address, and coordinates will appear in the object card.

Google maps

This algorithm is searched for in Google Maps. If you enter the exact name of the object, one marker will appear on the map. Information about him will be displayed on the left side of the card. When you search for an unidentified object from a group on the map, mark all the objects that are obvious from its location with markers. A list of them with names will be provided. To remove information about a person, just point with the cursor on the map or in the list.

To find an object in a place, in most cases it is enough to know its address. It’s difficult to complain when it is necessary to explain where, for example, there is a nameless building in an industrial area, a dacha plot, a place near a forest. Serve as a universal way to insert food supplies geographical coordinates.

Current navigation has a default vikoryst worldwide coordinate system WGS-84. This coordinate system is used by all GPS navigators and major mapping projects on the Internet. Coordinates in the WGS-84 system are laid out and kept in mind, like the hour of the day.

Accuracy is available behind the scenes when working with geographic coordinates it adds up 5 – 10 meters bіlya. You can indicate, for example, not just a plot, but the specific place where you enter it - the gate.

Two coordinates - latitudeі dovgota- Determine the position of a point on the earth's surface. Coordinates are expressed in terms of values in degrees. Pivnichna latitude and similar readiness are respected positive in numbers, the given latitude and the closing distance - negative.

Apply geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude): 55.717169, 37.930262 (Kozhukhivsky culvert); 21.36214, -157.95341 (Battleship "Missouri", Pearl Harbor); 54.057991,33.678711 (Unnamed height).

How to find the geographic coordinates of a place on a map

2. For additional help, find the required (closest) population point. For localities, you can try adding them to the street or budinok.

3. Find the desired location on the map.

4. Turn on the “Satellite” or “Hybrid” mode and gradually move closer to the required area until you can comfortably see it next to other landmarks (if possible).

5. Find geographic coordinates:

(Google Maps) Right-click on the desired location on the map and select “What’s there?”. A panel with an address and geographic coordinates will appear at the bottom of the map.

(Yandex.Maps) Right-click on the desired location on the map and select the “What’s here?” item from the menu. The search row of the card (as well as the right-hand panel) displays geographic coordinates.

(Bing Maps) Right-click on the desired location on the map and select “Add a card” from the menu. A panel with an address and geographic coordinates will appear next to the search. When recording coordinates, it is possible to replace coms with points.

REVIEW UVAGU: point 4 is fundamentally important - a satellite image will ensure that the most accurate geographic coordinates are obtained. As on the maps that are used, for the sake of locality of the daily clear satellite image, try other maps.

How to find a place on a map using geographic coordinates

2. Insert the coordinates into the search row and click “Search”.

Geographical coordinates and GPS navigator

Geographical coordinates can be directly (in the form of numbers) entered into the GPS navigator and read from it. Ensure that the coordinates are entered in a new way road point, on which navigation will then proceed, or you may quit search for coordinates. The exact location will be fixed in the view of the road point, so that the coordinates can be read later.

Before working, set the trace coordinate format when configured with navigation programs - in degrees ddd.ddddd° (section "Form of recording geographic coordinates"). Trying to enter coordinate numbers in an unusual format will result in a rough navigation error.

Illustrations: selecting the coordinate format in the configured navigation program; shlyakhova point in the GPS navigator; exact coordinates on the navigator screen (Navitel).

1. On Google Maps (Classic) search for coordinates.

2. Select the desired position and scale of the map, if necessary, turn on the “Satellite” mode.

This method of publication is great because the message can reveal the lack of preparation of the correspondent. At this numeric value, the coordinates are no longer available (they can be added in a row to search for the card that was sent). The coordinates of the sent data are also stored in the current state of the map - scale, position, "Satellite" mode.

Geographical coordinates and daily routes

Geographical coordinates can be used to identify end, end, and intermediate points for daily routes on Google maps. Revert - point markers that are displayed on the map are linked to roads, and their positions correspond only approximately to the entered coordinates.

Form a record of geographic coordinates

Geographical coordinates are numbers with a sign (latitude -90° to +90°, longitude -180° to +180°) and can be written in different forms: in degrees (ddd.dddddd°); degrees and ridges (ddd° mm.mmm"); degrees, ridges and seconds (ddd° mm" ss.s"). The entry forms can be easily converted one into one (1 degree = 60 ridges, 1 ridge = 60 seconds) To indicate the sign of the coordinates, letters are often used, behind the name of the sides of the light: N and E - the present latitude and the present longitude - positive numbers, S and W - the present latitude and the present longitude - negative numbers.

The butt of different forms will record these coordinates themselves:

21.36214, -157.95341
N21.36214, W157.95341
21.36214°N, 157.95341°W
21°21.728"N, 157°57.205"W
21°21"43.7"N, 157°57"12.3"W

The form of recording coordinates in DEGREES is the most convenient for manual entry and can be avoided with the mathematical recording of numbers. The form of recording coordinates in DEGREES and LINES is important in many situations; this format of placement is used by most GPS navigators and is standardly used in aviation and at sea. The classic form of recording coordinates in DEGREES, HILINAS AND SECONDS is actually not known to be a great practical stagnation.

Google Maps allows for the use of variables in search terms, in almost any form of recording coordinates, in which the symbols of degrees, degrees, and seconds can be replaced with SPACES.

Accuracy of geographic coordinates

A classic GPS receiver (SiRFstar III chip with Static Navigation mode enabled) ensures accurate coordinates at a wide range of 5 – 10 meters. There is still a tendency to increase the tendency for expensive devices to receive average GPS signals with accuracy reduced to 30 - 50 meters. A misk's forgetfulness of any kind of GPS can reach tens and hundreds of meters.

The accuracy of the coordinates of maps on the Internet is limited by the accuracy of linking satellite images. For practical reasons, for Google maps in the Moscow region, the linking of satellite images does not exceed a few meters.

How many kilometers are there in 1 degree of latitude and longitude?

1 degree LATITUDE equals approximately 111 km.

1 degree of AUTHORITY corresponds to approximately 111 km on the EQUATOR, with Russia to the poles the line changes proportionally to the COSINE OF LATITUDE. For example, for Moscow 1 degree is 111 km * cos (55.7 °) ≈ 62 km.

In this regard, it can be noted, for example, that recording coordinates in degrees with 6 digits after the tenth point will ensure an accuracy of the order of 111 km * 0.000001 ≈ 0.1 meters at a locality, apparently supra-worldly.

Rounding the coordinates to a whole number of seconds gives an accuracy of approximately 111 km/3600 ≈ 30 meters.

Geographical coordinates of photographs (geotags in Exif)

Modern technologies will make our life easier, making it easier, simpler and more convenient. In the midst of such diversity, a new important place is occupied by tools that allow you to easily navigate the place, there will be a clear route to any other geographical point, found on the map with toponyms and the same Our topographic objects. One of the options for finding the required object on the map is to search for additional geographic coordinates. And in this material I will explain how to search for coordinates on Yandex Maps, and the specifics of the specified search.

Apparently, in the current digital market for cartographic services, there are a number of competing companies that are demonstrating their ability to locate a point by coordinates. The list of such services includes the popular Google Maps, Yandex.Maps, 2GIS (specializing in location details), Bing Maps, HERE WeGo, OpenStreetMap previously founded by Yahoo! Maps" (closed).

The main competitors on the Russian market are “ Google.Maps"ta" Yandex mapi" Since the use of maps on Google is short on the light scale, then in the vastness of Russia we would recommend using the service of the Yandex company. The rest offers the best coverage of Russia, has a high level of detail, you can boast of a special tool for editing maps on the side of the city under the name “People’s Map”, displaying traffic jams in cities In other places, it works well with the “Geocoder” and may have other useful possibilities.

For the purpose of growth in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is better to use “Yandex.Cart”

In this case, you can use the Yandex.Maps functionality either using the basic desktop browser on your PC or by installing the same mobile program on your phone (for example, from the Play Market).

Search for latitude and longitude

If you are looking for a certain geographical place on the map, or there is a need to point to a certain place on the map of another person, then you can quickly find a way to determine the location of the geographical object at your coordinates, o include latitude or longitude.

I’ll remind the reader what latitude coordinates show the place of expansion of the required object in relation to the Sun and Sun poles (that is, the point between the Sun and Sun), and coordinates dogoti indicate the place of moving the object between departure and arrival.

The zero latitude primarily takes into account the equator, since the surface pole is located at 90 degrees of the surface latitude, and the surface pole is at 90 degrees of the surface latitude.

In this case, the southern latitude is indicated by the letter “N” (Nord), the northern latitude by the letter “S” (South), the approaching latitude by the letter “W” (West), and the similar latitude by the letter “E” (East). )).

Find the place by coordinates on Yandex Maps

To determine the latitude and longitude coordinates of any object, just open “Yandex.Maps”, find the object we need on the map, and click on it with the cursor. Next to the cursor, a small window will appear at the end, which informs about the selected object, and indicates the coordinates in latitude and longitude.

Now, in order to find a given object on the map, all you need to do is write down these numerical values, and then simply enter them through the search bar “Yandex.Maps” and press enter. The map will immediately move to the given place, and will direct you to the object, using the entered coordinates.

It’s most easy to share such coordinates when you’re out in the wild, but the other side can easily find out where you’re at by simply entering your coordinates into the Yandex.Maps search box.

Near the location of a point by latitude and distance, the Yandex.Maps functionality makes it possible to find a walking, car, or bus route to it. To do this, you just need to enter the numbers of the latitude and longitude of the object you need into the search row, click on the entry, and then, when it appears on the screen, click the “Get route” button.

Click on “Get a route” to see different route options to the desired geographical point

You will need to enter the coordinates of the starting point of your route (or enter its address), and the service will automatically plot the best route to it, as well as the approximate hour and mileage.


If you need to search for your coordinates on Yandex Maps, then you will only need to enter the coordinates of the desired object at the latitude and longitude in the search row, and then click on the entry. If you only need to find the coordinates of the object you need, you just need to find it on Yandex.Map, click on it, and the required latitude coordinates will immediately appear in the map table.

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